To create a given part as a 3D solid model using CATIA V5 software.
1. CPU with Intel I3 processor.
2. A colour monitor with highest 32-bit colour display and with screen resolution 1024 by 768 pixels.
3. A scroll mouse.
4. Keyboard
1. Windows 7 operating system
1. Initially draw a rectangle of length 120mm and breadth 15mm in xy-plane (F.V) and constraint it to
the centre.
2. As there is a slot in the bottom, take another rectangle of length 60mm and breadth 5mm in the
bottom of the first rectangle. Trim the unwanted part.
3. Exit Workbench, by using the ‘pad’ option from surface based future toolbar create a pad depth of
80 mm, a solid body of base has been created.
4. Now return to the sketcher and draw two concentric circles above the rectangle. Inner circle
diameter D=50mm, Outer circle diameter D=70mm. the vertical distance from centre of circle to
rectangle is 60mm and the horizontal distance is 30mm.
5. Now, construct another rectangle for the web between concentric circles and the initial rectangle.
Its distance is 60mm from the centre of the circles and width is 10mm.
6. By using the ‘pad’ option with thickness 60mm, project the body.
7. For constructing the slant web, return to sketcher and use the option ‘project 3D element’ and
select 3 references to get 3D body directly. Those 3 references are outer circle, top line of
horizontal rectangle and left side of vertical web.
8. From left corner of horizontal rectangle, at 35mm, draw a line tangent to the outer circle. Now trim
the unwanted part.
9. Now, by using ‘pad’ option, with thickness of 10mm, project the body.
10. From the top view, draw 4 circles on the 4 corners with diameter 10mm. Distance from both
vertical and horizontal sides to centre of 4 circles is 15mm. By using the ‘pocket’ option, we get the
11. Edit and save if necessary.
12. Exit the CATIA software.
13. Log off the system.
1. Constraints has to be applied very carefully while crating the profiles.
2. Computer hardware should be handled carefully at the time of working.
Thus, the 3D solid model the part has been created on the software CATIA V5 with accurate dimension and
with all respects.
Thus, the 3D solid model the part has been created on the software CATIA V5 with accurate dimension and
with all respects
To create a given part as a 3D solid model using CATIA V5 software.
1. CPU with Intel I3 processor.
2. A colour monitor with highest 32-bit colour display and with screen resolution 1024 by 768 pixels.
3. A scroll mouse.
4. Keyboard
1. Windows 7 operating system
1. Initially to draw the aerofoil, we can get the dimensional details from the internet and we can
download it to the Microsoft Excel.
2. Choose xy-plane and go to mechanical design and then to part design in the CATIA and in the excel
sheet choose macros. There choose GSD point in the below and click on the ‘run’ option.
3. Now we can get an aerofoil directly in the CATIA.
4. By choosing ‘pad’ option project the body.
5. By choosing ‘rectangular frame’ option, give 6 aerofoils to be designed with thickness of 5mm each
and the distance between each aerofoil is 40mm.
6. Return to sketcher by choosing the initial aerofoil. For getting spars, construct ‘I’ sections in the
front and rear of the aerofoil. For getting ribs, construct small rectangles on the top of the aerofoil.
7. By using ’pad’ option, project these ribs and spars.
8. Now for getting the wing cover, go to ‘mechanical design’ and then to ‘wireframe and surface
design’. Choose ‘extrude’ option on xy-plane.
9. Hence, aircraft wing is designed.
10. Edit and save if necessary.
11. Exit the CATIA software.
12. Log off the system.
1. Constraints has to be applied very carefully while crating the profiles.
2. Computer hardware should be handled carefully at the time of working.
Thus, the 3D solid model the part has been created on the software CATIA V5 with accurate dimension and
with all respects
figure: normal view in x y plane
1. Constraints has to be applied very carefully while crating the profiles.
2. Avoid sudden transition of cells while doing meshing of model.
3. Avoid generating of negative volume cells in mesh.
4. Computer hardware should be handled carefully at the time of working.
Result: Static Structural analysis on a beam has been completed; the total deformation variation and stress
variation values are noted for the given geometrical model by using ANSYS Workbench.
total deformation
Note: No Need to draw any diagrams attach all the Numerical Results Images at the end of the experiment.
fig: Geometry
fig: Mesh
fig: Total Deformation
fig: Normal Stress
Steady state thermal analysis on a given geometrical model by using Ansys workbench.
1. CPU with Intel I3 processor.
2. A colour monitor with highest 32-bit colour display and with screen resolution 1024 by 768 pixels.
3. A scroll mouse.
4. Keyboard
1. Windows 10 operating system
2. Ansys 18.1
WORKING STEPS: (Procedure)
• The pump housing is mounted to a pump that is held at a constant 60 °C. We will assume that the mating
face on the pump housing is also held at this temperature.
• The interior surfaces of the pump housing are held at the constant temperature of 90 °C by the contained
• A simplified convection correlation for stagnant air at 20 °C will be applied to the exterior surfaces of the
pump housing.
Project Schematic
1. From the Toolbox, double-click “Steady-State Thermal” to create a new Steady-State Thermal analysis
2. Select the Geometry cell, then RMB (Right Mouse Button) > Import Geometry > Browse… >
“Pump_housing.stp” > Open.
3. Double-click the Engineering Data cell and activate the Engineering Data Sources toolbar button.
4. Select the General Materials data source. In the Outline view, click the ‘+’ symbols next to “Aluminium
Alloy” and “Polyethylene” to add them to the project.
5. Return to Project Schematic view.
6. Double click the Model cell to open the Mechanical application.
7. From the Units menu, verify that “Metric (mm, kg, N, s, mV, mA)” and “Celsius (For Metric Systems)” are
8. Assign material and mesh control to the pump housing.
a. Expand the Geometry branch and select part “1.”
b. In the Details view, assign the material “Polyethylene.”
c. Select the Mesh branch and set Relevance to “100.”
d. Set Element Size to “4 mm.”
9. Select the Steady-State Thermal branch, then:
a. Use Extend to Limits to select the 13 interior surfaces of the pump housing.
b. RMB (Right Mouse Button) > Insert > Temperature.
c. In the Temperature Details view, set Magnitude to 90 °C.
d. Select the mating surface of the pump housing.
e. RMB > Insert > Temperature.
f. In the Temperature Details view, set Magnitude to 60 °
10. Apply Convection:
a. Use Extend to Limits to select the 32 exterior surfaces of the pump housing.
b. RMB > Insert > Convection.
c. In the Convection Details view, click the arrow in the Film Coefficient data field and choose “Import
Temperature Dependent…” from the fly-out menu.
d. From the list of correlations, select the “Stagnant Air -Simplified Case” and click OK.
e. Set the “Ambient Temperature” field to 20 °C.
11. Solve.
Post processing
12. Insert Temperature and Total Heat Flux results, evaluate, and review results for the polyethylene pump
1. Constraints has to be applied very carefully while crating the profiles.
2. Avoid sudden transition of cells while doing meshing of model.
3. Avoid generating of negative volume cells in mesh.
4. Computer hardware should be handled carefully at the time of working.
Result: Steady state thermal analysis has been completed; the temperatures variation and heat flux
variation values are noted for the given geometrical model by using Ansys Workbench.
Total Heat flux
Note: No Need to draw any diagrams attach all the Numerical Results Images at the end of the experiment.
(b). Airfoil
First, create the geometry of the airfoil. Concept > 3D Curve. In the Details View window, click
Coordinates File and select the ellipsis to browse to a file. Browse to and select the geometry file you
downloaded earlier. select the desired geometry file, click to create the curve. Click to get a better look at
the curve.
Creating a surface from the curve just generated. Go to Concepts > Surfaces from Edges. Click anywhere
on the curve just created, and select Edges > Apply in the Details View Window. Click to create the surface.
Click to create a new coordinate system. In the Details View window, select Type > From Coordinates .
For FD11, Point X , enter 1.
Click to generate the new coordinate system. In the Tree Outline Window, select the new coordinate
system created (defaulted to Plane 4 ), then click to create a new sketch. This will create a sketching plane
on the XY plane with the tail of the airfoil as the origin. At the bottom of the Tree Outline Window, click the
Sketching tab to bring up the sketching window.
The first action is to create the arc of the C-Mesh domain. Click .
To create the right side of the C-Mesh donain, click . Click the following points to create the rectangle in
this order - where the arc meets the positive vertical axis, where the arc meets the negative vertical axis,
then anywhere in the right half plane.
Assign the arc a value of 12.5. Also, assign the horizontal dimension a value of 12.5.
(d). Create Quadrants
Break up the new surface into 4 quadrants
To begin, select Plane 4 in the Tree Outline Window, and click . Open the sketching menu, and select .
Draw a line on the vertical axis that intersects the entire C mesh. Trim away the lines that are beyond the
Next, go to Concepts > Lines from Sketches. Select the line and click Base Objects > Apply , followed by .
Project the lines onto the surface. Go to Tools > Projection . Select Edges press Ctrl and select on the
vertical line then press Apply . Next, select Target and select the C-Mesh surface, then click Apply .Once
click , Repeat this process to create 2 more projections: one projection the line left of the origin onto the
left surface, and one projecting the right line on the right surface. When finished, the geometry should be
split into 4 parts.
Suppress the line bodies by right clicking in the tree. The surface body to be transferred to the mesher.
The geometry is finished. Save the project and close the design modeller.
2. Mesh
(a) Mapped Face Meshing
Mesh to bring up the Meshing Toolbar. In the Meshing Toolbar, select Mesh Control > Mapped Face
Meshing. Making sure the face selection filter is selected , select all four faces, in the Details view Window
select Geometry > Apply.
3. Physics Setup
(a) Launch the Solver
Return to the Project Outline window. Now, click .
This will load the mesh into FLUENT. Now, double click Setup. The Fluent Launcher Window should open.
Check the box marked Double Precision.
Under Properties, density is set to Constant and enter 1 kg/m^3 as the density. Click Change/Create to
set the density.
(e) Boundary Conditions
Problem Setup > Boundary Conditions.
Select Inlet > velocity-inlet:
Velocity Specification Method > Components.
Specify X-Velocity as 0.9945 m/s and Y-Velocity as 0.1045 m/s. press OK
Select Outlet > pressure-outlet:
and ensure that the Gauge Pressure is defaulted to 0. this window.
select airfoil. Select Type > Wall
4. Numerical Solution
(a). Methods
Solution > Solution Methods.
under Flow the selection is Second Order Upwind.
(b). Monitors
Solution > Monitors.
Residuals, Statistic, and Force Monitors. Select Residuals - Print, Plot and press Edit.
In the Residual Monitors Window, we want to change all of the Absolute Criteria to 1e-6.
(c) Initial Guess
Solution > Solution Initialization.
In the Solution Initialization Window, select Compute From > Inlet.
Initialize the solution by clicking Initialize.
(d). Solve
Solution > Run Calculation.
Change Number of Iterations to 3000, then double click Calculate.
5.Numerical Results
(a). Velocity
Results > Graphics and Animations. In the Graphics and Animations Window, select Vectors and click Set
Vectors of > Velocity, Color by > Velocity, and set the second box as Velocity Magnitude. To see the
velocity vectors, press Display.
Save The Results
(b). Pressure Contours
Results > Graphics and Animations again, and in the Graphics and Animations Window,select Contours.
Click Set Up... to bring up the Contours Menu. Check the box next to Filled. Under Contours Of, ensure
that the two boxes that are selected are Pressure... and Static Pressure.
press Display to see the pressure contours.
Save The Results
(c). Streamlines
Contours Of box to Velocity, and the box below to Stream Function. Change Levels to 100. Also, uncheck
the box marked Auto Range, and set Min(kg/s) to 13.11, and Max(kg/s) to 14.16
To view the streamlines, press Display
Save The Results
1. Constraints has to be applied very carefully while crating the profiles.
2. Avoid sudden transition of cells while doing meshing of model.
3. Avoid generating of negative volume cells in mesh.
4. Computer hardware should be handled carefully at the time of working.
Result: The flow over an aerofoil has completed by using Ansys Workbench 18.1.
Cl max =
Cd max =
Cp =
Note: No Need to draw any diagrams attach all the Numerical Results Images at the end of the experiment.