Acc117 - Obe Lesson Plan
Acc117 - Obe Lesson Plan
Acc117 - Obe Lesson Plan
Prepare financial statements and bank reconciliation statements using the basic accounting knowledge for a sole
proprietorship business.
CLO2 Work collaboratively with other students in completing the accounting simulation project.
CLO3 Analyse financial statements using simple financial ratios for sole proprietorship business.
LO1 Knowledge
LO10 Cognitive
LO11 Interpersonal Skills
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2.3 Accounting assumptions and
- Going concern
- Historical cost
- Economic entity
- Money measurement
4 11/11 Accounting Equation 4(L) 3.1 Statement of Financial Position Able to: Lecture and Group Project
and Accounting 2(T) format and its elements - Identify the elements in the tutorial Test
Classification 3.2 Basic accounting equation Statement of Financial Position
3.3 Effects of transactions on the basic and relate them with the
accounting equation accounting equation.
3.4 Expanded accounting equation. - Identify the effects of business
3.5 Effects of transactions on the transactions on accounting
expanded accounting equation equation.
5 11/11 Principle of Double 4(L) 4.1 Double entry rules Able to: Lecture and Group Project
Entry 2(T) 4.2 Ledger entries - Apply double entry rules to tutorial Test
4.3 Balancing off ledger account prepare journals and ledger
4.4 Pre-adjusted trial balance accounts.
4.5 Pre-adjusted financial statements - Prepare pre-adjusted trial
- Prepare pre-adjusted financial
6 25/11 Books of Prime entry 1(L) 5.1 Introduction to source documents Able to: Lecture and Group Project
0.5(T) 5.2 Types of journals: - Identify the 7 types of journals. tutorial Test
1.5(Test 1) - Sales journal - Prepare the subsidiary ledgers
- Purchases journal
- Return inwards journal.
- Return outwards journal.
- Cash receipts journal
- Cash payments journal
- General journal
5.3 Types of ledgers
- Sales ledger
- Purchases ledger
- General ledger
5.4 Recording process from source
documents to journals and posting to
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7 25/11 Balance Day 6(L) 6.1 Adjustments of accruals and Able to: Lecture and Test
Adjustments and 3(T) prepayments. - Incorporate the adjustments in tutorial
Preparation of 6.2 Bad debts and bad debts the preparation of financial
Financial Statements recovered. statements (Statements of
6.3 Doubtful debts and allowance for Profit or Loss and Statement of
doubtful debts using allowance method. Financial Position)
6.4 Capital expenditure and revenue
6.5 Depreciation of non- current assets
(the cost of non-current assets should
already include the amount of capital
- Definition of depreciation.
- Factors causing depreciation.
- Show calculation for depreciation
using straight line and reducing
balance method on yearly basis
6.6 Post-adjusted financial statements.
- Preparation of financial
statements using vertical format
6.7 Application of financial accounting.
- Briefly discuss the application of
financial accounting in relation to
the students’ program such as the
specific uses of financial
statements in their field.
6/12 Bank reconciliation 3(L) 8.1 Use of banking facilities for safe Able to: Lecture and Test
statement 1.5(T) keeping of cash (bank account) - Identify the reasons for the tutorial
1.5(Test 2) 8.2 Update Cash Book differences between cash book
8.3 Reconciling the bank account with and bank statement.
the bank statement - Prepare the adjusted cash
Prepare bank reconciliation
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8 20/1 Financial Statement 4(L) 7.1 Objectives of financial statements Able to: Lecture and Group Project
Analysis 2(T) analysis. - Calculate the financial ratios tutorial
7.2 Types of financial ratios analysis. - Interpret and comment the
- Liquidity ratios financial ratios calculated for
o Current ratio decision making purposes.
o Quick ratio
- Profitability ratios
o Gross profit margin
o Net profit margin
o Return on investment
- Efficiency ratios
o Inventory turnover ratio
o Average collection period
7.3 Preparation and interpretation of
financial ratios
7.4 Limitations of financial ratio
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