Ic Iii-37
Ic Iii-37
Ic Iii-37
Pilani Campus
The preferred and most widely understood term will likely be
Coordination Polymer, but the IUPAC will endorse also the use of the
term Coordination Network although it should be clear that these
two terms are not synonymous
Coordination Network: Examples
Many systems are dynamic and changes in structure and thus
corresponding changes in potential porosity or solvent and guest filled
voids may occur depending on temperature, pressure or other external
Archetypical MOFs
(A)Cartoon of MOF-coated
capillary for sensing
chloride gas.
(B) Photo of capillary as made
(a), after 10 s (b), and
after 30 s (c) exposure to
100 mM chloride-containing
vapor or gas.
(C) Photo of MOF pellet (a) as
prepared, (b) after
exposure to phosgene gas,
and (c) after rinsing with
100mM HBr to regenerate
original structure.
Two research groups have shown how molecular sieving can be used for size
selective sensing in luminescent Zn3btc2 (btc = benzenetricarboxylate).
• Upon heating under reduced pressure, the guest can be removed without
disrupting the framework as the crystal structure of the two compounds
• Other molecules (i.e., THF, Et2O, MeOH, EtOH, C6H6, C7H8, C6H12, etc.)
may or may not be used to fill the voids of the guest-free structure
depending on their size
• Characterization by FT-IR (ATR), 1H-NMR and 13C-NMR spectrum(D2O)
Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA)
• What do you expect in a
TGA of MOF-5??
• The loss of solvent starts
at 130 oC leading to the
solvent free compound,
which has a mass of 82.4 %
of the original compound
• At 400 oC, a-magnesium
formate thermally
decomposes to form MgO
(29.0 %)
Zeolites and Silicates
Definition: The property of an element to form extensive
stable bonding of the atoms of the same element in
series (open and closed ended). If open – chains, if
closed – rings (or cages)
1. Not common with all elements in periodic table – typically observed
with main group elements such
2. Stabilization of the catenation products are mostly based on the
energy aspects of formation vs. decomposition, reactivity (activation
energy), stereo-electronic conditions and electronegativity etc.
3. This is prime for C showing the wide variety of different class of
compounds. Other prominent elements of interest showing catenation
are Si, S, B
Other than C, Si is the next most important element showing such
behavior and also from the application perspective
Features of catenation chains
1. Silanes: In comparison to alkanes, the Si-Si bonds are weaker than
the C-C, but that is not responsible for the stability differences.
Contrarily, the easy decomposition pathway available for silanes than
for alkanes, explains it. The difference in activation energy of the two
reactions shows the relative inertness of alkanes than silanes
CnH2n+2 + (3n+1)/2 O2 → nCO2 + (n+1)H2O
SinH2n+2 + (3n+1)/2 O2 → nSiO2 + (n+1)H2O
2. Difficult synthesis and separation methodology for silanes. Isolated
upto n=8
3. Polysilanes are well-known with two R’s replacing 2H’s.
4. Fluorinated and Bulky substituents can stabilize silanes better than
alkanes, e.g. Si2Br6 boils at 265 °C while C2Br6 breaks into C2Br4 and
Br2 at 200 C
Catenation in other elements
• Germanes are similar to that of the silanes
• Distannane is feasible but very unstable
• PbH4 is also similarly unstable but Pb(PbPh3)4 is known to be
• Other non-metals such as N, P and S forns catenation chains
• Hydrazoic acid HN3, hydrazine NH2-NH2 are stable at RT are
most prominent N-catenate, higher analogs till N8 are known but
• 2-tetrazene, H2N-N=N-NH2 can be stabilized better with
• Sulfanes, HSnH are also feasible upto n=8,
• Phosphine, PH3 are also fairly extensive with diphosphine (P2H6),
triphosphine (H2PPHPH2), and tetraphosphine (H2PPHPHPH2)
• O-chains are rare except for 3 atoms as in Ozone, O3, O3-.
Another good example is the F3COOOCF3,
Hetero-Catenation: Silicates
• Secondary building units (SBU) for zeolites
Hetero-Catenation: Silicates
• Si forms numerous hetero-catenates with different elements
• Most important are silicates which are parts of all minerals obtained in
Earth’s crust, simplest being SiO44- (orthosilicate, not that abundant).
Other important minerals being used globally.
• Synthetic materials : Zeolites, AlPOs, mesoporous matrices and
macroporous ones
• Natural zeolites etc. have been used for water purification or water
removal from solvents etc.
• Size of pores/ porous structures are important in classification
• Designed structures based on requirements
+ + Na+ =
SiO2 tetrahedra
planar view
Zeolite LTA, Si/Al =
+ +
+ +
(Na+, Ca++)