Cuet-Ug - 2024 4

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Application Number 243551655826

Candidate's Name DEVANSHU KORI


Gender MALE

Date of Birth(DD-MM-YYYY) 04-11-2006

Category SC

Person with Disability * NO

Scribe Required NA

Test Details
Examination Test Centre Details
Subject Question Gate
Applied Code Paper Roll No. Reporting/Entry Closing
& Name Medium Date & Shift Timings Time at Centre Time of Test Venue
306 - 15.05.2024 to 09.30 ADD: MANIK BAGH ROAD
Chemistry English 3003104081 SHIFT-1A 11.00AM 08.00 AM AM(Sharp) INDORE ( MADHYA
101 - English 3003204383 15.05.2024 to 01.00 PM 02.30 INDORE ( MADHYA
(IST) 452014)
501 - General 15.05.2024 to 02.30 ADD: MANIK BAGH ROAD
Test English 3003204383 SHIFT-2B 06.00PM 01.00 PM PM(Sharp) INDORE ( MADHYA
(IST) 452014)
322 - Physics English 3003403865 16.05.2024 to 01.00 PM 02.30 RAU DEWAS BYPASS
INDORE, 452020)
Mathematics / English 3003403865 16.05.2024 to 01.00 PM 02.30 RAU DEWAS BYPASS
Applied SHIFT-2B 06.15PM PM(Sharp) ROAD, INFORNT OF
Mathematics (IST) NEWYORK CITY, INDORE ( 14/05/24, 8 49 PM
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INDORE, 452020)
Date and Time: 14-05-2024 [Page
Application Number : 243551655826 IP Address:
20:48:52 1]
Senior Director (NTA)

Candidate must bring one Passport size photograph per subject (same as uploaded on
Application Form) for pasting on attendance Sheet in the examination Room/Hall.
40 out of 50 questions are to be marked in all subjects except in General Test and 50 out
of 60 questions in General Test. In the event of a candidate marked more than 40 out of
50 in all subjects except in General Test or 50 out of 60 questions in General Test, only
the first 40 or 50 questions marked will be considered for evaluation.
Candidate must check carefully that the Test Booklet Code printed on the OMR Answer
Sheet is the same as printed on Test Booklet. In case of discrepancy, the candidate
should immediately report the matter to the Invigilator for replacement of the OMR
Answer Sheet of the same Code.
I, -----------------------------------------------, resident of---------------------------------------------,do hereby, declare the
1. I have read Instructions and Notices related to this examination available on the portal.
2. I have read the detailed “IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS FOR CANDIDATES” as given and I undertake to
abide by the same.

Candidate’s Signature
(To be signed on the Day of Examination
in the presence of the Invigilator only)
The above undertaking has to be filled up in advance before reaching the Centre, except for the
candidate’s signature which has to be affixed in the presence of the Invigilator.
During the examination no bio-break will be allowed.
During the shift break candidate who has exam in next shift will not be allowed to go outside the
centre premises. Candidate can only leave the examination centre in the session break.

* Subject to the condition stipulated in the Guidelines dated 29.08.2018 for conducting written examinations
for Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (as amended from time to time), a scribe shall be given, if so desired
by a person with benchmark disabilities in the category of blindness, locomotor disability (both arms affected
BA) and cerebral palsy. In the case of other categories of persons with benchmark disability, the provision of
a scribe can be allowed on production of a certificate from the Chief Medical Officer/Civil Surgeon/Medical
Superintendent of a Government Health Care Institution, to the effect that the person concerned has physical
limitation to write, and scribe is essential to write the examination on his/her behalf. The PwBD Candidate 14/05/24, 8 49 PM
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limitation to write, and scribe is essential to write the examination on his/her behalf. The PwBD Candidate
can bring his/her own scribe or may avail the same from the examining body. #All the candidates with
benchmark disability not availing the facility of scribe will be allowed compensatory/extra time of 20 minutes
per hour of the examination and 15 min for 45 min of the examination.

*Disclaimer: The eligibility in the Examination under the category "Persons With Disability" is
purely provisional to appear in the examination and does not guarantee a seat to the candidate
under the respective Category. The candidature for admission to UG Program under PwD
Category under various colleges will be governed as per Date
relevant UGC Guidelines.
and Time: 14-05-2024 [Page
Application Number : 243551655826 IP Address:
20:48:52 2]


1. The candidate must reach the Centre at the time indicated against Reporting/Entry time at the Centre in the Admit
2. No candidate shall be permitted to enter the Centre after the Gate Closing- Time.
3. No candidate shall be permitted to leave the Examination Room/Hall before the end of the examination.
4. On completion of the examination, please wait for instructions from Invigilator and do not get up from your seat until
advised. The candidates will be permitted to move out one at a time only.
5. All candidates are required to download and carefully read the Instructions given with the Admit Card and strictly
adhere to them.
6. This Admit Card consists of Centre details and Self Declaration (Undertaking) form and “Important
instructions for Candidates”. The candidate must download all pages.
7. The Admit Card is provisional, subject to satisfying the eligibility conditions as given in the Information Bulletin.
8. Candidates are advised to verify the location of the examination venue, a day in advance so that they do not face
any problem on the day of examination.
9. If religion/customs require you to wear specific attire, please visit the Centre early for thorough checking.
10. No Candidate would be allowed to enter the Examination Centre, without Admit Card, Valid ID Proof, and
proper frisking. Frisking will be carried out through Handheld Metal Detector (HHMD).
11. Candidates will be permitted to carry only the following items with them into the examination venue :
1. Personal transparent water bottle and pen.
2. Additional photograph same as uploaded on Application Form, to be pasted on Attendance Sheet (one
photograph per subject/per shift).
3. Admit Card along with Self Declaration (Undertaking) downloaded from the NTA website (a clear printout on
A4 size paper) duly filled in.
4. Before reaching the Centre, the candidates must enter the required details in the Undertaking in legible
5. PwD Certificate and Scribe-related documents, if applicable.
12. Candidate should put their signature at the appropriate place.
13. Candidate must carry valid Identity proof, preferably, Aadhaar Card (With photograph)/ E-Aadhaar/Ration Card/
Aadhaar Enrolment No. with Photo to the center. However, other valid Identity proof issued by the government –
PAN card/ Driving License/ Voter ID/ 12th Class Board Admit or Registration card/ Passport/ Original School Identity
card with Photo will also be considered ONLY in case of non-availability. All other ID/Photocopies of IDs even if
attested/scanned photo of IDs in mobile phone will NOT be considered valid ID Proof.
14. The PwD candidates must bring a PwD Certificate issued by the Competent Authority if claiming relaxation under
the PwD category. The Scribe will be provided by National Testing Agency only if requested in the online Application
Form of CUET (UG) – 2024. The facility of a Scribe will be provided, in case he/she has a physical limitation, and a
scribe is essential to write the examination on his/her behalf, being so certified in the aforesaid format whichever is
applicable given in Information Bulletin by a CMO/Civil Surgeon/ Medical Superintendent of a Government Health
Care Institution. Compensatory time of twenty minutes per hour will be provided to PwD candidates for the
examination, whether such candidate (having a physical limitation to write) uses the facility of Scribe or not.
15. Candidates are NOT allowed to carry any personal belongings including electronic devices, mobile phones, and 14/05/24, 8 49 PM
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15. Candidates are NOT allowed to carry any personal belongings including electronic devices, mobile phones, and
other banned/ prohibited items listed in the Information Bulletin to the Examination Centre. Examination Officials will
not be responsible for the safe keep of personal belongings and there will be no facility at the center.
16. Blank paper sheets for rough work will NOT be provided in the examination Hall/Room. Rough work is to be done
in the space provided for this purpose in the Test Booklet only. Failure to do so may result in the non-
evaluation of your answers.
17. No Candidate should adopt any unfair means or indulge in any unfair examination practices as the examination
Centres are under surveillance of CCTV and equipped with Jammers.
18. On completion of the test, candidates must hand over the OMR Sheet and Admit Card to the Invigilator and take
away only the Test Booklet with them. It will be the responsibility of the candidate also to ensure that the OMR sheet
submitted by him/her carries his/her signature as well as the Signature of the Invigilator at the pre-determined
19. Candidates are advised NOT to indulge in use of Un-Fair Means, impersonation etc. Candidates found using Un-
Fair Means are liable for strict action including debarment from appearing in all the examinations conducted by
20. Important Advisories to candidate: Date and Time: 14-05-2024 [Page
1. NTA
Application uses:AI
Number based real time IP
243551655826 analytical tools & technologies to map likely/potential use of unfair means
/cheating behavior by candidates at all centres, both during20:48:52
and post exams. 3]
2. CCTV recordings are analyzed using AI technologies to confirm malpractice with evidence.
3. NTA catches the likely cheaters through Artificial Intelligence-based tool.
4. Suspicious candidates are identified through AI-based tools, even after the examination.
5. Examination centers are continuously monitored through artificial intelligence-enabled systems to ensure the
integrity of the examination process.
21. Candidates are advised to check updates on the NTA websites regularly i.e. and They should also check their mailbox on the registered E-mail address and SMS
in their registered Mobile No. for the latest updates and information.
22. For any clarification/assistance, you can write to NTA at or call at Helpline number 011
-40759000 / 011-69227700. 14/05/24, 8 49 PM
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