Physics 2nd YEAR 03-04-2021

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Subject: Physics Test # 2nd Quarter Time: 20 Minutes

Class: 2nd Year Date: 03-04-2021 Marks: 14
Name: Roll No. Section:
Note: Four possible answers a, b, c and d to each question are given. The choice which you think is correct, fill that circle
in front of that question with Marker or Pen ink in the answer book. Cutting or filling two or more circle will result zero
marks in that question.


i. When platinum wire in heated, it becomes orange is.
(a) 1100 C (b) 500 C (c) 900 C (d) 1300 C
ii. Compton’s effect is associated with.
(a) cattod rays (b) rays (c) rays (d) x-rays
iii. Comptans shift in wave length ( λ) is zero. When scattered angle of photon is.
(a) 90 (b) 0 (c) 180 (d) 45
iv. The value of Stefan`s constant is.
(a) 2.9x10-3mk (b) 2.9x103 mk (c) 5.67 X 10-8 Wm2K-4 (d) None of these
v. Rest mass of x-ray photon is.
(a) Zero (b) 9.1 X 10-31 kg (c) 1.67 X 10-27 kg (d) 0.51 Mev
vi. The unit of work function is.
(a) Herlz (b) Farad (c) Volt (d) ev
vii. Energy of each position is given by.
(a) 2Mev (b) 1.02 Mev (c) 5 Mev (d) 0.51 Mev
viii. The thickness of base in a transistor is of the order of.
(a) 10-6 m (b) 10-3 m (c) 10-9 m (d) 10-6 mm
ix. Greater concentration of impurity is added in.
(a) LED (b) Collector (c) Base (d) Emitter
x. Potential difference across depletion region in case of silicon.
(a) 0.5V (b) 0.7 V (c) 0.6 V (d) 0.8 V
xi. A photo diode can tern its current ON and OFF.
(a) in seconds (b) Mega second (c) Nano second (d) Milli second
xii. An expression for current gain of a transistor is given by.
(a) (b) IB+IC (c) (d) None of these

xiii. Minimum numbers of semi-conductor diode required for half wave rectification are.
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 4 (d) None of these
xiv. When PN junction is reversed biased the depletion region is.
(a) Decreased (b) increased (c) remain same (d) None of these

Subject: Physics Test # 2nd Quarter Time: 2:40 Minutes

Class: 2nd year Date: 03-04-2021 Marks: 36
Name: Roll No. Section:

NOTE: Attempt all questions.

Q.2 Give brief answers. (2x10=20)
i. What is the net charge on a n-type a or p-type substance?
ii. Why charge carriers are not present in the depletion region?
iii. Why base current in transistor is very small?
iv. What is the photo voltaic cell.
v. As a solid is heated and begins to glow, why does it first appear red?
vi. What happens to total radiation from a blackbody if its absolute temperature doubled?
vii. Which photon, red, green or blue carries the most, energy and momentum?
viii. Can pair production take place in vacuum? Explain.
ix. Which has the lower energy quanta? Radio wave or x-rays.
x. What is Annihilation of matter.


Q.3 Attempt all questions. (5+3=8)

(a) Define rectification. Write a note on full wave rectification with diagram.
(b) x.ray of wave length 22pm are scattered from a carbon target. The scattered radiation being viewed at 80 to the
incident beam. What is the Compton shift?

Q.4 Attempt all questions. (5+3=8)

(a) State and explain uncertainly principle. Also give it two mathematical forms.
(b) The current flowing into the base of a transistor 100 A. Find its collector current Ic. Its emitter current IE and the
ratio IC / IE if the value of current gain

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