Family Handbook (AUG 23)

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Children's Services

Family Handbook
July | 2023
Children's Services Family Handbook
Children's Services Family Handbook

Table of contents
04 Our Commitment to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples

06 Guiding statement and commitment

07 Leadership & management

07 Regulatory bodies

10 Our approach to delivering education and care

14 Child protection

14 Orientation & settling

15 Supervision protocols & procedures

15 Educator to child ratios

16 Partnership with families

16 Promoting cooperative behaviour

16 Shutdown period

17 Excursions & community visitors

18 Attendance patterns

18 Sibling placements

19 Globe Preschool & Occasional Care

20 Fees & Charges, Receipts & Records

20 Child Care Subsidy

21 Social justice & inclusive practices

21 Immunisation

23 Health, safety and medication procedures

24 Points to remember

26 Feedback & grievance procedures 03

Children's Services Family Handbook

Our commitment to
Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander peoples
Inner West Council acknowledges the traditional Aboriginal custodians of this
land, their living culture and unique role in the life of this region.

We acknowledge this is a country of which the members and Elders of the

local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities have been custodians
for many centuries, and on which these people have performed age-old

The traditional Aboriginal groups of the Inner West Council area are the
Gadigal and Wangal peoples.

Inner West Council is committed to Reconciliation, always ensuring that the

process is based on:
A spirit of openness

We acknowledge and accept that our community is made up of many

different people from all spheres of life who have made the area their home
and bring with them their own uniqueness.

Building relationships with the local Aboriginal community enhances the living
experience of our residents, businesses and general community members,
and promotes Reconciliation through better understanding.

Children's Services Family Handbook

Guiding statement &


Inner West Council is the Approved Provider of a number of Early and Middle
Childhood Services – all of which are approved services regulated and
monitored under the Education and Care Services National Law and
Regulations (2011).

Our services are the gateway to inclusive, just and high-quality education,
recreation and care, with a family-centred focus that respects and values the
strength of our children and families.

Our services build and sustain a strong sense of belonging and connection
between families and their community and cultural identity. We actively
engage children in discovering the joys and wonders of learning about the
world we live in so they may achieve their full potential and become active,
valued and confident citizens of their local and wider community.

Council has a commitment to delivering licensed, high-quality programs which

are underpinned by children’s rights and social justice principles. Educators
work as collaborators with children to foster their learning and development,
establishing environments that build on the desire to investigate and explore
our worlds.

Active support of all aspects of diversity is evident in the services through a

range of proactive strategies including employment initiatives, centre and
individual child-based programs to help build cohesive and peaceful

Children's Services Family Handbook

Leadership & Management

Maria Pappas
Acting Senior Manager

Rochelle Payne
Acting Operations Manager

Beth O'Connor
Acting Operations Manager

Amy Breen
Acting Operations Manager

Regulatory Bodies
All Education and Care Services catering to children under school age and those
in middle school (5- 12yrs) are currently approved, monitored and regulated by
the Early Childhood Education and Care Directorate under the NSW Department of
Education and Communities.

Regulatory authorities administer the National Quality Framework (NQF) in each

state and territory, usually as part of that state or territory’s education department
or agency. In most cases the regulatory authority is the first point of contact for

They are responsible for

Granting approvals, including provider approval and service approvals

Assessing and rating services against the National Quality Standard and the
Education and Care National Regulations
Working with ACECQA to promote continuous quality improvement and
educating the sector and community about the NQF
Submitting applications and notification forms
Temporary service waivers
State or territory specific transition and savings provisions

Children's Services Family Handbook

Australian Children's Education and Care

Quality Authority (ACECQA)

Our children’s services are governed by a national compliance and

assessment system overseen by the Australian Children's Education and Care
Quality Authority (ACECQA), administered through the NSW Department of

The National Quality Framework (NQF) and National Quality Standards (NQS)
are delivered on a state level by the Early Childhood Education and Care
Directorate (ECECD), under the NSW Department of Education.

The national compliance and assessment system aims to provide children in

centre-based and family day care with high quality and standards in
Education and Care to best promote learning and development in a child’s
vital early (0-5 years) and middle school years (5-12 years). The broad
objective is to ensure that children in these settings have stimulating and
positive experiences and interactions that foster all aspects of their
development. It does this by defining quality education and care, and by
providing a framework for measuring quality in a childcare setting.

A National Curriculum Framework: Belonging Being and Becoming, the Early

Years Learning Framework (EYLF) and My Time Our Place (for Middle School
services), in conjunction with the National Quality Standard and the Education
and Care National Regulations guides all aspects of the assessment system.
For more information visit

Early Childhood Education and Care Directorate

NSW Department of Education
Locked Bag 5107
Paramatta NSW 2124
1800 619 113

For further information visit:, or

contact Department of Human Services: 131 650

Not all classrooms
have four walls
Children's Services Family Handbook

Our approach to delivering

education & care
The foundations created in the early years of a child’s life pave the way for
future learning and development. Our services design programs that promote
learning through play, allowing children to make choices, discover, investigate
and challenge themselves.

Through the Early Years Learning Framework, we provide a play-focused

curriculum that incorporates intentional teaching experiences with
spontaneous and planned exploration and learning. Our curriculum also
includes specific strategies and teaching techniques, embedded within daily
practices to support the children’s interests and their overall development.

Our programs encourage curiosity and confidence in everyday learning

opportunities, providing a strong foundation for life-long learning.

Working together to prepare your

child for school

We believe ‘school readiness’ occurs throughout your child’s time at the centre.
It is achieved most effectively through the ongoing partnership between
families and educators working alongside each other to support your child’s
individual strengths and learning abilities.

We invite families to contribute to our programs and curricula to ensure we

continue to best meet the needs of each child as they make a positive
transition to school.

Our services design our transition to school programs in accordance with the
‘Early Years Learning Framework’ as well as the NSW Board of Studies ‘Parents
Guide to the NSW Syllabuses’.

We aim to provide you with information that helps achieve a smooth transition
to school for your child and you.

Children's Services Family Handbook

Our programs

Current knowledge, theory and evidenced based research guide our work with
young children and their families. Under the Education and Care Services
National Regulations, all services must provide an educational program
(Regulations, part 4.1, p.73).

Belonging, Being and Becoming: The Early Years Learning Framework for
Australia, also known as the Early Years Learning Framework or EYLF, is
Australia's first national framework for early childhood educators.

The EYLF is linked to and embedded in the National Quality Standards. It

acknowledges the importance of play to children’s learning and development
and guides educators to develop quality programs for young children. It also
describes the early childhood pedagogy (principles and practice) and
outcomes that provide goals for young children's learning.

Launched in 2009, the framework provides direction and influences program

development in all early childhood services. “Fundamental to this framework is
a view of children’s lives as characterised by Belonging, Being & Becoming.
From before birth, children are connected to family, community, culture and
place. Their earliest development and learning takes place through these
relationships, particularly within families. As children participate in everyday
life, they develop interests and construct their own identities and
understandings of the world.” (2009)

In line with the educational program, our services value families, recognising
that families are children’s first and most influential educators. We strive to
establish authentic partnerships which are cooperative, respectful and trustful.
Through these partnerships, families and educators work together to make
decisions to enhance children’s learning and wellbeing.

We encourage shared planning and assessment practices to ensure that

learning experiences and environments are responsive to individual children’s
interests and needs. Safe and secure environments and interactions which
value children as capable and as having rights to participate in their
communities are crucial to a positive early childhood experience.

Children's Services Family Handbook

Experienced & qualified educators

The Children’s Services team consists of experienced and dedicated
professionals. High quality services are provided by educators and staff
committed to their profession and to the education and care of children. All
educators have training and/or qualifications related to early childhood or
primary education. Educators engage in professional development to
continually improve their practice, update their knowledge and many
undertake further formal studies at universities, TAFE colleges and other
Registered Training Organisations.

As a minimum, all educators must hold an approved Certificate III in Children’s

Services. 50% of all qualified educators on the staffing structure at the centre
must hold a minimum of a Diploma, Children’s Services.

At all times, while children are present, a minimum of two educators at each
centre must hold a current approved first aid certificate, which includes
emergency management of anaphylaxis and asthma.

When the Nominated Supervisor (NS) is not on the premises, a staff member
deemed by the NS and Council to be a Responsible Person (RP) must be on the
premises at all times. The Responsible Person on premises is on display at each
of the Council operated services in a prominent position.

Replacement educators
In the absence of permanent educators due to illness or leave, centres have
access to a mix of replacement educators. The replacement educator will hold
equivalent qualifications to the person they are replacing.

Council maintains a casual relief pool and access to reputable agencies who
provide high-quality educators.

All our educators and staff are bound by Council’s HR and procurement
policies which ensure relief staff meet Council and Regulatory standards.

Your garden, no matter its size,
is an outdoor classroom
waiting to be explored
Children's Services Family Handbook

Child protection
Inner West Council is committed to zero tolerance of child abuse
and neglect. Child safety is embedded in our organisation,
leadership and culture.

Council educators work in accordance with child protection legislation.

Educators working with children and young people are mandatory notifiers.
They are legally required to notify NSW Family and Community Services of any
concerns they may have for a child’s safety and protection from risk of harm.

A full copy of the Child Protection Protocol is available in the Children's Services
Protocol and Procedure Manual at the centre.

Orientation & settling

An orientation program is implemented to help new children and families settle
into the centre. This is a time to become familiar with the environment, routines,
requirements and staff. The more familiar a child becomes with the centre
before care starts, the easier the transition will be for your child and yourself.

Visit days also provide an opportunity for new parents and carers to
communicate with staff about the child’s individual needs and routine. During
these visits, families will be shown where to put their child’s belongings and how
to collect information about their child each day.

During the orientation visits, parents/carers must sign the visitor’s book upon
arrival and departure.

Once care has started, it is natural for some children to become distressed by
the unfamiliar setting when parents/carers leave. Your child is more likely to
settle quickly if you don't delay your parting. We request that you pass your
child to a staff member, say a quick goodbye and let them know you are
coming back. You're welcome to ring later in the day to ask how your child’s day
is going.

Your child is likely to develop a bond with a favoured carer and this staff
member generally attends to your child whenever possible. If your child has a
security object, ensure they have it with them. Please be patient, some children
find new care arrangements more overwhelming than others. It may take a few
weeks for them to adjust (more if children are in part-time care).

Children's Services Family Handbook

Supervision protocols
& procedures
Inner West Council has a duty of care to ensure the protection, health and
safety of all children enrolled in our Education and Care services. Active adult
supervision is critically important in providing a safe and protective
environment for all children; and in supporting children in their learning

The protocols and procedures recognise that active supervision requires

educators have the ability to:

Consider the environment and identify and manage potential risks.

Know and understand child and educator routines.
Organise groupings of children that are practical and manageable, in
accordance with ratios.
Support and promote children’s own sense of self and agency.

Educators implement supervision strategies in regard to the age and stage of

development of children; group size; the behaviours, characteristics and
capabilities of individual children and opportunities to support children’s play
experiences and learning.

Educator to child ratios

The Education and Care National Regulations (2011) determine the maximum
number of children to educators and the qualifications required in each

6 weeks - 2 years 1:4

2 years - 3 years 1:5

3 years - 5 years 1:10

5 years - 12 years 1:15

Children's Services Family Handbook

Partnership with families

Children’s Services work in partnership with families and encourage them to
view the centres as community spaces of education, play and care. Families
are invited to participate in the programs by:

Providing written and verbal feedback

Where applicable providing input into protocol reviews
Completing surveys
Providing input to educators about their child’s learning and development
Visiting the service and participating at any time
Participating in a range of events organised through the centre

Promoting cooperative behaviour

In consultation with families, educators aim to guide ‘appropriate behaviours’
in all children. This relies on commitment and consistency in approach.

Educators support children in accordance with their age, stage of development

and cultural background to:

Express their needs and wants in ways that respect the rights and safety of
Interact positively with individuals and the group
Care for themselves, others and the environment
Recognise the consequences of their behaviour
Choose positive behaviours
Develop problem solving and conflict resolution skills

Shutdown Period
All services shut down for a period of time over the end of year/new year
period. This period includes a number of public holidays and staff development
days. The dates will differ each year depending on a number of factors,
including where the public holidays occur in the calendar.

Families are notified of these dates by Centre Directors each year. The
shutdown period allows time for any planned maintenance and/or capital
works to occur safely in the services in the absence of children.

Children's Services Family Handbook

Excursions occur across the Children’s Services operated by Inner West Council.
They form an important part of the educational opportunities designed by

Regular Routine Local Excursions

At the beginning of each year, educators undertake an annual routine
Excursion Risk Assessment for regular local outings into the community.

As required by the Education and Care Services National Regulations,

parents/guardians are asked to sign a ‘Routine Excursion Permission Form’
authorising their child/ren to leave the premises for these excursions. Group
Excursion Permission Forms are required to be signed by parents/carers on the
day of the excursion.

Emergency evacuation drills are part of ongoing service operations and may
fall into the category of excursions as children must leave the approved
premises with the on-site educators and staff. Emergency evacuation drills are
carried out at a minimum every quarter, to meet Education and Care Services
National Regulations and Work Health and Safety Regulations requirements.

Non-Routine excursions
Larger, less frequent excursions refer to venues and routes that are not used
routinely. These excursions are undertaken in consultation with children and
the community of learners within the service.

Separate risk assessments are undertaken by centre personnel for each non-
routine excursion. Specific parental/carer authorisation is required in advance
of the day for each non-routine excursion.

On the day, parents/carers must sign an updated document at the centre that
lists the children, educators and other adults attending the excursion, and the

Community visitors
Parents/Carers will be advised of any in-centre community visitors before they
take place and family authorisation sought where applicable. Visits from
community members and external providers of educational experiences are
an important element of our programs.
Children's Services Family Handbook

Attendance patterns for Early

Learning Centres & Preschool
Our service delivery model provides care within a 2, 3, 4 or 5-day attendance
pattern framework to ensure quality care for children, whilst maintaining
utilisation and therefore affordable services for the community.

Option 1 Monday & Tuesdays

Option 2 Thursday & Friday
Option 3 Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday
Option 4 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday
Option 5 Wednesday, Thursday & Friday
Option 6 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday

Children attending part of the week (sessions) may be permitted to attend

extra casual days in the case of a temporary vacancy due to another child’s
confirmed absence, at the discretion of the Centre Director

Change of attendance patterns

Any request to change attendance patterns must follow the attendance
pattern protocol.
Families wanting to make changes to their attendance during the year
need to fill out an "Application to Change Days of Attendance" form.
The Director will attempt to meet the request, however, not all requests can
be accommodated.
One day placements cannot be catered for.
The Director will contact families once a place becomes available.

Sibling placements
Children’s Services is committed to promoting, supporting and encouraging
healthy family relationships and lifestyles and will endeavour to meet family
needs whenever possible.

Siblings on the waitlist of an already enrolled child may be given first

consideration so they can spend time together during the day. This strategy
also facilitates families having one drop off and pick up point, minimising time
spent in travel/traffic.

Families must meet the Priority of Access Guidelines.

Children's Services Family Handbook

Enrolments at Globe Preschool

The NSW Department of Education, Early Childhood Education and Care
Directorate (the State) administers the Preschool sector and sets out the
priority of access guidelines.

As a funding source, compliance with the State policy and enrolment

guidelines is essential. Commonwealth Child Care Support is not applicable or
available for families enrolled in the Preschool.

Priority is given to 4 year-olds/ and or children in their year before attending


Council adheres to the Department of Education Start Strong Funding

requirements. These guidelines require services to give equal priority of access
Children who are at least 4 years old on or before the 31 July in that
preschool year and not enrolled or registered at a school.
Children who are at least 3 years old on or before 31 July in that preschool
year and are:
Children from low income families
Children with an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander background
Children with disability or additional needs
Children who are at least 3 years old on or before 31 July in that preschool
year with English language needs
Children who are at risk of significant harm (from a child protection

Council is committed to working with families and educators to advocate for

continued accessible provision of local pre-school services and will continue to
consult with families and other relevant stakeholders during periods of change.

Occasional Care Bookings

Due to the nature of the service, Occasional Care does not keep a waiting list.
However, families are required to book a week in advance by emailing the
service. Contact details are on the Inner West Council website:

Children's Services Family Handbook

Fees & charges

Early Learning, Preschool & Middle Childhood
Fees are located on the Inner West Council website.
You will be given at least 4 weeks notice of any fee changes.
We will notify you of any changes to Child Care Subsidy (CCS).
Fees must be paid on the first day of the child’s enrolment for the week, or
in advance, and must be up to date at all times.

For more information about fees and charges protocols, please refer to the
up-to-date protocol documentation in Hubworks.

Occasional Care
An annual registration fee will be charged along with the daily fee on your
first day of attendance.
Full fees are paid on arrival on your booked day via credit card.
Families entitled to CCS will have it deposited into the bank accounted
nominated on their enrolment form.
Cancellation (prior to, or on your booked day) and no-shows will incur a
cancellation fee.
Cancellation fees are charged on your next day of attendance.

Receipts & Records

Payment of fees will be recorded and receipts issued. Copies of these receipts
will be kept as business records for reference and/or audit purposes.

Child Care Subsidies

Families who receive subsidies are responsible for paying fees to the service.
It is important that families apply for CCS prior to commencing care and
have a Customer Reference Number (CRN) for the child and the parent/carer
claiming the subsidy.
Child Care Subsidies (CCS) will be paid to the service each week when
attendance is submitted to the Commonwealth.
Subsidies are paid to the service via Inner West Council on behalf of the

For more information on CCS entitlements and payments, please contact

Services Australia or visit:
Children's Services Family Handbook

Social justice &

inclusive practices
Inner West Council’s Children’s Services offer children and families inclusive
programs based on social justice principles. These are reflected through an
open environment where diverse perspectives, values, beliefs, cultures,
languages, lifestyles and people’s identities, are respected and accepted.

Council services use Inclusion Support Agencies that provide resources and
support to help with the inclusion of children attending from the target groups
(as defined by Commonwealth and NSW various government departments):

Inclusion Support Agencies provide advice, resources and training to Education

and Care Educators. The support is intended to strengthen and enhance
programs to support children’s learning in a socio-cultural context. The support
assists the inclusion of all children in all aspects of the program and for those
with additional needs - to the extent that they are able.

Inclusive practice is promoted for all children and other stakeholders who are
involved at Inner West Council’s Children’s Services. Inclusive practice is seen
as a positive strategy, reflecting the broader social justice commitment
towards achieving a fair and equitable community as strongly promoted by
Inner West Council.

As required by NSW Health, parents must provide a copy of one or more of the
following documents to enrol in a childcare centre:
an AIR Immunisation History Statement which shows that the child is up to
date with their scheduled vaccinations OR
an AIR Immunisation History Form on which the immunisation provider has
certified that the child is on a recognised catch-up schedule (temporary for
6 months only) OR
an AIR Immunisation Medical Exemption Form which has been certified by a

These documents must be stored by the centre in a secure location for 3 years,
unless a child transfers to another childcare centre. No other form of
documentation is acceptable (i.e. the Interim Vaccination Objection Form or
Blue Book). 21
Every child is
an artist
Pablo Picasso
Children's Services Family Handbook

Health & Safety

Inner West Council has protocols in place regarding children who are unwell.
Please ensure you are familiar with these protocols by referring to the Protocol
and Procedure Manual in Hubworks.

Notification of any infectious disease outbreaks will be made in accordance

with NSW Department of Health Guidelines and Council will always conform
with any NSW Public Health Orders.

Medication Procedures
Under no circumstances is medication to be placed in the child’s locker or left in
a child’s bag.

Medication, prescribed by a medical practitioner, will only be administered if

a medication authorisation form has been completed in full and signed daily
by a parent or other authorised person. Frequency/times for administration
must be stated.
Authority to administer medication to a child will not be accepted over the
The medication authorisation form must be checked and signed by an
educator before the parent/carer leaves.
For the administration of long-term prescribed medication, a new
medication authorisation form and management plan must be completed at
the start of each term or when the medical practitioner alters the dosage.
All medication must be handed to the relevant educator to be locked in the
medication box.

Medication will only be administered when:

The medicine is in the original bottle, has the child’s name on the label and is
The educator administering the medication will adhere to the instructions on
the container.
Parents/carers will be contacted if there is a discrepancy between the label
and instructions on the medication form.
Staff members/educators must be advised of any non-prescription
medication (Paracetamol, cough syrup, etc.) given in the last 4 hours prior to
the child attending the service.
Staff members/educators are unable to administer non-prescription
medication unless provided with a doctor or Health expert’s written advice.
Children's Services Family Handbook

Points to remember
Upon arrival, you must electronically sign your child ‘in’ (and ‘out’ at the
end of the day). This is a legal requirement. It may also affect your fees
and/or Child Care Subsidy. The list is also used as a check of attendance in
case of an Emergency Evacuation.
It is preferred that children arrive by 9:30am so that they can participate in
the full day’s program and educators can plan for children’s interests and
We ask that families please notify the service by 9:30am whenever your
child is ‘absent’ due to illness (and in advance holiday periods). In the case
of illness, a Doctor’s Certificate may be required stating your child is no
longer infectious and fit to return to care.
Children will be permitted to leave with any authorised parent or carer,
unless the service holds a copy of a custody order restricting access to the
A responsible person over 16 years of age is permitted to collect children
from the service and will require written authorisation from the
Parent/Carer to do so.
All bags, clothes, bottles and other items must be labelled with your child’s
name. Labelling your child’s belongings means they can be placed back in
their lockers/bags. Many children wear similar items of clothing, so it is
easy for clothing to be misplaced. Check the lost property basket on a
regular basis.
Provide labelled bottles and dummies if required.
If the service does not provide meals, you will need to pack nutritious
meals. Please speak with Educators for more information.
Please remember for the safety of all children using the centre, our services
are allergy aware.
Apply sunscreen and provide a hat for your child each day. Sunscreen is
available at the sign in area.
The menu is planned to provide a wide range of nutritious foods in line with
NSW Health recommendations, Caring for Children – Birth to 5 years (Food,
Nutrition and Learning Experiences). The menu changes regularly and
reflects seasonal changes and availability of fresh produce. We aim to
meet cultural and individual dietary needs e.g. vegetarian, allergies, Halal.
Parents and children are encouraged to participate in menu planning and
food selection. The weekly menu is displayed in a prominent position.
Play is the highest
form of research
Albert Einstein
Children's Services Family Handbook

Feedback on service,
protocols & procedures
We appreciate all feedback and encourage everyone to share any suggestions
or comments they may have. It is most beneficial to discuss any feedback with
your service directly, so please provide any feedback or suggestions to your
Centre Director.

We believe it is important to provide a variety of ways to give your input, so we

encourage you to participate in any surveys undertaken by the centre,
Children’s Services or Council and other opportunities that become available.

Serious concerns
& grievances
If you have any complaint, serious concern or grievance, please discuss it with
the Centre Director.

If you feel the matter has not been resolved, you can contact the responsible
Operations Manager.

Children's Services Family Handbook

Children's Services feedback

& grievance procedure
If appropriate, discuss
feedback/concerns with an

Children's Services Family Handbook

Grievance Resolved
Centre Director

Operational Manager
for your service

Acting Senior Manager

Maria Papas
02 9392 5392

Department of
Inner West Council Internal Ombudsman NSW Ombudsman
Education & to share concerns with
8757 9044 provision of service
to notify concerns with
license standards
Complaint Assessment and Administration 1800 619 113
Child Protection
to report a child at risk
of harm
132 111
Inner West Council Children's Services

Balmain/Rozelle OC

John McMahon ELC

Leichhardt Park ELC

Leichhardt ELC

Annandale ELC

Family Day
Care Office Cavendish Street ELC

Addison Road ELC

Deborah Little ELC

Enmore ELC
Globe Preschool

Marrickville West OSHC

Tillman Park ELC

Yirran Gumal ELC
May Murray ELC Ferncourt OSHC

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