Higher Education and Life Abroad

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Rizal’s Life: Higher Education and Life Abroad

Triumps in Ateneo
 He studied in the Ateneo Municipal, a college under the supervision of the Spanish Jesuits and
later became the Ateneo de Manila. It was formerly the Escuela Pia (Charity School), a school
for poor boys in Manila which was established by the city government in 1817.
 They had lost all their properties during the period of their exile, hence they were given
splendid educators, so that within a few years Ateneo acquired wide prestige as an excellent
college for boys.

Rizal Enters the Ateneo

 At first, Father Magin Fernando, who was the college registrar, refused to admit him for
reasons: (1) he was late for registration and (2) he was sickly and undersized for his age, he
was then 11 yrs old. However, upon the intercession of Manuel Xerez Burgos, a nephew of
Father Burgos, he was reluctantly admitted at the Ateneo.
 Jose was the 1st of his family to adopt the surname “Rizal”, he registered under this name
because their 1st family name “Mercado” had come under suspicion of the Spanish authorities.
 Rizal studied in the Ateneo, he 1 st boarded in a house outside Intramuros on Caraballo Street
owned by a spinster named Titay who owed the Rizal family in order to collect part of the debt.

Rizal’s First Year in Ateneo (1872-73)

 Rizal’s 1st professor was Fr. Jose Bech. Being a newcomer and knowing little Spanish, Rizal
was placed at the bottom of the class. He was externo (non-boarders), hence he was assigned
to the Carthagians Empire (one of the two groups known for the students).
 At the end of the month he became “emperor” (ranks of being the best student in each
empires), the brightest in the whole class and awarded a prize of religious picture. He was
proud of it because it was the 1st prize he ever won in the Ateneo.
 To improve his Spanish, Rizal took private lessons in Santa Isabel College during the noon
recesses and paid P3.00 for those extra Spanish lessons.
 He placed second at the end of the year, although all his grades were still marked “excellent”.

Summer Vacation
 Rizal return in Calamba but was unhappy because of the imprisonment of his mother. Without
telling his father, he went to Santa Cruz and visited his mother in prison. He told of his brilliant
grades in the Ateneo and tearfully embraced each other.
 The summer vacation ended, Rizal returned in Manila and boarded inside Intramuros with his
landlady an old widow named Doña Pepay who had widowed daughter and four sons.

Second Year in Ateneo (1873-74)

 Some of his classmates were new among them were three boys from Biñan who had been his
classmates in the school of Maestro Justiniano.
 At the end of the school year, Rizal received excellent grades in all subjects and a gold medal.

Prophecy of Mother’s Release
 In the course of their conversation, Doña Teodora told her son of her dream then Rizal
interprets such dream and said to her that she would be released from prison in 3 months’
 Rizal’s prophecy became true, barely 3 months passed and suddenly Doña Teodora was set
free but by that time Rizal was already in Manila attending his classes in the Ateneo.

Teenage Interest in Reading

 The 1st favorite novel of Rizal was The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexander Dumas.
 As a voracious reader he read not only fiction but also non-fiction.
 He persuaded his father to buy him a costly set of Cesar Cantu’s historical work entitled
Universal History, this valuable work was of great aid in his studies and enabled him to win
more prizes in Ateneo.
 Later Rizal read Travels in the Philippines by Dr. Feodor Jagor, German scientist traveler who
had visited the Philippines. The impression to him of this book were the keen observations of
the defects of Spanish colonization and his prophecy that someday Spain would lose the
Philippines and that America would come to succeed her as colonizer.

Third Year in Ateneo

 Her mother was released from prison just as he predicted during Rizal last visit.
 Rizal was happy but did not make an excellent on his studies. His grades remained excellent
in all subjects but he won only one medal in Latin.

Fourth Year in Ateneo

 One of his professors this time was Fr. Francisco Sanchez, a great educator and scholar. He
inspired young Rizal to study harder and write poetry also Rizal considered him as his most
beloved professor in the Ateneo.
 He topped all his classmates in all subjects and won five medals at the end of the school term.

Last Year in Ateneo

 Rizal known the most brilliant Atenean of his time, “the pride of the Jesuits”.
 He obtained the highest grades in all subjects – philosophy, physics, biology, chemistry,
languages, mineralogy, etc.

Graduation with Highest Honors

 Rizal at the age of 16 years old, graduated at the head of his class and received the degree of
Bachelor of Arts with highest honors.

Extra- Curricular Activities at Ateneo

 He was a campus leader outside aside of being emperor inside the classroom.
 He was an active member, later secretary of a religious society the Marian Congregation.
 Member of the Academy of Spanish Literature and the Academy of Natural Sciences.
 Rizal cultivated his literary talents under the guidance of Father Sanchez.

 He studied painting under the famous Spanish painter Agustin Saez and sculpture under
Romualdo de Jesus a noted Filipino sculptor.
 He thereby continued the physical training he began under his sports minded Uncle Manuel.

Sculptural Works in Ateneo

 Rizal carved an image of Our Virgin Mary on a piece of batikuling (Philippine hardwood) with
his pocket knife then the Jesuit Fathers were amazed at the beauty and grace of the image.
 Father Lleonart was impressed and requested him to carve an image of the Sacred Heart of
Jesus for him but the priest forgot and left in the school then later on it was placed it on the
door of their dormitory reminding all Ateneans of Dr. Rizal the greatest alumnus of their Alma

Anecdote on Rizal the Atenean

 The hero’s resignation to pain and forgiveness
 Rizal’s predilection to help the helpless at the risk of his own life

Poems Written in Ateneo

 1st poem wrote by Rizal during his days in the Ateneo was Mi Primera Inspiration (My First
Inspiration) which was dedicated to his mother on her birthday. He was 14 years old when he
wrote this poem in the time of his mother’s imprisonment. This poem he felicitated his mother
on her birthday, expressing his filial affection in sonorous verse.
 In 1875, inspired by Father Sanchez, he wrote more poems such as:’
1. Felicitacion (Felicitation)
2. El Embarque: Himno a la Flota de Magallanes (The Departure: Hymn to Magellan’s
3. Y Es Español: Elcano, el Primero en dar la Vuelta el Mundo (And He is Spanish:Elcano,
the First to Circumnavigate the World)
4. El Combate: Urbiztondo, Terror de Jolo (The Battle: Urbiztondo, Terror of Jolo)

 In 1876, Rizal wrote poems on various topics-religion, education, childhood memories, and
1. La Tragedia de San Eustaquio (The Tragedy of St. Eustace). This poem recounts the
tragic story of St. Eustace.
2. Un Recuerdo a Mi Pueblo (In Memory of my Town) A tender poem in honor of Calamba,
the hero’s natal town.
3. Alianza Intima Entre la Religion y la Buena Educacion (Intimate Alliance Between
Religion and Good Education) this poem showed the importance of religion in
4. Por la Educacion Recibe Lustre la Patria (Through Education the Country Receives
Light) this poem he believed in the significant role which education plays in the progress
and welfare of a nation.
5. El Cautiverio y el Triunfo: Batalla de Lucena y Prision de Boabdil (The Captivity and the
Triumph: Battle of Lucena and the Imprisonment of Boabdil) this martial poem describes
the defeat and capture of Boabdil, last Moorish sultan of Granada.
6. La Entrada Trunfal de los Reyes Catolicos en Granda (The Triumphal Entry of the
Catholic Monarchs into Granada) this poem relates the victorious entry of King
Ferdinand and Queen Isabella into Granada, last Moorish stronghold in Spain.
 A year later, 1877, he wrote more poems. It was his last year in the Ateneo:
1. El Heroismo de Colon (The Heroism of Columbus) this poem praises Columbus, the
discoverer of America.

2. Colon y Juan II (Columbus and John II) this poem relates how King John II of Portugal
missed fame and riches by his failure to finance the projected expedition of Columbus to
the New World.
3. Gran Consuelo en la Mayor Desdicha ( Great Comfort in Great Misfortune) this is a
legend in verse of the voyage of Columbus
4. Un Dialogo Alusivo a la Despedida de los Colegiales (A Farewell Dialogue of the
Students) this was the last poem written by Rizal I Ateneo, it is a poignant poem of
farewell to his classmates.

Rizal’s Religious Poems

 One of the religious poems he wrote was a brief ode entitled Al Niño Jesus (To the Child
Jesus). This poem was written in 1875 when he was 14 years old.
 Another religious poem which we wrote was entitled A la Virgen Maria (To the Virgin Mary) this
poem wrote it after his ode to the Child Jesus.

First Romance of Rizal

 Rizal was 16 years old and experienced his 1 st romance to Segunda Katigbak, a pretty 14
years old Batangueña from Lipa and a sister of his friend Mariano.
 It was apparent that Rizal and Segunda loved each other and it was indeed “a love at first
sight” but it was hopeless since the very beginning Segunda was engaged to be married to her
townmate Manuel Luz.

At the University of Santo Tomas

 Finish the 1st year of the course in Philosophy and Letters.
 Also completed the vocation course in surveying
 He won more literary laurels, had more romances with girls and fought against Spanish
 The Bachelor of Arts degree during Spanish times was equivalent to a high school diploma
 Her mother objected Jose to acquire higher education thinking for his safety as she knew that
the fate of the Filipino who learned too much will be executed or exiled by the Spanish
authorities as what others happen like Father Burgos. Evidently, Don Francisco and Paciano
were able to overcome Doña Teodora’s objection.

Rizal Enters the University

 Rizal nearly 16 years old enrolled in the University of Santo Tomas taking Philosophy and
Letters for two reasons: (1) his father liked it and (2) he was still uncertain as to what career to
follow. He had written to Father Pablo Ramon Rector of the Ateneo asking for advice on the
choice of career.
 During 1st year term in the University of Santo Thomas he studied Cosmology, Metaphysics,
Theodicy, and History of Philosophy.

 It was during the following school term that Rizal took up medicine course and the regular first
year medical course. The reasons why he studied medicine were: (1) he wanted to be
physician so that he might cure his mother’s failing eyesight and (2) the Father Rector of the
Ateneo, whom he consulted for a choice of career, finally answered his letter, recommending

Finishes Surveying Course in Ateneo

 He took the vocational course leading to the title of perito agrimensor (expert surveyor).
 Rizal as usual excelled in all subjects in the surveying course in the Ateneo with gold medals in
agriculture and topography.
 He continued to participate actively in the Ateneo’s extra-curricular activities.
 He was president of the Academy of Spanish Literature and secretary of the Academy of
Natural Sciences.
 He also continued his membership in the Marian Congregation of which he was secretary.

Romances with other Girls

 He paid court to a young woman in Calamba, called “Miss L” describing her as fair with
seductive and attractive eyes.
 He courted Leonor Valenzuela who was a tall girl and had a regal bearing.
 Rizal’s next romance was Leonor Rivera “Taimis” his cousin from Camiling, Tarlac was a frail,
and beautiful girl and they became engaged.

Victim of Spanish Officer’s Brutality

 Rizal got his 1st taste of Spanish brutality when he was a freshman medical student at the
University of Santo Tomas.
 One dark night he was walking in the street he dimly perceived the figure of a man while
passing him not knowing the person due to darkness as well as he did not salute nor say a
courteous greetings. It was lieutenant of the Guardia Civil with a snarl, he turned upon Rizal,
whipped out a sword and brutally slashed the latter on the back.
 The wound was not serious but it was painful later on when he recovered he reported the
incident to General Primo de Rivera the Spanish governor-general of the Philippines at that
time but nothing came out of his complaint because he was an Indio and the abusive
lieutenant was a Spaniard.

To The Filipino Youth

 Rizal who was 18 years old submitted his poem entitled A La Juventud Filipina (To the Filipino
Youth) to the literary contest at Liceo Artistico-Literario (Artistic-Literary Lyceum).
 The board of Judges composed of Spaniards was impressed by Rizal’s poem and gave it the
1st prize. The prize was a silver pen, feather-shaped and decorated with a gold ribbon.
 The prize-winning poem is an inspiring poem of flawless form. This winning poem is a classic
in Philippine literature for two reasons: (1) it is the 1 st great poem in Spanish written by a
Filipino, whose merit was recognized by Spanish literary authorities and (2) it gives for the 1 st
time a nationalistic concept that the Philippines is the “fatherland of the Filipinos.”

The Council of the God’s

 The following year the Artistic-Literary Lyceum opened another literary contest to
commemorate the 4th centennial of the death of Cervantes, Spain’s glorified man-of-letters and
famous author of Don Quixote this time the contest was opened to both Filipinos and
 Rizal submitted an allegory in prose entitled El Consejo de los Dioses (The Council of Gods).
The allegory established a parallel among Homer, Virgil, and Cervantes.
 The judges of the contest were all Spaniards they were forced to award the prize to Rizal
because of its literary superiority over the others. The Spanish community in the Manila
objected Rizal as the winner because he was Indio but despite of objection the prize was still
awarded to him which was a gold ring on which was engraved the bust of Cervantes.
 For the 1st time in history, an Indio, a 19 years old Filipino medical student excelled in a
national literary contest defeating the best Spanish writers of his time in Manila.
 The winning allegory of Rizal was a literary master piece based on the classics.

Other Rizalian Literary Works

 Rizal also produced other poems and a drama. The drama was Junto al Pasig (Beside the
Pasig) which was staged by the Ateneans on the occasion of the annual celebration of the
Feast Day of the Immaculate Conception, Patroness of the Ateneo. It was a melodrama which
he wrote as President of the Academy of Spanish Literature in the Ateneo.
 In the same year (1880) he wrote a sonnet entitled A Filipinas in the album of the Society of
Sculptors, he urged all Filipino artists to glorify the Philippines.
 In 1879 he composed a poem entitled Abd-el-Azis y Mahoma which was declaimed by an
Atenean, Manuel Fernandez in honor of the Ateneo’s Patroness.
 In 1881, he composed a poem entitled Al M.R.P. Pablo Ramon, Rector del Ateneo, en Sus
Dias, he wrote this poem as an expression of affection to Father Pablo Ramon, the Ateneo
rector, who had been so kind and helpful to him.

Champion of Filipino Students

 Rizal participated in these student brawls, as Rizal was the champion in their frequent fights
against the arrogant Spanish students insulting Filipinos classmates as “Indio chongo!” and
retaliated by calling them “Kastila bangus!”
 His three close friends, fired by Dumas’ novel called themselves “The Three Musketeers” and
chose him as Treville, their chief.
 He was also the chief of a secret society of Filipino students called Compañerismo
(Comradeship) which he organized in 1880. Galicano Apacible was secretary of this secret
student organization while the members called themselves “Companions of Jehu”.

Rizal’s Unhappy Days at UST

 He was unhappy at this Dominican institution of high learning because: (1) the Dominican
professors were hostile to him (2) the Filipino students were racially discriminated, and (3) the
method of instruction was obsolete and repressive.
 Because of the unfriendly attitude of his professors, Rizal the most brilliant graduate of the
Ateneo failed to win high scholastic honors. Although his grades in the 1 st year of the
philosophy course were all “excellent” they were not impressive in the 4 years of medicine.

Decision to Study Abroad

 After finishing the 4th year of his medical course, Rizal decided to study in Spain. His uncle,
Antonio Rivera encouraged him to go abroad while both Paciano and Saturnina, whom he
contacted secretly were of similar opinion.

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