Hydrological Cycle
Hydrological Cycle
Hydrological Cycle
Unit - 3
Hydrologic Cycle
Learning Objectives
Others 0.9%
economically extracted with the present Evaporation takes place from the surface
drilling technology. water and transpiration from the plants.
Water resources are useful or potentially Water vapour gets condensed at higher
useful to humans. Water in India is available altitudes by condensation nuclei and form
in three sources. They are precipitation, clouds (resulting in droplet growth). The
surface water and groundwater. clouds melt and sometimes burst resulting
Table 1: Estimated Volume of Water on the in precipitation of different forms. A part of
Earth’s Surface water from precipitation flows over the land
is called runoff and the other part infiltrates
Water Volume of Percentage
into the soil which builds up the groundwater.
Source water to Total
(Cubic Miles) Water Hydrologic cycle is a circulation of water.
Oceans, Seas, 321,000,000 96.54 It is a continuous process and takes place
& Bays naturally. The three important phases of the
Ice caps, 5,773,000 1.74 hydrologic cycle are: 1) Evapotranspiration,
Glaciers, & 2) Precipitation and 3) Runoff.
Groundwater 5,614,000 1.69
Soil Moisture 3,959 0.001
Ground Ice 71,970 0.022
& Permafrost
Lakes 42,320 0.013
Atmosphere 3,095 0.001
Swamp 2,752 0.0008
Rivers 509 0.0002 Hydrologic Cycle
Biological 269 0.0001
Water Components of Hydrologic
(Source: Shiklomanov, 1993) Cycle
There are six main components
Hydrologic Cycle or Water Cycle
in hydrologic cycle. They are:
Hydrology is the science which deals 1) Evapotranspiration, 2) Condensation,
with the various aspects of water such as its 3) Precipitation, 4) Infiltration, 5) Percolation,
occurrence, distribution, movement and and 6) Runoff.
properties on the planet earth. Availability
of water on the earth is not uniform. Some
places are very rich in water resources while It is defined as the total loss of water
some other places are poor in water resources. from the earth through evaporation from
Hydrologic cycle is a global sun-driven the surface water bodies
process where water is transported from and the transpiration from
oceans to atmosphere, from atmosphere to vegetation. In cropped area,
land and from land back to oceans. The water it is difficult to determine
cycle can be considered as a closed system for the evaporation and
the earth, as the quantity of water involved in transpiration separately.
the cycle is invariable, though its distribution Therefore it is collectively
varies over space and time. called as evapotranspiration.
Transpiration refers to the process by which
the water content in the plants are released into
the atmosphere in the form of water vapour.
Much of the water taken up by plants is released
Evapotranspiration through transpiration. The rate of transpiration
is also affected by the temperature, wind and
humidity. The soil water content and the ability
Evaporation refers to the process in of the soil to conduct water to the roots, the
which the liquid form of water changes nature of the plant parts including barks and
into gaseous form. Water boils at 100°C leaves also determine the transpiration rate.
(212°F) temperature but, it actually begins to In case of agriculture, the crop characteristics,
evaporate at 0°C (32°F); and the process takes its environment and cultivation practices also
place very slowly. Temperature is the prime affect the transpiration process.
element which affects the rate of evaporation.
There is a positive relationship between these Condensation
two variables. Areal extent of surface water, It refers to the process in which the
wind and the atmospheric humidity are gaseous form of water changes into liquid
the other variables which affect the rate of form. Condensation generally occurs in the
evaporation. atmosphere when warm air rises, cools and
Many studies reveal that the oceans, loses its capacity to hold water vapour. As a
seas, lakes and rivers provide nearly 90 % result, excess water vapour condenses to form
of the moisture in the atmosphere through cloud droplets. Condensation is responsible
evaporation and the remaining 10 % is for the formation of clouds. These clouds
contributed by plants through transpiration. produce precipitation which is the primary
On a global scale, the amount of water gets route for water to return to the earth’s surface
evaporated is about the same as the amount of in the water cycle. Condensation is the
water delivered to earth as precipitation. This opposite of evaporation.
process varies geographically, as the evaporation Forms of Condensation
is more prevalent over the oceans than
precipitation, while over the land, precipitation Dew, Fog and Clouds are the three major
routinely exceeds evaporation. The rate of forms of condensation
evaporation is low during the periods of calm a) D
ew: It is a water droplet formed by the
winds than during windy times. When the air condensation of water vapour on a relatively
is calm, evaporated water tends to stay close to cold surface of an object. It forms when the
the water body. During windy, the water vapour temperature of an object drops below the
is driven away and is replaced by dry air which dew point temperature.
facilitates additional evaporation.
Water table
RAIN SLEET Infiltration Process
Percolation Process
Percolation is the downward movement
Different forms of Precipitation of infiltrated water through soil and rock
layers. Infiltration occurs near the surface of
Infiltration the soil and delivers water from the surface
Water entering the soil at the surface into the soil and plant root zones. Percolation
of the ground is termed as infiltration. moves the infiltrated water through the soil
Infiltration allows the soil temporarily to profile and rock layers which leads to the
store water, making it available for plants use formation of ground water or become a part
and organisms in the soil. Infiltration is an of sub-surface run-off process. Thus, the
important process where rain water soaks into percolation process represents the flow of
the ground, through the soil and underlying water from unsaturated zone to the saturated
rock layers. Some of this water ultimately zone.
returns to the surface through springs or low Runoff
spots down hills. Some of the water remains Runoff is the water that is pulled by
underground and is called groundwater. gravity across land’s surface. It replenishes
The rate of infiltration is influenced by the groundwater and surface water as it percolates
physical characteristics of the soil, vegetative into an aquifer (it is an underground layer
cover, moisture content of the soil, soil of water-bearing rock) or moves into a
temperature and rainfall intensity. The terms river, stream or watershed. It comes from
infiltration and percolation are often used unabsorbed water from rain, snowmelt,
ater is one of the most important elements
Runoff Process on earth. All plants and animals need water
for survival.
Types of Runoff
bout 71% of the earth's surface is covered
Based on the time interval between the by water. Out of this, only about 2.8% is fresh
instance of rainfall and generation of runoff, water and the remaining 97.2% is saltwater
the runoff may be classified into following found in seas and oceans.
three types
ydrological cycle is a global sun-driven
i) Surface Runoff: It is the portion process where water is transported from
of rainfall, which enters the stream oceans to atmosphere, from atmosphere to
immediately after the rainfall. It occurs, land and from land back to oceans.
when the rainfall is longer, heavier and ere are six main components in hydrologic
� Th
exceeds the rate of infiltration. In this cycle. They are evapotranspiration,
condition the excess water makes a head condensation, precipitation, infiltration,
over the ground surface, which tends to percolation, and runoff.
move from one place to another following
e precipitation in the warmer parts of the
� Th
land gradient and is known as overland
world is in the form of rain or drizzle. The
flow. When the overland flow joins the
common types of precipitation include rain,
streams, channels or oceans, it is termed
sleet, freezing rain, hail, and snow.
as surface runoff or surface flow.
� I nfiltration occurs near the surface of the
Sub-Surface Runoff: The water that has
ii) soil and delivers water from the surface into
entered the subsoil and moves laterally the soil and plant rooting zone. Percolation
without joining the water-table to the moves it through the soil profile and rock
streams, rivers or oceans is known as sub- layers to form groundwater.
It is an underground layer of water - bearing permeable
Aquifer rocks, rock fractures or unconsolidated materials (gravel, நீர்கொள்பாறை
sand or silt)
It refers to the water lost through evaporation from the
Evapotranspiration நீராவியாதல்
water bodies and transpiration from vegetation
Infiltration the seepage of water into soil or rock நீர் ஊடுருவல்
Percolation the slow movement of water through the pores in soil நீர்க்கசிவு
falling products of condensation in the atmosphere, as
Precipitation மழை
rain, snow, or hail
Runoff overflow ஓடும்நீர்