AHM800 Ground Handling Agreements

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e> DD , Tava CHAPTER 8—GROUND HANDLING AGREEMENTS >>» AHM 800 CHAPTER 8—RECORD OF REVISIONS ‘Shown belowis a table containing the orginal and latest issue dates forall the AHM 8c series documents ‘AHM Number Title Original Issue | Latest Review 800 Chapter 8-Record of Revisions Jan 19 801 Introduction to and Comments on IATA Standard Ground Handling Jan 20 ‘Agreement (SGHA) 03 Service Level Agreement Example Jan 20 8 IATA Standard Ground Handing Agreement (SGHA) Jan 18 att ‘Yellow Pages Jan 20 Standard Transportaion Documents Service Main Agreement Jan 18 Standard Training Agreement Jan 14 IATA Standard Ground Handing Subcontracting Agreement (SGHSA)| Jan 20, Ground Hardling Charge Note Jan 18 Model Agreament for Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Jan 12 Jan 20 {0TH EDTION JANUARY 2029 743 &, , “Yara Airport Handling Manual >>> AHM 801 INTRODUCTION TO AND COMMENTS ON IATA STANDARD GROUND HANDLING AGREEMENT (SGHA) Bist or Intro. tolATA Standard Ground Handling Agreement S DEFINITION OF STANDARD GROUND HANDLING AGREEMENT 'A ground handling agreement is a “Standard Ground Handling Agreemert when, and only when, the wording of its Main ‘Agreement ard of its Annex A corresponds, without any alteration whatsoever, to the text publisned in AHI! 810 ‘Any differences from the standard text agreed between the Parties are to be recorded in Annex(es) & formatted in accordance with this procedure. GENERAL It shall be ncted that only the English version cf a signed IATA (SGHA) to be considered valid. Translation of the same ‘Agreement can be mage to faciltate mutual understanding of agreed services, SERVICES The term Senvices is intended to refer to actvity/work as well as use of resources such as manpower, equipment or facies. 4. STRUCTURE OF THE AGREEMENT ‘The Agreement consists of three parts Main Agreement For ease of reference, the sub-dvisions of the Main Agreement are known as Articles ang Sub-Articles, This is the basic agreament in which the Parties concerned agree on the legal and acministralon clauses Such as Date of effectiveness; termination period liability and indemnity (see note); accounting and transfer; standard of work, ete Note: With reference 10 Sub-Atice 1.8 ofthe Main Agreement, once a Mein Agreement has been concluded, it applies (0 all handling senices to be performed by the Handing Company for the Carer, at any location, where Znnex A andior Annex B dloes not exis forthe location in question. Inthe case ofa lscally signed Ground Handing Charge Note, the lems and condlions ofthis charge note fake precedence. Annex A For ease of reference, the sub-dvisions of Annex A are known as Sections, Sub-Sections and Items. This part of the agreement isis and describes ground handling acivites. Annex(es) B For ease of reference, the sub-divisions of Annex(es) 8 are known as Paragraphs and Sub-Paragraphs. Please note that neither the Paragraphs’ tiles nor their contents represent mandatory wording or stated policies. n this document(s) the location Where the senices will be provided is stated, together with the handling services chosen from Annex A and the agreed handling fo0(e) for euch services. Annox B should be used to recerd other ground handling maltere which are agreed upon durng the ‘negatiations for exampee: deviation(s) from the Main Agreement; fee for technical landings; extta services, etc., when required. if the parties so agree, the text may be amended to show that charges are besed on mutually sgreed mathods, eg. per kiogram hhandled, per sector, per month or per technical services rerdered. Additional Paragraphs may be inserted as required ‘Guidance for completirg an Annex B can be found in the current Standard Ground Handling Agreement Training Program, HA - Printable version 744 {07H EOION, JANUARY 2020 Se TATA Ground Handling Agreements—AHM 801 2. USE OF THE AGREEMENT General Itis recommended to use the latest version of the Standard Ground Handling Agreement. The contracting parties shall agree on the Version of SGHA to be usec. The following grammatical rules have been used within AHI 810 & AHM 811 * Defined terms under ‘Defintions and Terminclogy” stat with capital letters, for example “Ticket” oF “Carrier's Aircraft * Common industry terms (not defined under ‘Definition and Terminology’) are written in parenthesis and start with capital letters folowed by the abbreviation in brackets, for exemple: “Safety Management System” (SMS) + Phrases comprised of defined wordsiterms and non-defined wordslterms such as will not be capitalized, for example Passenger" (defined) and “counter” (not defined) will be "passenger counter” because itis not defined term * [as speciied in Annex B] is always writen in squared brackets. It means that a user of the SGHA shall insert the user's own {ext within these brackets + In Annex A, double dots (colon *") and dots (ill stop “") at the end of the sentence are not typically used + In Annex A, the frst word (including within multiple choices) starts with a capital etter and the text continues with small FS a8 continuation ofthat sentence (unless i is a defined term e.g, Carrer, Amex B) as per example below: (a) Prepare {b) Request (c) Obtain the Carre's 4. landing 2. overtving 3. other, [as specified in Annex B] permission, atthe airport locaton(s), fas specified in Annex 8] for (i) seasonal/scheduled fants, ) adhoc fights The Main Agreement and Annex A These documents are concluded once between the parties concemed. The parties are not specified here as being either “the Handling Company” or the Carrier” Annex B ‘An appropriate Annex B is generally concluded per location and specifies which party & is “the Carter’ at that particular location. (One Annex B can be concluded covering several locations together where the terms and consitions are similar. More than one ‘Annex B may be issued for the same location to cover different services. There is no lmit to the number of Annexes B. Examples can be found in the current IATA Standard Ground Handing Agreement Training Program. Additional alpha-numerics may be Used for company purposes. Itis recommended that Annex(es) B be numbered to faciltate administration, and that the format used for such numbering be 'e.. Annex B1.0", where the first numeric represents location/service number, and the second numeric represents revision number. the Handling Company” and which party Numbering of Annex B Recommended Numbering of Annex B: Annex B1.0 td Prefix differentiating Services at Chronologically the document from _ location X successive the Annex A revisions {0TH EDTION JANUARY 2029 745 &, , we TATA _ Airport Handling Manual ‘The term “Annex B” is a generic term used to define a concept, i. the varable component of an SGHA. In actual practice for positve identiication, an Annex is not designated simply by that simple leter 8, but by an alpha-numeric sequence made up of {a) the prefix B (differentiating t from A) (b) a number identifying a particular scope of services at one or more locations giving for instance 81; (0). a petiod |.) (a) a number identifying the ctronologically successive revisions of that Annex; B1.0, then B11, ete Referencing of Annex A items in Annex B Parentheses wil be used to define the sub-item e.g. 6.2.2 (a}8 means perform the following functions in the Carrier's system: ‘cargo handling. Comma is used in Annex A to segregate one service item from another. For example 6.2.2(a)1, 6.2.2(b)8 means perform the following function in the Carrier's system: training and perform the following function in Handling Company's system: cargo handing, Dash is used to include series of services starting with the service before the dash and ending with the service after dash. For ‘example: 6.2.2(a)1-3 means: Perform all services between 1 and 3 inclusive. This means performing the following funotons in Carrier's system: training AND passenger reservations AND sales and passenger services, implified Procedure ‘The Parts concemed may elect to use the Simplified Procedure that does not require execution of the Main Agreement and Annex A as specified above. If the partes agree to use the Simplified Procedure, they should use the version of Annex B entitled “Standard Greund Handing Agreement Simplified Procedure" as shown in AHM 810 “Effective from’ date relates to the Main Agreement. It isthe date selected by both parties as marking the beginning of their contractual relationship using the specif version of the SGHA. It forms pert of the identification of the SGHA between these parties and, as such, will remain unchanged during the if ofthat agreement and all its annexes. The dete of effectiveness of the Main Agreement generally coincides withthe date of validly of te fist Annex 81.0, ‘Valid from” date relaies to the start date of any particular Annex Bx.x. Since ary Annex Bxx is dependent on the Main Agreement, the date of validity can never precede the “Effective from” date of the Main Agreement 3. COMMENTS ON THE MAIN AGREEMENT Sub-Article 1.2 The meaning of documents in this Sub-Artcle references documents such as loadsheet, NOTOC, leading instruction repor. passenger manifest, et, whereas stationery such as boarcing passes, bag tags, etc. are not considered as documents. Sub-Article 54 I the Carrier andior the Handling Company based their procedures on the IGOM, both partes should infarm each other about the varlaions to ISOM. The Carriers procedutes prevall as per 5.1, unless othernise agreed Sub-Article 52 It is required that the Handling Company and its Sub-Contractor(s) personnel are trained to meet the requirements and instructions of the Carer, when providing services with a safety aspect such as load control, loading cf aircraft and particularly the handling of dangerous goods. The Handling Company and its Sub-Contvactor(s) must ensure that their personnel carry out only the duties for which they have been trained. Sub-Article 5:3 Following ISAGO Manval does not mandate ISAGO certification, Article & ‘The text of Aticle 8 may be revised in Annex B as diferent legal systems and prevailing conditions make it very diffcult to present an Aricle 6 that can be acceptable and workable universally When assessing liabilly and inéemnity under IATA Article 8.5 of the Main Agreement, itis intended thal no reference should be ‘made to the contents of IATA AH\i 660. The contents of IATA AX 650 are intended to be used solely for the purpose of calculating and capturing cost data and not for assessing overall liability and indemnity as outined in Arvcle 8. ‘Acceptance of the definitions for Truck Services (s listed in AMM 810) will imply thatthe handing contract covers the liabiity for truck handling as defined, but not for truck service which remains outside the scope of the handing agreement, Article 14 When serving notice in accordance with Sub-Artces 11.3, 11.6 or 11.10, any notice given by ane party under the Article 11 shall bbe deemed properly given if sent by Registered Letter, overnight courier, facsimile, e-nall where proof of receipt or acknowledgement is cbtained, to the respective office of the other Party as recorded in the Annexies) B. in the case of a fegistered letter notice shall be considered to be served on the date of receipt. Due consideraton shall be given to mail delivery in order to comply with stated notice periods. When notwithstanding Sub-Artcles 11.4 andlor 11.5 due consideration should be given to Sub-Artcle 11.11 746 {07H EOION, JANUARY 2020 oo , TATA Ground Handling Agreements—AHM 801 4, COMMENTS ON ANNEX A General Annex A ie fat of services that may be performed, Not all af these tervicas are performed for every fight. ‘According to the defnitions and terminology in the Standard Ground Handling Agreement, the following options are recommendes to be used: + Provide’ a service (Provide’ and ‘Subcontract’ is also possible) + “Arrange for’ a service ‘Due to implication of liability, caution should be taken in selecting the ‘Provide’ or ‘Arrange for’ options of the Annex A items. Failing to select in your Annex B either “Provide” or “Arrange For” may create a misinterpretation that could have a cost impact. ‘There should always be one option selected, ‘Sub-Section 1.3 This is intended to cover cases when the Cartier requires a supervisory and/or coordination agent (this could be a Handling Company) to supervise andlor coordinate the handling performed by others in contract with the Carrier. For this purpose a SGHA Is concluded between the Carrer and the service provider. The Annex B shall list applicable services of Sub-Section 1.3 as well as specify which services of other Sections have to be supervised andlor coordinated. tem 1.4.9 ‘A Complaints Resoluton Officer (CRO) responsibilties are defined in tite 14 CFR 382.151 as published by the Federal Government cf the United States. fem 2.1.3, Services 2. ard 6. cannot be contracted in countries where i is part ofthe airport infrastructure; for example EU countries. tem 2.1.9, “There are two ways to contract ticketing. Ticketing functions can be contracted under AMM 810. Extended ticketing functions can be contracted under General Sales Agreements or IATA Transporiation Documents Service Agreements as published in AVI 815, tem 2.2.3 (a) In this sub item the wording ‘not having access to Information that will verify visa validities” does rot release the Handling ‘Company from their obigations whilst checking other travel documents, tem 2.2.4 Baggage figures means actual weight andior actual numberof pieces, as appicable. item 2.2.7 For all check-n other than at airport check-in counter baggage conveyance needs to be specified in Annex B. Items 2.2.12,2.3.2 and 2.4.5, ‘These texts are not necessarily intended to indicate that the Handing Company must employ personnel in the performance of these services, but that sign posting and other commonly used media are also covered by this item. tom 3.4.10 Is designed to provide compliance with IATA Resclution 753. tem 3.5.2, ‘Communication can be performed via headset, visual signals or other means as mutually agreed. tem 3.6.9 Iter 3.6.9 is not designed to cover the provision of security personnel which is covered in 7.4.4. This Item is designed to ensure the handler undertakes physical measures to pretect loads requiring special handling e.g. VAL items to be stored in a secure area, temperature sensitive items to be kept out of the sun or snow, ‘Sub-Section 3.10 ‘The Parties are encouraged to establish detailed cleaning specifications. When exiensive cleaning is performed. the charge should be calculated in such a way that the cost element ‘or basic cleaning is not duplicated in both the basic handling charge and the additional charge covering extensive clearing. tom 3.10.3 Cabin items include among others safely cards, aifine magazines, newspapers, merus, headphones, movies, tapes, chidren's toys, playing cards andior other entertainment items as agreed. ‘Sub-Section 3.16 ‘The minimum requirements to accomplish an aircraft deicinglantiicing operation are specified in the ASG28S document {0TH EDTION JANUARY 2029 747 &, , we TATA _ Airport Handling Manual Section 5 “Truck Services" and therefore “ruck” is a defined term within the SGHA and any reference to “truck” should be mindful ofthis definition, tem 5.1.1 ‘The handing charge will normaly cover a short time limit for such storage. This time limit shoul be agresd between the Handling ‘Company and the Carrier for each location. {A distinction may be made in Annex B for the apportionmert of storage cost for export, import and transfer cargo. tem 5.4.1 The SGHA is an agreement between a Cartier and a Hardling Company and is not designed to cover any functions that take place prior to the acceptance of the Cargo. These areas are subject to a separate agreemenis. This particularly applies to the Unloading of lacal export cargo from vehicles, Truck service handling is Separately covered under section 5.4.7 tem 5.4.6 ‘The SGHA is an agreement between a Carrier and a Handling Company and is not designed to cover any functions that take place afer the release of the Cargo, These areas are subject to a separate agreements, This paricularly applies 10 the loading of local import cargo onto vehicles. Truck service handling is separately covered under section 5.4.7. tom 5.4.6(4d) ‘This rolates te rolease at the airport only, Any location off axport should be spoci tem 6.2.4 ‘The Computer hardware is including e.g. computer at check-in desks, automated selfcheck-in devices, and automated and setf- baggage drop-off points, tem 6.2.2 Allocation of charges arising from the use of any system(s) should be agreed upon between the Parties (.e. CUTE charges) tem 6.2.3 (3) Hosting is meant to mean "IT" hosting and not the provision of front of house staff to assist definition are ‘self-service devices" tem 6.6.4 This relates to services performed on landside of te airport and not on airside, which is covered under items 3.6.2 and 3.65. 5. OTHER CLARIFICATION OF MESSAGE SENDING/PROCESSING When specific reference is made to certain types of messages which are to be sent and processed, this is not intended to lit the requirements to the message types mentioned, it being well understood that numerous other types of messages may be necessary to be Sent o” processed In cornection with the services which are being provided. USE OF YELLOW PAGES ‘Tho Standard Ground Handling Agreement (SGHA) is not evised on a yeary basis. The ‘Yellow Pages’ of the Airport Handling Manual are therefore used to publish text, which was developed between two versions of the Standard Ground Handling ‘Agreement. This text can be used in the SGHA Annex 8 or simplified annex B at any time. If any yellow pages text is used itis recommended that it be identified as a separate paragraph of the applicable Annex B in the format shown below: 1 in Anmox(os) B. the use of the terminals which by Example: Yellow pages text applicable to this agreement Main agreement €.0. Unit Load Device (ULD) Definition and Terminoloay .g.-NIL (ino change), or; Sub-Aticle 7.1 (AHM 37th editon Jan 2017 yellow pages) Annex A €.9.- NIL Gino change). or: ‘Sub-section 57 (AHM 35th edition Jan 2015 yellow pages) AH 81 /-YELLOW PAGES 748 {07H EOION, JANUARY 2020 Se TATA Ground Handling Agreements—AHM 803 >>> AHM 803 SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENT EXAMPLE Atm 808 service Level Agreement Example Printable version Guidance for the use of the Service Level Agreement 1. INTRODUCTION AHN! 803 provides a guideline for service delivery standards which can be used as a slructure for measuring the performence of {ground handing service providers as. described in Article 5 of the Main Agreement of the IATA Standard Ground Handling ‘Agreement (Atv! 810). The standards listed in the example below, while not exhaustive, indicate some of the items in the SGHA which can be measured and how to measure them, By signing this SLA, both parties confirm that they approve the validity of the agreed method of measurement. Each party shall inform the other regarding the source and method of data acquisition. ‘Should any additional costs be incurred for data provision, recording and data analysis, the parties shall agree on how these costs are to be shared, Specific fight(s) may be excluded from the measurements by mutual agreement (2.9. force majeure). Regular performance ‘meeiings should be heid between the parties to assess the evel of performance against the targets set The Service Level Agreement may be updated by mutual agreement of both parties on a regular basis (e.g. with a timetable change), or, i cases such as any changes in the schedule, freight structure, aircraft type or similar, which affect the handling times Itis however nol essential to updale the SGHA on every occasion, 2. SPECIFIC MEASUREMENTS, ‘The method of measurement shall be agreed between the parties. Itcould be any of the following: ‘+ Handling Company's data, provided by IT-system or manual data recording, + Thitd party data (eg. airport) by IT-system or manual data recording. + Quality checks. + Any other method which is agrsed upon betwacn the part 3. CARRIER FEEDBACK The Carrier should provide regular and representative fesdback to the sevice provider on results of passenger/cargo client surveys, comments, complaints and compliments relevant to the services provided. 4. SAMPLE SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENT (SLA) SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENT (SLA) ‘An agreement made between: having its principal office at: hereafter reerred to as the Carrier and. having its principal office at: hereafter reterred to as the Handling Company The Cartier and/or the Handling Compary may hereinafter be referred to as ‘he Party(es)’ Vali from: WHEREBY THE PARTIES AGREE AS FOLLOWS: The Handling Company agrees to a Service Level Agreement with the Carrier. The Service Level Agreement (SLA) shall form an integral part ofthe Standard Ground Handling Agreement (SGHA) and is Appendix number INSERT... ]1o Annex B (INSERT number Idated [INSERT ‘for the location (INSERT 1 ‘A Line Maintenance Service Level Agreement must only cover the presence of the required personnel for the Line Maintenance activiies to be carried out on the aircraft. The delivery of Service Levels must not compromise Safety and Security of Line Maintenance Operations, “The agreed Service Levels will be monitored and agreed by [INSERT .. (see 4.4) for ie Garner and {INSERT .. fe 4.4) for the Handling Company. These Parties shall meet at a minimum of (INSERT frequency... ], and rore often if required, to review the performance of the partes to the SLA. (INSERT frequency... ] performance repors indicating the successes, failures and the required actions shall be submited as directed by the Parties to this agreement. 1nd epocitied herein, {0TH EDTION JANUARY 2029 749 &, ATA Airport Handling Manual ‘The Service Delivery Standards outlined below are subject to the Carrer operating on schedule (+/- INSERT... } minutes) and the factors being within the control of the service prowder, Reasonableness wil be applied in the application of the standards but the hhandler should do its umost to meet the standards on every occasicn. 4.4 On-time Reliability and ertical “Zero Tolerance” Service Level Target | __ Service definition Target Measuring points | Measuring method | Measured by rmumber | (on Annex A referer if ‘Measuring period (Hanaler/CarrierOther) ‘pplcable) Target |37.2 ‘Conduct Post Arval and | Monthly Sampling 0 reporing| INSERT Handler! Pro Departure check on documentation | Carrierother ‘every fight end complete report Preconaltionipreclusion: There is zero tolerance to aircraft damage Target 2 [Ontime perbrmance on | Monthy INVT Message | INSERT Handler? ‘mum Staion Detays or de- {ay codes [INSERT AS RE- QUIRED] wil be 2% Camer/other Precondltionipreciusion: Alldelay codes will be agreed between the Ha Reasonableness will poly inthe event that the early or late aval Company's ability to service the aircraft ina timely manner. ‘ofthe alreraft and or ramp conditons impacts on the Handling Target 3 “The handler shall correctly segregate the baggage or loading as per the carrar's requirements. Pertight Baggage mishandling INSERT Handler! Carrier other Preconditionipreclusion: Insert further causes as applicable 750 we TATA Ground Handling Agreements—AHM 803 4.2 Check-in Target | _ Service definition Target Measuring points | Measuring method | Maasured by rrumber | (on Annex A refererce if Measuring perlod (Hanater! ‘pplcable) CarreriOth Target 21.8 INSERT] number of check | Monty ‘2.9, Apon elecrone | INSERT Handler! Indesks tobe avaiable from ‘desk use records | CarienOther /STOLINSERT] 10 STD- INSERT) (INSERT pecent ofthe tim Preconaltionipreclusion: availablity of check-in dests by the Airport operator Target 2 [Al checkcin staf shall wear | Pr ight ‘Sampling of reporting INSERT Handler? ‘th [Handler Caner uniform documentaton, | CarieriOther ‘and shall adhere to (Hand euCarier| uniform stan aro, Precondltion/preclusion: e.g. Local law prevents the identification of staf members so they shall not wear name badges. Target 3 "The departure gate shall be [Per ight ‘Sampling of reporting INSERT Hancler! ttn by [MSERT] eat ocumentaton | CarierOther ‘members trom STD- INSERT) to ATD* [INSERT] Preconaltionipreclusion: the gate can be unstaffed under the following conditions. _lsubject fo gate availability. Inser further clauses as applicable {0TH EDTION JANUARY 2029 751 &, se TATA _ Airport Handling Manual 4.3 Ramp Serviei Target ‘Service definition Target Measuring points | Measuring method ‘Measured by fmumber | (on Annex A reference it ‘Measuring period (HandleriGarrier/0ther) ‘ppicable) Target [31.3 3..6;3.1.7;3.19 | First bag shall be delivered | Per fight ‘eg. Arpor electronic | INSERT Handler! {o[INSERT] by ATA + IN- ‘SERT] last bag 0 be a liored to INSERT] by [ATS [INSERT] records Camiriother Preconeltionipreclusion: published bags 290 priorities shall be maintained. Target [3.1 ‘The provision of manpower ‘and equipment a agreed halle avatable at ETA [irsen (on aval) and /ATD® {INSERT (on depar- fu. Per fight ‘Sampling of reporting] ocumentaon INSERT Handler! Cameriother| Preconaltionipreclusion: Target 3 hhanale more than N= SERT] bags per thousand bogs loaded [Baggage mshanding| reports INSERT Handler! Cameriother| Preconditentyroclusion: for reasons within the Handling Company's oextral only Inser further clauses as applicable 752 Ground Handling Agreements—AHM 803 Target Measuring points | Measuring method | Measured by ‘Measuring period (Handler/Carrieriother) ‘Chaning within the fllw- | Per fight Sampling reporting INSERT Handler Ing maxmura time ls in otter to alow orderly boarding of he departing ight Turnaround tights ‘Acraft ype INSERT]- INSERT) minutes Long stay fights ‘Craning shat ne com pleted by STO-INSERT) ocumentaon Camiriother Preconditionipraciusion: flights where the cleaner ‘ate prevented from accessing the airraft shall be excluded. Insert further causes as applicable 753 aa [ATA —_ Airport Handling Manual 45 Cargo Delivery GENERAL Target ‘Service detition Target ‘Measuring points, Measured by umber ‘method Target t | Training Target for vainng compliance: | Measured quarteriyspot | Carier/Handler [Should beindicatedin more | 100% staff tobe trained DG or | check during selt-assess- Speetc tems in accoreance wth | xp o Staff aired ULO Buld- | mens andregula cari ISAGO waning requrements) | up audits Target? [ULDs (Correct build-up, serviceability | Measured CarierHander ‘and non-convorh ULDs rmonthyfinsdent repering Targa for cargo nailer number of reectedicorected cargo ULDs at alrat not exceed % based on al uit ULDs Targets | Shipper or Forwarder Bulk ULUs | Numoer of rejcteaioorested | Measures CarerHander cargo ULDs at eady for cariage | monthylincdent reparing coeptance not exceed x% based on all BUP ULDs Target | Unmanfested Cargo ‘All uimaniested Cargo be | jnser) Carer repottediFound Cargo Target | Dangerous Goods ‘All non-complences to be inser] Carer reported to Cater and Auth nes as required EXPORT Target |___ Service definition Target Measuring points | Measuring method | __ Measured by frumber "(on Annex A reference if ‘Measuring period (Handler/Carrieiother) ‘applcable) Target t [53.10 FFM Flight Manifest tobe FFM Carrier sentlatest. insert ‘mnshours] ater ATD Precondition: Target2 [54.1 Export Recestion Waiting | Tims period between [Queue system to | INSERT Handler tines not mere than .[I- | arial at expat re | monitor wating tme | CamierOther ‘se minsthours) Ceplon offee and |inexport reseption Sonics atthe oxport counter Precondition: Dependent on customs clearance and clearance from authorities Targets [54.1 Export Truck Waling ime [Tima elapsedbe- [Truck queue systomy | INSERT Handi ‘nemmore than. inser | wean documentation | FOH Cameriotner ‘mnsinours}, handover at cargo aecoptance ard ac epiance of fist pice unloaded trom truce Precondition: Correct and complete documentation. Truck is operating on schedule or within an agreed slot time, Includes time for Unleading of ruck which might be beyond the control of the Handling Company. Targota [54.1 Latest acceptance mes: | Aval of vuek driver |IT systeniFOH! [Handler Basses fat acceptance before | complete by LAT nn 510 Shipper but units % of tonnage {mintnours] before STD Res 754 “49TH EOMON, sANUARY 2020 aa ATA Ground Handling Agreements—AHM 803 Precondition: FWB receipt by GHA from Agent OR Receipt by Airline from Agent OR Receipt by GHA & Airline from Agent “version ‘Cargo postoned on stand ready or loading [inser ‘mnsinours] before STD last” latest before STO Targets [54.1 FOH Freighton hand in [Las piece FO | T-system w accept! [Handler Handing Company's ware- ‘generate reuse | {insert mins/hours]be- iow STO. Precondition: Valdas ready for carriage, dependency delivey by shipperiagent Targot6 [53.1 Fulfreight acceptance — [Lasipiece RCS | T-system to accept | Handler cmplete ‘ganerate [insert mins ours] be= fow STO Precondition: Validates ready for carriage, dependency delivery by shirperlagent Tort? [543 L sent bythe Carer |FBL sent Trsystem te gener [Handler ast. insert minsmhours) ae Precondition: Tarts [543 Bulé-upinstucton sort by | Final buld-upinstruc- Handler he Carr tothe Handing, | ton sent ‘Company laest..insert ‘mnsthours] before STD Precondition: Targst9 [543 Final oad iniormation sent | Sending of nal on- [IT -systom to gener- | Carrier {oload contol unt atest. |load-message | se lier minshnours] Before ‘s1D Precondition: Target 10 |545, 36.5(0)2 and Export cargo eady for | Transportation order | IT-ystem to gener- [INSERT Handler/Garior 385(a)3 loading focramp anspor |e Precondition: Offload beyond the Handi ing Company's controt Target 1 FAP Flown as planned DEP... compliance with Final manifest versus booking lst oad pian| [ond beyond the Handing Conpany' enrol Inser further clauses as applicable TTesyetem to gener= Carrier 785 aa [ATA —_ Airport Handling Manual IMPORT Targst_|__ Service definition Target ‘Measuring points | Measuring method | Measured by umber “(on Annex A reference if ‘Measuring period (Handter/Carrier/Other) aeleable) Target [532 Documents rad for dl | Documents ready for | T-ystem Handler ery toconsignetagent | delvery se rinanoura are lesen ATA‘riva t ware ause) Precondition: Target? [548 'Alimpor rghit checked= [Aral of eight at [Taysiem Haner fmatwarehouse «inser | warnouse (CRC) mnsihour| ater arval at | untieheckas-n” | SApment RF based ine warehowse er} Precondition: Targets [573 os Nonber afireaix [foe Comin Mesng cans ‘| es compaed to Feund cargoAWB ‘Awbs hacled per Damage {eer mong UT (ableto toca Max... % of AWBS andied (Srpments missing am \ewehouse unter toce irom ROFIRCS) Ireguartie ater RCFr- ported va FSU Precondition! Targets [546 (@) ND Caro ready root |ITaysom NFO [Carer Cargo ready for collecton | '*cton {ser minsnours ater fesor ATAriva t ware ause) terentaten for spect upon or seer Ingto mata ogrtemest Precondition: Dependency on customs or ether governmental authoriee Target [546 (@) Tipo reception waling Average Waling ime [Queue Syaem ——] Carer fine Served at the counter fin «min ane at ception Precondition: Target [545 18) Tmpon ruck waling | Time elapsed be- ruck queue aysiem | Hendler (Ween serveeate-|(nontored rom time tepion and por | ocs processing) toring onto Tc Doce No more than. mins Precondition! 756 aa ATA 4.8 GHA Competency and Culture Ground Handling Agreements—AHM 803 Service definition Target ‘Measurement points, Measured by Precondition ‘method ‘Compliance wih Standard | Compliance with the ‘Audis, betng ‘Cartier Carror provides all elavant ManiaisGOM and SOPS |rers Standard Nanuals! | Count cf observatons! documents every [inser to (GoM and SOPs as agreed | findings per audit the Handler's contac (in- ert contact seta) ‘Traiing Standards Handing Company’ stat | Training certificates, audits | Carer 's rained accorcing to min ‘mum raining sendarde as ‘agreed, e.g. for General, AVSES, Safety and HSE, Human Factors, OGR, LAR, Cool Chai, ULOR Communications of Car- | Compliance wit the Car- | Aucits, briefing, checkist | Cartier Carros provides all elevant tier’ palcies, procedures |riers policies, procedures | Count ef abservatons! documents every insert to ndings per audit ‘he Handler's contac [in- ert contact fetal) Handing Correct equipment, inf: | Callbraton records Cartier structure maintenance, ULO handing as agreed Mainterance records & schedule 757 &, we TATA _ Airport Handling Manual 4.7 Line Maintenance Service Level Agreement Provision of Staff ‘Taiget_| Service definition (on Target Measurement | Measuring method ‘Measured by umber | Annex Avference points, Measure- (HanderiCarries) applicable) ‘ment period Target t |1.36 ‘Meet aircraft upon arrival |XX minutes belore | Sampling ofre- | WSERT Handler or Cater] fandiaise winerew end |ariva poring documen- femain atthe seraftuntl. oc minaos ager 0 departure Target? [815 Provide personnel to assist INSERT Handler or Carsor the taht crew or ground staff the perormance of thelr tasks Each Event 48 General Safety Target ‘Aatvity Target ‘Measuring points, | Measuring method ‘Measured by number period Target |Taining Target for taining com- [Measured [insert | Spo! check dung se.| Carer Handler (Should be indicated in plane: evi] ‘assessments er regular tore spect terme in ae- | [4 staf ta be trained in carrer audits or SACO {erdance wih Chapter 11 | poor x% of staf tained in audi tearing requirements) | ex) ‘Targst2_|Seltassessment on Hand- | [1 Safety Aus por [n- [Measured [inset [intemal audtepot | Handler lng Compary salty pro- ser period} considring | period] __|eesses fight frequencies “Target | Reporting on arvall Monitor the trend versus | inset period) | Intemal reportng Handler ‘departure damages ornear| previous pried Signed on (date) ‘Signed on (Date) A at For and on behalf of Carrier For and on behalf of Handler 5. Guidance for completion of the sample SLA ‘5.1 The SLA document above has a number of areas that should be completed in order that the parties understand what will be ‘measured, by whom and over what time period. These are indicated by [INSERT] 5.2 The SLA Is not intended to replicate the GOM or service standards of the camier and 1s a tool for tne measurement of successful application of the GOM and service standards. 5.3 Itis not expected that there will be an SLA standard for every service item in the Annex B end the most successful SLA’s will bbe simple an¢ relevant to the local conditons. 5:4 This shoud be the dtas of the peplefsupenisoryopanizaton responsible for monitoring te application of the SLA in an ‘operational ervironment 5.5 Definitions * Target number ~ a numbering system for the targets. + Service definition ~ the SGHA Annex “A" reference (if applicable) ‘+ Target ~ the minimum standard to be achieved and description ofthe service to be measured. + Measuring point ~ the time the service is supposed to take place. ‘© Measuring period ~ the time period over which the service is measured eg. per fightweekiy/monthly + Method of measurement ~ the way the measurements will be taken. ‘+ Measured by ~ who will do the measurement, + Precondition/preclusion ~ something that is required to perform the service or something that may exclude the measurement {rom being included in the statistical summary. 758 {07H EOION, JANUARY 2020 , TATA Ground Handling Agreements—AHM 810 >>> AHM 810 IATA STANDARD GROUND HANDLING AGREEMENT ‘AHM 810 2018 SGHA, ‘AWM 810.2013 SGHA ‘AHM 810 2008 SGHA, ‘AHM 810 2004 SGHA, ‘AHM 810 2003 SGHA ‘AHM 810 1998 SGHA, ‘AHM 810 1993 SGHA, ‘Note: This chapter has undergone a complete editorial overhaul. Corrections such as spelling errors, capitalization of definitions, harmonization of wordng and adding indents to Annex A have been made drectly info the SGHA 2018 as published in the 40th edition of AHIM without any change symbols as there is no change to the content. When brackets [as specified in Annex 8]. ike this appear, itmeans that the centont within the brackets needs to be replaced with specific requirements, STANDARD GROUND HANDLING AGREEMENT (SGHA) between: and: The agreement consists of MAIN AGREEMENT. and. as required [ANNEX A (description of services) ANNEX(ES) B (location(s), agreed services and charges) CONTENTS OF MAIN AGREEMENT DEFINITIONS AND TERMINOLOGY ARTICLE 1 PROVISION OF SERVICES ARTICLE 2 FAIR PRACTICES. ARTICLE 3 SUBCONTRACTING OF SERVICE ARTICLE 4 ARRIER'S REPRESENTATION ARTICLE 5 ‘STANDARD OF WORK ARTICLE 6 REMUNERATION ARTICLE 7 AGGOUNTING AND PAYMENT ARTICLE 8 LIABILITY AND INDEMNITY ARTICLE 9 ARBITRATION ARTICLE 10 ‘STAMP DUTIES, REGISTRATION FEES ARTICLE 11 DURATION, MODIFICATION AND TERMINATION ARTICLE 12 AUTHORIZATION TO CONTRAC {0TH EDTION JANUARY 2029 759 &, , we TATA _ Airport Handling Manual DEFINITIONS AND TERMINOLOGY For the sake of clarity the following defintions and terminology apply to the SGHA; AIRPORT TERMINAL moans all bldings used for artval and daparture handling of aircrat ARRANGE (or MAKE ARRANGEMENTS FOR) implies that the Handling Company will request an ouside agency to perform the service required. The charge of the outside agency shal be paid by the Carrier. The Handling Company ‘assumes no liabily toward the Carrier for such arrangements. See optional text in AFM 811 "Yellow Pages” CARGO means revenue Cargo, and non-tevenue Cargo such as service Cargo end company materials. See optional text in AWM 817 CARRIER'S REPRESENTATIVE means the individual or orgarization authorized by the Carrier to act on the Carrier's behalf in matters concerring Article 4 CO-ORDINATE means to collect and communicate operational information to the respecive parties at the direction of the Carrier, or the Carriers Representatve, as required to perform the services as contracted by the Carrier with third paties in the respective Annex(es) B. CARRIER'S AIRCRAFT moans any aircraft owned, leased, chartered, hired or operated or otherwise ullized by or on behalf of the Carrier and in respect of which the Cartier has either expressly or implicitly contracted, instructed or otherwise requested the Handling Company to perform or carry cut any ground handling service(s), DEPARTURE CONTROL SYSTEW (DCS) moans an automated method of performing check-in, caf control and dispatch of fights. DIRECT LOSS means a loss arising naturally or directly fom an occurrence and which excludes remote, indirect, ‘consequential, or special losses or damages, such as loss of revenue orloss of profit, ELECTRONIC DATA INTERCHANGE (ED) means the computer-to-computer (applicaion-to-application program pro- ‘cessing) transmission of business data in a standard format. ICAO means Intemational Civil Aviation Organization. IATA means Intemational Air Transport Association. LIAISE means to communicate and maintain contact. LOAD means any item cartied in an aircraft other than is included in the basic operating weight. LOADS means baggage, Largo, mall and any aircraft supplies cluding ballast. PASSENGER(S) means any person(s) both revenue end non-revenue, except members of the crew, carried or to be carried nan aircraft with the consent ofthe Carrier. PROVIDE implies that the Handling Company itself assumes responsibilty for the provision ofthe service reauired, RECEIVING CARRIER means a Cartier who receives Loads from a transferring Carrier ata transfer point. SPECIAL SHIPMENTS includes, but not limited to, perishables, live animals, valuables, vunerable cargo, news material and dangerous goods. ‘SPECIALIZED CARGO PRODUCTS includes but not imited to. express Cargo, courier shipments and same day delivery, STATION MANAGEMENT means management of Carrier's administratve andlor operational functions(s) within the scope defined in the Annex B. SUPERVISION means to oversee and direct the performance of the services contracted by the Carrier with third parties, ie ‘companies who have a separate Annex Bi (or similar contract with the Carrer). The term Supervision shall not apply to the Handling Company self-managemert of is own services or overseeing of the Handling Company's subcontractors. TECHNICAL LANDING is @ landing for other than commercial reasons where no physical change of Losds, Passenger andlor erew occurs. TICKET means eiher the document entitled ‘Passenger Ticket and Baggage Check’ or the “Electronic Ticket’, in each case issued by or on behalf of Carrier, and including “Conditions of Contract’, notices and the coupons contained in it. The iinerarylteceipt is a document or documents which forms part of the electronic Tickets and contains the information and notices required. See optional text in Atl 811 "Yellow Pages’ TRANSIT FLIGHT is an aircraft making a landing for commercial reasons where @ partial change of Loads, Passenger andlor crow occurs. It should be noted that a change in the flignt number of the same aircraft does not change the stalus of the fight ‘See optional text in AHI 81 1 “Yellow Pages" for Transportation Documents (NEW) TRUCK SERVICE means a service operated by truck on behaf of an aitine carrying Loads documented in accordance with the applicable IATA and/or ICAC rules, regulations and procedures. In the Main Agreement and in Annax A, the word “aircraft” wil read "ruck" and “fight” will ead “Truck Service® when it concerns the handing of a truck as meant under the above definitions, TURNAROUND FLIGHT ie an aircraft terminating a fight and subsequently originating another fight following a completo change of Loads, Passenger andlor crew. cy control, load 760 {07H EOION, JANUARY 2020 Se TATA Ground Handling Agreements—AHM 810 UNIT LOAD DEVICES (ULDs) is either an aircraft paiet and pallet net combination, or an aircraft container. The purpose of the unit is to enable individual pieces of cargo, baggage or mal to be assembled ito a stendard sized unit to facilitate rapid loading onto and offloading from aircraft having compatible handling and restraint systems which interface directly with the unit ‘See optional text in AHI 811 “Yellow Pages" for Unit Load Devices (ULDs) (NEW) MAIN AGREEMENT ‘An Agreement made between: having its principal office at: hereinafter referred to as ‘the Carrie’ or the Handing Company’ as the case may be, and: hhaving its principal office at: hereinafter referred to as ‘the Handling Company’ or ‘the Carrier, as the case may be, the Carrier andior the Handling Company may hereinafter be referred to as “the Party(es)" Whereby all the parties agree a follows: ARTICLE 1. PROVISION OF SERVICES 1.1 General ‘The Carrier and the Handling Company agree to give the highest importance to the compliance to all applicable laws and requiations governing their activities and expects is agents and contractors to do the same. (Of particular concern are laws related to ant-bribery, antitrust, data protection and labor relations including but not limited to the prohibition of child labor) ‘The Handling Company shall comply wih, at all mes, within the limits of its capebilties and shall deploy best efforts to make ‘sure its employees anc sub-agents comply with: * All laws and reguiations applicable in its country of establishment and all other countries in which services are provided under this Agreement ‘+ Applicable |ATA andior ICAO and/or other governing rules, regulation and procedures ‘+ All international treaties and regulations that apply in general to commerce and in particular to the operation of aircraft, lransportation of Passenge's and air freight or mail The Carrier and the Handling Compary shall ensure that their respective personnel assigned to the performance of this agreement are aware of all relevant legislation applicable to commerce in general, aircraft operation, Passenger tansport and air freight. Further, the Cartier and the Handling Company shall ensure that al their respective employees assigned to the performance of this Agreement where applicable, shall be aware of the essentials of * Competition and antitrust regulations in its county of residence, establishment as well as such regulations with ‘extraterririal application. © The rules governing bribery, kickbacks, secret commissions and payments to goverment offcials in its country of residence, establishment as Well as such regulations with extrateritorial application. ‘+ Any other applicable law or regulation, whose breach or violaton by a Party or ts employees could cause damage to the other Party or its employees. Itis not considered necessary ot possible o specify every detail of the services it being generally understood what such services ‘comprise and the standards to be attained in their performance, 1.2. Documents for Ground Handling Documents used for ground handling shall be the Handing Company's own documents, where applicable, provided these documents cemply with standardized formats thal may apply under IATA andlor ICAO andlor other governing rules, regulations. and procedures, 1.3. Scheduled Flights ‘The Handling Company agrees to provide for the Carrier's Aircraft or fights operating on an agreed schedule at the location(s) stated in the Annex(es) B, those services of Annex A as are listed in the Annex 8 fer the respective locations, The Carrer, in turn, agrees to inform the Handling Company as soon as possible about eny changes of schedule andior frequencies andlor types of aircraft. This should be done based on the IATA Standard Schedule Information Manual (SIM), 1.4 Extra Flights ‘The Handling Company will also provide the services to the Carrie's Aircraft for fights in additon to the agreed schedule at the same locations, provided that reasonable prior notice is given and the provision of such addtional services wil not prejudice commitments already undertaken. {0TH EDTION JANUARY 2029 761 &, , we TATA _ Airport Handling Manual 1.5. Priority ‘The Handling Company shall, as far as possible, gv pririy to aircraft operaing on schedule 1.6 Emergency Assistance itis the responsibilty ofthe Handling Company to participate in local emergency response plan(s) in order to provide support to the Carrer in the event of an emergency including but not irited to, forced landings, accidents or acts of violence ‘The Carrer wil contact the Handling Company to estabish the Carriers needs in an emergency and provige the Hanaling Company its current emergency procedures. In the absence of Carers instructions, in part or whole, the Handling Company shall follow its own emergency response plan(s) In case of an emergency, the Handiing Company shall without delay activate its local emergency plan(e) which includes the immediate noification to the Carier and establish opensiine communications with the Carer. ‘The Handling Company shall take all reasonable measures to assist Passengers, crew and family members and to safeguard and protect baggage, Cargo and mail carried in the aircraft from loss cr damage in co-operation with the relevant local authonties. All documentation and information pertaining to the emergency is the property of the Carrier and shall be held confidential by the Handling Company, uriess such documentation and information is specificaly required by applicable law or by governmental or local authorities’ regulations ‘The Carer shall reimburse the Handling Company for expenses and disbursements incurred in rendering such assistance. 1.7. Additional Services [As fer as possible, the Handling Company wil, upon request, provide to the Carrier additional services not set forth in the present ‘Agreement. Such services may be governed by special conditions to be agreed between the Patties. 1.8 Other Locations In case of occasional fights of the Carrier's Aircraft at locations which are not designated in the present Agreement, where the Handling Company maintains a ground handling organization, the Handling Company shall, on request, make every effort, subject to the means locally avaiable, to provide recessary services. ARTICLE 2. FAIR PRACTICES 2.4 The Handing Company shall use its best effers to protect the Carrier's confidential information and make it available for the purposes of the Carrier only 2.2 Neither Party to this Agreement shall disclose any information contained in Annexes) B to outside parties without the prior ‘consent of the other Party, unless such information is specifically required by applicable law or by governmental or authorities’ reguiations. ARTICLE 3. SUBCONTRACTING OF SERVICES 3.4 The Hancling Company is entitled to delegate any of the agreed services to subcontractors with the Carrier's prior written Consent. Its understood that, in this case, the Hendiing Company shall be responsible to the Carrier for the proper rendering of Such services as if they had been performed by the Handling Company itself Any subcontracting of services and the provider(s) thereof, shall be recorded in the Annex(es) B. 3.2 The Carter shall not appoint any other person, company or organization to provide the services which the Handling Company has agreed to provide by virtue of this Agreement, except in such special cases as shall be agreed between the Parties. 3.3 The Carrier shall not perform self-handiing on the services which the Hendling Company has agreed to provide by vitue of this Agreement, exceptin such special cases as shall be agreed between the Parties. ARTICLE 4. CARRIER'S REPRESENTATION 4.4 The Carrisr may maintain at its own cost, its own representative(s) at the location(s) designated in the Annex(es) B. Such representative(s) and represeniative(s) of the Carrier's head office may inspect the services provided to the Carrier by the Handling Company pursuant to this Agreement, advise and assist the Handling Company and render to he Carers cients such assistance as shall not interfere wit the provision of services by the Handling Compary. 4.2 The Carrier may, by prior written noice to the Handling Company and at its own cost, engage an organization (hereinafter refered to as the supervisor) to supervse the services of the Handling Company at the location(s) designated in Annexies) 8, ‘Such notice shall contain a description ofthe services to be supervised ‘The superviscr shall have the same authority as defined above in Sub-Avticle 4.1 forthe Carrier's own representatve, 4.3 Such assistance, when performed by the Carrer's Representative(s) andior supervisor(s) will be the sole responsibility of the Carrier, unless requested by the Handling Company. 762 {07H EOION, JANUARY 2020 , TATA Ground Handling Agreements—AHM 810 ARTICLE 5. STANDARD OF WORK ‘5.4 The Carrier shail supply the Handling Company with sufficient information and instructions to enable the Handling Company to perform its handling properly, 5.2 The Handing Company shall carry out all technical and flight operations services as well as other services having a safety aspect, for example, load cortrol, loading of aircraft and handing of dangerous goods, in accordance wih the Carrie's instructions, receipt of which must be confirmed in writing or by electronic confirmation to the Carrier by the Handling Company. 15.3 In the case of absence of instructions by the Cartier, the Handling Company shall apply its own standard practices and procedures provided they follow the applicable IATA industy developed standards, which may include but not limited to: (a) IATA Resolutions Dangerous Goods Resolutions (GR), CSC Resolution 618 Live Animal Regulations (LAR), CSC Resolution 620 Perishable Cargo Regulations (PCR), CSC Resolution 622 ‘Temperature Control Reguiations (TCR), CSC Resolution 624 Passenger Services Conference Resolution Nanual ( (b) IATA Recommended Practices or other IATA Standards Framework for a postal agreement, CSC Recomm ULD Regulations (ULDR), CSC RP 1681 IATA Airport Handing Manual (AHM), PSC RP 16903 IATA Ground Operational Manual (/GOM) PSC RP1690b ISAGO Standard Manual (GOSM) IATA Fue! Quality Poo! Control of Fuel Quality & Fueling Safety Standards IATA Guidance Material on Standard Into-Plane Fueling Procedures IATA Cargo Handing Manval (ICHM) andfor ICAO andlor other governing rules, regulations and procedures, 5A The Handing Company agreee ta oncure that the authorization af epacialzed poreannel paravming servings for the Corti ie valid and current. If at any time the Handing Company is unable to provide authorized personnel as requested by the Carrer, the Handling Company shell inform the Cartier immedately, ‘Seo optional tox in Abi 811 “Yellow Pages' '5.5 The Hancling Company agrees to take all possible sieps to ensure that, with regard to contracted services, the Carrier's Aircraft, crews, Passengers and Loads receive treatment not less favorable than that given by the Handling Company to other ‘carriers or its own comparable cperation atthe same location 15.6 The Handling Company shall encure that a taining program ic established for all personnel to perform grcund operations functions safely. As a minimum the Trainng Program shall include epplicable governing rules and regulations. Incustry standards and practices as listed in Sub-Aticle 6.3 should be taken in account for reference. The Handling Company agrees to ensure that the authorization of specialized personnel performing services for the Cartier is valid and current. If at any time the Handling ‘Company is unable to provide authorized personnel as requested by the Carr, the Handling Company shall inform the Carricr immediately ‘See optional text in AHIM 811 "Yellow Pages” 57 The Handling Company must repot to the Carrier's Representative immediately all loss. damage or security incidents, threstened or actual, to the Carrier's Aircraft, crew, Passengers and Loads noticed in the course of the handling or which in any other way comes to the knowledge of the Handling Compary, 45.8 The Parties shall agree on the quality standards for services provided. Such quality standards for a specific location may form pat ofthe applicable Annex B. The Handling Company agrees to take all possible stepe to ensure that, with regard to contracted services, the agreed upon quaity standards will be met. 15.9 The Carrier or a regulatory authority governing the Carrer's operations may, at its own cost, and with reasonable prior notice, audit the designated services in the applicable Annex(es) B. Such rotice shall contain a descrotion of the area(s) to be audited ‘The Handling Company shall cooperate with the Carrier and will undertake ary correctve action(s) required If the Cartier participates in any of the IATA aucit pools, the Handing Company shall accept an audt underteken by enother carrier if done under the umbrella of the pool and for the benefit of the entire pool. The auditing company or auditing person shall bbe agreed by the Carrer and the Handling Company, 5.10 The Handling Company shall manage and perform oversight of its own activites andlor those subcontracted as agreed within the scope of services specified in Annex(es) B. 5.11 The Handling Company shall be able to demonstrate a “Safety Management System” in use in accordance with IATA AMM 610 andor ICAO Annex 19, local and intemational regulatiens, or other governing rules 5.12 The Handling Company shall promote awareness and strive to achieve best practices in environmental and social responsibilty. ‘See optional text in AMM 8: RM) “Yellow Pages” {0TH EDTION JANUARY 2029 763 &, , we TATA _ Airport Handling Manual 5.13 The Handling Company should ensure that all ground service equipment complies with the aircraft damage prevention requirements as detailed in Chaoter 9 of the AHM, 5.14 The Handling Company shall ensure that all ground service equipment is maintained in accordance with the manufacturers’ roquraments or to @ higher standard, ‘See optional text in AHIV 817 “Yellow Pages" for 6.15 (NEW) ‘See optional toxt in AMV 811 “Yellow Pages” for .16 (NEW) ARTICLE 6. REMUNERATION 6.1 In consideration of the Handling Company providing the services, the Carrier agrees to pay to the Handling Company the charges set out in the respective Annex(es) B, witin the terms specified. The Carrer further agrees to pay the proper charges of the Handling Company and to discharge all additonal expenditure incurred for providng the services referred to in Sub-Artcles, 1.7 and 1.8. 6.2 The charges set out in Annex(es) B do not include: + any charges, foes or taxes imposed oF levied by the airport, customs or other autnortios against the Carer or the Handling ‘Company in'connection wih the provision of services herein by the Handling Company or in connection with the Carrier's fights, ‘+ expenses incurred in connection with stopover and transfer Passengers and with the handing of Passengers for interrupted, delayed or cancelled fights, ‘Such charges, fees, taxes or other experses as oullined above shall be borne ultimately by the Carrier. ARTICLE 7. ACCOUNTING AND PAYMENT 7.4 The Handling Company shal invoice the Carier monthly using the IS-XML fle format described in AHM 070, unless cthenvise agreed in Annex(es) 8, with the charges arising from the provision ofthe handling services of Annex A as fisted in “Annex(es) 8 t the rates of charges set out in Annex(es)B 7.2 Payment shall be effected through the IATA Clearing House unless otherwise agreed in Anrex(es) 8. 1.3 The Parties shall each agreement on the payment terms at each locaten which shall form part of the applicable Annex(es) BB. Should the Carer fall to make payment or dispute the invoice(s), within the agrees terms, the Handing Company shal natty the Carer in wring the fale to pay In tha avant that the Carrer fale ta pay the omaurt fe within the agreed rectcation Peried, a8 specified in Annex(es) B, the Handling Company shall bo entitled to issue 7 calendar days’ notice ct suspension of Services to the Carrier. The Handling Company shall restore services to the Carrier within 24 hours of receipt of payment. 7A Ithe Carter becomes insolvent, makes a general assignment fr the berefit of ereitors, or commits an act of bankruptcy, oF ia petion in bankrupt, or forts reoruanizator, ofthe feadjusunent of ls indeblewness be fied by er against, provided the petilon is found justied by the appropriate authonty, or if @ receiver, trustee or liquidator of allor substantially al, of ts property be appointed oF applied for, the Carrier has to provide prepayment or cash payment with immediato effect to the Handling Company, ARTICLE 8. LIABILITY AND INDEMNITY In ths Article, all references to {@) “the Carrer" or “the Handling Company” shallinclude their employees, servants, agents and subcontractors; (b) ‘act or omission” shall include negligence. 8.1 Except as stated in Sub-Artcles 8.5 and 8.6, the Cartier shall rot make any claim against the Handling Company and shell Indemnity it (subject as hereinafter provided) against any logalliabiliy for claims of suis, including costs and expanses incidental thereto, in respect of: (a) delay, injury or death of persons cared or to be carried by the Carrer; (0) injury or death of any employee of the Carrer (c) damage 10 or delay or loss of baggage, Cargo or mail carried or to be carried by the Carrier, and (a) damage 1© or loss of property owned or opersted by, o* on behalf of, the Carrier and any consequential loss or damage; arising from an act or omission of the Handling Company in the performance of this Agreement unless done with intent to cause ‘damage, deaih, delay. injury cr loss or recklessly and with the knowledge that damage, death, delay, injury or loss would probably resut. Provided that all claims or suits arising hereunder shall be dealt with by the Carrier; and Provided also that the Handling Company shall notify the Carrer of any claims or suits without undue delay and shall furnish such assistance as the Carrier may reasonably require Provided also that where any ofthe services performed by the Handling Company hereunder relate to the carriage by the Carrier of Passengers, baggage of Cargo, then if the limitations of liabiliy imposed by the Warsaw Convention andlor the Montreal Convention (1999) as applicable and as amended from time to time would have applied if any such act or omission had been committed by the Cartier but are held by a court not to be applicable to such act or omission committed by the Handling Company in performing this Agreement then upon such decision of the court the indemnity of the Carrier io the Handling Company hereunder shall be limited to an amount not exceeding the amount for which the Cartier would have been liable iit had committed such act or omission 764 {07H EOION, JANUARY 2020 , TATA Ground Handling Agreements—AHM 810 8.2 The Carrier shall not make any claim against the Handing Company in respect of damage, death, delay, injury or loss to third partis caused by the operation of the Cartier’s Aircraft arising ‘rom an act or omission ‘of the Handing Company in the performance of this Agreement unless done with intent to cause damage, death, dolay, injury or loss or recklessly ard with knowledge that damaga, death, delay, injury or loss would probably resut. 33 (a) Notwithstanding the provisions of Sub-Article 8.1, in the case of claims arising out of surface transportation which is provided ‘on behalf of the Carrier an¢ is part cf the operation of ioading/embarking or unloading/disembarking andlor is covered by the Garner's Contract of Carriage the Indemnity shall not exceed the limits specified in he sald Contract of Carriage, (b) In the case of claims arising out of surface transportation which is not provided on behalf of the Carrier andlor is not part of the operation of loading/embarking or unloadingidisembarking andlor is not covered by the Carrie's "Contract of Carriage’ the waiver and indemnity herein contained shall not apoly 8.4 The Handling Company shall not make any claim against the Carrier and shall indemnify It (subject as hereinafter provided) against any legal liabliy for claims or suits, including costs and expenses incidental thereto, in respect of (2) injury to or death of any employees of the Handling Company; end (b) damage to or loss of property owned or operated by, oF on behalf of, the Handling Company and any consequential loss or damage; arising from en act or omission of the Carrier in the performance of this Agreement unless done with intent to cause damage, death, delay, njury or lose or recklessly and with knowledge that damage, death, delay, injury 0” lose would probably result 8.5 Notwithstanding Sub-Artcle 8.1(d), the Handling Company shall indemnify the Carier against any physical loss of or damage to the Carrie’s Aircraft caused by the Handing Company's negligent act or omission provided always that the Handling Company's licilty shal be limited to any such loss of or damage to the Carrer’ Aircraft in an amount not exceeding the level of deductible under the Carr's hull all isk policy which shall not, in any event, exceed USD 1,500,000 except that loss or damage in respect of any incident below USD 3,000 shall rot be indemnified For the avoidance of doubt, save as expressly stated, this Sub-Arlicle 8.5 does not affect or prejudce the generality of the provisions of Sub-Artice 8.1 including the principle that the Carrer shall not make any claim against the Handling Company and shall indemnify it against any lability in respect of any and all consequential loss or damage howsoever arising, 8.6 Furthermere, notwithstanding Sub-Article 8.1.(c), the Handling Company shall indemnity the Carrier against Direct Loss of or damage to Cargo carried or to be carried by the Carrier (excluding mail) caused by the negligent act or omission by or on behalf of the Hlonding Gumpany tn the provision Ut Ure services emdiur We oupply of gown under te Agrecivert provided olwaye thet the Handling Company's liabiity shall be limited te as set cut in alice 22.3 cf the Montreal Convention 1999 or any amendment to that Convention in force at the time ofthe loss or damage or to the actual compensation paid out by the Carrier, whichever is less. In any event, the total emount of the Handling Company's liabilly under ths Sub-Atticle 8.6 shall not exceee USD 1,000,000, except thal loss or damage in respect of any daim below USD 500 shall not be indemnified. Carrier shall promptly noiify the Handling Company of any claim for indemnity under this Sub-Article 8.6 following actual knowledge of such indsmnity claim, provided however thatthe failure to give such notice shall not relieve the Handling Company of ts obligations hereunder except to the extent that Hancling Company is materially prejudiced by such failure. Any such claim for indemnity shall be submited within two 2) years of the expiration of the time limit set out in Article 31.2 of he Montreal Convention 1998, For the avoidance of doubt, the liabily of the Handling Company shall never exceed the liabilly of the Carrier. ARTICLE 9. ARBITRATION In the event of any dispute or claim conceming the scope, meaning, construction or effect ofthis Agreement, the Parties shall make all reasonable efforts to resolve dsputes amongst themselves. Failing mutual resolution of the dispute, the Parties may elect to resohe the disoute through arbitation (eitver by a single arbitator or a panel of arbitrators). Inthe event that the Parties, fall to agroo to an arbivation precess, the dispute shall be saltled in accordance with the laws of the state or juriséiclion se! out in ‘Annex(es) B, by the courts set out in Annexes) B without regard to principles of confict of laws, ARTICLE 10. STAMP DUTIES, REGISTRATION FEES 10.1 All stamp duties and registation fees in connection wih this Agreement, which may be prescribed under the national law of 1 Party to this Agreement, are payable by thal Party 10.2 All stamp duties and registation fees in connection wih this Agreement, which may be prescribed under the national aw of the location(s), as mertioned in the Annex(es) B and not being a location situated in the country of either Party to this Agreement will be shared equally between the Parties. {0TH EDTION JANUARY 2029 765 &, , we TATA _ Airport Handling Manual ARTICLE 11. DURATION, MODIFICATION AND TERMINATION 11.4 This Agreement shall be effective irom the date specified in the respective Annex(es) B. It shall supersede any previous arrangements between the Parles governing the provision of services at locations for which there are valid Anrex(es) B to this ‘Agreement 11.2 Modificaton of, or additions to this Agreement shall be recorded in Annex(es) B. 11.3 Any notice referred to under this Aricle 11 gven by one Party under this Agreement shall be deemed propery given if sent by registered letter, oF by olhet means where proof of receipt or ecknowledgement s obtained, 10 the respective office of the other Party as recorded in the Annexes) B. In the case of a registered letter notice shall be considered io be served on the date of receipt 11.4 This Main Agreement shall continue in force until terminated by either Party giving sixty days prior notice tothe other Party 11.5 Termination by ether Party of any Annex(es) 8 to ths Agreement of all or any part of the services provided at a specific locaton requires sixty days prior notice to the otter Party, In the event of part termination of services, consideration shall be given to an adjustment of charges. 411.6 Any Annex(es) B to this Agreement exceeding a defired period of validty, shall continue in effect unt terminated by eitner Paty providing sixty days prior notice to the other Party. 11.7 inthe event of eitrer Parties permits) or other authorizations) to operate inthe agreed location(s), wholy or in part, being revoked, cancelled, or suspended, that Party shall noi the other Party without delay. Thereafter either Party may terminate the ‘Agreement or the relevant Annex(es) 8 atthe effective date of such revocation, cancelation or suspension by ghing to the other Party notice within twenty-four hours after such event. 11.8 Either Party may terminate this Agreement and its Annexes at any time with immediate effect if he other Party becomes insolvent, makes a general assignment for tho benefit of creditors, or commits an act of bankruptcy ori a petiton in bankruptcy OF fo itsreoreanization or the readjustment of its indebtedness be fied by or against, provided the pein is feund justied by the appropriate authori, or if a receiver, trustee o liquidator of all or substarialy all fits property be appointed or applied for. 11.9 Both Parties shall be exempt from obligation f prompt notification is given by either Party in respect of any feilure to perform its obigations under this Agreement arising rom any of the following causes: + labor disputes involving complete or partial stoppage of work or delay in the perfomance of work; + force majeure or any other cause beyond the control o either Party 11.20 in tne event oF me Agreement or part mnereot Deing terminatea by noxice or oMenwise, such termination snail be winout prejudice tothe accrued rights end liabiltes of either Party prior to termination. 11.41 The Handling Company shall have the right at any time to vary the charges set out in the Annex(es) B provided, however, that the Handling Company has oiven notice in wating tb the Carrier not less than sixy days prior to the revised charoes becoming effective; the fist thrty days being a consultation peried. The notice shall specify the revised charges, whch the Handling Company proposes to introduce, together with the date on which they are to be brought into effect. 11.42 Notwithstanding Sub-Artite 11.11, when changes occur in the schedule, andlor frequencies andior types of aircraft other than those set out in Annex(es) B, which affect the handling costs, either Party shall have the right to request an adjustment to the handling charges as from the date of the change provided that the Party infors the other Party within thrty days of the change. ‘See optional text in AbsM 811 "Yellow Pages 11.43 Notwithstanding Sub-Artcle 11.11, when changes accur in the mandatory minimum wage enforced by the stale or local government, which affect the handling costs, either Party shall have the right request an adjustment te the handling charges as from the date of the change provided thai the Party informs the other Party wihout delay. ‘See optional text in AM 81 See optional text in AFM 8 “Yellow Pages” ‘Yoliow Pages: for 11.14 (NEW) ARTICLE 12, AUTHORIZATION TO CONTRACT Each Party warrants that it has the right to enter into this Agreement and that executon of this Agreement has been signed by authorized representalive(s) of each Party Signed the Signed the at at for and on behalf of for and on behalf of by by 766 {07H EOION, JANUARY 2020 Ground Handling Agreements—AHM 810 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 1 MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS. 141 Representation 12 Administrative Functions 13 Supervision and/or Co-ordination 14 Station Management SECTION 2 PASSENGER SERVICES 24 General 22 Departure 23 Arrival 24 Inter-modal Transportation by Rail, Road or Sea SECTION 3 RAMP SERVICES at Baggage Handing 32 Marshalling 33 Parking 34 Ancillary Items 35 Ramp to Flight Deck Communication 36 Loading and Unloading 37 Safety Measures 3.0 Moving of Aircraft 39 Exterior Cleaning 3.10 Interior Cleaning 341 Toilet Service 3.12 Water Service 3.13 Cabin Equipment 314 Storage of Cabin Material 3.18 Catering Ramp Handling 3.16 De-Icing/Anti-lcing Services and Snowilce Removal SECTION 4 LOAD CONTROL AND FLIGHT OPERATIONS 44 Load Contro! 42 ‘Communications, 43 Flight Operations 44 Crew Administration SECTION 5 CARGO AND MAIL SERVICES 5A Cargo and Mail Handling—General 52 Customs Control 53 Documentation and Information Handling 54 Physical Handing Outbound/Inbound 55 Transfer/Transit Cargo 56 Post Office Mail 57 Irregularities Handling {0TH EDTION JANUARY 2029 767 Airport Handling Manual SECTION 6 SUPPORT SERVICES 64 ‘Accommodation 62 Automation/Computer Systems 63 Unit Load Device (ULD) Control 64 Fuel Farm (Depot) 65 Ramp FuellingiDetuelling Operations 66 Surface Transport 67 Catering Services—Lizison and Administration SECTION7 SECURITY 7A Passenger and Baggage Screening and Reconciliation, 72 Cargo and Post Office Mail 73 Catering 74 Ramp 75 Additional Security Services SECTION 8 AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE a1 Routine Services 82 Replenishing of Oils and Fluids 83 Non-routine Services 84 Material Handling 85 Parking and Hangar Space 768 “49TH EOMON, sANUARY 2020 , TATA Ground Handling Agreements—AHM 810 IATA STANDARD GROUND HANDLING AGREEMENT STANDARD GROUND HANDLING AGREEMENT Annex A—Ground Handling Services to the Standaid Ground Handling Agreement effective from between: hereinafter referred to as ‘the Carrier’ or the Handing Company’, asthe case may be, and! hereinafter referred to as ‘the Handling Company’ or ‘the Carrer, asthe case may be. This Annex A is valid from: and replaces: SECTION 1. MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS 1.4. Representation 444 (a) Provide (0) Arrange For 1. guarantve 2. bond to facilitate the Carriers activites, 1.1.2 Liaise wit focal authorities 41.1.3 Indicate thatthe Handling Company is acting as handing agent for the Carrier 1.1.4 Inform all interested parties concerning schedules of the Carriers Aircraft 1.2. Administrative Functions 4.2.1 Establish and maintain local procedures 4112.2 Take acion on communicatione addrested tothe Carer 1.2.3 Prepare, forward, file and retain for a period, [as specified in Annex B), messages/reports/statistics/documents and perform ther acminisratve duties in the folowing areas (2). staton administration {b) passenger services {6) ramp services {oad contot {e) flaht operations (cargo services (g)_ mail services {h)_ support servees () seaunty (aircraft maintenance {k) other, [as specified in Annex B) See optional xt in AH 811 “Yellow Pages’ 4.2.4 Maintain the Carver's manuals circulars, ané other operational documents connected withthe perfrmance of the services 125 (a) Check (b) Sign (c) Forward ‘on behalf of the Carrier items inclucing, but rot limited to, invoices, supply orders, handling charge notes, work orders 4.2.6 Effect payment, en behalf af the Carter, including but not limited to (2). airgort, customs, police and other cherges relating tothe services performed {b) outetpocke expenses, accommodation, wanspert See optional text in ALM 51 1 “Yellow Pages’ {0TH EDTION JANUARY 2029 769 &, , we TATA _ Airport Handling Manual 1.3. Supervision and/or Co-ordination 434 (a) Supervise {b) Coordinate services contracted by the Carrer with third partyies) 41.3.2 Provide turnaround coordinator (TRC) 41.3.3 Ensure hat the third paryles) isare) informed about operational data and Carrie's requirements ina timely manner 1.3.4 Liaise withthe Carrier's designated representative 1.3.5 Verify availabilty and preparedness of personnel, equipment, Loads. documentation of third parties) 1.3.6 Meet aircraft upon arrival and Liaise with crew 1.3.7 Decide on non-routine matters 1.3.8 Verify dispatch of operational messages, 1.3.8 Note iregularties and inform the Carrier 1.4 Station Management 1.4.1 Provide represeniative on behalf of the Carrior to act (a) excusively (0) nomexclusively 4.4.2 The Handling Company is authorized to represent the Carrie's interest with regard to resolving governmental and local authorities matters 4.4.3 Attend local airport meetings on behalf of the Carrier (a) report to the Carrier resultsicontents of he meetings. {b) act, vote and commit on behalf of the Carrier 4.444 The Handling Company wil be authorized to (a) sou {b) negotiate {c) commit ‘services on behalf of the Carrer. wih the expenditurelcommitment limit fas speciied in Amex Bi, al the following locations airport lunges baggage delivery services janitorial newspapers delivery laundry services porters other, [as specified in Annex B] ‘See optional text in AHIU 811 “Yellow Pages’ 4.45 Negotiate and secure slot(s) and airport facilties, as evailable, on behalf ofthe Carrier 146 (a) Prepare {b) Request (c) Obtain the Carrier's 4. landing 2. overtying 3. other, [as specified in Annex B] permission, atthe airport locaton(s), fas specified in Annex 8] for (i) seasonal/scheduled fights il) adhoc fights 4.47 Perform and repert qualityiperformance measurements 4.4.8 Handle the contents of Care's company mail pouches, 1.4.9 Provide # complaints resolution officer (CRO), authorized to act on behalf of the Carrier 770 {07H EOION, JANUARY 2020 =&, TATA Ground Handling Agreements—AHM 810 SECTION 2. PASSENGER SERVICES 24 General 2.1.1 Inform Passengers andor public about time of arval andor departure of Caries Aircraft an surface transport 2.4.2 Make Arangements For, transfer and transit Passengers and their baggage and inform them atout services available at the airport 2.4.8 When requested by the Cartor (a) Provide {b) Arrange For special equipment facilites and specially tained personnel, for assistance to unaccompanied minors persons with rediced modilty (PRUs) Sips transt without via Passengers (TWOVs) deporees special meccal ransport other, [as specified in Annex B) ‘S00 optional toxin AH 811 "Yellow Pages 244 (a) Provide {B}. Arrange For passenger assistance when fights ae interupted, delayed or cancelled Such assistance shall include 4. meal vouchers 2. rebooking 3. transportation 4, hotel accommodation 5. personnel 2.4.8 Arrange For storage of baggage in the bonded store 246 a) Notfy the Cartier of complaints and claims made by the Carrier's Passengers {b) Process such claims, [as spectied in Annex B] 2.4.7 Report to the Carrier any regularities discovered in passenger and baggage handling 248 (a) Provide (b) Arrange For checkin counter(s) service counter(s) transfer counters) lounge faciities ‘ot up of Carrier specific tame, euch as butnot limited to carpate, mobie signa: other feces, [as specified in Annex 8] quouirg contral stanchions 2.1.9 Perform the folowing ticketngisales functions {2) reservations {6} issuance of Transportation Documents {6} ancliary services (6) ertcketing {6) other [a2 spacifiod in Annex Bl See optional xt in Abi 811 “Yellow Pages’ See optional txt in Abi 511 for 2.1.10 (NEW) {0TH EDTION JANUARY 2029 m7 Se TATA _ Airport Handling Manual 2.2 Departure 2.2.4 Perform pre-flight editing 2.2.2 Check and ensure that Tickets are valid forthe fight(s). (The check shall not include the fare) A the fllowing locations. (a) ) (c) (a) e) 0 223 (a) ) 224 (a) (b) ‘check-in area ounge transfer counter gate off-aipport other, [as specified in Annex B] (Check travel documents forthe fight(s) concerned within the booking. Handing Company shall be liable for Immigration Snes in the following eases 41. expired passports/visas or passporisvisas without the minimum required validity atthe day of entry 2. non-existence of visalnecessary travel document required by destination or transit station). (Excluding passports damaged or missing at point of trait or enty) In the event that the Handling Company does not have access to information that verifies visa valities and entry ‘conditions for the Passenger's final destination and transit points), the Handling Company will not have liabiity. ‘The Handling Company shall not be liable for immigration fines in the event of non-bona fide travel documents or other events, which are cutside of their corral. In the event an immigration fine is announced oF raised against the Carter, the Carrer wil make avaliable ‘o the Hendling Company all supporting documents to investigate the mater, Enter passenger andlor travel document information into Carrier's and/or government system atthe following locations checkin area lounge transfer counter gate orrairport other, [as specified in Annex B] Weigh andlor measure checked and/or cabin baggage Record bagcage figures 41. initial night 2. subsequent fghi(s) at the following locations check-in area lounge transfer counter gate oftairport ‘other, [as specified in Annex B] 2.2.5 Excess baggage (a) (b) te) (a) determine excess baggage Issue excess baggage ticket collect excess baggage charges delach applicable excess baggage coupons atthe following locations 112 checkin area lounge transfer counter gate off-airport other, [as specified in Annex B] 226Tag (a) checked baggage (b) cabin baggage for 4. initial fight 2. subsequent fghi(s) at te following locations (i) check-in area tounge )enstor counter (iv) gate (¥) offainport (vi) other, [as specified in Annex B] Ground Handling Agreements—AHM 810 2.2.7 Effect conveyance of checked baggage to the baggage sorling area at the following locations a) check-in area (b) lounge {¢) transfer counter (a) gate {e) other, [as specified in Annex B) 2.2.8 Effect conveyance of out of gauge (OO) checked baggage to the baggage sorting area atthe following locations a) check-in area (b) lounge {c) transfer counter (a) gate {e) other, [as specified in Annex B 2.2.8 Collect sitport andlor any other service charges from departing Passengers atthe following locations (2) ehook in area (b) lounge {@) transfer counter (a) gate {@) other, [as specified in Annex B} 22.10 {a) Cary out the Carriers seat allocation or selection system {®) Iseue boarding pass(es) {@) Detach applicable fight coupons for 4. initial fight 2. subsequent fighi(s) at the following locations (i) checkin arca (il) lounge }) transfer counter (iv) gate ()OfFairport (ui) other, fas specified in Annex 8) 2.2.41 Handle (a) deried boarding process (b) deried boarcing compensation atthe following locations check-in area lounge transfer counter gate other, [as specified in Annex B] 1713 &, SS aa TATA _ Airport Handling Manual 2.2.2 Direct Passengers {a) through contols to departure gate {b) to connecting transport to the airport, in case of ef-arport services 2.2.13 Handle upgradeldowngrede functions atthe following locations, (a) check-in area (b) lounge {e) transfer counter (a) gate {@) other, [as specified in Annex B} 2.2.14 Handle standby list at the following locations (a) check-in area (b) lounge {¢) transfer counter (a) gate {@) other, [as specified in Annex Bj 2.2.45 At the gate perform (a) verfication of cabin baggage {p) bozrding process: {c) reconciliation of passenger numbers with aircraft documents prior to departure {@) other gate functions, jas specifed in Annex B] ‘See optional toxt in APU 8 22.16 (a) Collect (@) Reconcile (c) Handle and forward to Cartier ‘Transportation Documents (fight coupons, or other fight related documents) uplited from departing Passengers 2.2.47 Perform post fight editing 23 Arrival 234 (a) Perform (b) Arrange For ‘openingiclosing aircraft passenger doors 2.3.2 Direct Passengers {a) from aircraft through contro!s {(b) arriving from the airpor, in case of off-arport services 233 (a) Provide (b) Arrange For 4. transfer counter 2. connecion services 3. baggage recheck 2.3.4 Handle lost, found and damaged property matters, (a) Provide (b) Arrange For acceptance of baggage irregularity reports entering of data into baggage tracing system ‘maintaining and monitoring baggage tracing system files for period, {as specified in Annex B) ‘making payments for incidental expenses delivery of delayed baggage to Passengers handling of communications with Passengers repair of replacement of damaged baggage handling of baggage in between localions, [as specified in Annex 8) 714 {ork EOmON, saRy 2020 , TATA Ground Handling Agreements—AHM 810 2.4. Inter-modal Transportation by Rail, Road or Sea 2.44 Carry out passenger and baggage handling as described in Sub-Sections 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3, [as specified in Annex 8}, substituting ral, road or sea transportation for aircraft and flght(s), and terminal for airpo. 2.4.2 Direct departing Passengers to connecting transport 2.4.3 Load baggage on connecting transport, as drected by the rall,road or sea transport operator 2.44 Handle arriving Passengers and baggage from the rai, road or sea transport operator 2.4.5 Direct arriving Passengers through controls tothe Carrier's flight departure services 2.46 Offload baggage from connecting transport. as directed by the rail, road or sea transport operator and transfer it to the Carriers airport services See optional text in AliMf 811 "Yellow Pages” SECTION 3. RAMP SERVICES 3.1. Baggage Handling 3.4.4 Handle baggage in (a) baggage sorting area {b) other location(s), [as specified in Annex B] 3.4.2 Segregete baggage, [as specified in Annex B) 3.1.3 Priority baggage (a) Provide (b) Arrange For 41. _sortation of prionty baggage 2. load priority baggage in accordance with Carrier's instructions 3. _prientize dolivery of prionty baggage to claim area 3.4.4 Prepare for delivery onto fights (a) bulk baggage {b) ULDe. {c) baggage accepted at a locat 3.4.5 Establish the number andlor weight of (a) bulk baggage (b) buit—up ULDs ‘and provide the load control unit with the information 3.4.6 Offload (a) bulk baggage (b) ULDs ‘See optional text in AMV 817 “Yellow Pages” 3.4.7 Deliver to claim area (a) baggage {b) outof gauge (006) ‘See optional toxt in AMI 8: 3.1.8 Transfer baggage (a) Provide (®) Arrange For n, [as specified in Annex 8) ‘Yollow Pages’ 41. _sortation of transfer baggage 2. storage of transfer baggage prior to dispatch [storage time limts to be specified in Annex 8) 3. tranopot of transfer baggage to the sorting area of the Receiving Carrier 3.4.8 Handle crew baggage 3.4.10 Baggage tracking a) Prove (b) Arrange For (c) Operate system to provide evidence of acquisition evidence of delivery inventory of bags, upon departure of fight data exchange (e.9. wth other airines) {0TH EDTION JANUARY 2029 7718 &, we TA _ Airport Handling Manual 3.2. Marshalling 3.24 (a) Provide (b) Arrange For ‘marshaling at artval andlor departure 3.2.2 Operate automated guidance systems 3.3. Parking 334 (a) Provide {b) Position andior remove wheelchocks 332 (a) Provide (b) Position andior remove landing gear locks engine blanking covers pitot covers: ‘surface control locks tailstands andior aircraft tethering safety cones other items, [as specified in Annex 8) 3.4. Ancillary Items 344 (2) Provide (®) Arrange For (©) Operate 4. around power unit 2. fixed ground power 3. cooling unit 4. heating unit 5. airstar unit 3.5 Ramp to Flight Deck Communication 3.5: Provide headsets, 3.8.2 Perform ramp to fight deck communication (a) durng push-back (b) during tow.in (©) durng engine staring (a) for other purposes See optional text in AHiM 511 “Yellow Pages’ 3.6 Loading and Untoading 3.64 (a) Provide (b) Arrange For (c) Operate 1. passenger steps 2. fight deck steps 3. loading bridges. 716 , TATA Ground Handling Agreements—AHM 810 362 (a) Provide (b) Arrange For 4. Passenger 2. crew transport between aircraft and Airport Terminals) 3.63 (a) Provide (b) Arrange For {e) Operate ‘equipment for loading andior unloading 364 (@) Prove {b) Arrange For delivery and pickup of 1. baggage 2 mobity devices a craft doors or other agreed points aes (2) Provide {b) Arrange For assembly and transport of beagage general Cargo Sbecil omens ocuments company mail botwoon agreed poins onthe airport ‘S00 optional ext in AM 81 Yellow Pages” 366 (2). Unload sirerat, roturring lashing materiale tothe Carior {b) Secregate Loads atthe airrah (6) Load and secure Loads inthe aircraft {)Redistrbute Loads in akcrat (e) Operate in-plane loading system (0) Repor final bad distrbution othe load control unit 36.7 Open, cose and secure atcraft hold doors (0) aircraft lower dock {b) aircraft main dock 368 (a) Provide (b) Arrange For ballast 3.60 (a) Provide (b) Arrange For safeguarding of all Loads requiring special handling during 41. loadinglunloading 2. transport between aircraft and designated point on the airport m7 &, , we TATA _ Airport Handling Manual 3.7. Safety Measures 374 (a) Provide 1, portable fre extinguisher on motorized/selt-propelled ramp equipment 2._ ramp fre extingusher (b) Arrange For 41. _allendance of airport fire services at aircraft 2. ramp fire extingusher 3.7.2 Perform visual external safety/ground damage inspection of (a) docrs and panels and immediste surroundings {b) other inspecion items, [as sperifed in Annex 8] 41. immediately upon arrival 2. immediately prior departure and communicate the results to ight crew or Carrie's Representaive 3.7.3 Check that all doors and access panels are properly closed ani locked 3.8 Moving of Aircraft 3.84 (a) Provide (b) Arrange For tow-in endlor push-back of aircraft towing of aircraf between other points ‘cockpit brake operator in connection with towing wing-walker(s) 3.82 (2) Towbar to be provided by the Carrer {b) Towbar to be provided by the Handling Company {6} Stor and maintain towbar(s) provided by the Carrier 3.83 (2) Provide (0) Instat {0) Remove sircrat steering bypass pin 3.9.4 Perform cleaning in accordance with Carriers written instructions of (a) fight deck windows {b) cabin windows, (6) aireran integral steps {(@) slats and leading edges fe) wings 41. upper surface 2. lower surface (0) flaps (extended) 41. upper surface 2. lower surface {g) ailerons, 41. upper surface 2. lower surface {h) engine naceles and pylons () fuselage 41. upper surface 2. lower surface (). horzontal stabiizer (k) verical stabiizer (landing gear {¢n) wheel wall See optional text in Abi 8 718 , Tava 3.10 Interior Cleaning 3.40.4 Clean Ground Handling Agreements—AHM 810 {a) fight deck, i specitiag, under the contra! of a person authorized by the Carrier {b) passenger and crew compartments (other than fight deck) empty ash trays dispose of litter Clear waste from overhead stowage wipe tables floors cemply refuse bins seals, mirrors and surrounds) ‘seats, seat back pockets and passenger senvice units surfaces in panties, galleys (sinks, working surfaces, ovens and surrounds) and toilets (wash basins, bowis, 9, remove, as necessary, any contamination caused by alrsickness, spilled food or drink and offensive stains 410. telephones, screens and other equipment 11. inside windows. ‘See optional toxt in AHIM 8 3.10.2 Remove and dispose of (a) iterwaste {b) food and food-related material (galley waste) ‘S00 optional toxt in APM’ 81 “Yellow Pages’ 3.103 Perform cabin dressing a) blankets/duvets (old/place in designated locations) (b) arrange seat belts {@) make up berths including crew (a) repace head rests {e) replace pilow covers (f,_restock tolletitems {g) repacelrestock seat back pocket items {h) other cabin items, (as specific in Annex B] with ‘Yllow Pages’ 41, materi’s provided by the Carrier 2. materias provided by the Handling Company ‘See optional text in AHIV 811 “Yellow Pages” 3.104 (a) Disinfect {b) Deodorize sireraR with 41. materias provided by Carer 2. materias provided by Handing Company ‘See optional text in AMV 811 "Yellow Pages” 3405 (a) Provide (b) Arange For laundering of 41. cabin tems (blankets/duvets/pllow cases) 2. linen 3.406 Clean (a) cargo compartments (b) ULDs ‘See optional text in AIM 8 "Yolliow Pages’ 719 &, , we TATA _ Airport Handling Manual 3.11 Toilet Service and (a) Provide (b) Arrange For 41. servicing (empty, clean, fush and replenish Nuids) 2. trituratoriisposal service 3.12, Water Service 3.424 (a) Provide (b) Arrange For 1. draining tanks 2. replenish tanks [water standard as specitied in Annex 8} 3. water qualty tess 3.13 Cabin Equipment 3.43.4 Rearrange cabin by (a) removing (©) installing {c) repositioning cabin equipment, for example, seats and cabin divider(s) See optional text in Abii 811 “Yellow Pages’ 3.14 Storage of Cabin Material 3.444 fa) Provide (b) Arrange For storage space for the Carters cabin material 3.442 Take inventory 3443 (a) Provide (©) Arange For replenishment of socks 3.18 Catering Ramp Handling 3.15.4 Unloadiioad and stow catering supplies fromion aircraft ‘See optional text in Alii 811 “Yellow Pages' 3.48.2 Transfer catering supplies on aircraft (a) between lower holds and galleys and vice versa {b) between galleys See optional text in HM 811 “Yellow Pages" 3.183 Transport catering supplies between aircrat and designated points ‘Seo optional text in Alii 811 “Yellow Pages' 3.16 De-leing/Ant 3.46.4 Remove contamination such as snow, slush, ice, frost, rime or similar from aircraft without using de-icing/antiicing fuid 3.162 Perform “Contamination Check” and inform fight crew or Carier's Representative of results, 3.163 If requred, perform aircrat type speciic checks (@.g. clear ice check, clean wing check, etc.) 3.164 (a) Provide (b) Arrange For anti-cinglde-icing equipment Jing Services and Snow/lee Removal 780 {07H EOION, JANUARY 2020 , TATA Ground Handling Agreements—AHM 810 3.16.5 Provide de-icinglant-icing fuids 3.16.6 Remove contamination from aircraft using de-icing fluid. The de-icng fluid to receive concentration end appearance inspecion prior use 3.16.7 Apply anti-icing uid to aircraft. The antt-icng fuld to recelve concentration and appearance inspection prior to use 3.16.8 Supenise perfomance cf de-icing/ant-cing operations. 3.169 Perform the post de-icing/anti-icing check, any aircraft type specific checks, if required, and submit the ant the fig crow 3.16.10 Complete documentation as agreed SECTION 4. LOAD CONTROL AND FLIGHT OPERATIONS 44 Load Control 4.4. Deliver bad contol related documents between aircreft and airport buildings and vice versa, ‘See optional text in AVM 811 "Yellow Pages’ 442 a) Process (b) Sign documents and information, including but not limited to, loading instructions, load and trim sheets, captain's load information ‘and manifests where 4. load control is performed by the Handling Company 2. Handling Company is pertorming inputs/updates when load control is performed by the Carrier or third party 4.2. Communications 4.2: Inform all interested parties concersing movements of the Carrer’s Aircraft 422 (a) Compile, receive, process and send all messages in connection wit the services periormed by the Handling ‘Company. ine rianaing Company 1s auinorizea to use Uamner's onginator code of aouble sigrature procedure (b) Inform the Carriers Representative ofthe contenis of such messages, 423 a) Prove (b) Operate ‘means of communication between the ground station and the Carrier's Aircraft 4.3. Flight Operations 4.3.1 Inform the Carrier of any known project affecting the operational services and facilities made avalable to is aircraft in the areas of responsbilty, (as specified in Annex B] 432 (a) Provide (0) Arrange For rmeteordogical documentation and aeronautical information 41, at the airport location(s). (as specified in Annex B] 2. at different airport location(s) 433 (a) Provide (0) Arrange For delivery of fight cperations related documentation tothe aircrat and obtain signature of the pilotin-command, where applicable 1. _at the airport location(s) [as specified in Annex B] 2. at different airpor location(s) {0TH EDTION JANUARY 2029 781 &, , we TATA _ Airport Handling Manual 4.3.4 Analyze the operational conditions and (a) prepare {(b) request fe) sign (a). make available the operational fight plan according tothe instructions and dala provided by the Carrier 41. at the airport location(s), fas specifed in Annex 8] 2. at different airport location(s) 3. en-route 435 (a) Prepare {b) Request (©) Sign (a) Filo the “Air Trafic Services” (ATS) fight plan 41. _at the airport location(s), [as specifed in Annex B] 2. at differant airport location(s) 436 (a) Request (b) Manage the Carrier's slot ime allocation with the ATS 41. at the airport location(s) fas specifed in Annex 2. at differant airpor location(s) 4.3.7 Provide the crew with a briefing 438 (a) Prepare (0) Sign (©) Delver 4. the fuel order 2. the fuel distribution form 4.3.8 Provide ground handing party(ies) with weight and fuel data 4.3.40 Obtain a dobrioting from incoming crows, distributing roports or completad forms to offices concerned ‘Seo optional text in Abi’ 81 “Yellow Pages' See optional text in APM 51 1"Yellow Pages" for 4.3.11 (NEW) 4.4 Crew Administration 4.4. Distribute crew schedule information provided by the Carrier to all parties concerned 4.4.2 Arrange hotel accommodation for ciew layover (a) scheduled (b) nor-scheduled 443 (a) Provide (b) Arrange For crew transportation torom oft pert locations 4.44 Direct crew through airpor facilities 4.45 Liaise with {a) crew layover hotel(s) {b) crew transpcrtation company ‘on crew call and pick-up tings 446 (a) Prepare crew allowance forms {b) Pay ctew allowances 4.4.7 Inform the Carrier's Representative of any crew indisposition or potential absence 782 {07H EOION, JANUARY 2020 SS Tava Ground Handling Agreements—AHM 810 SECTION 5. CARGO AND MAIL SERVICES 5.1. Cargo and Mail Handi saa (a) (b) 842 (a) (o) te) 19—General Provide ‘Arrange For 1. warehouse and storage facilty(ies) 2. warehouse handing equipment 3. warehouse handing services (i) general Cargo (il) Special Shipments i) Specialized Cargo Products (v) post office mail (v)_ diplomatic mail (vi) diplomatic Cargo (vi) company Cargoimaterial Issue Obtain Make available to Carer receipt upon delivery of Cargo 5.1.3 Take acion to (a) (b) ‘prevent theft or damage to the Carrier's Cargo and mail in custody of the Handling Company prevent theft or unauthorized use of, or damage fo the Carrier's palets, containers, nets, straps, tie-down rings and ‘other material in the custody of the Handing Company. Notify the Carrier immediately of any damage to or loss of such 5.2. Customs Control 524 (a) (o) () (a) for Pregare customs documentation Obiain customs clearance lace Cargo under customs control Present lo customs Cargo for physical examination 41. inbouné Cargo 2. outbound Cargo 3. transfer Cargo 5.3 Documentation and Information Handling 534 (a) (b) () (a) (e) 0 (9) (h) Prepare airwaybill or shipment record ‘Check all documentation to ensure shipment may be carried. The check shail not include the rates charged (Check securty status for the shipment(s) concerned and take action as per Carrier's nstructions, Obiain capacityrbookng information forthe Carrier's fights ‘Spit airwaytill. Forwerd copies of manifests and airwaybils or shipment recerd to the Carrier Prepare cargo manifest(s) Provide the ad contol unit with special load notification Return copy of airwayill or shipment record to shipper, endorsed with fight details ‘Check andior enter data into Carrier's andlor governmenticustoms system, [as specified in Annex B] Receive and process EDI messages (FWB/FHL. and e-CSD) received from Carrier or other parties Upon request from the Carrier print airwaybll copies in plain paper copy or IATA Resolution 600a format Provide and transmit EDI messages in accordance with the standards of the "Master Operating Plan” (NOP) Inform airline or shipper about shipment status via FSU message in accordance with the MOP. ‘Notify consignee or agent of arrival of shipments ‘Make cargo documents availatle to consignee or agent {0TH EDTION JANUARY 2029 783 &, , Se TATA _ Airport Handling Manual 533 (a) Provide (b) Arrange For 41. collection of “Charges Colect” as shown on the airwaybil or shipment record 2. collection of other charges and fees as shown on the airwaybil or shipment record 3. eredit to consignees or agents 334 (a) Provide (b) Arrange For dolivery of Cargoimailralated documentation framito agraed pointe and the aireraft 5.3.5 Prepare addiionsl documentation required for dangerous goods transportation by road and/or mariime 5.4 Physical Handling Outbound/Inbound 5.4.1 Accept Cargo, ensuring that (a) machine-readable cargo labels are affixed and processed {b) manual labels are affixed and processed {¢)_ shipments are “Ready for Camage” in accordance with IATA Resolution 833, (@) the weight and volume and number of pieces of the shipments are checked {(@) theregulations forthe carriage of special Cargo, particulary the IATA Dangerous Goods Reguations (DGR), IATA Live ‘Animals Regulations (LAR), IATA Perishable Cargo Regulations (PCR), and others have been complied with 5.4.2 Tally and assemble Cargo or dispatch ‘See optional text in AHI 811 for 6.4.3 (NEW) 5.4.3 Propare (a) bulk Cargo (b) ULDs using 1. build up materials provided by Carer 2. build up materia provided by Handling Company and establish (gross weight ) volume i) ULD contour ‘and provide the load control unit withthe information 5.4.4 Perform acceptance check on pre-built ULDs and establish, if accepted {a) gross weight (b) volume {c) ULD contour ‘and provide the load control unit with the information 54S {a) Load outbound Cargo on vehicles {b) Assemble Cargo for delivery to the aircrat 546 {a) Offload bulk Cargo from vehicles {b) Break down ULDs {c) Check incoming Cargo against airwaybils or shipment racord and manifests, {@)_ Release Cargo to the consignee or agent ‘See optional text in AMM 811 "Yellow Pages’ 5.4.7 Truck Service loading/oft-inading (a) check seals are intact on inbound trucks {b) offload truck prior to acceptance into warehouse {c)_ load truck after formal release irom warehouse (4) place coals tuck operated by/or on behalf of the Carrier See optional text in APM 511 “Yellow Pages’ 784 {ork EOmON, saRy 2020 , TATA Ground Handling Agreements—AHM 810 5.5 Transfer/Transit Cargo 5.5.1 Identify ransferfansit Cargo 5.5.2 Prepare transfer manifests for Cargo to be transported by another carrier 553 a) Provide (b) Arrange For transport to the Receiving Carriers warehouse 4. on airport 2. offairport 5.5.4 Acceptprepare {a) transfer Cargo (b) transit Cargo for onward carriage 5.6 Post Office Mail 5.6.4 Check {a) incoming (b) outgoing ‘mall against post ofice mail documents See optional text in Abii 81 f “Yellow Pages’ 5.6.2 In case of missing documentation, issue substitutes 8.6.3 Transport mail from {a) cargo warehouse to postal faciity {b) postal facility to cargo warehouse 1. on arpor 2. offairport together with documents, against receigt from postal authorities 5.6.4 Hanale ana check transfer mall against accompanying mall documents 5.6.5 Prepare (a) bulk mail (b) ULDs ‘and establish 1. gross weight 2. volume 3. ULD contour ‘and provide the load control unit with the information 5.6.6 Distribute incoming and/or outgoing post office mail documente See optional text in AMM 511 "Yellow Pages' for 5.6.7 (NEW) ‘See optional text in AH 811 “Yellow Pages" for 56.8 (NEW) ‘S00 optional toxtn AbiM 911 "Yollow Pages" for & 6.0 (NEW) 5.7. Irregularities Handling 5.7.1 Take immediate action in espect of irequlartes, damage or mishandling of dangerous goods and other Special Shipments 5.7.2 Report to the Carer any regularities discovered in (a) Cargo (0) mai 5.7.3 Handle st, found and damaged (a) Cargo (b) mai 574 (a) Notfy the Carrier of complaints and claims {b) Process claims 5.7.5 Take acion when consignee refuses acceptance and payment {0TH EDTION JANUARY 2029 785 &, , we TATA _ Airport Handling Manual SECTION 6. SUPPORT SERVICES 6.1 Accommodation 6.1.4 Provide the Carrer with {a) office space {(b) storage space (c)_ other facilites, [as specified in Annex B] ‘See optional text in AHIM 817 “Yellow Pages” 6.2 Automation/Computer Systems 6.24 (a) Provide (b) Arrange For {e) Operate ‘computer hardware and otter equipment [as specified in Annex 8] to enable access to 4. Carriers system 2. Handling Compeny’e system 3. other system 6.2.2 Perform the following functions in (a) Cariers system {b) Handling Company's system {¢)_ other system for training passenger reservations and sales passenger service baggage tracing ‘operations, load control cargo reservations and sales ‘cargo handling ‘cargo EDI messaging (IATA cargo-imp or IATA carge-xm) 410. post office mail handling 11. maintenance reorting 412. other functions, [as specifed in Annex 8) 6.2.3 Manage automated self check: (a) Provide (b) Arrange For device(s) and stock control stock replenishment hosting routine maintenance servicing and repair other, [as specified in Annex B] 6.3. Unit Load Device (ULD) Control 634 (a) Provide (b) Arrange For storage space for 4. passenger ULDs 2. cargo ULDs 3. post offce mail ULDs 4, other ULDs ‘See optional toxt in AMM 81 6.3.2 Take action to prevent damage, theft or unauthorized use of the Carrier's ULDs in the custody of the Handling Company. Notify the Carrier immediately of any damage or loss 786 {07H EOION, JANUARY 2020 , TATA Ground Handling Agreements—AHM 810 633 (a). Take physical inventory of ULD stock and maintain records {b) Compile and dispatch “ULD Control Messages” (UCM) {e) Compile and dispatch “ULD Stock Check Massages" (SCM) at agreed timings, [as specified in Annex B] ‘See optional text in AHI 811 6.34 Prepare ULD exchange control documentation for al transfers of ULDs and obtain signature(s) of the transferring and Receiving Carrer(s) or approved third parties and distribute cepies 6.3.5 Handle lost, found and damaged ULDs and notify the Carrer of such iregularities ‘See optional text in Abi 811 for 6.3.6 (NEW) 6.4 Fuel Farm (Depot) 6.41 Liaise with fuel farm suppliars 642 {a) Inspect the Carrier's fuel farm product dsliveries for contamination, prior to storage. Notify the Carrier of results {b) Inspect fuel farm storage andlor appliances. Notiy the Carrier of results 6.5 Ramp Fueling/Defueling Operations 6.5.1 Liaise with ramp ‘vel suppers 6.5.2 Inspect iuel vehicles andier appliances for contamination. Perform water detection checks 6.5.3 Supervise fueling!defueling operations 6.5.4 Prepare aircraft for fueling’defueling 6.8.5 Drain water from aircraft fuel tanks ose (a) Provide (0) Arrange For 2 detueting approved fueling/defveling equipment 6.5.7 Fucldetuel aircraft with quantities of products requested by the Carrier's designated representative 6.5.8 Check and verify the delivered fuel quantity 6.5.8 Deliver the completed fuel order to the Carrier's designated representative 6.6 Surface Transport See optional text in Ab 8 6.64 (a) Provide (b) Arrange For the transport of 4. Passengers baggage 2. 3. Cargo 4. post offee mail 5. 6 "Yollow Pages” - change of tle ‘empty ULDs other between ()aisport and town terminal i) aiport and other agreed points i) separate terminals al the same airport ‘See optional text in APM 511 “Yellow Pages’ 67 Catering Services—Liaison and Administration 6.7.4 Liaise with the Carriers catering supplior 6.7.2 Handle requisitions made by the Carrier's authorized representative {0TH EDTION JANUARY 2029 787 &, SS — TATA —_ Airport Handling Manual SECTION7. SECURITY 7.1 Passenger and Baggage Sort yaa (a) Provide (b) Arrange For 1. matching of Passengers against established data 2. security questioning (a) Provide (b) Arrange For 41. screening of checked baggage 2. screening of transfer baggage 3. screening of misnandled baggage 4. physical examination of checked, tansfer and mishandled baggage 5. identification of security ceared baggage 743 (a) Provide (b) Arrange For 41. screening of Passengers 2. screening of catinunchecked baggage 3. physical examination of Passengers and cabin/unchecked baggage a) Provide (b) Arrange For 1. _identtcation of Passengers prior to boarding 2. reconcilation of boarded Passengers with their baggage 3. positive baggage identification by Passengers 4. offloading of baggage for Passengers who fail to board the aircraft ‘See optional text n Abii 81 “Yellow Pages' 7.2. Cargo and Post Office Mail 724 (a) Provide (b) Arrange For control of access to the cargo facilities screening of Cargo andlor mail physical examination of Cargo holding of Cargo and/or mail for variable periods secure storage of Cargo andior mall 7.3. Catering 734 (a) Provide (b) Arrange For Control of access to the catering unit ‘security Supervision during food preparation security check of catering upits ‘sealing of food and/or bar trolleys/containers physical examination of catering vehicles pror to loading sealing of catering vehicles 788

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