Entry Level Web Designer Resume Free PDF

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Career Summary  Website design  E-commerce

An energetic and imaginative young web developer who is able to  Mobile devices  Animations
work alongside other talented IT professionals in creating  Front end coding  Fireworks
websites to the very highest standards. Amanda has a high  Database solutions  Trouble shooting
awareness of industry issues and trends, particularly in regard to
accessibility, usability, emerging technologies, and open source KEY COMPETENCIES
CMS. She is an ambitious type who wants to get noticed, and has
the drive and massive energy needed to really make a difference  Providing innovative new ideas and solutions to
to a project. Right now she is looking for an entry level position problems.
with an exciting company that wants to attract talented people.  Able to juggle priorities and multiple projects.
 Learning new technologies and keeping abreast of
markets developments.
 Having creativity and imagination.
Academic Qualifications  Adaptable and able to pick up new techniques.
 Thorough and precise.
Coventry North College 2011 - 2012
Diploma in Web Design Pass PERSONAL SKILLS

 Handling criticism well and learning from it.

Birmingham South High School 2008 - 2011
Maths Pass  Able to work in a multi-disciplined team that
English Pass includes designers, developers, consultants, and Project
Geography Pass
Physics Pass  A keen approach to learning.
Business Studies Pass  Working to short lead times.
Physical Education Pass

 National certificate in IT.

 Passed course on object-oriented design.
Web developer skills acquired whilst studying
 Completed course in Linux operating systems.
 Programmed code for mass data conversions.
 Establishing the purpose of the website based upon its target
audience.  Advanced First Aid Certificate.
 Aware of international web standards and protocols.
 Comprehensive knowledge of HTML, XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, HOBBIES AND INTERESTS
HTML5 and CSS3. Amanda likes challenges and solving technical
 Creating websites that are user-friendly, effective and problems. One of her favourite pastimes is entering
appealing. competitions or quizzes, and then doing her best to
 Producing, modifying and maintaining websites and web win. She is also a very sociable person who values
true friendship.
 Creating quality web pages.
 Explaining the costs and benefits of a proposed website to
customers and end users. REFERENCES
 Successful Search Engine Optimisation. Available on request.
 Testing a website & identifying bugs & technical problems.
 Developing cross-browser and cross-platform compatible CONTACT DETAILS
Amanda Cooper
 Ability to read and understand script languages like Perl.
 Designing, implementing and supporting database Dayjob Ltd, 120 Vyse Stree Birmingham B18
development on an SQL server. 6NF T: 0044 121 638 0026 - E: info@dayjob.com
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© This entry level web developer resume template is the copyright of Dayjob Ltd 2012. Jobseekers may download and
use this example for their own personal use to help them create their own unique student resume. You are most
welcome to link to any page on our site www.dayjob.com. However this sample must not be distributed or made
available on other websites without our prior permission. For any questions relating to the use of this resume template
please email: info@dayjob.com.

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