RevisedModule 4 Q2 Organizationa and Management 4
RevisedModule 4 Q2 Organizationa and Management 4
RevisedModule 4 Q2 Organizationa and Management 4
Quarter 2 – Module 4
Compensation, Performance
Evaluation, and Employee Relations
Jesilo O. Crisostomo
Quarter 2 – Module 4
Compensation, Performance
Evaluation, and Employee Relations
Second Quarter
Week 4 and 5- Module 4
Compensation, Performance Evaluation, and Employee
Content Standard : The learners have an understanding on the process of
recruiting, selecting, and training employees.
Performance Standard : The learners shall be able to conduct and prepare job
Competency/Code : Examine the functions and importance of compensation,
wages and performance evaluation, appraisal, reward
system, employee relations and movement.
: ABM_AOM11-IIa-b-23/ ABM_AOM11-IIa-b-24
: ABM_AOM11-IIa-b-25/ ABM_AOM11-IIa-b-26
What I Know
Multiple Choice: Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it on a separate
sheet of paper.
1. What do you call a compensation that includes workers’ salaries, incentive pays,
bonuses and commissions?
a. Direct Compensation c. Non-Financial Compensation
b. Indirect Compensation d. Mutual Compensation
2. What do you call a compensation that includes benefits given by employers other
than financial remuneration?
a. Direct Compensation c. Non-Financial Compensation
b. Indirect Compensation d. Mutual Compensation
4. What do you call a human resource management function that deals with every type
of reward, that an employee receives in exchange for performing an organizational
a. Evaluation c. Deliberation
b. Compensation d. Selection
5. What systematic procedure of performance appraisal that helps the supervisors to
frame training policies and programs?
a. Employees Development c. Selection Validation
b. Promotion d. Motivation
6. What Government agency that answers two important needs for Filipino workers by
establishing a National savings program and an affordable house financing system.
a. GSIS c. SSS
b. Pag-ibig d. PhilHealth
7. What do you call the process of evaluating how effectively employees are fulfilling
their job responsibilities and contributing to the accomplishment of organizational
a. Performance Evaluation c. Job Selection
b. Goal Setting d. Performance Appraisal
10. What employee movement that occur when employees cease to be members of an
a. Promotion c. Demotion
b. Transfer d. Separation
After going through this module, you are expected to be able to examine the
functions and importance of compensation, wages and performance evaluation,
appraisal, reward system, employee relations and movement.
Compensation and Benefits
The Labor Code of the Philippines, otherwise known as Presidential Decree
No. 422, governs all employee-employer relations, their rights, and obligations. Among
the fundamental rights of anyone making a living in the Philippines is knowing they
ought to be earning no less than what is mandated by law. Whether you are a fresh
graduate trying to land your first job or an experienced employee looking to move to a
new company, it is always a good rule of thumb to do your due diligence on your
prospective employer, and among the most important aspects to consider are the
compensation and benefits they provide.
What’s In
It is a fixed amount of money paid to A Presidential Decree that mandates
an employee by an employer in the employer to give incentives to
return for work performed. the employee of each year not later
1 4 than December 24th.
What’s New
Provide Healthy and Safe Environment Coaching/Mentoring
Employers Employees
What Is It
Most companies want to hire the most qualified employee and keep those
employees loyal and productive. To attract and keep their best employees. Companies
provide a package that includes compensation (money), incentives (special perks or
rewards for good work), and benefits (valuable option such as health insurance and
paid leaves).
Compensation is the human resource management function that deals with
every type of reward, that an employee receives in exchange for performing an
organizational task. Compensation is just another word for wages. It is what
employees receive in exchange for their work. It is also a particular kind of price, that
is the price of labor. According to Cascio (1995), compensation includes direct cash
payment, indirect payment in the form of employee benefits, and incentives to
motivate employees to strive for higher levels of productivity.
Importance of Compensation
Compensation is one of the most important aspects of running a business that
can make or break a business. Having a good compensation plan can help
organizations to flourish and compete in their respective markets. Some of the benefits
of providing the right compensation package to your employees are:
Types of Compensation
1) Direct Compensation – This compensation includes workers’ salaries, incentive
pays, bonuses and commissions.
2) Indirect Compensation – This compensation includes benefits given by
employers other than financial remuneration. For example, health benefits and
international training.
3) Non-Financial – This compensation includes recognition program being
assigned to do rewarding jobs, or enjoying management support, ideal work
environment, and convenient work hours.
According to the Republic ACT No. 602 otherwise known as AN ACT TO
Presidential Decree No. 422) “WAGE” paid to any employee shall mean the
remuneration or earnings, however designated, capable of being expressed in terms of
money, whether fixed or ascertained on a time, task, piece, commission basis, or other
method of calculating the same, which is payable by an employer to an employee
under a written or unwritten contract of employment for work done or to be done, or
for services rendered or to be rendered, and includes the fair and reasonable value as
determined by the Secretary of Labor.
Wage-Related Benefits
1. Minimum Wage – The Wage Rationalization Act, Republic Act No. 6727, sets
the minimum wage rates applicable per region and industry sector. The
industry sectors are non-agricultural, agriculture (plantation and non-
plantation), cottage and handicraft, retail, and service sectors. Minimum wage
may vary depending on the number of employees and gross sales of an
enterprise and its industry sector.
2. Overtime – Minimum wage is based on a work week of 40 hours or 8 hours per
day. The daily 60-minute lunch break is not included in the 8-hour workday
and is not compensated. Overtime pay rates vary depending on when the
overtime work takes place. It may be in a regular work holiday, special holiday,
rest day, or night (between the hours of 10pm to 6am)
Overtime Rates:
Overtime pays on regular days
You are also entitled to additional compensation when you render work beyond
your typical eight-hour schedule. On a regular working day, this should be equivalent
to your regular hourly wage plus at least a 25-percent premium:
If the overtime you render falls on the specific instance that it is both a special
day and your scheduled rest day, you are entitled to an additional pay amounting to
the premium pay applicable on said days plus a 30-percent premium:
In the rarest event that you render overtime on a holiday that also happens to
be your scheduled rest day, the overtime pay you are entitled to is at its largest value,
which is over two-and-a-half times your regular rate with an additional premium of at
least 30-percent:
3. Premium Pay – This refers to the compensation you are entitled to when you
render for 8-hours on non-workdays such as scheduled rest days or special
days. Unless otherwise modified by law, order, or proclamation. The following
are the three special days officially observe in the country: Nino Aquino Day, All
Saints’ Day, and the last day of the year.
On a rest day which is also a special holiday, an employee is entitled to an
additional 50% of his daily basic rate, or a total of 150%.
Premium Pay = Regular Pay +50%
On a regular holiday which is also an employee’s rest day, an employee is
entitled to an additional 30% of the regular holiday rate of 200%, or a total
of 260%. Note that, it is only applicable to employees covered by the
holiday-pay rule.
Premium Pay = (Regular Pay x 2) +30% or Regular Pay x 260%
4. Holiday Pay (RA 9849) – The labor code requires the payment of an employee’s
daily basic wage for all non-working regular holidays.
Rate Example:
8. Parental Leaves – The Labor Code of the Philippines covers three different
types of parental leaves:
9. 13th Month Pay – As an employee, you are entitled to 13th month pay, and as
per P.D. 851, should expect to receive this not later than December 24th of each
year. This is provided your position falls in the category of a rank-and-file
employee, and you have worked with your company for at least one month in
the present calendar year. As per DOLE, 13th month pay can be computed by
the formula below.
Total basic salary earned during the year / 12 months = Proportionate 13th
month pay
10. Separation Pay – Following the labor code of the Philippines, articles 283 and
284 state that an employee can claim separation pay if his contract is ended
under authorized causes. According to article 282 an employee terminated for
just cause (neglect of duties, fraud, crime, etc.) is generally not entitled to
separation pay. The computation of separation pay of an employee shall be
based on his/her latest salary rate.
11. Retirement Pay – All employees from the private sector may retire from age
60-65, at which retirement becomes compulsory, and must have served the
establishment for at least 5 years. Retirement pay must at least be equivalent to
half of a month’s salary for each year of service and a fraction of at least 6
months is therefore considered as on whole year.
12. Gross Benefits and De Minimis Benefit – Are benefits of relatively small
values provided by the employers to the employee on top of the basic
compensation intended for the general welfare of the employees given either in
cash or in kind. According to the Philippine regulations, these benefits are
exempt of taxes under certain conditions.
mutual provident savings system for private and government employees and other
earning groups, supported by matching mandatory contributions of their respective
employers with housing as the primary investment. Through the Republic Act No.
9679, the HDMF answers two important needs for Filipino workers by establishing a
National savings program and an affordable house financing system.
4. GSIS (RA 8291, GSIS ACT of 1997)
Government Service Insurance System is a social insurance institution that
provides a defined benefit scheme under the law. It insures its members against the
occurrence of certain contingencies in exchange for their monthly premium
GSIS members are entitled to an array of social security benefits, such as life
insurance benefits, separation or retirement benefits, and disability benefits.
GSIS is also the administrator of the General Insurance Fund by virtue of RA
656 (Property Insurance Law). It provides insurance coverage to government assets
and properties that have government insurable interests.
What’s More
Activity: Identification
Instruction: Identify whether the statements below is a Direct Compensation, Indirect
Compensation or Non-Financial. Use separate sheet for your answers.
_________1. 13th month pay given to the employee not later than December 24th of each
_________2. Sending an employee for a training abroad due to exemplary performance
contributed for the good of the organization.
_________3. Provide health care benefits to the employee and its dependents.
_________4. Regular payment given to the employee for work rendered whether daily,
monthly, or semi-monthly basis.
_________5. A lifetime service award given to the employee who has served the
organization/company for more than 30 years.
What I Have Learned
3. How will the company benefit from giving right compensation to their employees?
What I Can Do
4. How much is the total overtime pay will he received for the work rendered on
December 25, 30, and 31?
Performance Evaluation and
Appraisal, Reward System,
2 Employee Relation and
As a young entrepreneur and future business owner, you already
know the importance of recruiting capable staff and providing the employees with the
training and tools necessary to do their jobs. To ensure they are performing to your
expectation, you need to conduct annual reviews of their work product, efficiency, and
attitude over the course of their employment.
What’s In
___________5. Employee is often defensive and have had arguments with co-workers.
What’s New
Employer Employee
2. If you were the employee in the illustration, what would be the impact to your work
3. Based on the illustration above, what do you think is the effect to the business
organization in terms of employer-employee relationship?
What Is It
Employee Relations
Maintaining good relationship with your employee
Performance will motivate them in fulfilling their job
Evaluation and responsibilities to accomplish organizational goals.
Appraisal Thus, a good employee relationship will result good
performance during evaluation and will compensate
higher appraisal. With higher appraisal, a better
reward awaits the performing employee. An employee
movement through “PROMOTION” will be one its
Employee Movement package.
I. Employee Relations
An organization cannot perform only with the help of chairs, tables, fans, or
other non-living entities. It needs human beings who work together and perform to
achieve the goals and objectives of the organization. The human beings working
together towards a common goal at a common place (organization) are called
employees. In fact, the employees are the major assets of an organization.
effect on an employee’s loyalty. And when loyalty increases, the chances of employee
retention also increase manifold and thus benefits the organization in the long run.
1. The supervisors measure the pay of employees and compare it with targets and
2. The supervisor analyses the factors behind work performances of employees.
3. The employers are in position to guide the employees for a better performance.
Advantages of Performance Appraisal
It is said that performance appraisal is an investment for the company which can be
justified by following advantages:
III. Rewards
In the contemporary world, rewards for better performance and success matter
more than the actual achievement itself. Perhaps, the most important aspect in any
organization is the reward system in place. For the present-day generation, rewards
matter more than the actual performance, and this is reflected in their increasing
demands from the employers for salary hike and bonuses.
The Importance of Reward Systems
Many employees are motivated by two goals: earning a paycheck and doing
work that makes them proud. The offer of an additional reward gives an employee that
extra motivation to go above and beyond. According to a business website, a policy
that offers incentives in exchange for achievement can motivate all employees to prove
their worth. When worker productivity goes up, the bottom line often increases far
more than the monetary rewards distributed.
An employee who has been rewarded is often more motivated to remain with the
company. It can cost a business quite a bit to deal with the loss of old employees and
the training of new ones. Rewards, given to employees who are considering leaving the
company, may increase employees’ probability of retention and decrease the
company’s long-term training costs.
1. Monetary Reward Policies - The obvious and natural choice of any reward
system is the provision of monetary incentives. This means that pay hikes,
bonuses, and allowances that are monetary in nature play a key role in
motivating employees. These extrinsic rewards cater to the basic needs of
employees to sustain themselves and their families. An ideal reward system
would provide for graded pay increases and bonuses that are in tune with
industry best practices and are coordinated across the organization without
discriminating against specific departments or divisions. Further, the monetary
incentives should also not discriminate based on gender, ethnicity, or other
aspects of identity. The reward policies must also consider the fit between
the employee and the role that he or she performs. There is no point in
having a wrong person for the right job or a right person for the wrong job.
2. Non-Monetary Reward Policies - Some non-monetary rewards include benefits
like memberships to exclusive clubs, company provided housing and transport,
and advanced training and soft skill upgrading courses that motivate employees
to self-actualize themselves. For instance, Japanese firms who are positioned in
Mactan Economic Processing Zone, to do business in terms of manufacturing
and production of engine parts, they send their employee for a technical
training abroad as a reward to the excellent performance that the employee has
contributed for the betterment of the company.
There is also the involuntary turnover, where the employer dismisses the employees
due to misconduct or poor performance. Voluntary and involuntary matrix are crucial
indicators of issues plaguing teams at workplaces. Below are the different Employee
1. Transfer - Job transfer is the shift of job for employees; the change can be in
terms of place of job, department of job or shift of job. The employees are
replaced or moved lateral to serve the best for the organization. A transfer is a
change in job assignment. It may involve a promotion or demotion or separation.
4.1) Resignation – A voluntary separation initiated by the employee himself is
called resignation. It is always better to find why the employee has decided
to quit the organization. Properly conducted exit interviews would help
throw light on factors behind the curtain.
4.2) Retirement – Termination of service on reaching the age of superannuation.
4.3) Death – Some employees may die in service. The normal separation of
people from an organization due to resignation, retirement or death is
known as attrition.
4.4) Lay-off – A lay-off entails the separation of the employee from the
organization temporarily for economic or business reasons.
4.5) Retrenchment – A permanent lay-off for reasons other than punishment
but not retirement or termination owing to ill health.
4.6) Discharge and Dismissal – The termination of the services of an employee
as a punitive measure for some misconduct is called dismissal.
What’s More
What I Have Learned
Employer Employee
What I Can Do
Activity: Let us Interpret Data!
Instruction: Below is a sample performance evaluation of one of your bakers named
Bob. Check the performance statistics of Mr. Bob and evaluate his performance using
the template below.
Percentage Percentage
rating per 84.61 76.92 96.15% Rating per 90% 84% 96% 90% 80% 85%
Month % % Month
Guide Questions:
1. For first quarter performance evaluation, how do you find the performance of Mr.
2. What are the three-performance indicator that you can see in the performance
evaluation of Mr. Bob?
3. Based on the three-performance indicator, in what month did Mr. Bob performed
4. In what month did he performed well in terms of productivity and what month did
he performed less?
Multiple Choice: Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it on a separate
sheet of paper.
1. What systematic procedure of performance appraisal that helps the supervisors to
frame training policies and programs?
a. Employees Development c. Selection Validation
b. Promotion d. Motivation
2. What Government agency that answers two important needs for Filipino workers by
establishing a National savings program and an affordable house financing system?
a. GSIS c. SSS
b. Pag-ibig d. PhilHealth
6. What do you call the process of evaluating how effectively employees are fulfilling
their job responsibilities and contributing to the accomplishment of organizational
a. Performance Evaluation c. Job Selection
b. Goal Setting d. Performance Appraisal
7. What do you call a compensation that includes workers’ salaries, incentive pays,
bonuses and commissions?
a. Direct Compensation c. Non-Financial Compensation
b. Indirect Compensation d. Mutual Compensation
9. What do you call a compensation that includes benefits given by employers other
than financial remuneration?
a. Direct Compensation c. Non-Financial Compensation
b. Indirect Compensation d. Mutual Compensation
10. What do you call a human resource management function that deals with every
type of reward, that an employee receives in exchange for performing an
organizational task?
a. Evaluation c. Deliberation
b. Compensation d. Selection
11. What employee separation that refers to the permanent lay-off for reasons other
than punishment but not retirement or termination owing to ill health?
a. Lay-off c. Resignation
b. Retrenchment d. Retirement
12. What employee separation that refers to the termination of service on reaching the
age of superannuation?
a. Lay-off c. Resignation
b. Retrenchment d. Retirement
14. What employee separation which entails separation of the employee from the
organization temporarily for economic or business reasons.
a. Lay-off c. Resignation
b. Retrenchment d. Retirement
15. What employee separation wherein termination of the services of an employee was
due to misconduct.
a. Death c. Resignation
b. Discharge and Dismissal d. Retirement
Answer Key
Illustration sources:
Szwarcberg, M.R. (108577049) Boss arguing with employee, November 6, 2020
Online sources:
Philippine Salary Compensation and Benefits in the Philippines, October 26, 2020
September 14, 2018, Employee Wages and Compensation Benefits October 26, 2020
Compensation Management: Definition, Objectives, Importance, October 31, 2020
Importance of Compensation, November 01, 2020
Employee Relations, Management Study Guide, November 2, 2020,
Employee Movement, Definition, Employeepedia, November 2, 2020,
Transfer, Promotion, Demotion, Separation, November 2, 2020
Compensation Professional Tool box, Gov Docs, November 2, 2020
Majumder, S. (2017) Why Employee Relations are Important in an Organization,
November 11, 2020,
Gurnani, S. (2016) 6 reasons why performance evaluation is a necessity in start-ups,
November 5, 2020