Previous Year Question Papers SAPM

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X Interdisciplinary Sec.. e.

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) Printed Pages: 2 Roll No.

() Questions :14 Sub. Code : 0823

Exam. Code : 0 0 1 4

Bachelor of Commerce 4h Semester

Paper : BCM-401

Time Alowed : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80

Note Attempt any FOUR questions from Section Aof5 marks

each. Attempt any TWO questions cach from Section B
and Section C of 15 marks cach.
What are the main objectives of investment ?
2. Wite a note on value Investing and growth investing.
3. Explain the concept of Risk and Return TRADE-OFF.
4. What do you understand by efficient market theory ?
5. Discuss the various benefits of Global Investing.
6. State and explain the concept of portfolio performance

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2. What do you understand by Investment Strategy ? What factors
should be considered while adopting a particular strategy ?
3. What is Fundameual analysis ? Explain various lools of fundamental
4. Explain the concept of Risk. What are the difTerent techniques
of measuring risk ?

5. What are the diferent types ofTechnical indicators? Explain in

detail. 15x2


6. Discuss the different Stages in Portfolio Management.

7. Describe in detail Sharpe and Treynor measure of Portfolio
8. What is Capiual asset pricing theory ? Discuss its implications on
pricing ofassets.
9. What are the benefits of investing internationally ? Also discuss
the risk involved in he same. 15x2

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) Printed Pages : 2 Roll No.

(Ü) Questions 9 Sub. Code: 0823

Exam. Code: 0014

Bachelor of Commeree 4 Semester

Paper : BCM-401

Time Allowed : Three Hours] |Maximum Marks : 80

Note Attempt FOUR short answer type questions from

Section-A. Attempt TWOquestions each from Section-B
and Section-C respectively.
1. Attempt any fourof the following :
() Distinguish between Investment and Speculation.
(b) What are Index Funds ?

(c) Explain Unsystematic risk.

() Explain Candle Stick chart.

(e) Explain Weak fom efficient market.

() Explain the objectives of Portfolio management. 4x5

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7. Distinguish between Investment and Speculation. Is it possible
lo incorporate investment and speculation with the same
security ? Explain.
"Higher the risk, higher will be return." In this context discuss
the various risks associnted with an investment.
9 What is meant by Technical Analysis ? Explain the Dow
Theory, How it cun be used to determine the dircction of
Stock Market

10. Discuss the different kinds of long-tern 'opportunitics of

Investment available for a common Investor with moderate
risk taking capabilities.
11. What do you understand by Portfolio management? State and
explain the various approaches of portfolio construction.
12. "Sharpe model of portfolio analysis is an improvement over
Markowitz Model". Critically analyze the above statement.
13. State and explain Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM).
How it differs from Arbitrage Pricing Model (APM) ?
14. What are the reasons of Global Investment ? What are the
various global investment options available to an investor
for global investing ?

0823/PQ-16643 13000
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Exam.Code 0014
Sub, Code: 0823
Bacheio e
BCM-401: laterdisciplinary Securiry Analysis and Partfollo Munugerment
Time allowed: ) Hours Max. Ma 0
NOTE Anemgt four uhort annver op querlona from Secrion-d Atampt bea questionz each
from Section B and Crespecthvely

L Aempt ay fou of the following:
a) State and explain nain objectiven of irvestment.
b) What do you understand by value investing and growth inveting?
c) Wite Anote on Rink snd Retun Trade Of
Explaion the concept of portfotlo performance naluatjgs
e) Discuss the varlous benefits of global imveting
) What do you understand by effciet aarkat theory (45)

n How imvestnent in different from speculation? What investment alternatives ar
available to a common inyetor in Lodia? (15
"Higher he risk, bigher will be the retun'. in this context discuss the Variaus riaka

asOciated with an investment/aset. (15)

What do you understand by fundaetal nalysia? State ud explain various

approaches of fundanental aalysis

Write note on the following:

a) Factor consldered to ndopt an ivestment strategy
b) DOW theory 2&75)
VL What do you understand by Portfolio Managment? Siate and explain the vrious
nents of patfolia manAgement. (15)

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Sub. Code: 0823

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Sub. Code 0823


V *Sharpe model of portfolio analysis ia n improvemert over Markowitz Model".

Diacums the above slatenent. (15)

V! State and explain Captal Aet Pricing Model (CAPM). How it dilers frora
Arbitrge Pricing Modet (AP()? (15)
j e t t y s tcu d
o y
m .

DX. Explain the various reasons of global investment what options are svallable to
investor for global investenent, (15)

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Eam.Code: Ololil4|

Bacbelor of Comeree Semester

Paper DCM-401

Tiae Allewed: Three Heural Mextve Marks: 80

Nede Alcmpt aty four quesio fom Section-A Each question
ara 5 marka. Aicmpt y questions ach fum
Section-B and Section-C. Eachquttion caries 15 marks.
. Wate the main otjectives ofinveet 7
owCn te na of an v e d
le dd md uovsenale risk
4 Suethe cxolain he oecspt ef Pertfollo magmemt
s. Why portfolio pefance evahuation is neoded 7
6 Explain the benefts of gobal imvestmet
7. How ievestnent ia dfeent fromspeculation ?What investrnend
options are avallable to n ivestor far maling investent ?
4 "Higher the retun, hgher will be te rial"h tis coatont, dacum
the various risks associated with a aset

33/TQZi4571 urs ever

9. What do you understand by ivestneat strategy 7 What facdors

skold be considesd uhlc dogngaprdcr imetnent y?
10. What do you mcan by Technical Analysis 7 How does technical
nalysia difer from f
11. What are the elements of Portfolio Management 7What e the
fcton that apordotlio managrhold koep inmind whik deciding
on sn investment 7
12 Shpesmodel ia n inpovemt ovr Makowitu model. Decu
13. Slate and explain Capitl Aset Pricing Model (CAPM). Howit
diflers from the artitrnge pricing model ?
14. What ere the varioa options avaiable to an ivestor for plobal

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