Vistex S4 DM - Admin - Guide - 2020
Vistex S4 DM - Admin - Guide - 2020
Vistex S4 DM - Admin - Guide - 2020
Typographic Conventions
Example Words or characters quoted from the screen. These include field names, screen titles,
pushbuttons labels, menu names, menu paths, and menu options.
Textual cross-references to other documents.
EXAMPLE Technical names of system objects. These include report names, program names, transaction
codes, table names, and key concepts of a programming language when they are surrounded
by body text, for example, SELECT and INCLUDE.
Example Output on the screen. This includes file and directory names and their paths, messages,
names of variables and parameters, source text, and names of installation, upgrade and
database tools.
Example Exact user entry. These are words or characters that you enter in the system exactly as they
appear in the documentation.
<Example> Variable user entry. Angle brackets indicate that you replace these words and characters with
appropriate entries to make entries in the system.
Document History
Table of Contents
Implementation........................................................................................................................ 21
Overview of Important SAP Notes ................................................................................................................... 21
Related Documents ......................................................................................................................................... 22
Explanation of Vistex Licenses ........................................................................................................................ 22
Getting Support................................................................................................................................................ 22
Important Considerations ................................................................................................................................. 23
Constraints....................................................................................................................................................... 23
This guide does not replace the daily operations handbooks that we recommend customers create for their specific
production operations.
This guide provides a starting point for the optimal maintenance and operation for following solutions:
Listed above applications developed in ABAP with its own /IRM/ namespace, the standard SAP Operations Guide
should be referenced for most tasks. It can be found in the For information on NetWeaver, please
refer to the NetWeaver Guide for SAP NetWeaver 7.5 found at
• System administrators
• Technical consultants
• Key users
There are no new features or enhancements in SAP Data Maintenance by Vistex, Pricing option for SAP S/4HANA for
2020 and SAP Data Maintenance by Vistex, Resources option for SAP S/4HANA 2020. This release is only a
Compatibility release for S/4HANA 2020 and includes all functionality previously available in SAP Data Maintenance
by Vistex, Pricing option for SAP S/4HANA 1909 version 2 (aka 1910) and SAP Data Maintenance by Vistex,
This purpose of this release is to enable customers to upgrade their S/4HANA software to version 2020 with SAP
Solution Extensions by Vistex.
Release requirements and Installation/Upgrade Instructions have been updated for release 2020.
Getting Started
Vistex designs and implements software solutions that enable your Go-to-Market strategies. The term “Go-to-Market”
is a company’s strategy to develop, sell, and deliver the products to partners while generating revenue.
Make sure to read the information in this section before you get started with:
SAP Data Maintenance Pricing DMp The general business scenario addressed by the solution; a
nickname for the solution
SAP Data Maintenance DMr and The general business scenario addressed by the solution; a
Resources and Business DMr_BR nickname for the solution
Useful Links
The following resources provide access to more information about general topics, such as software downloads or
customer incidents.
This section provides an overview of SAP Data Maintenance Pricing by Vistex, including relevant business scenarios
and technical system landscape:
SAP Data Maintenance for ERP – Pricing, is a comprehensive pricing solution that covers everything from agreement
initiation to analytics for buy- and sell-side, while retaining the “core” SAP architecture. The solution footprint covers
price administration, deal management, price execution and reporting. User-friendly layouts and intuitive functionality
allow users to adjust prices without delay, while providing the ability to execute mass pricing updates, automating
maintenance and eliminating hours of manual processes. Key Features of DMp- is fallibility and usability: wizards
(Data Maps); dashboards, “what - if” scenarios, load external data. For government reporting purposes, it is critical that
the system be able to calculate and report the following price types as required by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
Services (CMS) and the Veterans Administration.
• Price maintenance is delivered in standard when the price sheets are maintained. Classic Price Maintenance is
used to maintain one price sheet at a time
• Gain full visibility from time of ale into deal management with multiple products
Retail Manufacturing
Main Processes
This section provides an overview of SAP Data Maintenance Resources by Vistex, including relevant business
scenarios and technical system landscape:
SAP Data Maintenance for ERP – Resources, empowers the maintenance of vital product, customer and vendor data
in the SAP S/4HANA application. Leveraging an intuitive user interface, you can interact with, and manage, your integral
data. SAP Data Maintenance Resources provides a single-entry, centralized data repository for all your data, reducing
manual errors and increasing data efficiency. Now it’s easier than ever to apply rules for data validation and
governance, execute mass changes, and process future effectivity date changes. Key Features of DMr: data
transformation to feed other systems and catalogs. Describe your project from a business point of view, including key
features and business benefits. If you describe business scenarios in detail, add one section per business scenario as
Figure 13
• Easily copy and extend data across customer, material (plants, ales distribution centers, etc.), and vendors
• Enables the creation and delivery of mass changes to master data
• Validate compliance and governance with a full audit trail and approval processes
• Maintain future -dated changes
• Boost productivity with automated tools and an intuitive interface
DMr is used to increase business performance with actionable insights from your master data.
Order-to-cash Procure-to-pay
Retail Manufacturing
Main Processes
SAP Data Maintenance by Vistex enables the efficient maintenance of material, customer, vendor and other partner
data in the SAP ERP application. The solution provides single-entry access to all your data, reducing manual errors
and increasing data efficiency by automating updates and acting as a centralized repository.
This section describes the technical system landscape and the software components involved. The following figure
provides an overview of the system landscape:
Preparation Planning
From a microeconomic perspective, a business scenario is a cycle that consists of several different logical processes
interconnected in time. Typically, a business scenario includes several company departments and involves other
business partners. Solutions by Vistex business scenarios need SAP S/4HANA to run. A business scenario is a unit
that can be implemented separately and reflects the customer’s prospective course of business.
Minimum Requirements
The solution is developed for an SAP S/4HANA 2020 server. You need to ensure that your system is exactly on the
following release level:
S4_ABA 75F
Minimum SAP_UI Version 755 SP1, and Minimum UI5 libraries 1.78
UIS4HOP1 v 600
Please refer to the Installation Note to install Solutions by Vistex for SAP S/4HANA into your SAP S/4HANA 2020
system. Depend upon license you require, during the installation, the following ABAP Add-ons will be installed:
If using FIORI, the following component will be installed in the gateway server:
➢ Add-On components listed below are available based on the customer’s S/4 license:
➢ The software add-ons are installed using SAP tools (SUM, SAINT)
➢ The available support packages should be included in the installation queue along with the add-ons
➢ Post processing steps are required; see Installation SAP Note for more information
The following SAP Notes are essential for installing, upgrading, migrating and operating Vistex Solutions for SAP
The SAP Notes relevant for installation and upgrade are also listed in the respective sections in this guide.
Make sure that you have the latest version of each SAP Note, which is available on SAP Support Portal at Notes are frequently updated.
3018199 Vistex Release V/4 2020 Solutions Installation and Upgrade note
Installation/Upgrade to S/4HANA OP 2020
3018664 Vistex DM Module Conversion to Release V/4 2020 Migrate process note
on S/4HANA OP 2020
Related Documents
Refer to the “Release Summary” document by Vistex which is available on the Vistex company website. Customers
may subscribe to receive the Release Summary document for each new release.
• Go to
• Choose “Services” > “Customer Support” menu option
• Click “SAP Solutions Support” icon
• Scroll to the bottom of the page and fill out the form
Each Vistex add-on solution for SAP S/4HANA 2020 is licensed separately. The solution add-ons will be available
from the download site according to the customer's licensing
agreement. For missing solutions add-ons, please contact the customer's SAP account executive.
Getting Support
Vistex recommends that you upgrade your software in a timely manner to stay current with the latest functionality and
corrections, and also to minimize the risk of the maintenance ending for an older release.
If you encounter any problems with solutions by Vistex for SAP S/4HANA, report an incident on SAP Support Portal.
To report an incident, go to SAP Support Portal at The relevant
component of each solution. First level support for Solutions by Vistex is provided through via
component XX-PART-DTM. All support and remote support tools are available as per the standard SAP service
contract. Remote support is provided by SAP (and/or Vistex) via SAP Solution Manager, and the standard SAP support
roles can be used for the support activities.
If you experience an issue with your Data Maintenance software, please first look for applicable SAP Notes as the issue
may already be known and resolved. Search the SAP Note listing in the VOICE section of the website (Notes are
cataloged by Release/Support Package level)
If you are unable to find an SAP Note to resolve the issue, please open a customer message with SAP under the
component XX-PART-DTM.
For customers that require service and support for tailored/custom solutions, please visit our Services page.
Important Considerations
The Vistex add-on software can be installed simultaneously with the SAP S/4HANA 2020 software—or installed alone—
using SAINT.
This section provides information about how to prepare for installation and what to do before and after the installation
of Solutions by Vistex for SAP S4/HANA:
This section lists the prerequisites that must be met before you start installation.
Make sure that you have the latest version of each SAP Note, which is available on SAP Support Portal at
Pre-Installation Tasks
This section describes tasks that must be completed before you begin installation of Solutions by Vistex for SAP
Download the following Vistex Add-on Installation packages and Support Packages from
Each add-on available according to your company’s license:
Depending on the licenses your company is entitled, the following packages may be installed:
• V4DMP release 2020
• V4DMR release 2020
Installation Tools:
Standard SAP add-on installation tools such as SAINT (for installation) and SPAM (for Support Packages) should be
used for loading the solution into your system.
Post-Installation Tasks
There are no post installation tasks that should be completed after you've finished installing Solutions by Vistex for SAP
HELP Documentation
DISCLAIMER: The scenario described in the procedure steps below reflects the use of strictly example
Release Upgrade
Refer to Upgrade Guide or Upgrading Vistex Software | Vistex, Inc
Pricing Sheet A combination of a condition type (such as price, discount, or surcharge) and a condition
table (the fields that form the key for a condition record) for an application (sales or
purchasing). Price sheets must be defined during configuration before condition records
can be created and stored on each price sheet within DM Pricing.
Dynamic Pricing Customer-defined condition tables are limited in number. To increase the number of
pricing tables that can be defined, create dynamic pricing tables (and create fields to be
assigned to the table) in configuration. A dynamic price sheet then is flagged as being
maintained using dynamic pricing.
Price Policy Price policies calculate thresholds for pricing exceptions and generate warnings when a
price requirement on a price sheet has been violated. Price policies can be set to auto
execute when price records are created, or they can be called on demand.
Classic Classic maintenance is the simplest maintenance method used to create, change, and
Maintenance display condition records. DM Pricing's pricing maintenance offers the ability to create,
maintain, and display conditions in an easy-to-use, Excel-like centralized view, giving you
greater control for mass changes. When using classic maintenance, saved pricing data
instantly becomes accessible by all SAP ECC Sales and Purchasing transactions.
Price Proposal Initiated to request approval for the creation of condition records.
Profile-based Utilizes the price profiles created during configuration to control how pricing information is
Maintenance fetched and displayed during maintenance activities.
Sample Scenario
The Data Maintenance Pricing (DMP) allows condition records to be created, changed, and displayed to optimize the
entry and maintenance for pricing records related to the business processes. The Price Proposal provides users a
means to review changes prior to being posted in Fiori. In this use case, the pricing records will be changed and created,
before the records are saved as a Price Proposal. Then, the Price Proposal will be posted from the new DMP Price
Proposal Fiori interface.
DISCLAIMER: The scenario described in the procedure steps below reflects the use of strictly example
Vistex Namespace
How can users determine if they are in a Vistex transaction versus an SAP transaction?
Answer: Vistex Transaction Code (T-code) begins with /IRM/
• Terms/Settlement tab – Allows to set up the payment parameters (how and when payment is made).
• Status tab – Allows to set up approval process and view current level reached.
• Date tab – Displays business tasks and the timeframe for the duration of the task (planned/actual).
• Notes tab – Stores and maintains comments for internal purposes.
• Document tab – Stores, organizes and maintains documents associated with the Agreement. The stored
document remains with the Agreement, Agreement Request, Claim, Transaction or Deal.
• Text tab – Used to save predefined standard text that can be re-used (such as privacy policy).
• Clauses tab – Displays the contract clauses assigned to the Agreement. This tab can be used to author an
entire contract or specific sections (clauses) and then can be sent for review and approval.
• Admin tab – Displays who created and/or changed information.
• General tab – Displays information useful for searching and reporting.
• Org Data tab – Displays the organization data entered when the Agreement was created which is required by
SAP. Vistex allows to override this at the rule level to increase flexibility.
• Partner tab – Allows to search by partner. A partner is an individual or a legal entity within or outside the
organization, with which the organization is conducting a business transaction.
Solutions by Vistex for SAP S/4HANA are embedded in SAP Core. Vistex solutions have the look and feel of SAP
Price Record Number Range
Configure Fiori
The Pricing Workbench Fiori application is a web version of the standard pricing workbench transaction. Users can
access and change the pricing area(s) price sheet data in the Pricing Workbench Fiori application
Create workspace
A role is defined as a collection of workspaces, search profiles, UI profiles and users. This will help determine which
users have access to view and maintain particular information. To create a role, the user must enter the /IRM/GURLM
o Assign Workspace
o Assign UI Profile
o Assign The user
Configure Deals
The purpose of this scenario is related to deals (e.g. a buy one and get one free deal), within the sales order. This
requires the order to find the eligible Deal and determine if the order meets the necessary qualifications.
DISCLAIMER: The scenario described in the procedure steps below reflects the use of strictly example
/IRM/IPSPRO > Incentive and Payback Module > Basic Functions > Pricing Sales > Pricing Control → Define
Condition Tables
/IRM/IPSPRO > Incentive and Payback Module > Basic Functions > Pricing Sales > Pricing Control > Define
Condition Types
/IRM/IPSPRO > Incentive and Payback Module > Basic Functions > Pricing Sales > Pricing Agreements
>Maintain Additional Data for Condition Types
/IRM/IPSPRO > Incentive and Payback Module > Basic Functions > Pricing Sales > Pricing Agreements > Set
up Agreements > Agreement Rules > Define View Profiles
/IRM/IPSPRO > Incentive and Payback Module > Basic Functions > Pricing Sales > Pricing Control > Define
Condition Types
Configure Fiori
In order to provide a more user friendly and customizable user experience, many of the Vistex applications are available
as Fiori applications. Fiori applications allow clients to develop role-based layouts and improve overall user experience
for many applications. This is accomplished through the creation of UI profiles, search profiles, and role assignments.
These applications are available through the Vistex Launchpad and are scalable for use on any device. To access the
application, the user will have to provide the corresponding URL in the browser. This will take the user to the logon
screen. Here the corresponding credentials must be entered.
To access the Fiori, the UI connection must be maintained between the ERP system and the Gateway system.
The following steps must be completed to maintain the ERP system connection to the Gateway system:
• After executing the transaction /IRM/GUICNM, the user must select type of UI Connection as Remote.
• Then the RFC Destination of the Gateway System, based on the connection type selected.
The below example illustrates the information necessary for a remote connection.
With the connection completed on the ERP system side, the UI connection must be maintained in the Gateway
System. For this, the following steps must be followed:
• Specify the RFC Destination, the ERP System, for the corresponding connection type.
• Then specify the HTTP Destination, for example the HTTP Connection to the ABAP System from the transaction
SM59. This will support the GUI navigations and IP Reports for Remote Connection.
The below example illustrates this connection using the remote connection.
Create Workspace
UI Profile Types
Create UI Profile
A search profile will assist the user in finding existing documents in the Fiori application. The search profile can be
created using the workbench, /IRM/GEVUSPM
A role is defined as a collection of workspaces, search profiles, UI profiles and users. This will help determine which
users have access to view and maintain particular information. To create a role, the user must enter the transaction
dependencies, restricted selections, defaults, historical information, validations and uploads can be utilized.
In the Customer Workbench you can create a single customer or multiple customers by using Tcode /N/IRM/EPKUM
or select DM Customer → Customer Workbench from the User Menu.
dependencies, restricted selections, defaults, historical information, validations and uploads can be utilized.
Select Data Maintenance (Resources) → Materials → Go to IMG-Activity button for Define Maintenance Level
Profiles -> Create Basic Maintenance Profile
In /IRM/ EPSPRO, select Data Maintenance (Resources) → Materials → Material Workbench → Click the IMG-
Activity button for Maintain Material Source.
In /IRM/ EPSPRO, select Data Maintenance (Resources) → Materials → Material Workbench → Click IMG-
Activity button for Maintain Posting Blocks.
DM Material → Material Attributes → Material Attribute Workbench from the User Menu tree or by entering the
T-Code: /N/IRM/EPPDATM in the Command field and pressing the Enter key
DM Material → Material Attributes → Material Attribute Group Workbench from the User Menu tree or by
entering the T-Code: /N/IRM/EPPDAGM
DM Material → Material Attributes → Material Attribute Rule Workbench from the User Menu tree or enter
DM Material → Material Attributes → Material Attribute Set Workbench or enter the T-Code: /N/IRM/EPPDASM
Material Hierarchy
Item Types
Material Variants
The Data Maintenance (DM) Vendor Information Record process is initiated to create a record that is a unique
combination of a particular Vendor Master record and a particular Material Master record.
DM Vendor → /IRM/EPLIM
Configuration path:
IPSPRO> Maintain IP Agreement Types > Additional Price Sheets > Additional Attributes
Additional information regarding configuration and training is available at
This section deals with security topics relevant for following Solutions by Vistex for SAP S/4HANA:
Since Solutions by Vistex for SAP S/4HANA are an embedded SAP Add-ons, standard SAP security authorizations are
utilized. This includes communication security, user management and authentication concept, logging configuration for
security relevant events. Security can be done at a transaction level as well as a field level. Please refer to SAP security
guides found on the
Please refer to chapter 8 in the standard SAP Operations Guide found at for troubleshooting.
Notes on are also used for specific troubleshooting issues and resolutions. If there are issues
when installing solutions by Vistex make sure the file size that is being installed matches the file size on Security on some networks will not allow for a full download and
will truncate the files. Also, if copying the files from a PC to an application server, make sure it is done in “BINARY”
If there are issues when installing SAP Data Maintenance by Vistex (DMp and DMr), make sure the file size that is
being installed matches the file size on Security on some networks will not allow for a full download and
will truncate the files. Also, if copying the files from a PC to an application server, make sure it is done in “BINARY”
Cause: A required field is not filled in or an invalid value has been entered.
Troubleshooting: Try to create the material in the standard SAP material create transaction (MM01) with the
same data minus the Data Maintenance fields. If a required field does not have data, that attribute will need
to be added to an available attribute group or a new attribute group which is then associated with the product
type in Data Maintenance. If an invalid value is entered, the value needs to be excluded from the applicable
attribute available values or the attribute will need to reference the correct table to provide a list of values
during entry.
Cause: A required field is not filled in or an invalid value has been entered.
Troubleshooting: Try to create the customer in the standard SAP customer create transaction (XD01) with
the same data minus the Data Maintenance fields. If a required field does not have data, that attribute will
need to be added to an available attribute group or a new attribute group which is then associated with the
product type in Data Maintenance. If an invalid value is entered, the value needs to be excluded from the
applicable attribute available values or the attribute will need to reference the correct table to provide a list of
values during entry.
Cause: A required field is not filled in or an invalid value has been entered.
Troubleshooting: Try to create the vendor in the standard SAP vendor create transaction (XK01) with the
same data minus the Data Maintenance fields. If a required field does not have data, that attribute will need
to be added to an available attribute group or a new attribute group which is then associated with the product
type in Data Maintenance. If an invalid value is entered, the value needs to be excluded from the applicable
attribute available values or the attribute will need to reference the correct table to provide a list of values
during entry.
Cause: A required field is not filled in or an invalid value has been entered.
Troubleshooting: Try to create the condition record in the standard SAP condition record create transaction
(VK11) with the same data minus the Data Maintenance fields. If a required field does not have data, the field
may be missing from the layout and will need to be added. If an invalid value is entered, the correct value
should be added, or the defaults may need to be changed.
User Management
This section provides an overview of how you manage and authenticate users in following Solutions by Vistex for SAP
Solutions by Vistex for SAP S/4HANA use the user management and authentication mechanisms provided by SAP for
NetWeaver 7.5 and SAP S/4HANA 2020 and support packages. The security recommendations and guidelines for user
administration and authentication are described in chapter 6 of the SAP Operations Guide found at
Solutions by Vistex for SAP S/4HANA are an embedded solution and utilize the standard SAP user administration tool
for which documentation can be found at
Solutions by Vistex for SAP S/4HANA use the supports the Single Sign-On (SSO) mechanisms provided by SAP
NetWeaver. Therefore, the security recommendations and guidelines for user administration and authentication as
described in the SAP NetWeaver Security Guide also apply. Refer to chapter 6 of the SAP Operation Guide.
This section describes how authentication and single sign-on for users are implemented in Solutions by Vistex SAP
Solutions by Vistex for SAP S/4HANA support the Single Sign-On (SSO) mechanisms provided by SAP NetWeaver.
Therefore, the security recommendations and guidelines for user administration and authentication as described in the
SAP NetWeaver Security Guide also apply.
The SAP NetWeaver authorization concept is based on assigning authorizations to users based on roles. For role
maintenance, use the profile generator (transaction PFCG) on the AS ABAP and the User Management Engine’s user
administration console on the AS Java.
ACGR roles listed below provide all of the necessary Solutions by Vistex transactions for an individual to manage the
applicable master data within their system. The “Display Only” roles are read only roles, and as such do not allow create
or change access to the data.
The section lists the security-relevant authorization objects that are used by SAP Data Maintenance by Vistex, pricing
option for SAP S/4HANA:
Since SAP Data Maintenance by Vistex is an embedded SAP Add-on, standard SAP security authorizations are utilized.
This includes communication security, user management and authentication concept, logging configuration for security
relevant events. Security can be done at a transaction level as well as a field level. Please refer to the security guides
found on the The following roles are delivered:
The section lists the security-relevant authorization objects that are used by SAP Data Maintenance by Vistex,
resources option for SAP S/4HANA:
Since SAP Data Maintenance by Vistex is an embedded SAP Add-on, standard SAP security authorizations are utilized.
This includes communication security, user management and authentication concept, logging configuration for security
relevant events. Security can be done at a transaction level as well as a field level. Please refer to the security guides
found on the The following roles are delivered:
Critical Combinations
There are no known critical combinations of roles and authorizations in Solutions by Vistex for SAP S/4HANA.
Solutions by Vistex for SAP S/4HANA are an embedded SAP Add-Ons for SAP S/4HANA. The network topology for
Solutions by Vistex for SAP S/4HANA is based on the topology used by SAP NetWeaver 7.5 for SAP S/4HANA 2020.
The security guidelines and recommendations described in the security guide for SAP NetWeaver 7.5 on SAP S/4HANA
on 2020 also apply to Solutions by Vistex for SAP S/4HANA.
This section provides an overview of the network topology and communication protocols used by Solutions by Vistex
for SAP S/4HANA.
Solutions by Vistex for SAP S/4HANA are an embedded SAP Add-Ons for SAP S/4HANA. The network topology for
Solutions by Vistex for SAP S/4HANA is based on the topology used by SAP NetWeaver 7.5 for SAP S/4HANA 2020.
The security guidelines and recommendations described in the security guide for SAP NetWeaver 7.5 on SAP S/4HANA
on 2020 also apply to Solutions by Vistex for SAP S/4HANA.
This section describes how Solutions by Vistex for SAP S/4HANA S/4HANA use Internet Communication Framework
(ICF) services.
Only activate those services that are needed for the applications running in your system. The following services are
needed for Solutions by Vistex for SAP S/4HANA:
If your firewall(s) use URL filtering, also note the URLs used for the services and adjust your firewall settings
For more information, see the available user assistance for SAP NetWeaver. To find the relevant documents, go to
SAP Help Portal at and open the product page for your SAP NetWeaver release. Search for
activating and deactivating ICF services and ICF security.
If your firewall(s) use URL filtering, also note the URLs used for the services and adjust your firewall settings
For more information, see the available user assistance for SAP NetWeaver. To find the relevant documents, go to
SAP Help Portal at and open the product page for your SAP NetWeaver release. Search for
activating and deactivating ICF services and ICF security.
This section provides information about how Solutions by Vistex for SAP S/4HANA complies with data protection
Data protection is associated with numerous legal requirements and privacy concerns. In addition to compliance with
general data privacy regulation, it is necessary to consider compliance with industry-specific legislation in different
countries. SAP provides specific features and functions to support compliance with regards to relevant legal
requirements, including data protection. SAP does not give any advice on whether these features and functions are the
best method to support company, industry, regional, or country-specific requirements. Furthermore, this information
does not give any advice or recommendation in regard to additional features that would be required in particular IT
environments; decisions related to data protection must be made on a case-by-case basis, under consideration of the
given system landscape and the applicable legal requirements.
In the majority of cases, compliance with applicable data protection and privacy laws will not be covered by a
product feature. SAP software supports data protection compliance by providing security features and specific
data protection-relevant functions, such as simplified blocking and deletion of personal data. SAP does not
provide legal advice in any form. Definitions and other terms used in this document are not taken from any
given legal source.
The extent to which data protection is supported by technical means depends on secure system operation.
Network security, security note implementation, adequate logging of system changes, and appropriate usage
of the system are the basic technical requirements for compliance with data privacy legislation and other
You also need to make sure that no personal data enters the system in an uncontrolled or non-purpose related way,
for example, in free-text fields, or customer extensions.
Term Definition
Consent The action of the data subject confirming that the usage
of his or her personal data shall be allowed for a given
purpose. A consent functionality allows the storage of a
consent record in relation to a specific purpose and
shows if a data subject has granted, withdrawn, or
denied consent.
End of business Date on which the business with a data subject ends, for
example, the order is completed, the subscription is
canceled, or the last bill is settled.
End of purpose (EoP) End of purpose and start of blocking period. The point
in time when the primary processing purpose ends, for
example, a contract is fulfilled.
End of purpose (EoP) check A method of identifying the point in time for a data set
when the processing of personal data is no longer
required for the primary business purpose. After the
EoP has been reached, the data is blocked and can only
be accessed by users with special authorization, for
example, tax auditors.
Purpose The information that specifies the reason and the goal
for the processing of a specific set of personal data. As
a rule, the purpose references the relevant legal basis
for the processing of personal data.
Residence period The period of time between the end of business and the
end of purpose (EoP) for a data set during which the
data remains in the database and can be used in case
of subsequent processes related to the original purpose.
Term Definition
At the end of the longest configured residence period,
the data is blocked or deleted. The residence period is
part of the overall retention period.
Retention period The period of time between the end of the last business
activity involving a specific object (for example, a
business partner) and the deletion of the corresponding
data, subject to applicable laws.
The retention period is a combination of the residence
period and the blocking period.
Sensitive personal data A category of personal data that usually includes the
following type of information:
Special categories of personal data such as data
revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions,
religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union
membership and the processing of genetic data,
biometric data, data concerning health, sex life or sexual
orientation or personal data concerning bank and credit
Personal data subject to professional secrecy
Personal data relating to criminal or administrative
Personal data concerning insurances and bank or credit
card accounts
Where-used check (WUC) A process designed to ensure data integrity in the case
of potential blocking of business partner data. An
application's where-used check (WUC) determines if
there is any dependent data for a certain business
partner in the database.
If dependent data exists, this means the data is still
required for business activities. Therefore, the blocking
of business partners referenced in the data is
User Consent
Solution Extensions for SAP S/4HANA by Vistex use master data—including a possible mix of business partner
companies and business partner persons—found in SAP S/4HANA. This master data is used to create pricing and/or
agreements for the benefit of the companies or persons. If an agreement has been executed in legal form, then consent
has been either explicitly or implicitly granted to use personal information to provide benefits (pricing, rebates,
reimbursements, etc.) under the agreement executed by the company or person.
The application of data privacy protections should not pre-empt legal agreements executed between your company
and any persons regarding the transaction of business. Since all business transacted in Solution Extensions for SAP
S/4HANA by Vistex is designed to be legally binding, the legal agreement must be canceled or terminated before any
withdrawal of consent or limitation placed on the use of personal data that prevents the fulfillment of the legal obligations
specified in such agreement represented in the combined solution.
For example, if you have a legally binding agreement that you will pay a rebate to a person based on their purchases
from you, the person should not withdraw consent without first terminating the legal agreement according to the terms
allowed in the legal agreement. Otherwise, a conflict could arise where you are obligated to pay but are unable to pay.
Solution Extensions for SAP S/4HANA by Vistex are embedded SAP Add-On, and therefore, the SAP standard logging
mechanism is used. Upload programs and batch jobs will store logs in the standard SLG1 transaction. However, the
workbenches will not save the logs. The logs are available for display only. The details are below by application.
8 Calculation
Item Table /IRM/GPSCIT CHECK Data check
9 Price Type /IRM/GPT CHANGE Change
MAT_UPLOAD Materials Upload from File
10 Partner
Reference /IRM/GPXR DOWNLOAD Download
READ Read Records
UPLOAD Upload from File
Description of sub-
# Object Application Sub-objects
Address Update
Attribute Set TRANSFER Transfer
Attribute Group TRANSFER Transfer
Attribute TRANSFER Transfer
5 Attribute Cross-Reference UPLOAD Upload from File
Change Master TRANSFER Transfer
Index Table GENERATE Generate
Index Table Profile CREATE Create
ATTRCHECK Consistency Checks
9 ATTRUPDATE Attributes Update
Info Records /IRM/EPIR CHANGE Change
IRUPDATE Info Record Update
UPLOAD Upload Info Record
10 Consistency Checks
ATTRCHECK Attributes Update
CHANGE Copy Customer
COPY Create
CREATE Customer Master
Customer RUNPROCESS Process Profile Run
Customer Domain INDEX Index
12 Customer Data Flow CREATE Create
Customer Facet CREATE Create
Customer Facet Profile CREATE Create
15 CHANGE Change
Customer Facet View /IRM/EPKUFV CREATE Create
Customer List CHECK Check
17 Vendor /IRM/EPLI CREATE Create
18 Vendor Domain /IRM/EPLID COPY Copy
19 Vendor Data Flow /IRM/EPLIDF CHANGE Change
Vendor Facet CREATE Create
INDEX Create
RUNPROCESS Material Master
Process Profile Run
Material Domain INDEX Index
28 CREATE Create
Material Data Flow CREATE Create
29 CHANGE Change
Material Facet
Material Facet Profile
Material Facet View
Material List POST Post
33 CHANGE Change
Structural Analysis
Structured Material CHANGE Change
Description of sub-
Object Application Sub-objects
Data Object /VTA/BDO DOWNLOAD Download
RUNPROCESS Process Profile Run
Subsequent Object
February 15, 2021
Administration Guide for © 2021 Vistex, Inc. All rights reserved.
SAP Data Maintenance by Vistex, Pricing option for SAP S/4HANA 2020– Version: 1.0 – Final © 2021 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
SAP Data Maintenance by Vistex, Resources option for SAP S/4HANA 2020 - Version: 1.0 – Final 52
Administration Guide PUBLIC
Read access logging is currently available in, but not limited to the following channels:
• Remote Function Calls (sRFC, aRFC, tRFC, qRFC, bgFRC)
• Dynpro (dynpro fields, ALV Grid, ABAP List, F4)
• Web Dynpro
• Web services
• Gateway (for oData)
Information Report
Data subjects have the right to get information regarding their personal data undergoing processing. The information
retrieval feature supports you to comply with the relevant legal requirements for data protection by allowing you to
search for and retrieve all personal data for a specified data subject. The search results are displayed in a
comprehensive and structured list containing all personal data of the data subject specified, subdivided according to
the purpose for which the data was collected and processed.
When considering compliance with data protection regulations, it is also necessary to consider compliance with
industry-specific legislation in different countries. A typical potential scenario in certain countries is that personal data
shall be deleted after the specified, explicit, and legitimate purpose for the processing of personal data has ended, but
only as long as no other retention periods are defined in legislation, for example, retention periods for financial
documents. Legal requirements in certain scenarios or countries also often require blocking of data in cases where the
specified, explicit, and legitimate purposes for the processing of this data have ended, however, the data still has to be
retained in the database due to other legally mandated retention periods. In some scenarios, personal data also
includes referenced data. Therefore, the challenge for deletion and blocking is first to handle referenced data and finally
other data, such as business partner data.
The processing of personal data is subject to applicable laws related to the deletion of this data when the specified,
explicit, and legitimate purpose for processing this personal data has expired. If there is no longer a legitimate purpose
that requires the retention and use of personal data, it must be deleted. When deleting data in a data set, all referenced
objects related to that data set must be deleted as well. Industry-specific legislation in different countries also needs to
be taken into consideration in addition to general data protection laws. After the expiration of the longest retention
period, the data must be deleted.
Solution Extensions for SAP S/4HANA by Vistex might process data (personal data) that is subject to the data protection
laws applicable in specific countries as described in SAP Note 1825544.
The retention period for data in Solution Extensions for SAP S/4HANA by Vistex is defined by the archiving period for
each data object. Solution Extensions for SAP S/4HANA by Vistex are embedded Add-On(s) and follow SAP
Information Lifecycle Management (ILM) protocols for archiving unneeded data. The archival process will remove data
that has reached the end of the Retention Period, provided that you define the archive limit to be the same as the
retention period.
To enable even complex scenarios, SAP simplifies existing deletion functionality to cover data objects that are personal
data by default. For this purpose, SAP uses SAP Information Lifecycle Management (ILM) to help you set up a compliant
information lifecycle management process in an efficient and flexible manner. The functions that support the simplified
blocking and deletion of personal data are not delivered in one large implementation, but in several waves. Scenarios
or products that are not specified in SAP Note 1825608 (central Business Partner) and SAP Note 2007926 (ERP
Customer and Vendor) are not yet subject to simplified blocking and deletion.
Nevertheless, it is also possible to destroy personal data for these scenarios or products. In these cases, you have to
use an existing archival or deletion functionality or implement individual retention management of relevant business
data throughout its entire lifecycle. The SAP Information Lifecycle Management (ILM) component supports the entire
software lifecycle including the storage, retention, blocking, and deletion of data.
Solutions by Vistex uses SAP ILM to support the deletion of personal data as described in the following sections.
All applications register either an end of purpose check (EOP check) in the Customizing settings for the blocking and
deletion of application data (for example, the customer and vendor master or the business partner) or a WUC.
An end of purpose check determines whether data is still relevant for business activities based on the retention period
defined for the data. The retention period is part of the overall lifecycle of personal data which consists of the following
• Business activity: The relevant data is used in ongoing business, for example contract creation, delivery or
• Residence period: The relevant data remains in the database and can be used in case of subsequent processes
related to the original purpose, for example reporting obligations.
• Blocking period: The relevant data needs to be retained for legal reasons. During the blocking period, business
users of SAP applications are prevented from displaying and using this data; it can only be processed in case of
mandatory legal provisions.
• Deletion: The data is deleted and no longer exists in the database.
• Change: It is not possible to change a business object that contains blocked data.
• Create: It is not possible to create a business object that contains blocked data.
• Copy/Follow-Up: It is not possible to copy a business object or perform follow-up activities for a business object
that contains blocked data.
• Search: It is not possible to search for blocked data or to search for a business object using blocked data in the
search criteria. It is possible to display blocked data if a user has special authorization; however, it is still not
possible to create, change, copy, or perform follow-up activities on blocked data.
More Information
For more information, see the application-specific sections in this security guide as well as at https:// under > Product Assistance > Cross Components > Data Protection
For information about the configuration settings required to enable the end of purpose check, check SAP Security
Guide for SAP S/4HANA 2020, sections Process Flow and Configuration: Simplified Blocking and Deletion.
Blocking of data can impact system behavior in the following ways:
If you still want to block the data, the dependent data must be deleted by using the existing archival and deletion tools
or by using another customer-specific solution.
Change Log
Personal data is subject to frequent changes. Therefore, for review purposes or as a result of legal regulations, it may
be necessary to track the changes made to this data. When these changes are logged, you should be able to check
which employee made which change, the date and time, the previous value, and the current value, depending on the
configuration. It is also possible to analyze errors in this way.
You can define the fields to be logged under Display Change Document Objects (transaction SCDO).
You use the authorization object to IAM/CHGLOG to control the change logging for change requests and activities.
Change logs can only be displayed if the user is assigned the authorization role SAP_AUTH_MOC_ADMIN.
Under Evaluate New Audit Trail → Enhancement Mode (transaction S_AUT10), you can see all changes that have
been processed for the change document objects in Solution Extensions for SAP S/4HANA by Vistex: S_/IAM/ACT
(activity) and /IAM/ISSUE (change request).
For more information about change documents, see the documentation for your SAP NetWeaver release at Choose the relevant SAP NetWeaver release and open the following documents:
• Under Application Help, choose SAP NetWeaver Library: Function-Oriented View → Application Server ABAP
→ Other Services → Services for Application Developers → Change Documents.
• Under Security, choose SAP NetWeaver Security Guide → Security Aspects for Lifecycle Management →
Auditing and Logging.
Personal data is subject to frequent changes. Therefore, for review purposes or as a result of legal regulations, it may
be necessary to track the changes made to this data. When these changes are logged, you should be able to check
which employee made which change, the date and time, the previous value, and the current value, depending on the
configuration. It is also possible to analyze errors in this way.
Personal data is subject to frequent changes. Therefore, for review purposes or as a result of legal regulations, it may
be necessary to track the changes made to this data. When these changes are logged, you should be able to check
which employee made which change, the date and time, the previous value, and the current value, depending on the
configuration. It is also possible to analyze errors in this way.
Solution Extensions for SAP S/4HANA by Vistex do not use or contain third-party applications.
The term business continuity covers all activities performed by system administrators to ensure that critical business
functions are available to system users. Strategies for high availability are a subset of business continuity activities, but
business continuity is not limited to high availability. Other activities that relate to business continuity include:
SAP S/4HANA uses the standard ABAP Platform functions for high availability and business continuity. Solution
Extensions for SAP S/4HANA by Vistex are embedded SAP Add-On solutions, and therefore, utilize these standard
SAP mechanisms. Please refer to chapter 5 of the standard SAP Operations Guide for more information found at
This section does not replace the operations handbook in which customers or the operations organization
documents specific tasks, involved parties, and interaction procedures.
This section describes monitoring tasks for Solution Extensions for SAP S/4HANA by Vistex.
No specific monitoring sets are available or needed. All standard underlying ABAP monitoring tools are available.
Solution Extensions for SAP S/4HANA by Vistex are embedded Add-On solution, thus utilize standard SAP mechanism.
Please refer to SAP Admin Guide at
There are no application specific administration tools available or needed. All standard underlying SAP tools are
available using SAP Solution manager. SAP provides you with an infrastructure to help your technical support
consultants and system administrators effectively monitor your system landscape. For more information about
monitoring topics, go to SAP S/4HANA - SAP Help Portal, enter Solution Monitoring into the search bar, press
, and open the search result with that title. For more information about monitoring with SAP Solution Manager, go to
SAP S/4HANA - SAP Help Portal, enter Connecting a Technical System to SAP Solution Manager into the search bar,
press ,and open the search result with that title. Please refer to chapter 3 of the SAP Admin Guide for more
information found at
Alert Monitoring
Solution Extensions for SAP S/4HANA by Vistex are embedded Add-On solutions, thus utilize standard SAP
mechanism. Please refer to SAP Admin Guide at
SAP S/4HANA uses the standard ABAP Platform monitoring tools, including the Computing Center Management
System (CCMS). The tool allows you to monitor your system landscape centrally. Alerts form a central element of
monitoring. They quickly and reliably report errors (such as values exceeding or falling below a particular threshold
value or that an IT component has been inactive for a defined period of time). These alerts are displayed in the Alert
Monitor of the CCMS. You can also monitor your data archiving activities with the monitoring functions provided by the
CCMS. For more information about CCMS, the Alert Monitor, and monitoring of data archiving, go to SAP S/4HANA -
SAP Help Portal, enter Monitoring in the CCMS into the search bar, press , and open the search result with
that title. For more information about how to enable the auto-alert function of CCMS, see SAP Note 617547. For more
information about data archiving, see Data Archiving and Data Aging.
Vistex solution is embedded within SAP, thus utilizes the same concept and tools as provided by SAP Operation Guide.
Refer to the SAP Admin Guide at
Solution Extensions for SAP S/4HANA by Vistex are embedded Add-On solutions, thus utilize standard SAP
mechanism. Please refer to SAP Admin Guide at
Error Handling
The SAP standard logging mechanism is used. Upload programs and batch jobs will store logs in the standard SLG1
transaction. However, the workbenches will not save the logs. They are just available for display only.
Extended Warehouse Management (EWM) uses the application log (part of ABAP Platform) to store application errors,
warnings, and success messages issued in critical processes (for example, the delivery Operations Guide for SAP
S/4HANA 2020 SAP S/4HANA Business Applications P U B L I C 39 interface or in user interface (UI) transactions.
For UI transactions, the user has to save the application log explicitly. For general information on application logs, go
to SAP S/4HANA - SAP Help Portal, enter Application Log (BC-SRV-BAL) into the search bar, press , and
open the search result with that title. You can monitor the application logs with transaction SLG1 or in the warehouse
management monitor under Tools Application Log.
Workload Monitors
No specific monitoring sets are available or needed. All standard underlying ABAP monitoring tools are available.
Solution Extensions for SAP S/4HANA by Vistex are embedded Add-On solutions, thus utilize standard SAP
mechanism. Please refer to SAP Admin Guide at
There are no application specific administration tools available or needed. All standard underlying SAP tools are
available using SAP Solution manager. Product Lifecycle Management uses the standard ABAP Platform workload
monitor. For more information, go to SAP S/4HANA - SAP Help Portal, enter Workload Monitor into the search bar,
press , and open the search result with that title. Please refer to chapter 10 of the SAP Admin Guide for more
information found at
Interface Monitoring
This section describes aspects of interface monitoring relevant for Solution Extensions for SAP S/4HANA by Vistex.
This application can use IDocs and standard SAP ALE processing as required. No other asynchronous interfaces are
No specific monitoring sets are available or needed. All standard underlying ABAP monitoring tools are available.
Interface monitors are essential for analyzing problems with interfaces such as RFC, IDoc, and HTTP. If you create
RFC connections for running your PLM system landscape, use standard ABAP Platform tools for monitoring these RFC
connections. For more information, go to SAP S/4HANA - SAP Help Portal, enter RFC Administration into the search
February 15, 2021
Administration Guide for © 2021 Vistex, Inc. All rights reserved.
SAP Data Maintenance by Vistex, Pricing option for SAP S/4HANA 2020– Version: 1.0 – Final © 2021 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
SAP Data Maintenance by Vistex, Resources option for SAP S/4HANA 2020 - Version: 1.0 – Final 60
Administration Guide PUBLIC
bar, press , and open the search result with that title. There are no application specific administration tools
available or needed. All standard underlying SAP tools are available using SAP Solution manager. Please refer to the
standard SAP Admin Guide for more information found at
There are no application specific administration tools available or needed. All standard underlying SAP tools are
available using SAP Solution manager. Please refer to the SAP Solution manager documentation found at
SAP provides you with an infrastructure to help your technical support consultants and system administrators effectively
manage all SAP components and complete all tasks related to technical administration and operation.
For more information about operational topics, go to SAP S/4HANA - SAP Help Portal, enter Administrating the ABAP
Platform into the search bar, press , and open the search result with that title.
Solution Extensions for SAP S/4HANA by Vistex are embedded Add-On solutions and utilize standard SAP
mechanisms. Please refer to the SAP Admin Guide for more information found at
Technical Configuration
This section describes aspects of technical configuration for Solution Extensions for SAP S/4HANA by Vistex. Please
refer to the SAP Admin Guide for more information found at SAP S/4HANA - SAP Help Portal.
You need to back up your system landscape regularly to ensure that you can restore and recover it in case of failure.
Solution Extensions for SAP S/4HANA by Vistex are embedded Add-On solutions and utilize standard SAP
mechanisms. Please refer to the SAP Admin Guide for more information found at SAP S/4HANA - SAP Help Portal.
Solution Extensions for SAP S/4HANA by Vistex are embedded SAP Add-On(s), and therefore, utilize these standard
SAP mechanisms. Please refer to the standard SAP Operations Guide for more information found at
High Availability
This section describes aspects of high availability that are relevant for Solution Extensions for SAP S/4HANA by
Solution Extensions for SAP S/4HANA by Vistex are embedded SAP Add-On(s), and therefore, utilize these standard
SAP mechanisms. Please refer to chapters 5 and 10 of the standard SAP Operations Guide for more information
found at
Software Maintenance
Solution Extensions for SAP S/4HANA by Vistex are Add-On installation packages and available at the software
download web site Please refer to SAP note 2871702 for more
information. This note will be periodically updated with future Support Packs when necessary.
Periodic Tasks
There are no periodic tasks for Solution Extensions for SAP S/4HANA by Vistex.
SAP and other SAP products and services mentioned herein as well
as their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of
SAP SE (or an SAP affiliate company) in Germany and other
countries. All other product and service names mentioned are the
trademarks of their respective companies.