Artikel 17
Artikel 17
Artikel 17
Universitas Islam As-Syafi’iyah, Jl. Jatiwaringin Raya no 12 Pondok Gede,
Jakarta Timur, Email:
Hanafi Wibowo2,
Universitas Islam As-Syafi’iyah, Jl. Jatiwaringin Raya no 12 Pondok Gede,
Jakarta Timur,Email:
This study attempts to investigate the effect of blended learning approach on student’s
vocabulary achievement. The methodology of this study used Quasi experiment method
and randomized post-test only control group design. A sample were 60 grade ten
students of SMK Bina Insan Kamil, Bekasi where divided two experiment and control
group which the experiment tough by blended learning approach and control group
learned the same vocabularies trough conventional way. Analyse of the instrument in
this study in items of validity, reliability, difficulty index and discrimination power used
SPSS and analyse the data used T-test to know whether the alternative hypothesis (Ha)
was accepted or rejected. The result of this study showed that there was significant
effect of blended learning approach on student’s vocabulary achievement. The
significant (Sig) score 0.003 is smaller than (<) 0.05. So that this study has a significant
effect of blended learning on student’s vocabulary achievement. Moreover, the
approach of blended learning enhances their motivation to learn vocabularies in
learning process.
In English component, vocabulary is one of the important aspects for mastering
learning English language. Moreover, it is become the backbone of all language that all
the EFL learners should be mastered. In Indonesia, English language has become
second language and as obligation subject be tough in Junior and senior high level
although in elementary level as local content. Regarding of minister of Education and
culture republic of Indonesia about English language teaching No. 096/1967 that
development of the nation means should be develop the human resources which is
enhance their abilities such as master the foreign language is English language and able
to operate some new technologies. So, the purpose of English language be though it is
enhancing the human resources to deal with this globalization era.
Now days, English language has become one of obligation subject that
examined in national Examination, it has standard competent in English curriculum of
senior high school (2004) that the students are able to communicate English language
both of spoken and written includes listening, speaking, reading and writing. Those skill
related to each other and it is needed mastering many vocabularies to understand those
four skills. However, still many obstacles in mastering vocabularies on EFL especially
in students of senior high school both of internal and external condition. As previous
research conducted by Tryanti & Noni (2019) explained that the students have not
realize yet the important of English subject out of the class those become lacking of
motivation to study English, this appear from lacking of their vocabularies. Especially
on students of senor high school, they think that mastering some vocabularies were
easy, but when the teacher provides daily exercise from reading text the result score
was lower.
to answer the following research question: Is there any significant effect of blended
learning on student’s vocabulary achievement.
can be implemented in learning process is blended learning. Moreover, blended
learning is effective approach for learning process, the student can explore their
knowledge to each other and enjoyable. Dwiyogo (2011) explained blended learning is
mix between face to face learning and computer- based or media technology both of
online and offline. In other hand, Akko Yunlu and soylu (2006) mention that blended
learning is learning uses a variety method that combine face to face directly with online
teaching. it is blend from media technology such as video streaming, voice-mail, e-
mail. It can be concluded that blended learning is convey two main points: conventional
face-to-face classroom learning with online learning. It means that independent learning
or collaboration by using information and communication technology facilities and
The participants of this study were 60 grade ten students of SMK BINA INSAN
KAMIL Bekasi by cluster random sampling which divided two experiment and control
group, each group consist of 30 participants which in every sample get same chance in
determining of the sample. The experiment tough by blended learning and control group
learned the same vocabularies trough conventional way.
a. Planning
This phase, this research contracted all design will be conducted begin from
structured the research question, methodology, some theories of the research.
There were two variable of this research dependent variable and independent
variable applied blended learning approach and vocabulary achievement as
linguistic variable.
b. Collecting the data
In collecting the data of this research develop from indicator of instrument
variables to find out the validity, reliability, discrimination power from the
c. Analysis the data
To analyse the data, this research applied to One Way ANOVA by statistic
formulation of SPSS distribute to hypothesis
d. Reporting
This phase, the result of this research must be reported clearly structured based
on mechanism written by institution.
This research is quantitative which applied Quasi experimental method by
designing post-test only control group design as the table below:
From the table above show that, the result of experiment class applied by
blended learning approach was higher that control class. The higher score of
experimental class was 98 and the lowest score 75. While in control group the higher
score was 95 and the lowest score was 60. In can be sump up that the mean of
experimental group score 85 and control 77 of this descriptive result.
In normality test of the data come from experiment and control group applied
by Kolmogorov-Smirnov followed formulation of hypothesis of this research which
(Ho) means significancy accepted value higher than (>) 0,05 and (H a) means,
significancy accepted value lower that (<) 0,05. As table below:
Statistic df Sig.
The table 4 above shown that the value of experimental group significant was
0,284 (>) 0,05 and control group of value significant shown 0,906 (<) 0,05 Therefore,
from the normality result both of experiment and control group, in experiment group
(Ho) was accepted and (Ha) was rejected which it is can be mention that sample in
control group come from homogeneity distribution of population.
The last one of data analyse calculated by SPSS programme to find out
whether or not give significant effect of blended learning on vocabulary students used
One Way ANOVA as can see below:
Figure. 5 ANOVA
Total 1173.500 29
From the table 5 shown that the significant value was 0,003 (<) 0,05. It was
refused and Ha was accepted (sig. value < 0.05). The observed F can also be used to
determine whether or not variable X has an effect on Y by comparing it with the F table.
It can be inferred that variable X (blended learning) has a major impact on variable Y
(attainment of vocabulary).
Furthermore, in this digital era, most of teaching learning process need blended
learning approach trough use application tools of learning such as Edmodo, YouTube,
Instagram, WhatsApp and many other digital tools of learning. Those application can
be implemented to students learn English language especially vocabularies that more
fun learning in learning activities. According to Thorne (2003) said that blended
learning approach become famous particularly in language teaching. Furthermore, it’s
possible to teacher and students conducted their learning teaching process out of
classroom by using video streaming, conferences call, email, tools of multimedia by
combining traditional classroom. In other case, based on the result of practicing blended
learning approach to the students, they were helped by learning their vocabularies
trough making videos with their friend by group. Shahbaz & Khan (2017) examined
the use application digital tools give them effective in learning process.
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