Project Report Quantum Block Hain
Project Report Quantum Block Hain
Project Report Quantum Block Hain
Submitted By:
(Formerly Delhi College of Engineering)
Bawana Road, Delhi - 110042
(Formerly Delhi College of Engineering)
Bawana Road, Delhi - 110042
I hereby certify that the Project Dissertation titled "Quantum Blockchain For Cross
Authentication In Iot Environment" which is submitted by Shashank Chaubey
(2K20/CO/421), Rohit Kumar Verma (2K20/CO/376) Computer Science Dept., Delhi
Technological University, Delhi in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award
of the degree of Bachelor of Technology, is a record of the project work carried out by
the students under my supervision. To the best of my knowledge this work has not been
submitted in part or full for any Degree or Diploma to this University or elsewhere.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all those who contributed to the
successful completion of this project. First and foremost, We extend our appreciation to
our advisor Dr. Rajeev Kumar for his invaluable guidance, support, and expertise
throughout the entire project.
We extend our heartfelt thanks to the participants and volunteers who contributed to the
research direction, as their involvement was critical to the project's success.
Lastly, our gratitude goes to our friends and family for their unwavering encouragement
and understanding during the challenging phases of this endeavor.
Thank you all for being an integral part of this journey.
1. Introduction…………………………………………………………………… 7
1.1. Problem Statement……………………………………………………………8
2. Literature Review………………………………………………………………9
2.1. Architecture…………………………………………………………………...9
2.2. Proposed Approach……………………………………………………………9
2.2.1. Initialization…………………………………………………………………9
2.2.2. Quantum Key Distribution (QKD)………………………………………….9
2.2.3. Entangled Particles as Authentication Tokens……………………………..10
2.2.4. Quantum Blockchain with Entanglement (QBE)…………………………..11
2.2.5. Secure Communication…………………………………………………….11
2.2.6. Logging and Auditing………………………………………………………12
2.2.7. Continuous Monitoring…………………………………………………….12
3. Results…………………………………………………………………………13
3.1. Key Performance Metrics……………………………………………………13
3.2. Considerations for Implementations…………………………………………14
4. Conclusion…………………………………………………………………….15
5. References……………………………………………………………………..16
1. System Model of the Proposed System
2. Work flow of the Proposed System
The Internet of Things (IoT), a network of numerous interconnected physical devices
via the Internet, has garnered significant attention in recent years. Global end-user
spending on IoT solutions is expected to reach approximately 1.6 trillion dollars by
2025. However, the unsupervised state of IoT devices poses a challenge to widespread
adoption due to potential security threats. Authentication plays a crucial role here. It is a
communication process where one entity verifies a property claimed by another entity.
In IoT systems, devices from different companies or institutions often have shared
resources, forming relatively independent trust domains to prevent unauthorized access.
However, real-world scenarios may involve cooperative relationships across multiple
domains when implementing certain functions. Hence, cross-domain considerations
become essential in IoT device authentication.
Traditional methods for cross-domain authentication can be problematic. They can
require a lot of work to manage encryption keys or depend on trusted third parties,
which may not always be available. Some existing solutions that use blockchain to help
with this kind of authentication still have a problem: they don't completely protect
against potential wrongdoing by people who manage these different security domains.
A new and efficient method for secure device authentication in cross-domain IoT
systems is introduced as "blockchain and TEE-assisted authentication." Their solution
addresses the issue of not fully trusting the managers of these security domains. It
combines different technologies like blockchain which is used to establish trust between
different security domains.
There is also the introduction of Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) technology that
establishes a secure execution environment, called an enclave, isolating data and
programs from the host operating system and ensuring correct outputs. TEE technology
enables an alternative approach to cross-domain authentication in blockchain-based IoT
systems, offering a secure and reliable solution.
In existing blockchain-based cross-domain authentication schemes, we believe that the
blockchain are thoroughly reliable which means they cannot be directly broken by
adversaries. However, existing IoT device authentication systems are potentially
vulnerable to quantum computing advancements. Traditional cryptographic methods in
blockchain-based authentication systems may become susceptible to quantum attacks.
Malicious attackers can exploit these vulnerabilities to steal private information thereby
endangering people's lives, property, and privacy.
In this proposed scheme, we advocate for combining TEE and quantum blockchain
systems as an emerging research direction. Running smart contracts within a TEE
enhances the confidentiality of data on the quantum blockchain and streamlines the
consensus process for improved efficiency. In our Quantum Blockchain and
TEE-assisted Authentication scheme, TEE acts as a trusted entity, managing IoT device
identity information and generating authentication results. This approach eliminates
concerns about manager-related security risks, as the TEE executes specific processes
independently of the manager. In summary, to address cross-domain authentication
challenges in IoT systems, we present a Quantum Blockchain and TEE-assisted Cross
Domain Authentication scheme.
However, the proposed scheme recognizes the potential vulnerability of existing
blockchain-based authentication systems to quantum attacks. To counter this, the paper
suggests an emerging research direction by combining TEE and quantum blockchain
The proposed "Quantum Blockchain and TEE-assisted Cross Domain Authentication"
scheme addresses cross-domain authentication challenges in IoT systems by leveraging
the strengths of quantum blockchain and TEE technologies, providing a secure and
reliable solution.
2.1 Architecture
IX Entangled Particles:
Pairs of entangled particles are shared between communicating nodes.
Measurement on one particle instantaneously influences the state of the other, ensuring
the detection of any interference. Secure Key Exchange Process:
Step 1 - Photon Transmission: Sender (Domain A) transmits polarized photons
representing the key bits to the receiver (Domain B).
Step 2 - Measurement: Receiver (Domain B) measures the photons using a chosen basis.
Step 3 - Basis Comparison: Communicating parties publicly compare their chosen bases
for each bit.
Step 4 - Key Generation: Shared bits measured in the same basis form the secret key.
2.2.4 Quantum Blockchain with Entanglement (QBE) - The QBE protocol is a
hypothetical protocol leveraging quantum entanglement for secure transaction
distribution and verification in the quantum-resistant blockchain. It uses entangled
particles to distribute and verify transactions across the network.
Let's consider a simplified example with two entangled particles, A and B, representing
a quantum transaction. The entangled state is prepared as
|� = 2
|00 + |11 (1)
- Alice prepares the entangled state ψ and encodes a quantum transaction state ∣t⟩
into the particles.
- The superposition of quantum transaction states ∣T⟩ is created:
|� = 2
|� + |� (2)
- The entangled particles are distributed to Bob and other participants in the network.
- Bob receives the entangled particles and verifies the quantum transaction state using
quantum entanglement principles.
- Quantum-resistant hashing is applied to the verified transactions:
Hash(∣T⟩ )=H(∣T⟩ ).
- The hash is appended to the blockchain as a new block.
This process ensures that the transactions are securely distributed across the network,
and the use of entangled particles adds an extra layer of security to the blockchain,
making it resistant to quantum attacks.
The actual implementation would require more complex quantum algorithms and
protect the confidentiality and integrity of the transmitted data.
2.2.6 Logging and Auditing - Devices within the IoT environment are equipped with
quantum sensors capable of generating entangled particle pairs. Each device has a
dedicated Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) to ensure the security of quantum
When a device generates a log entry, it creates an entangled particle pair
(����������� ��� �������� ).
The state of �����������is correlated with the state of �������� .
|� = 2
|0 ������ |0 ��� + |1 ������ |1 ��� (3)
The device creates a log entry (log_data) containing information about its activity and
The log entry is hashed H(log_data)) to create a fixed-size digest.
The hashed digest is attached to the entangled particle qubitlog in a secure manner.
The entangled pair is then sent to the quantum-resistant blockchain for recording.
The entangled pair, along with the log entry, is recorded on the quantum-resistant
blockchain as a transaction.
Periodically, or on-demand, an auditing process is initiated to verify the integrity of log
Entangled particles are retrieved from the blockchain and measured, revealing the states
of ����������� ��� �������� .
Fig. 2. Work flow of the Proposed System.
3.1 Key Performance Metrics
3.1.1 Computation Time: Quantum algorithms, such as those for key exchange and
entanglement-based protocols, may have specific time complexities that impact overall
computation time. Classical cryptographic algorithms used within TEEs also contribute
to computation time.
3.1.2 Communication Overhead: Quantum communication introduces a new layer of
overhead. The efficiency of quantum communication protocols and the reliability of
quantum channels affect communication overhead.
3.1.3 Classical communication, especially in the context of blockchain transactions,
contributes to overall communication performance.
3.1.4 Resource Utilization: Quantum computers and TEEs have resource limitations.
Monitoring the utilization of quantum resources, TEE resources, and general
computational resources is crucial. Efficient resource management is essential for
achieving optimal performance.
3.1.5 Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) Efficiency: QKD protocols have unique
efficiency metrics, such as the secure key rate and the maximum transmission distance.
These metrics depend on the specific QKD algorithm, quantum technologies, and
environmental conditions.
3.1.6 Blockchain Transaction Throughput: The efficiency of the quantum-resistant
blockchain and the chosen consensus mechanism influence transaction throughput.
Blockchain scalability and confirmation times impact the overall system performance.
3.1.7 Secure Communication Latency: Latency in establishing secure communication
channels using quantum methods and classical cryptographic algorithms affects
real-time applications.
against quantum attacks, their real-world adoption and integration into existing systems
need careful consideration.
TEE Implementation: Deploying TEEs in a widespread and standardized manner across
different systems and platforms is challenging. There may be variations in TEE
technologies, and interoperability could be a concern.
Quantum Communication Infrastructure: Building a reliable and scalable quantum
communication infrastructure is a complex task. Quantum key distribution, for example,
relies on quantum channels that are challenging to establish and maintain.
In conclusion, the proposed workflow integrates cutting-edge technologies, including
Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs) and quantum entanglement, to establish a
robust and secure framework for cross-domain authentication and communication in an
IoT environment. The incorporation of post-quantum cryptographic algorithms, such as
Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) for secure key exchange and for authentication,
enhances the system's resilience against potential quantum threats.
The integration of TEEs ensures the confidentiality and integrity of cryptographic
operations, while quantum entanglement provides unique security features in key
exchange, authentication, and communication processes. However, practical
implementation is contingent on the advancement of quantum technologies, including
the development of quantum communication infrastructure and quantum computers
capable of processing entangled states. Overall, the proposed workflow represents a
forward-looking approach to addressing the evolving security challenges in the era of
quantum computing.
Science, Centro de Investigación CITIC, Campus de Elviña s/n, Universidade da
Coruña, 15071, A Coruña, Spain.
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