Case Paul Foster Hermetic Alchemy Science and Practice

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The alchemists, when they speak of seeing, hearing,

smelling, tasting, or touching are referring to the
metaphysical senses. This is one reason why their books
are so easily misunderstood. Those who have tested the
practical doctrines of Ageless Wisdom know
experimentally that the metaphysical senses are real,
and know how to employ them. Thus we may
understand what Norton says as having to do with the
metaphysical sense of smell, which is awakened into
activity by prolonged practice of acts of mental

The direction East-Above, assigned to the letter Zain

and Key 6, is a combination of Above, the direction
represented by Beth and Key 1, The Magician, with
East, the direction represented by Daleth and Key 5 The
Empress. Thus it will be apparent that in the process of
Fixation there is a combination of self-conscious and
sub-conscious activities, working through the Mercury
and Venus centers in the head and throat. Readers of
these pages ought by now to be sufficiently familiar
with the functions of these centers to work out for
themselves the meaning of this combination, and its
bearing on this stage of the Great Work.

The fourth stage of the Great Work is SEPARATION,

corresponding to the sign Cancer. Cancer is attributed to
the letter Cheth, which has the following attributions:

The Intelligence of the House of Influence; the function

of Speech; the direction East-Below; Tarot Key 7, THE

SEPARATION is the formulation of the end, or

objective, toward which the special work of the
particular alchemist is directed. It is the establishment
of the personal objective, the formulation of the
particular definition. Thus it is connected with speech,
the function assigned to Cheth. It is the utterance of the
alchemist's own MAGICAL WORD. This magical word
is identical with the "new name," written on a white
pebble, spoken of in Revelation 2: 17. Observe that this
white stone is given to "him that overcometh," and that
in the passage mentioned it is associated with eating the
hidden manna.

This last is a correspondence with the sign Cancer,

which rules the breast and stomach, and is
predominantly the sign of nourishment.

The white pebble is a symbol of the Stone of the Sages,

and in Key 7 of Tarot there is a direct reference to that
same Stone, for the body of the chariot is a cubical
stone. The new name is known to no one but him who
receives it. It is a new definition, marking out a distinct
phase of the Life-power's activity. For one of the
cardinal teachings of the Ageless Wisdom which finds
expression in alchemy is that the final victory does by
no means result, as some have thought, in the
destruction of distinct personality. Quite the contrary. It
is the establishment of the purified personal
consciousness as what the Apocalypse describes as "a
pillar in the house of God, which shall no more go out."
Not absorption into what the old lady described as "One
happy mass," but clear-cut realization of specific
identity, is the objective of the Great Work.

For we must remember that the Life-power has an

infinite treasure of possibilities for us to draw upon. The
Author of the cosmic drama is the spiritual essence of
all His characters, but the characters themselves are
sharply and vividly defined. It is not personality that we
are to escape from. The most highly illuminated sage
lives in the illusion of distinct personality, just as truly
as does the tyro. The sage, however, knows the illusion
as illusion, and knows, too, how necessary, useful, and
beneficent that illusion is.

Does this interfere with the doctrine of reincarnation?

By no means. But reincarnation ceases for the
overcomer. He who has attained to the perfection of the
Great Work is at the end of the cycle of rebirths.
Thenceforth his personality remains as a pillar in the
house of God, established forever.

The letter Cheth, meaning a field, or fence, is typical of

this alchemical separation. For one of the paradoxes of
the true definition of personality is that this definition
marks clearly the distinction between appearance and
essence. Thus Ripley tells us that separation divides
each part from the other, the subtle from the gross, the
thin from the thick. And he warns his readers that this is
not a manual work. He says also that by philosophers,
separation is called definition of the fourfold dispersion
of the four elements.

In other words, to know the true significance of

personality, one must carehlly distinguish essence from
appearance, spirit from body, the subtle from the gross,
the I AM from its vehicle. And in Key 7 we have a clear
symbolic presentation of this distinction, with great
emphasis, in the composition of the chariot and its
canopy, upon the definition of the fourfold dispersion of
the elements.

Separation, then, as definition, is truly related to occult

or magical speech. It is the formulation of a new
language in the field of sub-consciousness. They who
succeed in separating the subtle from the gross do truly
"speak with new tongues."

Through its connection with the sign Cancer, alchemical

Separation falls under the rulership of the Moon (the
High Priestes and brings into its highest manifestation,
or exaltation, Jupiter, (the Wheel of Fortune). Consider
the picture of the High Priestess. Her scroll is the scroll
of memory. It is like a palimpsest. What is written on its
surface is but the total of the impressions of the personal
life. Underneath that record, waiting to be brought into
view again, is the cosmic record of the universal life.
Without any metaphor whatever, it may
Be said that there is a universal magical language, older
than any human speech. The analytical psychologist,
Jung, has come close to recognizing this truth. The
efficacy of the Tarot Keys depends on it. The universal
magical speech is the language of pictorial symbolism,
in the main. But besides pictorial symbolism, of which
the sub-consciousness is the storehouse, there is a true
language heard by those who have opened their
metaphysical hearing. This inner language is the true
native tongue of every human being on this planet, and
there are not a few among advanced initiates who have
become proficient in it. It is in this language only that
the spoken word has truly miraculous power, although
there are ways of adapting the secret language to the
tongues of men, so that certain phrases in Hebrew,
Latin, Greek, Sanskrit and even in English have what a
yogi would call mantric power. EVERY WORD, IN
GEOMETRICAL FORM. Fix that in mind, and you
will have a seed-thought that some day will bear rich
fruit if you plant it in your mental garden.

Now, the sub-consciousness contains the record of the

magical language, and the record is written in that part
of the human organism which we call the Jupiter center.
Upon the innumerable cells of this great ganglion of the
sympathetic nervous system, which is sometimes called
the abdominal brain is written the whole story of the
development of organic life. Upon the subtler substance
of the etheric center corresponding to the Jupiter center
- the chakra of the yogis, which they name Manipura,
"filled with jewels" - is written the whole story of the
cycles of the Life-power's self-manifestation.

A digest of the essence of that story is given in the sym-

bols of Key 10, THE WHEEL OF FORTUNE. If you
can read that Key, you have in your possession clues
which will lead you, step by step, to right understanding
of the whole creative order. Thus you will come to true
comprehension, . and your comprehension will be
definite and clear. As a result of right definitions in your
own consciousness, your use of words will change. It
matters not what language you may speak or write.
Your knowledge of the magical language will influence
your style, your diction, your choice of phrase and
synonym. It cannot be otherwise. Your words will have
life in them. They will vibrate with hidden power.

The Qabalists, speaking of the Intelligence of the House

of Influence, says: "Out of the midst of its innermost
secrets the arcana flow down, with the hidden meanings
which are concealed in their shadow." Flowing motion
having its origin in an inner source, which is also
superior is suggested by this phrasing. The place
whence this stream of influence flows is represented by
the Holy of Holies, or the Adytum.

The power which flows from it is what alchemists call

"our Water." In his chapter on Separation, Ripley tells
us that the Water must be distilled until it is clean and
thin as water should be. When the distillation is
complete, the water is bright and shining as heaven.
This distillation is absolutely necessary, for the
alchemical Water, as it comes to us naturally, is, to use
Ripley's term, filled with feculent sediment. The
meaning is plain. The water is the stream of
consciousness, pictured as a river in Key 7. It wells up
into our personal field of awareness from sub-conscious
sources. At its first source, the ONE IDENTITY, it is
perfectly pure, for it is the ice whereon the Hermit of
Key 9 stands. But when it has passed into the region of
sub-consciousness it becomes charged with the
sediment of the race-errors as well as with our own
misunderstandings. But distillation is possible. The
water can be purified, and restored to its pristine purity.
This is accomplished by concentration and meditation.

Ripley has an illuminating phrase in this connection. He

says: Thou must ofttimes make Separation, dividing the
Matter into two parts, so that you take the simple from
the gross until the earth beneath remains of a blue
color. Blue is the color of the sky, and blue is the color
predominant in Key 2. What Ripley means is that in
meditation one must separate form (the gross) from
spirit (the simple) until we have established in ourselves
the consciousness that that which is below (form) is
truly as that which is above (spirit.) In other words, we
must comprehend the truth that the body of the chariot,
which appears to be stone, is essentially identical with
its canopy, the sky. Thus we emancipate our minds
from that hypnotic dominance exerted upon them by the
weight, mass, form, and other properties of what is
ordinarily understood as "matter." The magical control
of appearances is impossible for any person who
remains hypnotized by belief in the dominance and
preponderant authority of the various forms of the
physical plane. But when we can make the earth blue,
that is, when the eye of the mind sees all things
whatsoever as appearances of the one sky-power, then
the work of Separation is complete.
This work is connected with the direction East-Below,
the combination of East (Key 3, THE EMPRESS) and
Below (Key 2, THE HIGH PRIESTESS.) For in this
work two centers of the body are concerned, the Venus
center in the throat, and the Moon-center, or pituitary
Separation calls them into activity.

Consider well what the work is, and you will see this
must be so. Separation is the making of new definitions.
It is the recovery of the magical language. It distills, or
eliminates the sediment of error Erom, the water of
conscious energy. This is the Water of the alchemists,
identical with the First Matter. From it all forms derive
their essence. This is what appears as every thing within
the range of human experience, whether the plane of
experience be physical or metaphysical.

The work of Separation demands stillness of body and

is aimed at silencing the mind. Its technique is described
in all the books of the wise. The essence of the practice
is in the injunction: "BE STILL, AND KNOW THAT I
AM GOD." Bodily stillness is essential. Mental stillness
follows it.

Separation, however, is not mere quiescence. To

achieve it there must go on, over and over again, the
process which is described by Ripley as the distillation
of the Water. This is begun by concentration on some
particular fact of experience, with the distinct intention
of arriving eventually at an unbroken flow of
knowledge in that particular object. Thus the process of
Separation includes that of Dissolution, which is the
eleventh major stage of the Great Work.

Dissolution is represented in Tarot by Key 17, and you

will notice that the number 17 represents the expression
of 7 through the agency of 1. In Tarot this means that
Key 17 symbolizes an activity which utilizes self-
conscious concentration (Key 1) As the agency whereby
to put into operation what Key 7 represents.

In our Tarot studies we have found that Key 7 has for

one of its key-words, "Receptivity." The whole meaning
of the Key is that personality is the vehicle of the I AM.
What the alchemist does in Separation is to make what
has just been stated his own direct experience. Ordinary
human beings may have a faint intellectual awareness of
the significance of the second sentence in this
paragraph. The alchemist works hard to make it a clear-
cut realization.

Language is one of the chief means to this end. First of

all, the practical occultist must use words carefully and
correctly. He must be a student of words, in the most
literal sense. No stranger to the dictionary can ever be a
great practical occultist. The Sages are noteworthy for
their exquisitely accurate discrimination of the
subtleties of language.

Incidentally, if this one fact were better known among

aspirants to occult knowledge, the number of occult
charlatans would be materially reduced. For one of the
ear-marks of the occult pretender is that he almost
always misuses words. Once in awhile there is an
unlettered man, like Jacob Beilhart, the American
mystic, who is not altogether sure of himself in matters
of grammar and rhetoric. Yet even Beilhart knew
enough about words to say clearly and accurately what
he intended to express.

From now on, therefore, watch your words. Be sure that

you say what you mean. Be sure that you mean what
you say. The Great Work cannot be accomplished by
persons who deceive themselves and others by
intentional or unintentional misuse of speech. Watch
your predicates. The simple words "I AM," do have
mighty power, and whatever we put after them becomes
manifest in our external circumstances.

Remember, this practice is not at all a dodging of the

truth about life. Rather is it the substitution of truth in
speech for the expression of hasty judgments based on
experience. "Out of the mouth are the issues of life."
Hence, until you become skilled in right speech, you
will find it advantageous to practice silence. He who
refuses to put anything into words until he knows just
what to say will confer a blessing on his fellow-men.
The whole world suffers from that unruly member, the
human tongue. Learn to hold it, if you aspire to be a
practical alchemist.

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