Previous Year Question Papers SAPM
Previous Year Question Papers SAPM
Previous Year Question Papers SAPM
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) Printed Pages: 2 Roll No.
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GR23/PT-29502 ITurn over
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2. What do you understand by Investment Strategy ? What factors
should be considered while adopting a particular strategy ?
3. What is Fundameual analysis ? Explain various lools of fundamental
4. Explain the concept of Risk. What are the difTerent techniques
of measuring risk ?
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7. Distinguish between Investment and Speculation. Is it possible
lo incorporate investment and speculation with the same
security ? Explain.
"Higher the risk, higher will be return." In this context discuss
the various risks associnted with an investment.
9 What is meant by Technical Analysis ? Explain the Dow
Theory, How it cun be used to determine the dircction of
Stock Market
0823/PQ-16643 13000
< 2/2
L Aempt ay fou of the following:
a) State and explain nain objectiven of irvestment.
b) What do you understand by value investing and growth inveting?
c) Wite Anote on Rink snd Retun Trade Of
Explaion the concept of portfotlo performance naluatjgs
e) Discuss the varlous benefits of global imveting
) What do you understand by effciet aarkat theory (45)
n How imvestnent in different from speculation? What investment alternatives ar
available to a common inyetor in Lodia? (15
"Higher he risk, bigher will be the retun'. in this context discuss the Variaus riaka
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V! State and explain Captal Aet Pricing Model (CAPM). How it dilers frora
Arbitrge Pricing Modet (AP()? (15)
j e t t y s tcu d
o y
m .
DX. Explain the various reasons of global investment what options are svallable to
investor for global investenent, (15)
< 2/2
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Eam.Code: Ololil4|