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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 10 Issue: 03 | Mar 2024 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Experimental Study on Flexural Behavior of High-Performance Fiber Reinforced Concrete

Magi V1, Jegidha K.J.2
1 PG student, Dept. of civil engineering, ADHIYAMAAN College of Engineering Hosur, India
2 Assistant professor, Dept. of civil Engineering, ADHIYAMAAN College of Engineering Hosur, India
Abstract yielding and beyond, strength limit state, load-deformation
An experimental investigation of the behavior of concrete response, and crack pattern. High performance fiber
beams reinforced with conventional beams subjected to reinforced concrete is developing quickly to a modern
flexural loading is presented. An experimental program structural material with a high potential. At this moment
consisting of tests on steel fiber reinforced concrete (SFRC) studies are carried out with the aim to come to an
beams with conventional reinforcement and reinforced international recommendation for the design of structures
concrete (RC) beams was conducted under flexural loading. with HPFRC. The results obtained was focused on the same
SFRC beams include two types of beams containing beams as before also comparison of first cracking load, ultimate
with fully hybrid fibers and beams with fibers only in hinged load, work-done in linear and nonlinear region, and load
zones. The cross-sectional dimensions and span of beams deflection nature between these different reinforcement
were fixed same for all types of beams. The dimensions of ratios of the analytical beam. An experimental program
the beams were 80mm x 120mm x 2200mm.Tests on conducted to study the flexural behavior and redistribution
conventionally reinforced concrete beam specimens, in moment of reinforced high strength concrete (RHSC)
containing Steel fibers in different proportions, have been continuous beams. Comparisons between experimental and
conducted to establish load deflection curves. The various predicted moment and load capacity show that the proposed
parameters, such as, first crack load, ultimate load and model agrees very well with the test results, thus justifying
stiffness characteristics, energy absorption, toughness index the use of the proposed model for HSC and NSC in
of beams with and without steel fibers have been carried out strengthened beams. Natural disasters like earthquakes,
and a quantitative comparison was made on significant cyclones, tsunami, etc., destroy the high-rise buildings,
stages of loading. It was observed that SFRC beams showed bridges, monumental structures, world wonders, etc. To
enhanced properties compared to that of RC beam. Finally protect the world from that kind of devastation, the field of
calculate the ultimate strength of the conventionally civil engineering require some innovations in both materials
reinforced beams with steel fibers. The ultimate loads and construction techniques. One such development has two
obtained in the experimental investigation were also phase composite materials i.e., fiber reinforced concrete, in
compared for all types of beams which cement-based matrix acts as cracks arresters which
restricts the growth of flaws in the matrix, preventing these
1.1 INTRODUCTION from enlarging under load into cracks. The weakness can be
Concrete is structural components exist in buildings removed by inclusion of fibers in concrete the fibers help to
and bridges in different forms. Understanding the response transfer loads at the internal micro cracks. The fibers can be
of these components during loading is crucial to the imagined as aggregate with an extreme deviation in shape
development of an overall efficient and safe structure. from the smooth aggregate. Increases flexural toughness /
Different methods have been utilized to study the response residual strength. Provides post-crack performance with
of structural components. Experimental based testing has Increased impact and abrasion resistance, load bearing
been widely used as a means to analyze individual elements capacity of concrete and Potential reduction of concrete
and the effects of concrete strength under loading. It has now beam depth to the Concrete retains load carrying capability
become the choice method to analyze concrete structural after cracking has occurred in Increased durability and
components. Concrete can withstand whatever compressive reduced maintenance costs with no requirement for crack
forces, more over its workable and durable material, can be control steel mesh, Concrete placement and crack control in
formed to any shape, also it’s a cheap material. At the same one operation. Cost effective alternative to conventional
time, it requires special care and precaution during casting steel mesh reinforcement no need to purchase and store
otherwise it could cause cracks and failure. Load- additional material and no delays to fast track schedule with
Deformation Response of control beam and Application of Easier positioning of joints to Reduced site labor
Effective Prestress, Self-Weight, Zero Deflection, requirement for on-site handling and cutting of steel
Decompression, Initial Cracking, Secondary Linear Region, reinforcement also no secondary steel mesh is required and
Behavior of Steel Yielding and Beyond, Flexural Limit State of reinforcement is automatically positioned Controls cracking
prestressed concrete beam. Firstly, literature review was which occurs in the hardened state even distribution of
conducted to evaluate previous experimental procedures fibers throughout the concrete. A tougher surface with fewer
related to reinforced concrete. The observation was focused bleed holes Enhanced load bearing capability which
on reinforced concrete beam behavior at first cracking, Improved flexural properties.
behavior beyond first cracking, behavior of reinforcement

© 2024, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 8.226 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 10 Issue: 03 | Mar 2024 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

1.2 PROPERTIES AND BEHAVIOR OF CONCRETE handling and placing). It indicates that quality control is an
The Properties and strength development of concrete essential part of the production of high-performance
basically depends upon the characteristics of the hardened concrete and requires full co-operation among the materials,
cement paste, aggregates and interface transition zone ready mixed supplier, the engineer and the contractor. High
between the hardened cement paste and aggregates. It is an performance concrete has various advantages such as high
established fact that the strength of the hardening cement modulus of elasticity, high abrasion resistance, high
paste depends on the degree of porosity. The smaller the durability, and long life in severe environments Low
pore ratio, greater is the strength; this can be achieved by permeability and diffusion Resistance to chemical attack
reducing the water cement ratio which results in an increase high resistance to frost and deicer scaling damage
in the amount of hydrate generated during the hydration Toughness and impact resistance.
The concrete used in the mixture is of a usual type, 1.4 DEVELOPMENT OF FIBER REINFORCED
although the proportions should be varied to obtain good CONCRETE
workability and take full advantage of the fibers. This may Fiber Reinforced Concrete is a concrete mix that
require limiting the aggregate size, optimizing the gradation, contains short, discrete fibers that are uniformly distributed
increasing the cement content, and perhaps adding fly ash or and randomly oriented. Fibers used are steel fibers,
other admixtures to improve workability. The fibers may synthetic fibers, glass fibers, and natural fibers. The main
take many shapes. Their cross sections include circular, function of the fibers in members is that of resisting the
rectangular, half-round, and irregular or varying cross opening of the cracks due to micro cracking, increasing the
sections. They may be straight or bent, and come in various ability of the member to with stand loads.
lengths. A convenient numerical parameter called the aspect The characteristic of fiber reinforced concrete is changed by
ratio is used to describe the geometry. This aspect ratio is the alteration of quantities of concrete, fiber substances,
the fiber length divided by the diameter. If the cross section geometric configuration, dispersal, direction and
is not round, then the diameter of a circular section with the concentration. It is a special type of concrete in which
same area is used. cement-based matrix is reinforced with ordered or random
There is reduction in the total pore volume of concrete with distribution of fiber. The addition of fibers to the
the increase in the amount of hydrates. The proportions of conventional concrete is varying from 1-2% by volume
hydrates can be increased by the use of high early strength depending on geometry of fibers and type of application. The
cement or silica fume. Mineral additives with ultrafine inclusion of steel fibers in concrete is to delay and control
particles are also used is HPC. Silica fume, blast furnace slag tensile cracking of composite material.
or fly ash and meta-kaolin are the commonly used mineral Steel fiber reinforcement thus transfers an inherent
admixtures in the production of high-performance concrete. unstable tensile crack propagation to slow controlled crack
The amount of hydrates in concrete mainly depends on the growth. This crack controlling property of fiber
curing condition and its time. The strength at the interface reinforcement delays the onset of flexure and shear cracking.
between aggregates and cement paste plays an important It imparts extensive post cracking behavior and significantly
role in the development of the strength. The replacement of enhances the ductility and energy absorption capacity of the
the cement by silica fume can increase the strength composite. This composite consists of one or more phases
remarkably. This is attributed to calcium silicate hydrates that are discontinuous embedded in a continuous phase.
generated by ultra-fine particles. Silica fumes and calcium Discontinuous phase is usually harder and stronger than the
hydroxide around the aggregates improve the bond between continuous phase and is called as reinforcement or
the aggregates and the cement matrix. reinforcing material. The continuous phase is known as
High performance concrete has more uniform and 1.5 HYBRID FIBER REINFORCED CONCRETE
also homogeneous micro structures than that of normal Hybrid Fiber Reinforced Concrete can be produced by
concrete. When silica fume is mixed with ordinary Portland suitably combining different types of fibers. The use of
cement low water cement ratio micro structure of such optimized combination of two or more types of fibers in the
mixture has mainly crystalline hydrants, forming the dense same concrete mixture can produce a composite with better
matrix of low porosity. As the content of the silica fume is engineering properties than that of individual fibers. It
increased in concrete, major part of calcium hydroxide is improves the impact resistance fatigue endurance and shear
transformed into calcium silicate hydrates while the left- strength. HFRC increases crack resistance, ductility, energy
over calcium hydroxide has the tendency to for smaller absorption or toughness. It increases the ultimate load
crystals compared to those present in the OPC paste. All carrying capacity and provides uniform multi-directional
these three phases must be optimized, which means that reinforcement in concrete.
each must be considered explicitly in the design process. It is
very important to pay careful attention to all the aspects of 1.6 NECESSITIES OF SFRC:
concrete production (i.e., selection of materials, mix design,

© 2024, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 8.226 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 10 Issue: 03 | Mar 2024 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Improve mix cohesion, improving pumpability over 1.9 METHODOLOGY

long distances Improve freeze-thaw resistance and also
Improve resistance to explosive spalling in case of a severe
fire Improve impact resistance to plastic shrinkage during
Literature survey
curing and improve structural strength Reduce steel
reinforcement requirements Improve ductility Reduce crack
widths and control the crack widths tightly thus improve
durability Improve impact & abrasion resistance Improve
freeze-thaw resistance. Both concrete often used in
Material collection
construction of crimped and steel fibers are in order to
combine the benefits of both products; structural
improvements provided by steel fibers and the resistance to
explosive spalling and plastic shrinkage improvements
provided by polymeric fibers. In certain specific
circumstances, steel fiber can entirely replace traditional Properties of materials
steel reinforcement bar in reinforced concrete. There are
increasing numbers of tunneling projects using precast
lining segments reinforced only with steel fibers

1.7 NEED FOR THE PRESENT STUDY Mix proportion for M60 grade
Nowadays natural disaster such as earthquake, wind
force etc. plays an important role in the construction
industry. So, buildings and other construction work should
be designed in good manner, which resist higher loads and Casting beams
seismic forces. Ductility and energy absorption capacity are
the main requirement of the earthquake resistant structure.
Fiber reinforced concrete possess high strength, improved
ductility and enhancing energy absorption capacity. So, the
study on the flexural behavior of beams with fibers under
monotonic loading is needed
With fully hybrid fibers With fully hybrid fibers
Concrete is weak in tension and micro cracks are
developed in conventional reinforced concrete. To avoid the
propagation of micro cracks in RCC, fibers are added as
secondary reinforcement and it also improves the
mechanical properties of concrete. The influences of hybrid
fibers in conventional RCC will be studied in this project. The Testing of beam
beams with fibers and without fibers are to be tested under
monotonic loading, to study the behavior of FRC beams in
the ultimate and post ultimate region. To study the influence
of shapes and geometry of the fiber by conducting Comparison of results
experiment. To get the optimum fiber content for each type
of fiber. To study the influence of hybrid fiber in HPFRC. To
study the load deformation behavior of RC beam with hybrid
fibers as secondary reinforcement. To determine the
moment carrying capacity, ductility and energy
characteristic of RC beam. To compare the behavior of RC
beams with and without fiber.


PPC cement of 53 grade is used for this experiment
study. The cement has a specific gravity of 3.1
Silica fume is a byproduct in the Silicon and ferrosilicon
industry was used as a mineral admixture in concrete mixes.
It contains large proportion of silicon-di-oxide (sio2) which is

© 2024, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 8.226 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 3
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 10 Issue: 03 | Mar 2024 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

about 90%of silica fume constituents. The fineness in silica M60 grade concrete mix was designed as per IS
fume in terms of specific surface area is around 20000cm2/g. 10262-2009. Proportion of concrete should be selected to
Silica fume consists of ultra-fine (<1um) particles and make the most economical use of available materials to
increases the bond strength between cement paste and produce concrete of required quality. The mix ratio for
aggregate by making the interfacial zone denser. casting the specimen used is 1:1.2:2.2 and water cement
Aggregates are the major ingredients of concrete. It acts as ratio 0.3. Volume fractions of 1.5% fibers are used. Also 10 %
economical space filler. The IS 383 specifies the of cement is replaced by silica fume intend to make HPC 70%
requirements of aggregate. They are inert and are broadly end fiber combined with 30 % crimped fiber were mixed
divided into two categories i.e., fine and coarse aggregate together in the required quantity of fibers.
depending on their size. The crushed rock is used as coarse
aggregate with specific gravity 2.66 and Zone II River sand 3.4 DIMENSIONS AND REINFORCEMENT DETAILS
preferred for fine aggregate. The beam mould was prepared by standard steel
Coarse aggregate shall consist of clean, hard, strong, dense, mould having cross section. It is used for casting the beams
non-porous and durable pieces of crushed stone. They shall with and without fibers. Hence the size of the beam is of 80 x
not consist pieces of disintegrated stones, soft, flaky, 120 x 2200mm.All the beams were cast with following
elongated particles, salt, alkali, vegetable matter or other reinforcement details. Four bars of 8mm diameter are used
deleterious materials. Crushed stone aggregate of maximum as main reinforcement 2 numbers at top and 2 numbers at
size 12.5mm are used as coarse aggregate. Thus, have bottom, 6mm diameter stirrups are spaced at 100mm c/c to
specific gravity value of 2.7 and fineness modulus of about 7. act as shear reinforcement. The reinforcement details for the
Fine aggregates shall not contain dust, lumps, soft or flaky beam specimens shown in fig 3.3 & 3.4
materials, mica or other deleterious materials. Fine
aggregates, having positive alkali-silica reaction shall not be
used. The fineness modulus of fine aggregate shall neither be
less than 2.0 nor greater than 3.5


The length of the fiber is 38 mm. The aspect ratio is
69.09). The diameter of crimped fiber 0.55mm. The tensile
strength is 600Mpa. The Material type of crimped fiber is
low carbon drawn flat wire. The crimped fiber as shown in
the Fig 3.2.
Fig 3.3 Reinforcement details.

Fig 3.4 Reinforcement details.

Fig 3.2 Crimped Fiber
Portable water available in the laboratory is used for mixing 3.5 CASTING OF THE SPECIMEN
and curing concrete. cero hyper plats a type of plasterer is The exact quantities of materials for the specimen
used to increase the workability of concrete. It is a high were weighted and kept separately before the mixing
range super plasticizing admixture. A dosage of 0.8 % by started. Machine mixing was adopted and the concrete mix
weight of binder is used for all the mixes. Steel of Fe415 was placed in mould layer by layer and compacted well.
grade with 2 nos of 8mm diameter bar provided at both top Hand mixing was adopted for convenient handling of steel
and bottom. 6mm diameter tor steel bars were used for fiber. Sand and cement with silica fume were mixed dry and
stirrups. kept separately. Then coarse aggregate was added and
approximately quantity of water was sprinkled on the dry
mix. In order to avoid the formation of lumps by gentle
3.3 MIX PROPORTIONING sprinkling the fibers were randomly oriented in the concrete
mix. Beams casted with fully hybrid fibers and fibers only in
© 2024, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 8.226 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 4
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 10 Issue: 03 | Mar 2024 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

hinged zone for flexural strength of plain concrete with and were cured for 28 days in curing pond specially constructed
without fibers. Fig 3.4 shows the casting of beams. for the investigation.
All beam specimens were tested under a loading
frame of 500 KN capacity. Beams were continuous over a
span of 2200 mm. The load was applied through a screw jack
which is connected with proving ring for applying manual
loading. The load was distributed as two-point loads kept
apart symmetrical to centerline of beam on the top face. An I
section has been place over the beam for the application of
two-point loading. Then three dial gauge on the loading
point for normal deflection and dial three will be used to
measure upward deflection. A proving ring of 10 Ton
3.6 EXPERIMENTAL PROGRAM TEST SPECIMENS capacity was placed between test frame and load distributor
Test specimens consist of four conventional HPC placed on the test specimen. Gap between test frame and
beams with two different reinforcements with 10mm plate was filled by spacers. Loading arrangement for beam
diameter main reinforcement and 8mm diameter as stirrups specimens is shown in Fig.2
and 8mm diameter as main reinforcement and 6mm Fig.3.5. Experimental set up
diameter as stirrups. Then the five SFRC beams are casted
with one conventional beam and four SFRC containing 0.8%
hybrid steel fibers by volume of concrete. The cross-
sectional dimensions and span of beams were fixed same for
all types of beams. The dimensions of the beams were 80mm
x 120mm x 2200mm. Two types of SFRC beams specimens
were cast using hybrid steel fibers for full length of beams
with volume fractions of 1.5% with the described
reinforcements. The ultimate tensile strength of steel fibers
was 584.59 MPa. The aspect ratio of all fibers was kept
constant at 75. The reinforced concrete beams were
designated as C and the two types of steel fiber reinforced
beams were designated as FH and FHZ respectively.
The structural behavior of HPFRC beam has been
studied in this project. Two types of beams namely HPC and
HPFRC beams has been cast and tested under monotonic
loading. Four conventional concrete beams are cast as high-
performance concrete and in HPFRC beams were cast
namely with fully hybrid fibers and fiber only in hinged zone
and beam without fibers respectively. In hybrid fiber
reinforced concrete beam, the specimen is incorporated with
crimped fibers in the mix proportion of 70%-30% by volume
at a total volume fraction of 1.5%. Then the eight beams are
subjected to monotonic loading and eight beams are
3.7 PREPARATION OF TEST SPECIMENS: subjected to monotonic loading with the help of screw jack
For the preparation of specimens, the concrete mix and the deflection is measured by using deflectometer. After
proportion was adopted was 1:1.2:2.2 by weight (cement: testing, various parameters such as energy absorption,
sand: coarse aggregate) with water cement ratio of 0.3. The cumulative ductility, first crack load and ultimate load are
concrete mix was designed to achieve strength of 60 MPa. A compared with that of conventional concrete beam.
suitable dose of admixture named cerahipher plasticizer and
silica fume was added in mixes to improve the workability of 4.2 BEHAVIOR OF CONTINUOUS BEAM UNDER
mixes. For casting of beams steel mould were used. Beams MONOTONIC LOADING
were filled in 4-5 layers, each of approximately 50mm deep, There are nine numbers of continuous beams were
ramming heavily and vibrating the specimens on vibrating cast and tested. Five beam is made with conventional
table till slurry appears at surface of the specimen. In this concrete, two is made with fully fiber and other two is made
way concrete was very well compacted. The side forms of by adding fibers only in hinged zones. The beams were
mould were stripped after 24 hours and then these beams designated as follows for easy reference and presentations of

© 2024, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 8.226 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 5
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 10 Issue: 03 | Mar 2024 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

the test result. Continuous beam with conventional concrete

with 8mm diameter main reinforcement and 6mm diameter Parameter BEAM
stirrups with curtailment BEAM- A.
% Of fiber (Vf) 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
First crack load (KN) 75 78 84 84
Ultimate load (KN) 90 129 123 90
Stiffness (KN/mm) 66.67 100 100 66.67
Ductility factor 6.8 6 4.09 4.28
C Energy Absolu
870 840 640 720
ontinuous beam with conventional concrete with 10mm Absorption te
diameter main reinforcement and 8mm diameter stirrups ( Reality 1 0.96 0.73 0.94
with curtailment BEAM- B. Continuous beam with
Toughness Index (I5) 6 6.28 4.28
conventional concrete with 10mm diameter main 5.1
reinforcement and 8mm diameter stirrups without 14.5
Toughness Index (I10) 10.4 13.44 11.9
curtailment BEAM-C. Continuous beam with conventional 5
concrete with 8mm diameter main reinforcement and 6mm capacity of Beam-A carries maximum load and Beam-D
diameter stirrups without curtailment BEAM- D. carries minimum load carrying capacity initially to choose
Continuous beam with conventional concrete – CB
Continuous beams with two numbers of fully Hybrid fiber Parameter
(1.5% Vf) – FH
Continuous beam with two numbers of fibers in hinged % Of fiber (Vf) 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
zones only (1.5%Vf) – FHZ First crack load
75 57 55 60 39
Continuous beam with Hybrid fiber (+30% Crimped) (KN)
Ultimate load
120 117 93 117 114
The stress blocks determine the area of steel in 66.
Stiffness (KN/mm) 57.5 66.67 66.67 50
tension and compression also used to determine the proper 6
dimensions in the section with the compression and tension 5.4
Ductility factor 7 5.46 6.156 4.85
that applied in both the form of with and without fibers for 6
both steel and concrete. Absol
610 650 620 675 570
Energy Absorption ute
4.3 Stress block with fiber ( Realit 1.2
1.22 1.08 1.24 1
y 4
Toughness Index (I5) 7.5 7.5 7.71 7.21 5.26
Toughness Index (I10) 13.45 14.375 13.87 10.24
the reinforcement. The load carrying capacity of FH beam
with fully hybrid fibers behaves more resistance than the
beam having fibers only in hinged zone. The conventional
concrete beam without fiber will only carries minimum load
carrying capacity compare to both fully hybrid fiber beams
4.4 Results and Discussion:
and beams with fibers only in hinged zone. The ultimate
Totally nine specimens have been tested for their
crack load of FH beam was higher than that of FHZ beam.
behavior under monotonic loading. In order to study the
First crack load increased with increase in fiber content. The
influence of fibers. The test results are discussed as below.
beam FH carries maximum ultimate load of 120kN.
The different parameters such load carrying capacity,
Theoretical ultimate load for RC beams was calculated as per
stiffness, ductility, energy absorption capacity, toughness
IS 456: 2000. The beam strength of control specimens was
index etc. have been calculated for all beams re shown in
used to determine the ultimate load, stiffness, ductility,
Table.1 and 2.
energy absorption and toughness index of RC beams tested
Table.1 Test results
under monotonic loading.
Table.2 Test Results
4.6 First Crack load:
The first crack load was determined from the
4.5 Load Carrying Capacity:
dominant in the load deflection curve at initial stages of
The ultimate load carrying capacities of all the beams
loading. All the SFRC beams showed significant increase in
are shown in figure 4.6.1 and figure 4.6.2. The load carrying
first crack load over reinforced concrete beams. In the case

© 2024, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 8.226 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 6
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 10 Issue: 03 | Mar 2024 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

of beams with 1.5 percent steel fibers, the conventional two of FH will carries 117 KN. Then these beams behave
concrete beam without fiber will only carries minimum load flexural cracks only. Then the other type of beam with fibers
carrying capacity compare to both fully hybrid fiber beams in hinged zone will carry load of 93 KN for specimen one and
and beams with fibers only in hinged zone. The first crack 117 KN for specimen two respectively. This beam also
load of FH beam was higher than that of FHZ beam. First behaves only in flexural zone. These beams are compared to
crack load increased with increase in fiber content. The the conventional beam which carries 114 KN which behaves
beam FH carries maximum First crack load of 75kN only in flexural zone. From the investigations all these beams
behave only in flexure no shear cracks are occurred in any of
these beams.

Fig.4.6.1 First crack load and Ultimate load for without fiber

Fig.4.7.1 Comparison of Load deflection behavior for D1of

all the beams WOF

Fig.4.6.2 First crack load and Ultimate load for with and
without fiber
4.7 Load deflection behavior
These investigations it is observed that the load
deflection curve is linear up to the first crack load. Further
increase in load, caused multiple cracks and the curve Fig.4.7.2 Comparison of Load deflection behavior for D1of
deviated from linearity in to a non-linear region. all the beams WF
Comparisons of load deflection behavior for all the beams
are shown in fig4.7.1, fig4.7.2, fig4.7.3, fig4.7.4. From the
Beam-D which carries minimum load carrying capacity.
From the comparisons the Beam FH (with fully hybrid
fibers) carries a maximum load 120 KN. Then the specimen

© 2024, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 8.226 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 7
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 10 Issue: 03 | Mar 2024 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Fig.4.7.3 Comparison of Load deflection behavior for D2 of Fig.4.8.1 Comparison of Stiffness characteristics for all
all the beams WOF the beams WOF

Fig.4.7.4 Comparison of Load deflection behavior for D2 of Fig.4.8.2 Comparison of Stiffness characteristics for all the
all the beams WF beams WF
4.8 Stiffness characteristics: 4.9 Ductility Factor:
Stiffness is defined as the load required to cause unit It is defined as the ability of a member undergoes
deflection of the beam. The Deflection calculated in each inelastic deformations beyond the yield deformations
beams gave the stiffness of the beam. The 1.5% volume without significant loss in its load carrying capacity. The
fraction of fibers in HPFRC increased the stiffness of the 1.5% volume fraction of fibers in HPFRC increased the
beams. The beam is casted in two different forms one with ductility of the beams. The ductility of beam FH specimen
fully hybrid fiber and fibers only in hinged zone as FH and two will be have a maximum at dial two values. At the same
FHZ. Each beam to calculate the deflection from continuous FHZ specimens has both dial one and two are almost equal.
beams. From the values stiffness has been calculated. The The specimen one of FHZ carries a minimum of ductility in
stiffness of beam FHZ specimen one will be having more both dials. The specimen two of FHZ is also minimum
similar stiffness value. The specimen two of FHZ carries a ductility. The various of ductility for all the beams is shown
maximum stiffness value in both dial one and dial two. The in figure.5. The beams FH are comparatively higher than
various of stiffness characteristics for all the beams are FHZ. The beam FH has a maximum of 7. The ductility of a
shown in figure.5. The beams FH and FHZ are almost similar flexural member can be obtained from its load-deflection
in stiffness characteristic with 66.67kN/mm with FHZ curve. The variations of ductility of all the five beams are
slightly more consistent than FH based on stiffness shown in figure4.9.1 & 4.9.2.

© 2024, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 8.226 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 8
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 10 Issue: 03 | Mar 2024 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Fig.4.9.1 Comparison of Ductility for all the beams WOF Fig.4.10.1 Comparison Energy absorption capacity for all the
beams WOF

Fig.4.9.2 Comparison of Cumulative Ductility for all the

beams WF Fig.4.10.2 Comparison Energy absorption capacity for all the
beams WF
4.10 Energy absorption capacity:
The area under the load-deflection curve represents 4.11 Toughness index(I5) & (I10)
the energy absorption capacity of the whole specimen. The The area under the load-deflection curve represents
beam is casted in two different forms one with fully hybrid the energy absorption capacity of the whole specimen. The
fiber and fibers only in hinged zone as FH and FHZ. The cumulative energy absorption capacity of FHZ beam was
energy absorption of beam FH specimen one will be have a 7.71 while that of FZH and CHPC beams have the values as
maximum at both dial values. The cumulative energy 7.5 and 5.26 respectively. The cumulative Toughness
absorption capacity of FH beam was 710kNmm while that of index(I5) capacity of FHZ (hybrid) beam was higher than that
FZH and CB beams have the values as 675kNmm, 570 kNmm of other beams as shown in figure.8. The cumulative energy
respectively. The cumulative energy absorption capacity of absorption of FHZ beam was 14.37 while that of FZH and
FH (hybrid) beam was higher than that of other beams as CHPC beams have the values as 13.75 and 10.24 respectively
shown in figure.4.10.2 in(I10). The cumulative Toughness index(I5) capacity of FHZ
(hybrid) beam was higher than that of other beams as shown
in figure.9.

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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 10 Issue: 03 | Mar 2024 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Fig.4.11.1 Graph for toughness index

Fig.4.11.5 Comparison Toughness Index(I10) for all the

beams WF

Fig.4.11.2 Comparison Toughness Index(I5) for all the 4.12 Behavior and mode of failure
beams WOF The loading was increased in all the specimens, the
number of cracks appeared in the beam. Further increasing
the load, additional cracks formed in the beams. It is
observed that, specimens additionally reinforced with steel
fibers, a large number of finer cracks formed in the flexure
zone and widening when the load increased. The presence of
steel fiber inside the beam will resist the crack development
by forming a bridge across the crack i.e., the steel fibers act
as crack arresting material during initial stage of loading.
The tested specimens of HPC and HPSFRC beams were
shown in figure.8.

Fig.4.11.3 Comparison Toughness Index(I5) for all the

beams WF

Fig.4.12 Failure pattern for all the



The experimental investigation is carried out to

study the behavior of High-Performance Fiber Reinforced
Concrete Beam. The test results are compared with that of
Fig.4.11.4 Comparison Toughness Index(I10) for all the
beams WOF the Conventional high performance reinforced concrete

© 2024, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 8.226 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 10
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 10 Issue: 03 | Mar 2024 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

beam. It based on study parameters such as first crack with low reinforcement ratios”., Vol. 28 (2006). PP
load, ultimate load, ductility factor and energy absorption, 1503–1512.
we compare all the beams with that of conventional [4] Samir A. Ashour., Faisal F. Wafa, Mohmd I. Kamal.,
concrete beam. “Effect of the concrete compressive strength and
tensile reinforcement ratio on the flexural behavior
The following observation has been from the of fibrous concrete beams”., Vol. 22 (2000). PP
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 The ultimate load for the FH fiber reinforced [5] Vengatachalapathy V, Dr.R.Ilangovan., “
concrete beam was greater than that of both FHZ Experimental evaluation for strength of steel fiber
and conventional RC beam. The beam FH carries reinforced concrete deep beams”., Vol. 2 Issue 2,
maximum Ultimate load of 120kN. (2012) pp.348-355.
 The stiffness for the hybrid fiber reinforced [6] Wang Z. L, J. Wub, J.G. Wang., “Experimental and
concrete beam was greater than that of numerical analysis on effect of fiber aspect ratio on
conventional RC beam with FH and FHZ are 66.67 mechanical properties of SRFC”. Vol.24 (2010) 559–
KN/mm. 565
 The stiffness for FH and FHZ beams is almost
similar. Both FH and FHZ are more than that of
conventional RC beam.
 The ductility value of FH RC beam is maximum 7
which will be comparatively more than that of both
FHZ and conventional RC beam.
 The energy absorption of capacity of FH beam
was 710kNmm while that of FZH and CB beams
have the values as 675kNmm, 570 KNmm
respectively. The cumulative energy absorption
capacity of FH (hybrid) beam was higher than
that of CB and FHZ beams.
 The toughness index(I5) of FHZ beam was 7.71
while that of FH and CB have the values as 7.21 and
5.26 respectively. Therefore, the toughness index
(I5) capacity of FHZ beam was higher than that of
other beams.
 The toughness index(I10) of FHZ beam was 14.37
while that of FZH and CB beams have the values as
13.75 and 10.24 respectively. Therefore, toughness
index(I10) of FHZ beam was higher than
conventional beam.
 In general, the presence of hybrid fiber in full length
of beam results in higher load carrying capacity in
both stiffness and ductility as consider and beam
carries only fiber in hinged zone carries higher
values considering energy absorption and
toughness index parameters calculated above.


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[3] Dancygier A.N, Z. Savir., “Flexural behavior of HSFRC

© 2024, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 8.226 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 11

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