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ABSTRACT .............................................................................................................. 1
1. INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................... 1
4. METHODOLOGY .................................................................................................... 9
REFERENCES ........................................................................................................ 14
Figure 1. PROPOSED RESEARCH MODEL ............................................................. 6
Figure 2. REPORT STRUCTURE ............................................................................... 13
Foreign Trade University Group 8
In this technology era, Tiktok is one of the fastest growing social media apps in the
world. In Vietnam, Tiktok is considered one of the apps popular with the most
generation Z. Therefore, Tikok in general and TikTok advertising in particular can
dominantly influence its users.
Purpose: This research aims to determine and analyze the factors of TikTok
advertising that affect gen Z’s shopping behavior in Hanoi during Covid - 19 pandemic.
From this research, firms and individual sellers can get suggestions and solutions to
adapt to consumers’ changing needs.
Scope: The survey concentrates on generation Z in Ha Noi who make use of TikTok
frequently as a means of ecommerce platform for purchasing things. They can be
students in high schools, universities or are not studying but working different kinds of
jobs in Ha Noi.
With 16 million downloads, TikTok has become a global sensation and the
fastest growing social media network in Vietnam (Tomorrow Marketers, 2019).
TikTok recognizes that localization is critical to persuade Vietnamese consumers,
particularly millennia and Gen Z users, who prefer short-form and influencer-driven
content to conventional advertising, in order to become more competitive in
Vietnam's online ad market, where Facebook and Google dominate. TikTok might be
regarded as a successful advertising channel with a wide consumer reach and the
ability to keep long- term customers. Advertisers and businesses can use this
occasion to market their products. Nonetheless, certain advertising with unsuitable
material routinely appears on TikTok, which may cause viewers to ignore, feel
uncomfortable, or even upset.
Although some earlier research investigated customers' online purchasing
behavior, the bulk of them were, in general, attitudes toward social media marketing
done prior to the onset of the Covid-19 epidemic. Customers' online buying behavior,
for example, is impacted not only by demographic parameters such as age, gender,
and occupation (Baubonien & Guleviit, 2015) (Bhat, et al., 2021), but also by
perceived benefit factors (Makhitha & Ngobeni, 2021) (Keyurkumar, et al., 2021)
(Sethna, et al., 2017). It is yet unknown how this epidemic has changed customer
behavior when it comes to internet purchasing.
This research attempts to examine the factors impacting young people's
perceptions regarding TikTok commercials and their influence on their online
shopping behavior in Ha Noi during the Covid-19 epidemic.The study can contribute
to both
academic and practitioner as it expands more on generation Z’s motivational factors
of interacting or engaging with brands.The result of Gen Z’s buying behavior after
consuming content on TikTok showed that more than half of participants were
motivated to buy products and have made several purchases. This pattern emerged
significantly in every participant’s interview and which could be why the literature
section stated that #TikTokMadeMeBuy had over 3 million views. Two participants
confirmed various purchases made which have been mentioned in the above findings
section while others have made small purchase decisions based on people’s
recommendations. This outcome of this study confirms that TikTok has influenced
users to consume products as they felt recommendations and reviews were done by
genuine people.
The objective of this research is to determine the factors affecting attitudes towards
TikTok advertisements and their impact on generation Z’s usage of E - commerce in
Ha Noi during the Covid-19 pandemic. Thus, it provides suggestions and solutions
for firmsto adapt to customers’ changing needs.
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Foreign Trade University Group 8
What are the impacts of TikTok Advertising on Young people’s online
How popular is TikTok to genZ nowadays?
What forms of TikTok Advertising are young people exposed to?
What are the positive effects of TikTok advertising to genZ?
What are the negative effects of TikTok advertising to genZ?
What is the relation between TikTok Advertising and E - commerce?
How can TikTok help E-commerce marketing?
What is the relationship between TikTok’s Influencers and E - commerce?
How can Covid - 19 pandemic influence E - commerce?
What are the differences of E - commerce development before and during
Covid -19 pandemic?
What are the opportunities for E - commerce during Covid - 19?
What are the biggest issues that E - commerce face during Covid - 19?
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products and services changed when they used online commerce because online firms
have more control over the consumer shopping experience, including unprecedented
access to buyer data and demographics.
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factors are mainly the impact of using technology in politics and political crises. The
attitude to use is concerned with the user’s evaluation of the desirability of employing a
particular information system application.
Behavioral intention is the measure of the likelihood of a person employing the
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Focus on the direct impacts of TikTok ads on gen Z’s usage of E - commerce in Ha Noi
based on finding out and analyzing if the usage of TikTok has had any positive or
negative impact on the attitude of Gen Z users, leading to their choice whether or not
using E - commerce.
Below is the proposed research model:
Attitude towards Online purchasing
Tiktok ads behavior
Advertising duration
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and Ashmawy (2014) showed that amusement in advertising improves perceived value
and customer attitude. A high degree of interest and attraction when interacting with
the media improves mood and perception (Tran, et al., 2013).
Hypothesis 2: Entertainment has a positive impact on young people’s
attitudes towards TikTok advertisements.
The definition of reliability is an optimistic anticipation about the outcome of an
event, human behavior, or consumers' sense of the trustworthiness of ads and advertisers
in general. Various elements, including a company's reputation and message sender,
impact advertising trustworthiness. According to Goldsmith et al. (1999), customer views
regarding advertising, branding, and purchase intent are all influenced by dependability.
Hypothesis 3: Reliability has a positive effect on genZ’s attitudes towards
advertisements of TikTok.
The amount of interchange between users and forms of advertising defined as a
mechanism for individuals to communicate successfully regardless of distance and time
is characterized as interactive ability, which allows users to engage in creativity and fun.
Sukpanich and Chen divided interaction into three categories: "machine," "content," and
"human." The potential of social media to draw a large number of people to utilize text,
photos, videos, and links to follow and share new items with other customers is one of its
interactive capabilities.
This allows customers to get more information and experience before making a
Hypothesis 4: Interaction gives a beneficial influence on the attitudes of young
people via TikTok ads.
Irritation is the level of discomfort created by irritating and improper
advertisements. Irritation reduces the efficacy of advertising because it gives customers
the feeling that they are in peril (Pham & Tran, Tap chi Phat Trien Kinh te). According to
Ducoffe, when advertisers utilize offensive or excessive approaches, consumers
frequently perceive the ad's undesirable and unpleasant impacts. Ads that are often
irritating and exaggerated might cause bewilderment, denial reactions, poor attitudes
toward advertising, and even decrease customers' buy intentions.
Advertisements that give clients with a non-distracting experience, as a
consequence, have a good influence on their view of TikTok social networking
Hypothesis 5: Irritation has a detrimental impact on opinions about TikTok
The advertising duration is the time it takes for the items shown in an
advertisement to perform. According to Datareportal (2021), we are social research, the
most popular genres of material consumed by Vietnamese Internet users each month are
short videos (97.6%), vlogs (61.2%), music (73.2%), radio (44.4%), and podcasts
(37.9%). Because of the digital transformation process and consumer
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preference, short-form video is an alternative that many companies pick to reach and
attract customers. According to TikTok's analysis, short-form videos will become an
important tool for businesses to locate and communicate with clients.
Hypothesis 6: The duration of advertising has a beneficial effect on people's
attitudes regarding TikTok adverts.
Attitudes via media advertisements are influenced by both positive and negative
factors, with negative factors such as irritation, inappropriateness, and so on, and
positive factors such as customer policies and the infrastructure of e-commerce
websites. The behavior of Internet users when shopping on e-commerce websites is
referred to as online shopping behavior. It is considered that attitudes regarding online
shopping have a beneficial impact on purchasing behavior. In this study, the authors
depend on this tendency while examining online buying behavior based on TikTok
commercials, and they anticipate that favorable attitudes of online purchasers would
enhance online shopping behavior.
Determining the buyer's attitude regarding the goods is critical since it has a
bigimpact on their behavior, particularly in competitive situations.
Hypothesis 7: Attitude towards advertisements has a positive impact on young
people’s online purchase behavior in Ha Noi.
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The research showed some limitations which have been identified below:
Subjective nature: Due to the subjective nature of the study involving finding results
centered around the participants’ personal portrayal, descriptions and this could reflect
skewed narration.
Obstructed to only generation Z in Ha Noi: The sample selected for this research was
specifically people of generation Z in Ha Noi who use TikTok and during the time
period of Covid - 19, therefore, the results obtained in this research may not be
applicable to people of generation Z or other individuals outside of this designation.
Sample size: Another concern was the sample size and the study has not been tested in a
large sample which was comparably small due to availability of participants and the
number of sample sizes being only 500 could not signify all TikTok users.
Time constraint: Further it the qualitative approach is ideal to analyze the trends over
time (Scott, 2012, p.42) but the data collection was performed only once and in a short
span due to time restrictions. Results could be proven richer if study is done in
sequences as social shifts over time could provide different findings.
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There are a number of gaps in our research that follow from our findings, and
would benefit from further research by the following orientation:
6.1. Building upon findings of this research:
Future research can make use of results obtained from this research including:
Features of TikTok advertising, attitude of gen Z users towards TikTok advertising,
usage of E - commerce. From these findings, future research can be used to address
unanswered aspects of this research problem.
6.2. Addressing limitations of this research:
This research has some limitations in terms of subjective nature, the sample
selected, sample size and time constraint so future research may change to objective in
nature, change data collection method, make sample size larger and/ or conduct the
research in a longer time span.
6.3. Constructing the same research in a new context, location and/or culture:
This research was conducted within Ha Noi, involving only people from
generation Z who use TikTok. Therefore, future research can use the same research
format in a new context: change location from Ha Noi to Ho Chi Minh city, within new
culture, etc to achieve further and beneficial results.
6.4. Re-addressing and expanding theory, framework or model addressed
in thisresearch:
Future studies can address the effects of other specific events, a new theory
and/or other recent phenomenon on this research.
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