8-EE - Scheme Syllabus VII-VII Final

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Scheme & Syllabus of


B.Tech. VII & VIII Semester

Electrical Engineering

Bikaner Technical University, Bikaner

Effective from session: 2021-22
Scheme & Syllabus
IV Year- VII & VIII Semester: B. Tech. (Electrical Engineering)

Teaching & Examination Scheme

B. Tech.: Electrical Engineering
4th Year - VII Semester

Hours per Marks

Course Cr
SN Course Week
Type Exm IA ETE Total
Code Name L T P
Wind and Solar Energy Sys-
1 7EE5-11
PEC 3 0 0 3 30 120 150 3
2 7EE5-12 Power Quality and FACTS
3 7EE5-13 Control System Design.
4 OE Open Elective-I 3 0 0 3 30 120 150 3
SUB TOTAL 6 0 0 60 240 300 6
5 PCC 7EE4-21 Embedded Systems Lab 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 2
6 PCC 7EE4-22 Advance control system lab 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 2
7 7EE7-30 Industrial Training 1 0 0 75 50 125 2.5
8 7EE7-40 Seminar 2 0 0 60 40 100 2
SODE- Social Outreach, Discipline
9 7EE8-00 0 0 0 0 25 25 0.5
CA & Extra Curricular Activities
SUB TOTAL 3 0 8 255 195 450 6
TOTAL OF VII SEMESTER 9 0 8 315 435 750 15

L: Lecture, T: Tutorial, P: Practical, Cr: Credits

ETE: End Term Exam, IA: Internal Assessment

Scheme & Syllabus of 4th Year B. Tech. (EE) for students admitted in Session 2018-19 onwards
Scheme & Syllabus
IV Year- VII & VIII Semester: B. Tech. (Electrical Engineering)

Teaching & Examination Scheme

B. Tech. : Electrical Engineering
4th Year - VIII Semester

Hours Marks
Course Cr
SN Course per Week
Type Course Exm IA ETE Total
Course Name L T P
Code Hrs
HVDC Transmission Sys-
1 8EE4-11
2 PEC 8EE4-12 Line Commutated and ac- 3 0 0 3 30 120 150 3
tive rectifiers.
3 8EE4-13 Advanced Electric Drives.
4 OE Open Elective-II 3 0 0 3 30 120 150 3
6 0 0 60 240 300 6
SUB TOTAL 6 0 0 60 240 300 6
5 Energy Systems Lab
PCC 8EE4-21 0 0 4 3 60 40 100 2

6 PSIT 8EE7-50 Project 3 0 0 210 140 350 7

SODE- 25 25
7 8EE8-00 SODECA 0 0 0 0.5
SUB TOTAL 3 0 4 270 205 475 9.5
TOTAL OF VIII SEMESTER 9 0 4 330 445 775 15.5

L: Lecture, T: Tutorial, P: Practical, Cr: Credits

ETE: End Term Exam, IA: Internal Assessment

Scheme & Syllabus of 4th Year B. Tech. (EE) for students admitted in Session 2018-19 onwards
Scheme & Syllabus
IV Year- VII & VIII Semester: B. Tech. (Electrical Engineering)

List of Open Electives for Electrical Engineering

Subject Title Subject Title
Code Code
Open Elective - I Open Elective - II
Human Engineering and
7AG6-60.1 8AG6-60.1 Energy Management
Environmental Engineering Waste and By-product Utiliza-
7AG6-60.2 8AG6-60.2
and Disaster Management tion
7AN6-60.1 Aircraft Avionic System 8AN6-60.1 Finite Element Methods
7AN6-60.2 Non-Destructive Testing 8AN6-60.2 Factor of Human Interactions
7CH6-60.1 Optimization Techniques 8CH6-60.1 Refinery Engineering Design
7CH6-60.2 Sustainable Engineering Fertilizer Technology
Introduction to Ceramic Electrical and Electronic Ce-
7CR6-60.1 8CR6-60.1
Science & Technology ramics
Plant, Equipment and Fur-
7CR6-60.2 8CR6-60.2 Biomaterials
nace Design
7CE6-60.1 Environmental Impact 8CE6-60.1 Composite Materials
7CE6-60.2 Disaster Management 8CE6-60.2 Fire and Safety Engineering
Quality Management/ISO
7CS6-60.1 8CS6-60.1 Big Data Analytics
IPR, Copyright and Cyber Law
7CS6-60.2 Cyber Security 8CS6-60.2
of India
Principle of Electronic Industrial and Biomedical ap-
7EC6-60.1 8EC6-60.1
communication plications of RF Energy
Micro and Smart System
7EC6-60.2 8EC6-60.2 Robotics and control
7ME6-60.1 Finite Element Analysis 8ME6-60.1 Operations Research
Simulation Modeling and Anal-
7ME6-60.2 Quality Management 8ME6-60.2
7MI6-60.1 Rock Engineering 8MI6-60.1 Experimental Stress Analysis
7MI6-60.2 Mineral Processing 8MI6-60.2 Maintenance Management
Unconventional Hydrocarbon
7PE6-60.1 Pipeline Engineering 8PE6-60.1
Water Pollution control En-
7PE6-60.2 8PE6-60.2 Energy Management & Policy

Material and Human Resource

7TT6-60.1 Technical Textiles 8TT6-60.1
Garment Manufacturing
7TT6-60.2 8TT6-60.2 Disaster Management

Scheme & Syllabus of 4th Year B. Tech. (EE) for students admitted in Session 2018-19 onwards
Scheme & Syllabus
IV Year- VII & VIII Semester: B. Tech. (Electrical Engineering)


Credit: 3 Max. Marks: 150(IA:30, ETE:120)
3L+0T+0P End Term Exam: 3 Hours
1 Introduction: Objective, scope and outcome of the course. 1
2 Physics of Wind Power 5
History of wind power, Indian and Global statistics, Wind physics, Betz
limit, Tip speed ratio, stall and pitch control, Wind speed statistics-
probability distributions, Wind speed and power-cumulative distribution
3 Wind Generator Topologies 11
Review of modern wind turbine technologies, Fixed and Variable speed
wind turbines, Induction Generators, Doubly-Fed Induction Generators
and their characteristics, Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generators,
Power electronics converters. Generator-Converter configurations, Con-
verter Control.
4 The Solar Resource 4
Introduction, solar radiation spectra, solar geometry, Earth Sun angles,
observer Sun angles, solar day length, Estimation of solar energy avail-
5 Solar Photovoltaic 8
Technologies-Amorphous, monocrystalline, polycrystalline; V-I characte-
ristics of a PV cell, PV module, array, Power Electronic Converters for
Solar Systems, Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) algorithms. Con-
verter Control.
6 Network Integration Issues 8
Overview of grid code technical requirements. Fault ride-through for
wind farms - real and reactive power regulation, voltage and frequency
operating limits, solar PV and wind farm behavior during grid distur-
bances. Power quality issues. Power system interconnection experiences
in the world. Hybrid and isolated operations of solar PV and wind sys-
7 Solar Thermal Power Generation 4
Technologies, Parabolic trough, central receivers, parabolic dish, Fres-
nel, solar pond, elementary analysis.

Scheme & Syllabus of 4th Year B. Tech. (EE) for students admitted in Session 2018-19 onwards
Scheme & Syllabus
IV Year- VII & VIII Semester: B. Tech. (Electrical Engineering)

Text/Reference Books
1 T. Ackermann, “Wind Power in Power Systems”, John Wiley and Sons Ltd.,
2 G. M. Masters, “Renewable and Efficient Electric Power Systems”, John Wiley
and Sons, 2004.
3 S. P. Sukhatme, “Solar Energy: Principles of Thermal Collection and Storage”,
McGraw Hill, 1984.
4 H. Siegfried and R. Waddington, “Grid integration of wind energy conversion
systems” John Wiley and Sons Ltd., 2006.
5 G. N. Tiwari and M. K. Ghosal, “Renewable Energy Applications”, Narosa Publi-
cations, 2004.
6 J. A. Duffie and W. A. Beckman, “Solar Engineering of Thermal Processes”, John Wiley
& Sons, 1991

Scheme & Syllabus of 4th Year B. Tech. (EE) for students admitted in Session 2018-19 onwards
Scheme & Syllabus
IV Year- VII & VIII Semester: B. Tech. (Electrical Engineering)


Credit: 3 Max. Marks: 150(IA:30, ETE:120)
3L+0T+0P End Term Exam: 3 Hours
1 Introduction: Objective, scope and outcome of the course. 01
2 Transmission Lines and Series/Shunt Reactive Power Compensa- 04
Basics of AC Transmission. Analysis of uncompensated AC transmis-
sion lines. Passive
Reactive Power Compensation. Shunt and series compensation at the
mid-point of an AC
line. Comparison of Series and Shunt Compensation
3 Thyristor-based Flexible AC Transmission Controllers (FACTS) 06
Description and Characteristics of Thyristor-based FACTS devices:
Static VAR Compensator (SVC), Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor
(TCSC), Thyristor Controlled Braking Resistor and Single Pole Single
Throw (SPST) Switch. Configurations/Modes of Operation, Harmonics
and control of SVC and TCSC. Fault Current Limiter.
4 Voltage Source Converter based (FACTS) controllers 08
Voltage Source Converters (VSC): Six Pulse VSC, Multi-pulse and Mul- ti-
level Converters, Pulse-Width Modulation for VSCs. Selective Har-
monic Elimination, Sinusoidal PWM and Space Vector Modulation.
STATCOM: Principle of Operation, Reactive Power Control: Type I and
Type II controllers, Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC)
and Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC): Principle of Operation and
Control. Working principle of Interphase Power Flow Controller. Other
Devices: GTO Controlled Series Compensator. Fault Current Limiter
5 Application of FACTS 04
Application of FACTS devices for power-flow control and stability im-
provement. Simulation example of power swing damping in a single-
machine infinite bus system using a TCSC.
Simulation example of voltage regulation of transmission mid-point
voltage using a
6 Power Quality Problems in Distribution Systems 04
Power Quality problems in distribution systems: Transient and Steady
state variations in
voltage and frequency. Unbalance, Sags, Swells, Interruptions, Wave-
form Distortions: harmonics, noise, notching, dc-offsets, fluctuations.
Flicker and its measurement. Tolerance of Equipment: CBEMA curve..
Reactive Power Compensation, Harmonics and Unbalance mitigation

Scheme & Syllabus of 4th Year B. Tech. (EE) for students admitted in Session 2018-19 onwards
Scheme & Syllabus
IV Year- VII & VIII Semester: B. Tech. (Electrical Engineering)

in Distribution Systems using DSTATCOM and Shunt Active Filters.

Synchronous Reference Frame Extraction of Reference Currents. Cur-
rent Control Techniques in for DSTATCOM.
8 Dynamic Voltage Restorer and Unified Power Quality Conditioner 06
Voltage Sag/Swell mitigation: Dynamic Voltage Restorer – Working
Principle and Control Strategies. Series Active Filtering. Unified Power
Quality Conditioner (UPQC): Working Principle. Capabilities and Con-
trol Strategies.

Text/Reference Books
1 N. G. Hingorani and L. Gyugyi, “Understanding FACTS: Concepts and Technol-
ogy of FACTS Systems”, Wiley-IEEE Press, 1999.
2 K. R. Padiyar, “FACTS Controllers in Power Transmission and Distribution”,
New Age International (P) Ltd. 2007.
3 T. J. E. Miller, “Reactive Power Control in Electric Systems”, John Wiley and
Sons, New York, 1983.
4 R. C. Dugan, “Electrical Power Systems Quality”, McGraw Hill Education,
5 G. T. Heydt, “Electric Power Quality”, Stars in a Circle Publications, 1991

Scheme & Syllabus of 4th Year B. Tech. (EE) for students admitted in Session 2018-19 onwards
Scheme & Syllabus
IV Year- VII & VIII Semester: B. Tech. (Electrical Engineering)


Credit: 3 Max. Marks: 150(IA:30, ETE:120)
3L+0T+0P End Term Exam: 3 Hours
1 Introduction : Objective, scope and outcome of the course. 1
2 Design Specifications 08
Introduction to design problem and philosophy. Introduction to time
domain and frequency domain design specification and its physical re-
levance. Effect of gain on transient and steady state response. Effect of
addition of pole on system performance. Effect of addition of zero on
system response..
3 Design of Classical Control System in the time domain 07
Introduction to compensator. Design of Lag, lead lag-lead compensator
in time domain.
Feedback and Feed forward compensator design. Feedback compensa-
tion. Realization of
4 Design of Classical Control System in frequency domain 08
Compensator design in frequency domain to improve steady state and
transient response.
Feedback and Feed forward compensator design using bode diagram.
5 Design of PID controllers 06
Design of P, PI, PD and PID controllers in time domain and frequency
domain for first,
second and third order systems. Control loop with auxiliary feedback –
Feed forward control
6 Control System Design in state space 08
Review of state space representation. Concept of controllability & ob-
servability, effect of
pole zero cancellation on the controllability & observability of the sys-
tem, pole placement design through state feedback. Ackerman’s For-
mula for feedback gain design. Design of Observer. Reduced order ob-
server. Separation Principle.
7 Nonlinearities and its effect on system performance 03
Various types of non-linearities. Effect of various non-linearities on sys-
tem performance.
Singular points. Phase plot analysis

Scheme & Syllabus of 4th Year B. Tech. (EE) for students admitted in Session 2018-19 onwards
Scheme & Syllabus
IV Year- VII & VIII Semester: B. Tech. (Electrical Engineering)

Text/Reference Books
1 N. Nise, “Control system Engineering”, John Wiley, 2000.
2 I. J. Nagrath and M. Gopal, “Control system engineering”, Wiley, 2000.
3 M. Gopal, “Digital Control Engineering”, Wiley Eastern, 1988.
4 K. Ogata, “Modern Control Engineering”, Prentice Hall, 2010.
5 B. C. Kuo, “Automatic Control system”, Prentice Hall, 1995.
6 J. J. D’Azzo and C. H. Houpis, “Linear control system analysis and design
(conventional and modern)”, McGraw Hill, 1995.
7 R. T. Stefani and G. H. Hostetter, “Design of feedback Control Systems”,
Saunders College Pub, 1994

Scheme & Syllabus of 4th Year B. Tech. (EE) for students admitted in Session 2018-19 onwards
Scheme & Syllabus
IV Year- VII & VIII Semester: B. Tech. (Electrical Engineering)


Credit: 2 Max. Marks: 100(IA:60, ETE:40)
SN Contents
1 Introduction to Embedded Systems and their working.
2 Data transfer instructions using different addressing modes and block trans-
3 Write a program for Arithmetic operations in binary and BCD-addition, sub-
traction, multiplication and division and display.
4 Interfacing D/A converter & Write a program for generation of simple wave-
forms such as triangular, ramp, Square etc.
5 Write a program to interfacing IR sensor to realize obstacle detector.
6 Write a program to implement temperature measurement and displaying the
same on an LCD display.
7 Write a program for interfacing GAS sensor and perform GAS leakage detec-
8 Write a program to design the Traffic Light System and implement the same
using suitable hardware.
9 Write a program for interfacing finger print sensor.
10 Write a program for Master Slave Communication between using suitable
hardware and using SPI
11 Write a program for variable frequency square wave generation using with
suitable hardware.
12 Write a program to implement a PWM based speed controller for 12 V/24V DC
Motor incorporating a suitable potentiometer to provide the set point.

Scheme & Syllabus of 4th Year B. Tech. (EE) for students admitted in Session 2018-19 onwards
Scheme & Syllabus
IV Year- VII & VIII Semester: B. Tech. (Electrical Engineering)

7EE4-22: Advanced Control System Lab

Credit: 2 Max. Marks: 100(IA:60, ETE:40)

SN Contents
1 Determination of transfer functions of DC servomotor and AC servomotor.
2 Time domain response of rotary servo and Linear servo (first order and second
order) systems using MATLAB/Simulink.
3 Simulate Speed and position control of DC Motor
4 Frequency response of small-motion, linearized model of industrial robot (first
and second order) system using MATLAB.
5 Characteristics of PID controllers using MATLAB. Design and implementation
of P, PI and PID Controllers for temperature and level control systems;
6 Design and implement closed loop control of DC Motor using MAT-
LAB/Simulink and suitable hardware platform.
7 Implementation of digital controller using microcontroller;
8 Design and implementation of controller for practical systems - inverted pen-
dulum system.
9 To design and implement control action for maintaining a pendulum in the
upright position (even when subjected to external disturbances) through LQR
technique in an Arduino Mega.
10 The fourth order, nonlinear and unstable real-time control system (Pendulum
& Cart Control System)
11 Mini project on real life motion control system

Scheme & Syllabus of 4th Year B. Tech. (EE) for students admitted in Session 2018-19 onwards
Scheme & Syllabus
IV Year- VII & VIII Semester: B. Tech. (Electrical Engineering)


Credit: 3 Max. Marks: 150(IA:30, ETE:120)
3L+0T+0P End Term Exam: 3 Hours
1 Introduction: Objective, scope and outcome of the course. 01
2 dc Transmission Technology: Comparison of AC and dc Transmission 04
(Economics, Technical Performance and Reliability). Application of DC
Transmission. Types of HVdc Systems. Components of a HVdc system.
Line Commutated Converter and Voltage Source Converter based sys-
3 Analysis of Line Commutated and Voltage Source Converters: Line 10
Commutated Converters (LCCs): Six pulse converter, Analysis neglect-
ing commutation overlap, harmonics, Twelve Pulse Converters. Inverter
Operation. Effect of Commutation Overlap. Expressions for average dc
voltage, AC current and reactive power absorbed by the converters. Ef-
fect of Commutation Failure, Misfire and Current Extinction in LCC
Voltage Source Converters (VSCs): Two and Three-level VSCs. PWM
schemes: Selective Harmonic Elimination, Sinusoidal Pulse Width
Modulation. Analysis of a six pulse converter. Equations in the rotating
frame. Real and Reactive power control using a VSC.
4 Control of HVdc Converters: Principles of Link Control in a LCCHVdc 10
system. Control Hierarchy, Firing Angle Controls – Phase-Locked Loop,
Current and Extinction Angle Control, Starting and Stopping of a Link.
Higher level Controllers Power control, Frequency Control, Stability
Controllers. Reactive Power Control. Principles of Link Control in a VSC
HVdc system: Power flow and dc Voltage Control. Reactive Power Con-
trol/AC voltage regulation
5 Components of HVdc systems: Smoothing Reactors, Reactive Power 08
Sources and Filters in LCC HVdc systems DC line: Corona Effects. In-
sulators, Transient Over-voltages. dc line faults in LCC systems. dc line
faults in VSC systems. dc breakers. Monopolar Operation. Ground
6 Stability Enhancement using HVdc Control: Basic Concepts: Power 04
System Angular, Voltage and Frequency Stability. Power
Modulation: basic principles – synchronous and asynchronous links.
Voltage Stability
Problem in AC/dc systems.
7 MTdc Links: Multi-Terminal and Multi-Infeed Systems. Series and Pa- 04
rallel MTdc systems using LCCs.
MTdc systems using VSCs. Modern Trends in HVdcTechnology. Intro-
duction to Modular Multi-level Converters

Scheme & Syllabus of 4th Year B. Tech. (EE) for students admitted in Session 2018-19 onwards
Scheme & Syllabus
IV Year- VII & VIII Semester: B. Tech. (Electrical Engineering)

Text/Reference Books
1 K. R. Padiyar, “HVDC Power Transmission Systems”, New Age International
Publishers, 2011.
2 J. Arrillaga, “High Voltage Direct Current Transmission”, Peter Peregrinus Ltd.,
3 E. W. Kimbark, “Direct Current Transmission”, Vol.1, Wiley-Interscience, 1971.

Scheme & Syllabus of 4th Year B. Tech. (EE) for students admitted in Session 2018-19 onwards
Scheme & Syllabus
IV Year- VII & VIII Semester: B. Tech. (Electrical Engineering)

8EE4-12: Line-Commutated and Active PWM Rectifiers

Credit: 3 Max. Marks: 150(IA:30, ETE:120)
3L+0T+0P End Term Exam: 3 Hours
1 Introduction: Objective, scope and outcome of the course. 01
2 Diode rectifiers with passive filtering 06
Half-wave diode rectifier with RL and RC loads; 1-phase full-wave di-
ode rectifier with L, C and LC filter; 3-phase diode rectifier with L, C
and LC filter; continuous and discontinuous conduction, input cur-
rent waveshape, effect of source inductance; commutation overlap.
3 Thyristor rectifiers with passive filtering 06
Half-wave thyristor rectifier with RL and RC loads; 1-phase thyristor
rectifier with L and LC filter; 3-phase thyristor rectifier with L and LC
filter; continuous and discontinuous conduction, input current wave-
4 Multi-Pulse converter 06
Review of transformer phase shifting, generation of 6-phase ac voltage
from 3-phase ac, 6- pulse converter and 12-pulse converters with in-
ductive loads, steady state analysis, commutation overlap, notches
during commutation.
5 Single-phase ac-dc single-switch boost converter 06
Review of dc-dc boost converter, power circuit of single-switch ac-dc
converter, steady state analysis, unity power factor operation, closed-
loop control structure.
6 Ac-dc bidirectional boost converter 06
Review of 1-phase inverter and 3-phase inverter, power circuits of 1-
phase and 3-phase ac-dc boost converter, steady state analysis, oper-
ation at leading, lagging and unity power factors. Rectification and
regenerating modes. Phasor diagrams, closed-loop control structure.
7 Isolated single-phase ac-dc flyback converter 10
Dc-dc flyback converter, output voltage as a function of duty ratio
and transformer turns ratio. Power circuit of ac-dc flyback converter,
steady state analysis, unity power factor operation, closed loop con-
trol structure.

Text/Reference Books
1 G. De, “Principles of Thyristorised Converters”, Oxford & IBH Publishing Co,1988.
2 J.G. Kassakian, M. F. Schlecht and G. C. Verghese, “Principles of Power Elec-
tronics”, AddisonWesley, 1991.
3 L. Umanand, “Power Electronics: Essentials and Applications”, Wiley India,2009.
4 N. Mohan and T. M. Undeland, “Power Electronics: Converters, Applicationsand
Design”, John Wiley & Sons, 2007.
5 R. W. Erickson and D. Maksimovic, “Fundamentals of Power Electronics”,Springer
Science & Business Media, 2001.

Scheme & Syllabus of 4th Year B. Tech. (EE) for students admitted in Session 2018-19 onwards
Scheme & Syllabus
IV Year- VII & VIII Semester: B. Tech. (Electrical Engineering)


Credit: 2 Max. Marks: 100(IA: 20, ETE:80)
2L+0T+0P End Term Exam: 2 Hours
1 Introduction: Objective, scope and outcome of the course. 01
2 Power Converters for AC drives: PWM control of inverter, selected 06
harmonic elimination, space vector modulation, current control of
VSI, three level inverter, Different topologies, SVM for 3 level inverter,
Diode rectifier with boost chopper, PWM converter as line side rectifi-
er, current fed inverters with self-commutated devices. Control of CSI,
H bridge as a 4-Q drive.
3 Induction motor drives: Different transformations and reference 06
frame theory, modeling of induction machines,
voltage fed inverter control-v/f control, vector control, direct torque
and flux control(DTC).
4 Synchronous motor drives: Modeling of synchronous machines, 04
open loop v/f control, vector control, direct torque
control, CSI fed synchronous motor drives.
5 Permanent magnet motor drives: Introduction to various PM mo- 04
tors, BLDC and PMSM drive configuration, comparison,
block diagrams, Speed and torque control in BLDC and PMSM
6 Switched reluctance motor drives: Evolution of switched reluctance 03
motors, various topologies for SRM drives, comparison. Closed loop
speed and torque control of SRM.
7 DSP based motion control: Use of DSPs in motion control, various 04
DSPs available, realization of some basic blocks in DSP for implemen-
tation of DSP based motion control

Text/Reference Books
1 B. K. Bose, “Modern Power Electronics and AC Drives”, Pearson Education,
Asia, 2003.
2 P. C. Krause, O. Wasynczuk and S. D. Sudhoff, “Analysis of Electric Machinery
and Drive Systems”, John Wiley & Sons, 2013.
3 H. A. Taliyat and S. G. Campbell, “DSP based Electromechanical Motion Con-
trol”, CRC press, 2003.
4 R. Krishnan, “Permanent Magnet Synchronous and Brushless DC motor
Drives”, CRC Press, 2009.

Scheme & Syllabus of 4th Year B. Tech. (EE) for students admitted in Session 2018-19 onwards
Scheme & Syllabus
IV Year- VII & VIII Semester: B. Tech. (Electrical Engineering)

8EE4-21 Energy Systems Lab

Credit: 2 Max. Marks: 100(IA:60, ETE:40)
0L+0T+3P End Term Exam: 3 Hours
SN Contents
1 V-I characteristics of solar panels at various levels of insolation.
2 Experiment of solar Charge controller, PWM, MPPT with boost converter and
3 Experiment on Shadowing effect and diode based solution in1kWpSolar PV
4 Study of wind turbine generators with DC generators, DFIG, PMSG etc.
5 Performance Study of Solar Flat Plate Thermal Collector Operation with Varia-
tion in Mass Flow Rate and Level of Radiation.
6 Characterization of Various PV Modules Using large area Sun Simulator.
7 Study of micro-hydel pumped storage system.
8 Experiment on Fuel Cell and its operation.
9 Study of 100 kW or higher solar PV plant.
10 Study different components of Micro Grid.
11 To design and simulate hybrid wind-solar power generation system using si-
mulation software.
12 Experiment on Performance Assessment of Hybrid (Solar-Wind- Battery) Pow-
er System.
13 Simulation study on Intelligent Controllers for on-grid and off-grid Hybrid
Power Systems.

Scheme & Syllabus of 4th Year B. Tech. (EE) for students admitted in Session 2018-19 onwards

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