KL 24 May 1st Tisarana
KL 24 May 1st Tisarana
KL 24 May 1st Tisarana
Day 1 : Tisarana
Sylvia Bay
May 2024
Retreat schedule
Time Activity
9.30 – 10.00 Puja & guided meditation
10.00 – 12.00 Dhamma learning
12.00 – 1.30 Lunch and recharging
1.30 – 2.00 Self-paced meditation
2.00 – 4.00 Dhamma learning & reflection
4.00 – 5.00 Guided thematic meditation
5.00 – 6.00 Q & A, puja & merit sharing
Right understanding of Ti-sarana (Three-refuges)
• What is Refuge?
• When do you seek Refuge?
• Whom do you go to for refuge?
• We go for refuge when we need help. But whom do we trust?
➢ Our own brain, logic and reasoning skills
➢ People we trust (parents, mentors, friends...);
➢ Social media, Youtube, books, professionals...
➢ Do we really go to Buddha, Dhamma, sangha for refuge?
Right understanding of Ti-sarana
• What does it mean by going “to the Buddha, Dhamma, Sangha”
for refuge?
➢ This is not about Buddha granting your wishes or delivering
an outcome you want.
➢ ‘Go’ or turn to the refuges when akusala mental states arise
(fear, worry, anger and agitation, grief, and so on).
➢ Recalling the Gems will help us calm down, ease our mind,
restore mental balance.
• How do the refuges do that?
Right understanding of Ti-sarana
• How do the refuges help us regain mental balance and find
peace? How do they work?
• It’s a self-help programme. We must recall the qualities of the
Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha.
• Know the qualities by heart and frequently (daily) recall them.
• At one level – know and be inspired by Buddha’s life story,
correct and deep understanding and experience of the
Dhamma, guided and be inspired by sangha.
• Deeper level – internalise the qualities of the Gems.
Qualities of the Buddha
Iti pi so Bhagavâ-Araham Sammâ-sambuddho.
Vijjâ-carana sampanno Sugato Lokavidû Anuttarro
Purisa-damma-sârathi Satthâ deva-manussânam
Buddho Bhagavâti
7. With mind well established, free from sense pleasures, firm in Gotama’s
teaching. On attaining their goal they plunge into the deathless, freely
enjoying the perfect peace they’ve gained.
In the Sangha is this precious jewel. By this truth may there be well-being.
8. As a post firmly grounded in the earth cannot be shaken by the four winds,
so is the superior person, I say, who definitely sees the Noble Truths. In the
Sangha is this precious jewel. By this truth may there be well-being.
Ratana sutta (Khp 6)
9. Those who comprehend the Noble Truths well taught by him of deep
wisdom, even if they were slightly negligent, would not take an eighth
existence. In the Sangha is this precious jewel. By this truth may there be
10. For one who has attained to vision, three states are at once abandoned:
view of self, doubt, and clinging to needless rules and rituals. Freed from
the four states of misery, he cannot do six kinds of evil deeds. In the Sangha
is this precious jewel. By this truth may there be well-being.
11. Though one might do some evil deed by body, speech, or mind,
he cannot hide it, such is impossible for one who has seen the path. In the
Sangha is this precious jewel. By this truth may there be well-being.
Ratana sutta (Khp 6)
12. Like woodland groves in blossom, in the first heat of summer.
So is the most excellent Dhamma that He taught, leading to
Nibbāna, the highest good. In the Buddha is this precious jewel.
By this truth may there be well-being.
13. He, the best one, beyond compare, knower, giver and bringer of
the best, taught the most excellent Dhamma. In the Buddha is this
precious jewel. By this truth may there be well-being.
14. Their past is extinct with no new arising. Their minds not drawn to
future birth. Their old seeds destroyed, their desires no more
growing. The wise go out just like this lamp.
In the Sangha is this precious jewel. By this truth may there be
Ratana sutta (Khp 6)
15. Whatever beings are here assembled,
Whether terrestrial or celestial,
Gods and humans revere the Perfect One.
Let us bow to the Buddha—may there be well-being.
18. By the power of this truth, may suffering cease for me.* By the
power of this truth, may fear cease for me.*
By the power of this truth, may illness cease for me.*
Guided sitting
on saddha