Transformer Differential Protection Calculation

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2 CALCULATION FOR P122 FOR HV SIDE REF PROTECTION. ..................................................3
2.1 STABILISING RESISTOR ..............................................................................................................4
2.2 METROSIL NON-LINEAR RESISTOR REQUIREMENTS ........................................................4
2.3 SETTINGS .........................................................................................................................................6
3.1) CALCULATION OF LDIFF>.............................................................................................................8
3.2) CALCULATION OF LR,M1..............................................................................................................9
3.3) CALCULATION OF I DIFF >> .........................................................................................................9
3.4) CALCULATION OF LDIFF>>>......................................................................................................10
3.5) CALCULATION OF SLOPE M1 ..................................................................................................10
3.6) CALCULATION OF IRM2..............................................................................................................12
3.7) CALCULATION OF SLOPE M2 ..................................................................................................12
3.8) OP. MODE RUSH RST........................................................................................................................14
3.9) RUSHI (2FO) I (FO) ...........................................................................................................................14
3.10) SETTINGS ...................................................................................................................................14
3.11) DIFFERENTIAL OPERATING CHARACTERISTIC DIAGRAM ..............................................................15
3.12) DIFFERENTIAL HARMONIC RESTRAINT PLANE ..............................................................................15
4 CALCULATION FOR P632 TIME OVERCURRENT PROTECTION (TOC) ................................16

5 CALCULATION FOR P632 OVERFLUXING PROTECTION (V/F) .............................................16

5.1) FIXED-TIME WARNING STAGE ...........................................................................................................19
5.2) FIXED-TIME TRIPPING STAGE ...........................................................................................................19
5.3) VARIABLE-TIME TRIPPING STAGE.....................................................................................................19
5.4) 5TH HARMONIC BLOCKING ...............................................................................................................21
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Transformer Differential & REF CTs & Protection Zones



Voltage Ratio: 132/33 kV
MVA Rating: 75MVA
Configuration: Star / Delta
Transformer Impedance: 14%

Transformer HV Side Phase CT
Ratio: 350/1 A
Class: 10 P 15
Burden: 15VA
Line CT secondary resistance, Rct (at 75° C): 3.02
Lead Resistance between Line CT and REF relay RL: 0.7
(= 7 /km x 100m /1000m)
Cable Resistance: 7 /kmCable Length: 100m

Transformer HV Side Neutral CT

Ratio: 350/1 A
Class: 10 P 15
Burden: 15VA
Neutral CT secondary resistance, Rct (at 75° C): 5.28
Lead Resistance between Neutral CT and REF relay: 0.9
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To ensure stability limits, the Maximum through fault level should be considered as 16 times the rated
current of the protected transformer winding.

Therefore, If = 16 x transformer rated full load current at


= 16 x 75 x 106 x 1
3 x 132 x 10 350
= 15 A

As per the specification 1.3,2, the primary fault setting for the 132kv faults shall be between 10 to 20% of
the rated current of the protected winding.

Therefore we recommend the relay setting Is to be set at 10% of the rated current of the protected
winding,(Neglecting metrosil current at setting voltage) Therefore relay current setting,

Is = 10% of Rated current

= 10% of 328
= 32.8A primary = 0.093 A secondary

Since 10P class CTs are being adopted for REF the above setting is needs to be checked at site for the
CT mismatch during various loading conditions.

Relay setting voltage Vs = If (Rct + 2 RL)

= 15 x (5.28 + 1.8)
= 106.2 V

Stabilizing Resistance, Rstab = (Vs/ Is) – (VA of the relay/ Is2)

= (106.2/ 0.093) – (0.008/0.0932)
= 1141 .

MiCOM P122 is used as HV REF which is denoted as Rr.

For 1A relay, Earth current input burden = 0.008 VA = 0.008 .
Rct = CT resistance
RL = One-way lead impedance from CT to relay
Rr = Other connected relays burden


Metrosils are used to limit the peak voltage developed by the current transformers under internal fault
conditions, to a value below the insulation level of the current transformers, relay and interconnecting
leads, which are normally able to withstand 3000V peak.
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The following formula is used to estimate the peak transient voltage that could be produced for an
internal fault. The peak voltage produced during an internal fault will be a function of the current
transformer knee point voltage and the prospective voltage that would be produced for an internal fault if
current transformer saturation did not occur.

Vp = 2 (2Vk (Vf - Vk))

Vf = 'f (Rct + 2RL + RST + Rr)

Vp = Peak voltage developed by the CT under internal fault conditions
Vk = Current transformer knee point voltage
Vf = Maximum voltage that would be produced if CT saturation did not occur
'f = Maximum internal secondary fault current
Rct = Current transformer secondary winding resistance
RL = Maximum lead burden from current transformer to relay
RST = Relay stabilizing resistor
Vf = If (RCT + 2RL + RST + Rr)
= 15 x (5.28 + 1.8 + 1141 +0.1 )
= 17222.7 V

Vp = 2 (2Vk (Vf - Vk))

= 2 (2 x 304.2 x (17222.7- 304.2))
= 6416.6 V
Adopting 10P class Current Transformers, the knee point Voltage equivalent can be
approximated from,
Vk = (VA x ALF) / In + (RCT . ALF. In)
Vk = Required knee point voltage
VA = Rated burden in volts-amps,
In = Rated secondary current CT.
ALF = Accuracy limit Factor = 15
Therefore, for the existing CT,
Vk = (15 x15) / 1 + (5.28x15 x1) = 304.2 Volts,

The value given by the formulae is near to 3kV peak, Metrosils should be applied. Metrosils are
connected across the relay circuit and serve the purpose of shunting the secondary current
output of the current transformer from the relay in order to prevent very high secondary
voltages. Metrosils are externally mounted and take the form of annular discs.

The Metrosil unit recommended for use with this 1Amp CT's is of Type :600A/S1/S256
C = 450, B = 0.25

The table below shows the metrosil units for 1 Amp CT’s.
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Menu Text Setting

Current setting 0.093 In

Resistance, Rstab 1141

Time delay 0 sec



1) Transformer Rating = 75 MVA

2) Voltage Ratio = 132kV / 33 kV
3) Tap Range = +8 TO -12 %
4) Vector Group = YNd1
5) HV CT Ratio = 350 /1A
6) LV CT Ratio = 1400 /1A


A) General Settings MAIN:

1) Vnom primary, end a
HV Side primary voltage = 132kV

2) Vnom primary, end b

LV Side primary voltage = 33kV

3) Evaluation IN, end a

HV Side primary current at nominal tap = 328 A

4) Evaluation IN, end b

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LV Side primary current at nominal tap = 1312.15 A

B) General Settings DIFF:

1) General enable USER

This setting is to enable the differential protection settings.
Hence the selected setting = YES

2) Reference power Sref

Transformer Rating = 75 MVA
Hence the selected Reference power Sref = 75 MVA

Interposing CT Multiplier: (Only for Verification)

Corresponding maximum full load = 328/ 350 = 0.937 Amps

current at relay side
Transformer LV Rated current = 1312.15 / 1400 = 0.937 Amps

Current input amplitude correction by HV Side CT multiplier Kam, a and LV Side CT

multiplier Kam, b to balance HV and LV inputs.

1x In = 0.937 x Kam,a = 0.937 X Kam,b

Kam,b = (1 x 1) /0.937 = 1.066

Kam,a = (1 x 1) /0.937 = 1.066

Hence, it shall be ensured that the following settings are adopted by the relay after
programming the rating, CT ratio in the relay.

HV Side CT Multiplier, Kam,a = 1.066

LV Side CT Mutipiier, Kam,b = 1.066

Spill current at normal tap with CT Multipliers

Rated HV Side primary current at normal tap = 328 Amps

HV Side CT secondary current at normal tap = 328 / 350

= 0.937 Amps

After CT Ratio Correction = 0.937x 1.066

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= 1 Amps

Rated LV Side primary current at normal tap = 1312.15/1400

= 0.937 Amps

After CT Ratio Correction = 0.937x 1.066

= 1 Amps

Spill current at normal tap with adopted = 0 Amps

CT multiplier

7) Vector group, ends a-b

Vector group correction is done as follows.

HV Side CTs are connected to the CT input "a" and LV Side CTs are connected to the CT input "b".
Here the Vector group of the Transformer is YNd1. YNd1 Transformer introduces a phase shift of 30° in
the secondary side. Hence a phase shift of 30° is required in the primary side to have proper vector
group correction.

Setting of vector group matching function does not require any calculation. Only the characteristic
vector group number needs to be set

Transformer vector group = YNd1

Hence the selected Vector group ends a-b = 1 (Which corresponding to 30°
phase shift)
3.1) CALCULATION OF ldiff>

Differential initial setting should be set above the steady - state magnetizing current of the
transformer. Unbalanced current checking in regarding with the tap changer position on highest and
lowest tap positions.

HV Side Current At Highest tap & At Lowest tap:

Rated HV Side current at Highest tap = 75 x 10 3 = 303.7 A

1.732 x 142.56

Rated HV Side Current at Lowest tap = 75x 10 3 = 372.77 A

1.732 x 116.16

Secondary Current At Highest tap & Lowest tap With CT Multiplier:

At Highest tap with CT Multiplier = 303.7 x 1.066

= 0.924 Iref

At Lowest tap with CT Multiplier = 372.77 x 1.066

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= 1.135 Iref
LV Side Current:

Rated LV Side Current = 1312.15 A (primary)

Secondary LV Side current with selected CT multiplier

= (1312.15 x1.066) /1400
= 0.999 Iref

Differential Current At Highest tap And Lowest tap With Selected CT Multiplier:

Differential current at Highest tap = 1 - 0.924

= 0.076 Iref

Allowing 10% safe margin to accommodate CT errors

= 0.08 Iref

Differential current at Lowest tap = 1.135- 1.00

= 0.135 Iref

Allowing 10% safe margin to accommodate CT errors

= 0.148 Iref
Available setting = 0.1 to 2.5 Iref (insteps of 0.01)

Hence, the Selected Setting = 0.15 Iref


This setting is the intersection of the first section of the tripping curve with the load line occurs
at a restraining current, which is a function of the setting of the basic threshold value Idiff
l RM1 = 0.5 x Idiff
I RM1 = 0.075 Iref

This setting is set internally, not required to set.

3.3) CALCULATION OF I diff >>

This setting is to be set just above the inrush current rms value so that blocking of the triple
slope characteristic by second harmonic restraint or by saturation detector is removed.

Magnetising inrush current

Maximum Transformer inrush current (6 In) = 7872 A

(LV side)
Corresponding CT Secondary current = 7872 / 1400
= 5.62 x 1.066 = 5.99 Iref
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Allowing a safety factor of 1.5 = 1.5 x 5.99 = 8.99
Hence the selected ldiff>> = 10 Iref

3.4) CALCULATION OF ldiff>>>

This is a simple instantaneous unrestrained highset differential over current setting, it is

not influenced by restraining current, harmonics or saturation.

Hence for fast fault clearance, ld>>> could be set below the current for a fault at the
transformer terminals; such a fault involves the bus fault level as it is not limited by the
winding impedances. However, to prevent operations during transformer charging, ld>>>
should always be set equal to or higher than ld>>.

This is set greater than the Transformer inrush current and below the fault at the transformer
terminals. (Assuming bus fault level higher than 15 Iref)

Hence the selected ldiff>>> = 15 Iref


This is the second section of the tripping characteristic covers the load current range, so that in
this section we must reckon not only with the transformer magnetizing current, which appears
as differential current, but also with differential currents that can be attributed to the
transformation errors of the current transformer sets.

The second section of the tripping characteristic forms a straight line, the slope of which
should correspond to the cumulative total error of the participating current transformer
sets. The curve slope m1 can be set.

The differential and restraining current variables for each measurement system are calculated
from the current variables after amplitude and vector group matching. The following equation is
used to calculate the differential and restraining current.

Id = m1 x Ir + Idiff> x (1-0.5 x m1)

Iref Iref Iref

However the suitability of this setting is verified as below.

Differential Current At Highest tap And Lowest tap With Selected CT


Allowing 5% to accommodate CT errors and assuming the worst cases,

Differential current at Highest tap = (0.924 x 0.95) – (1.00 x 1.05)

= 0.8778 - 1.05 = 0.1722 Iref
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Differential current at Lowest tap = (1.135 x 1.05) - (1.00 x 0.95)

= (1.191 - 0.95) = 0.24 Iref

Restraining Current At Highest tap And Lowest taps:

Restraining current at Highest tap = 0.8774 + 1.05

= 0.963Iref

Restraining current at Lowest tap = 1.191 + 0.95

= 1.07 Iref
For Highest tap, (0.963, 0.1722)
For Lowest tap, (1.07, 0.24)

Id is calculated as per the following equation.

Boundary of the operating region is calculated below.

ld>0.15 m1=0.3

Id is calculated as per the following equation.


For Highest tap:-

Id = m1 x IR + ldiff> x (1-0.5 x m1)

Iref Iref Iref

= 0.3 x 0.963 + 0.15( 1 -0.5 x0.3)

= 0.416

For Lowest tap:-

Id = m1 x IR+ ldiff> x (1-0.5 x m1)

Iref Iref Iref

= 0.3 x 1.07 + 0.15(1 - 0.5 x 0.3)

= 0.448

The differential current on relay during full load current on highest and lowest tap
position of Transformer is well out side the operating region with selected ld>0.15, m1

The selected slope 1 setting m1 = 0.3 Iref

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This is the second knee point of the tripping characteristic determines the end of the
Overcurrent zone in the direction of increasing restraining current in fault free operation.
It can be as high as four times the nominal current in certain operating cases - such as when a
parallel transformer has failed. It is recommended to set half the maximum through fault

1) Maximum Through Fault Current (Limited By The Transformer Impedance)

Transformer rating = 75 MVA

Percentage Impedance of the Transformer = 14%

Fault MVA = 75 = 535.7 MVA
Considering the Max. fault MVA Maximum through fault current

= 535.7 x 10 3 = 2343.1 Amps

1.732 x 132

Corresponding CT secondary current = 2343.1/ 350

= 6.69 Amps
Half the maximum through fault current = 6.69/2 = 3.34 Amps

The third slope region is set to have a large slope to cater for heavy through fault current.
During the maximum through fault condition, if one side CT saturates, the differential current
seen by the relay is 3.34 A

The selected IRM2 setting = 3.3


Slope of the third section m2 and the transition point between the second & third sections IR,
m2. Both these are set such that the third section has a large slope beginning well above rated
the current to cater for heavy through fault conditions.

CT Secondary HV through fault current

= 6.69 x 1.066
= 7.13 Iref
Maximum through fault current:

LV side through fault current

= 2343.1 x 142.56
= 10122.18
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CT Secondary LV through fault current
= 10122.18
= 7.23 Amps
= 7.23 x 1.066
= 7.7 Iref
Differential currents:

Allowing 5% to accommodate CT errors & assuming worst case.

Differential current = 7.7 - 7.13

= (7.7 x 1.05 ) - (7.13 x 0.95)
= 8.085 – 6.77
= 1.31 Iref
The third slope characteristics are to accommodate CT errors during through fault conditions.
There is no specific advantage in setting the slope m2 very closer to the through fault operating
conditions it is desirable to give a safety factor 1.5 for the differential current.

Differential current on with safety factor 1.5 = 1.31 x 1.5 = 1.96 Iref

Restraining currents

Restraining current =
7.7+ 7.13 = 7.415 Iref
The recommended selected m2 setting recommended = 0.7 Iref

The differentia! and restraining current variables for each measurement system are
calculated from the current variables after amplitude and vector group matching, The
following equation is used to calculate the boundary of the operating region. Since the
restraining current is greater than 1.5

Id is calculated as per the following equation.

Id = m2x IR + ldiff> x (1-0.5xm1) + IRM2 (m1 – m2)
Iref Iref Iref Iref

Boundary of the operating region is calculated below.

ld>0.15 m1=0.3 m2=0.7

Id = 0.7 x 7.415 + 0.15 x (1- 0.5 x0.30) + 3.3 (0.30 -0.7)

= 3.99
The differential current on relay during maximum through fault current of Transformer is
out side the operating region with selected m2=0.7, IR, m2=1.5 Operating region should
be away from the differential current region, the slope is set to 0.7
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Recommended m2 setting, = 0.7 Iref

3.8) Op. mode rush rst.

Operating mode not phase selective feature is recommended to ensure proper

operation of harmonic restraint function. However single phase to earth fault and other
type of Transformer winding fault are protected by id>> & Id>>>.

3.9) RushI (2fo) I (fo)

Magnetizing - inrush current is characterized by large harmonic components that are not
noticeably present in short circuit current.
The ratio of the second harmonic components to the fundamental wave for the
differential currents serves as the blocking criterion of differential protection.

The selected setting is = 20 %

However, all required figures will be recorded during Transformer energisation process
and if necessary pick-up setting is to be fine-tuned after a harmonic analysis of the
inrush current captured during Transformer charging.

Menu Text Setting
1) ldiff> 0.15 Iref

2) ldiff>> 10 Iref

3) ldiff>>> 15 Iref

4) m1 0.3

5) m2 0.7
6) IR, m2 3.3

7) Op. mode rush rst.

8) Rushl (2fo) / I (fo) 20%
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3.11) Differential Operating Characteristic Diagram

3.12) Differential Harmonic Restraint Plane

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Through faults are not detected by differential protection of Transformer.If the through fault
persists of longer duration, the transformer gets damaged by Thermal stresses.

Through faults are detected by O/C relays

While selecting O/C protection of transformer. Following aspects need consideration

• Magnetising Current inrush

IDMT relays are not affected by the current inrush as they have enough time lag Inst. O/C
relays should be HIGH-SET to avoid mal operation

• Fault currents
Fault currents on pri. Side and sec. Side of power transformer are different for Ph-Ph fault.
Lower value should be selected for setting of O/C.

A breakdown of the insulation between phase conductors or a phase conductor and

earth results in a short-circuit or an earth fault. Such faults can result in large fault currents
and may cause severe damage to the windings and the transformer core. Furthermore, a fault
with high fault currents may cause a high gas pressure. If the pressure gets too high, it will
damage the transformer tank. Depending on the magnitude of the fault current overcurrent
protections can be used to clear these faults.
High fault currents may flow through a transformer when an external shunt fault
occurs on the network and may produce a relatively intense rate of heating of the transformer.

This can result in damage to the transformer. The copper losses increase in
proportion to the square of the per unit fault current. If the current is limited only by
the reactance of the transformer, the duration of external short-circuits that a transformer can
withstand without damage is relatively short. Phase overcurrent protection is an important
protection that can be used to clear the transformer before the transformer is damaged.

A short-circuits between the phases will cause a substantial fault current. The magnitude of the
fault current depends mainly on the source impedance and the leakage impedance of the


When the laminated core of a transformer is subjected to a magnetic flux density

beyond the design limits, stray flux will flow into non-laminated components not
designed to carry flux and cause eddy currents to flow. The eddy currents can cause
excessive heating and severe damage to the insulation in adjacent parts in a relatively
short time. The general equation for the induced rms voltage in a coil:
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E = 4.44 * f * A * N * Bmax
• f = frequency (Hz)
• A = cross-sectional area of the core (square meters)
• N = number of winding turns
• Bmax = peak value of flux density (Tesla)

Hence, the flux density is proportional to the ratio between the voltage and the frequency.
Overvoltage, or underfrequency, or a combination of both, will result in an excessive flux
density level.

According to ANSI/IEEE standards, the transformers shall be capable to deliver rated

load current continuously at an output voltage of 105% of rated value (at rated frequency) and
operate continuously with output voltage equal to 110% of rated value at
no load.

In two-winding transformers, the low voltage winding is normally placed close to the
core and the voltage across this winding gives a good representation of the flux density
in the core. However, depending on the design, the flux flowing in the yoke may be
critical for the overfluxing capability of the transformer.
For power transformers with fixed direction of the load flow, the voltage to the V/Hz
protection function should therefore be taken from the feeder side.
Heat accumulated in critical parts during a period of overexcitation will be reduced
gradually when the excitation retains the normal value. If a new period of overexcitation
occurs after a short time interval, the heating will start from a higher level. The
overexcitation protection function should therefore have a thermal memory. In
P632, the cooling time constant is settable within a wide range.
The general experience is that the overexcitation characteristics for a number of power
transformers are not in accordance with standard inverse time curves. In order to make
optimal settings possible, a transformer adapted characteristic is available in P632.

The function should in the first place be configured to a three-phase voltage input if
available. It then uses the positive sequence quantities of voltages and currents.
It should be noted that analogue measurements should not be taken from any winding
where OLTC is located

Fault conditions
The greatest risk for overexcitation exists in a thermal power station when the generator-
transformer block is disconnected from the rest of the network.
Overexcitation can occur during start-up and shut-down of the generator if the field current is
not properly adjusted. Loss-of load or load-shedding can also result in overexcitation if the
voltage control is not functioning properly.
Loss of load or load-shedding at a transformer substation can result in overexcitation if
the voltage control is insufficient or out of order. Low frequency in a system isolated from the
main network can result in overexcitation if the voltage regulating system maintains normal
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Information on the cooling time constant Tcool should be collected from the power
transformer manufacturer.

Example on overexcitation capability curve and V/Hz protection settings for power transformer

Overfluxing protection evaluates the ratio V/f of voltage to frequency referred to nominal
values. The overfluxing measurement is not enabled unless the voltage and frequency are within the
limits for admissible values.
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5.1) Fixed-time warning stage

If the overfluxing value is found to exceed the threshold, a timer stage is triggered. Once this
stage has elapsed, a signal is issued.

5.2) Fixed-time tripping stage

If the overfluxing value is found to exceed the threshold, a timer stage is triggered. Once this
stage has elapsed, a signal is issued.

5.3) Variable-time tripping stage

If the overfluxing value is found to exceed the threshold, the P63x determines the tripping time
as a function of the overfluxing value and the set characteristic.
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The variable-time tripping characteristic is set by defining 12 pairs of overfluxing values and
associated tripping time values. Intermediate values are obtained by interpolation.

The setting must have a continuous falling profile, with no rising points.

After a start, the elapsed starting time is accumulated in a buffer. If the starting drops out, the
buffer memory will be discharged. The discharge gradient is determined by the set cooling
time. If there is another starting, the buffer memory will be recharged. If the
accumulated starting time reaches the tripping time determined by the P63x then the trip signal
is issued.

When using phase-ground voltage, the nominal value in the P63x could not be set accurately,
as the Vnom setting does only provide a step size of 1V.
With respect to neutral displacement of isolated starpoints, possible voltage dips in Petersen
coil compensated systems, or similar "bad" measuring conditions, the use of a phase-phase
voltage is generally recommended.
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5.4) 5th Harmonic blocking

The 5th Harmonic blocking feature prevents unwanted operation of the Id> under transient
overfluxing conditions.

When overfluxing occurs, the core becomes partially saturated and the resultant magnetizing
current waveforms increase in magnitude and become harmonically distorted. Such waveforms
have a significant 5th harmonic content, which can be extracted and used as a means of
identifying the abnormal operating condition.

The 5th harmonic blocking threshold is adjustable between 10 - 80% differential current.

This element can be used to initiate tripping in event of prolonged pick up of a 5th harmonic
measuring element. It is not expected that this type of overfluxing condition would be detected
by the AC overfluxing protection.

This form of time delayed tripping should only be applied in regions where geomagnetic
disturbances are a known problem and only after proper evaluation through simulation testing.

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