D4 Run Paddles Weekday 2306SU
D4 Run Paddles Weekday 2306SU
D4 Run Paddles Weekday 2306SU
1400 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
1:49 STAM 14001 443a D4 453a 901a FBBA 901a
14001 918a FBBA 918a 137p FBBA 137p
1401 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
1:49 ST 14007 319p FBBA 319p 851p WOBA 851p
14007 914p WOBA 914p 1123p D4 1128p
1402 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
1:49 STAM 14002 500a D4 510a 918a FBBA 918a
14002 935a FBBA 935a 154p FBBA 154p
1403 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:01 ST 14004 211p FBBA 211p 748p WOBA 748p
14004 806p WOBA 806p 1114p D4 1119p
1404 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
1:36 STAM 14003 516a D4 526a 735a WOBA 735a
14003 755a WOBA 755a 120p FBBA 120p
1405 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
1:49 ST 14005 302p FBBA 302p 834p WOBA 834p
14005 857p WOBA 857p 1106p D4 1111p
1406 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
1:41 STAM 14004 517a D4 527a 935a FBBA 935a
14004 952a FBBA 952a 211p FBBA 211p
1407 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:01 ST 14002 154p FBBA 154p 731p WOBA 731p
14002 749p WOBA 749p 1057p D4 1102p
1408 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:00 STAM 14005 526a D4 536a 1026a FBBA 1026a
14005 1043a FBBA 1043a 302p FBBA 302p
Block 14005 1st Ave. & International Blvd. 953a 23rd Ave. & E. 23rd St. 236p
23rd Ave. & E. 23rd St. 1001a Fruitvale Ave. & School St. 241p
muwtf / Pull-out / - / 8
Fruitvale Ave. & School St. 1006a High St. & MacArthur Blvd. 251p
AC Transit East Oakland Division 536a
High St. & MacArthur Blvd. 1016a Fruitvale BART 302p
High St. & MacArthur Blvd. 545a
Fruitvale BART 1026a
muwtf / 14 / EAST / 9140
High St. & MacArthur Blvd. 545a
Meal Break 1026a 1043a
Fruitvale BART 555a Block 14005
muwtf / 14 / WEST / 9142 muwtf / 14 / WEST / 9142
Fruitvale BART 611a Fruitvale BART 1043a
High St. & MacArthur Blvd. 621a High St. & MacArthur Blvd. 1055a
Fruitvale Ave. & School St. 628a Fruitvale Ave. & School St. 1104a
23rd Ave. & E. 21st St. 633a 23rd Ave. & E. 21st St. 1109a
1st Ave. & International Blvd. 643a 1st Ave. & International Blvd. 1119a
14th St. & Broadway 649a 14th St. & Broadway 1125a
West Oakland BART 701a West Oakland BART 1137a
1409 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
1:52 ST 14006 245p FBBA 245p 817p WOBA 817p
14006 840p WOBA 840p 1049p D4 1054p
1410 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
1:44 STAM 14006 534a D4 544a 1009a FBBA 1009a
14006 1026a FBBA 1026a 245p FBBA 245p
1411 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:01 ST 14001 137p FBBA 137p 714p WOBA 714p
14001 732p WOBA 732p 1040p D4 1045p
1412 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
1:57 STAM 14007 546a D4 556a 1043a FBBA 1043a
14007 1100a FBBA 1100a 319p FBBA 319p
Block 14007 1st Ave. & International Blvd. 1010a 23rd Ave. & E. 23rd St. 253p
23rd Ave. & E. 23rd St. 1018a Fruitvale Ave. & School St. 258p
muwtf / Pull-out / - / 8
Fruitvale Ave. & School St. 1023a High St. & MacArthur Blvd. 308p
AC Transit East Oakland Division 556a
High St. & MacArthur Blvd. 1033a Fruitvale BART 319p
High St. & MacArthur Blvd. 605a
Fruitvale BART 1043a
muwtf / 14 / EAST / 9140
High St. & MacArthur Blvd. 605a
Meal Break 1043a 1100a
Fruitvale BART 615a Block 14007
muwtf / 14 / WEST / 9142 muwtf / 14 / WEST / 9142
Fruitvale BART 628a Fruitvale BART 1100a
High St. & MacArthur Blvd. 638a High St. & MacArthur Blvd. 1112a
Fruitvale Ave. & School St. 645a Fruitvale Ave. & School St. 1121a
23rd Ave. & E. 21st St. 650a 23rd Ave. & E. 21st St. 1126a
1st Ave. & International Blvd. 700a 1st Ave. & International Blvd. 1136a
14th St. & Broadway 706a 14th St. & Broadway 1142a
West Oakland BART 718a West Oakland BART 1154a
1413 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
1:52 ST 14008 228p FBBA 228p 800p WOBA 800p
14008 823p WOBA 823p 1032p D4 1037p
1415 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:01 ST 14003 120p FBBA 120p 657p WOBA 657p
14003 715p WOBA 715p 1023p D4 1028p
1417 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:57 SP 14008 952a FBBA 952a 228p FBBA 228p
301012 335p SEMY 346p 800p D4 805p
Waiting after 943a 952a Split break 228p 335p TO TERMINAL. THEN LEAVE AS SCHEDULED.,
Block 14008 Block 301012
muwtf / 14 / WEST / 9142 muwtf / 1T / SOUTH / 3011 AVE.,L\20TH ST. (THOMAS L. BERKLEY
Fruitvale BART 1009a Seminary Tempo 346p WAY).,R\BROADWAY.,TO TERMINAL. THEN
High St. & MacArthur Blvd. 1021a San Leandro BART 408p LEAVE AS SCHEDULED.
Fruitvale Ave. & School St. 1030a
muwtf / 1T / NORTH / 3010 a
23rd Ave. & E. 21st St. 1035a
San Leandro BART 430p
1st Ave. & International Blvd. 1045a Seminary Tempo 453p
14th St. & Broadway 1051a Fruitvale Tempo 501p
West Oakland BART 1103a
Uptown Oakland 520p
muwtf / 14 / EAST / 9140 muwtf / Deadhead / NORTH / 8
West Oakland BART 1119a
Uptown Oakland 520p
14th St. & Broadway 1131a
Tempo Layover 525p
1st Ave. & International Blvd. 1137a
23rd Ave. & E. 23rd St. 1146a muwtf / Deadhead / SOUTH / 8
Fruitvale Ave. & School St. 1151a Tempo Layover 540p
High St. & MacArthur Blvd. 1201p Uptown Oakland 544p
Fruitvale BART 1212p muwtf / 1T / SOUTH / 3011
muwtf / 14 / WEST / 9142 Uptown Oakland 544p
Fruitvale BART 1225p Fruitvale Tempo 606p
High St. & MacArthur Blvd. 1237p Seminary Tempo 614p
Fruitvale Ave. & School St. 1247p San Leandro BART 636p
23rd Ave. & E. 21st St. 1253p muwtf / 1T / NORTH / 3010 a
1st Ave. & International Blvd. 104p San Leandro BART 650p
14th St. & Broadway 110p Seminary Tempo 713p
West Oakland BART 122p Fruitvale Tempo 721p
muwtf / 14 / EAST / 9140 Uptown Oakland 740p
West Oakland BART 135p muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
14th St. & Broadway 147p Uptown Oakland 740p
1st Ave. & International Blvd. 153p AC Transit East Oakland Division 800p
23rd Ave. & E. 23rd St. 202p
Fruitvale Ave. & School St. 207p Notes:
High St. & MacArthur Blvd. 217p
Fruitvale BART 228p
2000 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:20 STAM 20001 427a D4 437a 952a 11MK 952a
20001 1023a 11MK 1023a 212p FBBA 212p
2001 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
1:55 ST 20004 414p FBBA 414p 722p 11MK 722p
20004 746p 11MK 746p 1242x D4 1247x
Waiting after 403p 414p Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 908p muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
Park St. & Otis Dr. 912p Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1227x
Block 20004
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 924p AC Transit East Oakland Division 1242x
muwtf / 20 / WEST / 9200 11th St. & Martin Luther King Jr. Way 931p
Fruitvale BART 414p
muwtf / 20 / EAST / 9201
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 427p
11th St. & Martin Luther King Jr. Way 949p
Park St. & Otis Dr. 432p
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 955p
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 450p
Park St. & Otis Dr. 1007p
11th St. & Martin Luther King Jr. Way 500p
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 1011p
muwtf / 20 / EAST / 9201 Fruitvale BART 1019p
11th St. & Martin Luther King Jr. Way 512p Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1029p
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 520p
muwtf / 20 / WEST / 9202
Park St. & Otis Dr. 539p
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1045p
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 545p
Fruitvale BART 1055p
Fruitvale BART 558p
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 1102p
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 614p
Park St. & Otis Dr. 1105p
muwtf / 20 / WEST / 9200 Alameda South Shore Center 1108p
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 626p
muwtf / 20 / EAST / 9201
Fruitvale BART 641p
Alameda South Shore Center 1108p
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 653p
Park St. & Otis Dr. 1109p
Park St. & Otis Dr. 658p
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 1112p
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 713p
Fruitvale BART 1119p
11th St. & Martin Luther King Jr. Way 722p
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1127p
Meal Break 722p 746p
muwtf / 20 / WEST / 9202
Block 20004 Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1145p
muwtf / 20 / EAST / 9201 Fruitvale BART 1155p
11th St. & Martin Luther King Jr. Way 746p Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 1202x
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 753p Park St. & Otis Dr. 1205x
Park St. & Otis Dr. 808p Alameda South Shore Center 1208x
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 812p muwtf / 20 / EAST / 9201
Fruitvale BART 822p Alameda South Shore Center 1208x
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 834p Park St. & Otis Dr. 1209x
muwtf / 20 / WEST / 9200 Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 1212x
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 849p Fruitvale BART 1219x
Fruitvale BART 859p Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1227x
HASTUS 2012 - DTCLandscape 03/13/2023 935a Page: 18
AC Transit Run Paddle Effective: 06/11/2023
Crew schedule: D4 Weekday Scenario: 4 Booking: 2306SU
2002 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:14 STAM 20002 437a D4 447a 852a 11MK 852a
20002 926a 11MK 926a 112p FBBA 112p
2003 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
1:56 ST 20005 242p FBBA 242p 556p 11MK 556p
20005 613p 11MK 613p 1212x D4 1217x
Waiting after 233p 242p Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 740p Fruitvale BART 1149p
Park St. & Otis Dr. 744p Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1157p
Block 20005
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 758p
muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
muwtf / 20 / WEST / 9200 11th St. & Martin Luther King Jr. Way 806p
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1157p
Fruitvale BART 242p
muwtf / 20 / EAST / 9201 AC Transit East Oakland Division 1212x
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 254p
11th St. & Martin Luther King Jr. Way 816p
Park St. & Otis Dr. 259p Notes:
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 823p
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 315p a - ON ARRIVING END OF LINE TERMINAL AT
Park St. & Otis Dr. 838p
11th St. & Martin Luther King Jr. Way 325p END OF SHIFT CONTACT OCC BEFORE
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 842p
muwtf / 20 / EAST / 9201 Fruitvale BART 852p
11th St. & Martin Luther King Jr. Way 343p Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 904p
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 351p
muwtf / 20 / WEST / 9200
Park St. & Otis Dr. 410p
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 915p
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 416p
Fruitvale BART 925p
Fruitvale BART 429p
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 934p
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 445p
Park St. & Otis Dr. 938p
muwtf / 20 / WEST / 9200 Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 950p
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 457p 11th St. & Martin Luther King Jr. Way 957p
Fruitvale BART 512p
muwtf / 20 / EAST / 9201
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 525p
11th St. & Martin Luther King Jr. Way 1019p
Park St. & Otis Dr. 530p
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 1025p
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 546p
Park St. & Otis Dr. 1037p
11th St. & Martin Luther King Jr. Way 556p
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 1041p
Meal Break 556p 613p Fruitvale BART 1049p
Block 20005 Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1059p
2004 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:23 STAM 20003 457a D4 507a 822a 11MK 822a
20003 856a 11MK 856a 229p FBBA 229p
2005 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:07 ST 20002 112p FBBA 112p 653p 11MK 653p
20002 716p 11MK 716p 1054p D4 1059p
Waiting after 103p 112p Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 644p
11th St. & Martin Luther King Jr. Way 653p
Block 20002
Meal Break 653p 716p
muwtf / 20 / WEST / 9200
Fruitvale BART 112p Block 20002
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 124p muwtf / 20 / EAST / 9201
Park St. & Otis Dr. 129p 11th St. & Martin Luther King Jr. Way 716p
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 145p Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 723p
11th St. & Martin Luther King Jr. Way 155p Park St. & Otis Dr. 738p
muwtf / 20 / EAST / 9201 Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 742p
11th St. & Martin Luther King Jr. Way 213p Fruitvale BART 752p
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 221p Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 804p
Park St. & Otis Dr. 240p muwtf / 20 / WEST / 9200
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 246p Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 819p
Fruitvale BART 259p Fruitvale BART 829p
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 315p Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 838p
muwtf / 20 / WEST / 9200 Park St. & Otis Dr. 842p
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 327p Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 854p
Fruitvale BART 344p 11th St. & Martin Luther King Jr. Way 901p
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 357p muwtf / 20 / EAST / 9201
Park St. & Otis Dr. 402p 11th St. & Martin Luther King Jr. Way 919p
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 420p Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 925p
11th St. & Martin Luther King Jr. Way 430p Park St. & Otis Dr. 937p
muwtf / 20 / EAST / 9201 Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 941p
11th St. & Martin Luther King Jr. Way 443p Fruitvale BART 949p
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 451p Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 959p
Park St. & Otis Dr. 510p muwtf / 20 / WEST / 9202
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 516p Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1015p
Fruitvale BART 529p Fruitvale BART 1025p
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 545p Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 1034p
muwtf / 20 / WEST / 9200 Park St. & Otis Dr. 1038p
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 557p Alameda South Shore Center 1041p
Fruitvale BART 612p muwtf / Pull-in / - / 8
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 624p Alameda South Shore Center 1041p
Park St. & Otis Dr. 629p AC Transit East Oakland Division 1054p
2006 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:03 STAM 20004 507a D4 517a 922a 11MK 922a
20004 953a 11MK 953a 142p FBBA 142p
2007 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
3:15 SP 21005 1209p D4 1219p 344p FBBA 344p
20003 459p FBBA 459p 1045p D4 1050p
Block 21005 Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 616p a - ON ALL TRIPS ARRIVING OAKLAND AIRPORT:
11th St. & Martin Luther King Jr. Way 626p USE STOP # 4C, PULL FORWARD OF STOP
muwtf / Pull-out / - / 8
AC Transit East Oakland Division 1219p muwtf / 20 / EAST / 9201
Oakland Airport 1237p 11th St. & Martin Luther King Jr. Way 646p
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 653p
muwtf / 21 / EAST / 9211
Park St. & Otis Dr. 708p
Oakland Airport 1237p
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 712p
Island Dr. & Mecartney Road 1245p
Fruitvale BART 722p
Park St. & Otis Dr. 1256p
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 734p
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 101p
Fruitvale BART 114p muwtf / 20 / WEST / 9200
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 130p Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 749p
Fruitvale BART 801p
muwtf / 21 / WEST / 9212 a
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 810p
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 142p
Park St. & Otis Dr. 814p
Fruitvale BART 157p
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 828p
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 209p
11th St. & Martin Luther King Jr. Way 836p
Park St. & Otis Dr. 214p
Island Dr. & Mecartney Road 225p muwtf / 20 / EAST / 9201
Oakland Airport 233p 11th St. & Martin Luther King Jr. Way 849p
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 855p
muwtf / 21 / EAST / 9211
Park St. & Otis Dr. 907p
Oakland Airport 305p
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 911p
Island Dr. & Mecartney Road 313p
Fruitvale BART 919p
Park St. & Otis Dr. 325p
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 929p
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 331p
Fruitvale BART 344p muwtf / 20 / WEST / 9200
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 945p
Split break 344p 459p
Fruitvale BART 955p
Block 20003 Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 1004p
muwtf / 20 / EAST / 9201 Park St. & Otis Dr. 1008p
Fruitvale BART 459p Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 1020p
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 515p 11th St. & Martin Luther King Jr. Way 1027p
2009 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:41 SP 21002 1055a FBBA 1055a 1257p FBBA 1257p
20001 212p FBBA 212p 808p D4 813p
2100 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:29 STAM 21001 512a D4 522a 955a FBBA 955a
21003 1025a FBBA 1025a 214p FBBA 214p
2101 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:47 ST 21002 1257p FBBA 1257p 632p OAIR 632p
21002 702p OAIR 702p 1054p D4 1059p
Waiting after 1243p 1257p Island Dr. & Mecartney Road 624p Oakland Airport 1039p
Oakland Airport 632p AC Transit East Oakland Division 1054p
Block 21002
Meal Break 632p 702p Notes:
muwtf / 21 / WEST / 9212 a
Fruitvale BART 1257p Block
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 109p USE STOP # 4C, PULL FORWARD OF STOP
muwtf / 21 / EAST / 9214 b FOR LAYOVER AND ARRIVING LINE 73. DO
Park St. & Otis Dr. 114p Oakland Airport 702p
Island Dr. & Mecartney Road 125p NOT USE BUS STOP # 4B.
Island Dr. & Mecartney Road 709p b - (SERVES HARBOR FERRY TERMINAL) ON
Oakland Airport 133p Harbor Bay Ferry Terminal 712p SELECTED TRIPS ON ARRIVING MECARTNEY
muwtf / 21 / EAST / 9211 Park St. & Otis Dr. 723p RD. & AUGHINBAUGH WY. CONTINUE VIA
Oakland Airport 205p Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 727p MECARTNEY RD, L\INTO HARBOR BAY PKWY
Island Dr. & Mecartney Road 213p Fruitvale BART 737p FERRY TERMINAL PARKING LOT TO
Park St. & Otis Dr. 225p Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 749p TERMINAL, PLEASE WAIT UP TO 5 MINUTES
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 231p muwtf / 21 / WEST / 9212 a FOR ARRIVING FERRY. CONTINUE BACK
Fruitvale BART 244p Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 804p THRU PARKING LOT, R\ MECARTNEY RD.,
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 300p Fruitvale BART 814p L\AUGHINBAUGH WY. THEN REGULAR
muwtf / 21 / WEST / 9212 a Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 823p ROUTE.
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 312p Park St. & Otis Dr. 827p
Fruitvale BART 329p Island Dr. & Mecartney Road 836p
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 342p Oakland Airport 843p
Park St. & Otis Dr. 347p muwtf / 21 / EAST / 9211
Island Dr. & Mecartney Road 359p Oakland Airport 906p
Oakland Airport 407p Island Dr. & Mecartney Road 913p
muwtf / 21 / EAST / 9211 Park St. & Otis Dr. 923p
Oakland Airport 435p Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 927p
Island Dr. & Mecartney Road 443p Fruitvale BART 935p
Park St. & Otis Dr. 455p Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 945p
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 501p muwtf / 21 / WEST / 9212
Fruitvale BART 514p Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1000p
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 530p Fruitvale BART 1010p
muwtf / 21 / WEST / 9212 a Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 1019p
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 542p Park St. & Otis Dr. 1023p
Fruitvale BART 557p Island Dr. & Mecartney Road 1032p
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 609p Oakland Airport 1039p
Park St. & Otis Dr. 614p muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
2102 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
3:06 STAM 21002 525a D4 535a 1055a FBBA 1055a
54002 1115a FBBA 1115a 318p FBBA 318p
Block 21002 muwtf / 21 / EAST / 9211 35th Ave. & International Blvd. 114p
Oakland Airport 945a Fruitvale BART 115p
muwtf / Pull-out / - / 8
Island Dr. & Mecartney Road 952a
AC Transit East Oakland Division 535a muwtf / 54 / EAST / 418
Park St. & Otis Dr. 1003a
Oakland Airport 553a Fruitvale BART 130p
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 1007a 35th Ave. & International Blvd. 133p
muwtf / 21 / EAST / 9211 Fruitvale BART 1018a 35th Ave. & Deering St. 137p
Oakland Airport 553a Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1031a 35th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 141p
Island Dr. & Mecartney Road 600a
muwtf / 21 / WEST / 9212 b Merritt College 147p
Park St. & Otis Dr. 611a
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1042a
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 614a muwtf / 54 / WEST / 417
Fruitvale BART 1055a
Fruitvale BART 623a Merritt College 200p
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 633a Meal Break 1055a 1115a 35th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 207p
35th Ave. & Brookdale Ave. 209p
muwtf / 21 / WEST / 9213 Block 54002
35th Ave. & International Blvd. 214p
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 642a
muwtf / 54 / EAST / 418 Fruitvale BART 215p
Fruitvale BART 653a
Fruitvale BART 1130a
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 702a 35th Ave. & International Blvd. 1133a muwtf / 54 / EAST / 418
Park St. & Otis Dr. 706a 35th Ave. & Deering St. 1137a Fruitvale BART 230p
Harbor Bay Ferry Terminal 717a 35th Ave. & International Blvd. 233p
35th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1141a
Island Dr. & Mecartney Road 720a 35th Ave. & Deering St. 237p
Merritt College 1147a
Oakland Airport 728a 35th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 241p
muwtf / 54 / WEST / 417 Merritt College 247p
muwtf / 21 / EAST / 9211 Merritt College 1200p
Oakland Airport 738a 35th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1207p muwtf / 54 / WEST / 417
Island Dr. & Mecartney Road 746a 35th Ave. & Brookdale Ave. 1209p Merritt College 300p
Park St. & Otis Dr. 803a 35th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 307p
35th Ave. & International Blvd. 1214p
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 807a 35th Ave. & Brookdale Ave. 310p
Fruitvale BART 1215p
Fruitvale BART 818a 35th Ave. & International Blvd. 317p
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 831a muwtf / 54 / EAST / 418 Fruitvale BART 318p
Fruitvale BART 1230p
muwtf / 21 / WEST / 9213 a 35th Ave. & International Blvd. 1233p Notes:
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 842a 35th Ave. & Deering St. 1237p a - (SERVES HARBOR FERRY TERMINAL) ON
Fruitvale BART 855a 35th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1241p SELECTED TRIPS ON ARRIVING
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 906a AUGANBAUGH WY & MACARTNEY RD.
Merritt College 1247p
Harbor Bay Ferry Terminal 921a muwtf / 54 / WEST / 417 HARBOR BAY PKWY FERRY TERMINAL
Island Dr. & Mecartney Road 924a Merritt College 100p PARKING LOT TO TERMINAL, CONTINUE BACK
Oakland Airport 932a 35th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 107p THRU PARKING LOT, R\MECARTNEY RD.,
35th Ave. & Brookdale Ave. 109p THEN REGULAR ROUTE. ON ALL TRIPS
HASTUS 2012 - DTCLandscape 03/13/2023 935a Page: 28
AC Transit Run Paddle Effective: 06/11/2023
Crew schedule: D4 Weekday Scenario: 4 Booking: 2306SU
2103 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:33 ST 21004 127p FBBA 127p 437p OAIR 437p
21004 502p OAIR 502p 1030p D4 1035p
Waiting after 108p 127p Fruitvale BART 627p SELECTED TRIPS ON ARRIVING MECARTNEY
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 639p RD. & AUGHINBAUGH WY. CONTINUE VIA
Block 21004
muwtf / 21 / WEST / 9212 a Island Dr. & Mecartney Road 654p FERRY TERMINAL PARKING LOT TO
Fruitvale BART 127p Oakland Airport 702p TERMINAL, PLEASE WAIT UP TO 5 MINUTES
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 139p FOR ARRIVING FERRY. CONTINUE BACK
muwtf / 21 / EAST / 9211
Park St. & Otis Dr. 144p THRU PARKING LOT, R\ MECARTNEY RD.,
Oakland Airport 736p
Island Dr. & Mecartney Road 155p L\AUGHINBAUGH WY. THEN REGULAR
Island Dr. & Mecartney Road 743p
Oakland Airport 203p ROUTE.
Park St. & Otis Dr. 753p
muwtf / 21 / EAST / 9211 Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 757p
Oakland Airport 235p Fruitvale BART 807p
Island Dr. & Mecartney Road 243p Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 819p
Park St. & Otis Dr. 255p
muwtf / 21 / WEST / 9212 a
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 301p
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 834p
Fruitvale BART 314p
Fruitvale BART 844p
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 330p
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 853p
muwtf / 21 / WEST / 9212 a Park St. & Otis Dr. 857p
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 342p Island Dr. & Mecartney Road 906p
Fruitvale BART 359p Oakland Airport 913p
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 412p
muwtf / 21 / EAST / 9211
Park St. & Otis Dr. 417p
Oakland Airport 936p
Island Dr. & Mecartney Road 429p
Island Dr. & Mecartney Road 943p
Oakland Airport 437p
Park St. & Otis Dr. 953p
Meal Break 437p 502p Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 957p
Block 21004 Fruitvale BART 1005p
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1015p
muwtf / 21 / EAST / 9214 b
Oakland Airport 502p muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
Island Dr. & Mecartney Road 510p Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1015p
Harbor Bay Ferry Terminal 513p AC Transit East Oakland Division 1030p
Park St. & Otis Dr. 525p
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 531p a - ON ALL TRIPS ARRIVING OAKLAND AIRPORT:
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 600p FOR LAYOVER AND ARRIVING LINE 73. DO
muwtf / 21 / WEST / 9212 a NOT USE BUS STOP # 4B.
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 612p b - (SERVES HARBOR FERRY TERMINAL) ON
HASTUS 2012 - DTCLandscape 03/13/2023 935a Page: 30
AC Transit Run Paddle Effective: 06/11/2023
Crew schedule: D4 Weekday Scenario: 4 Booking: 2306SU
2104 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
5:08 FR 21003 542a D4 552a 1025a FBBA 1117a
98006 226p CBBA 226p 609p CBBA 609p
Block 21003 Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1012a Eastmont Transit Center 538p
Fruitvale BART 1025a 90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 544p
muwtf / Pull-out / - / 8
98th Ave. & International Blvd. 550p
AC Transit East Oakland Division 552a Split break 1117a 226p
98th Ave. & Empire Road 557p
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 612a
Block 98006 Hassler Way & Edgewater Dr. 603p
muwtf / 21 / WEST / 9212 a muwtf / 98 / EAST / 9983 Coliseum BART 609p
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 612a Coliseum BART 234p
Fruitvale BART 623a Notes:
Hassler Way & Edgewater Dr. 240p
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 632a a - ON ALL TRIPS ARRIVING OAKLAND AIRPORT:
98th Ave. & Empire Road 246p
Park St. & Otis Dr. 636a USE STOP # 4C, PULL FORWARD OF STOP
98th Ave. & International Blvd. 253p
Island Dr. & Mecartney Road 646a FOR LAYOVER AND ARRIVING LINE 73. DO
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 258p
Oakland Airport 654a NOT USE BUS STOP # 4B.
Eastmont Transit Center 303p b - (SERVES HARBOR FERRY TERMINAL) ON
muwtf / 21 / EAST / 9211 muwtf / 98 / WEST / 9982 SELECTED TRIPS ON ARRIVING
Oakland Airport 718a Eastmont Transit Center 317p AUGANBAUGH WY & MACARTNEY RD.
Island Dr. & Mecartney Road 725a 90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 324p OPERATE VIA R\ MECARTNEY RD, L\INTO
Park St. & Otis Dr. 736a 98th Ave. & International Blvd. 332p HARBOR BAY PKWY FERRY TERMINAL
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 739a 98th Ave. & Empire Road 340p PARKING LOT TO TERMINAL, CONTINUE BACK
Fruitvale BART 749a Hassler Way & Edgewater Dr. 346p THRU PARKING LOT, R\MECARTNEY RD.,
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 802a Coliseum BART 352p THEN REGULAR ROUTE. ON ALL TRIPS
muwtf / 90 / EAST / 9901
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 812a STOP # 4C, PULL FORWARD OF STOP FOR
Coliseum BART 400p
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 411p
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 836a USE BUS STOP # 4B.
Foothill Square 417p
Park St. & Otis Dr. 841a
Harbor Bay Ferry Terminal 851a muwtf / 90 / WEST / 9900
Island Dr. & Mecartney Road 854a Foothill Square 430p
Oakland Airport 902a 90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 437p
Coliseum BART 447p
muwtf / 21 / EAST / 9211
Oakland Airport 915a muwtf / 98 / EAST / 9983
Island Dr. & Mecartney Road 922a Coliseum BART 454p
Park St. & Otis Dr. 933a Hassler Way & Edgewater Dr. 500p
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 937a 98th Ave. & Empire Road 506p
Fruitvale BART 948a 98th Ave. & International Blvd. 515p
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1001a 90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 521p
Eastmont Transit Center 527p
muwtf / 21 / WEST / 9212 a
muwtf / 98 / WEST / 9982
HASTUS 2012 - DTCLandscape 03/13/2023 935a Page: 31
AC Transit Run Paddle Effective: 06/11/2023
Crew schedule: D4 Weekday Scenario: 4 Booking: 2306SU
2105 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
3:12 SP 51004 121p FBBA 121p 338p FBBA 338p
21003 444p FBBA 444p 1024p D4 1029p
Waiting after 108p 121p muwtf / 21 / EAST / 9211 THEN LEAVE AS SCHEDULED.
Oakland Airport 636p b - (SERVES HARBOR FERRY TERMINAL) ON
Block 51004
muwtf / 51A / NORTH / 9511 a Park St. & Otis Dr. 653p RD. & AUGHINBAUGH WY. CONTINUE VIA
Fruitvale BART 136p Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 657p MECARTNEY RD, L\INTO HARBOR BAY PKWY
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 141p Fruitvale BART 707p FERRY TERMINAL PARKING LOT TO
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 144p Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 719p TERMINAL, PLEASE WAIT UP TO 5 MINUTES
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 157p FOR ARRIVING FERRY. CONTINUE BACK
15th St. & Broadway 207p muwtf / 21 / WEST / 9212 c
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 734p
40th St. & Broadway 219p L\AUGHINBAUGH WY. THEN REGULAR
Fruitvale BART 746p
Rockridge BART 226p ROUTE.
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 755p
muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8 Park St. & Otis Dr. 759p
Rockridge BART 226p
Island Dr. & Mecartney Road 809p
Rockridge BART 228p Oakland Airport 816p
muwtf / 51A / SOUTH / 9510 muwtf / 21 / EAST / 9211
Rockridge BART 245p Oakland Airport 836p
40th St. & Broadway 253p Island Dr. & Mecartney Road 843p
12th St. & Broadway 307p Park St. & Otis Dr. 853p
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 316p Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 857p
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 329p Fruitvale BART 905p
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 332p Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 915p
Fruitvale BART 338p
muwtf / 21 / WEST / 9212
Split break 338p 444p Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 930p
Block 21003 Fruitvale BART 940p
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 949p
muwtf / 21 / EAST / 9214 b Park St. & Otis Dr. 953p
Fruitvale BART 444p
Island Dr. & Mecartney Road 1002p
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 500p
Oakland Airport 1009p
muwtf / 21 / WEST / 9212 c
muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 512p
Oakland Airport 1009p
Fruitvale BART 527p
AC Transit East Oakland Division 1024p
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 540p
Park St. & Otis Dr. 545p Notes:
Island Dr. & Mecartney Road 556p a - ON ARRIVING KEITH & COLLEGE AVES. DH
HASTUS 2012 - DTCLandscape 03/13/2023 935a Page: 32
AC Transit Run Paddle Effective: 06/11/2023
Crew schedule: D4 Weekday Scenario: 4 Booking: 2306SU
2106 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
5:10 FR 21004 555a D4 605a 1049a FBBA 1049a
125002 213p FBBA 213p 649p D4 654p
Block 21004 Island Dr. & Mecartney Road 1022a Island Dr. Park and Ride 631p
Park St. & Otis Dr. 1033a
muwtf / Pull-out / - / 8 muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 1038a
AC Transit East Oakland Division 605a Island Dr. Park and Ride 631p
Fruitvale BART 1049a
Oakland Airport 623a AC Transit East Oakland Division 649p
Split break 1049a 213p
muwtf / 21 / EAST / 9211 Notes:
Oakland Airport 623a Block 125002 a - ON ALL TRIPS ARRIVING OAKLAND AIRPORT:
Island Dr. & Mecartney Road 630a USE STOP # 4C, PULL FORWARD OF STOP
muwtf / O / WEST / 1251
Park St. & Otis Dr. 641a Fruitvale BART 230p FOR LAYOVER AND ARRIVING LINE 73. DO
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 644a High St. & Fernside Blvd. 236p NOT USE BUS STOP # 4B.
Fruitvale BART 653a Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 242p b - EASTBOUND TRIPS PLEASE TURN ON PR3
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 703a Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 253p CODE-DROP OFF ONLY- BEFORE-DEPARTING
muwtf / 21 / WEST / 9212 a
Salesforce Transit Center 314p AT LAST TIME POINT ( ON ALL TRIPS
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 712a
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 732a Salesforce Transit Center 330p
Park St. & Otis Dr. 736a Bay Bridge Toll Plaza 340p
Island Dr. & Mecartney Road 746a 5th St. & Market St. 349p
Oakland Airport 754a Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 354p
muwtf / 21 / EAST / 9211 Encinal Ave. & Park Ave. 407p
Oakland Airport 808a High St. & Fernside Blvd. 412p
Island Dr. & Mecartney Road 816a Fruitvale BART 418p
Park St. & Otis Dr. 833a
muwtf / O / WEST / 1251
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 837a Fruitvale BART 430p
Fruitvale BART 848a High St. & Fernside Blvd. 436p
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 901a Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 442p
muwtf / 21 / WEST / 9212 a Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 453p
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 912a Bay Bridge Toll Plaza 508p
Fruitvale BART 925a Salesforce Transit Center 522p
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 936a
muwtf / OX / EAST / 914 b
Park St. & Otis Dr. 941a Salesforce Transit Center 535p
Island Dr. & Mecartney Road 952a Park St. & Clement Ave. 608p
Oakland Airport 1000a Encinal Ave. & Park Ave. 613p
muwtf / 21 / EAST / 9211 High St. & Otis Dr. 618p
Oakland Airport 1014a Robert Davey Jr. Dr. & Packet Landing 621p
Mecartney Road & Verdemar Dr. 626p
HASTUS 2012 - DTCLandscape 03/13/2023 935a Page: 33
AC Transit Run Paddle Effective: 06/11/2023
Crew schedule: D4 Weekday Scenario: 4 Booking: 2306SU
2107 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:59 SP 51009 1257p FBBA 1257p 309p FBBA 309p
21001 414p FBBA 414p 958p D4 1003p
Waiting after 1243p 1257p muwtf / 21 / EAST / 9214 c AVE.,L\COLLEGE AVE., TO ROCKRIDGE BART.
Oakland Airport 600p THEN LEAVE AS SCHEDULED.
Block 51009
Island Dr. & Mecartney Road 608p b - ON ALL TRIPS ARRIVING OAKLAND AIRPORT:
muwtf / 51A / NORTH / 9511 a Harbor Bay Ferry Terminal 611p USE STOP # 4C, PULL FORWARD OF STOP
Fruitvale BART 112p Park St. & Otis Dr. 624p FOR LAYOVER AND ARRIVING LINE 73. DO
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 117p Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 629p NOT USE BUS STOP # 4B.
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 120p Fruitvale BART 641p c - (SERVES HARBOR FERRY TERMINAL) ON
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 133p Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 655p SELECTED TRIPS ON ARRIVING MECARTNEY
15th St. & Broadway 143p RD. & AUGHINBAUGH WY. CONTINUE VIA
40th St. & Broadway 155p muwtf / 21 / WEST / 9212 b
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 709p
Fruitvale BART 721p
muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8 Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 730p
Rockridge BART 202p
Park St. & Otis Dr. 734p
Rockridge BART 204p Island Dr. & Mecartney Road 744p
muwtf / 51A / SOUTH / 9510 Oakland Airport 751p
Rockridge BART 221p muwtf / 21 / EAST / 9211
40th St. & Broadway 227p Oakland Airport 806p
12th St. & Broadway 240p Island Dr. & Mecartney Road 813p
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 248p Park St. & Otis Dr. 823p
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 301p Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 827p
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 304p Fruitvale BART 837p
Fruitvale BART 309p Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 849p
Split break 309p 414p muwtf / 21 / WEST / 9212
Block 21001 Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 904p
Fruitvale BART 914p
muwtf / 21 / EAST / 9211 Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 923p
Fruitvale BART 414p
Park St. & Otis Dr. 927p
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 430p
Island Dr. & Mecartney Road 936p
muwtf / 21 / WEST / 9212 b Oakland Airport 943p
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 442p
muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
Fruitvale BART 457p
Oakland Airport 943p
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 510p
AC Transit East Oakland Division 958p
Park St. & Otis Dr. 515p
Island Dr. & Mecartney Road 526p Notes:
Oakland Airport 534p a - ON ARRIVING KEITH & COLLEGE AVES. DH
HASTUS 2012 - DTCLandscape 03/13/2023 935a Page: 34
AC Transit Run Paddle Effective: 06/11/2023
Crew schedule: D4 Weekday Scenario: 4 Booking: 2306SU
2109 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
3:13 SP 21001 955a FBBA 955a 144p FBBA 144p
62004 253p FBBA 253p 727p D4 732p
Waiting after 943a 955a Lake Merritt BART 338p ST.,R\UNION ST.,R\ON-RAMP ONTO HWY.#880
8th St. & Broadway 342p N\B. TO BAY BRIDGE.,R\FREMONT ST
Block 21001
muwtf / 62 / EAST / 481
West Oakland BART 406p
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 1006a c - EASTBOUND TRIPS PLEASE TURN ON PR3
7th St. & Franklin St. 413p
Lake Merritt BART 417p
Island Dr. & Mecartney Road 1022a SALESFORCE TRANSIT CENTER. TURN OFF
Highland Hospital 431p
Oakland Airport 1030a AT LAST TIME POINT
23rd Ave. & International Blvd. 442p
muwtf / 21 / EAST / 9211 Fruitvale BART 449p
Oakland Airport 1044a
muwtf / 62 / WEST / 483 b
Island Dr. & Mecartney Road 1052a
Fruitvale BART 500p
Park St. & Otis Dr. 1103a
23rd Ave. & International Blvd. 505p
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 1108a
Highland Hospital 515p
Fruitvale BART 1119a
Lake Merritt BART 528p
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1132a
8th St. & Broadway 531p
muwtf / 21 / WEST / 9212 a West Oakland BART 537p
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1142a
muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8
Fruitvale BART 1157a
West Oakland BART 537p
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 1209p
Salesforce Transit Center 601p
Park St. & Otis Dr. 1214p
Island Dr. & Mecartney Road 1225p muwtf / NX3 / EAST / 192 c
Oakland Airport 1233p Salesforce Transit Center 625p
MacArthur Blvd. & Millsbrae Ave. 657p
muwtf / 21 / EAST / 9211
Eastmont Transit Center 701p
Oakland Airport 107p
Marlow Dr. & Foothill Way 711p
Island Dr. & Mecartney Road 115p
Park St. & Otis Dr. 126p muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 131p Marlow Dr. & Foothill Way 711p
Fruitvale BART 144p AC Transit East Oakland Division 727p
2160 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
0:57 FP 21005 344p FBBA 344p 744p D4 749p
muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
Oakland Airport 729p
AC Transit East Oakland Division 744p
3900 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:17 STAM 54001 533a D4 543a 845a FBBA 845a
39001 909a FBBA 909a 209p FBBA 209p
3901 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
3:20 ST 39001 209p FBBA 209p 514p FBBA 514p
54003 533p FBBA 533p 1038p D4 1043p
Waiting after 153p 209p Block 54003 35th Ave. & Brookdale Ave. 824p
35th Ave. & International Blvd. 829p
Block 39001 muwtf / 54 / EAST / 418
Fruitvale BART 830p
Fruitvale BART 545p
muwtf / 39 / EAST / 9390
35th Ave. & International Blvd. 547p muwtf / 54 / EAST / 418
Fruitvale BART 220p
35th Ave. & Deering St. 551p Fruitvale BART 845p
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 232p
35th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 554p 35th Ave. & International Blvd. 847p
Lincoln Ave. & Monterey Blvd. 237p
Merritt College 601p 35th Ave. & Deering St. 850p
Skyline Blvd. & Balmoral Dr. 244p
35th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 853p
muwtf / 54 / WEST / 417
muwtf / 39 / WEST / 9391 Merritt College 859p
Merritt College 615p
Skyline Blvd. & Balmoral Dr. 244p
35th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 622p muwtf / 54 / WEST / 417
Lincoln Ave. & Monterey Blvd. 250p
35th Ave. & Brookdale Ave. 624p Merritt College 915p
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 256p
35th Ave. & International Blvd. 629p 35th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 922p
Fruitvale BART 310p
Fruitvale BART 630p 35th Ave. & Brookdale Ave. 924p
muwtf / 39 / EAST / 9390 35th Ave. & International Blvd. 929p
Fruitvale BART 320p
muwtf / 54 / EAST / 418
Fruitvale BART 930p
Fruitvale BART 645p
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 333p
35th Ave. & International Blvd. 647p muwtf / 54 / EAST / 418
Lincoln Ave. & Monterey Blvd. 339p
35th Ave. & Deering St. 650p Fruitvale BART 945p
Skyline Blvd. & Balmoral Dr. 346p
35th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 653p 35th Ave. & International Blvd. 947p
muwtf / 39 / WEST / 9391 Merritt College 659p 35th Ave. & Deering St. 950p
Skyline Blvd. & Balmoral Dr. 346p 35th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 953p
Lincoln Ave. & Monterey Blvd. 352p muwtf / 54 / WEST / 417
Merritt College 959p
Merritt College 715p
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 358p
35th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 722p muwtf / 54 / WEST / 417
Fruitvale BART 412p
35th Ave. & Brookdale Ave. 724p Merritt College 1015p
muwtf / 39 / EAST / 9390 35th Ave. & International Blvd. 729p 35th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1022p
Fruitvale BART 422p Fruitvale BART 730p 35th Ave. & Brookdale Ave. 1024p
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 435p 35th Ave. & International Blvd. 1029p
Lincoln Ave. & Monterey Blvd. 441p muwtf / 54 / EAST / 418
Fruitvale BART 1030p
Fruitvale BART 745p
Skyline Blvd. & Balmoral Dr. 448p
35th Ave. & International Blvd. 747p muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
muwtf / 39 / WEST / 9391 35th Ave. & Deering St. 750p Fruitvale BART 1030p
Skyline Blvd. & Balmoral Dr. 448p 35th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 753p AC Transit East Oakland Division 1038p
Lincoln Ave. & Monterey Blvd. 454p Merritt College 759p
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 500p
Fruitvale BART 514p
muwtf / 54 / WEST / 417
Merritt College 815p
Meal Break 514p 533p 35th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 822p
3903 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:53 ST 54001 145p FBBA 145p 448p FBBA 448p
39001 514p FBBA 514p 1019p D4 1024p
Waiting after 133p 145p 35th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 437p Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 801p
35th Ave. & Brookdale Ave. 440p Fruitvale BART 811p
Block 54001
35th Ave. & International Blvd. 447p
muwtf / 39 / EAST / 9390
muwtf / 54 / EAST / 418 Fruitvale BART 448p
Fruitvale BART 828p
Fruitvale BART 200p
Meal Break 448p 514p Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 839p
35th Ave. & International Blvd. 203p
Lincoln Ave. & Monterey Blvd. 844p
35th Ave. & Deering St. 207p Block 39001
Skyline Blvd. & Balmoral Dr. 850p
35th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 211p muwtf / 39 / EAST / 9390
Merritt College 217p Fruitvale BART 524p muwtf / 39 / WEST / 9391
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 537p Skyline Blvd. & Balmoral Dr. 850p
muwtf / 54 / WEST / 417
Lincoln Ave. & Monterey Blvd. 855p
Merritt College 230p Lincoln Ave. & Monterey Blvd. 543p
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 901p
35th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 237p Skyline Blvd. & Balmoral Dr. 550p
Fruitvale BART 911p
35th Ave. & Brookdale Ave. 239p muwtf / 39 / WEST / 9391
35th Ave. & International Blvd. 244p Skyline Blvd. & Balmoral Dr. 550p muwtf / 39 / EAST / 9390
Fruitvale BART 245p Lincoln Ave. & Monterey Blvd. 556p Fruitvale BART 928p
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 939p
muwtf / 54 / EAST / 418 Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 602p
Lincoln Ave. & Monterey Blvd. 944p
Fruitvale BART 300p Fruitvale BART 616p
Skyline Blvd. & Balmoral Dr. 950p
35th Ave. & International Blvd. 303p muwtf / 39 / EAST / 9390
35th Ave. & Deering St. 308p Fruitvale BART 626p muwtf / 39 / WEST / 9391
35th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 311p Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 638p Skyline Blvd. & Balmoral Dr. 950p
Merritt College 318p Lincoln Ave. & Monterey Blvd. 955p
Lincoln Ave. & Monterey Blvd. 644p
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1001p
muwtf / 54 / WEST / 417 Skyline Blvd. & Balmoral Dr. 650p
Fruitvale BART 1011p
Merritt College 330p muwtf / 39 / WEST / 9391
35th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 337p Skyline Blvd. & Balmoral Dr. 650p muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
35th Ave. & Brookdale Ave. 340p Lincoln Ave. & Monterey Blvd. 656p Fruitvale BART 1011p
35th Ave. & International Blvd. 347p Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 702p AC Transit East Oakland Division 1019p
Fruitvale BART 348p Fruitvale BART 714p
muwtf / 54 / EAST / 418 muwtf / 39 / EAST / 9390
Fruitvale BART 400p Fruitvale BART 728p
35th Ave. & International Blvd. 403p Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 739p
35th Ave. & Deering St. 408p Lincoln Ave. & Monterey Blvd. 744p
35th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 411p Skyline Blvd. & Balmoral Dr. 750p
Merritt College 418p
muwtf / 39 / WEST / 9391
muwtf / 54 / WEST / 417 Skyline Blvd. & Balmoral Dr. 750p
Merritt College 430p Lincoln Ave. & Monterey Blvd. 755p
HASTUS 2012 - DTCLandscape 03/13/2023 935a Page: 39
AC Transit Run Paddle Effective: 06/11/2023
Crew schedule: D4 Weekday Scenario: 4 Booking: 2306SU
4001 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:28 ST 40004 419p SFSE 419p 706p EATC 706p
40004 730p EATC 730p 1255x D4 100x
Waiting after 407p 419p Eastmont Transit Center 844p Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 1239x
Eastmont Transit Center 1243x
Block 40004 muwtf / 40 / NORTH / 9400
Eastmont Transit Center 900p muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
muwtf / 40 / SOUTH / 9401
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 904p Eastmont Transit Center 1243x
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 419p
35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 911p AC Transit East Oakland Division 1255x
Eastmont Transit Center 424p
1st Ave. & International Blvd. 921p
Estudillo Ave. & Bancroft Ave. 441p
11th St. & Clay St. 927p
Bay Fair BART 456p
muwtf / 40 / SOUTH / 9402
muwtf / 40 / NORTH / 9400
11th St. & Clay St. 935p
Bay Fair BART 510p
1st Ave. & International Blvd. 940p
Estudillo Ave. & Bancroft Ave. 523p
35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 951p
Eastmont Transit Center 540p
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 959p
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 545p
Eastmont Transit Center 1003p
35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 554p
1st Ave. & International Blvd. 606p muwtf / 40 / NORTH / 9400
11th St. & Clay St. 613p Eastmont Transit Center 1020p
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 1024p
muwtf / 40 / SOUTH / 9402
35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 1031p
11th St. & Clay St. 635p
1st Ave. & International Blvd. 1041p
1st Ave. & International Blvd. 640p
11th St. & Clay St. 1047p
35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 653p
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 701p muwtf / 40 / SOUTH / 9402
Eastmont Transit Center 706p 11th St. & Clay St. 1055p
1st Ave. & International Blvd. 1100p
Meal Break 706p 730p
35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 1111p
Block 40004 Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 1119p
muwtf / 40 / NORTH / 9400 Eastmont Transit Center 1123p
Eastmont Transit Center 730p muwtf / 40 / NORTH / 9400
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 734p Eastmont Transit Center 1140p
35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 743p Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 1144p
1st Ave. & International Blvd. 754p 35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 1151p
11th St. & Clay St. 801p 1st Ave. & International Blvd. 1201x
muwtf / 40 / SOUTH / 9402 11th St. & Clay St. 1207x
11th St. & Clay St. 815p muwtf / 40 / SOUTH / 9402
1st Ave. & International Blvd. 820p 11th St. & Clay St. 1215x
35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 831p 1st Ave. & International Blvd. 1220x
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 839p 35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 1231x
HASTUS 2012 - DTCLandscape 03/13/2023 935a Page: 40
AC Transit Run Paddle Effective: 06/11/2023
Crew schedule: D4 Weekday Scenario: 4 Booking: 2306SU
4002 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:18 STAM 40001 446a D4 456a 945a SFSE 945a
40009 1003a SFSE 1003a 115p SFSE 115p
4003 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:59 ST 40012 305p SFSE 305p 644p BYBA 644p
40012 715p BYBA 715p 1247x D4 1252x
Waiting after 237p 305p 35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 753p Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 1204x
1st Ave. & International Blvd. 804p 35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 1211x
Block 40012
11th St. & Clay St. 811p 1st Ave. & International Blvd. 1221x
muwtf / 40 / NORTH / 9400 11th St. & Clay St. 1227x
muwtf / 40 / SOUTH / 9402
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 305p
11th St. & Clay St. 835p muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 315p
1st Ave. & International Blvd. 840p 11th St. & Clay St. 1227x
1st Ave. & International Blvd. 329p
35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 851p AC Transit East Oakland Division 1247x
11th St. & Clay St. 336p
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 859p
muwtf / 40 / SOUTH / 9402 Eastmont Transit Center 903p
11th St. & Clay St. 355p
muwtf / 40 / NORTH / 9400
1st Ave. & International Blvd. 402p
Eastmont Transit Center 920p
35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 418p
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 924p
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 429p
35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 931p
Eastmont Transit Center 434p
1st Ave. & International Blvd. 941p
muwtf / 40 / NORTH / 9400 11th St. & Clay St. 947p
Eastmont Transit Center 450p
muwtf / 40 / SOUTH / 9402
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 455p
11th St. & Clay St. 955p
35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 504p
1st Ave. & International Blvd. 1000p
1st Ave. & International Blvd. 516p
35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 1011p
11th St. & Clay St. 523p
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 1019p
muwtf / 40 / SOUTH / 9401 Eastmont Transit Center 1023p
11th St. & Clay St. 545p
muwtf / 40 / NORTH / 9400
1st Ave. & International Blvd. 551p
Eastmont Transit Center 1040p
35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 605p
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 1044p
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 615p
35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 1051p
Eastmont Transit Center 620p
1st Ave. & International Blvd. 1101p
Estudillo Ave. & Bancroft Ave. 633p
11th St. & Clay St. 1107p
Bay Fair BART 644p
muwtf / 40 / SOUTH / 9402
Meal Break 644p 715p
11th St. & Clay St. 1115p
Block 40012 1st Ave. & International Blvd. 1120p
muwtf / 40 / NORTH / 9400 35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 1131p
Bay Fair BART 715p Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 1139p
Estudillo Ave. & Bancroft Ave. 725p Eastmont Transit Center 1143p
Eastmont Transit Center 740p muwtf / 40 / NORTH / 9400
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 744p Eastmont Transit Center 1200x
HASTUS 2012 - DTCLandscape 03/13/2023 935a Page: 42
AC Transit Run Paddle Effective: 06/11/2023
Crew schedule: D4 Weekday Scenario: 4 Booking: 2306SU
4004 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
6:17 FR 40002 506a D4 516a 1055a SFSE 1109a
124003 316p MCMI 316p 553p D4 558p
Block 40002 1st Ave. & International Blvd. 936a Broadway & Blanding Ave. 542p
11th St. & Clay St. 943a AC Transit East Oakland Division 553p
muwtf / Pull-out / - / 8
AC Transit East Oakland Division 516a muwtf / 40 / SOUTH / 9402 Notes:
Bay Fair BART 539a 11th St. & Clay St. 1005a a - EASTBOUND TRIPS PLEASE TURN ON PR3
1st Ave. & International Blvd. 1011a CODE-DROP OFF ONLY-BEFORE DEPARTING
muwtf / 40 / NORTH / 9400
35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 1024a SALESFORCE TRANSIT CENTER. TURN OFF
Bay Fair BART 539a
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 1033a AT LAST TIME POINT ( ON ALL TRIPS
Estudillo Ave. & Bancroft Ave. 548a
Eastmont Transit Center 600a
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 604a FOR INTENDING PASSENGERS).
muwtf / 40 / NORTH / 9400
35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 610a Eastmont Transit Center 1050a
1st Ave. & International Blvd. 621a Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 1055a
11th St. & Clay St. 627a
Split break 1109a 316p
muwtf / 40 / SOUTH / 9402 Block 124003
11th St. & Clay St. 645a
1st Ave. & International Blvd. 649a muwtf / NL / EAST / 1240
35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 701a MacArthur Blvd. & Millsbrae Ave. 316p
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 709a Eastmont Transit Center 320p
Eastmont Transit Center 714a muwtf / NL / WEST / 1243
Eastmont Transit Center 340p
muwtf / 40 / NORTH / 9400
Eastmont Transit Center 730a Seminary Ave. & Camden St. 344p
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 735a Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 356p
35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 744a Lakeshore Ave. & Lake Park Ave. 404p
1st Ave. & International Blvd. 758a T.L. Berkley Way (20th St.) & Broadway 413p
11th St. & Clay St. 805a Bay Bridge Toll Plaza 421p
Salesforce Transit Center 435p
muwtf / 40 / SOUTH / 9402
11th St. & Clay St. 825a muwtf / W / EAST / 134 a
1st Ave. & International Blvd. 831a Salesforce Transit Center 445p
35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 844a Bay Bridge Toll Plaza 455p
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 853a 5th St. & Market St. 506p
Eastmont Transit Center 858a Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 513p
Grand St. & Shoreline Dr. 524p
muwtf / 40 / NORTH / 9400 Park St. & Otis Dr. 530p
Eastmont Transit Center 910a High St. & Fernside Blvd. 538p
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 915a Broadway & Blanding Ave. 542p
35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 924a
muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
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AC Transit Run Paddle Effective: 06/11/2023
Crew schedule: D4 Weekday Scenario: 4 Booking: 2306SU
4005 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:31 ST 40009 405p SFSE 405p 740p BYBA 740p
40009 801p BYBA 801p 1235x D4 1240x
Waiting after 352p 405p 35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 836p AC Transit East Oakland Division 1235x
1st Ave. & International Blvd. 846p
Block 40009 Notes:
11th St. & Clay St. 852p
muwtf / 40 / NORTH / 9400
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 405p
11th St. & Clay St. 915p TURNING IN FOR OWL COVERAGE
35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 415p
1st Ave. & International Blvd. 920p
1st Ave. & International Blvd. 429p
35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 931p
11th St. & Clay St. 436p
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 939p
muwtf / 40 / SOUTH / 9402 Eastmont Transit Center 943p
11th St. & Clay St. 455p
muwtf / 40 / NORTH / 9400
1st Ave. & International Blvd. 502p
Eastmont Transit Center 1000p
35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 518p
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 1004p
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 529p
35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 1011p
Eastmont Transit Center 534p
1st Ave. & International Blvd. 1021p
muwtf / 40 / NORTH / 9400 11th St. & Clay St. 1027p
Eastmont Transit Center 550p
muwtf / 40 / SOUTH / 9402
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 555p
11th St. & Clay St. 1035p
35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 604p
1st Ave. & International Blvd. 1040p
1st Ave. & International Blvd. 616p
35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 1051p
11th St. & Clay St. 623p
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 1059p
muwtf / 40 / SOUTH / 9401 Eastmont Transit Center 1103p
11th St. & Clay St. 645p
muwtf / 40 / NORTH / 9400
1st Ave. & International Blvd. 650p
Eastmont Transit Center 1120p
35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 703p
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 1124p
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 711p
35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 1131p
Eastmont Transit Center 716p
1st Ave. & International Blvd. 1141p
Estudillo Ave. & Bancroft Ave. 729p
11th St. & Clay St. 1147p
Bay Fair BART 740p
muwtf / 40 / SOUTH / 9402 a
Meal Break 740p 801p
11th St. & Clay St. 1155p
Block 40009 1st Ave. & International Blvd. 1200x
muwtf / 40 / NORTH / 9400 35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 1211x
Bay Fair BART 801p Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 1219x
Estudillo Ave. & Bancroft Ave. 811p Eastmont Transit Center 1223x
Eastmont Transit Center 825p muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 829p Eastmont Transit Center 1223x
HASTUS 2012 - DTCLandscape 03/13/2023 935a Page: 44
AC Transit Run Paddle Effective: 06/11/2023
Crew schedule: D4 Weekday Scenario: 4 Booking: 2306SU
4006 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:19 STAM 40003 508a D4 518a 953a BYBA 953a
40003 1013a BYBA 1013a 249p SFSE 249p
4007 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
4:47 OWLC 40007 741p SFSE 741p 1215x D4 1220x
4008 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:46 STAM 40004 525a D4 535a 1025a SFSE 1025a
40002 1055a SFSE 1055a 325p SFSE 325p
4009 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
3:59 SP 40009 115p SFSE 115p 405p SFSE 405p
98003 509p CBBA 529p 1110p D4 1115p
Waiting after 106p 115p Hassler Way & Edgewater Dr. 639p Coliseum BART 1020p
98th Ave. & Empire Road 645p 90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1030p
Block 40009
98th Ave. & International Blvd. 653p Foothill Square 1035p
muwtf / 40 / NORTH / 9400 90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 658p
muwtf / 90 / WEST / 9900
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 115p Eastmont Transit Center 703p
Foothill Square 1050p
35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 124p
muwtf / 98 / WEST / 9982 90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1056p
1st Ave. & International Blvd. 136p
Eastmont Transit Center 718p Coliseum BART 1105p
11th St. & Clay St. 143p
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 723p
muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
muwtf / 40 / SOUTH / 9401 98th Ave. & International Blvd. 727p
Coliseum BART 1105p
11th St. & Clay St. 205p 98th Ave. & Empire Road 734p
AC Transit East Oakland Division 1110p
1st Ave. & International Blvd. 211p Hassler Way & Edgewater Dr. 740p
35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 225p Coliseum BART 746p
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 235p
muwtf / 90 / EAST / 9901
Eastmont Transit Center 240p
Coliseum BART 800p
Estudillo Ave. & Bancroft Ave. 257p
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 810p
Bay Fair BART 312p
Foothill Square 815p
muwtf / 40 / NORTH / 9400
muwtf / 90 / WEST / 9900
Bay Fair BART 329p
Foothill Square 830p
Estudillo Ave. & Bancroft Ave. 343p
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 836p
Eastmont Transit Center 400p
Coliseum BART 845p
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 405p
muwtf / 98 / EAST / 9983
Split break 405p 509p
Coliseum BART 854p
Waiting after 518p 529p Hassler Way & Edgewater Dr. 859p
98003 98th Ave. & Empire Road 904p
98th Ave. & International Blvd. 911p
muwtf / 90 / EAST / 9901 90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 915p
Coliseum BART 537p Eastmont Transit Center 920p
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 548p
Foothill Square 554p muwtf / 98 / WEST / 9982
Eastmont Transit Center 938p
muwtf / 90 / WEST / 9900 90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 942p
Foothill Square 610p 98th Ave. & International Blvd. 946p
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 616p 98th Ave. & Empire Road 952p
Coliseum BART 625p Hassler Way & Edgewater Dr. 957p
muwtf / 98 / EAST / 9983 Coliseum BART 1003p
Coliseum BART 634p
muwtf / 90 / EAST / 9901
HASTUS 2012 - DTCLandscape 03/13/2023 935a Page: 48
AC Transit Run Paddle Effective: 06/11/2023
Crew schedule: D4 Weekday Scenario: 4 Booking: 2306SU
4010 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:41 STAM 40005 525a D4 535a 1115a SFSE 1115a
40008 1135a SFSE 1135a 225p SFSE 225p
4011 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
3:24 SP 40010 1155a SFSE 1155a 245p SFSE 245p
40013 359p SFSE 359p 927p D4 932p
Waiting after 1136a 1155a 11th St. & Clay St. 553p
4012 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:07 STAM 40006 528a D4 538a 1016a BYBA 1016a
40006 1033a BYBA 1033a 309p SFSE 309p
4013 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
3:43 SP 45003 1131a DGD4 1131a 131p DGD4 136p
40006 309p SFSE 309p 902p D4 907p
Travel from 1131a 1131a 35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 345p
1st Ave. & International Blvd. 359p
Block 45003
11th St. & Clay St. 406p
muwtf / 45 / WEST / 9450
muwtf / 40 / SOUTH / 9401
Seminary Ave. & San Leandro St. 1131a
11th St. & Clay St. 425p
Seminary Ave. & International Blvd. 1133a
1st Ave. & International Blvd. 432p
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 1136a
35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 448p
Seminary Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1139a
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 459p
Eastmont Transit Center 1145a
Eastmont Transit Center 504p
muwtf / 45 / EAST / 9451 Estudillo Ave. & Bancroft Ave. 520p
Eastmont Transit Center 1200p Bay Fair BART 532p
Seminary Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1206p
muwtf / 40 / NORTH / 9400
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 1208p
Bay Fair BART 555p
Seminary Ave. & International Blvd. 1211p
Estudillo Ave. & Bancroft Ave. 605p
Seminary Ave. & San Leandro St. 1213p
Eastmont Transit Center 620p
Coliseum BART 1217p
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 624p
85th Ave. & Edes Ave. 1222p
35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 633p
Bergedo Dr. & Estepa Dr. 1231p
1st Ave. & International Blvd. 644p
104th Ave. & International Blvd. 1238p
11th St. & Clay St. 651p
Foothill Square 1243p
muwtf / 40 / SOUTH / 9401
muwtf / 45 / WEST / 9450
11th St. & Clay St. 705p
Foothill Square 100p
1st Ave. & International Blvd. 710p
105th Ave. & International Blvd. 106p
35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 723p
Bergedo Dr. & Estepa Dr. 113p
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 731p
85th Ave. & Edes Ave. 121p
Eastmont Transit Center 736p
Coliseum BART 128p
Estudillo Ave. & Bancroft Ave. 749p
Seminary Ave. & San Leandro St. 131p
Bay Fair BART 800p
Split break 136p 309p
muwtf / 40 / NORTH / 9402
Block 40006 Bay Fair BART 826p
muwtf / 40 / SOUTH / 9402 Estudillo Ave. & Bancroft Ave. 836p
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 309p Eastmont Transit Center 850p
Eastmont Transit Center 314p muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
muwtf / 40 / NORTH / 9400 Eastmont Transit Center 850p
Eastmont Transit Center 330p AC Transit East Oakland Division 902p
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 335p
HASTUS 2012 - DTCLandscape 03/13/2023 935a Page: 52
AC Transit Run Paddle Effective: 06/11/2023
Crew schedule: D4 Weekday Scenario: 4 Booking: 2306SU
4014 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
4:00 SP 40007 535a D4 545a 925a SFSE 925a
40013 1123a SFSE 1123a 359p SFSE 359p
4015 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
3:29 SP 40005 1115a SFSE 1115a 205p SFSE 205p
40002 325p SFSE 325p 846p D4 851p
4016 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:50 STAM 40008 545a D4 555a 1135a SFSE 1135a
40012 1153a SFSE 1153a 305p SFSE 305p
Block 40008 1st Ave. & International Blvd. 1016a Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 305p
11th St. & Clay St. 1023a
muwtf / Pull-out / - / 8
AC Transit East Oakland Division 555a muwtf / 40 / SOUTH / 9402
Bay Fair BART 618a 11th St. & Clay St. 1045a
1st Ave. & International Blvd. 1051a
muwtf / 40 / NORTH / 9400
35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 1104a
Bay Fair BART 618a
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 1113a
Estudillo Ave. & Bancroft Ave. 627a
Eastmont Transit Center 1118a
Eastmont Transit Center 640a
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 644a muwtf / 40 / NORTH / 9400
35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 651a Eastmont Transit Center 1130a
1st Ave. & International Blvd. 703a Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 1135a
11th St. & Clay St. 709a
Meal Break 1135a 1153a
muwtf / 40 / SOUTH / 9402 Block 40012
11th St. & Clay St. 725a
1st Ave. & International Blvd. 730a muwtf / 40 / SOUTH / 9402
35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 743a Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 1153a
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 752a Eastmont Transit Center 1158a
Eastmont Transit Center 757a muwtf / 40 / NORTH / 9400
Eastmont Transit Center 1210p
muwtf / 40 / NORTH / 9400
Eastmont Transit Center 810a Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 1215p
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 815a 35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 1224p
35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 824a 1st Ave. & International Blvd. 1236p
1st Ave. & International Blvd. 838a 11th St. & Clay St. 1243p
11th St. & Clay St. 845a muwtf / 40 / SOUTH / 9401
11th St. & Clay St. 105p
muwtf / 40 / SOUTH / 9402
11th St. & Clay St. 905a 1st Ave. & International Blvd. 111p
1st Ave. & International Blvd. 911a 35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 124p
35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 924a Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 133p
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 933a Eastmont Transit Center 138p
Eastmont Transit Center 938a Estudillo Ave. & Bancroft Ave. 154p
Bay Fair BART 206p
muwtf / 40 / NORTH / 9400
Eastmont Transit Center 950a muwtf / 40 / NORTH / 9400
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 955a Bay Fair BART 229p
35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 1004a Estudillo Ave. & Bancroft Ave. 243p
Eastmont Transit Center 300p
HASTUS 2012 - DTCLandscape 03/13/2023 935a Page: 55
AC Transit Run Paddle Effective: 06/11/2023
Crew schedule: D4 Weekday Scenario: 4 Booking: 2306SU
4017 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:54 SP 301018 1043a SEMY 1043a 226p SEMY 237p
40001 339p SFSE 339p 818p D4 823p
Travel from 1035a 1043a Block 40001 AC Transit East Oakland Division 818p
4019 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
5:27 FR 40013 745a D4 755a 1123a SFSE 1123a
40010 245p SFSE 245p 811p D4 816p
4020 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
5:47 FR 40010 601a D4 611a 1155a SFSE 1209p
124005 356p MCMI 356p 645p D4 650p
Block 40010 1st Ave. & International Blvd. 1036a AC Transit East Oakland Division 645p
11th St. & Clay St. 1043a
muwtf / Pull-out / - / 8
AC Transit East Oakland Division 611a muwtf / 40 / SOUTH / 9402
Bay Fair BART 634a 11th St. & Clay St. 1105a
1st Ave. & International Blvd. 1111a
muwtf / 40 / NORTH / 9400
35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 1124a
Bay Fair BART 634a
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 1133a
Estudillo Ave. & Bancroft Ave. 645a
Eastmont Transit Center 1138a
Eastmont Transit Center 700a
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 704a muwtf / 40 / NORTH / 9400
35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 711a Eastmont Transit Center 1150a
1st Ave. & International Blvd. 723a Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 1155a
11th St. & Clay St. 729a
Split break 1209p 356p
muwtf / 40 / SOUTH / 9402 Block 124005
11th St. & Clay St. 745a
1st Ave. & International Blvd. 751a muwtf / NL / EAST / 1240
35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 808a MacArthur Blvd. & Millsbrae Ave. 356p
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 817a Eastmont Transit Center 400p
Eastmont Transit Center 822a muwtf / NL / WEST / 1243
Eastmont Transit Center 411p
muwtf / 40 / NORTH / 9400
Eastmont Transit Center 830a Seminary Ave. & Camden St. 414p
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 835a Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 426p
35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 844a Lakeshore Ave. & Lake Park Ave. 436p
1st Ave. & International Blvd. 856a T.L. Berkley Way (20th St.) & Broadway 444p
11th St. & Clay St. 903a Bay Bridge Toll Plaza 459p
Salesforce Transit Center 513p
muwtf / 40 / SOUTH / 9402
11th St. & Clay St. 925a muwtf / NL / EAST / 1240
1st Ave. & International Blvd. 931a Salesforce Transit Center 530p
35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 944a Bay Bridge Toll Plaza 545p
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 953a T.L. Berkley Way (20th St.) & Broadway 557p
Eastmont Transit Center 958a Lakeshore Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 606p
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 615p
muwtf / 40 / NORTH / 9400 MacArthur Blvd. & Millsbrae Ave. 629p
Eastmont Transit Center 1010a Eastmont Transit Center 633p
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 1015a
35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 1024a muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
Eastmont Transit Center 633p
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AC Transit Run Paddle Effective: 06/11/2023
Crew schedule: D4 Weekday Scenario: 4 Booking: 2306SU
4021 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
5:13 FR 301018 728a D4 738a 1043a SEMY 1043a
40008 204p SFSE 225p 751p D4 756p
Block 301018 1st Ave. & International Blvd. 322p LAYOVER THEN DH VIA SAN PABLO
35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 338p AVE.,L\20TH ST. (THOMAS L. BERKLEY
muwtf / Pull-out / - / 8
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 349p WAY).,R\BROADWAY.,TO TERMINAL. THEN
AC Transit East Oakland Division 738a
Eastmont Transit Center 354p LEAVE AS SCHEDULED.
San Leandro BART 800a
muwtf / 40 / NORTH / 9400
muwtf / 1T / NORTH / 3010 a
Eastmont Transit Center 410p
San Leandro BART 800a
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 415p
Seminary Tempo 823a
35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 424p
Fruitvale Tempo 831a
1st Ave. & International Blvd. 436p
Uptown Oakland 850a
11th St. & Clay St. 443p
muwtf / Deadhead / NORTH / 8
Uptown Oakland 850a muwtf / 40 / SOUTH / 9401
11th St. & Clay St. 505p
Tempo Layover 855a
1st Ave. & International Blvd. 512p
muwtf / Deadhead / SOUTH / 8 35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 528p
Tempo Layover 910a Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 539p
Uptown Oakland 914a Eastmont Transit Center 544p
muwtf / 1T / SOUTH / 3011 Estudillo Ave. & Bancroft Ave. 600p
Uptown Oakland 914a Bay Fair BART 612p
Fruitvale Tempo 936a muwtf / 40 / NORTH / 9400
Seminary Tempo 945a Bay Fair BART 635p
San Leandro BART 1006a Estudillo Ave. & Bancroft Ave. 645p
muwtf / 1T / NORTH / 3010 a Eastmont Transit Center 700p
San Leandro BART 1020a Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 704p
Seminary Tempo 1043a 35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 713p
1st Ave. & International Blvd. 724p
Split break 1043a 204p
11th St. & Clay St. 731p
Waiting after 207p 225p
muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
Block 40008 11th St. & Clay St. 731p
AC Transit East Oakland Division 751p
muwtf / 40 / NORTH / 9400
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 225p Notes:
35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 234p a - ON ARRIVING UPTOWN TERMINAL: DH VIA
1st Ave. & International Blvd. 246p BROADWAY, L\ 20TH ST (THOMAS L.
11th St. & Clay St. 253p BERKLEY), R\ CASTRO ST, R\ SAN PABLO AV,
HASTUS 2012 - DTCLandscape 03/13/2023 935a Page: 59
AC Transit Run Paddle Effective: 06/11/2023
Crew schedule: D4 Weekday Scenario: 4 Booking: 2306SU
4022 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:16 STAM 40011 608a D4 618a 1056a BYBA 1056a
40011 1113a BYBA 1113a 259p SFSE 259p
4023 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
3:15 SP 40004 1025a SFSE 1025a 419p SFSE 419p
40014 535p SFSE 535p 742p D4 747p
Waiting after 1006a 1025a 11th St. & Clay St. 326p
4024 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
5:09 FR 40012 621a D4 631a 1153a SFSE 1153a
40003 249p SFSE 249p 653p D4 658p
Block 40012 1st Ave. & International Blvd. 1056a muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
11th St. & Clay St. 1103a 11th St. & Clay St. 633p
muwtf / Pull-out / - / 8
AC Transit East Oakland Division 653p
AC Transit East Oakland Division 631a muwtf / 40 / SOUTH / 9402
Bay Fair BART 654a 11th St. & Clay St. 1125a
1st Ave. & International Blvd. 1131a
muwtf / 40 / NORTH / 9400
35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 1144a
Bay Fair BART 654a
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 1153a
Estudillo Ave. & Bancroft Ave. 705a
Eastmont Transit Center 720a Split break 1153a 249p
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 724a
Block 40003
35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 731a
1st Ave. & International Blvd. 743a muwtf / 40 / SOUTH / 9402
11th St. & Clay St. 749a Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 249p
Eastmont Transit Center 254p
muwtf / 40 / SOUTH / 9402
11th St. & Clay St. 805a muwtf / 40 / NORTH / 9400
1st Ave. & International Blvd. 811a Eastmont Transit Center 310p
35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 824a Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 315p
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 833a 35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 325p
Eastmont Transit Center 838a 1st Ave. & International Blvd. 339p
11th St. & Clay St. 346p
muwtf / 40 / NORTH / 9400
Eastmont Transit Center 850a muwtf / 40 / SOUTH / 9401
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 855a 11th St. & Clay St. 405p
35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 904a 1st Ave. & International Blvd. 412p
1st Ave. & International Blvd. 916a 35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 428p
11th St. & Clay St. 923a Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 439p
Eastmont Transit Center 444p
muwtf / 40 / SOUTH / 9402 Estudillo Ave. & Bancroft Ave. 501p
11th St. & Clay St. 945a Bay Fair BART 516p
1st Ave. & International Blvd. 951a
35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 1004a muwtf / 40 / NORTH / 9400
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 1013a Bay Fair BART 530p
Eastmont Transit Center 1018a Estudillo Ave. & Bancroft Ave. 543p
Eastmont Transit Center 600p
muwtf / 40 / NORTH / 9400 Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 605p
Eastmont Transit Center 1030a 35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 614p
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 1035a 1st Ave. & International Blvd. 626p
35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 1044a 11th St. & Clay St. 633p
4025 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
3:26 SP 40007 925a SFSE 925a 155p SFSE 155p
40011 259p SFSE 259p 738p D4 743p
4026 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:45 ST 40001 945a SFSE 945a 339p SFSE 339p
129006 439p D4 508p 657p D4 702p
Waiting after 936a 945a 11th St. & Clay St. 243p
4027 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
5:30 FR 119001 634a D4 644a 951a D4 956a
40007 131p SFSE 155p 741p SFSE 741p
Block 119001 muwtf / 40 / NORTH / 9400 1st Ave. & International Blvd. 720p
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 155p 35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 733p
muwtf / Pull-out / - / 8
35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 204p Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 741p
AC Transit East Oakland Division 644a
1st Ave. & International Blvd. 216p
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 655a
11th St. & Clay St. 223p
muwtf / W / WEST / 135
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 655a muwtf / 40 / SOUTH / 9401
11th St. & Clay St. 245p
High St. & Fernside Blvd. 657a
1st Ave. & International Blvd. 252p
Park St. & Otis Dr. 704a
35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 308p
Grand St. & Shoreline Dr. 711a
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 319p
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 722a
Eastmont Transit Center 324p
Bay Bridge Toll Plaza 731a
Estudillo Ave. & Bancroft Ave. 341p
Salesforce Transit Center 745a
Bay Fair BART 356p
muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8
Salesforce Transit Center 745a muwtf / 40 / NORTH / 9400
Bay Fair BART 410p
Fruitvale BART 820a
Estudillo Ave. & Bancroft Ave. 423p
muwtf / 78 / WEST / 9780 Eastmont Transit Center 440p
Fruitvale BART 835a Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 445p
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 841a 35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 454p
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 844a 1st Ave. & International Blvd. 506p
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 857a 11th St. & Clay St. 513p
Alameda Seaplane Lagoon Ferry Terminal 903a
muwtf / 40 / SOUTH / 9402
muwtf / 78 / EAST / 9781 11th St. & Clay St. 535p
Alameda Seaplane Lagoon Ferry Terminal 915a 1st Ave. & International Blvd. 542p
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 923a 35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 558p
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 935a Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 609p
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 938a Eastmont Transit Center 614p
Fruitvale BART 943a
muwtf / 40 / NORTH / 9400
muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5 Eastmont Transit Center 630p
Fruitvale BART 943a Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 634p
AC Transit East Oakland Division 951a 35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 643p
Split break 956a 131p 1st Ave. & International Blvd. 654p
11th St. & Clay St. 701p
Waiting after 136p 155p
muwtf / 40 / SOUTH / 9402
Block 40007
11th St. & Clay St. 715p
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AC Transit Run Paddle Effective: 06/11/2023
Crew schedule: D4 Weekday Scenario: 4 Booking: 2306SU
4029 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
5:50 FR 301014 634a D4 644a 955a SEMY 1006a
40005 205p SFSE 205p 731p D4 736p
Block 301014 1st Ave. & International Blvd. 302p LAYOVER THEN DH VIA SAN PABLO
35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 318p AVE.,L\20TH ST. (THOMAS L. BERKLEY
muwtf / Pull-out / - / 8
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 329p WAY).,R\BROADWAY.,TO TERMINAL. THEN
AC Transit East Oakland Division 644a
Eastmont Transit Center 334p LEAVE AS SCHEDULED.
Uptown Oakland 704a
muwtf / 40 / NORTH / 9400
muwtf / 1T / SOUTH / 3011
Eastmont Transit Center 350p
Uptown Oakland 704a
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 355p
Fruitvale Tempo 725a
35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 405p
Seminary Tempo 733a
1st Ave. & International Blvd. 419p
San Leandro BART 754a
11th St. & Clay St. 426p
muwtf / 1T / NORTH / 3010 a
San Leandro BART 810a muwtf / 40 / SOUTH / 9401
11th St. & Clay St. 445p
Seminary Tempo 833a
1st Ave. & International Blvd. 452p
Fruitvale Tempo 841a
35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 508p
Uptown Oakland 900a
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 519p
muwtf / Deadhead / NORTH / 8 Eastmont Transit Center 524p
Uptown Oakland 900a Estudillo Ave. & Bancroft Ave. 540p
Tempo Layover 905a Bay Fair BART 552p
muwtf / Deadhead / SOUTH / 8 muwtf / 40 / NORTH / 9400
Tempo Layover 920a Bay Fair BART 615p
Uptown Oakland 924a Estudillo Ave. & Bancroft Ave. 625p
muwtf / 1T / SOUTH / 3011 Eastmont Transit Center 640p
Uptown Oakland 924a Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 644p
Fruitvale Tempo 946a 35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 653p
Seminary Tempo 955a 1st Ave. & International Blvd. 704p
11th St. & Clay St. 711p
Split break 1006a 205p
muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
Block 40005
11th St. & Clay St. 711p
muwtf / 40 / NORTH / 9400 AC Transit East Oakland Division 731p
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 205p
35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 214p Notes:
1st Ave. & International Blvd. 226p
11th St. & Clay St. 233p
HASTUS 2012 - DTCLandscape 03/13/2023 935a Page: 66
AC Transit Run Paddle Effective: 06/11/2023
Crew schedule: D4 Weekday Scenario: 4 Booking: 2306SU
4060 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
0:52 FP 40009 548a D4 558a 1003a SFSE 1003a
Block 40009
muwtf / Pull-out / - / 8
AC Transit East Oakland Division 558a
Eastmont Transit Center 610a
4061 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
1:14 FP 40014 1228p D4 1238p 535p SFSE 535p
Block 40014
muwtf / Pull-out / - / 8
AC Transit East Oakland Division 1238p
Eastmont Transit Center 1250p
4500 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:22 STAM 45001 500a D4 510a 905a F106 905a
45001 930a F106 930a 201p DGD4 201p
Block 45001 Seminary Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 758a 104th Ave. & International Blvd. 1108a
Eastmont Transit Center 804a Foothill Square 1113a
muwtf / Pull-out / - / 8
AC Transit East Oakland Division 510a muwtf / 45 / EAST / 9451 muwtf / 45 / WEST / 9450
Foothill Square 530a Eastmont Transit Center 820a Foothill Square 1130a
Seminary Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 827a 105th Ave. & International Blvd. 1136a
muwtf / 45 / WEST / 9450
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 830a Bergedo Dr. & Estepa Dr. 1143a
Foothill Square 530a
Seminary Ave. & International Blvd. 833a 85th Ave. & Edes Ave. 1151a
105th Ave. & International Blvd. 535a
Seminary Ave. & San Leandro St. 835a Coliseum BART 1158a
Bergedo Dr. & Estepa Dr. 540a
Coliseum BART 839a Seminary Ave. & San Leandro St. 1201p
85th Ave. & Edes Ave. 545a
85th Ave. & Edes Ave. 844a Seminary Ave. & International Blvd. 1203p
Coliseum BART 550a
Bergedo Dr. & Estepa Dr. 853a Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 1206p
Seminary Ave. & San Leandro St. 552a
104th Ave. & International Blvd. 900a Seminary Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1209p
Seminary Ave. & International Blvd. 554a
Foothill Square 905a Eastmont Transit Center 1215p
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 556a
Seminary Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 558a Meal Break 905a 930a muwtf / 45 / EAST / 9451
Eastmont Transit Center 603a Eastmont Transit Center 1230p
Block 45001
Seminary Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1236p
muwtf / 45 / EAST / 9451 muwtf / 45 / WEST / 9450 Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 1238p
Eastmont Transit Center 620a Foothill Square 930a Seminary Ave. & International Blvd. 1241p
Seminary Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 626a 105th Ave. & International Blvd. 936a Seminary Ave. & San Leandro St. 1243p
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 628a Bergedo Dr. & Estepa Dr. 943a Coliseum BART 1247p
Seminary Ave. & International Blvd. 630a 85th Ave. & Edes Ave. 951a 85th Ave. & Edes Ave. 1252p
Seminary Ave. & San Leandro St. 632a Coliseum BART 958a Bergedo Dr. & Estepa Dr. 101p
Coliseum BART 635a Seminary Ave. & San Leandro St. 1001a 104th Ave. & International Blvd. 108p
85th Ave. & Edes Ave. 640a Seminary Ave. & International Blvd. 1003a Foothill Square 113p
Bergedo Dr. & Estepa Dr. 649a Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 1006a
104th Ave. & International Blvd. 656a Seminary Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1009a muwtf / 45 / WEST / 9450
Foothill Square 700a Foothill Square 130p
Eastmont Transit Center 1015a
105th Ave. & International Blvd. 136p
muwtf / 45 / WEST / 9450 muwtf / 45 / EAST / 9451 Bergedo Dr. & Estepa Dr. 143p
Foothill Square 720a Eastmont Transit Center 1030a 85th Ave. & Edes Ave. 152p
105th Ave. & International Blvd. 726a Seminary Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1036a Coliseum BART 158p
Bergedo Dr. & Estepa Dr. 733a Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 1038a Seminary Ave. & San Leandro St. 201p
85th Ave. & Edes Ave. 740a Seminary Ave. & International Blvd. 1041a
Coliseum BART 746a Seminary Ave. & San Leandro St. 1043a Travel to 201p
Seminary Ave. & San Leandro St. 749a Coliseum BART 1047a
Seminary Ave. & International Blvd. 752a 85th Ave. & Edes Ave. 1052a
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 755a Bergedo Dr. & Estepa Dr. 1101a
HASTUS 2012 - DTCLandscape 03/13/2023 935a Page: 69
AC Transit Run Paddle Effective: 06/11/2023
Crew schedule: D4 Weekday Scenario: 4 Booking: 2306SU
4501 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
3:45 SP 125003 1243p FBBA 1243p 458p D4 458p
45003 613p DGD4 613p 1055p D4 1100p
Waiting after 1233p 1243p AC Transit East Oakland Division 458p Foothill Square 900p
105th Ave. & International Blvd. 905p
Block 125003 Split break 458p 613p
Bergedo Dr. & Estepa Dr. 911p
muwtf / O / WEST / 1251 Travel from 613p 85th Ave. & Edes Ave. 917p
Fruitvale BART 100p Coliseum BART 922p
Block 45003
High St. & Fernside Blvd. 106p Seminary Ave. & San Leandro St. 924p
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 112p muwtf / 45 / EAST / 9451 Seminary Ave. & International Blvd. 926p
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 123p Seminary Ave. & San Leandro St. 613p
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 929p
Bay Bridge Toll Plaza 130p Coliseum BART 617p
Seminary Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 931p
Salesforce Transit Center 144p 85th Ave. & Edes Ave. 622p
Eastmont Transit Center 936p
Bergedo Dr. & Estepa Dr. 630p
muwtf / O / EAST / 1250 104th Ave. & International Blvd. 637p muwtf / 45 / EAST / 9451
Salesforce Transit Center 200p Foothill Square 642p Eastmont Transit Center 1000p
Bay Bridge Toll Plaza 210p Seminary Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1005p
5th St. & Market St. 215p muwtf / 45 / WEST / 9450 Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 1007p
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 220p Foothill Square 700p
Seminary Ave. & International Blvd. 1009p
Encinal Ave. & Park Ave. 232p 105th Ave. & International Blvd. 705p
Seminary Ave. & San Leandro St. 1011p
High St. & Fernside Blvd. 237p Bergedo Dr. & Estepa Dr. 711p
Coliseum BART 1015p
Fruitvale BART 243p 85th Ave. & Edes Ave. 718p
85th Ave. & Edes Ave. 1019p
Coliseum BART 723p
muwtf / O / WEST / 1251 Bergedo Dr. & Estepa Dr. 1027p
Seminary Ave. & San Leandro St. 726p
Fruitvale BART 300p 104th Ave. & International Blvd. 1034p
Seminary Ave. & International Blvd. 729p
High St. & Fernside Blvd. 306p Foothill Square 1038p
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 732p
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 312p Seminary Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 734p muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 323p Eastmont Transit Center 740p Foothill Square 1038p
Bay Bridge Toll Plaza 330p AC Transit East Oakland Division 1055p
Salesforce Transit Center 344p muwtf / 45 / EAST / 9451
Eastmont Transit Center 800p
muwtf / O / EAST / 1250 Seminary Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 805p
Salesforce Transit Center 400p Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 807p
Bay Bridge Toll Plaza 410p Seminary Ave. & International Blvd. 809p
5th St. & Market St. 421p Seminary Ave. & San Leandro St. 811p
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 426p Coliseum BART 815p
Encinal Ave. & Park Ave. 439p 85th Ave. & Edes Ave. 819p
High St. & Fernside Blvd. 444p Bergedo Dr. & Estepa Dr. 827p
Fruitvale BART 450p 104th Ave. & International Blvd. 834p
muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5 Foothill Square 838p
Fruitvale BART 450p
muwtf / 45 / WEST / 9450
4502 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:05 STAM 45002 530a D4 540a 943a F106 943a
45002 1000a F106 1000a 231p DGD4 231p
Block 45002 Seminary Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 841a 104th Ave. & International Blvd. 1138a
Eastmont Transit Center 848a Foothill Square 1143a
muwtf / Pull-out / - / 8
AC Transit East Oakland Division 540a muwtf / 45 / EAST / 9451 muwtf / 45 / WEST / 9450
Foothill Square 600a Eastmont Transit Center 900a Foothill Square 1200p
Seminary Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 906a 105th Ave. & International Blvd. 1206p
muwtf / 45 / WEST / 9450
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 908a Bergedo Dr. & Estepa Dr. 1213p
Foothill Square 600a
Seminary Ave. & International Blvd. 911a 85th Ave. & Edes Ave. 1221p
105th Ave. & International Blvd. 605a
Seminary Ave. & San Leandro St. 913a Coliseum BART 1228p
Bergedo Dr. & Estepa Dr. 610a
Coliseum BART 917a Seminary Ave. & San Leandro St. 1231p
85th Ave. & Edes Ave. 617a
85th Ave. & Edes Ave. 922a Seminary Ave. & International Blvd. 1233p
Coliseum BART 622a
Bergedo Dr. & Estepa Dr. 931a Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 1236p
Seminary Ave. & San Leandro St. 624a
104th Ave. & International Blvd. 938a Seminary Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1239p
Seminary Ave. & International Blvd. 627a
Foothill Square 943a Eastmont Transit Center 1245p
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 630a
Seminary Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 633a Meal Break 943a 1000a muwtf / 45 / EAST / 9451
Eastmont Transit Center 639a Eastmont Transit Center 100p
Block 45002
Seminary Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 106p
muwtf / 45 / EAST / 9451 muwtf / 45 / WEST / 9450 Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 109p
Eastmont Transit Center 700a Foothill Square 1000a Seminary Ave. & International Blvd. 112p
Seminary Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 707a 105th Ave. & International Blvd. 1006a Seminary Ave. & San Leandro St. 115p
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 710a Bergedo Dr. & Estepa Dr. 1013a Coliseum BART 119p
Seminary Ave. & International Blvd. 713a 85th Ave. & Edes Ave. 1021a 85th Ave. & Edes Ave. 124p
Seminary Ave. & San Leandro St. 715a Coliseum BART 1028a Bergedo Dr. & Estepa Dr. 133p
Coliseum BART 719a Seminary Ave. & San Leandro St. 1031a 104th Ave. & International Blvd. 141p
85th Ave. & Edes Ave. 724a Seminary Ave. & International Blvd. 1033a Foothill Square 147p
Bergedo Dr. & Estepa Dr. 733a Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 1036a
104th Ave. & International Blvd. 740a Seminary Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1039a muwtf / 45 / WEST / 9450
Foothill Square 745a Foothill Square 200p
Eastmont Transit Center 1045a
105th Ave. & International Blvd. 206p
muwtf / 45 / WEST / 9450 muwtf / 45 / EAST / 9451 Bergedo Dr. & Estepa Dr. 213p
Foothill Square 800a Eastmont Transit Center 1100a 85th Ave. & Edes Ave. 222p
105th Ave. & International Blvd. 806a Seminary Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1106a Coliseum BART 228p
Bergedo Dr. & Estepa Dr. 813a Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 1108a Seminary Ave. & San Leandro St. 231p
85th Ave. & Edes Ave. 822a Seminary Ave. & International Blvd. 1111a
Coliseum BART 829a Seminary Ave. & San Leandro St. 1113a Travel to 231p
Seminary Ave. & San Leandro St. 832a Coliseum BART 1117a
Seminary Ave. & International Blvd. 835a 85th Ave. & Edes Ave. 1122a
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 838a Bergedo Dr. & Estepa Dr. 1131a
HASTUS 2012 - DTCLandscape 03/13/2023 935a Page: 71
AC Transit Run Paddle Effective: 06/11/2023
Crew schedule: D4 Weekday Scenario: 4 Booking: 2306SU
4503 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:09 ST 45002 231p DGD4 231p 742p F106 742p
45002 800p F106 800p 1048p D4 1053p
Travel from 231p 231p Seminary Ave. & San Leandro St. 514p Coliseum BART 823p
Coliseum BART 518p Seminary Ave. & San Leandro St. 826p
Block 45002
85th Ave. & Edes Ave. 523p Seminary Ave. & International Blvd. 829p
muwtf / 45 / WEST / 9450 Bergedo Dr. & Estepa Dr. 532p Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 832p
Seminary Ave. & San Leandro St. 231p 104th Ave. & International Blvd. 539p Seminary Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 834p
Seminary Ave. & International Blvd. 234p Foothill Square 544p Eastmont Transit Center 840p
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 237p
muwtf / 45 / WEST / 9450 muwtf / 45 / EAST / 9451
Seminary Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 241p
Foothill Square 600p Eastmont Transit Center 900p
Eastmont Transit Center 248p
105th Ave. & International Blvd. 606p Seminary Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 905p
muwtf / 45 / EAST / 9451 Bergedo Dr. & Estepa Dr. 613p Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 907p
Eastmont Transit Center 300p 85th Ave. & Edes Ave. 621p Seminary Ave. & International Blvd. 909p
Seminary Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 306p Coliseum BART 626p Seminary Ave. & San Leandro St. 911p
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 309p Seminary Ave. & San Leandro St. 629p Coliseum BART 915p
Seminary Ave. & International Blvd. 312p Seminary Ave. & International Blvd. 631p 85th Ave. & Edes Ave. 919p
Seminary Ave. & San Leandro St. 315p Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 634p Bergedo Dr. & Estepa Dr. 927p
Coliseum BART 319p Seminary Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 637p 104th Ave. & International Blvd. 934p
85th Ave. & Edes Ave. 324p Eastmont Transit Center 644p Foothill Square 938p
Bergedo Dr. & Estepa Dr. 333p
muwtf / 45 / EAST / 9451 muwtf / 45 / WEST / 9450
104th Ave. & International Blvd. 341p
Eastmont Transit Center 700p Foothill Square 1000p
Foothill Square 347p
Seminary Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 706p 105th Ave. & International Blvd. 1005p
muwtf / 45 / WEST / 9450 Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 708p Bergedo Dr. & Estepa Dr. 1011p
Foothill Square 400p Seminary Ave. & International Blvd. 711p 85th Ave. & Edes Ave. 1017p
105th Ave. & International Blvd. 406p Seminary Ave. & San Leandro St. 713p Coliseum BART 1022p
Bergedo Dr. & Estepa Dr. 413p Coliseum BART 717p Seminary Ave. & San Leandro St. 1024p
85th Ave. & Edes Ave. 422p 85th Ave. & Edes Ave. 722p Seminary Ave. & International Blvd. 1026p
Coliseum BART 428p Bergedo Dr. & Estepa Dr. 730p Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 1029p
Seminary Ave. & San Leandro St. 431p 104th Ave. & International Blvd. 737p Seminary Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1031p
Seminary Ave. & International Blvd. 434p Foothill Square 742p Eastmont Transit Center 1036p
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 437p
Meal Break 742p 800p muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
Seminary Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 441p
Eastmont Transit Center 1036p
Eastmont Transit Center 448p Block 45002
AC Transit East Oakland Division 1048p
muwtf / 45 / EAST / 9451 muwtf / 45 / WEST / 9450
Eastmont Transit Center 500p Foothill Square 800p
Seminary Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 506p 105th Ave. & International Blvd. 805p
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 509p Bergedo Dr. & Estepa Dr. 811p
Seminary Ave. & International Blvd. 512p 85th Ave. & Edes Ave. 818p
HASTUS 2012 - DTCLandscape 03/13/2023 935a Page: 72
AC Transit Run Paddle Effective: 06/11/2023
Crew schedule: D4 Weekday Scenario: 4 Booking: 2306SU
4504 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
4:42 FR 45003 538a D4 548a 1131a DGD4 1153a
51007 233p FBBA 233p 613p D4 618p
Block 45003 104th Ave. & International Blvd. 840a Broadway & Blanding Ave. 254p
Foothill Square 845a Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 257p
muwtf / Pull-out / - / 8
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 309p
AC Transit East Oakland Division 548a muwtf / 45 / WEST / 9450
15th St. & Broadway 321p
Eastmont Transit Center 600a Foothill Square 900a
105th Ave. & International Blvd. 906a 40th St. & Broadway 334p
muwtf / 45 / EAST / 9451 Rockridge BART 341p
Bergedo Dr. & Estepa Dr. 913a
Eastmont Transit Center 600a
85th Ave. & Edes Ave. 921a muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8
Seminary Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 606a
Coliseum BART 928a Rockridge BART 341p
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 608a
Seminary Ave. & San Leandro St. 931a Rockridge BART 343p
Seminary Ave. & International Blvd. 610a
Seminary Ave. & International Blvd. 933a
Seminary Ave. & San Leandro St. 612a muwtf / 51A / SOUTH / 9510
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 936a
Coliseum BART 615a Rockridge BART 357p
Seminary Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 939a 40th St. & Broadway 405p
85th Ave. & Edes Ave. 620a
Eastmont Transit Center 945a 12th St. & Broadway 419p
Bergedo Dr. & Estepa Dr. 629a
104th Ave. & International Blvd. 636a muwtf / 45 / EAST / 9451 Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 428p
Foothill Square 640a Eastmont Transit Center 1000a Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 441p
Seminary Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1006a Broadway & Blanding Ave. 444p
muwtf / 45 / WEST / 9450
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 1008a Fruitvale BART 450p
Foothill Square 700a
Seminary Ave. & International Blvd. 1011a
105th Ave. & International Blvd. 706a muwtf / 51A / NORTH / 9511 a
Seminary Ave. & San Leandro St. 1013a
Bergedo Dr. & Estepa Dr. 713a Fruitvale BART 500p
Coliseum BART 1017a Broadway & Blanding Ave. 506p
85th Ave. & Edes Ave. 720a
85th Ave. & Edes Ave. 1022a Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 509p
Coliseum BART 726a
Bergedo Dr. & Estepa Dr. 1031a Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 521p
Seminary Ave. & San Leandro St. 729a
104th Ave. & International Blvd. 1038a 15th St. & Broadway 531p
Seminary Ave. & International Blvd. 732a
Foothill Square 1043a 40th St. & Broadway 543p
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 735a
Seminary Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 738a muwtf / 45 / WEST / 9450 Rockridge BART 549p
Eastmont Transit Center 744a Foothill Square 1100a
muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
105th Ave. & International Blvd. 1106a
muwtf / 45 / EAST / 9451 Rockridge BART 549p
Bergedo Dr. & Estepa Dr. 1113a
Eastmont Transit Center 800a AC Transit East Oakland Division 613p
85th Ave. & Edes Ave. 1121a
Seminary Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 807a
Coliseum BART 1128a Notes:
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 810a
Seminary Ave. & San Leandro St. 1131a a - ON ARRIVING KEITH & COLLEGE AVES. DH
Seminary Ave. & International Blvd. 813a
Seminary Ave. & San Leandro St. 815a Split break 1153a 233p
Coliseum BART 819a
85th Ave. & Edes Ave. 824a
Bergedo Dr. & Estepa Dr. 833a muwtf / 51A / NORTH / 9511 a
Fruitvale BART 248p
HASTUS 2012 - DTCLandscape 03/13/2023 935a Page: 73
AC Transit Run Paddle Effective: 06/11/2023
Crew schedule: D4 Weekday Scenario: 4 Booking: 2306SU
4505 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:17 ST 45006 253p D4 303p 559p F106 559p
45006 620p F106 620p 1025p D4 1030p
Block 45006 104th Ave. & International Blvd. 554p Seminary Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 901p
Foothill Square 559p Eastmont Transit Center 906p
muwtf / Pull-out / - / 8
AC Transit East Oakland Division 303p Meal Break 559p 620p muwtf / 45 / EAST / 9451
Eastmont Transit Center 315p Eastmont Transit Center 930p
Block 45006
Seminary Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 935p
muwtf / 45 / EAST / 9451 muwtf / 45 / WEST / 9450 Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 937p
Eastmont Transit Center 315p Foothill Square 620p Seminary Ave. & International Blvd. 939p
Seminary Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 321p 105th Ave. & International Blvd. 626p Seminary Ave. & San Leandro St. 941p
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 324p Bergedo Dr. & Estepa Dr. 633p Coliseum BART 945p
Seminary Ave. & International Blvd. 327p 85th Ave. & Edes Ave. 641p 85th Ave. & Edes Ave. 949p
Seminary Ave. & San Leandro St. 330p Coliseum BART 646p Bergedo Dr. & Estepa Dr. 957p
Coliseum BART 334p Seminary Ave. & San Leandro St. 649p 104th Ave. & International Blvd. 1004p
85th Ave. & Edes Ave. 339p Seminary Ave. & International Blvd. 651p Foothill Square 1008p
Bergedo Dr. & Estepa Dr. 348p Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 654p
104th Ave. & International Blvd. 356p Seminary Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 657p muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
Foothill Square 402p Foothill Square 1008p
Eastmont Transit Center 704p
AC Transit East Oakland Division 1025p
muwtf / 45 / WEST / 9450 muwtf / 45 / EAST / 9451
Foothill Square 415p Eastmont Transit Center 730p
105th Ave. & International Blvd. 421p Seminary Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 736p
Bergedo Dr. & Estepa Dr. 428p Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 738p
85th Ave. & Edes Ave. 437p Seminary Ave. & International Blvd. 741p
Coliseum BART 443p Seminary Ave. & San Leandro St. 743p
Seminary Ave. & San Leandro St. 446p Coliseum BART 747p
Seminary Ave. & International Blvd. 449p 85th Ave. & Edes Ave. 752p
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 452p Bergedo Dr. & Estepa Dr. 800p
Seminary Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 456p 104th Ave. & International Blvd. 807p
Eastmont Transit Center 503p Foothill Square 812p
muwtf / 45 / EAST / 9451 muwtf / 45 / WEST / 9450
Eastmont Transit Center 515p Foothill Square 830p
Seminary Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 521p 105th Ave. & International Blvd. 835p
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 524p Bergedo Dr. & Estepa Dr. 841p
Seminary Ave. & International Blvd. 527p 85th Ave. & Edes Ave. 847p
Seminary Ave. & San Leandro St. 529p Coliseum BART 852p
Coliseum BART 533p Seminary Ave. & San Leandro St. 854p
85th Ave. & Edes Ave. 538p Seminary Ave. & International Blvd. 856p
Bergedo Dr. & Estepa Dr. 547p Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 859p
HASTUS 2012 - DTCLandscape 03/13/2023 935a Page: 74
AC Transit Run Paddle Effective: 06/11/2023
Crew schedule: D4 Weekday Scenario: 4 Booking: 2306SU
4506 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
6:25 FR 45004 550a D4 600a 1143a DGD4 1143a
129007 433p D4 443p 637p D4 642p
Block 45004 Seminary Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 901a AC Transit East Oakland Division 443p
Eastmont Transit Center 908a Salesforce Transit Center 520p
muwtf / Pull-out / - / 8
AC Transit East Oakland Division 600a muwtf / 45 / EAST / 9451 muwtf / NX3 / EAST / 192 a
Foothill Square 620a Eastmont Transit Center 930a Salesforce Transit Center 525p
Seminary Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 936a MacArthur Blvd. & Millsbrae Ave. 607p
muwtf / 45 / WEST / 9450
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 938a Eastmont Transit Center 611p
Foothill Square 620a
Seminary Ave. & International Blvd. 941a Marlow Dr. & Foothill Way 621p
105th Ave. & International Blvd. 625a
Seminary Ave. & San Leandro St. 943a
Bergedo Dr. & Estepa Dr. 630a muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
Coliseum BART 947a
85th Ave. & Edes Ave. 637a Marlow Dr. & Foothill Way 621p
85th Ave. & Edes Ave. 952a
Coliseum BART 642a AC Transit East Oakland Division 637p
Bergedo Dr. & Estepa Dr. 1001a
Seminary Ave. & San Leandro St. 644a
104th Ave. & International Blvd. 1008a Notes:
Seminary Ave. & International Blvd. 647a
Foothill Square 1013a a - EASTBOUND TRIPS PLEASE TURN ON PR3
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 650a
Seminary Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 653a muwtf / 45 / WEST / 9450
Eastmont Transit Center 659a Foothill Square 1030a
105th Ave. & International Blvd. 1036a
muwtf / 45 / EAST / 9451
Bergedo Dr. & Estepa Dr. 1043a
Eastmont Transit Center 720a
85th Ave. & Edes Ave. 1051a
Seminary Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 727a
Coliseum BART 1058a
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 730a
Seminary Ave. & San Leandro St. 1101a
Seminary Ave. & International Blvd. 733a
Seminary Ave. & International Blvd. 1103a
Seminary Ave. & San Leandro St. 735a
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 1106a
Coliseum BART 739a
Seminary Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1109a
85th Ave. & Edes Ave. 744a
Eastmont Transit Center 1115a
Bergedo Dr. & Estepa Dr. 753a
104th Ave. & International Blvd. 800a muwtf / 45 / EAST / 9451
Foothill Square 805a Eastmont Transit Center 1130a
Seminary Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1136a
muwtf / 45 / WEST / 9450
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 1138a
Foothill Square 820a
Seminary Ave. & International Blvd. 1141a
105th Ave. & International Blvd. 826a
Seminary Ave. & San Leandro St. 1143a
Bergedo Dr. & Estepa Dr. 833a
85th Ave. & Edes Ave. 842a Travel to 1143a
Coliseum BART 849a
Split break 433p
Seminary Ave. & San Leandro St. 852a
Seminary Ave. & International Blvd. 855a Block 129007
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 858a muwtf / Pull-out / - / 8
4507 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:21 ST 45005 245p D4 255p 702p F106 702p
45005 730p F106 730p 1018p D4 1023p
Block 45005 Seminary Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 552p 104th Ave. & International Blvd. 904p
Eastmont Transit Center 559p Foothill Square 908p
muwtf / Pull-out / - / 8
AC Transit East Oakland Division 255p muwtf / 45 / EAST / 9451 muwtf / 45 / WEST / 9450
Foothill Square 315p Eastmont Transit Center 620p Foothill Square 930p
Seminary Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 626p 105th Ave. & International Blvd. 935p
muwtf / 45 / WEST / 9450
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 628p Bergedo Dr. & Estepa Dr. 941p
Foothill Square 315p
Seminary Ave. & International Blvd. 631p 85th Ave. & Edes Ave. 947p
105th Ave. & International Blvd. 321p
Seminary Ave. & San Leandro St. 633p Coliseum BART 952p
Bergedo Dr. & Estepa Dr. 328p
Coliseum BART 637p Seminary Ave. & San Leandro St. 954p
85th Ave. & Edes Ave. 337p
85th Ave. & Edes Ave. 642p Seminary Ave. & International Blvd. 956p
Coliseum BART 343p
Bergedo Dr. & Estepa Dr. 650p Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 959p
Seminary Ave. & San Leandro St. 346p
104th Ave. & International Blvd. 657p Seminary Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1001p
Seminary Ave. & International Blvd. 349p
Foothill Square 702p Eastmont Transit Center 1006p
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 352p
Seminary Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 356p Meal Break 702p 730p muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
Eastmont Transit Center 403p Eastmont Transit Center 1006p
Block 45005
AC Transit East Oakland Division 1018p
muwtf / 45 / EAST / 9451 muwtf / 45 / WEST / 9450
Eastmont Transit Center 415p Foothill Square 730p
Seminary Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 421p 105th Ave. & International Blvd. 735p
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 424p Bergedo Dr. & Estepa Dr. 741p
Seminary Ave. & International Blvd. 427p 85th Ave. & Edes Ave. 748p
Seminary Ave. & San Leandro St. 429p Coliseum BART 753p
Coliseum BART 433p Seminary Ave. & San Leandro St. 756p
85th Ave. & Edes Ave. 438p Seminary Ave. & International Blvd. 759p
Bergedo Dr. & Estepa Dr. 447p Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 802p
104th Ave. & International Blvd. 454p Seminary Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 804p
Foothill Square 459p Eastmont Transit Center 810p
muwtf / 45 / WEST / 9450 muwtf / 45 / EAST / 9451
Foothill Square 515p Eastmont Transit Center 830p
105th Ave. & International Blvd. 521p Seminary Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 835p
Bergedo Dr. & Estepa Dr. 528p Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 837p
85th Ave. & Edes Ave. 536p Seminary Ave. & International Blvd. 839p
Coliseum BART 541p Seminary Ave. & San Leandro St. 841p
Seminary Ave. & San Leandro St. 544p Coliseum BART 845p
Seminary Ave. & International Blvd. 546p 85th Ave. & Edes Ave. 849p
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 549p Bergedo Dr. & Estepa Dr. 857p
HASTUS 2012 - DTCLandscape 03/13/2023 935a Page: 76
AC Transit Run Paddle Effective: 06/11/2023
Crew schedule: D4 Weekday Scenario: 4 Booking: 2306SU
4508 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
5:16 FR 54004 718a D4 728a 1200p FBBA 1223p
45009 315p D4 325p 739p D4 744p
muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
Foothill Square 722p
AC Transit East Oakland Division 739p
4510 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
5:03 FR 98006 718a D4 728a 1206p CBBA 1231p
45010 323p D4 333p 732p D4 737p
Block 98006 Eastmont Transit Center 1038a 85th Ave. & Edes Ave. 506p
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1043a Coliseum BART 511p
muwtf / Pull-out / - / 8
98th Ave. & International Blvd. 1047a Seminary Ave. & San Leandro St. 514p
AC Transit East Oakland Division 728a
98th Ave. & Empire Road 1054a Seminary Ave. & International Blvd. 516p
Coliseum BART 734a
Hassler Way & Edgewater Dr. 1100a Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 519p
muwtf / 98 / EAST / 9983 Coliseum BART 1106a Seminary Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 522p
Coliseum BART 734a Eastmont Transit Center 529p
Hassler Way & Edgewater Dr. 740a muwtf / 90 / EAST / 9901
Coliseum BART 1117a muwtf / 45 / EAST / 9451
98th Ave. & Empire Road 746a
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1128a Eastmont Transit Center 545p
98th Ave. & International Blvd. 754a
Foothill Square 1134a Seminary Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 551p
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 759a
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 554p
Eastmont Transit Center 806a muwtf / 90 / WEST / 9900
Seminary Ave. & International Blvd. 557p
Foothill Square 1150a
muwtf / 98 / WEST / 9982 Seminary Ave. & San Leandro St. 559p
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1156a
Eastmont Transit Center 818a Coliseum BART 603p
Coliseum BART 1206p
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 824a 85th Ave. & Edes Ave. 608p
98th Ave. & International Blvd. 829a Split break 1231p 323p Bergedo Dr. & Estepa Dr. 617p
98th Ave. & Empire Road 837a 104th Ave. & International Blvd. 624p
Block 45010
Hassler Way & Edgewater Dr. 843a Foothill Square 629p
Coliseum BART 849a muwtf / Pull-out / - / 8
AC Transit East Oakland Division 333p muwtf / 45 / WEST / 9450
muwtf / 90 / EAST / 9901 Eastmont Transit Center 345p Foothill Square 640p
Coliseum BART 857a 105th Ave. & International Blvd. 645p
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 907a muwtf / 45 / EAST / 9451
Bergedo Dr. & Estepa Dr. 651p
Foothill Square 912a Eastmont Transit Center 345p
85th Ave. & Edes Ave. 658p
Seminary Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 351p
muwtf / 90 / WEST / 9900 Coliseum BART 703p
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 354p
Foothill Square 930a Seminary Ave. & San Leandro St. 706p
Seminary Ave. & International Blvd. 357p
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 936a Seminary Ave. & International Blvd. 709p
Seminary Ave. & San Leandro St. 359p
Coliseum BART 946a Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 712p
Coliseum BART 403p
Seminary Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 714p
muwtf / 98 / EAST / 9983 85th Ave. & Edes Ave. 408p
Eastmont Transit Center 720p
Coliseum BART 954a Bergedo Dr. & Estepa Dr. 417p
Hassler Way & Edgewater Dr. 1000a 104th Ave. & International Blvd. 424p muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
98th Ave. & Empire Road 1006a Foothill Square 429p Eastmont Transit Center 720p
98th Ave. & International Blvd. 1013a AC Transit East Oakland Division 732p
muwtf / 45 / WEST / 9450
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1018a Foothill Square 445p
Eastmont Transit Center 1023a 105th Ave. & International Blvd. 451p
muwtf / 98 / WEST / 9982 Bergedo Dr. & Estepa Dr. 458p
4511 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
6:02 FR 124010 523a D4 533a 936a D4 936a
45001 201p DGD4 201p 626p D4 631p
4513 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
6:10 FR 78001 535a D4 545a 921a D4 926a
45003 131p DGD4 131p 613p DGD4 613p
Block 78001 muwtf / 45 / WEST / 9450 Bergedo Dr. & Estepa Dr. 432p
Seminary Ave. & San Leandro St. 131p 104th Ave. & International Blvd. 439p
muwtf / Pull-out / - / 8
Seminary Ave. & International Blvd. 133p Foothill Square 444p
AC Transit East Oakland Division 545a
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 136p
Fruitvale BART 555a muwtf / 45 / WEST / 9450
Seminary Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 139p
Foothill Square 500p
muwtf / 78 / WEST / 9780 Eastmont Transit Center 145p 105th Ave. & International Blvd. 506p
Fruitvale BART 555a
muwtf / 45 / EAST / 9451 Bergedo Dr. & Estepa Dr. 513p
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 600a
Eastmont Transit Center 200p 85th Ave. & Edes Ave. 521p
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 602a
Seminary Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 206p Coliseum BART 526p
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 612a
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 209p Seminary Ave. & San Leandro St. 529p
Alameda Seaplane Lagoon Ferry Terminal 618a
Seminary Ave. & International Blvd. 212p Seminary Ave. & International Blvd. 531p
muwtf / 78 / EAST / 9781 Seminary Ave. & San Leandro St. 215p Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 534p
Alameda Seaplane Lagoon Ferry Terminal 635a Coliseum BART 219p Seminary Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 537p
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 643a 85th Ave. & Edes Ave. 224p Eastmont Transit Center 544p
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 655a Bergedo Dr. & Estepa Dr. 233p
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 658a muwtf / 45 / EAST / 9451
104th Ave. & International Blvd. 241p
Eastmont Transit Center 600p
Fruitvale BART 703a Foothill Square 247p Seminary Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 606p
muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8 muwtf / 45 / WEST / 9450 Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 608p
Fruitvale BART 703a Foothill Square 300p Seminary Ave. & International Blvd. 611p
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 709a 105th Ave. & International Blvd. 306p Seminary Ave. & San Leandro St. 613p
muwtf / W / WEST / 135 Bergedo Dr. & Estepa Dr. 313p
Travel to 613p
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 745a 85th Ave. & Edes Ave. 322p
High St. & Fernside Blvd. 747a Coliseum BART 328p
Park St. & Otis Dr. 755a Seminary Ave. & San Leandro St. 331p
Grand St. & Shoreline Dr. 803a Seminary Ave. & International Blvd. 334p
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 816a Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 337p
Bay Bridge Toll Plaza 830a Seminary Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 341p
Salesforce Transit Center 844a Eastmont Transit Center 348p
4560 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
0:36 FP 45007 610a D4 620a 937a D4 942a
4561 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
0:32 FP 45008 618a D4 628a 940a D4 945a
4562 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
0:50 FP 45004 145p DGD4 145p 631p D4 636p
5100 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
3:15 SP 51014 424a D4 434a 912a D4 917a
301013 1057a SEMY 1105a 233p SEMY 233p
Block 51014 Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 728a muwtf / Deadhead / SOUTH / 8
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 740a Tempo Layover 1250p
muwtf / Pull-out / - / 8
15th St. & Broadway 749a Uptown Oakland 1254p
AC Transit East Oakland Division 434a
40th St. & Broadway 759a
Rockridge BART 501a muwtf / 1T / SOUTH / 3011
Rockridge BART 805a
Uptown Oakland 1254p
muwtf / 51A / SOUTH / 9510
muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8 Fruitvale Tempo 117p
Rockridge BART 501a
Rockridge BART 805a Seminary Tempo 126p
40th St. & Broadway 506a
Rockridge BART 807a San Leandro BART 148p
12th St. & Broadway 516a
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 521a muwtf / 51A / SOUTH / 9510 muwtf / 1T / NORTH / 3010 b
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 530a Rockridge BART 819a San Leandro BART 210p
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 532a 40th St. & Broadway 825a Seminary Tempo 233p
Fruitvale BART 536a 12th St. & Broadway 837a
Travel to 233p 241p
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 845a
muwtf / 51A / NORTH / 9511 a
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 856a Notes:
Fruitvale BART 544a
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 859a a - ON ARRIVING KEITH & COLLEGE AVES. DH
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 548a
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 550a
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 600a muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
15th St. & Broadway 607a Fruitvale BART 904a
40th St. & Broadway 614a AC Transit East Oakland Division 912a
Rockridge BART 619a
Split break 917a 1057a BERKLEY), R\ CASTRO ST, R\ SAN PABLO AV,
muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8 TO TERMINAL. THEN LEAVE AS SCHEDULED.,
Travel from 1057a 1105a
Rockridge BART 621a Block 301013 LAYOVER THEN DH VIA SAN PABLO
muwtf / 1T / SOUTH / 3011 AVE.,L\20TH ST. (THOMAS L. BERKLEY
muwtf / 51A / SOUTH / 9510
Rockridge BART 633a Seminary Tempo 1105a WAY).,R\BROADWAY.,TO TERMINAL. THEN
40th St. & Broadway 638a San Leandro BART 1126a LEAVE AS SCHEDULED.
12th St. & Broadway 648a muwtf / 1T / NORTH / 3010 b
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 653a San Leandro BART 1140a
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 702a Seminary Tempo 1203p
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 704a Fruitvale Tempo 1211p
Fruitvale BART 708a Uptown Oakland 1230p
muwtf / 51A / NORTH / 9511 a muwtf / Deadhead / NORTH / 8
Fruitvale BART 720a Uptown Oakland 1230p
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 725a Tempo Layover 1235p
5101 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
3:36 SP 54002 318p FBBA 318p 518p FBBA 518p
51011 625p FBBA 625p 1253x D4 1258x
Waiting after 308p 318p 40th St. & Broadway 720p Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 1016p
Rockridge BART 725p Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 1025p
Block 54002
15th St. & Broadway 1032p
muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8
muwtf / 54 / EAST / 418 40th St. & Broadway 1040p
Rockridge BART 725p
Fruitvale BART 330p Rockridge BART 1044p
Rockridge BART 727p
35th Ave. & International Blvd. 333p
muwtf / 51A / SOUTH / 9510 muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8
35th Ave. & Deering St. 338p
Rockridge BART 1044p
35th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 341p Rockridge BART 737p
40th St. & Broadway 742p Rockridge BART 1046p
Merritt College 348p
12th St. & Broadway 752p muwtf / 51A / SOUTH / 9510
muwtf / 54 / WEST / 417
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 757p Rockridge BART 1105p
Merritt College 400p
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 807p 40th St. & Broadway 1110p
35th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 407p
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 810p 12th St. & Broadway 1119p
35th Ave. & Brookdale Ave. 410p
Fruitvale BART 814p Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 1124p
35th Ave. & International Blvd. 417p
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 1133p
Fruitvale BART 418p muwtf / 51A / NORTH / 9511 a
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 1136p
Fruitvale BART 830p
muwtf / 54 / EAST / 418 Fruitvale BART 1140p
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 834p
Fruitvale BART 430p
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 837p muwtf / 51A / NORTH / 9511 b
35th Ave. & International Blvd. 433p
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 847p Fruitvale BART 1155p
35th Ave. & Deering St. 438p
15th St. & Broadway 855p Broadway & Blanding Ave. 1159p
35th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 441p
40th St. & Broadway 904p Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 1201x
Merritt College 448p
Rockridge BART 909p Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 1210x
muwtf / 54 / WEST / 417 15th St. & Broadway 1217x
muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8
Merritt College 500p 40th St. & Broadway 1225x
Rockridge BART 909p
35th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 507p Rockridge BART 1229x
Rockridge BART 911p
35th Ave. & Brookdale Ave. 510p
muwtf / 51A / SOUTH / 9510 muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
35th Ave. & International Blvd. 517p
Rockridge BART 1229x
Fruitvale BART 518p Rockridge BART 925p
40th St. & Broadway 930p AC Transit East Oakland Division 1253x
Split break 518p 625p
12th St. & Broadway 939p Notes:
Block 51011 Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 944p a - ON ARRIVING KEITH & COLLEGE AVES. DH
muwtf / 51A / NORTH / 9511 a Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 953p VIA KEITH AVE.,L\PRESLELY WY.,L\MILES
Fruitvale BART 642p Broadway & Blanding Ave. 956p AVE.,L\COLLEGE AVE., TO ROCKRIDGE BART.
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 647p Fruitvale BART 1000p THEN LEAVE AS SCHEDULED.
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 650p b - ON LAST TRIPS ENDING AT ROCKRIDGE
muwtf / 51A / NORTH / 9511 a
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 701p Fruitvale BART 1010p BART. DISCHARGE ALL PASSENGERS AT
15th St. & Broadway 709p Broadway & Blanding Ave. 1014p KEITH AV & COLLEGE AV. THEN DH VIA KEITH
HASTUS 2012 - DTCLandscape 03/13/2023 935a Page: 86
AC Transit Run Paddle Effective: 06/11/2023
Crew schedule: D4 Weekday Scenario: 4 Booking: 2306SU
5102 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
1:54 STAM 51001 444a D4 454a 1040a ROBA-D 1040a
51001 1057a ROBA-D 1057a 157p FBBA 157p
Block 51001 Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 759a Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 1134a
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 812a Broadway & Blanding Ave. 1137a
muwtf / Pull-out / - / 8
15th St. & Broadway 821a Fruitvale BART 1142a
AC Transit East Oakland Division 454a
40th St. & Broadway 831a
Rockridge BART 521a muwtf / 51A / NORTH / 9511 a
Rockridge BART 838a
Fruitvale BART 1200p
muwtf / 51A / SOUTH / 9510
muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8 Broadway & Blanding Ave. 1205p
Rockridge BART 521a
Rockridge BART 838a Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 1208p
40th St. & Broadway 526a
Rockridge BART 840a Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 1221p
12th St. & Broadway 536a
15th St. & Broadway 1231p
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 541a muwtf / 51A / SOUTH / 9510
40th St. & Broadway 1243p
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 550a Rockridge BART 849a
40th St. & Broadway 855a Rockridge BART 1250p
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 552a
Fruitvale BART 556a 12th St. & Broadway 907a muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 915a Rockridge BART 1250p
muwtf / 51A / NORTH / 9511 a
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 926a Rockridge BART 1252p
Fruitvale BART 608a
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 929a
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 612a muwtf / 51A / SOUTH / 9510
Fruitvale BART 934a
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 614a Rockridge BART 109p
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 625a muwtf / 51A / NORTH / 9511 a 40th St. & Broadway 115p
15th St. & Broadway 633a Fruitvale BART 948a 12th St. & Broadway 128p
40th St. & Broadway 641a Broadway & Blanding Ave. 953a Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 136p
Rockridge BART 646a Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 956a Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 149p
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 1009a Broadway & Blanding Ave. 152p
muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8
15th St. & Broadway 1019a Fruitvale BART 157p
Rockridge BART 646a
40th St. & Broadway 1031a
Rockridge BART 648a Notes:
Rockridge BART 1038a
muwtf / 51A / SOUTH / 9510
Rockridge BART 657a muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8 VIA KEITH AVE.,L\PRESLELY WY.,L\MILES
40th St. & Broadway 702a
12th St. & Broadway 712a
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 717a Meal Break 1040a 1057a
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 726a
Block 51001
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 728a
Fruitvale BART 732a muwtf / 51A / SOUTH / 9510
Rockridge BART 1057a
muwtf / 51A / NORTH / 9511 a 40th St. & Broadway 1103a
Fruitvale BART 750a 12th St. & Broadway 1115a
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 756a Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 1123a
5103 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:08 ST 51013 310p D4 320p 1006p ROBA-D 1006p
51013 1025p ROBA-D 1025p 1248x D4 1253x
5104 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
1:53 STAM 51002 456a D4 506a 954a FBBA 954a
51002 1012a FBBA 1012a 221p FBBA 221p
Block 51002 Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 819a Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 1201p
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 832a Broadway & Blanding Ave. 1204p
muwtf / Pull-out / - / 8
15th St. & Broadway 841a Fruitvale BART 1209p
AC Transit East Oakland Division 506a
40th St. & Broadway 851a
Rockridge BART 533a muwtf / 51A / NORTH / 9511 a
Rockridge BART 858a
Fruitvale BART 1224p
muwtf / 51A / SOUTH / 9510
muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8 Broadway & Blanding Ave. 1229p
Rockridge BART 533a
Rockridge BART 858a Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 1232p
40th St. & Broadway 538a
Rockridge BART 900a Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 1245p
12th St. & Broadway 548a
15th St. & Broadway 1255p
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 553a muwtf / 51A / SOUTH / 9510
40th St. & Broadway 107p
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 602a Rockridge BART 909a
40th St. & Broadway 915a Rockridge BART 114p
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 604a
Fruitvale BART 608a 12th St. & Broadway 927a muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 935a Rockridge BART 114p
muwtf / 51A / NORTH / 9511 a
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 946a Rockridge BART 116p
Fruitvale BART 620a
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 949a
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 624a muwtf / 51A / SOUTH / 9510
Fruitvale BART 954a
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 626a Rockridge BART 133p
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 637a Meal Break 954a 1012a 40th St. & Broadway 139p
15th St. & Broadway 645a 12th St. & Broadway 152p
Block 51002
40th St. & Broadway 653a Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 200p
Rockridge BART 658a muwtf / 51A / NORTH / 9511 a Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 213p
Fruitvale BART 1012a Broadway & Blanding Ave. 216p
muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8 Broadway & Blanding Ave. 1017a Fruitvale BART 221p
Rockridge BART 658a Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 1020a
Rockridge BART 700a Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 1033a Notes:
15th St. & Broadway 1043a a - ON ARRIVING KEITH & COLLEGE AVES. DH
muwtf / 51A / SOUTH / 9510
Rockridge BART 709a 40th St. & Broadway 1055a VIA KEITH AVE.,L\PRESLELY WY.,L\MILES
40th St. & Broadway 715a Rockridge BART 1102a AVE.,L\COLLEGE AVE., TO ROCKRIDGE BART.
12th St. & Broadway 727a THEN LEAVE AS SCHEDULED.
muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 735a Rockridge BART 1102a
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 746a Rockridge BART 1104a
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 749a
Fruitvale BART 754a muwtf / 51A / SOUTH / 9510
Rockridge BART 1121a
muwtf / 51A / NORTH / 9511 a 40th St. & Broadway 1127a
Fruitvale BART 810a 12th St. & Broadway 1140a
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 816a Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 1148a
5105 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:17 ST 51005 257p FBBA 257p 850p FBBA 850p
51005 910p FBBA 910p 1228x D4 1233x
5106 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
1:50 STAM 51003 500a D4 510a 950a ROBA-D 950a
51003 1009a ROBA-D 1009a 109p FBBA 109p
Block 51003 muwtf / 51A / SOUTH / 9510 15th St. & Broadway 1143a
Rockridge BART 759a 40th St. & Broadway 1155a
muwtf / Pull-out / - / 8
40th St. & Broadway 805a Rockridge BART 1202p
AC Transit East Oakland Division 510a
12th St. & Broadway 817a
Fruitvale BART 520a muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 825a
Rockridge BART 1202p
muwtf / 51A / NORTH / 9511 a Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 836a
Rockridge BART 1204p
Fruitvale BART 520a Broadway & Blanding Ave. 839a
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 524a Fruitvale BART 844a muwtf / 51A / SOUTH / 9510
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 526a Rockridge BART 1221p
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 536a muwtf / 51A / NORTH / 9511 a 40th St. & Broadway 1227p
Fruitvale BART 900a 12th St. & Broadway 1240p
15th St. & Broadway 543a
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 906a Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 1248p
40th St. & Broadway 550a
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 909a Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 101p
Rockridge BART 555a
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 922a Broadway & Blanding Ave. 104p
muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8 15th St. & Broadway 931a
Fruitvale BART 109p
Rockridge BART 555a 40th St. & Broadway 941a
Rockridge BART 557a Rockridge BART 948a Notes:
muwtf / 51A / SOUTH / 9510 muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8
Rockridge BART 948a
40th St. & Broadway 614a AVE.,L\COLLEGE AVE., TO ROCKRIDGE BART.
Rockridge BART 950a
12th St. & Broadway 624a THEN LEAVE AS SCHEDULED.
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 629a Meal Break 950a 1009a
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 638a Block 51003
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 640a
muwtf / 51A / SOUTH / 9510
Fruitvale BART 644a Rockridge BART 1009a
muwtf / 51A / NORTH / 9511 a 40th St. & Broadway 1015a
Fruitvale BART 700a 12th St. & Broadway 1027a
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 705a Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 1035a
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 708a Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 1046a
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 720a Broadway & Blanding Ave. 1049a
15th St. & Broadway 729a Fruitvale BART 1054a
40th St. & Broadway 739a
muwtf / 51A / NORTH / 9511 a
Rockridge BART 745a Fruitvale BART 1112a
muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8 Broadway & Blanding Ave. 1117a
Rockridge BART 745a Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 1120a
Rockridge BART 747a Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 1133a
5107 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
3:57 SP 54004 200p FBBA 200p 503p FBBA 503p
51010 605p FBBA 605p 1228x D4 1233x
Waiting after 143p 200p 35th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 452p Rockridge BART 845p
35th Ave. & Brookdale Ave. 455p Rockridge BART 847p
Block 54004
35th Ave. & International Blvd. 502p
muwtf / 51A / SOUTH / 9510
muwtf / 54 / EAST / 418 Fruitvale BART 503p
Rockridge BART 901p
Fruitvale BART 215p
Split break 503p 605p 40th St. & Broadway 906p
35th Ave. & International Blvd. 218p
12th St. & Broadway 915p
35th Ave. & Deering St. 222p Block 51010
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 920p
35th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 226p muwtf / 51A / NORTH / 9511 a Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 929p
Merritt College 232p Fruitvale BART 618p Broadway & Blanding Ave. 932p
muwtf / 54 / WEST / 417 Broadway & Blanding Ave. 623p Fruitvale BART 936p
Merritt College 245p Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 626p
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 637p muwtf / 51A / NORTH / 9511 a
35th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 252p
15th St. & Broadway 645p Fruitvale BART 950p
35th Ave. & Brookdale Ave. 254p
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 954p
35th Ave. & International Blvd. 259p 40th St. & Broadway 656p
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 956p
Fruitvale BART 300p Rockridge BART 701p
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 1005p
muwtf / 54 / EAST / 418 muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8 15th St. & Broadway 1012p
Fruitvale BART 315p Rockridge BART 701p 40th St. & Broadway 1020p
35th Ave. & International Blvd. 318p Rockridge BART 703p Rockridge BART 1024p
35th Ave. & Deering St. 323p muwtf / 51A / SOUTH / 9510 muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8
35th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 326p Rockridge BART 713p Rockridge BART 1024p
Merritt College 333p 40th St. & Broadway 718p Rockridge BART 1026p
muwtf / 54 / WEST / 417 12th St. & Broadway 728p
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 733p muwtf / 51A / SOUTH / 9510
Merritt College 345p
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 743p Rockridge BART 1045p
35th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 352p
40th St. & Broadway 1050p
35th Ave. & Brookdale Ave. 355p Broadway & Blanding Ave. 746p
12th St. & Broadway 1059p
35th Ave. & International Blvd. 402p Fruitvale BART 750p
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 1104p
Fruitvale BART 403p muwtf / 51A / NORTH / 9511 a Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 1113p
muwtf / 54 / EAST / 418 Fruitvale BART 806p Broadway & Blanding Ave. 1116p
Fruitvale BART 415p Broadway & Blanding Ave. 810p Fruitvale BART 1120p
35th Ave. & International Blvd. 418p Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 813p
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 823p muwtf / 51A / NORTH / 9511 b
35th Ave. & Deering St. 423p
15th St. & Broadway 831p Fruitvale BART 1130p
35th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 426p
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 1134p
Merritt College 433p 40th St. & Broadway 840p
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 1136p
Rockridge BART 845p
muwtf / 54 / WEST / 417 Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 1145p
Merritt College 445p muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8 15th St. & Broadway 1152p
HASTUS 2012 - DTCLandscape 03/13/2023 935a Page: 95
AC Transit Run Paddle Effective: 06/11/2023
Crew schedule: D4 Weekday Scenario: 4 Booking: 2306SU
muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
Rockridge BART 1204x
AC Transit East Oakland Division 1228x
5108 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
1:50 STAM 51004 512a D4 522a 1002a ROBA-D 1002a
51004 1021a ROBA-D 1021a 121p FBBA 121p
Block 51004 muwtf / 51A / SOUTH / 9510 15th St. & Broadway 1155a
Rockridge BART 809a 40th St. & Broadway 1207p
muwtf / Pull-out / - / 8
40th St. & Broadway 815a Rockridge BART 1214p
AC Transit East Oakland Division 522a
12th St. & Broadway 827a
Fruitvale BART 532a muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 835a
Rockridge BART 1214p
muwtf / 51A / NORTH / 9511 a Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 846a
Rockridge BART 1216p
Fruitvale BART 532a Broadway & Blanding Ave. 849a
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 536a Fruitvale BART 854a muwtf / 51A / SOUTH / 9510
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 538a Rockridge BART 1233p
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 548a muwtf / 51A / NORTH / 9511 a 40th St. & Broadway 1239p
Fruitvale BART 912a 12th St. & Broadway 1252p
15th St. & Broadway 555a
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 918a Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 100p
40th St. & Broadway 602a
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 921a Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 113p
Rockridge BART 607a
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 934a Broadway & Blanding Ave. 116p
muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8 15th St. & Broadway 943a
Fruitvale BART 121p
Rockridge BART 607a 40th St. & Broadway 953a
Rockridge BART 609a Rockridge BART 1000a Notes:
muwtf / 51A / SOUTH / 9510 muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8
Rockridge BART 1000a
40th St. & Broadway 626a AVE.,L\COLLEGE AVE., TO ROCKRIDGE BART.
Rockridge BART 1002a
12th St. & Broadway 636a THEN LEAVE AS SCHEDULED.
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 641a Meal Break 1002a 1021a
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 650a Block 51004
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 652a
muwtf / 51A / SOUTH / 9510
Fruitvale BART 656a Rockridge BART 1021a
muwtf / 51A / NORTH / 9511 a 40th St. & Broadway 1027a
Fruitvale BART 710a 12th St. & Broadway 1039a
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 715a Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 1047a
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 718a Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 1058a
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 730a Broadway & Blanding Ave. 1101a
15th St. & Broadway 739a Fruitvale BART 1106a
40th St. & Broadway 749a
muwtf / 51A / NORTH / 9511 a
Rockridge BART 755a Fruitvale BART 1124a
muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8 Broadway & Blanding Ave. 1129a
Rockridge BART 755a Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 1132a
Rockridge BART 757a Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 1145a
5109 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
1:57 ST 51012 310p D4 320p 826p FBBA 826p
51012 850p FBBA 850p 1208x D4 1213x
Block 51012 Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 702p Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 1013p
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 713p Broadway & Blanding Ave. 1016p
muwtf / Pull-out / - / 8
15th St. & Broadway 721p Fruitvale BART 1020p
AC Transit East Oakland Division 320p
40th St. & Broadway 732p
Rockridge BART 347p muwtf / 51A / NORTH / 9511 a
Rockridge BART 737p
Fruitvale BART 1030p
muwtf / 51A / SOUTH / 9510
muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8 Broadway & Blanding Ave. 1034p
Rockridge BART 347p
Rockridge BART 737p Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 1036p
40th St. & Broadway 355p
Rockridge BART 739p Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 1045p
12th St. & Broadway 409p
15th St. & Broadway 1052p
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 418p muwtf / 51A / SOUTH / 9510
40th St. & Broadway 1100p
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 431p Rockridge BART 749p
40th St. & Broadway 754p Rockridge BART 1104p
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 434p
Fruitvale BART 440p 12th St. & Broadway 804p muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 809p Rockridge BART 1104p
muwtf / 51A / NORTH / 9511 a
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 819p Rockridge BART 1106p
Fruitvale BART 450p
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 822p
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 456p muwtf / 51A / SOUTH / 9510
Fruitvale BART 826p
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 459p Rockridge BART 1125p
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 511p Meal Break 826p 850p 40th St. & Broadway 1130p
15th St. & Broadway 521p 12th St. & Broadway 1139p
Block 51012
40th St. & Broadway 533p Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 1144p
Rockridge BART 539p muwtf / 51A / NORTH / 9511 a Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 1153p
Fruitvale BART 850p Broadway & Blanding Ave. 1156p
muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8 Broadway & Blanding Ave. 854p Fruitvale BART 1200x
Rockridge BART 539p Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 857p
Rockridge BART 541p Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 907p muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
15th St. & Broadway 915p Fruitvale BART 1200x
muwtf / 51A / SOUTH / 9510
40th St. & Broadway 924p AC Transit East Oakland Division 1208x
Rockridge BART 601p
40th St. & Broadway 607p Rockridge BART 929p Notes:
12th St. & Broadway 618p a - ON ARRIVING KEITH & COLLEGE AVES. DH
muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 624p Rockridge BART 929p VIA KEITH AVE.,L\PRESLELY WY.,L\MILES
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 636p Rockridge BART 931p AVE.,L\COLLEGE AVE., TO ROCKRIDGE BART.
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 639p THEN LEAVE AS SCHEDULED.
Fruitvale BART 644p muwtf / 51A / SOUTH / 9510
Rockridge BART 945p
muwtf / 51A / NORTH / 9511 a 40th St. & Broadway 950p
Fruitvale BART 654p 12th St. & Broadway 959p
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 659p Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 1004p
5110 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:05 STAM 51005 520a D4 530a 1030a FBBA 1030a
51005 1048a FBBA 1048a 257p FBBA 257p
Block 51005 Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 849a Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 1237p
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 902a Broadway & Blanding Ave. 1240p
muwtf / Pull-out / - / 8
15th St. & Broadway 911a Fruitvale BART 1245p
AC Transit East Oakland Division 530a
40th St. & Broadway 921a
Rockridge BART 557a muwtf / 51A / NORTH / 9511 a
Rockridge BART 928a
Fruitvale BART 100p
muwtf / 51A / SOUTH / 9510
muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8 Broadway & Blanding Ave. 105p
Rockridge BART 557a
Rockridge BART 928a Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 108p
40th St. & Broadway 602a
Rockridge BART 930a Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 121p
12th St. & Broadway 612a
15th St. & Broadway 131p
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 617a muwtf / 51A / SOUTH / 9510
40th St. & Broadway 143p
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 626a Rockridge BART 945a
40th St. & Broadway 951a Rockridge BART 150p
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 628a
Fruitvale BART 632a 12th St. & Broadway 1003a muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 1011a Rockridge BART 150p
muwtf / 51A / NORTH / 9511 a
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 1022a Rockridge BART 152p
Fruitvale BART 650a
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 1025a
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 654a muwtf / 51A / SOUTH / 9510
Fruitvale BART 1030a
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 656a Rockridge BART 209p
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 707a Meal Break 1030a 1048a 40th St. & Broadway 215p
15th St. & Broadway 715a 12th St. & Broadway 228p
Block 51005
40th St. & Broadway 723a Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 236p
Rockridge BART 728a muwtf / 51A / NORTH / 9511 a Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 249p
Fruitvale BART 1048a Broadway & Blanding Ave. 252p
muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8 Broadway & Blanding Ave. 1053a Fruitvale BART 257p
Rockridge BART 728a Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 1056a
Rockridge BART 730a Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 1109a Notes:
15th St. & Broadway 1119a a - ON ARRIVING KEITH & COLLEGE AVES. DH
muwtf / 51A / SOUTH / 9510
Rockridge BART 739a 40th St. & Broadway 1131a VIA KEITH AVE.,L\PRESLELY WY.,L\MILES
40th St. & Broadway 745a Rockridge BART 1138a AVE.,L\COLLEGE AVE., TO ROCKRIDGE BART.
12th St. & Broadway 757a THEN LEAVE AS SCHEDULED.
muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 805a Rockridge BART 1138a
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 816a Rockridge BART 1140a
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 819a
Fruitvale BART 824a muwtf / 51A / SOUTH / 9510
Rockridge BART 1157a
muwtf / 51A / NORTH / 9511 a 40th St. & Broadway 1203p
Fruitvale BART 840a 12th St. & Broadway 1216p
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 846a Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 1224p
5111 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
3:52 ST 54003 130p FBBA 130p 533p FBBA 533p
51001 615p FBBA 615p 1114p D4 1119p
Waiting after 108p 130p 35th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 422p Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 755p
35th Ave. & Brookdale Ave. 425p Broadway & Blanding Ave. 758p
Block 54003
35th Ave. & International Blvd. 432p Fruitvale BART 802p
muwtf / 54 / EAST / 418 Fruitvale BART 433p
muwtf / 51A / NORTH / 9511 a
Fruitvale BART 145p
muwtf / 54 / EAST / 418 Fruitvale BART 818p
35th Ave. & International Blvd. 148p
Fruitvale BART 445p Broadway & Blanding Ave. 822p
35th Ave. & Deering St. 152p
35th Ave. & International Blvd. 448p Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 825p
35th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 156p
35th Ave. & Deering St. 453p Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 835p
Merritt College 202p
35th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 456p 15th St. & Broadway 843p
muwtf / 54 / WEST / 417 Merritt College 503p 40th St. & Broadway 852p
Merritt College 215p Rockridge BART 857p
muwtf / 54 / WEST / 417
35th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 222p
Merritt College 515p muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8
35th Ave. & Brookdale Ave. 224p
35th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 522p Rockridge BART 857p
35th Ave. & International Blvd. 229p
35th Ave. & Brookdale Ave. 525p Rockridge BART 859p
Fruitvale BART 230p
35th Ave. & International Blvd. 532p
muwtf / 51A / SOUTH / 9510
muwtf / 54 / EAST / 418 Fruitvale BART 533p
Rockridge BART 913p
Fruitvale BART 245p
Meal Break 533p 615p 40th St. & Broadway 918p
35th Ave. & International Blvd. 248p
12th St. & Broadway 927p
35th Ave. & Deering St. 252p Block 51001
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 932p
35th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 256p muwtf / 51A / NORTH / 9511 a Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 941p
Merritt College 302p Fruitvale BART 630p Broadway & Blanding Ave. 944p
muwtf / 54 / WEST / 417 Broadway & Blanding Ave. 635p Fruitvale BART 948p
Merritt College 315p Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 638p
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 649p muwtf / 78 / WEST / 9780
35th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 322p
15th St. & Broadway 657p Fruitvale BART 1010p
35th Ave. & Brookdale Ave. 325p
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 1014p
35th Ave. & International Blvd. 332p 40th St. & Broadway 708p
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 1016p
Fruitvale BART 333p Rockridge BART 713p
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 1025p
muwtf / 54 / EAST / 418 muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8 Alameda Seaplane Lagoon Ferry Terminal 1031p
Fruitvale BART 345p Rockridge BART 713p
Rockridge BART 715p muwtf / 78 / EAST / 9781
35th Ave. & International Blvd. 348p
Alameda Seaplane Lagoon Ferry Terminal 1040p
35th Ave. & Deering St. 353p muwtf / 51A / SOUTH / 9510 Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 1048p
35th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 356p Rockridge BART 725p Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 1058p
Merritt College 403p 40th St. & Broadway 730p Broadway & Blanding Ave. 1101p
muwtf / 54 / WEST / 417 12th St. & Broadway 740p Fruitvale BART 1106p
Merritt College 415p Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 745p
muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
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AC Transit Run Paddle Effective: 06/11/2023
Crew schedule: D4 Weekday Scenario: 4 Booking: 2306SU
5112 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
1:35 STAM 51006 536a D4 546a 1014a ROBA-D 1014a
51006 1033a ROBA-D 1033a 133p FBBA 133p
Block 51006 muwtf / 51A / SOUTH / 9510 15th St. & Broadway 1207p
Rockridge BART 829a 40th St. & Broadway 1219p
muwtf / Pull-out / - / 8
40th St. & Broadway 835a Rockridge BART 1226p
AC Transit East Oakland Division 546a
12th St. & Broadway 847a
Fruitvale BART 556a muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 855a
Rockridge BART 1226p
muwtf / 51A / NORTH / 9511 a Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 906a
Rockridge BART 1228p
Fruitvale BART 556a Broadway & Blanding Ave. 909a
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 600a Fruitvale BART 914a muwtf / 51A / SOUTH / 9510
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 602a Rockridge BART 1245p
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 613a muwtf / 51A / NORTH / 9511 a 40th St. & Broadway 1251p
Fruitvale BART 924a 12th St. & Broadway 104p
15th St. & Broadway 621a
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 930a Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 112p
40th St. & Broadway 629a
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 933a Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 125p
Rockridge BART 634a
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 946a Broadway & Blanding Ave. 128p
muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8 15th St. & Broadway 955a
Fruitvale BART 133p
Rockridge BART 634a 40th St. & Broadway 1005a
Rockridge BART 636a Rockridge BART 1012a Notes:
muwtf / 51A / SOUTH / 9510 muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8
Rockridge BART 1012a
40th St. & Broadway 650a AVE.,L\COLLEGE AVE., TO ROCKRIDGE BART.
Rockridge BART 1014a
12th St. & Broadway 700a THEN LEAVE AS SCHEDULED.
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 705a Meal Break 1014a 1033a
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 714a Block 51006
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 716a
muwtf / 51A / SOUTH / 9510
Fruitvale BART 720a Rockridge BART 1033a
muwtf / 51A / NORTH / 9511 a 40th St. & Broadway 1039a
Fruitvale BART 730a 12th St. & Broadway 1051a
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 735a Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 1059a
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 738a Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 1110a
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 750a Broadway & Blanding Ave. 1113a
15th St. & Broadway 759a Fruitvale BART 1118a
40th St. & Broadway 809a
muwtf / 51A / NORTH / 9511 a
Rockridge BART 815a Fruitvale BART 1136a
muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8 Broadway & Blanding Ave. 1141a
Rockridge BART 815a Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 1144a
Rockridge BART 817a Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 1157a
5113 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
3:21 SP 51011 1157a FBBA 1157a 209p FBBA 209p
51004 338p FBBA 338p 934p D4 939p
Waiting after 1143a 1157a muwtf / 51A / SOUTH / 9510 muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8
Rockridge BART 457p Rockridge BART 833p
Block 51011
40th St. & Broadway 505p Rockridge BART 835p
muwtf / 51A / NORTH / 9511 a
12th St. & Broadway 519p muwtf / 51A / SOUTH / 9510
Fruitvale BART 1212p
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 528p Rockridge BART 849p
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 1217p
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 541p 40th St. & Broadway 854p
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 1220p
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 544p 12th St. & Broadway 904p
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 1233p
Fruitvale BART 550p Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 909p
15th St. & Broadway 1243p
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 919p
40th St. & Broadway 1255p muwtf / 51A / NORTH / 9511 a
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 922p
Rockridge BART 102p Fruitvale BART 606p
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 611p Fruitvale BART 926p
muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 614p muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
Rockridge BART 102p
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 625p Fruitvale BART 926p
Rockridge BART 104p
15th St. & Broadway 633p AC Transit East Oakland Division 934p
muwtf / 51A / SOUTH / 9510 40th St. & Broadway 644p
Rockridge BART 121p Notes:
Rockridge BART 649p
40th St. & Broadway 127p a - ON ARRIVING KEITH & COLLEGE AVES. DH
muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8 VIA KEITH AVE.,L\PRESLELY WY.,L\MILES
12th St. & Broadway 140p
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 148p
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 201p
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 204p muwtf / 51A / SOUTH / 9510
Fruitvale BART 209p Rockridge BART 701p
40th St. & Broadway 706p
Split break 209p 338p
12th St. & Broadway 716p
Block 51004 Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 721p
muwtf / 51A / NORTH / 9511 a Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 731p
Fruitvale BART 350p Broadway & Blanding Ave. 734p
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 356p Fruitvale BART 738p
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 359p muwtf / 51A / NORTH / 9511 a
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 411p Fruitvale BART 754p
15th St. & Broadway 423p Broadway & Blanding Ave. 758p
40th St. & Broadway 436p Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 801p
Rockridge BART 443p Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 811p
muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8 15th St. & Broadway 819p
Rockridge BART 443p 40th St. & Broadway 828p
Rockridge BART 445p Rockridge BART 833p
HASTUS 2012 - DTCLandscape 03/13/2023 935a Page: 103
AC Transit Run Paddle Effective: 06/11/2023
Crew schedule: D4 Weekday Scenario: 4 Booking: 2306SU
5114 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
5:16 FR 301007 544a D4 554a 1003a SEMY 1013a
51010 145p FBBA 145p 605p FBBA 605p
Block 301007 Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 208p Notes:
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 221p a - ON ARRIVING UPTOWN TERMINAL: DH VIA
muwtf / Pull-out / - / 8
15th St. & Broadway 231p BROADWAY, L\ 20TH ST (THOMAS L.
AC Transit East Oakland Division 554a
40th St. & Broadway 243p BERKLEY), R\ CASTRO ST, R\ SAN PABLO AV,
Uptown Oakland 614a
Uptown Oakland 614a muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8
Fruitvale Tempo 633a AVE.,L\20TH ST. (THOMAS L. BERKLEY
Rockridge BART 252p
San Leandro BART 700a muwtf / 51A / SOUTH / 9510 LEAVE AS SCHEDULED.
muwtf / 1T / NORTH / 3010 a
40th St. & Broadway 315p VIA KEITH AVE.,L\PRESLELY WY.,L\MILES
San Leandro BART 720a
12th St. & Broadway 329p AVE.,L\COLLEGE AVE., TO ROCKRIDGE BART.
Seminary Tempo 742a
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 338p THEN LEAVE AS SCHEDULED.
Fruitvale Tempo 750a
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 351p
Uptown Oakland 809a
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 354p
muwtf / Deadhead / NORTH / 8 Fruitvale BART 400p
Uptown Oakland 809a
Tempo Layover 814a muwtf / 51A / NORTH / 9511 b
Fruitvale BART 410p
muwtf / Deadhead / SOUTH / 8 Broadway & Blanding Ave. 416p
Tempo Layover 830a Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 419p
Uptown Oakland 834a Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 431p
muwtf / 1T / SOUTH / 3011 15th St. & Broadway 443p
Uptown Oakland 834a 40th St. & Broadway 456p
Fruitvale Tempo 855a Rockridge BART 503p
Seminary Tempo 903a muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8
San Leandro BART 924a Rockridge BART 503p
muwtf / 1T / NORTH / 3010 a Rockridge BART 505p
San Leandro BART 940a muwtf / 51A / SOUTH / 9510
Seminary Tempo 1003a Rockridge BART 517p
Split break 1013a 145p 40th St. & Broadway 524p
12th St. & Broadway 536p
Block 51010
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 543p
muwtf / 51A / NORTH / 9511 b Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 556p
Fruitvale BART 200p Broadway & Blanding Ave. 559p
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 205p Fruitvale BART 605p
HASTUS 2012 - DTCLandscape 03/13/2023 935a Page: 104
AC Transit Run Paddle Effective: 06/11/2023
Crew schedule: D4 Weekday Scenario: 4 Booking: 2306SU
5115 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
3:18 SP 54004 1200p FBBA 1200p 200p FBBA 200p
51009 309p FBBA 309p 910p D4 915p
Waiting after 1143a 1200p 40th St. & Broadway 406p Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 737p
Rockridge BART 413p Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 747p
Block 54004
15th St. & Broadway 755p
muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8
muwtf / 54 / EAST / 418 40th St. & Broadway 804p
Rockridge BART 413p
Fruitvale BART 1215p Rockridge BART 809p
Rockridge BART 415p
35th Ave. & International Blvd. 1218p
muwtf / 51A / SOUTH / 9510 muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8
35th Ave. & Deering St. 1222p
Rockridge BART 809p
35th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1226p Rockridge BART 427p
40th St. & Broadway 435p Rockridge BART 811p
Merritt College 1232p
12th St. & Broadway 449p muwtf / 51A / SOUTH / 9510
muwtf / 54 / WEST / 417
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 458p Rockridge BART 825p
Merritt College 1245p
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 511p 40th St. & Broadway 830p
35th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1252p
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 514p 12th St. & Broadway 840p
35th Ave. & Brookdale Ave. 1254p
Fruitvale BART 520p Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 845p
35th Ave. & International Blvd. 1259p
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 855p
Fruitvale BART 100p muwtf / 51A / NORTH / 9511 a
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 858p
Fruitvale BART 530p
muwtf / 54 / EAST / 418 Fruitvale BART 902p
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 536p
Fruitvale BART 115p
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 539p muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
35th Ave. & International Blvd. 118p
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 551p Fruitvale BART 902p
35th Ave. & Deering St. 122p
15th St. & Broadway 601p AC Transit East Oakland Division 910p
35th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 126p
40th St. & Broadway 613p
Merritt College 132p Notes:
Rockridge BART 619p
muwtf / 54 / WEST / 417
muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8 VIA KEITH AVE.,L\PRESLELY WY.,L\MILES
Merritt College 145p
35th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 152p
35th Ave. & Brookdale Ave. 154p
35th Ave. & International Blvd. 159p muwtf / 51A / SOUTH / 9510
Fruitvale BART 200p Rockridge BART 637p
40th St. & Broadway 643p
Split break 200p 309p
12th St. & Broadway 654p
Block 51009 Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 700p
muwtf / 51A / NORTH / 9511 a Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 712p
Fruitvale BART 320p Broadway & Blanding Ave. 715p
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 326p Fruitvale BART 720p
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 329p muwtf / 51A / NORTH / 9511 a
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 341p Fruitvale BART 730p
15th St. & Broadway 353p Broadway & Blanding Ave. 734p
HASTUS 2012 - DTCLandscape 03/13/2023 935a Page: 105
AC Transit Run Paddle Effective: 06/11/2023
Crew schedule: D4 Weekday Scenario: 4 Booking: 2306SU
5116 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
5:17 FR 62002 551a D4 601a 1025a FBBA 1025a
51001 157p FBBA 157p 615p FBBA 615p
Block 62002 7th St. & Franklin St. 953a muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8
Lake Merritt BART 956a Rockridge BART 513p
muwtf / Pull-out / - / 8
Highland Hospital 1009a Rockridge BART 515p
AC Transit East Oakland Division 601a
23rd Ave. & International Blvd. 1018a
West Oakland BART 621a muwtf / 51A / SOUTH / 9510
Fruitvale BART 1025a
Rockridge BART 527p
muwtf / 62 / EAST / 481
Split break 1025a 157p 40th St. & Broadway 534p
West Oakland BART 621a
12th St. & Broadway 546p
7th St. & Franklin St. 626a Block 51001
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 553p
Lake Merritt BART 629a
muwtf / 51A / NORTH / 9511 a Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 606p
Highland Hospital 641a Fruitvale BART 212p Broadway & Blanding Ave. 609p
23rd Ave. & International Blvd. 650a Broadway & Blanding Ave. 217p Fruitvale BART 615p
Fruitvale BART 656a Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 220p
muwtf / 62 / WEST / 483 Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 233p Notes:
Fruitvale BART 711a 15th St. & Broadway 243p a - ON ARRIVING KEITH & COLLEGE AVES. DH
23rd Ave. & International Blvd. 715a 40th St. & Broadway 255p VIA KEITH AVE.,L\PRESLELY WY.,L\MILES
Highland Hospital 724a Rockridge BART 302p AVE.,L\COLLEGE AVE., TO ROCKRIDGE BART.
muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8
8th St. & Broadway 741a Rockridge BART 302p
West Oakland BART 747a Rockridge BART 304p
muwtf / 62 / EAST / 481 muwtf / 51A / SOUTH / 9510
West Oakland BART 756a Rockridge BART 317p
7th St. & Franklin St. 803a 40th St. & Broadway 325p
Lake Merritt BART 806a 12th St. & Broadway 339p
Highland Hospital 819a Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 348p
23rd Ave. & International Blvd. 828a Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 401p
Fruitvale BART 835a Broadway & Blanding Ave. 404p
muwtf / 62 / WEST / 483 Fruitvale BART 410p
Fruitvale BART 847a
muwtf / 51A / NORTH / 9511 a
23rd Ave. & International Blvd. 852a Fruitvale BART 420p
Highland Hospital 902a Broadway & Blanding Ave. 426p
Lake Merritt BART 916a Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 429p
8th St. & Broadway 920a Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 441p
West Oakland BART 927a 15th St. & Broadway 453p
muwtf / 62 / EAST / 481 40th St. & Broadway 506p
West Oakland BART 946a Rockridge BART 513p
5117 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
3:20 SP 54003 1130a FBBA 1130a 130p FBBA 130p
51008 245p FBBA 245p 846p D4 851p
Waiting after 1108a 1130a 40th St. & Broadway 346p Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 714p
Rockridge BART 353p Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 725p
Block 54003
15th St. & Broadway 733p
muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8
muwtf / 54 / EAST / 418 40th St. & Broadway 744p
Rockridge BART 353p
Fruitvale BART 1145a Rockridge BART 749p
Rockridge BART 355p
35th Ave. & International Blvd. 1148a
muwtf / 51A / SOUTH / 9510 muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8
35th Ave. & Deering St. 1152a
Rockridge BART 749p
35th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1156a Rockridge BART 407p
40th St. & Broadway 415p Rockridge BART 751p
Merritt College 1202p
12th St. & Broadway 429p muwtf / 51A / SOUTH / 9510
muwtf / 54 / WEST / 417
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 438p Rockridge BART 801p
Merritt College 1215p
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 451p 40th St. & Broadway 806p
35th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1222p
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 454p 12th St. & Broadway 816p
35th Ave. & Brookdale Ave. 1224p
Fruitvale BART 500p Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 821p
35th Ave. & International Blvd. 1229p
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 831p
Fruitvale BART 1230p muwtf / 51A / NORTH / 9511 a
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 834p
Fruitvale BART 510p
muwtf / 54 / EAST / 418 Fruitvale BART 838p
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 516p
Fruitvale BART 1245p
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 519p muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
35th Ave. & International Blvd. 1248p
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 531p Fruitvale BART 838p
35th Ave. & Deering St. 1252p
15th St. & Broadway 541p AC Transit East Oakland Division 846p
35th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1256p
40th St. & Broadway 553p
Merritt College 102p Notes:
Rockridge BART 559p
muwtf / 54 / WEST / 417
muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8 VIA KEITH AVE.,L\PRESLELY WY.,L\MILES
Merritt College 115p
35th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 122p
35th Ave. & Brookdale Ave. 124p
35th Ave. & International Blvd. 129p muwtf / 51A / SOUTH / 9510
Fruitvale BART 130p Rockridge BART 613p
40th St. & Broadway 619p
Split break 130p 245p
12th St. & Broadway 630p
Block 51008 Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 636p
muwtf / 51A / NORTH / 9511 a Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 648p
Fruitvale BART 300p Broadway & Blanding Ave. 651p
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 306p Fruitvale BART 656p
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 309p muwtf / 51A / NORTH / 9511 a
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 321p Fruitvale BART 706p
15th St. & Broadway 333p Broadway & Blanding Ave. 711p
HASTUS 2012 - DTCLandscape 03/13/2023 935a Page: 107
AC Transit Run Paddle Effective: 06/11/2023
Crew schedule: D4 Weekday Scenario: 4 Booking: 2306SU
5118 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
1:43 STAM 51007 610a D4 620a 1006a FBBA 1006a
51007 1024a FBBA 1024a 233p FBBA 233p
Block 51007 muwtf / 51A / SOUTH / 9510 15th St. & Broadway 107p
Rockridge BART 921a 40th St. & Broadway 119p
muwtf / Pull-out / - / 8
40th St. & Broadway 927a Rockridge BART 126p
AC Transit East Oakland Division 620a
12th St. & Broadway 939a
Fruitvale BART 630a muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 947a
Rockridge BART 126p
muwtf / 51A / NORTH / 9511 a Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 958a
Rockridge BART 128p
Fruitvale BART 630a Broadway & Blanding Ave. 1001a
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 634a Fruitvale BART 1006a muwtf / 51A / SOUTH / 9510
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 636a Rockridge BART 145p
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 647a Meal Break 1006a 1024a 40th St. & Broadway 151p
15th St. & Broadway 655a Block 51007 12th St. & Broadway 204p
40th St. & Broadway 703a Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 212p
muwtf / 51A / NORTH / 9511 a
Rockridge BART 708a Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 225p
Fruitvale BART 1024a
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 228p
muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8 Broadway & Blanding Ave. 1029a
Fruitvale BART 233p
Rockridge BART 708a Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 1032a
Rockridge BART 710a Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 1045a Notes:
15th St. & Broadway 1055a a - ON ARRIVING KEITH & COLLEGE AVES. DH
muwtf / 51A / SOUTH / 9510
40th St. & Broadway 1107a VIA KEITH AVE.,L\PRESLELY WY.,L\MILES
Rockridge BART 719a
40th St. & Broadway 725a Rockridge BART 1114a AVE.,L\COLLEGE AVE., TO ROCKRIDGE BART.
12th St. & Broadway 737a muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8 THEN LEAVE AS SCHEDULED.
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 745a Rockridge BART 1114a
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 756a Rockridge BART 1116a
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 759a
muwtf / 51A / SOUTH / 9510
Fruitvale BART 804a Rockridge BART 1133a
muwtf / 51A / NORTH / 9511 a 40th St. & Broadway 1139a
Fruitvale BART 820a 12th St. & Broadway 1152a
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 826a Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 1200p
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 829a Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 1213p
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 842a Broadway & Blanding Ave. 1216p
15th St. & Broadway 851a Fruitvale BART 1221p
40th St. & Broadway 901a
muwtf / 51A / NORTH / 9511 a
Rockridge BART 908a Fruitvale BART 1236p
muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8 Broadway & Blanding Ave. 1241p
Rockridge BART 908a Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 1244p
Rockridge BART 910a Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 1257p
5119 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
5:37 FR 39001 600a D4 610a 909a FBBA 909a
51003 109p FBBA 109p 701p D4 706p
Block 39001 Split break 909a 109p 40th St. & Broadway 455p
12th St. & Broadway 509p
muwtf / Pull-out / - / 8 Block 51003
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 518p
AC Transit East Oakland Division 610a
muwtf / 51A / NORTH / 9511 a Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 531p
Fruitvale BART 620a
Fruitvale BART 124p Broadway & Blanding Ave. 534p
muwtf / 39 / EAST / 9390 Broadway & Blanding Ave. 129p Fruitvale BART 540p
Fruitvale BART 620a Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 132p
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 629a muwtf / 51A / NORTH / 9511 a
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 145p
Fruitvale BART 554p
Lincoln Ave. & Monterey Blvd. 635a 15th St. & Broadway 155p
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 559p
Skyline Blvd. & Balmoral Dr. 642a 40th St. & Broadway 207p
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 602p
Rockridge BART 214p
muwtf / 39 / WEST / 9391 Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 613p
Skyline Blvd. & Balmoral Dr. 642a muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8 15th St. & Broadway 621p
Lincoln Ave. & Monterey Blvd. 648a Rockridge BART 214p 40th St. & Broadway 632p
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 654a Rockridge BART 216p Rockridge BART 637p
Fruitvale BART 705a
muwtf / 51A / SOUTH / 9510 muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
muwtf / 39 / EAST / 9390 Rockridge BART 233p Rockridge BART 637p
Fruitvale BART 720a 40th St. & Broadway 241p AC Transit East Oakland Division 701p
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 732a 12th St. & Broadway 255p
Lincoln Ave. & Monterey Blvd. 738a Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 304p Notes:
Skyline Blvd. & Balmoral Dr. 745a Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 317p a - ON ARRIVING KEITH & COLLEGE AVES. DH
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 320p VIA KEITH AVE.,L\PRESLELY WY.,L\MILES
Skyline Blvd. & Balmoral Dr. 745a Fruitvale BART 326p
Lincoln Ave. & Monterey Blvd. 751a muwtf / 51A / NORTH / 9511 a
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 757a Fruitvale BART 340p
Fruitvale BART 810a Broadway & Blanding Ave. 346p
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 349p
muwtf / 39 / EAST / 9390
Fruitvale BART 820a Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 401p
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 832a 15th St. & Broadway 413p
Lincoln Ave. & Monterey Blvd. 838a 40th St. & Broadway 426p
Skyline Blvd. & Balmoral Dr. 845a Rockridge BART 433p
5120 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
1:45 STAM 51008 620a D4 630a 1018a FBBA 1018a
51008 1036a FBBA 1036a 245p FBBA 245p
Block 51008 muwtf / 51A / SOUTH / 9510 15th St. & Broadway 119p
Rockridge BART 933a 40th St. & Broadway 131p
muwtf / Pull-out / - / 8
40th St. & Broadway 939a Rockridge BART 138p
AC Transit East Oakland Division 630a
12th St. & Broadway 951a
Fruitvale BART 640a muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 959a
Rockridge BART 138p
muwtf / 51A / NORTH / 9511 a Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 1010a
Rockridge BART 140p
Fruitvale BART 640a Broadway & Blanding Ave. 1013a
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 644a Fruitvale BART 1018a muwtf / 51A / SOUTH / 9510
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 646a Rockridge BART 157p
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 657a Meal Break 1018a 1036a 40th St. & Broadway 203p
15th St. & Broadway 705a Block 51008 12th St. & Broadway 216p
40th St. & Broadway 713a Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 224p
muwtf / 51A / NORTH / 9511 a
Rockridge BART 718a Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 237p
Fruitvale BART 1036a
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 240p
muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8 Broadway & Blanding Ave. 1041a
Fruitvale BART 245p
Rockridge BART 718a Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 1044a
Rockridge BART 720a Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 1057a Notes:
15th St. & Broadway 1107a a - ON ARRIVING KEITH & COLLEGE AVES. DH
muwtf / 51A / SOUTH / 9510
40th St. & Broadway 1119a VIA KEITH AVE.,L\PRESLELY WY.,L\MILES
Rockridge BART 729a
40th St. & Broadway 735a Rockridge BART 1126a AVE.,L\COLLEGE AVE., TO ROCKRIDGE BART.
12th St. & Broadway 747a muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8 THEN LEAVE AS SCHEDULED.
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 755a Rockridge BART 1126a
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 806a Rockridge BART 1128a
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 809a
muwtf / 51A / SOUTH / 9510
Fruitvale BART 814a Rockridge BART 1145a
muwtf / 51A / NORTH / 9511 a 40th St. & Broadway 1151a
Fruitvale BART 830a 12th St. & Broadway 1204p
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 836a Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 1212p
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 839a Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 1225p
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 852a Broadway & Blanding Ave. 1228p
15th St. & Broadway 901a Fruitvale BART 1233p
40th St. & Broadway 911a
muwtf / 51A / NORTH / 9511 a
Rockridge BART 918a Fruitvale BART 1248p
muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8 Broadway & Blanding Ave. 1253p
Rockridge BART 918a Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 1256p
Rockridge BART 920a Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 109p
5121 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
4:17 SP 62001 816a FBBA 816a 1200p FBBA 1200p
51002 221p FBBA 221p 645p D4 650p
Waiting after 808a 816a Broadway & Blanding Ave. 241p Fruitvale BART 637p
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 244p
Block 62001 muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 257p
Fruitvale BART 637p
muwtf / 62 / WEST / 483 15th St. & Broadway 307p
AC Transit East Oakland Division 645p
Fruitvale BART 827a 40th St. & Broadway 319p
23rd Ave. & International Blvd. 832a Rockridge BART 326p Notes:
Highland Hospital 844a a - ON ARRIVING KEITH & COLLEGE AVES. DH
muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8
Rockridge BART 326p
8th St. & Broadway 902a AVE.,L\COLLEGE AVE., TO ROCKRIDGE BART.
Rockridge BART 328p
muwtf / 51A / SOUTH / 9510
muwtf / 62 / EAST / 481
Rockridge BART 337p
West Oakland BART 927a
40th St. & Broadway 345p
7th St. & Franklin St. 934a
12th St. & Broadway 359p
Lake Merritt BART 937a
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 408p
Highland Hospital 950a
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 421p
23rd Ave. & International Blvd. 959a
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 424p
Fruitvale BART 1006a
Fruitvale BART 430p
muwtf / 62 / WEST / 483
muwtf / 51A / NORTH / 9511 a
Fruitvale BART 1022a
Fruitvale BART 440p
23rd Ave. & International Blvd. 1027a
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 446p
Highland Hospital 1037a
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 449p
Lake Merritt BART 1051a
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 501p
8th St. & Broadway 1055a
15th St. & Broadway 511p
West Oakland BART 1102a
40th St. & Broadway 523p
muwtf / 62 / EAST / 481 Rockridge BART 529p
West Oakland BART 1121a
muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8
7th St. & Franklin St. 1128a
Rockridge BART 529p
Lake Merritt BART 1131a
Rockridge BART 531p
Highland Hospital 1144a
23rd Ave. & International Blvd. 1153a muwtf / 51A / SOUTH / 9510
Fruitvale BART 1200p Rockridge BART 549p
40th St. & Broadway 556p
Split break 1200p 221p
12th St. & Broadway 608p
Block 51002 Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 615p
muwtf / 51A / NORTH / 9511 a Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 628p
Fruitvale BART 236p Broadway & Blanding Ave. 631p
HASTUS 2012 - DTCLandscape 03/13/2023 935a Page: 111
AC Transit Run Paddle Effective: 06/11/2023
Crew schedule: D4 Weekday Scenario: 4 Booking: 2306SU
5122 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
3:54 FR 51009 712a D4 722a 1257p FBBA 1257p
130006 315p D4 348p 726p D4 731p
Block 51009 Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 1108a Park St. & Clement Ave. 646p
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 1121a Encinal Ave. & Park Ave. 651p
muwtf / Pull-out / - / 8
15th St. & Broadway 1131a High St. & Otis Dr. 656p
AC Transit East Oakland Division 722a
40th St. & Broadway 1143a Robert Davey Jr. Dr. & Packet Landing 659p
Rockridge BART 749a
Rockridge BART 1150a Mecartney Road & Verdemar Dr. 704p
muwtf / 51A / SOUTH / 9510 Island Dr. Park and Ride 708p
Rockridge BART 749a muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8
Rockridge BART 1150a muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
40th St. & Broadway 755a
Rockridge BART 1152a Island Dr. Park and Ride 708p
12th St. & Broadway 807a
AC Transit East Oakland Division 726p
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 815a muwtf / 51A / SOUTH / 9510
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 826a Rockridge BART 1209p Notes:
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 829a 40th St. & Broadway 1215p a - ON ARRIVING KEITH & COLLEGE AVES. DH
Fruitvale BART 834a 12th St. & Broadway 1228p VIA KEITH AVE.,L\PRESLELY WY.,L\MILES
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 1236p AVE.,L\COLLEGE AVE., TO ROCKRIDGE BART.
muwtf / 51A / NORTH / 9511 a
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 1249p THEN LEAVE AS SCHEDULED.
Fruitvale BART 850a
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 1252p b - EASTBOUND TRIPS PLEASE TURN ON PR3
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 856a
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 859a
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 912a Split break 1257p 315p SALESFORCE TRANSIT CENTER. TURN OFF
15th St. & Broadway 921a AT LAST TIME POINT
Waiting after 323p 338p c - DH VIA BROADWAY, R\ 40TH ST.,L\ ADELINE
40th St. & Broadway 931a
Rockridge BART 938a
muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8 muwtf / Pull-out / - / 8 ST. OFF-RAMP, MERGE LEFT INTO BUS ONLY
Rockridge BART 938a AC Transit East Oakland Division 348p
Rockridge BART 940a Salesforce Transit Center 425p
muwtf / 51A / SOUTH / 9510 muwtf / V / EAST / 131 b ALTERNATE DH ROUTE WHEN NECESSARY)
Rockridge BART 957a Salesforce Transit Center 430p DH VIA R\51ST ST.,R\ON-RAMP ONTO
40th St. & Broadway 1003a Bay Bridge Toll Plaza 440p HWY.#24 W\B,INTO HWY.#980
12th St. & Broadway 1015a Park Blvd. & Emerson St. 504p W\B,,R\11TH\12TH ST OFF-RAMP,INTO BRUSH
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 1023a Montclair Park 515p ST.,R\ 7TH ST.,L\ UNION ST.,R\ ON-RAMP
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 1034a College Ave. & Broadway 527p ONTO HWY.#880 N\B,TO BAY BRIDGE,R\
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 1037a FREMONT ST. OFF-RAMP,MERGE LEFT INTO
muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8 c
College Ave. & Broadway 527p
muwtf / 51A / NORTH / 9511 a Salesforce Transit Center 557p
Fruitvale BART 1100a muwtf / OX / EAST / 914 d CODE-DROP OFF ONLY- BEFORE-DEPARTING
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 1105a Salesforce Transit Center 620p SALESFORCE TRANSIT CENTER. TURN OFF
5123 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
3:41 SP 20005 756a D4 806a 1212p FBBA 1212p
51011 209p FBBA 209p 625p FBBA 625p
5124 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
3:10 SP 51010 720a D4 730a 145p FBBA 145p
129005 335p D4 413p 542p D4 547p
Block 51010 muwtf / 51A / SOUTH / 9510 Salesforce Transit Center 455p
Rockridge BART 1045a Bay Bridge Toll Plaza 505p
muwtf / Pull-out / - / 8
40th St. & Broadway 1051a Grand Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 515p
AC Transit East Oakland Division 730a
12th St. & Broadway 1103a Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 525p
Fruitvale BART 740a
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 1111a MacArthur Blvd. & Millsbrae Ave. 535p
muwtf / 51A / NORTH / 9511 a Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 1122a
Fruitvale BART 740a muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 1125a
MacArthur Blvd. & Millsbrae Ave. 535p
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 746a Fruitvale BART 1130a AC Transit East Oakland Division 542p
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 749a
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 802a muwtf / 51A / NORTH / 9511 a
Fruitvale BART 1148a
15th St. & Broadway 811a a - ON ARRIVING KEITH & COLLEGE AVES. DH
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 1153a
40th St. & Broadway 821a VIA KEITH AVE.,L\PRESLELY WY.,L\MILES
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 1156a
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 1209p
muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8 15th St. & Broadway 1219p
Rockridge BART 828a 40th St. & Broadway 1231p
Rockridge BART 1238p
muwtf / 51A / SOUTH / 9510 muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8 AT LAST TIME POINT
Rockridge BART 839a Rockridge BART 1238p
40th St. & Broadway 845a Rockridge BART 1240p
12th St. & Broadway 857a
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 905a muwtf / 51A / SOUTH / 9510
Rockridge BART 1257p
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 916a
40th St. & Broadway 103p
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 919a
12th St. & Broadway 116p
Fruitvale BART 924a
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 124p
muwtf / 51A / NORTH / 9511 a Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 137p
Fruitvale BART 936a Broadway & Blanding Ave. 140p
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 942a Fruitvale BART 145p
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 945a
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 958a Split break 145p 335p
15th St. & Broadway 1007a Waiting after 354p 403p
40th St. & Broadway 1017a
Block 129005
Rockridge BART 1024a
muwtf / Pull-out / - / 8
muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8 AC Transit East Oakland Division 413p
Rockridge BART 1024a
Salesforce Transit Center 450p
Rockridge BART 1026a
muwtf / NX / EAST / 1290 b
HASTUS 2012 - DTCLandscape 03/13/2023 935a Page: 115
AC Transit Run Paddle Effective: 06/11/2023
Crew schedule: D4 Weekday Scenario: 4 Booking: 2306SU
5126 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
3:12 SP 51011 740a D4 750a 1157a FBBA 1157a
51006 133p FBBA 133p 603p D4 608p
Block 51011 muwtf / 51A / SOUTH / 9510 15th St. & Broadway 433p
Rockridge BART 1109a 40th St. & Broadway 446p
muwtf / Pull-out / - / 8
40th St. & Broadway 1115a Rockridge BART 453p
AC Transit East Oakland Division 750a
12th St. & Broadway 1128a
Fruitvale BART 800a muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 1136a
Rockridge BART 453p
muwtf / 51A / NORTH / 9511 a Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 1149a
Rockridge BART 455p
Fruitvale BART 800a Broadway & Blanding Ave. 1152a
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 806a Fruitvale BART 1157a muwtf / 51A / SOUTH / 9510
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 809a Rockridge BART 507p
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 822a Split break 1157a 133p 40th St. & Broadway 514p
15th St. & Broadway 831a Block 51006 12th St. & Broadway 526p
40th St. & Broadway 841a Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 533p
muwtf / 51A / NORTH / 9511 a
Rockridge BART 848a Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 546p
Fruitvale BART 148p
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 549p
muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8 Broadway & Blanding Ave. 153p
Fruitvale BART 555p
Rockridge BART 848a Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 156p
Rockridge BART 850a Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 209p muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
15th St. & Broadway 219p Fruitvale BART 555p
muwtf / 51A / SOUTH / 9510
40th St. & Broadway 231p AC Transit East Oakland Division 603p
Rockridge BART 859a
40th St. & Broadway 905a Rockridge BART 238p
12th St. & Broadway 917a muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8 a - ON ARRIVING KEITH & COLLEGE AVES. DH
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 925a Rockridge BART 238p VIA KEITH AVE.,L\PRESLELY WY.,L\MILES
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 936a Rockridge BART 240p AVE.,L\COLLEGE AVE., TO ROCKRIDGE BART.
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 939a THEN LEAVE AS SCHEDULED.
muwtf / 51A / SOUTH / 9510
Fruitvale BART 944a Rockridge BART 257p
muwtf / 51A / NORTH / 9511 a 40th St. & Broadway 305p
Fruitvale BART 1000a 12th St. & Broadway 319p
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 1005a Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 328p
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 1008a Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 341p
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 1021a Broadway & Blanding Ave. 344p
15th St. & Broadway 1031a Fruitvale BART 350p
40th St. & Broadway 1043a
muwtf / 51A / NORTH / 9511 a
Rockridge BART 1050a Fruitvale BART 400p
muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8 Broadway & Blanding Ave. 406p
Rockridge BART 1050a Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 409p
Rockridge BART 1052a Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 421p
5400 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
3:11 STAM 62001 532a D4 542a 816a FBBA 816a
54001 845a FBBA 845a 145p FBBA 145p
5401 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
3:45 ST 20004 142p FBBA 142p 414p FBBA 414p
54001 448p FBBA 448p 1029p D4 1034p
Waiting after 133p 142p Fruitvale BART 600p muwtf / 54 / EAST / 418
35th Ave. & International Blvd. 602p Fruitvale BART 900p
Block 20004
35th Ave. & Deering St. 606p 35th Ave. & International Blvd. 902p
muwtf / 20 / WEST / 9200 35th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 609p 35th Ave. & Deering St. 905p
Fruitvale BART 142p Merritt College 616p 35th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 908p
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 154p Merritt College 914p
muwtf / 54 / WEST / 417
Park St. & Otis Dr. 159p
Merritt College 630p muwtf / 54 / WEST / 417
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 215p
35th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 637p Merritt College 930p
11th St. & Martin Luther King Jr. Way 225p
35th Ave. & Brookdale Ave. 639p 35th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 937p
muwtf / 20 / EAST / 9201 35th Ave. & International Blvd. 644p 35th Ave. & Brookdale Ave. 939p
11th St. & Martin Luther King Jr. Way 243p Fruitvale BART 645p 35th Ave. & International Blvd. 944p
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 251p Fruitvale BART 945p
muwtf / 54 / EAST / 418
Park St. & Otis Dr. 310p
Fruitvale BART 700p muwtf / 54 / EAST / 418
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 316p
35th Ave. & International Blvd. 702p Fruitvale BART 1000p
Fruitvale BART 329p
35th Ave. & Deering St. 705p 35th Ave. & International Blvd. 1002p
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 345p
35th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 708p 35th Ave. & Deering St. 1005p
muwtf / 20 / WEST / 9200 Merritt College 714p 35th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1008p
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 357p Merritt College 1014p
muwtf / 54 / WEST / 417
Fruitvale BART 414p
Merritt College 730p muwtf / Pull-in / - / 8
Meal Break 414p 448p 35th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 737p Merritt College 1014p
Block 54001 35th Ave. & Brookdale Ave. 739p AC Transit East Oakland Division 1029p
35th Ave. & International Blvd. 744p
muwtf / 54 / EAST / 418 Fruitvale BART 745p
Fruitvale BART 500p
35th Ave. & International Blvd. 503p muwtf / 54 / EAST / 418
35th Ave. & Deering St. 508p Fruitvale BART 800p
35th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 511p 35th Ave. & International Blvd. 802p
Merritt College 518p 35th Ave. & Deering St. 805p
35th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 808p
muwtf / 54 / WEST / 417 Merritt College 814p
Merritt College 530p
35th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 537p muwtf / 54 / WEST / 417
35th Ave. & Brookdale Ave. 539p Merritt College 830p
35th Ave. & International Blvd. 544p 35th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 837p
Fruitvale BART 545p 35th Ave. & Brookdale Ave. 839p
35th Ave. & International Blvd. 844p
muwtf / 54 / EAST / 418 Fruitvale BART 845p
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AC Transit Run Paddle Effective: 06/11/2023
Crew schedule: D4 Weekday Scenario: 4 Booking: 2306SU
5402 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
3:34 STAM 54002 540a D4 550a 1115a FBBA 1115a
125005 1143a FBBA 1143a 348p FBBA 348p
5403 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
3:14 ST 20003 229p FBBA 229p 459p FBBA 459p
54002 518p FBBA 518p 1023p D4 1028p
Waiting after 208p 229p Fruitvale BART 630p muwtf / 54 / EAST / 418
35th Ave. & International Blvd. 632p Fruitvale BART 930p
Block 20003
35th Ave. & Deering St. 635p 35th Ave. & International Blvd. 932p
muwtf / 20 / EAST / 9201 35th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 638p 35th Ave. & Deering St. 935p
Fruitvale BART 229p Merritt College 644p 35th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 938p
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 245p Merritt College 944p
muwtf / 54 / WEST / 417
muwtf / 20 / WEST / 9200 Merritt College 700p muwtf / 54 / WEST / 417
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 257p 35th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 707p Merritt College 1000p
Fruitvale BART 314p 35th Ave. & Brookdale Ave. 709p 35th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1007p
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 327p 35th Ave. & International Blvd. 714p 35th Ave. & Brookdale Ave. 1009p
Park St. & Otis Dr. 332p Fruitvale BART 715p 35th Ave. & International Blvd. 1014p
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 350p Fruitvale BART 1015p
muwtf / 54 / EAST / 418
11th St. & Martin Luther King Jr. Way 400p
Fruitvale BART 730p muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
muwtf / 20 / EAST / 9201 35th Ave. & International Blvd. 732p Fruitvale BART 1015p
11th St. & Martin Luther King Jr. Way 413p 35th Ave. & Deering St. 735p AC Transit East Oakland Division 1023p
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 421p 35th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 738p
Park St. & Otis Dr. 440p Merritt College 744p
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 446p
muwtf / 54 / WEST / 417
Fruitvale BART 459p
Merritt College 800p
Meal Break 459p 518p 35th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 807p
Block 54002 35th Ave. & Brookdale Ave. 809p
35th Ave. & International Blvd. 814p
muwtf / 54 / EAST / 418 Fruitvale BART 815p
Fruitvale BART 530p
35th Ave. & International Blvd. 532p muwtf / 54 / EAST / 418
35th Ave. & Deering St. 536p Fruitvale BART 830p
35th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 539p 35th Ave. & International Blvd. 832p
Merritt College 546p 35th Ave. & Deering St. 835p
35th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 838p
muwtf / 54 / WEST / 417 Merritt College 844p
Merritt College 600p
35th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 607p muwtf / 54 / WEST / 417
35th Ave. & Brookdale Ave. 609p Merritt College 900p
35th Ave. & International Blvd. 614p 35th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 907p
Fruitvale BART 615p 35th Ave. & Brookdale Ave. 909p
35th Ave. & International Blvd. 914p
muwtf / 54 / EAST / 418 Fruitvale BART 915p
HASTUS 2012 - DTCLandscape 03/13/2023 935a Page: 121
AC Transit Run Paddle Effective: 06/11/2023
Crew schedule: D4 Weekday Scenario: 4 Booking: 2306SU
5404 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
3:38 STAM 54003 555a D4 605a 1130a FBBA 1130a
62001 1200p FBBA 1200p 352p FBBA 352p
5405 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
3:22 ST 21003 214p FBBA 214p 444p FBBA 444p
54004 503p FBBA 503p 1008p D4 1013p
Waiting after 203p 214p muwtf / 54 / EAST / 418 Fruitvale BART 900p
Fruitvale BART 615p
Block 21003 muwtf / 54 / EAST / 418
35th Ave. & International Blvd. 617p
Fruitvale BART 915p
muwtf / 21 / EAST / 9211 35th Ave. & Deering St. 621p 35th Ave. & International Blvd. 917p
Fruitvale BART 214p 35th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 624p 35th Ave. & Deering St. 920p
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 230p Merritt College 631p 35th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 923p
muwtf / 21 / WEST / 9212 a muwtf / 54 / WEST / 417 Merritt College 929p
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 242p Merritt College 645p
muwtf / 54 / WEST / 417
Fruitvale BART 259p 35th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 652p
Merritt College 945p
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 312p 35th Ave. & Brookdale Ave. 654p 35th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 952p
Park St. & Otis Dr. 317p 35th Ave. & International Blvd. 659p 35th Ave. & Brookdale Ave. 954p
Island Dr. & Mecartney Road 329p Fruitvale BART 700p 35th Ave. & International Blvd. 959p
Oakland Airport 337p
muwtf / 54 / EAST / 418 Fruitvale BART 1000p
muwtf / 21 / EAST / 9214 b Fruitvale BART 715p
muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
Oakland Airport 402p 35th Ave. & International Blvd. 717p
Fruitvale BART 1000p
Island Dr. & Mecartney Road 410p 35th Ave. & Deering St. 720p
AC Transit East Oakland Division 1008p
Harbor Bay Ferry Terminal 413p 35th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 723p
Park St. & Otis Dr. 425p Merritt College 729p Notes:
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 431p a - ON ALL TRIPS ARRIVING OAKLAND AIRPORT:
muwtf / 54 / WEST / 417
Merritt College 745p
Meal Break 444p 503p 35th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 752p
Block 54004 35th Ave. & Brookdale Ave. 754p
35th Ave. & International Blvd. 759p
Fruitvale BART 800p
35th Ave. & International Blvd. 518p muwtf / 54 / EAST / 418 MECARTNEY RD, L\INTO HARBOR BAY PKWY
35th Ave. & Deering St. 523p Fruitvale BART 815p FERRY TERMINAL PARKING LOT TO
35th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 526p 35th Ave. & International Blvd. 817p TERMINAL, PLEASE WAIT UP TO 5 MINUTES
Merritt College 533p 35th Ave. & Deering St. 820p FOR ARRIVING FERRY. CONTINUE BACK
35th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 823p THRU PARKING LOT, R\ MECARTNEY RD.,
muwtf / 54 / WEST / 417 Merritt College 829p L\AUGHINBAUGH WY. THEN REGULAR
Merritt College 545p ROUTE.
35th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 552p muwtf / 54 / WEST / 417
35th Ave. & Brookdale Ave. 554p Merritt College 845p
35th Ave. & International Blvd. 559p 35th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 852p
Fruitvale BART 600p 35th Ave. & Brookdale Ave. 854p
35th Ave. & International Blvd. 859p
HASTUS 2012 - DTCLandscape 03/13/2023 935a Page: 124
AC Transit Run Paddle Effective: 06/11/2023
Crew schedule: D4 Weekday Scenario: 4 Booking: 2306SU
6200 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:29 STAM 62003 554a D4 604a 1024a WOBA 1024a
62003 1043a WOBA 1043a 312p FBBA 312p
6201 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:51 ST 62005 331p FBBA 331p 837p FBBA 837p
62005 854p FBBA 854p 101x D4 106x
Waiting after 323p 331p Lake Merritt BART 739p West Oakland BART 1125p
8th St. & Broadway 742p 7th St. & Franklin St. 1130p
Block 62005
West Oakland BART 748p Lake Merritt BART 1133p
muwtf / 62 / WEST / 483 Highland Hospital 1144p
muwtf / 62 / EAST / 481
Fruitvale BART 345p 23rd Ave. & International Blvd. 1153p
West Oakland BART 805p
23rd Ave. & International Blvd. 350p Fruitvale BART 1157p
7th St. & Franklin St. 810p
Highland Hospital 402p
Lake Merritt BART 813p muwtf / 62 / WEST / 483
Lake Merritt BART 416p
Highland Hospital 824p Fruitvale BART 1214x
8th St. & Broadway 420p
23rd Ave. & International Blvd. 833p 23rd Ave. & International Blvd. 1218x
West Oakland BART 427p
Fruitvale BART 837p Highland Hospital 1226x
muwtf / 62 / EAST / 481 Lake Merritt BART 1237x
Meal Break 837p 854p
West Oakland BART 444p 8th St. & Broadway 1239x
7th St. & Franklin St. 451p Block 62005 West Oakland BART 1245x
Lake Merritt BART 455p muwtf / 62 / WEST / 483 muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
Highland Hospital 509p Fruitvale BART 854p West Oakland BART 1245x
23rd Ave. & International Blvd. 520p 23rd Ave. & International Blvd. 858p AC Transit East Oakland Division 101x
Fruitvale BART 527p Highland Hospital 908p
muwtf / 62 / WEST / 483 Lake Merritt BART 919p
Fruitvale BART 538p 8th St. & Broadway 922p
23rd Ave. & International Blvd. 543p West Oakland BART 928p
Highland Hospital 553p muwtf / 62 / EAST / 481
Lake Merritt BART 606p West Oakland BART 945p
8th St. & Broadway 609p 7th St. & Franklin St. 950p
West Oakland BART 615p Lake Merritt BART 953p
muwtf / 62 / EAST / 481 Highland Hospital 1004p
West Oakland BART 625p 23rd Ave. & International Blvd. 1013p
7th St. & Franklin St. 630p Fruitvale BART 1017p
Lake Merritt BART 633p muwtf / 62 / WEST / 483
Highland Hospital 646p Fruitvale BART 1034p
23rd Ave. & International Blvd. 655p 23rd Ave. & International Blvd. 1038p
Fruitvale BART 700p Highland Hospital 1046p
muwtf / 62 / WEST / 483 Lake Merritt BART 1057p
Fruitvale BART 714p 8th St. & Broadway 1059p
23rd Ave. & International Blvd. 718p West Oakland BART 1105p
Highland Hospital 728p muwtf / 62 / EAST / 481
6202 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:16 STAM 62004 610a D4 620a 1159a WOBA 1159a
62004 1218p WOBA 1218p 253p FBBA 253p
6203 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:38 ST 62002 411p FBBA 411p 917p FBBA 917p
62002 934p FBBA 934p 1245x D4 1250x
Waiting after 403p 411p Lake Merritt BART 819p West Oakland BART 1205x
8th St. & Broadway 822p 7th St. & Franklin St. 1210x
Block 62002
West Oakland BART 828p Lake Merritt BART 1213x
muwtf / 62 / WEST / 483 Highland Hospital 1224x
muwtf / 62 / EAST / 481
Fruitvale BART 423p 23rd Ave. & International Blvd. 1233x
West Oakland BART 845p
23rd Ave. & International Blvd. 428p Fruitvale BART 1237x
7th St. & Franklin St. 850p
Highland Hospital 440p
Lake Merritt BART 853p muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
Lake Merritt BART 454p
Highland Hospital 904p Fruitvale BART 1237x
8th St. & Broadway 458p
23rd Ave. & International Blvd. 913p AC Transit East Oakland Division 1245x
West Oakland BART 505p
Fruitvale BART 917p
muwtf / 62 / EAST / 481
Meal Break 917p 934p
West Oakland BART 522p
7th St. & Franklin St. 529p Block 62002
Lake Merritt BART 533p muwtf / 62 / WEST / 483
Highland Hospital 545p Fruitvale BART 934p
23rd Ave. & International Blvd. 555p 23rd Ave. & International Blvd. 938p
Fruitvale BART 601p Highland Hospital 948p
muwtf / 62 / WEST / 483 Lake Merritt BART 959p
Fruitvale BART 616p 8th St. & Broadway 1002p
23rd Ave. & International Blvd. 621p West Oakland BART 1008p
Highland Hospital 631p muwtf / 62 / EAST / 481
Lake Merritt BART 644p West Oakland BART 1025p
8th St. & Broadway 647p 7th St. & Franklin St. 1030p
West Oakland BART 653p Lake Merritt BART 1033p
muwtf / 62 / EAST / 481 Highland Hospital 1044p
West Oakland BART 705p 23rd Ave. & International Blvd. 1053p
7th St. & Franklin St. 710p Fruitvale BART 1057p
Lake Merritt BART 713p muwtf / 62 / WEST / 483
Highland Hospital 726p Fruitvale BART 1114p
23rd Ave. & International Blvd. 735p 23rd Ave. & International Blvd. 1118p
Fruitvale BART 740p Highland Hospital 1126p
muwtf / 62 / WEST / 483 Lake Merritt BART 1137p
Fruitvale BART 754p 8th St. & Broadway 1139p
23rd Ave. & International Blvd. 758p West Oakland BART 1145p
Highland Hospital 808p muwtf / 62 / EAST / 481
6204 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:25 STAM 62005 613a D4 623a 1043a WOBA 1043a
62005 1102a WOBA 1102a 331p FBBA 331p
6205 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:37 ST 62003 312p FBBA 312p 908p WOBA 908p
62003 925p WOBA 925p 1241x D4 1246x
Waiting after 303p 312p Lake Merritt BART 722p West Oakland BART 1105p
8th St. & Broadway 725p 7th St. & Franklin St. 1110p
Block 62003
West Oakland BART 731p Lake Merritt BART 1113p
muwtf / 62 / WEST / 483 Highland Hospital 1124p
muwtf / 62 / EAST / 481
Fruitvale BART 326p 23rd Ave. & International Blvd. 1133p
West Oakland BART 745p
23rd Ave. & International Blvd. 331p Fruitvale BART 1137p
7th St. & Franklin St. 750p
Highland Hospital 343p
Lake Merritt BART 753p muwtf / 62 / WEST / 483
Lake Merritt BART 357p
Highland Hospital 806p Fruitvale BART 1154p
8th St. & Broadway 401p
23rd Ave. & International Blvd. 815p 23rd Ave. & International Blvd. 1158p
West Oakland BART 408p
Fruitvale BART 820p Highland Hospital 1206x
muwtf / 62 / EAST / 481 Lake Merritt BART 1217x
muwtf / 62 / WEST / 483
West Oakland BART 425p 8th St. & Broadway 1219x
Fruitvale BART 834p
7th St. & Franklin St. 432p West Oakland BART 1225x
23rd Ave. & International Blvd. 838p
Lake Merritt BART 436p
Highland Hospital 848p muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
Highland Hospital 450p
Lake Merritt BART 859p West Oakland BART 1225x
23rd Ave. & International Blvd. 501p
8th St. & Broadway 902p AC Transit East Oakland Division 1241x
Fruitvale BART 508p
West Oakland BART 908p
muwtf / 62 / WEST / 483
Meal Break 908p 925p
Fruitvale BART 519p
23rd Ave. & International Blvd. 524p Block 62003
Highland Hospital 534p muwtf / 62 / EAST / 481
Lake Merritt BART 547p West Oakland BART 925p
8th St. & Broadway 550p 7th St. & Franklin St. 930p
West Oakland BART 556p Lake Merritt BART 933p
muwtf / 62 / EAST / 481 Highland Hospital 944p
West Oakland BART 605p 23rd Ave. & International Blvd. 953p
7th St. & Franklin St. 612p Fruitvale BART 957p
Lake Merritt BART 616p muwtf / 62 / WEST / 483
Highland Hospital 628p Fruitvale BART 1014p
23rd Ave. & International Blvd. 638p 23rd Ave. & International Blvd. 1018p
Fruitvale BART 644p Highland Hospital 1028p
muwtf / 62 / WEST / 483 Lake Merritt BART 1039p
Fruitvale BART 654p 8th St. & Broadway 1042p
23rd Ave. & International Blvd. 659p West Oakland BART 1048p
Highland Hospital 709p muwtf / 62 / EAST / 481
6206 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:42 STAM 14008 621a D4 631a 952a FBBA 952a
62002 1025a FBBA 1025a 411p FBBA 411p
6207 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:33 ST 62001 352p FBBA 352p 857p FBBA 857p
62001 914p FBBA 914p 1225x D4 1230x
Waiting after 343p 352p Lake Merritt BART 759p West Oakland BART 1145p
8th St. & Broadway 802p 7th St. & Franklin St. 1150p
Block 62001
West Oakland BART 808p Lake Merritt BART 1153p
muwtf / 62 / WEST / 483 Highland Hospital 1204x
muwtf / 62 / EAST / 481
Fruitvale BART 404p 23rd Ave. & International Blvd. 1213x
West Oakland BART 825p
23rd Ave. & International Blvd. 409p Fruitvale BART 1217x
7th St. & Franklin St. 830p
Highland Hospital 421p
Lake Merritt BART 833p muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
Lake Merritt BART 435p
Highland Hospital 844p Fruitvale BART 1217x
8th St. & Broadway 439p
23rd Ave. & International Blvd. 853p AC Transit East Oakland Division 1225x
West Oakland BART 446p
Fruitvale BART 857p
muwtf / 62 / EAST / 481
Meal Break 857p 914p
West Oakland BART 503p
7th St. & Franklin St. 510p Block 62001
Lake Merritt BART 514p muwtf / 62 / WEST / 483
Highland Hospital 528p Fruitvale BART 914p
23rd Ave. & International Blvd. 539p 23rd Ave. & International Blvd. 918p
Fruitvale BART 546p Highland Hospital 928p
muwtf / 62 / WEST / 483 Lake Merritt BART 939p
Fruitvale BART 557p 8th St. & Broadway 942p
23rd Ave. & International Blvd. 602p West Oakland BART 948p
Highland Hospital 612p muwtf / 62 / EAST / 481
Lake Merritt BART 625p West Oakland BART 1005p
8th St. & Broadway 628p 7th St. & Franklin St. 1010p
West Oakland BART 634p Lake Merritt BART 1013p
muwtf / 62 / EAST / 481 Highland Hospital 1024p
West Oakland BART 645p 23rd Ave. & International Blvd. 1033p
7th St. & Franklin St. 650p Fruitvale BART 1037p
Lake Merritt BART 653p muwtf / 62 / WEST / 483
Highland Hospital 706p Fruitvale BART 1054p
23rd Ave. & International Blvd. 715p 23rd Ave. & International Blvd. 1058p
Fruitvale BART 720p Highland Hospital 1106p
muwtf / 62 / WEST / 483 Lake Merritt BART 1117p
Fruitvale BART 734p 8th St. & Broadway 1119p
23rd Ave. & International Blvd. 738p West Oakland BART 1125p
Highland Hospital 748p muwtf / 62 / EAST / 481
6208 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:27 STAM 62006 637a D4 647a 1140a WOBA 1140a
62006 1159a WOBA 1159a 430p FBBA 430p
6209 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:19 ST 62006 430p FBBA 430p 937p FBBA 937p
62006 954p FBBA 954p 1221x D4 1226x
Waiting after 408p 430p Lake Merritt BART 839p West Oakland BART 1205x
8th St. & Broadway 842p AC Transit East Oakland Division 1221x
Block 62006
West Oakland BART 848p
muwtf / 62 / WEST / 483
muwtf / 62 / EAST / 481
Fruitvale BART 442p
West Oakland BART 905p
23rd Ave. & International Blvd. 447p
7th St. & Franklin St. 910p
Highland Hospital 459p
Lake Merritt BART 913p
Lake Merritt BART 513p
Highland Hospital 924p
8th St. & Broadway 517p
23rd Ave. & International Blvd. 933p
West Oakland BART 524p
Fruitvale BART 937p
muwtf / 62 / EAST / 481
Meal Break 937p 954p
West Oakland BART 543p
7th St. & Franklin St. 550p Block 62006
Lake Merritt BART 554p muwtf / 62 / WEST / 483
Highland Hospital 606p Fruitvale BART 954p
23rd Ave. & International Blvd. 616p 23rd Ave. & International Blvd. 958p
Fruitvale BART 622p Highland Hospital 1008p
muwtf / 62 / WEST / 483 Lake Merritt BART 1019p
Fruitvale BART 635p 8th St. & Broadway 1022p
23rd Ave. & International Blvd. 640p West Oakland BART 1028p
Highland Hospital 650p muwtf / 62 / EAST / 481
Lake Merritt BART 703p West Oakland BART 1045p
8th St. & Broadway 706p 7th St. & Franklin St. 1050p
West Oakland BART 712p Lake Merritt BART 1053p
muwtf / 62 / EAST / 481 Highland Hospital 1104p
West Oakland BART 725p 23rd Ave. & International Blvd. 1113p
7th St. & Franklin St. 730p Fruitvale BART 1117p
Lake Merritt BART 733p muwtf / 62 / WEST / 483
Highland Hospital 746p Fruitvale BART 1134p
23rd Ave. & International Blvd. 755p 23rd Ave. & International Blvd. 1138p
Fruitvale BART 800p Highland Hospital 1146p
muwtf / 62 / WEST / 483 Lake Merritt BART 1157p
Fruitvale BART 814p 8th St. & Broadway 1159p
23rd Ave. & International Blvd. 818p West Oakland BART 1205x
Highland Hospital 828p muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
7300 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:26 STAM 73001 458a D4 508a 745a EATC 745a
73001 805a EATC 805a 137p CBBA 137p
7301 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:56 ST 73001 415p CBBA 415p 845p EATC 845p
73001 905p EATC 905p 1237x D4 1242x
Waiting after 403p 415p muwtf / 73 / WEST / 9731 Eastmont Transit Center 1145p
Eastmont Transit Center 805p
Block 73001 muwtf / 73 / WEST / 9731
Coliseum BART 814p
Eastmont Transit Center 1205x
muwtf / 73 / WEST / 9731 Oakland Airport 822p Coliseum BART 1214x
Coliseum BART 415p
muwtf / 73 / EAST / 9730 Oakland Airport 1222x
Oakland Airport 426p
Oakland Airport 826p
muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
muwtf / 73 / EAST / 9730 Coliseum BART 835p
Oakland Airport 1222x
Oakland Airport 426p Eastmont Transit Center 845p AC Transit East Oakland Division 1237x
Coliseum BART 437p
Meal Break 845p 905p
Eastmont Transit Center 449p
Block 73001
muwtf / 73 / WEST / 9731
Eastmont Transit Center 505p muwtf / 73 / WEST / 9731
Coliseum BART 515p Eastmont Transit Center 905p
Oakland Airport 526p Coliseum BART 914p
Oakland Airport 922p
muwtf / 73 / EAST / 9730
Oakland Airport 526p muwtf / 73 / EAST / 9730
Coliseum BART 537p Oakland Airport 926p
Eastmont Transit Center 549p Coliseum BART 935p
Eastmont Transit Center 945p
muwtf / 73 / WEST / 9731
Eastmont Transit Center 605p muwtf / 73 / WEST / 9731
Coliseum BART 614p Eastmont Transit Center 1005p
Oakland Airport 622p Coliseum BART 1014p
Oakland Airport 1022p
muwtf / 73 / EAST / 9730
Oakland Airport 626p muwtf / 73 / EAST / 9730
Coliseum BART 635p Oakland Airport 1026p
Eastmont Transit Center 645p Coliseum BART 1035p
Eastmont Transit Center 1045p
muwtf / 73 / WEST / 9731
Eastmont Transit Center 705p muwtf / 73 / WEST / 9731
Coliseum BART 714p Eastmont Transit Center 1105p
Oakland Airport 722p Coliseum BART 1114p
Oakland Airport 1122p
muwtf / 73 / EAST / 9730
Oakland Airport 726p muwtf / 73 / EAST / 9730
Coliseum BART 735p Oakland Airport 1126p
Eastmont Transit Center 745p Coliseum BART 1135p
7302 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
5:44 FR 73002 513a D4 523a 1045a CBBA 1045a
98003 146p CBBA 146p 529p CBBA 529p
7303 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
4:48 OWLC 73002 744p CBBA 744p 1227x D4 1232x
7304 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
3:21 STAM 73003 528a D4 538a 1022a CBBA 1022a
98004 1046a CBBA 1046a 327p CBBA 327p
7305 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
4:38 SP 73001 137p CBBA 137p 415p CBBA 415p
98005 549p CBBA 549p 1130p D4 1135p
Waiting after 119p 137p Coliseum BART 645p Hassler Way & Edgewater Dr. 1017p
Coliseum BART 1023p
Block 73001 muwtf / 98 / EAST / 9983
Coliseum BART 654p muwtf / 90 / EAST / 9901
muwtf / 73 / EAST / 9730
Hassler Way & Edgewater Dr. 659p Coliseum BART 1040p
Coliseum BART 137p
98th Ave. & Empire Road 705p 90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1050p
Eastmont Transit Center 149p
98th Ave. & International Blvd. 713p Foothill Square 1055p
muwtf / 73 / WEST / 9731 90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 718p
muwtf / 90 / WEST / 9900
Eastmont Transit Center 205p Eastmont Transit Center 723p
Foothill Square 1110p
Coliseum BART 215p
muwtf / 98 / WEST / 9982 90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1116p
Oakland Airport 226p
Eastmont Transit Center 738p Coliseum BART 1125p
muwtf / 73 / EAST / 9730 90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 743p
muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
Oakland Airport 226p 98th Ave. & International Blvd. 747p
Coliseum BART 1125p
Coliseum BART 237p 98th Ave. & Empire Road 754p
AC Transit East Oakland Division 1130p
Eastmont Transit Center 249p Hassler Way & Edgewater Dr. 800p
muwtf / 73 / WEST / 9731 Coliseum BART 806p
Eastmont Transit Center 305p muwtf / 90 / EAST / 9901
Coliseum BART 315p Coliseum BART 820p
Oakland Airport 326p 90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 830p
muwtf / 73 / EAST / 9730 Foothill Square 835p
Oakland Airport 326p muwtf / 90 / WEST / 9900
Coliseum BART 337p Foothill Square 850p
Eastmont Transit Center 349p 90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 856p
muwtf / 73 / WEST / 9731 Coliseum BART 905p
Eastmont Transit Center 405p muwtf / 98 / EAST / 9983
Coliseum BART 415p Coliseum BART 914p
Split break 415p 549p Hassler Way & Edgewater Dr. 919p
98th Ave. & Empire Road 924p
Block 98005 98th Ave. & International Blvd. 931p
muwtf / 90 / EAST / 9901 90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 935p
Coliseum BART 557p Eastmont Transit Center 940p
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 608p
muwtf / 98 / WEST / 9982
Foothill Square 614p
Eastmont Transit Center 958p
muwtf / 90 / WEST / 9900 90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1002p
Foothill Square 630p 98th Ave. & International Blvd. 1006p
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 636p 98th Ave. & Empire Road 1012p
HASTUS 2012 - DTCLandscape 03/13/2023 935a Page: 140
AC Transit Run Paddle Effective: 06/11/2023
Crew schedule: D4 Weekday Scenario: 4 Booking: 2306SU
7306 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
3:00 STAM 98002 540a D4 550a 1006a CBBA 1006a
73004 1030a CBBA 1030a 330p CBBA 330p
Block 98002 98th Ave. & International Blvd. 913a Coliseum BART 1252p
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 918a Eastmont Transit Center 104p
muwtf / Pull-out / - / 8
Eastmont Transit Center 923a
AC Transit East Oakland Division 550a muwtf / 73 / WEST / 9731
Foothill Square 610a muwtf / 98 / WEST / 9982 Eastmont Transit Center 120p
Eastmont Transit Center 938a Coliseum BART 130p
muwtf / 90 / WEST / 9900
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 943a Oakland Airport 141p
Foothill Square 610a
98th Ave. & International Blvd. 947a
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 616a muwtf / 73 / EAST / 9730
98th Ave. & Empire Road 954a
Coliseum BART 625a Oakland Airport 141p
Hassler Way & Edgewater Dr. 1000a Coliseum BART 152p
muwtf / 98 / EAST / 9983 Coliseum BART 1006a
Eastmont Transit Center 204p
Coliseum BART 634a
Hassler Way & Edgewater Dr. 639a Meal Break 1006a 1030a
muwtf / 73 / WEST / 9731
98th Ave. & Empire Road 644a Block 73004 Eastmont Transit Center 220p
98th Ave. & International Blvd. 651a Coliseum BART 230p
muwtf / 73 / WEST / 9731
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 655a Oakland Airport 241p
Coliseum BART 1030a
Eastmont Transit Center 700a Oakland Airport 1041a muwtf / 73 / EAST / 9730
muwtf / 98 / WEST / 9982 Oakland Airport 241p
muwtf / 73 / EAST / 9730
Eastmont Transit Center 718a Coliseum BART 252p
Oakland Airport 1041a
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 724a Coliseum BART 1052a Eastmont Transit Center 304p
98th Ave. & International Blvd. 729a Eastmont Transit Center 1104a muwtf / 73 / WEST / 9731
98th Ave. & Empire Road 737a Eastmont Transit Center 320p
Hassler Way & Edgewater Dr. 743a muwtf / 73 / WEST / 9731
Coliseum BART 330p
Coliseum BART 749a Eastmont Transit Center 1120a
Coliseum BART 1130a
muwtf / 90 / EAST / 9901 Oakland Airport 1141a
Coliseum BART 757a
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 807a muwtf / 73 / EAST / 9730
Foothill Square 812a Oakland Airport 1141a
Coliseum BART 1152a
muwtf / 90 / WEST / 9900 Eastmont Transit Center 1204p
Foothill Square 830a
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 836a muwtf / 73 / WEST / 9731
Coliseum BART 846a Eastmont Transit Center 1220p
Coliseum BART 1230p
muwtf / 98 / EAST / 9983 Oakland Airport 1241p
Coliseum BART 854a
Hassler Way & Edgewater Dr. 900a muwtf / 73 / EAST / 9730
98th Ave. & Empire Road 906a Oakland Airport 1241p
7307 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:32 ST 73003 122p CBBA 122p 630p EATC 630p
73003 650p EATC 650p 942p D4 947p
Waiting after 1247p 122p muwtf / 73 / EAST / 9730 Oakland Airport 907p
Oakland Airport 511p
Block 73003 muwtf / 73 / EAST / 9730
Coliseum BART 522p
Oakland Airport 911p
muwtf / 73 / EAST / 9730 Eastmont Transit Center 534p Coliseum BART 920p
Coliseum BART 122p
muwtf / 73 / WEST / 9731 Eastmont Transit Center 930p
Eastmont Transit Center 134p
Eastmont Transit Center 550p
muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
muwtf / 73 / WEST / 9731 Coliseum BART 600p
Eastmont Transit Center 930p
Eastmont Transit Center 150p Oakland Airport 611p AC Transit East Oakland Division 942p
Coliseum BART 200p
muwtf / 73 / EAST / 9730
Oakland Airport 211p
Oakland Airport 611p
muwtf / 73 / EAST / 9730 Coliseum BART 620p
Oakland Airport 211p Eastmont Transit Center 630p
Coliseum BART 222p
Meal Break 630p 650p
Eastmont Transit Center 234p
Block 73003
muwtf / 73 / WEST / 9731
Eastmont Transit Center 250p muwtf / 73 / WEST / 9731
Coliseum BART 300p Eastmont Transit Center 650p
Oakland Airport 311p Coliseum BART 659p
Oakland Airport 707p
muwtf / 73 / EAST / 9730
Oakland Airport 311p muwtf / 73 / EAST / 9730
Coliseum BART 322p Oakland Airport 711p
Eastmont Transit Center 334p Coliseum BART 720p
Eastmont Transit Center 730p
muwtf / 73 / WEST / 9731
Eastmont Transit Center 350p muwtf / 73 / WEST / 9731
Coliseum BART 400p Eastmont Transit Center 750p
Oakland Airport 411p Coliseum BART 759p
Oakland Airport 807p
muwtf / 73 / EAST / 9730
Oakland Airport 411p muwtf / 73 / EAST / 9730
Coliseum BART 422p Oakland Airport 811p
Eastmont Transit Center 434p Coliseum BART 820p
Eastmont Transit Center 830p
muwtf / 73 / WEST / 9731
Eastmont Transit Center 450p muwtf / 73 / WEST / 9731
Coliseum BART 500p Eastmont Transit Center 850p
Oakland Airport 511p Coliseum BART 859p
7309 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
3:34 SP 98006 1206p CBBA 1206p 226p CBBA 226p
73004 330p CBBA 330p 912p D4 917p
Waiting after 1147a 1206p muwtf / 73 / WEST / 9731 Coliseum BART 829p
Eastmont Transit Center 420p Oakland Airport 837p
Block 98006
Coliseum BART 430p
muwtf / 73 / EAST / 9730
muwtf / 98 / EAST / 9983 Oakland Airport 441p Oakland Airport 841p
Coliseum BART 1214p
muwtf / 73 / EAST / 9730 a Coliseum BART 850p
Hassler Way & Edgewater Dr. 1220p
Oakland Airport 441p Eastmont Transit Center 900p
98th Ave. & Empire Road 1226p
Coliseum BART 452p
98th Ave. & International Blvd. 1233p muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
Eastmont Transit Center 504p Eastmont Transit Center 900p
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1238p
Eastmont Transit Center 1243p muwtf / 73 / WEST / 9731 AC Transit East Oakland Division 912p
Eastmont Transit Center 520p
muwtf / 98 / WEST / 9982 Notes:
Coliseum BART 530p
Eastmont Transit Center 1258p a - ON ARRIVING EASTMONT TRANSIT CENTER.
Oakland Airport 541p
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 103p DH VIA R\73RD AVE, INTO HEGENBERGER
98th Ave. & International Blvd. 107p muwtf / 73 / EAST / 9730 RD.,R\ON-RAMP ONTO HWY.#880 N\B, TO BAY
98th Ave. & Empire Road 114p Oakland Airport 541p BRIDGE.,R\FREMONT ST OFF-RAMP, MERGE
Hassler Way & Edgewater Dr. 120p Coliseum BART 552p LEFT INTO BUS ONLY LANE, INTO
Coliseum BART 126p Eastmont Transit Center 604p SALESFORCE TRANSIT CENTER. THEN LEAVE
muwtf / 90 / EAST / 9901 muwtf / 73 / WEST / 9731
Coliseum BART 137p Eastmont Transit Center 620p
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 148p Coliseum BART 629p
Foothill Square 154p Oakland Airport 637p
7311 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
3:39 SP 73003 1022a CBBA 1022a 122p CBBA 122p
73002 245p CBBA 245p 744p CBBA 744p
7360 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
1:12 FP 73004 558a D4 608a 1030a CBBA 1030a
7860 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
1:03 FP 78004 255p D4 305p 712p D4 717p
muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 701p
AC Transit East Oakland Division 712p
9800 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
6:38 FR 98001 538a D4 548a 1146a CBBA 1201p
119004 433p D4 443p 633p D4 638p
Block 98001 Eastmont Transit Center 858a Salesforce Transit Center 525p
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 903a Bay Bridge Toll Plaza 535p
muwtf / Pull-out / - / 8
98th Ave. & International Blvd. 907a 5th St. & Market St. 546p
AC Transit East Oakland Division 548a
98th Ave. & Empire Road 914a Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 553p
Coliseum BART 554a
Hassler Way & Edgewater Dr. 920a Grand St. & Shoreline Dr. 604p
muwtf / 98 / EAST / 9983 Coliseum BART 926a Park St. & Otis Dr. 610p
Coliseum BART 554a High St. & Fernside Blvd. 618p
Hassler Way & Edgewater Dr. 559a muwtf / 90 / EAST / 9901
Broadway & Blanding Ave. 622p
Coliseum BART 937a
98th Ave. & Empire Road 604a
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 948a muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
98th Ave. & International Blvd. 611a
Foothill Square 954a Broadway & Blanding Ave. 622p
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 615a
AC Transit East Oakland Division 633p
Eastmont Transit Center 620a muwtf / 90 / WEST / 9900
Foothill Square 1010a Notes:
muwtf / 98 / WEST / 9982
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1016a a - EASTBOUND TRIPS PLEASE TURN ON PR3
Eastmont Transit Center 638a
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 642a
98th Ave. & International Blvd. 646a muwtf / 98 / EAST / 9983 SALESFORCE TRANSIT CENTER. TURN OFF
98th Ave. & Empire Road 652a Coliseum BART 1034a AT LAST TIME POINT ( ON ALL TRIPS
Hassler Way & Edgewater Dr. 657a Hassler Way & Edgewater Dr. 1040a EASTBOUND OBSERVE TOLL PLAZA STOP
Coliseum BART 703a 98th Ave. & Empire Road 1046a FOR INTENDING PASSENGERS).
98th Ave. & International Blvd. 1053a
muwtf / 90 / EAST / 9901
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1058a
Coliseum BART 717a
Eastmont Transit Center 1103a
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 727a
Foothill Square 732a muwtf / 98 / WEST / 9982
Eastmont Transit Center 1118a
muwtf / 90 / WEST / 9900
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1123a
Foothill Square 750a
98th Ave. & International Blvd. 1127a
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 756a
98th Ave. & Empire Road 1134a
Coliseum BART 805a
Hassler Way & Edgewater Dr. 1140a
muwtf / 98 / EAST / 9983 Coliseum BART 1146a
Coliseum BART 814a
Hassler Way & Edgewater Dr. 820a Split break 1201p 433p
98th Ave. & Empire Road 826a Block 119004
98th Ave. & International Blvd. 834a
muwtf / Pull-out / - / 8
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 839a AC Transit East Oakland Division 443p
Eastmont Transit Center 846a Salesforce Transit Center 520p
muwtf / 98 / WEST / 9982 muwtf / W / EAST / 134 a
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AC Transit Run Paddle Effective: 06/11/2023
Crew schedule: D4 Weekday Scenario: 4 Booking: 2306SU
9801 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:55 ST 98002 347p CBBA 347p 900p EATC 900p
98002 918p EATC 918p 1132p D4 1137p
Waiting after 334p 347p 98th Ave. & International Blvd. 707p 90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1036p
98th Ave. & Empire Road 714p Coliseum BART 1045p
Block 98002
Hassler Way & Edgewater Dr. 720p
muwtf / 90 / EAST / 9901
muwtf / 98 / EAST / 9983 Coliseum BART 726p
Coliseum BART 1100p
Coliseum BART 354p
muwtf / 90 / EAST / 9901 90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1110p
Hassler Way & Edgewater Dr. 400p
Coliseum BART 740p Foothill Square 1115p
98th Ave. & Empire Road 406p
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 750p
98th Ave. & International Blvd. 415p muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
Foothill Square 755p
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 421p Foothill Square 1115p
Eastmont Transit Center 427p muwtf / 90 / WEST / 9900 AC Transit East Oakland Division 1132p
Foothill Square 810p
muwtf / 98 / WEST / 9982
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 816p
Eastmont Transit Center 438p
Coliseum BART 825p
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 444p
98th Ave. & International Blvd. 450p muwtf / 98 / EAST / 9983
98th Ave. & Empire Road 457p Coliseum BART 834p
Hassler Way & Edgewater Dr. 503p Hassler Way & Edgewater Dr. 839p
Coliseum BART 509p 98th Ave. & Empire Road 844p
98th Ave. & International Blvd. 851p
muwtf / 90 / EAST / 9901
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 855p
Coliseum BART 517p
Eastmont Transit Center 900p
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 528p
Foothill Square 534p Meal Break 900p 918p
9802 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:49 STAM 98003 544a D4 554a 832a F106 832a
98003 850a F106 850a 146p CBBA 146p
Block 98003 Foothill Square 850a 98th Ave. & International Blvd. 1227p
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 856a 98th Ave. & Empire Road 1234p
muwtf / Pull-out / - / 8
Coliseum BART 906a Hassler Way & Edgewater Dr. 1240p
AC Transit East Oakland Division 554a
Coliseum BART 1246p
Coliseum BART 600a muwtf / 98 / EAST / 9983
Coliseum BART 914a muwtf / 90 / EAST / 9901
muwtf / 90 / EAST / 9901
Hassler Way & Edgewater Dr. 920a Coliseum BART 1257p
Coliseum BART 600a
98th Ave. & Empire Road 926a 90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 108p
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 609a
98th Ave. & International Blvd. 933a Foothill Square 114p
Foothill Square 614a
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 938a
muwtf / 90 / WEST / 9900
muwtf / 90 / WEST / 9900 Eastmont Transit Center 943a
Foothill Square 130p
Foothill Square 630a
muwtf / 98 / WEST / 9982 90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 136p
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 636a
Eastmont Transit Center 958a Coliseum BART 146p
Coliseum BART 645a
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1003a
muwtf / 98 / EAST / 9983 98th Ave. & International Blvd. 1007a
Coliseum BART 654a 98th Ave. & Empire Road 1014a
Hassler Way & Edgewater Dr. 659a Hassler Way & Edgewater Dr. 1020a
98th Ave. & Empire Road 704a Coliseum BART 1026a
98th Ave. & International Blvd. 711a
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 715a muwtf / 90 / EAST / 9901
Coliseum BART 1037a
Eastmont Transit Center 720a
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1048a
muwtf / 98 / WEST / 9982 Foothill Square 1054a
Eastmont Transit Center 738a
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 744a muwtf / 90 / WEST / 9900
Foothill Square 1110a
98th Ave. & International Blvd. 749a
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1116a
98th Ave. & Empire Road 757a
Coliseum BART 1126a
Hassler Way & Edgewater Dr. 803a
Coliseum BART 809a muwtf / 98 / EAST / 9983
Coliseum BART 1134a
muwtf / 90 / EAST / 9901
Hassler Way & Edgewater Dr. 1140a
Coliseum BART 817a
98th Ave. & Empire Road 1146a
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 827a
98th Ave. & International Blvd. 1153a
Foothill Square 832a
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1158a
Meal Break 832a 850a Eastmont Transit Center 1203p
Block 98003 muwtf / 98 / WEST / 9982
muwtf / 90 / WEST / 9900 Eastmont Transit Center 1218p
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1223p
HASTUS 2012 - DTCLandscape 03/13/2023 935a Page: 149
AC Transit Run Paddle Effective: 06/11/2023
Crew schedule: D4 Weekday Scenario: 4 Booking: 2306SU
9803 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
3:22 ST 98005 206p CBBA 206p 549p CBBA 549p
98006 609p CBBA 609p 1129p D4 1134p
Waiting after 149p 206p 98th Ave. & International Blvd. 530p 90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 916p
98th Ave. & Empire Road 537p Coliseum BART 925p
Block 98005
Hassler Way & Edgewater Dr. 543p
muwtf / 98 / EAST / 9983
muwtf / 98 / EAST / 9983 Coliseum BART 549p
Coliseum BART 934p
Coliseum BART 214p
Meal Break 549p 609p Hassler Way & Edgewater Dr. 939p
Hassler Way & Edgewater Dr. 220p
98th Ave. & Empire Road 944p
98th Ave. & Empire Road 226p Block 98006
98th Ave. & International Blvd. 951p
98th Ave. & International Blvd. 233p muwtf / 90 / EAST / 9901 90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 955p
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 238p Coliseum BART 620p Eastmont Transit Center 1000p
Eastmont Transit Center 243p 90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 630p
Foothill Square 635p muwtf / 98 / WEST / 9982
muwtf / 98 / WEST / 9982
Eastmont Transit Center 1018p
Eastmont Transit Center 258p muwtf / 90 / WEST / 9900 90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1022p
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 304p Foothill Square 650p 98th Ave. & International Blvd. 1026p
98th Ave. & International Blvd. 309p 90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 656p 98th Ave. & Empire Road 1032p
98th Ave. & Empire Road 317p Coliseum BART 705p Hassler Way & Edgewater Dr. 1037p
Hassler Way & Edgewater Dr. 323p
muwtf / 98 / EAST / 9983 Coliseum BART 1043p
Coliseum BART 329p
Coliseum BART 714p muwtf / 98 / EAST / 9983
muwtf / 90 / EAST / 9901 Hassler Way & Edgewater Dr. 719p Coliseum BART 1054p
Coliseum BART 337p 98th Ave. & Empire Road 725p Hassler Way & Edgewater Dr. 1058p
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 348p 98th Ave. & International Blvd. 733p 98th Ave. & Empire Road 1102p
Foothill Square 354p 90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 738p 98th Ave. & International Blvd. 1108p
muwtf / 90 / WEST / 9900 Eastmont Transit Center 743p 90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1112p
Foothill Square 410p muwtf / 98 / WEST / 9982 Eastmont Transit Center 1117p
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 417p Eastmont Transit Center 758p muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
Coliseum BART 427p 90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 803p Eastmont Transit Center 1117p
muwtf / 98 / EAST / 9983 98th Ave. & International Blvd. 807p AC Transit East Oakland Division 1129p
Coliseum BART 434p 98th Ave. & Empire Road 814p
Hassler Way & Edgewater Dr. 440p Hassler Way & Edgewater Dr. 820p
98th Ave. & Empire Road 446p Coliseum BART 826p
98th Ave. & International Blvd. 455p muwtf / 90 / EAST / 9901
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 501p Coliseum BART 840p
Eastmont Transit Center 507p 90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 850p
muwtf / 98 / WEST / 9982 Foothill Square 855p
Eastmont Transit Center 518p muwtf / 90 / WEST / 9900
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 524p Foothill Square 910p
HASTUS 2012 - DTCLandscape 03/13/2023 935a Page: 150
AC Transit Run Paddle Effective: 06/11/2023
Crew schedule: D4 Weekday Scenario: 4 Booking: 2306SU
9804 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:43 STAM 98005 604a D4 614a 852a F106 852a
98005 910a F106 910a 206p CBBA 206p
Block 98005 Foothill Square 910a 98th Ave. & International Blvd. 1247p
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 916a 98th Ave. & Empire Road 1254p
muwtf / Pull-out / - / 8
Coliseum BART 926a Hassler Way & Edgewater Dr. 100p
AC Transit East Oakland Division 614a
Coliseum BART 106p
Coliseum BART 620a muwtf / 98 / EAST / 9983
Coliseum BART 934a muwtf / 90 / EAST / 9901
muwtf / 90 / EAST / 9901
Hassler Way & Edgewater Dr. 940a Coliseum BART 117p
Coliseum BART 620a
98th Ave. & Empire Road 946a 90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 128p
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 629a
98th Ave. & International Blvd. 953a Foothill Square 134p
Foothill Square 634a
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 958a
muwtf / 90 / WEST / 9900
muwtf / 90 / WEST / 9900 Eastmont Transit Center 1003a
Foothill Square 150p
Foothill Square 650a
muwtf / 98 / WEST / 9982 90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 156p
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 656a
Eastmont Transit Center 1018a Coliseum BART 206p
Coliseum BART 705a
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1023a
muwtf / 98 / EAST / 9983 98th Ave. & International Blvd. 1027a
Coliseum BART 714a 98th Ave. & Empire Road 1034a
Hassler Way & Edgewater Dr. 720a Hassler Way & Edgewater Dr. 1040a
98th Ave. & Empire Road 726a Coliseum BART 1046a
98th Ave. & International Blvd. 734a
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 739a muwtf / 90 / EAST / 9901
Coliseum BART 1057a
Eastmont Transit Center 746a
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1108a
muwtf / 98 / WEST / 9982 Foothill Square 1114a
Eastmont Transit Center 758a
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 804a muwtf / 90 / WEST / 9900
Foothill Square 1130a
98th Ave. & International Blvd. 809a
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1136a
98th Ave. & Empire Road 817a
Coliseum BART 1146a
Hassler Way & Edgewater Dr. 823a
Coliseum BART 829a muwtf / 98 / EAST / 9983
Coliseum BART 1154a
muwtf / 90 / EAST / 9901
Hassler Way & Edgewater Dr. 1200p
Coliseum BART 837a
98th Ave. & Empire Road 1206p
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 847a
98th Ave. & International Blvd. 1213p
Foothill Square 852a
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1218p
Meal Break 852a 910a Eastmont Transit Center 1223p
Block 98005 muwtf / 98 / WEST / 9982
muwtf / 90 / WEST / 9900 Eastmont Transit Center 1238p
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1243p
HASTUS 2012 - DTCLandscape 03/13/2023 935a Page: 151
AC Transit Run Paddle Effective: 06/11/2023
Crew schedule: D4 Weekday Scenario: 4 Booking: 2306SU
9805 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
3:02 ST 98001 307p CBBA 307p 820p EATC 820p
98001 838p EATC 838p 1128p D4 1133p
Waiting after 249p 307p 98th Ave. & International Blvd. 627p 90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 956p
98th Ave. & Empire Road 634p Coliseum BART 1005p
Block 98001
Hassler Way & Edgewater Dr. 640p
muwtf / 98 / EAST / 9983
muwtf / 98 / EAST / 9983 Coliseum BART 646p
Coliseum BART 1014p
Coliseum BART 314p
muwtf / 90 / EAST / 9901 Hassler Way & Edgewater Dr. 1018p
Hassler Way & Edgewater Dr. 320p
Coliseum BART 700p 98th Ave. & Empire Road 1022p
98th Ave. & Empire Road 326p
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 710p 98th Ave. & International Blvd. 1028p
98th Ave. & International Blvd. 335p
Foothill Square 715p 90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1032p
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 341p
Eastmont Transit Center 1037p
Eastmont Transit Center 347p muwtf / 90 / WEST / 9900
Foothill Square 730p muwtf / 98 / WEST / 9982
muwtf / 98 / WEST / 9982
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 736p Eastmont Transit Center 1058p
Eastmont Transit Center 358p
Coliseum BART 745p 90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1102p
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 404p
98th Ave. & International Blvd. 1106p
98th Ave. & International Blvd. 410p muwtf / 98 / EAST / 9983
98th Ave. & Empire Road 1112p
98th Ave. & Empire Road 417p Coliseum BART 754p
Hassler Way & Edgewater Dr. 759p Hassler Way & Edgewater Dr. 1117p
Hassler Way & Edgewater Dr. 423p
98th Ave. & Empire Road 804p Coliseum BART 1123p
Coliseum BART 429p
98th Ave. & International Blvd. 811p muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
muwtf / 90 / EAST / 9901
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 815p Coliseum BART 1123p
Coliseum BART 437p
Eastmont Transit Center 820p AC Transit East Oakland Division 1128p
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 448p
Foothill Square 454p Meal Break 820p 838p
9806 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
3:40 SP 98007 738a D4 748a 246p CBBA 301p
129009 423p D4 433p 602p D4 607p
9807 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:52 ST 98004 327p CBBA 327p 840p EATC 840p
98004 858p EATC 858p 1109p D4 1114p
Waiting after 319p 327p 98th Ave. & International Blvd. 647p 90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1016p
98th Ave. & Empire Road 654p Coliseum BART 1025p
Block 98004
Hassler Way & Edgewater Dr. 700p
muwtf / 98 / EAST / 9983
muwtf / 98 / EAST / 9983 Coliseum BART 706p
Coliseum BART 1034p
Coliseum BART 334p
muwtf / 90 / EAST / 9901 Hassler Way & Edgewater Dr. 1038p
Hassler Way & Edgewater Dr. 340p
Coliseum BART 720p 98th Ave. & Empire Road 1042p
98th Ave. & Empire Road 346p
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 730p 98th Ave. & International Blvd. 1048p
98th Ave. & International Blvd. 355p
Foothill Square 735p 90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1052p
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 401p
Eastmont Transit Center 1057p
Eastmont Transit Center 407p muwtf / 90 / WEST / 9900
Foothill Square 750p muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
muwtf / 98 / WEST / 9982
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 756p Eastmont Transit Center 1057p
Eastmont Transit Center 418p
Coliseum BART 805p AC Transit East Oakland Division 1109p
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 424p
98th Ave. & International Blvd. 430p muwtf / 98 / EAST / 9983
98th Ave. & Empire Road 437p Coliseum BART 814p
Hassler Way & Edgewater Dr. 443p Hassler Way & Edgewater Dr. 819p
Coliseum BART 449p 98th Ave. & Empire Road 824p
98th Ave. & International Blvd. 831p
muwtf / 90 / EAST / 9901
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 835p
Coliseum BART 457p
Eastmont Transit Center 840p
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 508p
Foothill Square 514p Meal Break 840p 858p
9808 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
3:06 ST 98002 1006a CBBA 1006a 347p CBBA 401p
125012 458p D4 508p 704p D4 709p
Waiting after 947a 1006a Hassler Way & Edgewater Dr. 140p Island Dr. Park and Ride 646p
98th Ave. & Empire Road 146p AC Transit East Oakland Division 704p
Block 98002
98th Ave. & International Blvd. 153p
muwtf / 90 / EAST / 9901 90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 158p Notes:
Coliseum BART 1017a Eastmont Transit Center 203p
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1028a CODE-DROP OFF ONLY- BEFORE-DEPARTING
Foothill Square 1034a
Eastmont Transit Center 218p AT LAST TIME POINT ( ON ALL TRIPS
muwtf / 90 / WEST / 9900 90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 224p EASTBOUND OBSERVE TOLL PLAZA STOP
Foothill Square 1050a 98th Ave. & International Blvd. 229p FOR INTENDING PASSENGERS).
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1056a 98th Ave. & Empire Road 237p
Coliseum BART 1106a Hassler Way & Edgewater Dr. 243p
muwtf / 98 / EAST / 9983 Coliseum BART 249p
Coliseum BART 1114a muwtf / 90 / EAST / 9901
Hassler Way & Edgewater Dr. 1120a Coliseum BART 257p
98th Ave. & Empire Road 1126a 90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 308p
98th Ave. & International Blvd. 1133a Foothill Square 314p
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1138a
muwtf / 90 / WEST / 9900
Eastmont Transit Center 1143a
Foothill Square 330p
muwtf / 98 / WEST / 9982 90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 337p
Eastmont Transit Center 1158a Coliseum BART 347p
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1203p
Meal Break 401p 458p
98th Ave. & International Blvd. 1207p
98th Ave. & Empire Road 1214p Block 125012
Hassler Way & Edgewater Dr. 1220p muwtf / Pull-out / - / 8
Coliseum BART 1226p AC Transit East Oakland Division 508p
muwtf / 90 / EAST / 9901 Salesforce Transit Center 545p
Coliseum BART 1237p muwtf / OX / EAST / 914 a
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1248p Salesforce Transit Center 550p
Foothill Square 1254p Park St. & Clement Ave. 623p
muwtf / 90 / WEST / 9900 Encinal Ave. & Park Ave. 628p
Foothill Square 110p High St. & Otis Dr. 633p
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 116p Robert Davey Jr. Dr. & Packet Landing 636p
Coliseum BART 126p Mecartney Road & Verdemar Dr. 641p
Island Dr. Park and Ride 646p
muwtf / 98 / EAST / 9983
Coliseum BART 134p muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
HASTUS 2012 - DTCLandscape 03/13/2023 935a Page: 155
AC Transit Run Paddle Effective: 06/11/2023
Crew schedule: D4 Weekday Scenario: 4 Booking: 2306SU
9809 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:52 ST 98007 246p CBBA 246p 800p EATC 800p
98007 818p EATC 818p 1108p D4 1113p
Waiting after 219p 246p 98th Ave. & International Blvd. 610p 90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 936p
98th Ave. & Empire Road 617p Coliseum BART 945p
Block 98007
Hassler Way & Edgewater Dr. 623p
muwtf / 98 / EAST / 9983
muwtf / 98 / EAST / 9983 Coliseum BART 629p
Coliseum BART 954p
Coliseum BART 254p
muwtf / 90 / EAST / 9901 Hassler Way & Edgewater Dr. 958p
Hassler Way & Edgewater Dr. 300p
Coliseum BART 640p 98th Ave. & Empire Road 1002p
98th Ave. & Empire Road 306p
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 650p 98th Ave. & International Blvd. 1008p
98th Ave. & International Blvd. 315p
Foothill Square 655p 90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1012p
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 321p
Eastmont Transit Center 1017p
Eastmont Transit Center 327p muwtf / 90 / WEST / 9900
Foothill Square 710p muwtf / 98 / WEST / 9982
muwtf / 98 / WEST / 9982
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 716p Eastmont Transit Center 1038p
Eastmont Transit Center 337p
Coliseum BART 725p 90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1042p
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 344p
98th Ave. & International Blvd. 1046p
98th Ave. & International Blvd. 352p muwtf / 98 / EAST / 9983
98th Ave. & Empire Road 1052p
98th Ave. & Empire Road 400p Coliseum BART 734p
Hassler Way & Edgewater Dr. 739p Hassler Way & Edgewater Dr. 1057p
Hassler Way & Edgewater Dr. 406p
98th Ave. & Empire Road 744p Coliseum BART 1103p
Coliseum BART 412p
98th Ave. & International Blvd. 751p muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
muwtf / 90 / EAST / 9901
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 755p Coliseum BART 1103p
Coliseum BART 420p
Eastmont Transit Center 800p AC Transit East Oakland Division 1108p
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 431p
Foothill Square 437p Meal Break 800p 818p
12400 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:11 STAM 124001 434a D4 444a 754a ETSF 754a
124001 820a ETSF 820a 150p MCMI 150p
12401 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:05 ST 124009 423p D4 433p 845p EATC 845p
124009 905p EATC 905p 1259x D4 104x
12402 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:01 STAM 124002 508a D4 518a 1100a ETSF 1100a
124002 1120a ETSF 1120a 230p MCMI 230p
12403 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:48 SP 119002 413p D4 423p 613p D4 637p
124002 738p CASE 738p 1247x D4 1252x
12404 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:12 STAM 124003 538a D4 548a 1140a ETSF 1140a
124003 1200p ETSF 1200p 316p MCMI 316p
12405 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:08 ST 124004 336p MCMI 336p 917p ETSF 917p
124004 934p ETSF 934p 1229x D4 1234x
Waiting after 311p 336p Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 811p MacArthur Blvd. & Millsbrae Ave. 1214x
MacArthur Blvd. & Millsbrae Ave. 822p Eastmont Transit Center 1217x
Block 124004
Eastmont Transit Center 825p
muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
muwtf / NL / EAST / 1240
muwtf / NL / WEST / 1243 Eastmont Transit Center 1217x
MacArthur Blvd. & Millsbrae Ave. 336p
Eastmont Transit Center 835p AC Transit East Oakland Division 1229x
Eastmont Transit Center 340p
Seminary Ave. & Camden St. 838p
muwtf / NL / WEST / 1243 Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 847p
Eastmont Transit Center 355p Lakeshore Ave. & Lake Park Ave. 855p
Seminary Ave. & Camden St. 359p T.L. Berkley Way (20th St.) & Broadway 903p
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 411p Bay Bridge Toll Plaza 907p
Lakeshore Ave. & Lake Park Ave. 419p Salesforce Transit Center 917p
T.L. Berkley Way (20th St.) & Broadway 428p
Meal Break 917p 934p
Bay Bridge Toll Plaza 436p
Salesforce Transit Center 450p Block 124004
12406 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:05 STAM 124004 608a D4 618a 1200p ETSF 1200p
124004 1220p ETSF 1220p 336p MCMI 336p
12407 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
4:43 OWLC 124007 737p MCMI 737p 1159p D4 1204x
Waiting after 714p 737p MacArthur Blvd. & Millsbrae Ave. 1144p
Eastmont Transit Center 1147p
Block 124007
muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
muwtf / NL / EAST / 1240
Eastmont Transit Center 1147p
MacArthur Blvd. & Millsbrae Ave. 737p
AC Transit East Oakland Division 1159p
Eastmont Transit Center 740p
12408 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:04 STAM 124005 623a D4 633a 1220p ETSF 1220p
124005 1240p ETSF 1240p 356p MCMI 356p
12409 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
3:05 SP 301005 1103a SEMY 1103a 256p SEMY 311p
124006 426p MCMI 426p 913p D4 918p
Travel from 1055a 1103a Block 124006 Eastmont Transit Center 901p
12410 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
1:59 STAM 124006 653a D4 703a 1040a ETSF 1040a
124006 1100a ETSF 1100a 426p MCMI 426p
12411 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:54 SP 301016 1033a SEMY 1033a 216p SEMY 224p
124008 353p D4 403p 818p D4 823p
Travel from 1025a 1033a Split break 224p 353p BROADWAY, L\ 20TH ST (THOMAS L.
Block 301016 Block 124008
muwtf / 1T / NORTH / 3010 a muwtf / Pull-out / - / 8 TO LAYOVER AS SCHEDULED. AFTER
Seminary Tempo 1033a AC Transit East Oakland Division 403p LAYOVER THEN DH VIA SAN PABLO
Fruitvale Tempo 1041a Salesforce Transit Center 440p AVE.,L\20TH ST. (THOMAS L. BERKLEY
Uptown Oakland 1100a WAY).,R\BROADWAY.,TO TERMINAL. THEN
muwtf / NL / EAST / 1240
muwtf / Deadhead / NORTH / 8 Salesforce Transit Center 445p LEAVE AS SCHEDULED.
Uptown Oakland 1100a Bay Bridge Toll Plaza 457p
Tempo Layover 1105a T.L. Berkley Way (20th St.) & Broadway 509p
Lakeshore Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 518p
muwtf / Deadhead / SOUTH / 8
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 527p
Tempo Layover 1120a
MacArthur Blvd. & Millsbrae Ave. 541p
Uptown Oakland 1124a
Eastmont Transit Center 545p
muwtf / 1T / SOUTH / 3011
Uptown Oakland 1124a muwtf / NL / WEST / 1243
Fruitvale Tempo 1146a Eastmont Transit Center 605p
Seminary Tempo 1155a Seminary Ave. & Camden St. 608p
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 619p
San Leandro BART 1216p
Lakeshore Ave. & Lake Park Ave. 627p
muwtf / 1T / NORTH / 3010 a T.L. Berkley Way (20th St.) & Broadway 634p
San Leandro BART 1230p Bay Bridge Toll Plaza 645p
Seminary Tempo 1253p Salesforce Transit Center 659p
Fruitvale Tempo 101p
Uptown Oakland 120p muwtf / NL / EAST / 1240
Salesforce Transit Center 715p
muwtf / Deadhead / NORTH / 8 Bay Bridge Toll Plaza 725p
Uptown Oakland 120p T.L. Berkley Way (20th St.) & Broadway 735p
Tempo Layover 125p Lakeshore Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 743p
muwtf / Deadhead / SOUTH / 8 Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 752p
Tempo Layover 140p MacArthur Blvd. & Millsbrae Ave. 803p
Uptown Oakland 144p Eastmont Transit Center 806p
12413 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
3:01 SP 301007 1003a SEMY 1003a 146p SEMY 154p
124012 338p D4 348p 803p D4 808p
Travel from 955a 1003a Split break 154p 338p BROADWAY, L\ 20TH ST (THOMAS L.
Block 301007 Block 124012
muwtf / 1T / NORTH / 3010 a muwtf / Pull-out / - / 8 TO LAYOVER AS SCHEDULED. AFTER
Seminary Tempo 1003a AC Transit East Oakland Division 348p LAYOVER THEN DH VIA SAN PABLO
Fruitvale Tempo 1011a Salesforce Transit Center 425p AVE.,L\20TH ST. (THOMAS L. BERKLEY
Uptown Oakland 1030a WAY).,R\BROADWAY.,TO TERMINAL. THEN
muwtf / NL / EAST / 1240
muwtf / Deadhead / NORTH / 8 Salesforce Transit Center 430p LEAVE AS SCHEDULED.
Uptown Oakland 1030a Bay Bridge Toll Plaza 442p
Tempo Layover 1035a T.L. Berkley Way (20th St.) & Broadway 454p
Lakeshore Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 503p
muwtf / Deadhead / SOUTH / 8
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 512p
Tempo Layover 1050a
MacArthur Blvd. & Millsbrae Ave. 526p
Uptown Oakland 1054a
Eastmont Transit Center 530p
muwtf / 1T / SOUTH / 3011
Uptown Oakland 1054a muwtf / NL / WEST / 1243
Fruitvale Tempo 1116a Eastmont Transit Center 543p
Seminary Tempo 1125a Seminary Ave. & Camden St. 546p
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 558p
San Leandro BART 1146a
Lakeshore Ave. & Lake Park Ave. 608p
muwtf / 1T / NORTH / 3010 a T.L. Berkley Way (20th St.) & Broadway 616p
San Leandro BART 1200p Bay Bridge Toll Plaza 631p
Seminary Tempo 1223p Salesforce Transit Center 645p
Fruitvale Tempo 1231p
Uptown Oakland 1250p muwtf / NL / EAST / 1240
Salesforce Transit Center 700p
muwtf / Deadhead / NORTH / 8 Bay Bridge Toll Plaza 710p
Uptown Oakland 1250p T.L. Berkley Way (20th St.) & Broadway 720p
Tempo Layover 1255p Lakeshore Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 728p
muwtf / Deadhead / SOUTH / 8 Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 737p
Tempo Layover 110p MacArthur Blvd. & Millsbrae Ave. 748p
Uptown Oakland 114p Eastmont Transit Center 751p
12415 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
5:56 FR 124007 723a D4 733a 1029a CASE 1029a
124002 230p MCMI 230p 738p CASE 738p
Block 124007 Lakeshore Ave. & Lake Park Ave. 309p OPERATE VIA W.GRAND AVE.,L\FRONTAGE
T.L. Berkley Way (20th St.) & Broadway 318p RD.,L\7TH ST.,R\UNION ST.,R\ON-RAMP ONTO
muwtf / Pull-out / - / 8
Bay Bridge Toll Plaza 326p HWY.#880 N\B, MERGE LEFT TO " CAR-POOL\
AC Transit East Oakland Division 733a
Salesforce Transit Center 340p HOV" LANE AND PROCEED THRU TOLL PLAZA
Eastmont Transit Center 745a
muwtf / NL / EAST / 1240
Salesforce Transit Center 400p
Bay Bridge Toll Plaza 412p
Seminary Ave. & Camden St. 749a
T.L. Berkley Way (20th St.) & Broadway 424p
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 801a
Lakeshore Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 433p
Lakeshore Ave. & Lake Park Ave. 812a
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 442p
T.L. Berkley Way (20th St.) & Broadway 821a
MacArthur Blvd. & Millsbrae Ave. 456p
Bay Bridge Toll Plaza 836a
Eastmont Transit Center 500p
Salesforce Transit Center 850a
muwtf / NL / WEST / 1243
muwtf / NL / EAST / 1240
Eastmont Transit Center 513p
Salesforce Transit Center 920a
Seminary Ave. & Camden St. 516p
Bay Bridge Toll Plaza 929a
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 528p
T.L. Berkley Way (20th St.) & Broadway 940a
Lakeshore Ave. & Lake Park Ave. 538p
Lakeshore Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 947a
T.L. Berkley Way (20th St.) & Broadway 546p
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 955a
Bay Bridge Toll Plaza 601p
MacArthur Blvd. & Millsbrae Ave. 1005a
Salesforce Transit Center 615p
Eastmont Transit Center 1009a
muwtf / NL / EAST / 1240
muwtf / NL / WEST / 1243
Salesforce Transit Center 630p
Eastmont Transit Center 1025a
Bay Bridge Toll Plaza 643p
Seminary Ave. & Camden St. 1029a
T.L. Berkley Way (20th St.) & Broadway 653p
Travel to 1029a Lakeshore Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 702p
Split break 230p Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 711p
MacArthur Blvd. & Millsbrae Ave. 722p
Block 124002
Eastmont Transit Center 725p
muwtf / NL / EAST / 1240
muwtf / NL / WEST / 1243
MacArthur Blvd. & Millsbrae Ave. 230p
Eastmont Transit Center 735p
Eastmont Transit Center 234p
Seminary Ave. & Camden St. 738p
muwtf / NL / WEST / 1243
Eastmont Transit Center 245p Notes:
Seminary Ave. & Camden St. 249p
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 301p
HASTUS 2012 - DTCLandscape 03/13/2023 935a Page: 170
AC Transit Run Paddle Effective: 06/11/2023
Crew schedule: D4 Weekday Scenario: 4 Booking: 2306SU
12417 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
1:45 ST 124007 1029a CASE 1029a 140p ETSF 140p
124007 200p ETSF 200p 737p MCMI 737p
12419 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
5:06 FR 124011 553a D4 603a 1000a D4 1000a
124001 131p MCMI 150p 700p D4 705p
12500 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
3:37 SP 125001 316a D4 326a 858a D4 903a
301006 1107a SEMY 1115a 136p SEMY 136p
Block 125001 AC Transit East Oakland Division 858a TO TERMINAL. THEN LEAVE AS SCHEDULED.,
muwtf / Pull-out / - / 8 Split break 903a 1107a
AC Transit East Oakland Division 326a
Travel from 1107a 1115a AVE.,L\20TH ST. (THOMAS L. BERKLEY
Dublin/Pleasanton BART 358a
muwtf / 703 / WEST / 703 a LEAVE AS SCHEDULED.
Dublin/Pleasanton BART 358a muwtf / 1T / SOUTH / 3011
Salesforce Transit Center 440a Seminary Tempo 1115a
San Leandro BART 1136a
muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8
Salesforce Transit Center 440a muwtf / 1T / NORTH / 3010 b
Fruitvale BART 510a San Leandro BART 1150a
Seminary Tempo 1213p
muwtf / O / WEST / 1251 Fruitvale Tempo 1221p
Fruitvale BART 530a
Uptown Oakland 1240p
High St. & Fernside Blvd. 535a
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 540a muwtf / Deadhead / NORTH / 8
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 550a Uptown Oakland 1240p
Bay Bridge Toll Plaza 556a Tempo Layover 1245p
Salesforce Transit Center 609a muwtf / Deadhead / SOUTH / 8
muwtf / O / EAST / 1250 Tempo Layover 100p
Salesforce Transit Center 630a Uptown Oakland 104p
Bay Bridge Toll Plaza 640a muwtf / 1T / SOUTH / 3011
5th St. & Market St. 644a Uptown Oakland 104p
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 648a Fruitvale Tempo 127p
Encinal Ave. & Park Ave. 658a Seminary Tempo 136p
High St. & Fernside Blvd. 702a
Travel to 136p 144p
Fruitvale BART 707a
12501 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
3:20 SP 301017 106p SEMY 106p 336p SEMY 344p
125007 508p D4 518p 1047p D4 1052p
12502 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
1:54 STAM 125002 610a D4 620a 1011a FBBA 1011a
125002 1030a FBBA 1030a 213p FBBA 213p
12503 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
3:09 SP 301019 1228p D4 1238p 246p SEMY 254p
125006 438p D4 448p 1017p D4 1022p
12504 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
3:03 SP 125003 635a D4 645a 1243p FBBA 1243p
21001 144p FBBA 144p 414p FBBA 414p
Block 125003 muwtf / O / WEST / 1251 a - ON ALL TRIPS ARRIVING OAKLAND AIRPORT:
muwtf / Pull-out / - / 8
High St. & Fernside Blvd. 1106a FOR LAYOVER AND ARRIVING LINE 73. DO
AC Transit East Oakland Division 645a
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 1112a NOT USE BUS STOP # 4B.
Robert Davey Jr. Dr. & Packet Landing 700a
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 1123a
muwtf / OX / WEST / 99 Bay Bridge Toll Plaza 1130a
Robert Davey Jr. Dr. & Packet Landing 700a Salesforce Transit Center 1144a
Mecartney Road & Verdemar Dr. 706a
High St. & Otis Dr. 715a muwtf / O / EAST / 1250
Salesforce Transit Center 1200p
Encinal Ave. & Park Ave. 722a
Bay Bridge Toll Plaza 1210p
Park St. & Clement Ave. 727a
5th St. & Market St. 1215p
Salesforce Transit Center 750a
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 1220p
muwtf / O / EAST / 1250 Encinal Ave. & Park Ave. 1232p
Salesforce Transit Center 800a High St. & Fernside Blvd. 1237p
Bay Bridge Toll Plaza 810a Fruitvale BART 1243p
5th St. & Market St. 814a
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 819a Split break 1243p 144p
Encinal Ave. & Park Ave. 830a Block 21001
High St. & Fernside Blvd. 835a
muwtf / 21 / EAST / 9211
Fruitvale BART 841a Fruitvale BART 144p
muwtf / O / WEST / 1251 Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 200p
Fruitvale BART 900a
muwtf / 21 / WEST / 9212 a
High St. & Fernside Blvd. 906a
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 212p
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 912a Fruitvale BART 227p
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 923a Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 239p
Bay Bridge Toll Plaza 932a Park St. & Otis Dr. 244p
Salesforce Transit Center 946a Island Dr. & Mecartney Road 255p
muwtf / O / EAST / 1250 Oakland Airport 303p
Salesforce Transit Center 1000a
muwtf / 21 / EAST / 9211
Bay Bridge Toll Plaza 1010a
Oakland Airport 335p
5th St. & Market St. 1014a Island Dr. & Mecartney Road 343p
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 1019a Park St. & Otis Dr. 355p
Encinal Ave. & Park Ave. 1030a Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 401p
High St. & Fernside Blvd. 1035a
Fruitvale BART 414p
Fruitvale BART 1041a
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AC Transit Run Paddle Effective: 06/11/2023
Crew schedule: D4 Weekday Scenario: 4 Booking: 2306SU
12505 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
3:45 SP 20005 1212p FBBA 1212p 242p FBBA 242p
125005 348p FBBA 348p 947p D4 952p
12506 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:09 STAM 125004 639a D4 649a 911a FBBA 911a
125004 930a FBBA 930a 318p FBBA 318p
12507 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
3:38 SP 21004 1049a FBBA 1049a 127p FBBA 127p
125004 318p FBBA 318p 917p D4 922p
Waiting after 1033a 1049a MacArthur Blvd. & Millsbrae Ave. 515p USE STOP # 4C, PULL FORWARD OF STOP
Eastmont Transit Center 521p FOR LAYOVER AND ARRIVING LINE 73. DO
Block 21004
Marlow Dr. & Foothill Way 533p NOT USE BUS STOP # 4B.
muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8
Marlow Dr. & Foothill Way 533p
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1102a SALESFORCE TRANSIT CENTER. TURN OFF
Salesforce Transit Center 615p
muwtf / 21 / WEST / 9212 a AT LAST TIME POINT
muwtf / O / EAST / 1250
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1112a
Salesforce Transit Center 630p
Fruitvale BART 1125a
Bay Bridge Toll Plaza 640p
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 1136a
5th St. & Market St. 648p
Park St. & Otis Dr. 1141a
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 653p
Island Dr. & Mecartney Road 1152a
Encinal Ave. & Park Ave. 706p
Oakland Airport 1200p
High St. & Fernside Blvd. 711p
muwtf / 21 / EAST / 9211 Fruitvale BART 717p
Oakland Airport 1211p
muwtf / O / WEST / 1251
Island Dr. & Mecartney Road 1219p
Fruitvale BART 730p
Park St. & Otis Dr. 1230p
High St. & Fernside Blvd. 736p
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 1235p
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 742p
Fruitvale BART 1246p
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 752p
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1259p
Bay Bridge Toll Plaza 758p
muwtf / 21 / WEST / 9212 a Salesforce Transit Center 810p
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 112p
muwtf / O / EAST / 1250
Fruitvale BART 127p
Salesforce Transit Center 830p
Split break 127p 318p Bay Bridge Toll Plaza 840p
Block 125004 5th St. & Market St. 844p
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 848p
muwtf / O / WEST / 1251 Encinal Ave. & Park Ave. 859p
Fruitvale BART 330p
High St. & Fernside Blvd. 904p
High St. & Fernside Blvd. 336p
Fruitvale BART 909p
Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 342p
Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 353p muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
Bay Bridge Toll Plaza 408p Fruitvale BART 909p
Salesforce Transit Center 422p AC Transit East Oakland Division 917p
12508 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
3:25 FR 125005 720a D4 730a 1143a FBBA 1143a
399041 215p D4 253p 739p D4 744p
12560 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
0:44 FP 125008 440a D4 450a 828a D4 833a
muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
Salesforce Transit Center 751a
AC Transit East Oakland Division 828a
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AC Transit Run Paddle Effective: 06/11/2023
Crew schedule: D4 Weekday Scenario: 4 Booking: 2306SU
12561 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
0:43 FP 125009 540a D4 550a 928a D4 933a
Block 125009
muwtf / Pull-out / - / 8
AC Transit East Oakland Division 550a
Fruitvale BART 600a
muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
Salesforce Transit Center 851a
AC Transit East Oakland Division 928a
12562 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
0:33 FP 124014 303p D4 313p 740p D4 745p
muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
College Ave. & Broadway 720p
AC Transit East Oakland Division 740p
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AC Transit Run Paddle Effective: 06/11/2023
Crew schedule: D4 Weekday Scenario: 4 Booking: 2306SU
12563 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
0:05 FP 125011 358p D4 408p 608p D4 613p
Block 125011
muwtf / Pull-out / - / 8
AC Transit East Oakland Division 408p
Salesforce Transit Center 445p
muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
Island Dr. Park and Ride 550p
AC Transit East Oakland Division 608p
12960 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
0:00 SS 129002 724a D4 734a 904a D4 909a
Block 129002
muwtf / Pull-out / - / 8
AC Transit East Oakland Division 734a
MacArthur Blvd. & 56th Ave. 742a
muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
Salesforce Transit Center 827a
AC Transit East Oakland Division 904a
12961 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
0:00 FP 129001 707a D4 717a 907a D4 912a
Block 129001
muwtf / Pull-out / - / 8
AC Transit East Oakland Division 717a
Marlow Dr. & Foothill Way 735a
muwtf / Pull-in / - / 8
Salesforce Transit Center 830a
AC Transit East Oakland Division 907a
13060 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
0:05 FP 130004 453p D4 503p 702p D4 707p
Block 130004
muwtf / Pull-out / - / 8
AC Transit East Oakland Division 503p
Salesforce Transit Center 540p
muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
College Ave. & Broadway 642p
AC Transit East Oakland Division 702p
13061 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
0:00 FP 130002 721a D4 731a 922a D4 927a
Block 130002
muwtf / Pull-out / - / 8
AC Transit East Oakland Division 731a
College Ave. & Broadway 755a
muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
Salesforce Transit Center 845a
AC Transit East Oakland Division 922a
19941 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:00 SP 45004 1143a DGD4 1143a 145p DGD4 145p
399040 313p D4 323p 945p D4 950p
30100 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:32 OWL 301001 1211a D4 1221a 517a SLBA 517a
301001 545a SLBA 545a 759a D4 804a
30101 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:38 SP 130005 408p D4 418p 619p D4 619p
301019 731p SEMY 739p 114x D4 119x
30102 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:35 OWL 301002 1213a D4 1223a 417a SLBA 417a
301002 445a SLBA 445a 744a D4 749a
30103 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:39 ST 301017 336p SEMY 336p 841p SLBA 841p
301017 908p SLBA 908p 111x D4 116x
Travel from 328p 336p Uptown Oakland 754p TO LAYOVER AS SCHEDULED. AFTER
Block 301017
Seminary Tempo 821p AVE.,L\20TH ST. (THOMAS L. BERKLEY
muwtf / 1T / SOUTH / 3011 San Leandro BART 841p WAY).,R\BROADWAY.,TO TERMINAL. THEN
Seminary Tempo 336p LEAVE AS SCHEDULED.
Meal Break 841p 908p
Block 301017 STOP: OPERATE VIA 12TH
muwtf / 1T / NORTH / 3010 a
San Leandro BART 420p muwtf / 1T / NORTH / 3010 b ST.,L\BROADWAY.,L\11TH ST., L\ FRANKLIN
Seminary Tempo 443p San Leandro BART 908p ST., L\ 20TH ST (THOMAS L BERKLEY WAY.,
Fruitvale Tempo 451p Seminary Tempo 926p R\ CASTRO TO LAYOVER. THEN LEAVE 5
Uptown Oakland 510p Fruitvale Tempo 932p MINUTES PRIOR TO SCHEDULED
14th St. & Broadway 946p DEPARTURE FROM 14TH ST STATION
muwtf / Deadhead / NORTH / 8
Uptown Oakland 510p muwtf / 1T / SOUTH / 3011
Tempo Layover 515p 14th St. & Broadway 1009p
Fruitvale Tempo 1023p
muwtf / Deadhead / SOUTH / 8
Seminary Tempo 1031p
Tempo Layover 530p
San Leandro BART 1050p
Uptown Oakland 534p
muwtf / 1T / NORTH / 3010 b
muwtf / 1T / SOUTH / 3011
San Leandro BART 1108p
Uptown Oakland 534p
Seminary Tempo 1126p
Fruitvale Tempo 556p
Fruitvale Tempo 1132p
Seminary Tempo 604p
14th St. & Broadway 1146p
San Leandro BART 626p
muwtf / 1T / SOUTH / 3011
muwtf / 1T / NORTH / 3010 a
14th St. & Broadway 1211x
San Leandro BART 640p
Fruitvale Tempo 1225x
Seminary Tempo 703p
Seminary Tempo 1233x
Fruitvale Tempo 711p
San Leandro BART 1252x
Uptown Oakland 730p
muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
muwtf / Deadhead / NORTH / 8
San Leandro BART 1252x
Uptown Oakland 730p
AC Transit East Oakland Division 111x
Tempo Layover 735p
30104 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
3:14 OWL 301003 1241a D4 1251a 347a SLBA 347a
301003 415a SLBA 415a 714a D4 719a
30105 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:25 ST 301009 316p SEMY 316p 826p SLBA 826p
301009 851p SLBA 851p 1254x D4 1259x
Travel from 308p 316p Uptown Oakland 739p San Leandro BART 1235x
Fruitvale Tempo 759p AC Transit East Oakland Division 1254x
Block 301009
Seminary Tempo 806p
muwtf / 1T / SOUTH / 3011 Notes:
San Leandro BART 826p
Seminary Tempo 316p
Meal Break 826p 851p BROADWAY, L\ 20TH ST (THOMAS L.
San Leandro BART 338p
San Leandro BART 400p muwtf / 1T / NORTH / 3010 a TO LAYOVER AS SCHEDULED. AFTER
Seminary Tempo 423p San Leandro BART 851p LAYOVER THEN DH VIA SAN PABLO
Fruitvale Tempo 431p Seminary Tempo 911p AVE.,L\20TH ST. (THOMAS L. BERKLEY
Uptown Oakland 450p Fruitvale Tempo 917p WAY).,R\BROADWAY.,TO TERMINAL. THEN
Uptown Oakland 934p LEAVE AS SCHEDULED.
muwtf / Deadhead / NORTH / 8
Uptown Oakland 450p muwtf / Deadhead / NORTH / 8 b - ON ARRIVING AT 12TH ST-CITY CENTER
Tempo Layover 455p Uptown Oakland 934p STOP: OPERATE VIA 12TH
Tempo Layover 939p ST.,L\BROADWAY.,L\11TH ST., L\ FRANKLIN
muwtf / Deadhead / SOUTH / 8 ST., L\ 20TH ST (THOMAS L BERKLEY WAY.,
Tempo Layover 510p muwtf / Deadhead / SOUTH / 8
Uptown Oakland 514p Tempo Layover 950p
Uptown Oakland 954p
Uptown Oakland 514p muwtf / 1T / SOUTH / 3011
Fruitvale Tempo 536p Uptown Oakland 954p
Seminary Tempo 544p Fruitvale Tempo 1013p
San Leandro BART 606p Seminary Tempo 1020p
San Leandro BART 1038p
muwtf / 1T / NORTH / 3010 a
San Leandro BART 630p muwtf / 1T / NORTH / 3010 b
Seminary Tempo 653p San Leandro BART 1053p
Fruitvale Tempo 701p Seminary Tempo 1111p
Uptown Oakland 720p Fruitvale Tempo 1117p
14th St. & Broadway 1131p
muwtf / Deadhead / NORTH / 8
Uptown Oakland 720p muwtf / 1T / SOUTH / 3011
Tempo Layover 725p 14th St. & Broadway 1154p
Fruitvale Tempo 1208x
muwtf / Deadhead / SOUTH / 8
Seminary Tempo 1216x
Tempo Layover 735p
San Leandro BART 1235x
Uptown Oakland 739p
muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
muwtf / 1T / SOUTH / 3011
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AC Transit Run Paddle Effective: 06/11/2023
Crew schedule: D4 Weekday Scenario: 4 Booking: 2306SU
30106 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
3:03 OWL 301004 1243a D4 1253a 447a SLBA 447a
301004 515a SLBA 515a 729a D4 734a
30107 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
3:32 SP 129003 353p D4 403p 532p D4 532p
301016 706p SEMY 714p 1251x D4 1256x
30108 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:16 STAM 301005 528a D4 538a 1103a SEMY 1103a
301009 1123a SEMY 1123a 316p SEMY 316p
30109 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:23 ST 301005 256p SEMY 256p 816p SLBA 816p
301005 835p SLBA 835p 1239x D4 1244x
Travel from 248p 256p Uptown Oakland 724p San Leandro BART 1220x
Fruitvale Tempo 746p AC Transit East Oakland Division 1239x
Block 301005
Seminary Tempo 754p
muwtf / 1T / SOUTH / 3011 Notes:
San Leandro BART 816p
Seminary Tempo 256p
Meal Break 816p 835p BROADWAY, L\ 20TH ST (THOMAS L.
San Leandro BART 318p
San Leandro BART 340p muwtf / 1T / NORTH / 3010 a TO LAYOVER AS SCHEDULED. AFTER
Seminary Tempo 403p San Leandro BART 835p LAYOVER THEN DH VIA SAN PABLO
Fruitvale Tempo 411p Seminary Tempo 855p AVE.,L\20TH ST. (THOMAS L. BERKLEY
Uptown Oakland 430p Fruitvale Tempo 901p WAY).,R\BROADWAY.,TO TERMINAL. THEN
Uptown Oakland 918p LEAVE AS SCHEDULED.
muwtf / Deadhead / NORTH / 8
Uptown Oakland 430p muwtf / Deadhead / NORTH / 8 b - ON ARRIVING AT 12TH ST-CITY CENTER
Tempo Layover 435p Uptown Oakland 918p STOP: OPERATE VIA 12TH
Tempo Layover 923p ST.,L\BROADWAY.,L\11TH ST., L\ FRANKLIN
muwtf / Deadhead / SOUTH / 8 ST., L\ 20TH ST (THOMAS L BERKLEY WAY.,
Tempo Layover 450p muwtf / Deadhead / SOUTH / 8
Uptown Oakland 454p Tempo Layover 935p
Uptown Oakland 939p
Uptown Oakland 454p muwtf / 1T / SOUTH / 3011 c - ON ARRIVING END OF LINE TERMINAL AT
Fruitvale Tempo 517p Uptown Oakland 939p END OF SHIFT CONTACT OCC BEFORE
Seminary Tempo 526p Fruitvale Tempo 958p TURNING IN FOR OWL COVERAGE
San Leandro BART 548p Seminary Tempo 1005p
San Leandro BART 1023p
muwtf / 1T / NORTH / 3010 a
San Leandro BART 610p muwtf / 1T / NORTH / 3010 b
Seminary Tempo 633p San Leandro BART 1038p
Fruitvale Tempo 641p Seminary Tempo 1056p
Uptown Oakland 700p Fruitvale Tempo 1102p
14th St. & Broadway 1116p
muwtf / Deadhead / NORTH / 8
Uptown Oakland 700p muwtf / 1T / SOUTH / 3011 c
Tempo Layover 705p 14th St. & Broadway 1139p
Fruitvale Tempo 1153p
muwtf / Deadhead / SOUTH / 8
Seminary Tempo 1201x
Tempo Layover 720p
San Leandro BART 1220x
Uptown Oakland 724p
muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
muwtf / 1T / SOUTH / 3011
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AC Transit Run Paddle Effective: 06/11/2023
Crew schedule: D4 Weekday Scenario: 4 Booking: 2306SU
30110 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
6:02 FR 301006 534a D4 544a 1115a SEMY 1123a
129008 413p D4 423p 627p D4 632p
30111 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:51 SP 125010 340p D4 350p 623p D4 623p
301007 734p SEMY 742p 1236x D4 1241x
30112 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
5:23 FR 301008 548a D4 558a 1236p SEMY 1244p
129004 453p D4 503p 632p D4 637p
30113 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
4:18 OWLC 301013 727p SEMY 727p 1221x D4 1226x
muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
14th St. & Broadway 1201x
30114 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
5:20 FR 301009 558a D4 608a 1123a SEMY 1131a
119005 333p D4 343p 702p D4 707p
30115 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:23 ST 301018 226p SEMY 226p 746p SLBA 746p
301018 805p SLBA 805p 1209x D4 1214x
Travel from 218p 226p Uptown Oakland 654p San Leandro BART 1150p
Fruitvale Tempo 716p AC Transit East Oakland Division 1209x
Block 301018
Seminary Tempo 724p
muwtf / 1T / SOUTH / 3011 Notes:
San Leandro BART 746p
Seminary Tempo 226p
Meal Break 746p 805p BROADWAY, L\ 20TH ST (THOMAS L.
San Leandro BART 248p
San Leandro BART 310p muwtf / 1T / NORTH / 3010 a TO LAYOVER AS SCHEDULED. AFTER
Seminary Tempo 333p San Leandro BART 805p LAYOVER THEN DH VIA SAN PABLO
Fruitvale Tempo 341p Seminary Tempo 825p AVE.,L\20TH ST. (THOMAS L. BERKLEY
Uptown Oakland 400p Fruitvale Tempo 831p WAY).,R\BROADWAY.,TO TERMINAL. THEN
Uptown Oakland 848p LEAVE AS SCHEDULED.
muwtf / Deadhead / NORTH / 8
Uptown Oakland 400p muwtf / Deadhead / NORTH / 8 b - ON ARRIVING AT 12TH ST-CITY CENTER
Tempo Layover 405p Uptown Oakland 848p STOP: OPERATE VIA 12TH
Tempo Layover 853p ST.,L\BROADWAY.,L\11TH ST., L\ FRANKLIN
muwtf / Deadhead / SOUTH / 8 ST., L\ 20TH ST (THOMAS L BERKLEY WAY.,
Tempo Layover 420p muwtf / Deadhead / SOUTH / 8
Uptown Oakland 424p Tempo Layover 905p
Uptown Oakland 909p
Uptown Oakland 424p muwtf / 1T / SOUTH / 3011 c - ON ARRIVING END OF LINE TERMINAL AT
Fruitvale Tempo 447p Uptown Oakland 909p END OF SHIFT CONTACT OCC BEFORE
Seminary Tempo 456p Fruitvale Tempo 928p TURNING IN FOR OWL COVERAGE
San Leandro BART 518p Seminary Tempo 935p
San Leandro BART 953p
muwtf / 1T / NORTH / 3010 a
San Leandro BART 540p muwtf / 1T / NORTH / 3010 b
Seminary Tempo 603p San Leandro BART 1008p
Fruitvale Tempo 611p Seminary Tempo 1026p
Uptown Oakland 630p Fruitvale Tempo 1032p
14th St. & Broadway 1046p
muwtf / Deadhead / NORTH / 8
Uptown Oakland 630p muwtf / 1T / SOUTH / 3011 c
Tempo Layover 635p 14th St. & Broadway 1109p
Fruitvale Tempo 1123p
muwtf / Deadhead / SOUTH / 8
Seminary Tempo 1131p
Tempo Layover 650p
San Leandro BART 1150p
Uptown Oakland 654p
muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
muwtf / 1T / SOUTH / 3011
HASTUS 2012 - DTCLandscape 03/13/2023 935a Page: 206
AC Transit Run Paddle Effective: 06/11/2023
Crew schedule: D4 Weekday Scenario: 4 Booking: 2306SU
30116 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
5:38 FR 301012 618a D4 628a 1153a SEMY 1201p
125013 428p D4 438p 638p D4 643p
30117 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
1:51 ST 301010 156p SEMY 156p 448p SLBA 448p
301010 510p SLBA 510p 942p D4 947p
30118 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
5:00 FR 301013 628a D4 638a 1105a SEMY 1113a
124013 253p D4 303p 722p D4 727p
Block 301013 Fruitvale Tempo 1056a AC Transit East Oakland Division 722p
Seminary Tempo 1105a
muwtf / Pull-out / - / 8 Notes:
AC Transit East Oakland Division 638a Travel to 1105a 1113a a - ON ARRIVING UPTOWN TERMINAL: DH VIA
San Leandro BART 700a BROADWAY, L\ 20TH ST (THOMAS L.
Split break 1113a 253p
muwtf / 1T / NORTH / 3010 a BERKLEY), R\ CASTRO ST, R\ SAN PABLO AV,
San Leandro BART 700a
Seminary Tempo 722a muwtf / Pull-out / - / 8 TO LAYOVER AS SCHEDULED. AFTER
Fruitvale Tempo 730a AC Transit East Oakland Division 303p LAYOVER THEN DH VIA SAN PABLO
Uptown Oakland 749a Salesforce Transit Center 340p AVE.,L\20TH ST. (THOMAS L. BERKLEY
muwtf / Deadhead / NORTH / 8 muwtf / NL / EAST / 1240
Uptown Oakland 749a Salesforce Transit Center 345p
Tempo Layover 754a Bay Bridge Toll Plaza 357p
T.L. Berkley Way (20th St.) & Broadway 409p
muwtf / Deadhead / SOUTH / 8 Lakeshore Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 418p
Tempo Layover 810a
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 427p
Uptown Oakland 814a
MacArthur Blvd. & Millsbrae Ave. 441p
muwtf / 1T / SOUTH / 3011 Eastmont Transit Center 445p
Uptown Oakland 814a
muwtf / NL / WEST / 1243
Fruitvale Tempo 835a
Eastmont Transit Center 458p
Seminary Tempo 843a
Seminary Ave. & Camden St. 501p
San Leandro BART 904a
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 513p
muwtf / 1T / NORTH / 3010 a Lakeshore Ave. & Lake Park Ave. 523p
San Leandro BART 920a T.L. Berkley Way (20th St.) & Broadway 531p
Seminary Tempo 943a Bay Bridge Toll Plaza 546p
Fruitvale Tempo 951a Salesforce Transit Center 600p
Uptown Oakland 1010a
muwtf / NL / EAST / 1240
muwtf / Deadhead / NORTH / 8 Salesforce Transit Center 615p
Uptown Oakland 1010a Bay Bridge Toll Plaza 628p
Tempo Layover 1015a T.L. Berkley Way (20th St.) & Broadway 638p
Lakeshore Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 647p
muwtf / Deadhead / SOUTH / 8
Tempo Layover 1030a Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 656p
Uptown Oakland 1034a MacArthur Blvd. & Millsbrae Ave. 707p
Eastmont Transit Center 710p
muwtf / 1T / SOUTH / 3011
Uptown Oakland 1034a muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
Eastmont Transit Center 710p
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AC Transit Run Paddle Effective: 06/11/2023
Crew schedule: D4 Weekday Scenario: 4 Booking: 2306SU
30119 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
3:23 SP 301012 1153a SEMY 1153a 346p SEMY 354p
78005 455p D4 505p 929p D4 934p
Travel from 1145a 1153a Split break 354p 455p Alameda Seaplane Lagoon Ferry Terminal 840p
30120 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
4:49 FR 301015 714a D4 724a 1256p SEMY 104p
78006 408p D4 418p 729p D4 734p
30121 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:53 SP 301010 1013a SEMY 1013a 156p SEMY 156p
301011 313p SEMY 313p 745p D4 750p
Travel from 1005a 1013a Block 301011 San Leandro BART 726p
AC Transit East Oakland Division 745p
Block 301010 muwtf / 1T / NORTH / 3010 a
Seminary Tempo 313p Notes:
muwtf / 1T / NORTH / 3010 a
Seminary Tempo 1013a
Uptown Oakland 340p BROADWAY, L\ 20TH ST (THOMAS L.
Fruitvale Tempo 1021a
Uptown Oakland 1040a muwtf / Deadhead / NORTH / 8 BERKLEY), R\ CASTRO ST, R\ SAN PABLO AV,
Tempo Layover 345p
Tempo Layover 1045a muwtf / Deadhead / SOUTH / 8 AVE.,L\20TH ST. (THOMAS L. BERKLEY
muwtf / Deadhead / SOUTH / 8
Uptown Oakland 404p LEAVE AS SCHEDULED.
Tempo Layover 1100a
Uptown Oakland 1104a muwtf / 1T / SOUTH / 3011
Uptown Oakland 404p
muwtf / 1T / SOUTH / 3011
Fruitvale Tempo 427p
Uptown Oakland 1104a
Seminary Tempo 436p
Fruitvale Tempo 1126a
San Leandro BART 458p
Seminary Tempo 1135a
San Leandro BART 1156a muwtf / 1T / NORTH / 3010 a
San Leandro BART 520p
muwtf / 1T / NORTH / 3010 a
Seminary Tempo 543p
San Leandro BART 1210p
Fruitvale Tempo 551p
Seminary Tempo 1233p
Uptown Oakland 610p
Fruitvale Tempo 1241p
Uptown Oakland 100p muwtf / Deadhead / NORTH / 8
Uptown Oakland 610p
muwtf / Deadhead / NORTH / 8
Tempo Layover 615p
Uptown Oakland 100p
Tempo Layover 105p muwtf / Deadhead / SOUTH / 8
Tempo Layover 630p
muwtf / Deadhead / SOUTH / 8
Uptown Oakland 634p
Tempo Layover 120p
Uptown Oakland 124p muwtf / 1T / SOUTH / 3011
Uptown Oakland 634p
muwtf / 1T / SOUTH / 3011
Fruitvale Tempo 656p
Uptown Oakland 124p
Seminary Tempo 704p
Fruitvale Tempo 147p
San Leandro BART 726p
Seminary Tempo 156p
muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
Split break 156p 313p
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AC Transit Run Paddle Effective: 06/11/2023
Crew schedule: D4 Weekday Scenario: 4 Booking: 2306SU
30122 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
3:44 SP 301017 724a D4 734a 106p SEMY 114p
130003 353p D4 403p 604p D4 609p
Block 301017 muwtf / Deadhead / SOUTH / 8 SALESFORCE TRANSIT CENTER. TURN OFF
Tempo Layover 1230p AT LAST TIME POINT
muwtf / Pull-out / - / 8
Uptown Oakland 1234p
AC Transit East Oakland Division 734a
Uptown Oakland 754a muwtf / 1T / SOUTH / 3011
Uptown Oakland 1234p
muwtf / 1T / SOUTH / 3011
Fruitvale Tempo 1257p
Uptown Oakland 754a
Seminary Tempo 106p
Fruitvale Tempo 815a
Seminary Tempo 823a Travel to 106p 114p
San Leandro BART 844a
Split break 114p 353p
muwtf / 1T / NORTH / 3010 a
Block 130003
San Leandro BART 900a
Seminary Tempo 923a muwtf / Pull-out / - / 8
Fruitvale Tempo 931a AC Transit East Oakland Division 403p
Uptown Oakland 950a Salesforce Transit Center 440p
30124 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:59 SP 301011 923a SEMY 923a 313p SEMY 321p
119003 453p D4 503p 651p D4 656p
30125 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
5:11 FR 301016 718a D4 728a 1033a SEMY 1033a
301007 146p SEMY 146p 742p SEMY 742p
30127 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
3:23 SP 301014 955a SEMY 955a 113p SEMY 113p
301019 246p SEMY 246p 739p SEMY 739p
Travel from 947a 955a Uptown Oakland 420p TO LAYOVER AS SCHEDULED. AFTER
Block 301014 muwtf / Deadhead / NORTH / 8
Uptown Oakland 420p
Tempo Layover 425p
Seminary Tempo 955a LEAVE AS SCHEDULED.
San Leandro BART 1016a muwtf / Deadhead / SOUTH / 8
Tempo Layover 440p
muwtf / 1T / NORTH / 3010 a
Uptown Oakland 444p
San Leandro BART 1030a
Seminary Tempo 1053a muwtf / 1T / SOUTH / 3011
Fruitvale Tempo 1101a Uptown Oakland 444p
Uptown Oakland 1120a Fruitvale Tempo 507p
Seminary Tempo 516p
muwtf / Deadhead / NORTH / 8
San Leandro BART 538p
Uptown Oakland 1120a
Tempo Layover 1125a muwtf / 1T / NORTH / 3010 a
San Leandro BART 600p
muwtf / Deadhead / SOUTH / 8
Seminary Tempo 623p
Tempo Layover 1140a
Fruitvale Tempo 631p
Uptown Oakland 1144a
Uptown Oakland 650p
muwtf / 1T / SOUTH / 3011
muwtf / Deadhead / NORTH / 8
Uptown Oakland 1144a
Uptown Oakland 650p
Fruitvale Tempo 1207p
Tempo Layover 655p
Seminary Tempo 1216p
San Leandro BART 1238p muwtf / Deadhead / SOUTH / 8
Tempo Layover 705p
muwtf / 1T / NORTH / 3010 a
Uptown Oakland 709p
San Leandro BART 1250p
Seminary Tempo 113p muwtf / 1T / SOUTH / 3011
Uptown Oakland 709p
Split break 113p 246p
Fruitvale Tempo 731p
Block 301019 Seminary Tempo 739p
muwtf / 1T / SOUTH / 3011 Travel to 739p 747p
Seminary Tempo 246p
San Leandro BART 308p Notes:
muwtf / 1T / NORTH / 3010 a BROADWAY, L\ 20TH ST (THOMAS L.
Fruitvale Tempo 401p
HASTUS 2012 - DTCLandscape 03/13/2023 935a Page: 216
AC Transit Run Paddle Effective: 06/11/2023
Crew schedule: D4 Weekday Scenario: 4 Booking: 2306SU
30129 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
6:17 FR 78003 630a D4 640a 811a D4 811a
301008 1228p SEMY 1236p 730p D4 735p
30133 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
5:53 FR 301011 614a D4 624a 923a SEMY 923a
301006 136p SEMY 136p 715p D4 720p
30139 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
6:15 FR 130001 610a D4 620a 807a D4 807a
301014 105p SEMY 113p 700p D4 705p
30141 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
5:42 FR 78002 605a D4 615a 901a D4 901a
301015 1248p SEMY 1256p 635p D4 640p
30160 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
0:42 FP 301010 604a D4 614a 1013a SEMY 1013a
30162 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
1:14 FP 301016 216p SEMY 216p 714p SEMY 714p
30163 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
1:11 FP 301013 233p SEMY 233p 727p SEMY 727p
34600 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:58 STAM 98004 558a D4 608a 1046a CBBA 1046a
346001 1115a CBBA 1115a 323p CBBA 323p
Block 98004 Eastmont Transit Center 918a muwtf / 46L / WEST / 9466
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 923a Dunkirk Ave. & Golf Links Road 1254p
muwtf / Pull-out / - / 8
98th Ave. & International Blvd. 927a Mountain Blvd. & Golf Links Road 101p
AC Transit East Oakland Division 608a
98th Ave. & Empire Road 934a 82nd Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 108p
Coliseum BART 614a
Hassler Way & Edgewater Dr. 940a 82nd Ave. & International Blvd. 112p
muwtf / 98 / EAST / 9983 Coliseum BART 946a Coliseum BART 119p
Coliseum BART 614a
Hassler Way & Edgewater Dr. 619a muwtf / 90 / EAST / 9901 muwtf / 46L / EAST / 9465
Coliseum BART 957a Coliseum BART 128p
98th Ave. & Empire Road 624a
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1008a International Blvd. & 81st Ave. 132p
98th Ave. & International Blvd. 631a
Foothill Square 1014a 82nd Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 136p
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 635a
Mountain Blvd. & Golf Links Road 145p
Eastmont Transit Center 640a muwtf / 90 / WEST / 9900
Foothill Square 1030a Dunkirk Ave. & Golf Links Road 153p
muwtf / 98 / WEST / 9982
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1036a muwtf / 46L / WEST / 9466
Eastmont Transit Center 658a
Coliseum BART 1046a Dunkirk Ave. & Golf Links Road 156p
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 702a
Mountain Blvd. & Golf Links Road 203p
98th Ave. & International Blvd. 706a Meal Break 1046a 1115a
82nd Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 210p
98th Ave. & Empire Road 712a
Block 346001 82nd Ave. & International Blvd. 214p
Hassler Way & Edgewater Dr. 717a
muwtf / 46L / EAST / 9465 Coliseum BART 221p
Coliseum BART 723a
Coliseum BART 1124a muwtf / 46L / EAST / 9465
muwtf / 90 / EAST / 9901 International Blvd. & 81st Ave. 1128a Coliseum BART 230p
Coliseum BART 737a 82nd Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1132a International Blvd. & 81st Ave. 234p
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 747a Mountain Blvd. & Golf Links Road 1141a 82nd Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 238p
Foothill Square 752a Dunkirk Ave. & Golf Links Road 1149a Mountain Blvd. & Golf Links Road 247p
muwtf / 90 / WEST / 9900 muwtf / 46L / WEST / 9466 Dunkirk Ave. & Golf Links Road 255p
Foothill Square 810a Dunkirk Ave. & Golf Links Road 1152a
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 816a muwtf / 46L / WEST / 9466
Mountain Blvd. & Golf Links Road 1159a Dunkirk Ave. & Golf Links Road 258p
Coliseum BART 825a 82nd Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1206p Mountain Blvd. & Golf Links Road 305p
muwtf / 98 / EAST / 9983 82nd Ave. & International Blvd. 1210p 82nd Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 312p
Coliseum BART 834a Coliseum BART 1217p 82nd Ave. & International Blvd. 316p
Hassler Way & Edgewater Dr. 840a Coliseum BART 323p
muwtf / 46L / EAST / 9465
98th Ave. & Empire Road 846a Coliseum BART 1226p
98th Ave. & International Blvd. 853a International Blvd. & 81st Ave. 1230p
90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 858a 82nd Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1234p
Eastmont Transit Center 903a Mountain Blvd. & Golf Links Road 1243p
muwtf / 98 / WEST / 9982 Dunkirk Ave. & Golf Links Road 1251p
34601 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:39 ST 73002 1045a CBBA 1045a 245p CBBA 245p
346001 323p CBBA 323p 821p D4 826p
Waiting after 1017a 1045a muwtf / 73 / WEST / 9731 Dunkirk Ave. & Golf Links Road 601p
Eastmont Transit Center 235p
Block 73002 muwtf / 46L / WEST / 9466
Coliseum BART 245p Dunkirk Ave. & Golf Links Road 604p
muwtf / 73 / WEST / 9731
Meal Break 245p 323p Mountain Blvd. & Golf Links Road 611p
Coliseum BART 1045a
82nd Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 618p
Oakland Airport 1056a Block 346001
82nd Ave. & International Blvd. 622p
muwtf / 73 / EAST / 9730 muwtf / 46L / EAST / 9465 Coliseum BART 629p
Oakland Airport 1056a Coliseum BART 332p
International Blvd. & 81st Ave. 336p muwtf / 46L / EAST / 9465
Coliseum BART 1107a
Coliseum BART 638p
Eastmont Transit Center 1119a 82nd Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 340p
International Blvd. & 81st Ave. 642p
Mountain Blvd. & Golf Links Road 349p
muwtf / 73 / WEST / 9731 82nd Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 646p
Dunkirk Ave. & Golf Links Road 357p
Eastmont Transit Center 1135a Mountain Blvd. & Golf Links Road 655p
Coliseum BART 1145a muwtf / 46L / WEST / 9466 Dunkirk Ave. & Golf Links Road 703p
Oakland Airport 1156a Dunkirk Ave. & Golf Links Road 400p
Mountain Blvd. & Golf Links Road 407p muwtf / 46L / WEST / 9466
muwtf / 73 / EAST / 9730 Dunkirk Ave. & Golf Links Road 706p
82nd Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 414p
Oakland Airport 1156a Mountain Blvd. & Golf Links Road 713p
82nd Ave. & International Blvd. 418p
Coliseum BART 1207p 82nd Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 720p
Coliseum BART 425p
Eastmont Transit Center 1219p 82nd Ave. & International Blvd. 724p
muwtf / 46L / EAST / 9465 Coliseum BART 731p
muwtf / 73 / WEST / 9731
Coliseum BART 434p
Eastmont Transit Center 1235p muwtf / 46L / EAST / 9465
International Blvd. & 81st Ave. 438p
Coliseum BART 1245p Coliseum BART 740p
82nd Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 442p
Oakland Airport 1256p International Blvd. & 81st Ave. 744p
Mountain Blvd. & Golf Links Road 451p
muwtf / 73 / EAST / 9730 82nd Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 748p
Dunkirk Ave. & Golf Links Road 459p
Oakland Airport 1256p Mountain Blvd. & Golf Links Road 757p
Coliseum BART 107p muwtf / 46L / WEST / 9466 Dunkirk Ave. & Golf Links Road 805p
Dunkirk Ave. & Golf Links Road 502p
Eastmont Transit Center 119p muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
Mountain Blvd. & Golf Links Road 509p
muwtf / 73 / WEST / 9731 Dunkirk Ave. & Golf Links Road 805p
82nd Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 516p
Eastmont Transit Center 135p AC Transit East Oakland Division 821p
82nd Ave. & International Blvd. 520p
Coliseum BART 145p Coliseum BART 527p
Oakland Airport 156p
muwtf / 46L / EAST / 9465
muwtf / 73 / EAST / 9730 Coliseum BART 536p
Oakland Airport 156p International Blvd. & 81st Ave. 540p
Coliseum BART 207p 82nd Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 544p
Eastmont Transit Center 219p Mountain Blvd. & Golf Links Road 553p
34602 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:30 STAM 346001 604a D4 614a 1115a CBBA 1115a
98001 1146a CBBA 1146a 307p CBBA 307p
Block 346001 muwtf / 46L / WEST / 9466 90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1208p
Dunkirk Ave. & Golf Links Road 846a Foothill Square 1214p
muwtf / Pull-out / - / 8
Mountain Blvd. & Golf Links Road 853a
AC Transit East Oakland Division 614a muwtf / 90 / WEST / 9900
82nd Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 900a
Coliseum BART 620a Foothill Square 1230p
82nd Ave. & International Blvd. 904a 90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1236p
muwtf / 46L / EAST / 9465 Coliseum BART 911a Coliseum BART 1246p
Coliseum BART 620a
International Blvd. & 81st Ave. 624a muwtf / 46L / EAST / 9465 muwtf / 98 / EAST / 9983
Coliseum BART 920a
82nd Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 628a Coliseum BART 1254p
International Blvd. & 81st Ave. 924a Hassler Way & Edgewater Dr. 100p
Mountain Blvd. & Golf Links Road 637a
82nd Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 928a 98th Ave. & Empire Road 106p
Dunkirk Ave. & Golf Links Road 645a
Mountain Blvd. & Golf Links Road 937a 98th Ave. & International Blvd. 113p
muwtf / 46L / WEST / 9466 Dunkirk Ave. & Golf Links Road 945a 90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 118p
Dunkirk Ave. & Golf Links Road 646a
muwtf / 46L / WEST / 9466 Eastmont Transit Center 123p
Mountain Blvd. & Golf Links Road 653a
Dunkirk Ave. & Golf Links Road 948a
82nd Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 700a muwtf / 98 / WEST / 9982
Mountain Blvd. & Golf Links Road 955a
82nd Ave. & International Blvd. 704a Eastmont Transit Center 138p
82nd Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1002a 90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 144p
Coliseum BART 711a
82nd Ave. & International Blvd. 1006a 98th Ave. & International Blvd. 149p
muwtf / 46L / EAST / 9465 Coliseum BART 1013a 98th Ave. & Empire Road 157p
Coliseum BART 720a
muwtf / 46L / EAST / 9465 Hassler Way & Edgewater Dr. 203p
International Blvd. & 81st Ave. 724a
Coliseum BART 1022a Coliseum BART 209p
82nd Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 728a
International Blvd. & 81st Ave. 1026a
Mountain Blvd. & Golf Links Road 737a muwtf / 90 / EAST / 9901
82nd Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1030a
Dunkirk Ave. & Golf Links Road 745a Coliseum BART 217p
Mountain Blvd. & Golf Links Road 1039a 90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 228p
muwtf / 46L / WEST / 9466 Dunkirk Ave. & Golf Links Road 1047a Foothill Square 234p
Dunkirk Ave. & Golf Links Road 746a
Mountain Blvd. & Golf Links Road 753a muwtf / 46L / WEST / 9466 muwtf / 90 / WEST / 9900
Dunkirk Ave. & Golf Links Road 1050a
82nd Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 800a Foothill Square 250p
Mountain Blvd. & Golf Links Road 1057a 90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 257p
82nd Ave. & International Blvd. 804a
82nd Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1104a
Coliseum BART 811a Coliseum BART 307p
82nd Ave. & International Blvd. 1108a
muwtf / 46L / EAST / 9465 Coliseum BART 1115a
Coliseum BART 820a
International Blvd. & 81st Ave. 824a Meal Break 1115a 1146a
82nd Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 828a Block 98001
Mountain Blvd. & Golf Links Road 837a
muwtf / 90 / EAST / 9901
Dunkirk Ave. & Golf Links Road 845a Coliseum BART 1157a
39400 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
0:00 STAM 394004 550a D4 600a 200p D4 205p
Block 394004
muwtf / Pull-out / - / 5
AC Transit East Oakland Division 600a
AC Transit East Oakland Division 600a
muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
AC Transit East Oakland Division 200p
AC Transit East Oakland Division 200p
39401 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
0:00 ST 394005 205p D4 215p 1015p D4 1020p
Block 394005
muwtf / Pull-out / - / 5
AC Transit East Oakland Division 215p
AC Transit East Oakland Division 215p
muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
AC Transit East Oakland Division 1015p
AC Transit East Oakland Division 1015p
39402 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
0:00 STAM 394003 550a D4 600a 200p D4 205p
Block 394003
muwtf / Pull-out / - / 5
AC Transit East Oakland Division 600a
AC Transit East Oakland Division 600a
muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
AC Transit East Oakland Division 200p
AC Transit East Oakland Division 200p
39403 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
0:00 ST 394006 205p D4 215p 1015p D4 1020p
Block 394006
muwtf / Pull-out / - / 5
AC Transit East Oakland Division 215p
AC Transit East Oakland Division 215p
muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
AC Transit East Oakland Division 1015p
AC Transit East Oakland Division 1015p
80500 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:39 OWL 805001 1137b D4 1147b 441a FBBA 441a
805001 500a FBBA 500a 628a D4 633a
Block 805001 muwtf / 840 / NORTH / 458 Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 605a
Eastmont Transit Center 314a Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 614a
muwtf / Pull-out / - / 8
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 317a Broadway & Blanding Ave. 616a
AC Transit East Oakland Division 1147b
35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 322a Fruitvale BART 620a
Eastmont Transit Center 1159b
1st Ave. & International Blvd. 330a
muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
muwtf / 805 / WEST / 456 14th St. & Broadway 334a Fruitvale BART 620a
Eastmont Transit Center 1159b
muwtf / 805 / EAST / 457 AC Transit East Oakland Division 628a
Seminary Ave. & Camden St. 1204a
14th St. & Broadway 341a
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1213a Notes:
Lakeshore Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 347a
Lakeshore Ave. & Lake Park Ave. 1220a a - ON ARRIVING KEITH & COLLEGE AVES. DH
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 355a
13th St. & Broadway 1229a VIA KEITH AVE.,L\PRESLELY WY.,L\MILES
MacArthur Blvd. & Millsbrae Ave. 405a
Eastmont Transit Center 410a
13th St. & Broadway 1241a THEN LEAVE AS SCHEDULED.
Coliseum BART 418a
1st Ave. & International Blvd. 1245a Oakland Airport 427a
35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 1253a
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 1259a muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8
Oakland Airport 427a
Eastmont Transit Center 102a
Fruitvale BART 441a
muwtf / 840 / NORTH / 458
Eastmont Transit Center 114a Meal Break 441a 500a
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 117a Block 805001
35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 122a
muwtf / 51A / NORTH / 9511 a
1st Ave. & International Blvd. 130a
Fruitvale BART 500a
14th St. & Broadway 134a Broadway & Blanding Ave. 504a
muwtf / 805 / EAST / 457 Santa Clara Ave. & Park St. 506a
14th St. & Broadway 141a Atlantic Ave. & Webster St. 516a
Lakeshore Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 147a 15th St. & Broadway 523a
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 155a 40th St. & Broadway 530a
MacArthur Blvd. & Millsbrae Ave. 205a Rockridge BART 535a
Eastmont Transit Center 210a
muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8
Coliseum BART 218a
Rockridge BART 535a
Oakland Airport 227a Rockridge BART 537a
muwtf / 73 / EAST / 9730 muwtf / 51A / SOUTH / 9510
Oakland Airport 246a Rockridge BART 545a
Coliseum BART 254a 40th St. & Broadway 550a
Eastmont Transit Center 303a 12th St. & Broadway 600a
80502 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:27 OWL 805002 1152b D4 1202a 623a CBBA 623a
805002 640a CBBA 640a 730a D4 735a
Block 805002 Coliseum BART 318a 90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 649a
Oakland Airport 327a Foothill Square 654a
muwtf / Pull-out / - / 8
AC Transit East Oakland Division 1202a muwtf / 73 / EAST / 9730 muwtf / 90 / WEST / 9900
Eastmont Transit Center 1214a Oakland Airport 346a Foothill Square 710a
Coliseum BART 354a 90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 716a
muwtf / 840 / NORTH / 458
Eastmont Transit Center 403a Coliseum BART 725a
Eastmont Transit Center 1214a
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 1217a muwtf / 840 / NORTH / 458 muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 1222a Eastmont Transit Center 414a Coliseum BART 725a
1st Ave. & International Blvd. 1230a Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 417a AC Transit East Oakland Division 730a
14th St. & Broadway 1234a 35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 422a
1st Ave. & International Blvd. 430a
muwtf / 805 / EAST / 457
14th St. & Broadway 434a
14th St. & Broadway 1241a
Lakeshore Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1247a muwtf / 805 / EAST / 457
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 1255a 14th St. & Broadway 441a
MacArthur Blvd. & Millsbrae Ave. 105a Lakeshore Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 447a
Eastmont Transit Center 110a Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 455a
Coliseum BART 118a MacArthur Blvd. & Millsbrae Ave. 505a
Oakland Airport 127a Eastmont Transit Center 510a
Coliseum BART 518a
muwtf / 73 / EAST / 9730
Oakland Airport 527a
Oakland Airport 146a
Coliseum BART 154a muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8
Eastmont Transit Center 203a Oakland Airport 527a
Eastmont Transit Center 542a
muwtf / 840 / NORTH / 458
Eastmont Transit Center 214a muwtf / 98 / WEST / 9982
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 217a Eastmont Transit Center 558a
35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 222a 90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 602a
1st Ave. & International Blvd. 230a 98th Ave. & International Blvd. 606a
14th St. & Broadway 234a 98th Ave. & Empire Road 612a
Hassler Way & Edgewater Dr. 617a
muwtf / 805 / EAST / 457
Coliseum BART 623a
14th St. & Broadway 241a
Lakeshore Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 247a Meal Break 623a 640a
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 255a
Block 805002
MacArthur Blvd. & Millsbrae Ave. 305a
Eastmont Transit Center 310a muwtf / 90 / EAST / 9901
Coliseum BART 640a
HASTUS 2012 - DTCLandscape 03/13/2023 935a Page: 232
AC Transit Run Paddle Effective: 06/11/2023
Crew schedule: D4 Weekday Scenario: 4 Booking: 2306SU
80504 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:56 OWL 805003 1211a D4 1221a 602a EATC 602a
805003 618a EATC 618a 648a D4 653a
Block 805003 Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 359a AIRPORT DR, STAY RIGHT TO, L\RON COWAN
Eastmont Transit Center 402a PKWY, L\JOHN GLENN DR, R\INTO PARKING
muwtf / Pull-out / - / 8
AC Transit East Oakland Division 1221a muwtf / 73 / WEST / 9731
Oakland Airport 1239a Eastmont Transit Center 409a
Oakland Airport 426a
Coliseum BART 1248a muwtf / 805 / WEST / 456 SCHEDULED.
Eastmont Transit Center 1257a Oakland Airport 439a
Seminary Ave. & Camden St. 102a Coliseum BART 448a
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 111a Eastmont Transit Center 457a
Lakeshore Ave. & Lake Park Ave. 118a Seminary Ave. & Camden St. 502a
13th St. & Broadway 127a Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 511a
Lakeshore Ave. & Lake Park Ave. 518a
muwtf / 840 / SOUTH / 459
13th St. & Broadway 527a
13th St. & Broadway 141a
1st Ave. & International Blvd. 145a muwtf / 840 / SOUTH / 459
35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 153a 13th St. & Broadway 541a
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 159a 1st Ave. & International Blvd. 545a
Eastmont Transit Center 202a 35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 553a
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 559a
muwtf / 73 / WEST / 9731 a
Eastmont Transit Center 602a
Eastmont Transit Center 209a
Coliseum BART 217a Meal Break 602a 618a
Oakland Airport 226a
Block 805003
muwtf / 805 / WEST / 456 muwtf / 98 / WEST / 9982
Oakland Airport 239a Eastmont Transit Center 618a
Coliseum BART 248a 90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 622a
Eastmont Transit Center 257a 98th Ave. & International Blvd. 626a
Seminary Ave. & Camden St. 302a 98th Ave. & Empire Road 632a
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 311a Hassler Way & Edgewater Dr. 637a
Lakeshore Ave. & Lake Park Ave. 318a Coliseum BART 643a
13th St. & Broadway 327a
muwtf / Pull-in / - / 5
muwtf / 840 / SOUTH / 459 Coliseum BART 643a
13th St. & Broadway 341a AC Transit East Oakland Division 648a
1st Ave. & International Blvd. 345a
35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 353a Notes:
HASTUS 2012 - DTCLandscape 03/13/2023 935a Page: 233
AC Transit Run Paddle Effective: 06/11/2023
Crew schedule: D4 Weekday Scenario: 4 Booking: 2306SU
80506 Total Duty Block Report Start Start End End Clear
Weekday Break Type Time Place Time Time Place Time
2:55 OWL 805004 111a D4 121a 644a CBBA 644a
805004 659a CBBA 659a 750a D4 755a
Block 805004 Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 459a a - ON ARRIVING OAKLAND AIRPORT. DH VIA
Eastmont Transit Center 502a AIRPORT DR, STAY RIGHT TO, L\RON COWAN
muwtf / Pull-out / - / 8
AC Transit East Oakland Division 121a muwtf / 840 / NORTH / 458
Oakland Airport 139a Eastmont Transit Center 514a
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 517a AND VEER RIGHT TO LAYOVER LOCATION
35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 522a
1st Ave. & International Blvd. 530a
14th St. & Broadway 534a
Eastmont Transit Center 157a SCHEDULED.
Seminary Ave. & Camden St. 202a muwtf / 805 / EAST / 457
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 211a 14th St. & Broadway 541a
Lakeshore Ave. & Lake Park Ave. 218a Lakeshore Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 547a
13th St. & Broadway 227a Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 555a
MacArthur Blvd. & Millsbrae Ave. 605a
muwtf / 840 / SOUTH / 459
Eastmont Transit Center 610a
13th St. & Broadway 241a
Coliseum BART 618a
1st Ave. & International Blvd. 245a
Oakland Airport 627a
35th Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 253a
Seminary Ave. & Foothill Blvd. 259a muwtf / Deadhead / - / 8
Eastmont Transit Center 302a Oakland Airport 627a
Coliseum BART 644a
muwtf / 73 / WEST / 9731 a
Eastmont Transit Center 309a Meal Break 644a 659a
Coliseum BART 317a
Block 805004
Oakland Airport 326a
muwtf / 90 / EAST / 9901
muwtf / 805 / WEST / 456 Coliseum BART 659a
Oakland Airport 339a 90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 708a
Coliseum BART 348a Foothill Square 713a
Eastmont Transit Center 357a
Seminary Ave. & Camden St. 402a muwtf / 90 / WEST / 9900
Fruitvale Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 411a Foothill Square 730a
Lakeshore Ave. & Lake Park Ave. 418a 90th Ave. & MacArthur Blvd. 736a
13th St. & Broadway 427a Coliseum BART 745a