SSRN Id3301463
SSRN Id3301463
SSRN Id3301463
Jelena Madir
A. Introduction
The term “smart contract” has entered the public consciousness following the rise to
mainstream awareness of distributed ledger technology (DLT). The first thing many people
think of when they hear the term “smart contract” is a contract that is somehow transposed
into computer code and runs without any human intervention. This misses the mark by a
wide margin. Instead, smart contracts are better thought of as “conditional transactions”
because they refer to the logic written in code that has “IF this, THEN that” conditions. For
example, it can easily be programmed in a smart contract that “IF on 1 October 2020, Bank A
does not receive GBP 1,000 from Jack, transfer GBP 1,000 from Jack’s account to Bank A’s
Chamber of Digital Commerce: Smart Contracts: 12 Use Cases for Business & Beyond A Technology, Legal
& Regulatory Introduction, available at:
Nick Szabo: Smart Contracts (1994), available at:
Nick Szabo: Smart Contracts: Building Blocks for Digital Markets (1996), available at:
Ariz. Rev. Stat. Ann § 44-7061(E)(2) (2017).
State of Tennessee, Public Chapter No. 591, Senate Bill No. 1662, 47-10-201(2) (2018).
Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 8 (21 December 2017), unofficial translation.
ISDA and Linklaters: Whitepaper: Smart Contracts and Distributed Ledger – A Legal Perspective (2017), at
Christopher D. Clack, Vikram A. Bakshi and Lee Braine: Smart Contract Templates: foundations, design
landscape and research directions (2017), available at:, at 2.
This is illustrated in Figure 1 below: Parties A and B enter into a smart loan contract.
The software is programmed to receive inputs from trusted data sources via an oracle and to
automatically generate payment instructions based on those inputs, in accordance with the
terms of the smart contract. When the smart contract receives an input that it is the last day
of the month, it uses the interest rate input to calculate the correct monthly repayment amount
under the smart loan contract. Then, the software automatically sends an electronic
instruction to Party A’s bank to transfer this amount from Party A’s bank account to Party
B’s bank account. Party A’s bank acts on the automatically generated instruction and
transfers the payment to Party B’s account.9
Clifford Chance and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development: Smart Contracts – Legal
Framework and Proposed Guidelines for Lawmakers (September 2018), available at:, at
at 9-10.
Another example could entail the sale of a house on the blockchain: For instance,
after the buyer and the seller have executed the sale agreement, the buyer transfers the deposit
amount to be held in escrow by the smart contract. In turn, and immediately prior to
settlement, the lender can also send the loan amount to the smart contract escrow. After the
total purchase price is sent to the smart contract escrow, the seller may finalise the transfer
and trigger the smart contract to disburse the funds to its account and transfer the tokenised
house to the buyer. The transfer is recorded on the blockchain and the state of title ownership
is updated. There are a few key critical assumptions in this example: First, the house has
been tokenised, which means that a blockchain token has been associated with the house.
Despite media headlines about house sales on the blockchain, 10 there are a number of legal
and technical challenges that need to be overcome for this to happen. Second, the transaction
does not involve anything more than a simple transfer of property, free from encumbrances,
between two parties. This is not often the case in practice.
Clearly, the potential applications for smart contracts are manifold. Although it
remains to be seen which applications will take off in practice, the sheer potential increases
the relevance of the question of how smart contracts are to be treated in legal practice and
which problems may arise in this context.
D. Different types of smart contracts
It is a common misconception that there is only one type of smart contract. In fact,
there is a spectrum of possibilities. As illustrated in Figure 2 below, the text of the contract
may or may not be drafted in computer code. There can therefore be a contract which is (in
whole or in part) written in a programming language, where the computer code forms an
See, e.g., The First House To Be Sold Entirely Through Blockchain (October 2017), available at:, and UK’s first
blockchain property purchase recorded in Manchester (March 2018), available at:
Figure 2: Smart contract models based on the level of integration of the computer code
Source: Chamber of Digital Commerce: Smart Contracts: 12 Use Cases for Business & Beyond A Technology,
Legal & Regulatory Introduction
Clifford Chance and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, supra note 9, at 12.
Ibid., at 13.
Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuch §145 et seq.
Ibid., §154(1).
Código Civil, § 1261.
Code Civil, §1108.
See, e.g., Golden Ocean Group Ltd v Salgaocar Mining Industries Pvt Ltd and Anr, [2012] EWCA Civ 265
R3 and Norton Rose White Paper: Can smart contracts be legally binding contracts?, at 22.
Arthur L. Corbin et al.: Corbin on Contracts: 1, Lexis Nexis (1993), §11.
U.C.C. §2-206(1)(a)(1).
Miren B. Aparicio Bijuesca: The Legal Challenges Associated with Smart Contracts: Formation, Modification
and Enforcement, in US Chamber of Commerce: Smart Contracts: Is the Law Ready? (September 2018), at 15.
R3 and Norton Rose White Paper, supra note 18, at 27.
See, e.g., Hancock v. American Telephone & Telegraph Co., 701 F.3d 1248, 1251 (10th Cir. 2012) and Davis
v. HSBC Bank Nevada, N.A., 691 F.3d 1152, 1157 (9th Cir. 2012).
See, e.g., Schnabel v Trilegiant Corp, 697 F.3d 110, 121–22 (2d Cir. 2012).
See, e.g., Holwell Securities Ltd v Hughes [1974] 1 WLR 155.
R3 and Norton Rose White Paper, supra note 18, at 30.
See, e.g., French Supreme Court: Cass. 1re civ., 1st July 2015, n° 14-19.781 and Paris Court of Appeals: CA
Paris, 4 February 2016, n°13-21057.
Under English, US and Australian laws, the parties’ intentions are assessed by
reference to objective criteria: the status of their communication with each other is analysed
by reference to what was communicated between the parties by words or conduct, and
whether that leads objectively to a conclusion that they intended to create legal relations.29
Therefore, if the other requirements for a legally binding contract are satisfied in the case of a
smart contract, it may be difficult for a party to assert, as against the other party who acted in
reliance on it, that there was no intention to create legal relations with respect to the smart
One of the key characteristics of smart contracts, however, is that they can behave
proactively: For example, where parties have voluntarily entered into a smart contract (the
primary contract), that contract itself can enter the parties into an additional contract (the
secondary contract). For example, the bank and the borrower could agree on a framework
agreement, whereby if the borrower’s bank balance dropped below a pre-agreed threshold,
the software would automatically issue a loan request to the lender, and the loan request is
automatically accepted, provide that certain pre-programmed conditions are met. This
involves the creation of new loan transactions from time to time (rather than a mere
drawdown under the existing loan facility). Given that the parties made the initial decision to
enter into the smart contract, one could argue that they indirectly agreed to be bound by the
system in which it operates. One could also argue that if the parties intentionally coded a
smart contract to make its own decisions, they must have intended to accept those decisions
as their own. The borrower could therefore be characterised as making a conditional offer
for a loan by coding the software to automatically request the loan when the relevant
condition is met (i.e., when the borrower’s balance reaches the relevant threshold). Similarly,
the lender would make its conditional acceptance of the offer by coding the software to
automatically accept any loan request that meets the pre-programmed conditions. The smart
contract then automatically generates the loan request and acceptance communications when
these conditions are fulfilled, thereby bringing about a new loan agreement.
This raises the question of whether the software itself might be seen as a party to a
smart contract and, if so, whether it would have the legal capacity to do so. One way to think
about this question is by applying the law of agency – the software could be regarded as an
agent for the party entering into the contract. There is no authority on this specific point, but
the UK court considered a similar question in relation to a software programme in Software
Solutions Partners Ltd, R (on the application of) v HM Customs & Excise, and found that an
automated system could not be regarded as an agent, because only a person with a mind
could be an agent in law. Therefore, it could be argued that the software is a mere
See, e.g., Exch. Nat’l Bank of Chicago v Daniels, 768 F.2d 140, at 143 (7th Cir. 1985).
See, e.g., RTS Flexible Systems Ltd v Molkerei Alois Müller GmbH & Co KG [2010] UKSC 14, ¶45; Empro
Mfg. Co. v Ball-Co Mfg., Inc, 870 F.2d 423, at 425 (7th Cir. 1989); and Taylor v Johnson (1983) 151 CLR 422.
R3 and Norton Rose White Paper, supra note 18, at 42.
Münchener Kommentar zum Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuch, 7th edition (2015), BGB §105, note 44.
Compiled form is a form converted from the programme written in a programming language, which is
understandable to and written by humans, into a binary language form understood only by the computer.
See, e.g., ISDA and Linklaters: Smart Contracts and Distributed Ledger – A Legal Perspective (2017), at 17.
See Bundesarbeitsgericht, 5 AZR 252/12 (B) (19 March 2014).
Max Raskin: The Law and Legality of Smart Contracts, 1 GEO. L. TECH. REV. 305 (2017), at 327.
For further analysis of whether smart contracts have a legally binding effect in the US, the UK, Australia,
Canada, Germany, France, China and South Africa, see R3 and Norton Rose White Paper: Can smart contracts
be legally binding contracts?, at 22 – 45.
Clifford Chance and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, supra note 9, at 22.
Article 6:227a of the Dutch Civil Code (English language translation available at:
See Dutch Blockchain Coalition: Smart contracts as a specific application of blockchain technology, available
at:, at 23.
Uniform Electronic Transactions Act, § 2(8).
EU Regulation No. 910/2014, Article 3(10).
Ibid., Article 3(12).
Clifford Chance and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, supra note 9, at 28.
Dirk A. Zetzsche, Ross P. Buckley and Douglas W. Arner: The Distributed Liability of Distributed Ledgers:
Legal Risks of Blockchain, University of New South Wales Law Research Series (2017), at 21-22.
See, e.g., Hedley Byrne & Co Ltd v Heller & Partners Ltd [1964] AC 465 and its progeny, recognising
liability in tort for pure economic loss.
Zetzsche et al., supra note 45, at 22.
Clifford Chance and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, supra note 9, at 43-44.
Jenny Cieplak: U.C.C. and State Law Issues in Smart Contracts, in The Legal Challenges Associated with
Smart Contracts: Formation, Modification and Enforcement, in US Chamber of Commerce: Smart Contracts: Is
the Law Ready? (September 2018), at 58.
See, e.g., see CodeLegit Conducts First Blockchain-based Smart Contract Arbitration Proceeding (July 2017),
available at:,
describing steps in the blockchain arbitration proceedings.
In due course and once we start seeing greater use of smart contracts in practice,
lawmakers may also wish to consider whether to establish courts that specialise in smart
contract disputes, in the same way that, for example, specialist Intellectual Property Enterprise
Court and the Technology and Construction Court have been established in the UK. Similarly,
some continental European courts have established specialist chambers, for example, for
construction, trade-related or medical disputes, which would be adjudicated by technical
K. Privacy issues
Privacy concerns the protection of personal information, which is data that can be
traced, directly or indirectly, to a living natural person. This covers such data as name,
address and telephone numbers, but it may also apply to a set of other data that together have
something to say about an identified or identifiable natural person such as, for instance,
location data or video footage. If such information is included in a distributed ledger, it
counts as personal data. Within the European Union, on the basis of the General Data
Protection Regulation (“GDPR”), citizens have various rights with respect to their personal
information. Among other things, this includes the right to correction of personal
information, its deletion and the right to be forgotten. In the smart contracts context, data has
been pseudonymised, and not anonymised, which means that it remains personal data for
purposes of GDPR.
GDPR distinguishes between a data controller and a data processor. Data controller is
a person that determines the purposes and means of processing personal data, while the
processor only processes the personal data on behalf of the controller. Identifying these
persons and their roles can be challenging, particularly given the decentralised nature of
permissionless DLT-based systems and the ability of network participants to enter into smart
contracts directly with each other, share resources on a peer-to-peer basis and add
information to the ledger, without requiring any authorisation from a central administrator.
Arguably, any participant entering personal data in blocks of the ledger may be regarded as a
controller of the data it has provided or to which it has access through the system, unless it is
R3 and Norton Rose White Paper, supra note 18, at 19.
European Parliament: Distributed ledger technologies and blockchains: building trust with disintermediation
(October 2018), ¶ 33.