Viva Engage Community Admin Guide and Best Practices
Viva Engage Community Admin Guide and Best Practices
Viva Engage Community Admin Guide and Best Practices
Bulk add members Use a .csv file to add new members to the community. If you have a community larger
than 250, break up the members to communities of 250 or less.
Pin documents Link popular documents, websites, or other content important to the community
Post announcements Community Admins can post an announcement that pushes notifications of a post
into members' inbox. Announcements also can have rich text within them. You can
make any type of post (poll, praise, question) an announcement.
Delete message/files Within the community, the owner can delete a message. Only Community Admins or the
file owner can delete files posted within a community. Be mindful of this, as it may be
more appropriate to have the member delete themselves.
Close conversations You can close a thread to stop new replies. You can also reopen the thread at any time.
Before closing the thread, it’s best practice to state the reason to the community
Share a Post Create cross community engagement by sharing conversation that happen in other parts
of your network into the community.
Mark Best Answer Make sure questions have the best answer. You may need to follow up to get additional
Community Admin Guide
Welcome to our new Viva Engage Community [insert name]! We will be using this community to
[add community purpose/objectives]. Join the conversation in Viva Engage [link community].
Once you have joined, visit our community [link] and post an update. Consider updating your
profile and notification settings. We encourage you to share, ask, learn, and build connections. Don’t
forget to download the Viva Engage app on your mobile device.
For more best practices on how and what to post, view the Etiquette Guide [link].
If you need help or have questions, visit [link].
2. Ask questions and mark best answer—see [Conversation Starters] for ideas.
8. Don't leave a post to your community un-answered! If you're unsure of the answer, @mention
someone who may know.
10. Use Announcements for important updates that need to reach the entire community. This will
prompt an email and a notification to all community members, so only use Announcements for
important updates. Be sure to provide supporting documentation or links.
Community Admin Guide
Conversation starters:
If you aren’t sure what to post or how to keep conversation moving, try one of these open-ended
questions or conversation starters. Edit and customize these to your specific community. Tag a few
community members to kick off the conversation.
• What’s your favorite part about [insert]? What’s your least favorite?
• Is there something people consistently ask you to help with? What is it? How did you gain your
• Why are you part of this community? What do you hope to get out of it as a result?