Quadratic Equations DPP 1666087837458

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Roots of quadratic equation : Q.9 The equation ~ - Jrx="iJ=

The roots of the equation x 4

(A) ±3,±1 (8)± 3,± i

- 8xt - 9 =O has•
(A) No Solution
(C) ±2, ±i (D) None of these (B) One solution
(C) 'T'wo solutions
Q.2 Rootsof3x+3 - x=10/3are- (D) More than 2 solutions
(A)O. 1 (B) 1. - 1
(C) 0, - 1 (D) None of these Nature of roots:
Q.10 If roots of the equation
Q.3 The number of roots of the quadratic
equation ax 2 + 2 (a + b)x + (a + 2b + c) = 0 are
8sec2 0-6sec0+ 1 =O is - imaginary, then roots of the equation ax~ +
(A) Infinite (B) 1 2bx +c= 0 arc·
(C) 2 (D) 0 (A) rational (B) irrational
(C) equal (D)complcx
Q.4 If (I - p) is a root of quadratic equation
x 2 + px + (I - p) = O then its roots arc-
Q.11 lf a and b are the odd integers, then the
(A) O. 1 (BJ- 1.1 (C) O. -1 (D) - 1. 2
roots of the equation 2ax2 + (2a + b) x + b =
Q.6 If xis a solution of t he equation, 0,a*0,willbe-

.J2x+I -Jh-=-i=1.(xc:½). (A) rational

(C) non-real
(B) irrational
(D) equal

then is equal to:

Q.12 'T'he roots of the equation
(A) ½ (B) 2 (C) 2,fi (D) ¾ (a2 + b2) x2 - 2(bc + ad) x + (c2 + d2) = Oare
equal, if-
(A) ab= cd (B) ac = bd
Q.6 Thccquation .J3x 2 +x+5=x - 3,whcrcx (C)ad+bc=0 (D) None of these
is real, has:
(A) No solution
Q.13 Roots of the equation
(B) Exactly one solution
(C) Exactly two solution (a+ b-c)x 2 - 2ax + (a- b + c) = 0,
(D) Exactly four solution (a, b, c E Q) are-
(A) rational (B) irrational
Q.7 How many rea l solution does the equation (C) complex (D) none of these
x 7 + 14x5 + 16x" + 30x - 560 = 0 h ave?
(A) 1 (B) 3 (C) 5 (D) 7
Q.14 If the roots of the equation ax 2 + x + b = O
be real, then the roots of the equation
Q.8 If c 14 "'"' u ..n•~ •.,n•~.....oo )lnl!satisfies the eqn.
x 2 -4./iilix+l=Owillbe•
x 2 - 9x + 8 = 0, find the value of
(B) Irrational
cos:::inx ,O<x< "i
(A) Rational
(C) Real (D) Imaginary

(A) 1+1./J (B>-'-

1--/3 Q.15 x 2 + k(2x + 3) + 4(x + 2) + 3k - 5 is a perfect
square, if k equals -
(C) ,_2.,, (D) None of these (A)2 (B) - 2 (C)l (D)-1
Q.16 Iftherootsofboththeequations Q.24 lf the sum of the roots of the equation
px 2 + 2qx + r = 0 and qx 2 - 2~x+ q = 0 (a+ l)x 2 + (2a + 3) x + (38. + 4) = 0 is -1,
arc real, then - then the product of the roots is -
(A) 0 (B) I (C) 2 (D) 3
(A)p=q,r*0 (B) 2q = ±,lpq
(C) p/q =qi, (D) None of these
Q.25 If a, P be the roots of the equation
Q.17 The roots of the equation p(x 2 + n2) + pnx + qn¾c 2 = 0 then the value
(p - 2)x 2 + 2(p - 2)x + 2 = O are not real of p (n 2 + p2)+ pap + qa 2P2 is .
when- (A)n+p (8)0
(A) p e [1, 2) (8) p E (2. 3] (C)p+q (D)a+p+p+q
(C) p e [2, 4) (D) p E (3. 4]
Q,26 If difference of roots of the equation
Q.18 If one root of the equation x 2 + px + 12 = 0 x 2 - px + q = O is I. then p2 + 4q 2 equals-
is 4, while the equation x 1 + px + q = 0 hn8 (A) 2q + 3 (8)(1 - 2q) 2
equal roots, then the value of'q' is- (C)(] +2q) 2 (D)2q-3
(A) 4914 (B) 12 (C) 3 (D) 4
Q.27 If roots a and p of the equation x 2 + px + q
Q,19 Let a.I} be real and z be a complex =0 are such that 3a + 4(3 = 7 and 5a-f3 = 4,
then (p, q) is equal to ·
number. If z 2 + az + p = 0 has two di stinct
(A)(I , I) (B)(-1, I)
roots on the line He (z) = 1, then it is (C) (- 2, I) (D) (2, I)
necessary that:
(B) pe(-1.0)
(A) l}e(O,I)
Q.28 If one root of the equation x2 - 30x + p =O
(C) I Ped (D) pe (l,oo) is square of the other, then pis equal to•
(A) 125,216 (B) 125, - 216
Sum and product of rootR • (C) Only 125 (D) Only- 216
Q.20 lf a.13 are roots of the equation x 2 + px - q
= 0 and r.0 are roots ofxt + px + r = 0, then
the value of (a - r) (a - 0) is-
Q.29 If the equation + = 1 has roots
x-a x- b
(A) p + r (B)p-r equal in magnitude but opposite in sign,
(C) q - r (D) q + r then the value of a+ bis•
(A) - I (8)0
Q.21 If a, p are roots of the equation 2x 2 - 35x + (C) 1 (D) None of the8e
2 = 0, then the value of (2a - 35)3. (21} -
35) 3 is equal to- Q.30 !fa and pare the root of ax 2 +bx+ c = O,
(A) 1 (8)8
(C) 64 (D) None of these
11 + - I - ) ,,.
then the value of - -

Q.22 The HM of the roots of the equation (A)t (B)~

x 2 -8x + 4 =0 is.
(A) I (B) 2 (Cl-;'. (D) None of these
(C) 3 (D) None of these

Q.23 Tf the sum of the roots of the equation Q,31 If the sum of the roots of ax 2 +bx+ c = 0 be
ax 2 + 4x + c = 0 is half of their difference, equal to sum of the squares, then •
then the value of ac is • w2~=~+~ ~2~=bc+~
(A)4 (8)8 (C) 12 (D)-12 (C) 2bc = ac + c2 (D) None of these

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