Surface Metrology
Surface Metrology
Surface Metrology
Keywords: Tool marks on face-milled surfaces contain huge information about the manufacturing processes. Direct surface
Surface segmentation segmentation based on tool marks is in favor of surface error sources diagnoses. However, traditional surface
Tool marks segmentation methods are prone to over-segmentation when partition surfaces with tool marks. This paper
High definition metrology proposes an improved segmentation approach to solve this problem. Based on surface topography measured by
high definition metrology (HDM), the surface segmentation methodology mainly involves four steps: automatic
subsurface selection, local thresh-holding, broken tool marks repairing and water segmentation (abbreviated as
“STRW” methodology). A novel concept called “periodic degree” is proposed and used as the criteria of sub-
surface selection. A binary image of tool marks is created by an adaptive local threshold. Broken tool marks are
identified by a distance threshold and repaired by a convex-hull based tool marks repairing algorithm. Finally,
water segmentation is applied to divide the surface into different regions and each region belongs to a unique
tool tooth trajectory. Three real cases from powertrain plant demonstrate the procedures of the methodology and
verify the effectiveness of the proposed methodology.
Corresponding author at: School of Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, No. 800 Dongchuan Road, Shanghai 200240, China.
E-mail addresses: (Y. Yin), (Y. Shao), (K. Wang), (S. Du), (L. Xi).
Received 30 January 2020; Received in revised form 8 June 2020; Accepted 25 June 2020
Available online 03 July 2020
1526-6125/ © 2020 The Society of Manufacturing Engineers. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Y. Yin, et al. Journal of Manufacturing Processes 57 (2020) 268–287
Y. Yin, et al. Journal of Manufacturing Processes 57 (2020) 268–287
such as turning and milling surfaces, its segmentation results are often
unsatisfactory and have no relation with the machining processes. The
contribution of this paper is to solve this problem by proposing an
improved segmentation methodology. The methodology developed in
this paper could be an important complement and extension to ISO
16610−85 and it is a first trial to relate surface topography with ma-
chining processes by surface segmentation.
The surface segmentation methodology mainly consists of four
steps: automatic subsurface selection by periodic degree, local thresh-
holding to enhance tool marks, broken tool marks identification and
repairing, and watershed segmentation. This methodology is named as
“STRW” (subsurface selection, local thresh-holding, tool marks re-
pairing and watershed segmentation) according to the key operation of
each step.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. A detailed de-
scription of the proposed “STRW” methodology is presented in Section
2. In Section 3, three case studies demonstrate the effectiveness of the
proposed methodology and compares the segmentation result with
multiscale watershed segmentation. Section 4 discusses the limitation
of “STRW” methodology and future improvement direction.
Y. Yin, et al. Journal of Manufacturing Processes 57 (2020) 268–287
have a fluctuated form error and such fluctuation has a negative effect defined as Eq. (2). The “peak” is defined as any point that rises above
on tool marks extraction. To overcome this negative effect, a local forty-eight nearest neighbors, as shown in Fig. 6. The distance between
thresh-holding method is proposed in this step. Local threshold is de- two points in 2D cases are defined as the chessboard distance, as shown
termined only on the properties of a small neighborhood of a point, so it in Eq. (5). Therefore, the distance of yellow points, orange points and
can adapt to surface fluctuations. Therefore, a binary image of tool green points to P are 1, 2 and 3 respectively. So in 2D cases, a peak is
marks is created by applying a local thresh-holding method to the se- formally defined as Eq. (6), consistent with its 1D definition.
lected subsurface.
d (Pmn, Pij ) = max(|m i|, |n j|) (5)
Step3: After thresh-holding, the tool marks are separated from its
background. However, due to irregularities of real surfaces, breakage z ij Peaks ifz ij > z mn > z pq > z st , d (z ij , z mn) = 1, d (z ij, z pq) = 2, d (z ij , z st ) = 3 (6)
may occur in tool marks. Tool marks with breakage are identified by an
adaptive distance threshold, and they are repaired by a convex-hull By calculating the periodic degree of the auto-covariance function
based tool marks repairing algorithm. of different subsurfaces, the subsurface with maximum periodic degree
Step4: The final step is to partition the surface into regions that is selected as the most suitable subsurface for tool marks extraction.
belong to different tool tooth trajectories. Based on the former three To demonstrate this subsurface selection algorithm, a simulated
steps, direct application of watershed segmentation to the binary image surface (Eq. (7)) is tested,
after tool mark repairing can result in a satisfactory segmentation. z (x , y ) = 0.5 cos(2 x /6.4) + 0.1 cos(2 x /3) + 0.05x + 0.05y + 0.05randn (256) (7)
where cosine term of wavelength 6.4 is regarded as periodic tool marks,
2.1. Automatic subsurface selection by periodic degree cosine term of wavelength 3 is the simulated periodic noises, and the
last three terms are regarded as form error and random noises.
Direct measured surface only shows the tool marks pattern im- The area of simulated surface is 51.2 mm × 51.2 mm and sample
plicitly, for convenience of extracting tool marks, it must be filtered first spacing is 0.2 mm in horizontal directions. A biorthogonal wavelet
and to find the subsurface which shows tool marks most clearly. Since (bior4.4) decomposition is applied to this surface and it is decomposed
tool marks have a fixed frequency, the subsurface that contains tool into five levels. Fig. 7(a) shows the simulated surface in 3D form.
marks must have a dominant periodic feature. ISO 25178−2 has de- Fig. 7(b) ∼ (f) are images of decomposed subsurface D1 ∼ D5
fined many kinds of surface texture parameters, such as texture aspect (defineDi = DiH + DiV + DiD , and wavelet decomposition is a recursive
ratio (Str) and auto-correlation length (Sal) [26]. Sal is related to the form of Ai = Ai + 1 + Di + 1). From vision observation, Fig. 7(e) seems to
wavelength of the main frequency components of surfaces, and Str is a have a strongest periodic degree. The AACV of subsurfaces are plotted
measure of surface anisotropy. However, there is no existing parameter in Fig. 8, and the last three graphs are similar and the most periodic
to measure the periodic degree of a surface. subsurface cannot be determined from vision. The periodic degree de-
To quantify the periodic level of a profile or surface, a novel concept fined in this section are calculated and listed in Table 1, and D4 has the
called “periodic degree” (PD ) is proposed in this section. Three types of largest value, which is consistent with observation from Fig. 7. So in
function with different periodic level is shown in Fig. 5(a), (c) and (e). It this step, subsurface D4 is selected.
is obvious that the function 5(a) has a maximum periodic level while
function 5(e) has a minimum periodic level. The 1D auto-covariance 2.2. Binarization by local thresh-hold of subsurface
function ( ACV ) (defined in Eq. (1)) shown in Fig. 5 (b), (d) and (f)
reflects the periodicity difference clearly, so PD can be defined as a To separate tool marks from its background, an image thresh-
ratio of the secondary peak height (Hsp ) to the highest peak height holding method is applied, and the thresh-holding method is defined as
(Hhp ), as shown in Eq. (2). And the corresponding periodic degrees are Eq. (8).
PDa = 125.6/157.1 = 0.80, PDc = 2.44/15.05 = 0.16, PDe = 0,
consistent with vision observation. It is worth noting that the definition 1ifI (x , y ) > T
B (x , y ) =
of “peak” in this paper is a local maximum with an uphill path and a 0ifI (x , y ) T (8)
downhill path with respective least path length of three. According to
There are two common thresh-holding methods: global thresh-
this definition, Fig. 5(f) has no peaks, and in this situation, the periodic
holding and local thresh-holding. Classical global thresh-hold method is
degree is set to be zero.
the Ostu’s method [27]. An optimal threshold T* is found to achieve
nx i
maximum inter-class variance. An improved adaptive approach is to
ACV (i ) = y (i ) y (i + i ), 0 i nx 1 compute a threshold at every point (x , y ) in the image based on speci-
nx i=1 (1)
fied properties computed in a neighborhood of (x , y ) . In this algorithm,
Hsp the standard deviation and mean of the heights in the neighborhood of
PD = a point are used to determine the local threshold. Let xy and m xy denote
Hhp (2)
the standard deviation and mean value of the heights of adjacent points
yi > yi 1 > yi 2 > yi 3 centered at (x , y ) . The local threshold is defined as Eq. (9), where a and
yi Peak if b are nonnegative constants.
yi > yi + 1 > yi + 2 > yi + 3 (3)
Txy = a + bm xy (9)
The definition of auto-covariance function, corresponding “peak” xy
and periodic degree can be extended to 2D cases. The areal auto-cov- To illustrate the adaptability of local thresh-holding method, the
ariance function ( AACV ) for 3D surfaces is defined by Eq. (4). 2 x
( )
surface simulated by z (x , y ) = 0.5 cos 6.4 + 0.05x + 0.05y is taken
nx i ny j for an example. Fig. 9(a) shows the image form of this surface and it has
AACV (j , i ) =
z (j, i) z (j + j , i + i ), 0 j ny 1, 0 i nx 1 clear periodic marks with a gradient background. Fig. 9(b) shows the
i=1 j =1
image after global thresh-holding using Ostu’s method and it doesn’t
(4) capture the periodic marks. Fig. 9(c) shows the image after local thresh-
The 2D periodicity degree is defined the same as 1D cases, namely, holding (the neighborhood region is a window size of 7 × 7, and
Y. Yin, et al. Journal of Manufacturing Processes 57 (2020) 268–287
where Ni is the number of points in region Xi and Nj is the number of
points in another region Xj . And min(IRD) is a vector containing the
minimum value of each column from the matrix IRD. The maximum of
min(IRD) is approximately the distance between adjacent tool marks. So
the adaptive distance threshold DT to distinguish broken marks from
adjacent marks can be set to be a proportion of max(min(IRD)) ac-
cording to engineering experiences (a proportion coefficient C between
0.5 and 0.9 is recommended), and DT is defined by Eq. (11).
DT = C × max(min(IRD )) (11)
If min(IRD(i)) is less than DT, then the region labeled i can be as-
signed to the group of broken tool marks. Otherwise, the region labeled
Fig. 6. A 2D peak and its neighbors.
i should be assigned to the group of continuous tool marks. By repairing
the group of broken tool marks and adding the group of continuous tool
a = 1.5, b = 1), it captures the periodic marks successfully.
marks, the image of fully repaired tool marks could be obtained. This
thought of dividing and repairing is summarized in Fig. 11.
2.3. Broken tool marks identification and repairing The “tool mark repairing” algorithm is designed to deal with the sub
image containing all broken tool marks. A “convex hull” generation
After local thresh-holding, the tool marks may not be perfect as algorithm is adopted to help the tool marks repairing.
expected because of some machining errors. A common situation is the In mathematics, the convex hull of a points set S in the Euclidean
unexpected breakage of continuous tool marks as shown in Fig. 10(a). plane is the smallest convex set that contains S and it is also the set of all
Unexpected breakage of continuous tool marks will bring obstacles to convex combinations of points in set S. The formal definition of convex
correct segmentation. Naturally, it is desired to develop an algorithm to hull could be expressed as formula (12),
automatically repair the breakage as Fig. 10(b) shows.
To repair the breakage of tool marks, the broken parts of marks |X| |X|
Convhull (X ) = i xi i: 0 = 1,x i X
must be identified firstly. Since the size of breakage gap of tool marks is i i
i=1 i=1 (12)
usually smaller than the distance of adjacent tool marks. The inter-re-
gion distance (IRD) matrix can be utilized to distinguish broken marks where |X | denotes the number of points in set X . Fig. 12(a) shows an
Y. Yin, et al. Journal of Manufacturing Processes 57 (2020) 268–287
example of a set of points and its convex hull. The idea of repairing the shows the simulated tool marks with breakage, and the sub image
breakage by convex hull is illustrated in Fig. 12(b). First, find the edge BW_broken and sub image BW_connected are shown in Fig. 14(b) and (c)
points near the breakage gap, then construct a convex hull of the points respectively. The convex hulls used to repair the breakage are plotted
set, finally fill the convex hull region. The quickhull algorithm for with red boxes in Fig. 14(d). The sub image of repaired tool marks
convex hull [28] is adopted to generate the convex hull connecting the BW_repaired and corresponding full image BW_full are shown in
broken parts. The detailed procedures of tool mark repairing algorithm Fig. 14(e) and (f) respectively.
are demonstrated in Fig. 13.
To illustrate the repairing ability of the proposed algorithm, a
simple example of broken marks is taken for demonstration. Fig. 14(a) 2.4. Watershed segmentation
After repairing broken tool marks, the periodic tool marks pattern
Table 1 has been clearly shown. However, for surface segmentation, dividing
Periodic degree of decomposed subsurface D1 ∼ D5. line of one-pixel width is desired to achieve better segmentation ac-
Subsurface D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 curacy. The task of this final step is to thin tool marks to one-pixel
width, and keep the thinned tool marks as close to the centerline of the
Periodic degree 0.013 0.086 0.539 0.742 0.693 origin tool marks as possible.
Fortunately, classical water segmentation could help to fulfill this
task. Fig. 15(a) shows a simulated diagonal tool mark, and the dividing
Fig. 9. Simulated surface and its binary form by different thresh-holding methods.
Y. Yin, et al. Journal of Manufacturing Processes 57 (2020) 268–287
Fig. 10. Unexpected breakage of tool marks and their repairing scheme.
Fig. 11. The work-flow of the broken tool marks identification and repairing.
Y. Yin, et al. Journal of Manufacturing Processes 57 (2020) 268–287
Fig. 12. The concept of convex hull and its application to repair tool marks’ breakage.
line by watershed segmentation is central diagonal except for two ends, CELL-O Machining Center using a CBN milling cutter with a diameter of
as shown in Fig. 15(b). 200 mm. The cutting speed was 1300 rpm, the depth of cut was 0.5 mm,
and feed rate was 3360 mm/min. The HDM tool used to measure the
3. Case study cylinder block in this case is ShaPix3D® 3000 series, with a vertical
resolution of 0.05 µm and lateral resolution of 150 µm respectively. Its
3.1. Case study Ⅰ height measurement range is ± 5mm and the vertical accuracy is 1 µm .
Its field of view is 280 mm × 280 mm, and the maximum number of
3.1.1. STRW algorithm experiment sampling points is 4 million in each view. For workpieces whose sizes
Surfaces produced by milling and turning have apparent periodic exceed the field of view, the HDM could stitch multiple point clouds to
tool marks. In this case, the top surface of a B12 cylinder block from an generate the full view of the surfaces.
automobile factory is taken as a case to study the proposed surface A B12 cylinder block is shown in Fig. 16(a) and a sample of its top
segmentation methodology. The milling process was carried in an EX- surface is shown in Fig. 16(b). The partial enlarged view of Fig. 16(b)
Y. Yin, et al. Journal of Manufacturing Processes 57 (2020) 268–287
Fig. 14. Simulated tool marks with breakage and its repairing procedures.
shows obvious periodic tool mark features. For the convenience of The local thresh-holding result of D4 is shown in Fig. 19(a). The
showing the segmentation procedures, a small sample of the surface is neighborhood region is defined as a square window of size 7 by 7. And
taken for study, as shown in Fig. 16(b). the threshold is T = 1.4 + m (in Eq. (9), aandb are experienced values
A biorthogonal wavelet (bior4.4) is applied to decompose the and may change according to different surface generation methods). In
sampled surface data to different sub-bands, which is shown in Fig. 17. Fig. 19(a), some white blocks appear due to noises. To remove these
To select the most suitable subsurface for segmentation, the areal small noises, the white blocks whose area is less than a certain
auto-covariance function of each subsurface is calculated and shown in threshold are discarded. In this case, the threshold value is 10. And the
Fig. 18. It is clear that the central point (corresponding to zero offset) is image after noise removal is shown in Fig. 19(b). The labels of each
the highest peak in every AACV plot. From the direct vision of Fig. 17, region is shown in Fig. 19(c).
it could be inferred that subsurface D4 has the strongest periodic degree. As noticed in Fig. 19(b), there is a breakage occurring in the right-
The proposed periodic degree values listed in Table 2 also agree with top tool mark. To detect the breakage, the IRD matrix is calculated and
this observation. So the subsurface D4 is selected for next steps. listed in Table 3. The last row shows the minimum value of each
Y. Yin, et al. Journal of Manufacturing Processes 57 (2020) 268–287
Fig. 16. B12 cylinder block and a sample from its top surface.
column and represents the minimum distance of each region to its boxes in Fig. 20(d). The sub image of repaired tool marks BW_repaired is
nearest neighbor. shown in Fig. 20(e). Adding the repaired tool mark image BW_repaired
Set C = 0.5, the distance threshold determined from the last row is with the image of connected tool marks BW_connected, the fully re-
DT = 50 %×max(min(IRD)) = 50 %×13.34 = 6.67. According to DT, paired tool mark image BW_full is obtained and shown in Fig. 20(f).
Region 4 and Region 5 are broken tool marks and need to be re-con- Applying the classical watershed algorithm to the final repaired tool
nected. So Fig. 19(b) can be partitioned into two sub images: one is the mark image, the segmentation results superimposed on original surface
broken tool marks BW_broken and the other one is connective tool topography and selected subsurface are shown in Fig. 21(a) and (b)
marks BW_connected. For the broken tool marks shown in Fig. 20(b), respectively. Fig. 21(c) labels each partitioned region with a color for
“tool mark repair” algorithm proposed in section 2.3 is applied to repair better demonstration. The watershed lines are specially labelled with
the breakage. The convex hull to repair the breakage is shown by red red color to enhance the vision.
Y. Yin, et al. Journal of Manufacturing Processes 57 (2020) 268–287
Table 2 Table 3
Periodic degree of subsurface D1 to D5in case1. The inter region distance matrix IRDin case1.
Subsurface D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 Distance Region1 Region2 Region3 Region4 Region5
Periodic degree 0.038 0.181 0.300 0.398 0.045 Region1 12.81 31.06 10.77 12.04
Region2 12.81 13.34 30.41 30.41
Region3 31.06 13.34 50.01 51.86
Region4 10.77 30.41 50.01 5.66
A cross section perpendicular to tool marks is plotted in Fig. 22. The
Region5 12.04 30.41 51.86 5.66
points on the tool marks are marked with A, B, C and D. It is clear that min(IRD) 10.77 12.81 13.34 5.66 5.66
A, B, C and D are local peak points, which is consistent with the concept
of tool marks in Fig. 1. Generally, the tool shape and scar will be ne-
gative replicated in surface and repeated at the feed spacing. This 3.1.2. Comparison with multiscale watershed segmentation algorithm
phenomenon also holds in this case, the shapes of profile AB, BC and CD To compare the segmentation algorithm proposed in this paper with
are similar to each other. The average feed spacing calculated from classical methods, the multiscale watershed algorithm proposed by
Fig. 22(b) is f = = 2.9mm . The cutting speed was
AB + BC + CD 2.7 + 3 + 3
= 3
Barré and Lopez [25] is applied to the same surface data. The multiscale
1300 rpm, and feed rate was 3360 mm/min. The theoretical feed spa- watershed algorithm adopts series of area threshold to perform the
3360 2.9 2.58
cing is f = 1300 = 2.58mm . The relative error is r = 2.58 = 12.4%. multiscale watershed segmentation and gains better results in some
cases than traditional watershed algorithm. The idea is to fill up non-
Y. Yin, et al. Journal of Manufacturing Processes 57 (2020) 268–287
Y. Yin, et al. Journal of Manufacturing Processes 57 (2020) 268–287
Y. Yin, et al. Journal of Manufacturing Processes 57 (2020) 268–287
Fig. 25. N12 cylinder block and a sample from its top surface.
case. The top surface of the bearing cap was milled with a cutting speed breakage of tool marks, the IRD matrix is calculated and listed in
of 1400 rpm, a depth of cut 0.5 mm and a feed rate of 3800 mm/min. Table 7. Set C = 0.8, the distance threshold determined from the last
Fig. 32(a) shows a bearing cap. The left top surface was measured by row is DT = 0.8×max(min(IRD)) = 0.8 × 10.63 = 8.50. According to
HDM, and the height map is shown in Fig. 32(b). A sample is taken form DT, Region 2, 3 and 5 are broken tool marks and need to be re-con-
the measurement to test the proposed methodology. nected. The details of the repairing procedures are shown in Fig. 35.
The wavelet (bior4.4) decomposed subsurfaces and their AACV The final watershed segmentation results are shown in Fig. 36.
plots are shown in Fig. 33 and Fig. 34 respectively. The periodic degrees A cross section perpendicular to tool marks is plotted in Fig. 37. The
of each subsurface are listed in Table 6. D4 is selected again, since its points on the tool marks are marked with A, B and C. Although point B
periodic degree is maximum. is not exactly a local peak, its position is very close to a local peak. The
The local thresh-holding parameters are the same as case 2. The shapes of profile AB and BC are also similar to each other. The average
labels of each mark are shown in Fig. 35(a). To detect and repair the feed spacing calculated from Fig. 37(b) is f = = 2 = 2.55mm .
AB + BC 5.1
Y. Yin, et al. Journal of Manufacturing Processes 57 (2020) 268–287
Table 4 Table 5
Periodic degree of subsurface D1 to D5 in case2. The inter region distance matrix IRD in case2.
Subsurface D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 Distance Region1 Region2 Region3 Region4 Region5
Periodic degree 0.111 0.173 0.273 0.447 0.221 Region1 12.04 5.66 27.80 31.76
Region2 12.04 10.63 11.40 11.31
Region3 5.66 10.63 29.83 27.46
Region4 27.80 11.40 29.83 7.07
Region5 31.76 11.31 27.46 7.07
The theoretical feed spacing is f =
= 2.71mm . The relative error is min(IRD) 5.66 10.63 5.66 7.07 7.07
2.71 2.55
r= 2.71
= 5.9%.
Fig. 38 shows the multiscale watershed segmentation results and the
Y. Yin, et al. Journal of Manufacturing Processes 57 (2020) 268–287
area threshold A is from 1 to 50, equally spaced by interval 7. Similar to segmentation image is close to the theoretical values calculated from
the conclusion of case 1 and 2, the multiscale watershed segmentation cutting parameters, with an average relative error about 6.4 %. And the
fails to partition the surfaces with periodic tool marks. multiscale watershed segmentation fails to partition the surfaces cor-
In all three cases, the points on tool marks are local peaks or very rectly in all three cases. Therefore, the conclusion that “STRW” seg-
close to local peaks; each profile segment representing negative replica mentation methodology could effectively divide the milling surfaces
of tool shape are similar to each other; the calculated feed spacing from with periodic tool marks is drawn.
Y. Yin, et al. Journal of Manufacturing Processes 57 (2020) 268–287
Fig. 32. A bearing cap and a sample from its top surface.
Y. Yin, et al. Journal of Manufacturing Processes 57 (2020) 268–287
Table 7
The inter region distance matrix IRDin case3.
Table 6
Periodic degree of subsurface D1 to D5 in case3. Distance Region1 Region2 Region3 Region4 Region5
Subsurface D1 D2 D3 D4 D5
Region1 15 9.22 27.29 11.31
Region2 15 7.81 18.25 24.41
Periodic degree 0.081 0.109 0.237 0.392 0.189
Region3 9.22 7.81 10.63 7.81
Region4 27.29 18.25 10.63 12.37
Region5 11.31 24.41 7.81 12.37
min(IRD) 9.22 7.81 7.81 10.63 7.81
Y. Yin, et al. Journal of Manufacturing Processes 57 (2020) 268–287
Y. Yin, et al. Journal of Manufacturing Processes 57 (2020) 268–287
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