Project Brief

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Project Brief

Contact Informations Project Overview

Name Objective ( What is the end goa s do your e l xpected )

John Doe Write down here


Phone Number


Project Requirement

Service Included A dditional Service

-We b Development

-Responsive Website Design

-User Research

-Competitor Analysis
s s v
Under tand your cu tomer moti ation, how to trigger action,


-3 round of revision

and make them loyal to your

-U er Te ting

Validate and te t your we bsite to your customer

Pages Nee ded dditional Features


Write down here

-Landing Page

-About Page


-Blog Page

-Product Catalog

-Email Subscriptions

Budget Range Preferences

Write down here

Business Profiling Customer Profiling

Company Name Persona ( Who is your customer? )

Write down here

Age :

Sex :

Existing Website ( Only if available )

Education :

Write down here Occupation :

Etc :

Key Activities ( What is your business doing? )

Write down here

Market Competition Bran d and Visual Preferences

Competitor List ( Name 3 to 5 your competitor? ) Brand Character ( Choose up to 3 that represent your brand
perfectly )
Write down here

[ ] Caring
[ ] Fresh

[ ] Classic
[ ] Helpful

[ ] Clean
[ ] High-Tech

[ ] Credible
[ ] Humble

[ ] Modern
[ ] Minimalist

[ ] Elegant
[ ] Nature

[ ] Exciting
[ ] Playful

[ ] Retro
[ ] Simple

Unique Value Proposition k

( What ma es you di fferent? ) References ( Examples of your desire )

Summari e the di fferent value propositions Write down here

that set your business apart from your


01 What i s the problem you are solving?

Style Guides ( Only if available )

02 Why would someone want to have this
problem solved?

Write down here

03 What is the underlying motivator for this


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