Summer Program Brochure 2024

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Social Impact Leadership Programs

Ruchita Nair
Dartmouth batch 2027

Social Tech and Social Climate &
Entrepreneurship Impact Sustainability

Financial Inclusion Human Trafficking Design Innovation

Health & Gender Microfinance Gender & Tech

Design Thinking x Social Impact

Batch starts: 1 Apr , 15 Apr ,1 May, 15 May, 1 Jun, 15 Jun , 1 Jul , 15 Jul,
1 Aug & 15 Aug

4 or 6 weeks | Grade 9-12



Please email us to
Call +91-9920257626
book a 20-minute
consultation session.
The Programs

Flagship Program: Advanced Program:

Global Challenges & Social Design Thinking/ Social
Justice Entrepreneurship
Grade 9-12 Grade 9-12
10+ themes to choose from 10+ themes to choose from
Fee: INR 26,000+gst Fee: INR 34,000+gst
Modality: Hybrid Modality: Hybrid
4 weeks + 1 year mentorship 6 weeks + 1 year mentorship


Video Reports
Create effective/outcome-based solution. Solutions will be catered
to support low-income communities.
Work offline at TFG Social Impact Lab
Get nominated for International awards
Certificate & LOR

“AI is growing rapidly in today’s world, thus it was time

to reap its benefits. Consequently, I conducted virtual
awareness workshops with 3 NGOs in managing mental
health issues namely secondary trauma or
mismanagement of emotions by showing the features
of app such as private 24/7 available chatbot,
mindfulness exercises, and conducting activities about
emotional regulation. Saira Dua
During the graduation ceremony, I was awarded as a Grade 10, Pathways School
TFG Batch 2024
high achiever in the program further motivating to me
continue service!”
The program schedule

Session 1 Induction - The Big Why; Why work in Social Impact

Problem Statement 1.Introduction to problem statement

2. Introduce NGO beneficiary/ Team - Overcome
Session 2
assumptions/ Deepen Knowledge. 3. SWOT/ Role Play

Session 3 Prep for virtual field work on a theme of choice

Mock virtual field work: Practice for your awareness

Session 4

Start your offline community project: Take project to your

Session 5
neighbourhood - Community project based on theme

Session 6 Virtual Field Work -1 + reflections

Community Project - Campaigning, making posters, social

Session 7
media advocacy, fundraising

Session 8 Project Updates/ Mentoring Sessions

Session 9 Impact assessment: Pitching + Report Writing

Session 10 Virtual Field Work -2 + reflections

Session 11 Mentor Hours - Future Scope

Graduation: Group Pitch like a Shark! The Panel will

Session 12
comprise of 2 judges.

Each class is 1 hour long with a mentor. The classes happen at a fixed time.

Craving real-world experiences that matter? Join TribesforGOOD

and unleash your potential as a Changemaker
stem & computer science
Robotics/ AI Digital Tools

Delve into the exciting realm of Teach Canva for design, google
robotics, designing and showcasing forms for research and word for
projects that bring code to life in project reports.
physical form.
Chatgpt & Podcasts/ Coding for Change /
Astrophysics Hackathon

Embark on a cosmic journey into Dive into the world of coding with
the mysteries of the universe. the Hour of Code Campaign.

Design Educational Participation of

resources Girls in STEM

Contribute to the development of Bridge the STEM-Economics Gender

resources such as math magazines, Gap
worksheets, and blog series
Play & Chemistry Foundational Skills

STEM Literacy Fair x Play: The Chemistry of Everyday Life:

Wonderful World of Elements! Education & Chemistry
Periodic Table Playground: Transform Develop a series of engaging
the periodic table into a giant demonstrations showcasing the
interactive map. Label elements with applications of chemistry in everyday
fun facts, trivia, and real-world life. The outcome could also be a
applications. magazine.

Rural Education Microplastics

Empowering Rural Educators: Microplastics Everywhere: Climate

Unleash the Power of PhET & Chemistry
Simulations Understand the extent of
Bridge the gap in science education microplastic contamination in
resources for rural schools by your local water source.
providing educators with accessible Raise awareness about
and engaging online simulations microplastic pollution and its
through PhET Interactive potential health consequences.
Simulations (PhET).
The world of finance is constantly evolving, seeking solutions to meet evolving needs and
empower diverse populations. Here’s a glimpse into five innovative projects exploring the
intersection of finance, mindset shift, design thinking, and social impact

Microfinance Funding Strategy

Social Investing/ Mindful Loans: Empowering Non-Profits with

Reshaping Unsecured Lending Innovative Funds:
Support the unbanked through This project delves into innovative
microfinance and help them launch financing mechanisms like blended
their business. finance, Development Impact Bonds,
and Social Stock Exchange listings.

Storytelling with Impact

Crafting relatable narratives and

utilizing data-driven
visualizations, the project makes
financial literacy engaging and
accessible to a wider audience

Banking Ki Paathshala

Finance + Digital Inclusion/ Women &

Navigating the SEO of Information
Mobile banking & financial fraud
Debt in disguise - Uncover BNPL

Economics + Impact
Unboxing Shrinkflation
Use the relatable concept of
shrinkflation as a springboard to
explain complex microeconomic
Health & Diseases
Awareness & Design Thinking

Health Awareness & Advocacy Design Thinking

Cancer awareness, epilepsy, Teen-Friendly Doctors' Office
tuberculosis, leprosy and more. Blueprint
Cervical cancer & HPV Vaccine Low-Cost Ambulances
Generic medicines (biochemistry) Active breaks, active minds
Non-communicable diseases like Bullying Blocker App
obesity and diabetes

Asha Workers Fem Health

ASHA Workers, a crucial pillar Fem Health and period poverty

Advocate for and facilitate Asha This project takes a comprehensive
workers' inclusion in AB-PMJAY, approach to address menstrual
ensuring their access to quality health and period poverty in schools
healthcare. and communities.
Supporting the Development of Design a bracelet to advocate
India’s Health Workforce. about Fem Health.
Sports for Impact

Fit & Fed

Sports & Nutrition particularly
during school holidays.: Access to
Nutritious food - Milk & Eggs to be
supplied for 6 months - 1 year
Provide nutritious meals to 5000+

Participation of
marginalised groups

Trans’cending Barriers
Learn about the challenges trans
people face in accessing quality
healthcare and employment
opportunities to make workspaces
truly inclusive.

Partnerships &
Gender Pay Gap
Communication Strategy

Partnerships for Impact Gender Pay Gap in Sports

Research: Conduct surveys to Media Analysis: These stories will
assess the level of awareness offer a deeper layer of personal
among participants regarding experience and highlight the
sustainable practices unique challenges and triumphs
Comms Plan: Develop and launch a women face.
crowdfunding campaign to raise Analyse the gender pay gap in
funds for sports equipment. sports
Partnerships: Collaborate with 2
local businesses and organizations
for donations and sponsorships.
Climate & Sustainability
Bees & Livelihoods Solar Energy

Bees, Farming and Climate Action Solar Paathshala

Mainstream Bee Boxes and assist in Tackle energy poverty and educational
generating livelihood for a farmer for inequity in the developing world and
10 years! reverse climate change.

AI & Climate Waste Not, Want Not

Curate workshops on 9 ways AI is Recycle Plastic Bags, electronic

helping tackle climate change waste, cloth swaps, and more.

Breathe Safe Save Our Skies

Breathe Safe: Accessible PPE Save Our Skies

Tackle the critical issue of lung Address the escalating pollution
disease among outdoor workers like levels with a special focus on
security guards, and waste pickers. preserving clarity of the night sky.
Performing Arts & Human Rights
Performing Arts & Human Rights
Storytelling Music & Mental Health

Stories Spark Action: Empower Music & Queer Mental health

Youth Voices for Social Change Compile music playlists, podcasts,
This project empowers voices by and interviews exploring themes of
equipping them with storytelling identity, resilience, expression, and
skills and connecting their stories mental well-being relevant to the
with communities for real-world LGBTQ+ community.

Online Plays Social Emotional Learning

Develop Online Plays Art + Education

On work scenarios Leverage the Power of Performing
Substance abuse & vaping Arts to Foster Learning and Empower
Gender-based violence Students by combining science and
and more. performing arts.
Diversity, Inclusion & Mental Health


Virtual Violence
Educate individuals about the impact
of cyberbullying on mental health and
encourage them to take action to
prevent it.

Helplines & more

Design Thinking
Inclusion & Mental Health/
Invent a new way to communicate
with someone who has a disability.
Playgrounds for everyone
Design solutions to promote
women safety
Mindfulness for Caregivers

Equip caregivers with mindfulness

practices to manage stress, enhance
emotional well-being, and prevent

Mental Health and Trauma

Create evidence-based and trauma-

informed educational videos for
children rescued from child labor.
Gender, mobility & more
Public spaces Design & Marketing

Women-Friendly Transport: Design / Fashion /

Mobility, Gender & Mental Health Marketing

Conduct knowledge sessions with Non-profit marketing and sales

youth and young women to challenge strategy
gender stereotypes associated with Product design workshops
mobility and promote safe and Sustainable fashion
inclusive public transport use

Tech & Social Impact Human Trafficking

Cybersecurity Awareness Campaign Work on the rehabiltation process

for human trafficking survivors. Write
This project is designed to empower case studies, run communication
individuals with the knowledge and classes and more.
skills needed to navigate the digital
landscape securely.

Starting her journey at TribesForGOOD as a high school student eager

to learn about social activism, Ada’s passion for empowering others led
her to collaborate with charitable organization dedicated to uplifting
the socio-economically disadvantaged community of Ballahbgarh.

Ada Khemka,
Grade 12, Shiv Nadar School Faridabad
TFG Batch 2023

Batch starts: 1 Apr , 15 Apr ,1 May, 15 May, 1 Jun, 15 Jun ,

1 Jul , 15 Jul, 1 Aug & 15 Aug


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