STS Modules
STS Modules
STS Modules
Technology and
Society Learning
The course deals with interactions between science and technology and social, cultural,
political, and economic contexts that shape and are shaped by them. (CMO No. 20, series of 2013)
This interdisciplinary course engages students to confront the realities brought about by the
science and technology in society. Such realities pervade the personal, the public, and the global
aspects of our living and are integral to human development. Scientific knowledge and
technological development happen in the context of society with all its socio-political, cultural,
economic, and philosophical underpinnings at play. This course seeks to instill reflective
knowledge in the students that they are able to live the good life and display ethical decisions
making in the face of scientific and technological advancement.
This course includes mandatory topics on climate change and environmental awareness.
At the end of the course, the students should be able to:
1. Articulate the impacts of science and technology on society, specifically Philippine society
2. Explained how science and technology affect society and the environment and its role in nation-
3. Analyze the human condition in order to deeply reflect and express philosophical ramifications
that are meaningful to the student as a part of society.
4. Define and demonstrate the impact of social media on the students’ life and Philippine society
in general.
1. Imbibe the importance of science and technology in the preservation of the environment and the
development of the Filipino nation.
2. Critique human flourishing vis-a-vis the progress of science and technology such that the student
may be able to define for himself/herself the meaning of good life.
3. Foster the value of healthy lifestyle toward the holistic and sustainable development of society
and the environment.
1. Creatively present the importance and contributions of science and technology to society
2. Examine shared concerns that make up the good life in order to come up with innovative and
creative solutions to contemporary issues guided by ethical standards
3. Illustrate how the social media and information age impact their lives and their understanding of
climate change.
1. The Challenge of Science
2. The Effects of Science and Technology to the Society
3. Face to Face with Science
4. Science and Technology Fused Together
5. Where Science and Technology is taking the Society
In our current world, there are different challenges that we are facing. Some are good and otherwise.
However, life must go on in every aspect including everything around us.
From the moment we liberated knowledge, science has been and until now a great partner of
mankind in gaining knowledge from facts and observations. As mentioned earlier, life must go on, so do
This module will discuss the challenges to science but will be limited within societal concern and
its function. This will also tackle the effects when science had face to face with the society. Lastly, this
module will introduce us to fused science and technology and where is it taking the society.
Activity Title: The Differences and Similarities Between You And Science
“When the going gets tough, put one foot in front of the other and just keep going. Don’t give up.”
― Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart
“Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.”
― Robert F. Kennedy
“You learn something valuable from all of the significant events and people, but you never touch your true
potential until you challenge yourself to go beyond imposed limitations.”
― Roy T. Bennett
Guide Questions:
1. Which of the following quotes mostly reflect your life and your personality? Why?
2. Do you think science is accompanied by challenges? How?
3. How will you compare your life to science? Explain briefly.
4. How will you define our society today if the greatest minds in the early centuries gave up? Give concrete
Bautista, Science, Technology and Society. 132 Kalayaan Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City, Maxcor
Publishing House, 2018
1. Science and Technology in Different Periods
Ancient Period
Medieval Period
Renaissance Period
Industrial Revolution
19th Century
20th Century
Science and technology is evident since the beginning of time. New Knowledge made it possible to
create new things that would help people improve their everyday living. Development in the field of science
has helped humans to have a better life while advancement in technology made the lives of the people much
easier by developing new machines that helped their way of living effortless.
In combination, science and technology transforms the lives of humans. It helps provide growth in
the field of medicine, transportation, engineering and even entertainment that until today people are
benefiting from
The development of science and technology has gone so far, tracing how it all began would give us
a better idea on how it has developed since then and what are the significant changes that has happened
throughout time. By looking back at the history of science and technology, we will be able to determine its
Renaissance Period
The term Renaissance refers to period of rebirth and age of preparation for the 17th century scientific
development and achievements. It connects the period of Middle Ages to modern history which historians
think as primarily an intellectual and cultural movement rather than a historical period.
The invention of the printing press greatly contributes to fast spread of information throughout the
globe. Tracing the origin of the printing press, it basically began in Europe which was followed by the
Chinese and Muslims. According to Wilde in his interview in, the demand for perfect
reproductions of texts and the renewed focus on studying them helped trigger one of the biggest discoveries
in the whole human history: printing with movable type. It allowed Bibles, secular books, printed music and
more to be made in larger volume and reach and involved more people in distribution and acquiring of
knowledge. It was China that created the paper and Flemish for printers’s ink. It was Gutenberg who made
the final steps on the development of printing press and communication revolution began.
Industrial Revolution
People rely on their hands in doing labor works even before the machines have emerged. Industrial
revolution is about shifting from human efforts to the use of machines. It was originally from Great Britain
and spread across Europe, America and even Asia from 1760 to 1840. This perios also denote scientific and
technological advancement which spanned the period from 18th century to early 19th century.
One of the major setback, despite the technological advancement, was skilled workers were set
aside and replaced by machines. Companies also hired women and children because of lower cost. We can
say that skilled labor is much expensive than an inexperienced one but with the aid of machineries can equal
the work of skilled workers.
1. Pre-Spanish Period
2. Spanish Colonial Period
3. American Period and Post-Commonwealth Era
4. Marcos Era
5. Fifth Republic
Philippines, as we know, belongs to poorest countries in the world in terms of its economic status.
According to Grassroots Economic Organizing (GEO, 2014), the seven key elements of an economy
abundance are (1) natural resource and land commons, (2)cooperative business, (3)energy for everyone,
(4)finance as servant, not master, (5)livable cities, (6)liberated learning, and (7)truly caring for health.
Proudly, the Philippines already have these elements and the only thing that we need to do is manage it
properly for the benefit of all Filipinos.
It is said that everything is science. Now, do you think that those elements existed because we have
been enjoying the products of science until this time? If yes, you are correct! There is an existing government
agency that helps improve human services and needs with the aid of science and technology. This
department is called Department of Science and Technology or commonly known as DOST. It means that,
almost everything that was made to ensure our comfort and security undergone research, from food packs
and its contents to transportation, infrastructure and engineering and many more.
Direction: Look for five Filipino inventors and accomplish the table below. Put your personal comment on
how important the invention is. Please write your answer in brief but meaningful way.
Pre-Spanish Period
The Philippines has few written information with regards to its society, culture, and technology
before the Spaniards arrived. We relied on archeological findings to the trace the beginning of how the
Filipinos lived with the use of science and technology. These archeological findings showed that modern
man from Asian mainland first came over the land on across narrow channels to live in Batangas and
Palawan about 4800 BC. They settled in different areas across the country and made simple tools and
weapons of stone flakes and later develop new skills like sewing and polishing stones.
During 3000 B.C., they learned to produce adzes ornament of seashells and pottery that prosper for
2000 years until completion arrived with the Chinese porcelains. Eventually they learned how to use metal
as their tools and Iron Age lasted until the 3 rd century B.C. until 11th century A.D. During this time, Filipinos
were involved in ore mining such as copper, gold, bronze, and iron. Early Filipinos also engaged themselves
into weaving, shipbuilding, mining and farming that led them in creating one of the finest products of
engineering which is the Banaue Rice Terraces. Early Spanish chronicles also noted that early Filipinos built
a refined plank-built warship called caracoa that well suited for inter-island trade.
Locales from Butuan were trading with Champa(Vietnam today) and those from Ma-I (Mindoro)
with China as seen on the Chinese records that contain several rrefences to the Philippines. These records
indicate that trading relationship have existed and established between the Philippines, China and Vietnam.
Before the Spaniards came, Filipinos were already aware of activities and practices related to science and
technology. They have learned the curative values of plants and able to extract the medicine out of it. They
had an alphabet, counting methods, weights, and measurement system, and calendar that they based on the
period of the moon.
Marcos Era
It was only during Marcos presidency where science was given importance. It was clearly stated by
the former president in the Philippine Constitution, amended in 1973, that in terms of national development,
priority shall be given in the advancement of science and technology.
In his State of the Nation Address, Marcos declared that there is a need for science in public high
school and with the help of Department of Education in partnership from the National Science Development
Board it aims to provide science-teaching equipment for a period of 4 years.
In 1968, he also recognized that technology was the top reason in economic development, and gave
extra funds to support projects in applied science and science education. While in 1969, he allotted large
amount of war damage funds to private universities to encourage them to create courses that focus on science
and technology and research. In 1970, he emphasized that by upgrading the science curriculum and teaching
equipment is crucial to the science development program.
Furthermore, he declared Presidential Decree No. 49, series of 1972 as a support for promoting the
scientific research and invention. Aside from that, one of his greatest contributions is the establishment of
PAGASA which function is to give environmental protection and to utilize scientific knowledge to ensure
the safety of the nation. He also established the National Academy of Science and Technology in 1976 to
have scientists who are experts in science and technology.
In 1986, he also established campuses of Philippine Science High School in Visayas and Mindanao.
It encouraged the youth in these areas to choose a career in science and technology. It also aims to tap the
potential students on the said regions.
Fifth Republic
After the term of President Marcos, Corazon Aquino replaced him. During her term he changed the
name of NAST to Department of Science and Technology (DOST) which opened a seat in the government
cabinet. It was during the Philippine Development Plan for the years 1987-1992 where the role of science
and technology in the nature economy was highlighted. In 1990 SONA, President C. Aquino said that
science and technology development should be on the top three priorities of the government to implement
the development plan that they made.
In 1989, the budget allocation for science and technology was increased amounting to 1.054 billion
pesos. But due to Asian financial crisis between 1990 and 1991, it was cut down by 14% and in 1992, it was
increases again by 50%. She also encouraged Filipino scientists and inventors to put back the Philippines
second in Japan when it comes to the field of science and technology. It was one of her goals to make the
country industrialized by the year 2000.
In July 1992, President Fidel V. Ramos’ SONA, he reported that there were improvements with
regards to science and technology. In his third SONA in 1994, he reported that there was a significant
increase in people who specialize in science and technology. By the year 1998, it was estimated that the
Philippines had 3000 competent scientists and engineers.
It was during the 5th Republic where the government provided 3,500 scholarships for students who
are interested in taking up courses related to science and technology. Schools became modernized and
updated by having additional high-tech equipment. It was also during this time when science and technology
personnel were given priority by the government by approving the Republic Act No. 8439 in 1997 which
entitled “Magna Carta for Science and Technology Personnel”. Its purpose is to give incentives and rewards
to people who made an impact and are influencial in the said field.
In 1998, during President Joseph Estrada’s term, the Internet age was pushed for the advancement
of schools and industry. Then it was under the term of President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo when S&T
reached its Golden Age.
Numerous laws and projects related to science were made to push technology forward to increase
the economic level of the country. During the term of President B. Aquino III, there were recognitions to
some scientists who have great contributions in science in the country.
Choose 3 Filipino invention and 3 Philippine government science-related policies that contribute to nation
building and development. The paper’s format is written bellow.
1. Cover Page
2. Selected Technologies and Policies
2.1. Name of Technology/Policy
2.2. Description of Technology and its development.
2.3. Major Contributions to Nation Building and Development
3. Bibliography (APA Format)
1. Copernican Revolution
2. Darwinian Revolution
3. Freudian Revolution
4. Information Age
5. Mesoamerican Period
6. Middle East
7. African Revolution
Direction: Answer the question using a poster.
The world is in constant flux. Everything including all the material things and ideas may change
based on the facts which are output of human curiosity. Seeking answers to human questions added
scientific facts, evidence, and concepts in the network of knowledge understandable by man. It means that
the more questions asked, the more knowledgeable humans become.
In order for us to enumerate and understand the major shifts in the history of science and
technology, we must be familiarized with the most significant scientific events that change and shaped our
society during the time of Nicolaus Copernicus, Charles Darwin, and Sigmund Freud. In addition, we have
to study the major shifts during the early times in Mesoamerica, Middle East, and Africa.
Copernican Revolution
The theories and ideas from ancient thinkers about the natural world and the universe serve as
the foundation of understanding astronomy today. Though there is only a small number of extraordinary
thinkers during the time of antiquity, there is always a divergence of theories and ideas of philosophers.
The fact that the Earth is not the center of the solar system is one of the outcomes of scientific revolution.
Mathematics was the common tool to explain the motion of celestial bodies and on the latter combined
with actual observations which provided enough evidences proving that the sun is the center of the solar
system. Shown in the table below is the timeline of the remarkable contributions of ancient astronomers
to the development of Geocentric to Helioentric model of the Universe:
Claudius Ptolemy (85-165 Used Hipparchus observations to develop the Ptolemaic System
A.D., Greek) which describes Earth as the center of the universe with sun, moon,
planets and stars revolving around it in a circular orbit.
Nicolaus Copernicus Concluded that the sun and not the earth is the center of the
(14731543, Polish) universe.
Galileo Galilei (1564-1642, Supported Copernican model of the universe
Johannes Kepler Formulated the Three Laws of Planetary Motion
(15711630, German)
Darwinian Revolution
Charles Robert Darwin (1809-1882) is a biologist who was famously known because of his works
on evolution and the process of natural selection. He studied Divinity in Cambridge where he met Adam
Sedgwick (1785-1973) and the naturalist John Henslow (1796-1861) who brought back his interest in
biology and geology.
With the doctirne of the church and the influence of Henslow, Darwin also rejected the idea of
Lamarck that “acquired characteristics are inheritable.” But his faith altered after his five-year mapping
expedition with the British Army on 1831. It was headed by Vice-Admiral Robert FitzRoy (1805-1865) of
the ship named H.M.S Beagle. Darwin made observations on diversity of organisms, fossils, comparison to
South American organisms, comparison among the organisms in the Galapagos Islands and adaptation
enabling him to develop his theory of evolution by natural selection.
Evolution as explained by Darwin, occurs by means of natural selection. In addition, natural selection might
occur because of the following reasons:
a. Overproduction and variation – some species produce many offspring but not all of these young
will survive. It means that not all of the offspring do not have the characteristics to survive in the
b. Competition and selection – competition may or may not be direct but the idea is always on the
survival of organism. The organisms that survived more likely reproduce which transfer their
characteristics to their offspring.
c. Environmental Change – the environment will not adjust for the organism but rather it is always
the organism that will change to adapt to the environment.
Freudian Revolution
Sigmund Freud (1856 – 1939) explained how human mind works and cure its mild mental illness.
He call this method Psychoanalysis and its main goal is to make unconscious conscious. He also developed
topographical and structural model of the mind to basically explain the sources human behavior.
According to the topographical model of Freud, the mind is divided into three
These are the subconscious, preconscious, and conscious mind.
a. Conscious mind - consists of thoughts that focus on the present state of the mind.
b. Preconscious mind – consists of what can be retrieved from the memory.
c. Subconscious mind - consists of primitive desires, wishes or impulse which is
mediated by the preconscious mind
The structural model of Freud elaborates his topographical model which preconscious mind is
divided into superego, ego, and id.
•Guglielmo Marconi (1874 – 1937) proved the feasibility of radio communications i.e. sending and
receiving of radio signals
• The top of the society are priests and nobles who lived in ceremonial centers
• Normal people lived in farming villages around the elites
• Carved colossal heads from volcanic rocks as portraits of rulers
• Invented calendar and carved hieroglyphic writing into stone
• The mother culture of Mesoamerica
• Developed methods of farming such as shifting agriculture and raised bed farming
• Organized into city-state without political unity but bounded economically.
• Developed numbering system including place value and the concept of zero.
• Also developed hieroglyphic form of writing that were used for recording astronomical
observations, rituals and religious matter but was burnt during the invasion of Spanish
conquerors. • Developed a solar calendar with 365 days and ritual calendar with 260 days
Seemingly different to other ancient civilizations like Europe, Islam, as religion plays, an important
role not only in Arab ways of living but also in the advancement of science because the pursuit of
knowledge is included in the teachings of Prophet Muhammad. These practicality of Islam and openness
to embracing knowledge resulted to some advancement in the field of geography, medicine, and
Contributions to Geography
• Salah prayers requires knowledge in geography to know the direction of the Qublah, i.e., the
direction where Muslim face during prayers.
• In 1166, Al Idrisi produced very accurate maps including a world map that has continents,
mountains, rivers and famous cities.
• Al-Muqdishi, a geographer, also produced an accurate colored map.
• Muslims were part of some great expeditions (Magellan’s and Columbus’ expeditions to name a
few) because they were great navigators.
Contributions to Mathematics
Medical Contributions
• Arabs used cadaver in studying and understanding human anatomy and physiology.
• Abū-ʿAlī al-Ḥusayn ibn-ʿAbdallāh Ibn-Sīnā or Avicenna (ca. 970–1037) wrote encyclopedia of
medical knowledge. This work was translated into Latin and was used as a textbook in Europe up
to seventeenth century.
• Abū Bakr Muhammad ibn Zakariyyā al-Rāzī (854–925 CE) spearheaded the construction of the
first Islamic Bimaristans (hospital).
African Revolution
Africans, like other eastern civilizations, are pioneers of some advancement in science and
technology. They worked independently without any influence of European Science. Some remarkable
works of Africans were in the field of Mathematics, metallurgy, architecture and engineering, astronomy,
medicine, and navigation. Some of their most remarkable contributions are the following.
Historical developments in science and its application showed the rapid pace of changes.
Natural sources with their limitations were supplemented through revealing its optimum
capacity and role in the society. In the beginning of the 20th century, the progress in the society
has been closely linked with technological advancement and the linkage continuously
intensified in the following decade (, 2017). The role of individual inventors which
triggered the great introduction of organized scientific researcher and technological
innovations flourished from then on. The accumulation of scientific knowledge and the
application of it has transformed human life and provided help in addressing human needs and
standards of society towards development.
Development is always associated with technology and the latter “happens when there is
advancement in science” (Pujari, 2016,p.1). Development is required in every individual to
every nation in all aspects. Accordingly, it is a requirement that science and technology goes
hand in hand to make development happen and nation building possible. On the other hand,
difficult questions on to how to use science and technology most effectively for addressing not
only the human but the society has been introduced.
Fagoyinbo (2013) explained that “the word nation is often used synonymously with state, as in the
United Nations. But a state is more properly the governmental apparatus by which a nation rules
itself.” In approaching the question of nation building, and its relationship to state building, it is
important to keep in mind that this definition specifies the “legitimate use of force” (Stephenson,
Many aspects shall be considered in achieving a strong nation. As Prof. Gambari (2008)
enumerated, there aspects include:
• Building a political entity (territory, rules, norms, principles, and common citizenship;
• Building institutions (symbolizes political entity – institutions such as bureaucracy, an
economy, the judiciary, universities, a civil service, and civil society organizations); and
• Building a common sense of purpose, a sense of shared destiny, a collective imagination
of imagination of belonging.
The impact of a welfare-centered developments aimed to address the basic needs of the
people to be free from poverty, inequality, unemployment, on the other hand, or by desire
to compete for resources and power either internally or in the international system, is
indeed necessary. Thus, it doesn’t only include developments in terms of human rights but
also most importantly, development of education towards democratic state to promote
state to promote welfare (Barbanti, 2005).
Promoting scientific and technological advances is seen essential as an instrument for building
a strong nation. On the other hand, the rise of science and technology in this aspect could be
the fall of other related aspects for it could be a potential contributor to the dehumanization of
man and to the degradation of his environment.
Thus, Cowan and Shenton (2004), elucidate that development meant balancing the apparent
inevitability of technological change with social intervention. Idealistically, it mean “assisting
human society’ in its development and perhaps realistically as managing citizen-subjects
experiencing “wrenching social transformation.
In a global perspective, moving on with the flow of modernity determines the nation’s capability
to sustain its people’s live. Such is the influence of science and technology for the development
of a nation.
Countries are being categorized today based on economy and the application of science and
technology. It can be analyzed from various reports that countries which have stronger base in
science and technology are the one that develop faster.
Economic Situation
The development fields has always been highly influenced by economic thought, as exemplified
by the fact that development has been primarily measured by increases in Gross National
Product (GNP) and or the Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
The global economic situation has become a basis for determining the classification of
countries. The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN/DESA), the
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and the five United Nations
regional commissions, including Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
(ESCAP) launched the World Economic Situation and Prospects (WESP) reports. This provides
annual reports on world economic trend in different dimensions. It also serves as basis for
classifying countries around the world as to develop economies, economies in transition and
developing economies. Many nations continuously strive to attain “developed” category which
motivates them to strengthen their own economic dimensions. The WESP report 2018 stated
that an “improved global economic situation” offers the best chance for countried to address
“longer-term-issues” which hinders development. The said issues include low carbon economic
growth, reducing inequalities, economic diversification and eliminating deep-rooted barriers
(United Nations, 2018).
Accordingly, developing countries realize the importance of benchmarking and learning best
practices from the developed nations to eventually produce a localized science and technology
programs (National Academy of Sciences, 2006).
Ateneo Manila University quoted former Sen. Angara who stressed that “investmentson
research and development (R&D) and educationrelated to the “emerging trend” in various field
of applied sciences, evidently considers “Science and Technology Innovation (STI) as a driving
force behing the success of the Asian neighboring countries” He further enumerated the factors
which contribute to the economic successes of these Asian countires:
• Government investment in public goods and services such as roads, clean water, health
and education;
• Support for small and medium-scale enterprises;
• Support for higher education institutions, science and engineering sectors, and industry
and trade associations;
• Inter-institutional linkages between universities, industries, government agencies and
nongovernment organizations; and
• Good governance.
Generally, it is recognized that nations and communities who aim for a good standing in the
worl economy must either possess or seek to acquire a home-grown, self-generating
capability in science and technology. Citizens, government and every individual effort in
advancing the status of science and technology in a nation are important towards
promoting a nation to a more advanced level of competency, competitiveness and
The philippin government, as early as the 1980s, prioritize the initiatives on promoting
the role of science and technology in the national development. The declarations in the
1987 Constitution, Article XIV acknowledges the significant role of science and technology.
This mandate necessitates the assurance of implementing efforts in utilizing science and
technology as a tool for advancing the capability and capacity of the nation for the welfare
and condition of its people. Hence, The Philippine Government agencies play significant
role, in sustaining and promoting science and technology for the progress of the country.
Major Development Programs and Personalities in Science and Technology in the Philippines
The Philippine Development plan (PDP) 2017-2040 includes S&T related enabling
mechanisms toward achieving strong pillars for development. Considering several
fundamental weakness in terms of S&T competitiveness, the PDP2017-2040 emphasizes
strategies that shall be pursued to help raise the S&T related pillars of the country.
One of the most promising strategy in breaking the barriers that hinder Philippines progress, in
terms of Science. Technology and Innovation (STI), is enhancing the competitiveness of the
country’s science and technology human resources. This strategy recognizes, the role of
every individual inventor whose works became the womb of a new innovated scientific
knowledge honed towards sustaining the advancements necessary for building the nation.
DOST had launched programs to encourage Filipino Scientist, technologies experts and
professionals to continuously share their expertise towards accelerating the STI
development system and economic development of the country. Hence, S&T personalities
who contributed significantly in the development of the country, as well as their works,
deserved to be recognized.
The highest honor given by the president to an individual who had contributed
significantly to the fields of science and technology in the country is the order of the
National Scientist. A national scientist received an annual gratuity and other privileges
similar to those enjoyed by National Artists (P.D 1003A). Currently, there are 41 National
Scientist, four of them were the most recently conferred 2014) S&T personalities who were
featured by Sabillo of Philipine Daily Inquirer.
He was recognized for his research on the ecology and diversity of Philippine amphibians
and reptiles, as well as marine biodiversity and conservation of marine-protected areas. His
work has led to a national policy on marine no-take zones or protective areas, which has
become a model of coastal resource management that has been adopted by other
He was recognized for his achievements in the field of plant physiology, especially the
introduction of flowering of mango and micro propagation or the rapid multiplying of stock
plant of important crop species.
He is known for his research and conservation efforts in invertebrate biology and ecology.
He was pivotal in the world’s first national-scale assessment of damage to coral reefs,
resulting in international conservation initiatives such as the Global reefs and Risk analysis,
Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network and the International Coral Reef Action.
He was cited for his outstanding contribution in the field of tropical marine phycology,
focusing on seaweed biodiversity. He published extensive studies on the culture of seaweed
species that benefited the livelihood of coastal populations and was the first to report the
occurrence of “ice-ice” disease that affected many seaweed farms.
In the Philippines and around the world, science and technology-based and a knowledge-based
economy are the common concerns. Living in such an environment requires expectations and
skill to survive. The effort of investing in science, technology, and innovation shall be supported
and sustained through breaking resource gaps, specifically in the education sector. As John F.
Kennedy, former US President, said “our progress as a nation can be no swifter that our progress
in education. The human mind is our fundamental resource.” That is about, in meeting the
demands of the 21st century world, the direction of science education.
In all fairness with the Philippine government, efforts to improve quality education have always
been part of its plan of action. The Department of Education through the National Education
for All Committee (NEC) is engaged in benchmarking strategy with the Southeast Asian
Ministers of Education Organization Regional Center for Educational Innovation and Technology
(SEAMEO INNOTECH). The said undertaking stated on February 2011 is to secure affirmation of
basic education reforms towards meeting the demands of 21 st century.
Fensham (2006) explained that traditionally, science content areas as life science, physical
science, and earth science are presented as separate subjects to achieve mastery on concepts,
principles, and processes. The new science education curriculum shows a revolutionized
inclusion of the three content areas to accentuate the understanding of the connections and
interrelationship of various science concepts. Added to this are the themes which are valued in
real-life contexts namely (1) maintaining good health and living safely, (2) utilizing energy and
coping with changes and conserving and protecting the environment. This implies that learning
how to apply the concepts shall be pursued further towards more meaningful learning.
Such arrangement of the curriculum has been founded in the true aim of education. It can be
traced back in 1996, when the International Commission on Education for the 21st Century to
UNESCO, headed by Jacques Delors, identified leaning throughout life as a key to meet the
challenges of the 21st century. Delors further presented the framework based on the four pillars
of education which are (1) learning to know, (2) learning to live together, (3) learning to do and
(4) learning to be. The report, highlighted the need for individuals to “learn how to learn” for
them to manage the rapid changes and challenges of the present and the future. Thus,
suggesting lifelong learning that involves the development of knowledge, skills, attitudes, and
values throughout one’s life – from early childhood through adulthood.
At the end of this chapter, the students should be able to
1. Define and explain what technology is and its essence;
2. Understand the human condition and analyze the effects of science and technology to
this condition; and
3. Perceive the danger of the controlling power technology has over humans.
Selected Views on Technology
Technology has always been defined as a means to an end and being a human activity. It has
longfilled the world. Everyday routines are marked with technological advances that reflect
what a society is good or known for. Technology has well advanced sine the middle of the 20th
century especially after the end of World War II. It is not unexpected for technology to involve
question of knowledge which lead to its formation as one of the branches of philosophy. This
also led to the furtherance of technology based on how it is viewed and understood. But there
is more to that. Aristotle, was born 304 B.C., and ancient Greek philosopher, scientist, and one
of the most significant thinkers who contributed so much to science, technology, political
theory, and aesthetics world; followed that knowledge of the world begins by looking and
examining that which exists. To understand the human person, flourishing in terms of science
and technology, it is good to first examine technology in its essence.
This views technology as basically a means to an end. To Aristotle, technology is the organizing
of techniques in order to meet the demand that is being posed by humans. This may seem that
technology is primarily concerned with the product. Technology will be judged as either good
or bad based on the value given to the product based on its use and effect to the society.
Technological Pessimism
This view is extremely supported by French philosopher Jacques Ellul. Technological Pessimism
holds that technology is progressive and beneficial in many ways. It is said that technology is a
means to an end but this view, technology has become a way of life. Technique has become a
framework which human cannot escape. It has introduced ways on how to make things easy.
Elluls pessimistic arguments are (1) technological progress has a price, (2) technological
progress creates more problems, (3) technological progress creates damaging effect and (4)
technological progress created unpredictable devastating effects.
Although Ellul has strongly spoken of his arguments, they are still found to be weak and not
true at all times. Like when he said that technological progress can create more problems than
it solves, he seems to have underestimated the objective decision a technician and other
technological agencies makes regarding the technology where they weigh the good and bad
effects it can hve in the society.
Technological Optimism
This view is strongly supported by technologists and engineers and also by ordinary people who
believe that technology can alleviate all the difficulties and provide solutions for problems tha
may come. It holds that even though technological problems may arise, technology will still be
the solutions to it. The extreme version of this philosophy is technocratism which holds
technology as the supreme authority on everything.
The main concern of this view is the existence or the mode of being of someone or something
which is governed by the norm of authenticity. This view basically investigate the meaning of
existence or being and is always faced with the selection must make with which the existent
will commit himself to.
Martin Heidegger, a philosopher is one of the most known supporters of this philosophy. He did
not stop defining what technology is but has dealt with its essence. To Heidegger, the real
essence of technology lies in enframing, the gathering of setting upon which challenges man to
bring the unconcealed to unconcealment and this is a continuous revealing.
Another problem Heidegger san in the instrumental definition of technology is that it only
invites man to a continual desire to master is which unconsciously may be making technology
go out of hand. Heidegger said, “Everything depends on our manipulating technology in the
proper manner as means. We will, as we say, ‘get’ technology ‘spiritually in hand’. We will
master is. The will to mastery becomes the more urgent the more technology threatens to slip
from human control. With this, he argued that the problem does not fall on making technology
better but on how man sets upon technology, his thoughts that makes him blind to the real
essence of technology.
For Heidegger, this correct definition of technology in insufficient as it does not bring out its
essence. He said, “In order that we may arrive at this, or at least come close to it, we must week
the true by way of the correct. We must ask: what is the instrumental itself? Within what do
sucj thing as means and end belong? In answering these questions, Heidegger arrived at a
discussion of causality which to him in reality initially involves four ways that leads for
something to exist or to be “caused”.
On the other hand, something that came about without any external force, like a flower
blooming in the field or a tree bearing its fruit is termed physis. The flower blossomed and the
tree bore fruit without even external help.
Modern technology are no able to get more from nature by challenging it. As Heidegger said,
“such Challenging happens in the energy concealed in nature is unblocked, what is unlocked is
transformed, what is transformed is store up, what is stored up is in turn distributed, and what
is distributed switched ever anew.”
This gathering of the setting-upon which challenges man to bring the unconcealed to
unconcealment is called enframing with which according to Heidegger, also shows the essence
of modern technology. Enframing is basically putting in order whatever is presented to the man
who sets upon the unconcealed but it is a two-way relationsip: man cannot set himself upon
uncealment without unconcealment’s call and the unconcealed will not go into uncealment
without the man responding to its call. This makes modern technology not a mere human doing
and with this Heidegger argued that the essence of technology lies in enframing.
Revealing opens up a relationship between man and the world but an opening up of something
means a closing down of something which means as something is revealed, another is
concealed. An example given by Heidegger on this “the rise of a cause-effect understanding of
reality closes off an understanding of God as something mysterious and holy: God is reduced to
‘the od of philosophers”.
Another danger is when man falls into a misinterpretation of that which is presented to him.
That is when he sees himself in the object before him rather than seeing the object itself. There
is also the tendency for man to be fully engrossed with the enframing that he fails to weigh the
results and consequences of his setting upon an object which may be destructive not only to
himself but even the surroundings and other people. This happens when he starts to believe
that even man/s happiness is dependent on the continuous modernization of technology.
This human condition is not of without hope. Heidegger argued that this can be prevented if
man will not allow himself to be overwhelmed with the enframing that he was set upon, but he
pause for a while and reflect on the value of what is presented before him. A balance has to be
struck between technology being instrumental and anthropological. One has to understand that
technology does not only concern the means but also the end as one proverb goes, “The end
does not justify the means.” For Heidegger, the solution for this is that man would not be
controlling and manipulative of what he was set upon but to also allow nature to reveal itself
to him. With this, according to Heidegger, man will have a free relationship with technology.
Human Being
Science and technology has changed human landscape. As discussed in the previous unit, man
tends to show unlimited contentment – eager to seek better replacement for anything that
performs the functions of man. The introduction of bioengineering, robotics, and related
streams slowly limits the function and purpose of man’s existence in the society. Robots,
machines and other technologies are intended to enhance human condition, or in the future,
replace the human functions in the society. Will the contemporary situations (positive or
negative) threaten human nature? Are all the benefits from the fruits of progress in this
discipline fulfill the main aim of every human being in the society?
Human Being
There are many ways of describing a human being. But most of it do precisely define or describe
a human. Or “what does it mean to be a human”. Answers to this question may have its scientific
basis and or philosophical context. Biologists describe human as having the attributes of living
organisms – including plants and animals. This designated that human being is a complex matter
capable of performin life sustaining process. Human, being the highest form of these living
organisms, is said to have characteristics which cannot be sustained through mere science.
Smith (2012) shared that, we can’t turn to science for an answer because in the first place,
science identified human with varied opinion and limited evidence. He further stressed that
“Biologists aren’t equipped to tell us whether and organism is a human organism because
“human” is a folk-category rather a scientific one”.
Blakemore and Greenfield (1987) recognized that the possession of intellect distinguishes a
human being grom another creature. This intellect supports self-consciousness and awareness
sufficient fot the achievement of human’s function, discovery of truth, and development of
mankind. It may sound universally acceptable but to Heidegger, the question “What is human
being?” is just a tip of the original and more valid question “What is the meaning of being?” He
thought that such move was to divert the “inquirer” from the “object of inquiry”…according to
Heidegger, it was originally the fundamental question of philosophy, which was pursued by the
ancient Greek philosophers but later on neglected, if not forgotten, in Western philosophy.
Heidegger is not convinced with the reasons used to justify such neglect – the selfevidence,
universality, and indefinability of the concept of being.
Furthermore, he argued that asking for the meaning of the term “being” doesn’t suggest that
“inquirer” has no idea about it because in the first place, the meaning of being is associated
with the concept of existence, which meanss that the inquirer already has the idea on the term
“however vague or incomplete.” The inquirer obviously refers to man as being, focuses to the
what of human existence. This somehow justifies human being’s adaptability to environmental
changes and ability to manipulate environment in the interest of survival.
Conversely, Heidegger used the term “dasien” which literally means “being there” focuses on the
“modes of existence” or the “who” of dasien. The modes of existence is fundamentally established
by two things: (1) dasien exists in a world and (2) dasien has a self that it defines as it exist in such
world. Hence, this supports human being’s capacity to decide on that is good or bad for them.
It would be beneficial if different views will be taken into account to understand it well. The
following are the selected philosophers’ point of view:
On Aristotle’s Viewpoint
Aristotle’s teachings suggest that each man’s life has a purpose and that the function of one’s
life is to attain that purpose. For Aristotle, happiness (earthly) is the highest desire and ambition
of all human beings. And to achieve it, one must cultivate the highest virtues within oneself.
Aristotle believed that human beings have a natural desire and capacity to know and
understand the truth, to pursue moral excellence, and to instantiate their ideals in the world
through action. Furthermore, these actions are geared towards one’s proper and desired end-
flourishing, happiness, or eudemonia.
What is Eudaimonia?
Etymologically speaking, eudaimonia is consists of Greek words “eu” which means good and
“daemon” which means spirit. This literally defines it as “the state of having indwelling spirit; a
good genius.”
Eudaimonia (also known as Eudaemonism) is a Greek word, which refers to a state of having a
good indwelling spirit or being in a contended state of being healthy, happy and prosperous. In
moral philosophy, eudaimonia is used to refer to the right actions as those that result in the
well-being of an individual. In this case, well-being becomes an essential value. In genereal
sense, eudaimonia can be perceived as ant theory that places the personal happiness of an
individual and his/er complete life at the core of ethical concern.
On Epicurus’s Viewpoint
Epicurus was a Greek philosopher who contradicted the metaphysical philosophers. He
believed that balance and temperance were created space for happiness. His view is not more
of how happiness can be defined but more on theory about the real source to experience it.
Furthermore, it agrees with the ethical doctrine which claims pleasure is the norm of morality
– hedonism but reiterates the intelligent choice and practical wisdom to measure pleasure
against pain to attain well-being.
On Nietzsche’s Viewpoint
Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) was a German philosopher and cultural critic who published
intensively in the 1879s and 1880s. he is known for his criticisms on psychological analyses that
resulted to opposing ideas on the people’s received ideas. As expected, Nietzsche viewed
happiness in a different way. For many philosophers, happiness could be a “constant state of
well-being”, but for him, happiness is an “ideal state of laziness”. Consequently, laziness for him
is described as to not have any worries or istress in life. Philosophers’ iews are the evidences of
objective sense of how it means to flourish. It accepts that man’s ultimate desire of living is to
flourish and to experience a life of well-being (life that goes well for him). Flourishing can either
be based on the state of mind (e.g. mental habit) or a kind of value (e.g. insights, outlooks).
One’s mental habit and value towards life may deny access to experience fulfillment of life. On
the other hand, it may lead to understanding one’s function through self-actualization. Thus, it
justifies why it is difficult for a person to give exact answer if asked, “What is happiness?” which
is almost the same condition in answering the question, “what is your life’s purpose?”
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this chapter, the students should be able to:
1. Describe what good life is; and
2. Examine shared concerns that make up the good life considering ethical standards in order to
determine appropriate decisions to contemporary issues.
“What do you want out of life?” is an interesting question posed by Mark Manson that everyone
could probably answer in the simplest common way. “I want to be happy and have a great family and a job
I like”. As discussed in previous chapter, Aristotle’s view that the ultimate goal of man is to flourish, that
is, to find happiness. Martin (2012) defined happiness as loving one’s life and valuing it in ways manifested
by sufficient enjoyment and a robust sense of meaning. Achieving happiness and man’s own desire and
needs commonly gives essence for living a good life. In particular, moral decency and goodness,
authenticity, mental health, self-fulfillments, and meaningfulness describes it.
On the other hand, the concept of how good life would be, depends in the personal decision of man. It is
evident in our modern society that man’s personal decision and ideas – idea of progress, happiness, beliefs,
expectations, attitudes and feelings – are directly affected by convenience and benefits brought about by
science and technology. Every human being aspires to live a good life. Conversely, man’s idea of good life
differs in many dimensions.
The term “good” is commonly used interchangeably with the term “right”. Traer explained that the
adjectives good and right are related in meaning, but are not synonyms. It makes no sense to speak of a
right person when we mean a good person; or the right action as a meaning for good action. How can we
differentiate the two term then?
Taking the right action means correctly applying a norm, premise, presupposition, rule, standard,
or law. This explains that the term right reasons are being used to justify the principle and its application.
Being good involves having the character and personal qualities that were justified by reasons as
having moral worth. Morals refer to an individual’s own principle regarding right and wrong.
In Aristotelean view, the understandability of the good is based on the idea of what is good for the specific
entity under consideration. As Youkins expounded, that this view of Aristotle states that the good is what
is good.
..For Aristotle, the good is what is good for purposeful, goal directed entities. He defines the good proper
to human being as the activities in which the life functions specific to human beings are most fully realized.
It acknowledges the fact that human being is endowed with his own rational mind and free will. Timbreza
as elucidated by Gripaldo, explained that in natural ethicians view, “good is that which is suitable to and
proper for human nature. Whenever it is nor proper for human nature, it is bad and must avoided.”
Acting rightly means doing the right thing based on the voice of conscience, otherwise, feeling or guilt,
self-reproach, and remorse will be felt. It follows that a person, as a human being has his own
consciousness of function, survival, and means of having the life he envisioned.
Thus, considering the aspect of human nature, the term “good” denotes a more objective meaning of “a
state or way of being.”
… a (desirable) state that is primarily characterized by a high standard of living or the adherence to ethical
and moral laws…as such, the term can both be understood as the quest for wealth, material possession
or luxuries and the quest to create a worthwhile, honest and meaning existence.
Martin Heidegger, an existentialist philosopher, also has a different view on the aspect of life. He dealt
more on how we live and “authentic life” rather dealing with the “good life”.” For Heidegger, living an
authentic life rather dealing with the good life. For Heidegger, living an authentic life means living with
deep acceptance on the facility of death and resulting to a life lived according to what is has clearly decided
as its meaning and purpose.
These declarations and definition of good life somehow establishes the idea of asking “how to attain
meaningful existence?” which will cyclically route to asking for the meaning of good life. Despite the fact
that philosophers dealt with these questions for many years, modern world tend to answer the problem
of what constitutes the good life through modern science. Various scientific disciplines have devised
empirical methods for assessing subjective states of happiness and well-being and providing innovative
and advanced technology which promotes happy and meaningful life for modern society.
No one can deny the fact that science and technology has a profound impact on how modern man thinks
and appreciates matter. It can be concretely seen in the present conditions of man in the society. The
desire to feel satisfaction of research and development through genetic engineering, cloning, and the likes
opened endless doors for skeptics.
The unending desire for perfection of altering human condition and productivity, which is somehow
questionable, continues to flourish. In addition, the introduction of cybernetics and nanotechnology which
are considered to be the pillars for the idea of achieving precise and accurate function through it. Lastly,
the promotion of wireless technology revolutionized the way how humans communicate and interact.
These are just some of the conditions which suggested material things and continuous path towards
achieving indefinite level of happiness and good living.
On the other hand, man’s varied ethical foundations may also differentiate the idea of good life. Some
may define it through attaining pleasure (hedonism); others may related it to peace of mind through
minimizing desires and passions (stoicism) and some views are based on professing moderated pleasure,
which for them, “anything that is taken in excess is bad” (epicureanism).
Thus it’s up to the various intellectual traditions, perspective or ethical preferences on what the so called
good life is. And the question, “What good life is? Remains a question for everyone.”
Chapter Outline
Advantages, Disadvantages, and Limitations of Technology
Ethical Dilemmas
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this chapter the student should be able to:
1. Rationalize the advantages, disadvantages, and limitations of applying technology to humanity;
2. Identify and examine international/local government policies and human rights that protect the
well-being of the person in the face of new technologies; and
3. Discuss some examples of ethical and conflicts wherein technology affects humanity in terms of
moral issues and social conflicts.
What is technology? What is humanity? Our world is truly entering a period of transformative modification
that most people will be surprised by the measure and unavoided step of developments that we merely
had not expected. There are so many inquiries regarding the positive and negative effects, limitations of
developments and the ethical dilemmas that we will face in the future.
In order to find the answer to these questions, we have to be able to understand and rationalized what is
humanity, the human nature, and its condition, the ethics that will and should govern each application of
technology to humanity. It also requires an understanding that these technological advances offer
tremendous potential, and with these opportunities dome tremendous new responsibilities.
Technology, a word with Greek roots, is defined as “the practical application of knowledge especially in a
particular area”. Technology is a word used to define or portray the progressions, abilities, creations,
happenings, interpretations, and knowledge of a singular group of persons and as humans we execute
certain functions for man and society.
Technology is the external part of science and to understand technology, academic or internal science
shall be treated like a black box. The inner workings are no importance at the moment for as long as they
are responding to the needs of technology.
This chapter will enumerate multiple advancement in technology and an assessment of its potential
impacts and its implications to humanity. This will serve as an assessment guide in our decisionmaking that
will change, shape, and transform the future’s human nature in adapting ever changing evolution of
technological advances.
Advantages of Technology
1. Life has become easy through science and technology.
2. Travelling has become faster than before
3. Communication becomes easier, faster and cheaper.
4. Innovations in technology increased the standard of living.
5. Using various technology, man become advanced.
6. The impossible have become possible due to the progress in science and technology. 7. Science
and technology made a lot of things easy to do and comfortable for man
Disadvantages of Technology
1. Human had misused the technology and used in damaging purpose
2. By the use of technology, man is doing illegal things
3. New technology like mobile are generating bad consequences on children
4. By means of modern technology, terrorists use it for destructive purpose
5. Many illness are created due to the development of atomic energy and atomic bomb
6. Modern technology like nuclear energy have not only affected man but it also affected plants and
other creatures.
7. Natural beauty is decreasing due to the development of modern technology
Chapter Outline
Human and Society
Relation of Technology with Humanity
Posthumanity Theory
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this module, the students should be able to:
1. Rationalize the human experience in order to strengthen and enlighten the human function in
society; and
2. Identify and examine what the future of humanity and the future of technology.
Experience of human in technology? Where are we now? Wearable technology, sensors all over the place;
we have now the power to monitor, in real time, just about everything, giving it to these new trends. We
can improve every aspect of our life – from our health, our time, and various aspects of our family lives.
Human interests on technology allows them to expand the range of human experiences. There are
qualified experiences and what’s more, they can share these experiences with other human being,
injecting the technology into their lives, thus, the future of technology is based on how the human will use
But most significantly, what makes us incomparably better off its technology but in the end, the true value
of technology is not about replacing human experience, but mitigate its deficiencies.
Most of the time in a simple hunter-gatherer society’s human species lives. Agrarian societies advanced
less than 5,000 years ago and it is only in the last 200 years that a modern industrial society has come into
being. Today this industrial society is quickly converting into a global information society.
Is this societal progress a change for the better? There always been controversy over this question, and
presently the disagreement seems more intense than eve, possibly for the reason that we are more
conscious today that society is making. Because social change is taking place at an ever increasing rate.
One of the issues in this current debate is the quality of life in modern society. Progress optimists have
confidence in that we live better now than earlier generations, while pessimists question that life is getting
As the old saying goes, “Necessities is the mother of invention” i.e. necessities have a tendency to issue
invention as each invention is invalidated with the need of betterment and transmogrification. In a day
there are newer and newer advances happening. Technological change has a large responsibility for many
of the secular trends in such basic parameters of the human condition as the size of the world population,
life expectancy, education levels, material standards of living, and the nature of work, communication,
healthcare, war, and the effects of human activities on the natural environment. Technology influences
other aspects of society and our individual lives in many direct and indirect ways, including governance,
entertainment, human relationships, and our views on morality, mind, matter, and human nature.
Human history with a kind of directionality was provided by technological development. As technology
advances, it backs the characteristics of every situation over and over again. The age of automation is going
to be the age of “Do it yourself.”
Societal Collapse
There are several attempts to explain the societal collapse. This includes the following words: Gibbon’s
classic Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire also Joseph Tainter’s Collapse of the Complex Societies, and
Jared Diamond’s more recent How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed.
Tainter, notes that societies need to protect certain resources as food, energy, and natural resources in
order to sustain their populations. In their attempts to solve this supply problem, societies may grow in
complexity in the form of bureaucracy, infrastructure, social class distinction, military operations, and
colonies. Sometimes, the marginal returns on these investments and social complexity become
unfavorable, and societies that do not manage to scale back when their organizational overheads become
too large finally face breakdown.
Diamond says that many past cases of societal collapse have elaborate environmental factors such as
deforestation and habitat destruction, soil problems, water management problems, overhunting and
overfishing, the effects of introduces species, human population growth, and increased per-capita impact
of people.
Four new factors that may contribute to the collapse of present and future societies was also suggected
by him such as human-caused climate change, but also build-up of toxic chemicals in the environment,
energy shortages, and the full utilization of the Earth’s photosynthetic capacity. Diamond draws attention
to the danger of creeping normalcy, stating to the phenomenon of a slow trend being concealed within
noisy fluctuations, so that a detrimental outcome that occurs in small, almost unnoticeable steps may be
accepted or come about without resistance even if the same outcome, had it come about in one sudden
leap, would have evoked a vigorous response.
Chapter Outline
What is Biodiversity
The Importance of Biodiversity
Threats to Biodiversity
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this module, the students must have
This chapter covers the biodiversity and its link to ecosystem. Biodiversity plays an important role in
ecosystem providing services essential for the people and the healthy society. Thus, it is necessary for the
complete human race to understand its components and how to help protect the diversity of life that exists
on earth.
What is Biodiversity?
Biodiversity is a condensed phrase of “biological diversity” is a multifaceted topic covering many aspects
of biological differences. It supports all life on earth which covers the variety of life forms at structural
levels. In a broader view, it could be defined as “life on earth.”
1. Genetic Biodiversity
It is a measure of the variety of versions of the same genes within individual species.
2. Species Biodiversity
Describes the number of different kinds of organisms within individual communities or ecosystems
3. Ecological Biodiversity
Specifies the number of niches, trophic levels, and ecological processes that capture, sustain food
webs and recycle materials within this system.
Biodiversity is extremely important to people, society, and the health of the ecosystems. It can aid
ecosystem stability and because we rely on many different organisms. A few of the reasons are:
a. Biodiversity provides food and medicine
b. Biodiversity can aid ecosystem stability
c. Aesthetics and existence values are important
Threats to biodiversity
E.O. Wilson summarizes human threats to biodiversity as HIPPO, which stands for H
– Habitat Destruction
I – Invasive Species
P – Pollution
P – Population of humans
O – Overharvesting
While selective breeding has existed for thousands of years, modern biotechnology is more efficient, and
effective because seed developers are able to directly modify the genome of the crop. This process is called
“genetic modified organism (GMO). It is also known as genetic engineering, where in selective breed of
plants were being enhanced with the genes of another plant. Some example of these plants is wheat which
cannot be easily drought, maize which can survive pesticides, and cassava which has additional nutrients
than normal cassava. Genetic modified crops can help farming a lot. It can produce higher number of yields
than usual. By this, GMO can strengthen farming especially against the unpredictable factors of nature.
But controversy remains on how to get an access to this biotechnology and regarding to the safety of
genetic modified foods.
Alarming results have been produced in several recent studies indicating the toxity and harm to health
and ecology. The following summarizes the effect:
a. An insect resistant crop could have direct toxic effect on non-target species
b. A GM crop could have an indirect effect to other species by reproducing the source of food for
other wildlife such as birds
c. Pest resurgence could be resulted from insects which become resistant to chemicals when used
on pest tolerant GM crops repeatedly and may increase the number of pest
d. Creates imbalance in nature by changing the predator-prey ratio
Chapter Outline
The Pre-Gutenberg World
Information Age
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this module, the students must have:
1. Familiarized with the pre-Gutenberg world, Gutenberg Revolution and post-Gutenberg World;
2. Linked learned concepts to the development; and
3. Illustrated how social media and information age affected our society.
The Pre-Gutenberg World
In early times, books were created manually by hand. They were transcribed through clay, papyrus, was
and parchment. Besides, governments chose only to whom will be given the education to read. They were
scared that the influence of mass communication will be the hindrance in their ruling. The transmission
of information relied only through “word-of-mouth” channels. In 1440, the first printing press was built
through Johannes Gutenberg which heralded the start of mass communication. However, it took hundred
years for this to spead.
Gutenberg revolution is a term used to express the democratizing effects of printing press among
the society. The invention of the printing press allowed worldwide changes to take place. Democracy was
one of the societal change which allowed people to have a voice. Although the distribution of information
becomes possible, it is expensive and only few can afford in. hence, to satisfy the needs of everyone,
distribution of information was institutionalized and mediated.
On the other laws, the dispersal of information took a long time though printing press. In 1920, the radio
broadcasting was introduced. It marked a significant jump in the speed of the communication. It made
the spreading of information even more quickly and widely. However, in the 1970s, the information age
accelerated global communication. It started when microprocessor began and took it as the introduction
to the internet browser, which made the information age significant up to this day. In the early times of
the internet, it still follows Gutenberg Principle. Both money and expertise are required for you to be able
to access internet and spread information and was therefore still the greater access to information was
not fulfilled. However, the speed in accessing the information through internet was great. For that reason,
many investments appears to serve and create opportunities with ecommerce as the major new web-
based phenomena.
According to Stacy, the development of internet in our world, changed two major expansion: First,
uploading and downloading of different forms of media, such as image, vidoes, and audios, were now
possible through internet access. Second, spreading and publishing of information were now much easy
because of different tools.
This time, information can now be on the hand of every individual and all the potential individuals.
Chapter Outline
What is Nanotechnology?
Nanotechnology Issues
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this module, the students must have:
What is Nanotechnology?
Nano, as unit of measurement is an analogous entity like meter. The prefix nano means a factor of
billionth (10-9) in the metric system. The nanoscale usually refers to the length of around 0.1 to 100 nm.
Nanomaterials or nanostructures are in the form of nanoscale.
The first definition of nanotechnology came from Norio Taniguchi, a professor of Tokyo Science
University. He coined the term at the international conference on industrial production in 1974 to describe
work on semiconductor processes such as thin film deposition and ion beam milling on the order of
nanometer without naming it as such.
There have been many efforts to describe the definition of nanotechnology. And if somebody will ask a
hundred scientists, a hundred different definition of nanotechnology will be collected.
The absence of generally accepted, strictly recognized meaning of the term “nanotechnology” is
explained by various technologies that nanotechnology covers. Moreover, nanotechnologies are now
being constantly updated and improved, which explains why many concepts about principles of their
implementation are no completely clear.
Nanotechnology is the study and manipulation of matter at a scale of about 1 to 100 nm. It involves
characterization, design, and production of structures, devices, and systems with unique properties by
fine-tuning the physical, chemical, mechanical, and optical properties at the nanoscale.
a. Ancient Egyptians
- Fermentation process on nano level (making bread, wine, beer, cheese and other food stuff)
- Nanoparticles of galenite were formed in hair dyeing process
b. Ancient Rome
What is the Philippines doing to welcome this new technology? The Philippines, thorugh the effort of
DOST – ITDI provides opportunities and technical services to local industries by Nano Lab.
The following are the list of nanotechnology projects that are being worked out in the Philippines under
the supervision of DOST-ITDI, encouraging local community to rely on what are abundant, unexploited,
and natural organic or inorganic nanomaterials:
1. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and semiconductors e.g., use of nanowires to
ultralast ICT with small power consumption
2. Solar Cells e.g., dye sensitized-based solar cells (DSSC) is low-cost solar cell belonging to the group
of thin film solar cells.
3. Agriculture e.g., facilitate gene transformation and expression of animal and plant cells
4. Food e.g., biodegradable food packaging
5. Environment e.g., water purification by nanofilters for treating heavy metal contaminated water.
1. Health Issues
2. Environmental Issues
3. Agriculture
At present, large fraction of the Philippine population in rural areas experiences poverty which do not
have the means of clean water, electricity, medical treatment, and even education. Nanotechnology can
provide solutions to these basic need in rural areas
1. Cheaper and more readily accessible solar cells based on quantum dots
2. Clean water using nanocatalysts or nanoporous membranes that filters impurities
3. Enhanced agricultural productivity assisted by nanotechnology
4. Medical care using portable medical diagnostic kits using nanotech
5. Advances in ICT in computations and telecommunications may bring effectively
Chapter Outline
Genes and the Human Genome
Genetic Disorders
Gene therapy
Learning Outcomes
Genome is a complete set of the genes in a cell or organism. Human genome resides in 46 chromosomes
that basically come in pair in which 23 are from the father and another 23 from the mother. These pairs
of chromosomes dictates the characteristics of an organism and can be determined as dominant or
A chromosome is made up of two chromatids and each chromatid contains sequence of DNA
(deoxyribonucleic acid). DNA are commonly found in the nucleus of every cell. The DNA strand, when
divided into portions, constitutes many genes. Genes are made up of hundreds of thousands of chemical
bases. This specific portion of the DNA performs specific function specifically in the production of hormone
or enzymes. Not all the genes in the strand of DNA are working at the same time. For example, the genes
that are ‘switched on’ in the heart are different from those genes that are ‘switched on’ in the eye. The
genes or portion of the DNA sequence that are coded to proteins are called introns and the noncoding
regions are called exons.
Genetics Disorders
Genetic disorders are diseases caused by abnormalities in the DNA sequence of an individual. These
irregularities can happen in just one gene or there is an addition or subtraction of chromosomes. There
are more than four thousand identified medical disorders that are caused by defective genes. Although
genes are responsible for predisposition of these diseases the environment, diet and lifestyle are also
factors that trigger these diseases. These genetic disorders are classified into single-gene disorder,
chromosomal disorder, and multifactorial inheritance.
a. Single-Gene Disorder
Single gene disorders are caused by mutations in specific genes. In humans, there are 50, 000 to 100, 000
estimated genes that are responsible for coding proteins which are needed by cells and tissues to perform
its specific function.
Single-gene disorders are classified into autosomal single-gene disorder and X-linked disorders. The
question is that, how can we determine if the disorder is autosomal or X-linked? Remember that the
human chromosomes always come in 23 pairs, i.e. 22 pairs of autosomes and a pair of sex chromosome.
Autosomal gene disorder happens in genes that can be found within the 22 pairs of non-sex chromosomes
while X-linked disorder originated from the genes of sex chromosomes.
b. Chromosomal Disorders
Chromosomal may happen under certain conditions. It might be an excess or deficiency of the whole
chromosome, chromosomal rearrangement, and contiguous-gene syndrome. There are many structural
abnormalities in the chromosomes and some of it are related to cardiovascular diseases that lead to
congenital heart disease. Chromosomal rearrangement happens if there is breakage and reconstruction
but in abnormal form. Structural rearrangement, however, may lead to loss or gain of genetic material
but typically gaining human chromosomes is less harmful than the loss of genetic materials.
c. Multifactorial Inheritance
Multifactorial inheritance is not caused by some changes or abnormalities in a single gene or
chromosome. It is basically caused by the combination of genetic changes that produces the disease.
Multifactorial inheritance might happen 5-10% in the first degree relatives with higher risk than that of
the 2nd degree relatives.
Gene Therapy
Gene therapy is a method of treating or preventing diseases by replacing, repairing, or turning on or off
genes of a patient’s cells. The process in gene therapy includes the use of vectors and non-viral method
to move a DNA or genes to one cell or another. Some of the vectors in gene therapy are retrovirus,
adenovirus, adeno-associated virus, cis and trans – acting elements, and herpes simplex virus. Non-viral
method, the other hand, has certain advantages over vectors or viral methods since it can be produced in
large scale. Injection of naked DNA is the simplest method under non viral-method. Cells, tissue and even
organisms that undergone gene therapy are considered transgenic or genetically modified. The two main
types of gene therapy are somatic gene therapy and reproductive gene therapy.
Somatic gene therapy are those which are not related to reproductive gene therapy. It is basically the
introduction of genes to cells in a target organ to produce enzymes which are needed by the body to
function well. It means that, somatic gene therapy helps the organ to function well but it doesn’t alter the
genetic makeup of an organism. The changes in organisms caused by somatic gene therapy are not
transmitted to its offspring.
Reproductive gene therapy or germ-line cell therapy is basically the introduction of corrective genes to
sperm cells, egg cells or even zygotes (4-day old). Its main goal or objective is to eliminate the
abnormalities that can possibly be transmitted to the offspring. It is the alteration of genetic makeup of
the offspring by targeting the abnormal genes in the parent’s sex cells.
However, gene therapy requires the identification of the correct genes responsible in the progression of
diseases. The most crucial part of gene therapy is the delivery of the modified gene to the cell or target
organ and this should be done in accurate, controlled and effective way. It can also be noted that modified
genes are not always accepted by the cells for the reason that our cells have its natural defense
mechanism and kills foreign bodies. Most failures in gene therapy are caused by the rejection of the
modified genes.
Though gene therapy is not yet mastered, we believe that it is just only a matter of time. However, it
provides us today these benefits:
1. It offers cure to several diseases like cancer, Parkinson’s disease, AIDS, asthma, diabetes, heart diseases
as well as hereditary diseases.
2. It can replace defective cells.
3. It has a promising potential not only in the field of medicine but in some related fields like agriculture.
Chapter Outline
Climate Change as a Result of Global Warming
Energy Crisis
Environmental Awareness
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this modules, student must have:
1. Recognized the causes and effects of climate change;
2. Described the present energy crisis and alternative energy resources; and
3. Demonstrate awareness in the current environmental issues.
Have you notices that for the psat few years that the weather is getting more extreme? Animals we have
seen when we were young have gone extinct? Or have you noticed how our climate has been shifting
from its normal patterns?
These observations are not only experienced by you but also by the rest of the people of the world. The
culprit behind these events is global warming.
Over the past century, continuous dependence of people on fossil fuels as source of energy has resulted
to the increased concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. This has led to the unusually rapid
increase in the earth’s average temperature, which wqas defined as global warming by the NASA Earth
Obviously, humanity has greatly forces the changes of the Earth’s natural climate.
As reported by the UCSUSA Organization, an increase of 1.5 oF of the average temperature of the earth
over the past 130 years. Majority of the increase occurred over only these past 35 years. It was recorded
that the hottest year was last 2016. Since 1998, the 12 warmest years have already occurred in our planet.
3. Industry
4. Commercial and Residential
5. Agriculture
6. Land Use and Forestry
Impacts of the enhanced global warming have been identified by various scientists
1. More frequent hot days and fewer cold days
2. More intense heat waves
3. Worsening storms, floods and droughts
4. Intensified hurricanes
5. Warmer ocean surface temperatures
6. Rising sea levels
7. More frequent coastal flooding
8. Island nations may disappear
9. Accelerated melting of ice sheets and glaciers
10. Changes in the growing season of plants
11. Disruption of normal ecosystem
12. Loss of animal habitat
13. Possible extinction of animals
A sustainable and reliable source of energy of a country shows its property and development. As stated
by the U.S. Energy Information Administration, the primary energy sources include petroleum, natural
gas, coal, renewable energy, and nuclear electric power. Energy sources such as crude oil, natural gas,
coal, and nuclear energy are classified as non-renewable because they do not form or replenish in a short
period of time. These non-renewable energy sources are extracted from the ground in form of liquids,
gases, and solids.
Solar, geothermal, hydropower, wind, biomass, and bio-fuels are renewable energy sources that
replenish naturally in a short period of time. Biomass includes wood and wood waste, landfill gas, biogas,
ethanol and biodiesel.
Energy crisis may lead to questions such as “will we run out of energy?” or “how do we secure our access
to energy?” At present, developing countries have high demands of energy resources in order to secure
its future economis development. Unfortunately, environment risks are associated in accessin energy
1. Overconsumption
2. Over population
3. Poor infrastructure
4. Unexplored renewable energy options
5. Delay in commissioning of power plants
6. Wastage of energy
7. Poor distribution system
8. Major accidents and natural calamities
9. Wars and attacks
10. Miscellaneous factors
Types of OTEC
1. Closed-cycle or Anderson OTEC cycle
2. Open-cycle or Clause OTEC cycle
3. Hybrid System
6. This technology can be used for aquaculture, refrigeration, and air conditioning