1st - Sem - English - Unit - 3 B Ed
1st - Sem - English - Unit - 3 B Ed
1st - Sem - English - Unit - 3 B Ed
Aims are general statements concerning the overall goals, ends or intentions of teaching.
Objectives are the individual stages that learners must achieve on the way in order to reach these
The aim of the entity reflects its long-term outcomes while its objectives indicate the short
term targets of the entity. Aim refers to the general direction or intent of an individual. On the other
hand, the objective is the specific goal of an individual.
The teaching of any subject becomes much useful and more systematic only when the teacher
is fully aware of the aims and values of instruction of that subject since the core principle of any
teaching is “know what you do and only do what you know.” Hence it is essential to understand the
aims and values of the teaching of English.
General objectives:
1) Listening, reading, speaking and writing are the four important objectives.
2) Graphics should be practiced by the students at primary level. Which means the student must be
able to write the alphabets, keeping space between two words in a sentence and write sentences using
appropriate punctuation marks and capital letters.
3) The students should be able to write composition.
4)All the four skills i.e. Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking become important as the student
grows, particularly reading and writing at the later stage.
5) Students should be able to read other books excluding textbooks i.e. novel, poetry, drama, essay
writing, autobiography, précis-writing etc.
Junior stage:
1. Learn the basics of the English language that would form the foundation for its mastery in the future.
2. Use the basic structures of English sentences.
3. Learn the core vocabulary assigned for this stage.
4. Listen to and understand simple English.
5. Express themselves orally using simple English.
6. Read and understand simple written English materials.
7. Write simple guided sentences in English.
Secondary Stage
1. Use the English language structures, and analyze them to understand the relationships among
2. Learn the assigned vocabulary, idioms, and expressions and understand their meanings in context.
3. Listen to, comprehend English text, and distinguish between different intonations.
4. Participate in conversations discussions using paper English.
5. Read and comprehend English texts through different reading types (e.g. loud reading and silent
reading ) and reading strategies (e.g. scanning, skimming)
6. Write a free-essay of three paragraphs using correct English.
7. Realize the important of English in the local job market.
8. Appreciate the importance of English, as an international language of communication, for
introducing Islam, our culture and our culture achievements to others.
University stage
The aim of teaching English is to help students to acquire a practical command of English i.e.
students should be able to understand spoken English, speak English, read English and write
Develop an awareness of the importance of the English language as an international means of
communication in order to benefit from the achievements of other cultures.
Develop literary appreciation
Competent in compositional writings.
Read ELT journals to update one's knowledge of techniques of self improvement.
Compose longer essays incorporating quotations from literary works and some secondary sources.
Develop a sense of the depth and range of literature
Move beyond personal response to consider other readings.
Familiarity with literary anthologies and an understanding of the elements of those works: glossary,
index, introductory essays, timelines, etc.
An understanding of literary schools and eras.
Research skills, including familiarity with literary reference works (literary dictionaries, Gale
encyclopedias, etc.).
The ability to identify and discuss a variety of literary schools and eras within one discussion.
Familiarity with how literature and issues of nationhood are related.
Gain an understanding of distinct poetic movements and their corresponding terminology.
Speak and write clearly about poems, taking into account their historical context as well as their
aesthetic significance.
Pay close attention to the way language is used to evoke images.
Develop a critical vocabulary that includes and distinguishes among the elements, movements,
and criticism of literature.
Achieve a basic understanding of literary theory.
Enhance their skills as readers and writers and will hone their oral skills discussing and
processing literature.
Understand that there are various literary genres and that there are specific vocabularies
associated with each genre.
Read literary texts that reflect a focus on world literature.
Write literary analysis essays using MLA format.
Explain and quote from a work of literature as evidential support in verbal and written
Product objectives
Process objectives
Product objectives:
Product objectives are the ultimate or final outcome or targets for product
development or outcome management. They serve as the basis for product strategy and design.
Product objectives also serve as target for individuals and may be incorporated into their performance.
Process objectives:
Process objectives are activities that will be implemented to achieve the aims.Process objective deals
with the development or improvement of some type of process doing something.
Difference between product and process objectives
Learning objectives describe what the learner should be able to achieve at the end of
a learning period. Learning objectives should be specific, measurable statements and written in
behavioural terms. A good learning objective focuses on the learner’s performance rather than the
instructor's needs.
Learning objectives are statements that define the expected goal of a curriculum, course,
lesson or activity interms of demonstrable skills or knowledge that will be acquired by a student as a
result of instruction. Also known as instructional objectives, learning outcomes, learning goals.
Cognitive objectives are designed to increase and individuals knowledge it is related
to understanding awareness and insights. This includes knowledge or information recall,
comprehension or conceptual understanding, the ability to apply knowledge and ability to
analyse a situation the ability to synthesise information from given situation, the ability to
evaluate a given situation, and the ability to create comprehension, application, analysis,
synthesis and evaluation.
Blooms describe the several categories of cognitive learning in a hierarchical order;
Starting with basic factual knowledge, the categories progress through
Decided to change and individual’s attitude, appreciations and relationships.
The categories involved in effective objectives are;
Remember - using memory to recall facts and definitions, relevant knowledge from
long-term memory.
Understand - Constructing meaning from oral, written, and graphic messages
through interpreting, exemplifying, classifying, summarizing, inferring, comparing,
and explaining.
Apply - Carrying out or using a procedure through executing, or implementing.
Teaching is the process of attending to pupil’s needs -experiences and feelings and
making specific interventions to help them particular things.
All language learning involves the process of Listening- Speaking.'- Reading- writing
These process involves both linguistic and psychological aspects-This leads us to
understand that all language learning is based on certain well defined principles which are
as follows;
1. Principle of purpose.
The student understands how class activities, assignments and lessons relate to learning
objectives. There is nothing arbitrary but intentional and incidental learning. Enable the
student to contact in international language.
Real language ability is the not merely knowing about the language but make language
patterns as habit through intensive pattern practice in variety of situations.
The multiple line implies that one is to proceed simultaneously from different points
towards the one and the same end. Eg: a lesson on "Holiidays" in the textbook - Teacher
can have a number of language activities connected with the topic such as oral drilling,
reading, sentence writing, composition, etc
4. Principle of concreteness
Teacher must have focus on concrete concepts before moving to the abstractions
Selection of language material to be taught is the first requisite teaching Selection done in
respect of grammatical items and vocabulary and structures.
7. Principles of psychology
A teaching session can be made more effective by taking into account the psychological
factors of individual.
Principle of motivation
The materials and the context must generate interest among learners.AS far as
possible the activities must be linked with life.
Principle of interest
Interest should be created and sustained throughout the class.
practice makes man perfect -As language is a skill subject ,constant practice is
required on the part of the students.
During teaching learning session the teacher should be give positive reinforcements
.Feedback helps the students to know their drawbacks and then plan for re-learning.
Principle of readiness
Foremost duty of the teacher is to make the students more interested and attentive
to learn mentality and physically.
Teacher will be able to meet individual difference and to help them according to
their potentiality.
8. Principles of linguistics
Language is behavior
Language is a system
9. Principles of philosophy