Variation Sheet For Approval

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Construction of Dormitory at ICP Dera Baba Nanak, Kartarpur Sahib Corridor, Punjab.

S.No BOQ Sr. Description BOQ Rate as per BoqQty Submitted Qty Upto Qty Deviated Market Deviated amount Status
by Contractor BOQ beyond Amount Rate beyond
Deviation within submitted permissible limit
Qty Within limit Permissi by
Deviation ble Limit Contracto
limit (30%) r
1 M25 Grade concrete 30 7997.3 143.4 30 9 104.4 71975.7 834918.12 Approved

2 5.22.6 TMT Steel reinforcement 50000 83.5 73056 50000 15000 8056.4 1252500 672709.4 Approved

3 5.9.1 Formwork of foundation 140 284.85 702.5 140 42 520.5 11963.7 148264.425 Approved

4 5.9.3 Formwork of suspended floors 100 693.05 894 100 30 764 20791.5 529490.2 Approved

5 6.1.1 Brick work 40 6376.3 75.46 40 12 23.46 76516 149586.825 Approved

6 13.5.2 Plaster work 200 303.9 301.8 200 60 41.8 18234 12703.02 Approved

7 4.17 Plinth Protection 220 176.94 762 220 66 476 11678.04 84223.44 Approved

8 11.37 Non skid ceramic floor tiles 100 926.9 240 100 30 110 27807 101959 Approved

9 10.1 Structural steel 60000 86.1 113924 60000 18000 35924 1549800 3093049.512 Approved

10 NS 9 mm thk fibre cement board 50 1500 1600 50 15 1535 22500 2302500 Approved

11 NS PPGI Sheet 1100 700 1900 1100 330 470 231000 329000 Approved

12 NS 9 mm thk roof board 800 1500 954 800 154 154 231000 231000 Approved

13 NS Insulation 800 250 954 800 154 0 38500 0 Approved

14 NS Mezzanine floor board (TOP) 800 3200 954 800 154 0 492800 0 Approved ( Amount to be deducted
as BOQ item is replaced by MS
deck sheet item.
15 NS Mezzanine floor board (Bottom) 800 1500 954 800 154 0 231000 0 Approved ( Amount to be deducted
as BOQ item is replaced by MS
deck sheet item.
16 NS Ceiling Board 1800 580.25 1908 1800 108 0 62667 0 Approved
Variation Approved Amount (A) 8489403.94
17 NS Supply and filling of Good Earth 0 1070.3 758 811287.4 To be Approved

18 NS Supply and filling of sand 0 162 2567 415854 To be Approved

under floors
19 NS Providing and fixing 1.2 mm 0 1000 2832 2832000 To be approved
Deck Sheet Cost after reducing the Hydra
component by 60% of rate
submitted by Vendor.

Variation To Be approved (B) 4059141.4

20 NS Mezzanine floor board (TOP) 800 3200 954 800 154 0 492800 -3052800 Approved ( Amount to be deducted
as BOQ item is replaced by MS
deck sheet item.
21 NS Mezzanine floor board (Bottom) 800 1500 954 800 154 0 231000 -1431000 Approved ( Amount to be deducted
as BOQ item is replaced by MS
deck sheet item.
5.9.3 Formwork of suspended floors 100 693.05 894 100 30 764 20791.5 -619586.7 Approved ( Amount to be deducted
as BOQ item is replaced by MS
22 deck sheet item.

Total deduction (C) -5103386.7

Total Variation Amount (A+B+C) 7445158.642

Total Net Variation 7445158.642

Work Order Value 52,014,032.00

Net Variation 7,445,158.64

Total Contract Value After Variation 59,459,190.64

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