Emergency Manual Manifold O&M
Emergency Manual Manifold O&M
Emergency Manual Manifold O&M
Date purchased:
Model number:
Serial number:
Option(s) included:
Any information, service or spare parts requests should include the serial number and be
directed to:
Telford Crescent, Staveley
Derbyshire S43 3PF
BeaconMedæs reserves the right to make changes and improvements to update products
sold previously without notice or obligation.
Personnel must make themselves familiar with the contents of this manual and the
function of the unit before installing, operating or maintaining.
Abbreviation Full Description Abbreviation Full Description
BS British Standard kPa Kilo pascals
BSP British Standard Pipe Max Maximum
CO2 Carbon dioxide Med Medical
°C Degree Celsius m Meter
ø Diameter mm Millimetres
ERM Emergency reserve manifold Min Minimum
EN European Standards N2 Nitrogen
1st First N2O Nitrous oxide
HTM Health Technical Memorandum NRV Non-return valve
ID Identification OD Outside Diameter
“ Inch O2 Oxygen
ISO International Standard Organisation % Percentage
Kg Kilograms 2nd Second
Emergency Reserve Manifold
Table of Contents
0. Safety Precautions
1. General Information
2. Installation
3. Commissioning
4. Principles of Operation
5. Maintenance Procedures
6. Component Replacement Procedures
7. Recommended Spares
1 - ERM General Arrangement
2 - Schematic Diagram
3 & 4 - Typical Installation
5 - Reserve Low Alarm Wiring
6 to 12 - Cylinder header extension
13 - Typical tailpipe and cylinder connection
14 - Relief Valve Inspection
15 - Manifold header Non-Return Valve Inspection
16 - Line Non-return Valve Replacement
17 - Sampling Outlet Replacement
18 - 2nd Stage Regulator Replacement
19 - 1st Stage Regulator Replacement
20 - 2nd Stage Relief Valve Replacement
21 - 1st Stage Relief Valve Replacement
22 - Cylinder Bank Valve Replacement
23 - Cylinder Header Non-return Valve Replace-
24 - Line Pressure Gauge Replacement
25 - Reserve Low Contact Gauge Alarm Wiring
1 - Relief Valve Set Points
2 - Cylinder Header Extension Kits
3 - Typical pressure settings
4 - Typical cylinder bank changeover pressure.
5 - Sampling Outlet Part Numbers
6 - 2nd Stage Regulator Part Numbers
7 - 2nd Stage Relief Valve Part Numbers
8 - Header Non-return Valve Part Numbers
9 - Line Pressure Gauge Part Numbers
10 - Content Pressure Gauge Part Numbers
11a - Accessories
11b - Spares scheduling
3 2005715.05
Emergency Reserve Manifold
Not applicable
0. Safety Precautions 0.6 Cleaning
This section gives safety, storage and handling The manifold should be wiped over with a damp
information for the BeaconMedæs Emergency cloth frequently to remove any dust or foreign
Reserve Manifold only. Component parts lists and substances
descriptions are available on request.
0.7 Safety Notice
Operators should have carefully read and become
familiar with the contents of this manual before Persons undertaking any installation and/or
maintaining the Emergency Reserve Manifold. maintenance must be fully trained in specialist
work of this nature.
Operators are expected to use common sense
safety precautions, good workmanship practices The “PERMIT TO WORK” procedure must be
and follow any related local safety regulations. adhered to for all installations once commissioned.
Date of manufacture
2005715.05 4
Emergency Reserve Manifold
9 (Shown in Open Position)
11 (Shown in Closed Position)
17 3
15 1 18
(VALVE ‘1’) (VALVE ‘2’)
5 2005715.05
Emergency Reserve Manifold
Figure 2 - Schematic Diagram the ERM from feeding the pipeline during normal
operation of the primary system.
2005715.05 6
Emergency Reserve Manifold
8102371286 8102371287 8102371288 8102371289 8102371290 8102371291
8102371310 8102371311 8102371312 8102371313 8102371314 8102371315
Modular Header Rack Assembly 2X1 Modular Header Rack Assembly 2X4
Modular Header Rack Assembly 2X2 Modular Header Rack Assembly 2X5
Modular Header Rack Assembly 2X3 Modular Header Rack Assembly 2X6
7 2005715.05
Emergency Reserve Manifold
The ERM contains NO HALOGENATED polymers 2.1.3 Identify the centre position of the ERM on
located in the gas stream that may experience the wall and mark.
pressurised oxygen in excess of 3000 kPa (30 Bar)
in normal operation or single fault condition, as 2.1.4 Drill wall and fit wall plugs. Screw the ERM
recommended for safe practise of the medical gas to the wall, checking that it is firmly attached. See
pipeline system. figure 3 & 4 for typical mounting heights.
2005715.05 8
Emergency Reserve Manifold
9 2005715.05
Emergency Reserve Manifold
Figure 5 - Reserve Low Alarm Wiring 2.2 “Reserve Low” alarm wiring.
To primary supplies 2.2.1 Use a flat bladed screw driver to pop the
“Reserve Low” alarm input terminal cover at the corners.
5 6
(Wired on sight)
2.2.2 Wire the reserve low alarm as shown in
figure 5. (Left and right bank contact gauges are
Left bank
contact gauge
(pre-wired) 1 1 5 6 2.3 Installation procedure for
2 3 2 4
Modular Manifold Header.
CAUTION: Ensure that all the header rails
supplied are the correct gas type. The gas ID is
stamped onto the flat section of the NRV caps.
2005715.05 10
Emergency Reserve Manifold
Wall mounting
holes x 4
Header Extension
11 2005715.05
Emergency Reserve Manifold
2.3.2 Additional Cylinder Header Extensions Secure the previously fitted 5/8” connector
(upgrade to 2 x 3 plus manifold). See figure 8 to to the extension header.
12. Repeat & for any additional
CAUTION: Ensure that all the header rails header extensions.
supplied are the correct gas type. The gas ID is
stamped onto the flat section of the NRV caps. If no more header extensions are to be
fitted, blank of the end of the header with the 3/8” Remove the 3/8” BSP blanking plug and BSP plug and bonded seal that was removed in
bonded seal from the end of the header block and step
fit 3/8” x 5/8” BSP fitting (supplied with kit) com-
plete with O-ring seals for connection of the exten- CAUTION: Supplied fixings are for use
sion header. with solid masonry type walls only. Typical
extension bracket is 2.5kg per side. Line up the header connection, mark
mounting hole positions and drill. Fit the wall plug
and secure with the No. 10 pan head supplied with
the kit.
2005715.05 12
Emergency Reserve Manifold
Figure 10 - Typical cylinder header extension layout details (upgrade to 2 x 4), extension kits from
table 3.
Figure 11 - Typical cylinder header extension layout details (upgrade to 2 x 5), extension kits from
table 3.
13 2005715.05
Emergency Reserve Manifold
Figure 12 - Typical cylinder header extension layout details (upgrade to 2 x 6), extension kits from
table 3.
NOTE - For additional cylinders continue to add the dimensions of the last header kit from either figure 9
or 10 for either single or double racks.
2.4.1 Connect the tailpipes to the non-return 2.5.2 Isolate the panel from the pipeline using
valves on the header racks as shown in figure 13. isolation valve ‘B’ (shown in figure 1).
2.4.2 Refer to hospitals/site policy for safe 2.5.3 Ensure that the left-hand bank high-
cylinder handling (See section 4.6 for typical pressure isolation Valve ‘1’ (Figure 1) is fully open
cylinder handling safety check list), move the by turning anticlockwise, and the right-hand high-
cylinders into place (see figures 3, 7, 9-12) ready pressure isolation valve ‘2’ (Figure 1) is fully closed
for connection to the tailpipes. by turning clockwise.
CAUTION: Only persons who have had 2.5.4 Using 1 cylinder, slowly pressurise
specific training in the safety of medical gases, the left-hand bank (see section 4.7 - Cylinder
manual handling techniques and cylinder operation). The left-hand contents gauge should
changing procedures should be allowed to indicate full cylinder pressure. The distribution
change cylinders on medical gas manifolds or system pressure gauge on the regulator (adjust
medical equipment. as necessary) should read typically as per table 4
(Section 4 - Principle of Operating).
2.4.3 Connect the cylinders to the pin indexed
clamp on the tail pipe, as shown in figure 13. CAUTION: It would be recommended to
Ensure the bodok seal is in place at the opposite set the ERM line pressure at least 0.2 bar below
side to the thumb screw on the pin index clamp the main supply source pressure at full design
before connection. flow to ensure the emergency manifold does
not supply the pipeline during normal primary
NOTE - Pipe index tailpipes to BE EN ISO 21969 are source operation.
supplied as standard. Alternative connection types
are available on request. 2.5.5 Check for leaks. Now ensure all left-hand
bank cylinders are closed.
2.4.4 See section 4.7 for cylinder operation
procedure 2.5.6 Open valve ‘C’ and relieve the pressure
from within the ERM from the sampling outlet
then close valve ‘C’ (Item 10 & 11, Figure 1).
2005715.05 14
Emergency Reserve Manifold
Bodok Seal
tailpipe with
pin index
Tailpipe to
non-return valve
15 2005715.05
Emergency Reserve Manifold
3.1 General 3.3.3 Check that the line pressure does not vary
outside of the requirements of the installation
Commissioning of the ERM must be carried (see table 4, Section 4 - Principle of Operating, for
out in full after initial installation. The object of typical values).
the commissioning procedure is to ensure that
all components are serviceable and that the 3.3.4 Complete the steps in section 4.2 -
overall system is operable and set to the correct Procedure to prime ERM, to bring the ERM online.
distribution pipeline pressure. Suitably qualified
competent personnel who are familiar with this
manual must only undertake commissioning of the 4. Principles of Operation
4.1 General
3.2 Preparation
The ERM line pressure is set below the normal
3.2.1 Ensure that all tailpipes are connected to operating range of the primary supply. While the
the cylinders and manifolds on both sides and primary supply is functioning within it’s design
that the restraint chains are secure around the limits, the ERM will not feed gas into the pipeline.
cylinders. If the primary supply fails, causing the pipeline
pressure to fall to the ERM’s set point it will
3.2.2 Ensure that the outlet pipe from the ERM is automatically start feeding gas to the pipeline.
connected to the distribution system of the same
gas service, downstream of the main supply unit Table 3: Typical pressure settings for HTM02-
and isolation valve ‘A’ (shown in figure 2). 01 primary and emergency medical gas
supply system, during normal pipeline system
3.2.3 Ensure that the ERM isolation valve ‘B’ operation.
(shown in figure 1) is fitted and in the closed Pressure (Bar)
Nominal System Design 4 7 11
3.2.4 Open all cylinder valves on the ERM. Max. Static Pressure Primary 4.6 8.2 11.5
3.2.5 Fully open the high-pressure isolation Min. Dynamic Pressure Primary 4.2 7.4 10.3
valves 1 and 2 (shown in figure 1). Supply
Max. Static Pressure ERM 4.0 7.2 10.0
3.2.6 Check connections on the headers, Min. Dynamic Pressure ERM 3.5 6.5 9.0
tailpipes, regulator and associated pipework for
Note - Table 4 shows typical examples. These
figures may differ depending on the hospital’s
3.2.7 Fully close the right-hand high-pressure
pipeline management policy.
isolation valve 2 (figure 1 & 2).
CAUTION: It would be recommended to
3.3 Pressure Checks set the ERM line pressure at least 0.2 bar below
the main supply source pressure at full design
3.3.1 Ensure that full gas cylinder pressure is flow to ensure the emergency manifold does
shown on the cylinder contents gauges (Fitted to not supply the pipeline during normal primary
valve 1 & 2, see figure 1). source operation.
3.3.2 With Valve ‘B’ closed and valve ‘C’ open, The recommended setup of the ERM is to have the
exhaust a quick blast of gas from the sampling left hand bank open and ready to come online and
outlet, close valve ‘C’. Check that the pressure on the right hand bank closed.
the pipeline distribution pressure gauge is typically
as per table 4. Adjust as necessary. In the event of the primary system failing to
supply (Awareness of the Primary supply failure is
Note...For reducing the pressure set point, ensure typically from central alarm system) the ERM line
valve ‘B’ is closed and sampling outlet isolation regulator (see figure 1) can be manually increased
valve ‘C’ is open. Gently bleed the gas from the to match the primary supply’s nominal values, so
sampling outlet while making adjustments, as the that the full distribution pressure is restored.
2005715.05 16
Emergency Reserve Manifold
When the ERM is in operation there is provision for continuous supply (see section 4.4 for bank cycling
an alarm output to warn when the running bank procedure).
contents is typically below half. The ERM contents
gauge should then be locally monitored. The Bank 4.4 Procedure to cycle banks &
valves can be used to cycle the left and right banks
allowing for empty cylinders to be changed while changing cylinders.
keeping continues supply to the pipeline.
4.4.1 Refer to hospitals/site policy for safe
CAUTION: The following procedures cylinder handling (See section 4.6 for typical
4.2 to 4.7 are only typical guides, where there cylinder handling safety check list) when moving
are conflicts with the hospital’s emergency the cylinders into place ready for connection to the
procedure, the hospital’s policies will take tailpipes.
4.4.2 When the running bank pressure falls to
the pressure for changing cylinder (for typical
4.2 Procedure to prime ERM. changeover pressures see table 5). Slowly open the
standby bank isolation valve (see figure 1). With
4.2.1 The following procedure must be carried the standby bank now operating as the running
out once the commissioning (section 3) is complete bank, close the high pressure isolation valve and
and the system is ready to be put into use. cylinder valves for the empty cylinder bank.
4.2.2 Ensure the high-pressure isolation valve Table 4: Typical cylinder bank changeover
on the left-hand bank is fully open, the right-hand pressure.
bank isolation valve is closed, and all cylinder
valves on both banks are fully closed. Correct as Nominal Supply Typical Cylinder changeover
required, see section 4.7 Cylinder Operation.
4 Bar 15 Bar (50 Bar Cyl. and Below)
4.2.4 Ensure the connecting pipeline is ready for 4 Bar 20 Bar (137 Bar Cyl. and above)
use. Slowly open the line valve ‘B’ (Item 9, figure 7 Bar 30 Bar
11 Bar 30 Bar
4.3 Procedure when mains sup- Note - Values in table 5 are only for reference
ply fails. as a typical guide, refer to hospital emergency
procedure policy.
4.3.1 The following steps relate to figure 1 & 2,
and detail how to operate the ERM in the event of 4.4.3 For the empty cylinder/s disconnect the
the main supply system failing to supply gas at the tailpipe from the cylinder (see figure 13) by either
correct distribution pressure. undoing the handwheel or unscrewing the nut
at the cylinder end, depending on the cylinder
4.3.2 Ensure the ERM line valve ‘B’ is open. Close connection type.
main supply line valve (Shown as valve ‘A’ in figure
2). 4.4.4 Replace the empty cylinder/s and reconnect
the tailpipes. Slowly open the cylinder valves (see
4.3.3 Ensure that one of the high-pressure section 4.7 - Cylinder operation.
bank isolation valve is fully open, the other bank
isolation valve is closed, and all cylinder valves on 4.4.5 Repeat this section each time the running
both banks are fully closed. Correct as required. bank drops to the changeover pressure until the
main supply is fully operational.
4.3.4 The pressure regulator will be set below
the nominal distribution system pressure. This 4.5 Procedure to reinstate main
should now be increased to the full distribution
pressure by increasing the line regulator setting, supply.
until the correct distribution pressure can be
obtained. 4.5.1 The following steps detail how to reinstate
the mains supply once it has been returned to
4.3.5 Once the ERM is in operation there is normal operation.
provision for an alarm output to warn when the
running bank contents is typically below half. 4.5.2 Slowly open valve ‘A’ (See figure 2).
The ERM contents gauge should then be locally
monitored for cycling the cylinder banks for 4.5.3 Complete the steps in section 3, followed by
17 2005715.05
Emergency Reserve Manifold
4.6 Typical Cylinder Handling cylinder key or handwheel where fitted and then
turned clockwise a quarter turn.
CAUTION: If there is any leakage of gas
CAUTION: Only persons who have had the cylinder should be removed from service and
specific training in the safety of medical gases, returned as faulty. DO NOT attempt to tighten
manual handling techniques and cylinder gland nuts etc, as this may cause damage to the
changing procedures should be allowed to valve.
change cylinders on medical gas manifolds or
medical equipment. 4.7.2 To close the valve, turn the spindle or
handwheel clockwise. Hand pressure only should
• Safety shoes should be worn at all times. When be used to close the valve.
moving larger cylinders, wear heavy protective
gloves (preferably textile or leather). Keep all
items clean and grease/oil free. 5. Maintenance Procedures
• Do not smoke or use naked lights. A competent person who is conversant with
the maintenance of high-pressure medical gas
• When handling smaller cylinders, the use of installations and any special national conditions,
protective gloves may be inconvenient. Extra which may apply, must carry out all maintenance.
care should be taken to avoid injury and to Preventative maintenance contracts are available
make sure that hands are free from oil or from BEACONMEDÆS for installations within the
grease BEFORE the cylinders are handled. U.K., overseas distributors will be able to supply
similar contracts in other areas.
• Do not knock cylinders against each other or
other solid objects. WARNING: OBTAIN A WORK PERMIT
• Do not drop or drag the cylinders. COMMENCING ANY WORK ON A MEDICAL GAS
• Do not use cylinders as rollers or wheel
chocks. 5.1 Daily Inspection
• Do not lift any cylinder by its valve or cap 5.1.1 Check visual indicators for correct function
and damage.
• Use appropriate trolley for larger cylinders.
5.1.2 If the ERM is observed to be in operation
4.7 Cylinder Operation on its “emergency reserve” bank, replacements
for empty cylinders should be made available
CAUTION: Undue force should not be immediately.
used to open or close cylinder valves, or to attach
connectors to cylinders. 5.1.3 Check manifold pressure gauges for
abnormal conditions.
CAUTION: ALL cylinder valves should be
opened gently. TAPPING the operating key GENTLY 5.1.4 Check ERM for unusual noises or
with a soft-faced (copper) mallet is acceptable but vibrations.
undue force should not be used. If it is obvious
that injury or damage could arise from trying 5.2 Weekly
to open a sticking valve, the cylinder should be
removed from service and returned to the supplier 5.2.1 Check that all cylinders are properly
as a faulty cylinder. secured and that batch labels are correct and in
CAUTION: Opening cylinder valves SLOWLY
will prevent a sudden rise in pressure in the
system. It is at this time when there will be most
5.3 Quarterly
stress on components and when most explosions
5.3.1 Ensure that:
will occur due to adiabatic compression of any oil
or grease that may be present.
(a) when the duty (primary) manifold is
running the reserve (secondary) manifold cylinders
4.7.1 The cylinder valve should be FULLY opened
are full;
(slowly, anticlockwise) using the appropriate
2005715.05 18
Emergency Reserve Manifold
(b) all system pressures are normal; Figure 15 - Manifold header Non-Return Valve
(c) all alarms are showing “green” normal Inspection.
(d) the automatic manifold main isolating
valve is open; and
(e) the manifold is supplying the hospital.
5.3.2 Close the isolating valve on the ERM slowly Bodok Seal
and confirm that there is no effect on the line
pressure to the hospital.
19 2005715.05
Emergency Reserve Manifold
5.3.9 Open Valve ‘C’ and carefully bleed gas from 6.0.3 Open the sampling outlet valve ‘C’, and
the sampling outlet. probe the outlet to depressurise the system.
5.3.10 Observe the falling pressure on the contact CAUTION: When exhausting anaesthetic
gauge. and oxygen manifolds ensure that the manifold
room is well ventilated and no potential ignition
5.3.11 When the pressure falls to 14 bar for 100 sources are present.
bar scale, and 68 bar for the 315 scale gauges the
contact will provide an open signal, initiating a Note - If the cylinder contents gauges are not
“Reserve Low” alarm on the primary alarm system. rapidly dropping in pressure, stop draining the
Should this not occur replace the contact gauge system and check all cylinders are correctly
(See section 6.10). isolated.
Replace tailpipes, pressure safety valve, pressure 6.1.5 Taking care not to damage the O-ring seals
regulator, high-pressure isolation valve, isolation replace the new non-return valve as shown in
valves, contact gauges, non-return valve etc. as figure 16, and fasten the 4 flat face joints.
and when required (see section 6.0 to 6.10).
6.1.6 Follow steps in section 6.11 bring the ERM
back online.
6.0 Component Replacement
Procedures Figure 16 - Line Non-return Valve Replacement
2005715.05 20
Emergency Reserve Manifold
6.2 Replace Sampling Outlet (See the 2nd fix and check valve capsule.
table 6 for part numbers) Fit the new check valve, gas specific socket and
locking spring. Secure in place with the 2nd fix
Table 5 : Sampling Outlet Part Numbers spring. Ensure the spring can be compressed
GAS Type 1st Fix 2nd Fix without catching the sides of the gas specific
Oxygen (O2) 2005810 1826850 socket, adjust as required. Fit the release ring and
Nitrous Oxide (N2O) 2005811 1826851 compressing the locking springs till the roller pins
can be fitted, then release. Fit the fascia ring so
Oxygen/Nitrous Oxide (O2/ 2005812 1826852
that the clips are secured.
Medical Air 2005813 1826853 6.2.6 After replacing the sampling outlet
Surgical Air 2005814 1826854 (entire outlet or just the 2nd fix) probe the outlet
Nitrogen (N2) 2005816 2004835 to ensure the locking mechanisms functions
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) 2005815 2004836
Release ring
6.3.1 Complete steps in section 6.1 before
carrying out any component replacement on the
2nd fix
fastener 6.3.2 Slowly turn the swivel nut of the top 1”
connection. If the you hear gas escaping do not
Fascia ring clips Roller Pins Locking spring fully unscrew the joint until the system is fully
6.2.3 Probe the outlet to depressurise. Figure 18 - 2nd Stage Regulator Replacement
6.2.5 For replacing the 2nd fix only (see figure 2 off 1/2” BSP
x 1” Flat face
17). Press the fascia ring clips shown and slide
connector with
it from the release ring. Press the release ring, O-ring (2000152)
compressing the locking spring until the roller pips and bonded seal
fall out. Remove the 2nd fix fasteners and slide of (1825637)
21 2005715.05
Emergency Reserve Manifold
6.3.3 Fully disconnect the two 1” joints as shown 6.4.4 Remove the relief valve and blanking plugs
in figure 18 and gently remove the unit by sliding form the old regulator and fit to the new unit.
it towards you. Take care not to damage the seals.
6.4.5 Inspect the existing seals and replace if
6.3.4 Remove the two 1/2” BSP x 1” flat face required, see figure 19 for seal part numbers.
connectors and fit to the new regulator
6.3.6 Taking care not to damage the O-ring seals
6.3.5 Inspect the existing seals and replace if replace the new regulator as shown in figure 19,
required, see figure 18 for seal part numbers. and fasten the 2 flat face joints.
6.3.6 Taking care not to damage the O-ring seals 6.3.7 Follow steps in section 6.11 bring the ERM
replace the new regulator as shown in figure 18, back online.
and fasten the 2 flat face joints.
2 x 1” flat face
connections with swivel
nut and O-ring seal
2005715.05 22
Emergency Reserve Manifold
6.5.5 Taking care not to damage the O-ring seals 6.7 Replace High Pressure Bank
replace the new relief valve as shown in figure 20,
and fasten the 2 flat face joints.
Valve (P/N: 2005820)
6.7.1 Complete steps in section 6.1 before
6.5.7 Follow steps in section 6.11 bring the ERM
carrying out any component replacement on the
back online.
6.6 Replace 1st stage relief valve 6.7.2 Slowly turn 1 of the 5/8” swivel nut
(P/N: 2005384) connections. If the you hear gas escaping do not
fully unscrew the joint until the system is fully
6.6.1 Complete steps in section 6.1 before drained.
carrying out any component replacement on the
ERM. 6.7.3 Fully disconnect the two 2 joints as shown
in figure 22 and gently remove the unit by sliding it
6.6.2 Disconnect the 3/4” and 1” swivel nut towards you. Take care not to damage the seals.
connection on the exhaust line to ensure adequate
space for removing the valve without spraining the Figure 22 - Cylinder Bank Valve Replacement
pipe work (as shown in figure 21).
Contact Gauge
6.6.3 Start to unscrew the 1st stage relief valve,
Sealing washer (2005765/7)
if you hear gas escaping do not fully remove until
the system is fully drained.
6.7.6 Fully open the valve unit and stick the label
onto the handle so the “BeaconMedæs” logo is
1st Stage Safety Relief Valve 3/4” flat face connections 6.7.8 Follow steps in section 6.11 bring the ERM
Bonded seal (1824977) with swivel nut and back online.
O-ring seal (2000179) O-ring seal
23 2005715.05
Emergency Reserve Manifold
Non-Return Valve
O-ring (2000239)
2005715.05 24
Emergency Reserve Manifold
the contact gauge (see section 6.7 - Replace High contact gauge
Pressure Bank Valve, for procedure).
25 2005715.05
Emergency Reserve Manifold
Modular Header Rack Assembly (x1)LH-RH Note - It is mandatory to replace 1st and 2nd stage
- O2
relief valves every 5 years.
Modular Header Rack Assembly (x1)LH-RH
- N2O
To accompany the replacement of relief valves
Modular Header Rack Assembly (x1)LH-RH - an overhaul kit has been defined to include non
return valves (header and main line), associated
Modular Header Rack Assembly (x1)LH-RH seals/washers and outlet capsule along with the
- MA
1st and 2nd stage relief valves.
Modular Header Rack Assembly (x1)LH-RH
BeaconMedæs advise to replace these additional
Modular Header Rack Assembly (x1)LH-RH components when the ERM is shut down for it’s
- CO2
major relief valve service.
Modular Header Rack Assembly (x2)LH-RH
- O2
Note the kits are sized for the standard 2x1
Modular Header Rack Assembly (x2)LH-RH
8102370427 ERM. For systems larger than this additional NRV
- N2O
capsules and tailpipe seals are required for each
Modular Header Rack Assembly (x2)LH-RH -
8102370439 cylinder/tailpipe connection. See table 12 for
Modular Header Rack Assembly (x2)LH-RH
- MA
Note - industrial regulators are recommended
Modular Header Rack Assembly (x2)LH-RH
to be replaced every 5 years. Whilst the medical
standards do not specifically identify the need
Modular Header Rack Assembly (x2)LH-RH
- CO2
to replace the regulators within this time scale it
should be considered good practice to do so. By
replacing the regulators whilst the relief valves
Customised arrangements are being replaced interruption of supply is
For a custom arrangement where independent
assemblies are required, accessories like the loop BeaconMedæs therefore advise that regulators
connection, corner connection and free standing are also replaced during the 5 year overhaul of the
configuration are available, more information could ERM control panel.
be found on the latest Manifold Header System
installation manual.
2005715.05 26
Emergency Reserve Manifold
2005765 Line Gauge – 6 bar 1(1) 1(2) 2005692 Copper Sealing Washer -
21 2(4) 4(6)
6 2005766 Line Gauge – 10 bar 1(1) 1(2)
22 2000239 ‘O’ Ring - NRV capsule 2(4) 4(6)
2005767 Line Gauge – 16 bar 1(1) 1(2)
Manifold block c/w Non-
7 2005778 1(1) 1(2)
Return Valve
2000122 Relief Valve – 5.3 bar 2(2) 3(4)
8 2000123 Relief Valve – 11 bar 2(2) 3(4)
2000140 Relief Valve – 13 bar 2(2) 3(4)
9 1823637 ‘O’ Ring – 12.1 I/D x 1.6 CSA 2(4) 2(4)
10 1822236 ‘O’ Ring – 15.1 I/D x 1.6 CSA 2(4) 2(4) 8
11 2000179 ‘O’ Ring – 17.1 I/D x 1.6 CSA 2(4) 2(4)
12 2000152 ’O’ Ring – 22.1 I/D x 1.6 CSA 2(4) 2(4)
13 2004808 1/4” Bonded Seal 2(4) 2(4) 6
14 1824977 3/8” Bonded Seal 2(4) 2(4)
15 1825637 1/2” Bonded Seal 2(4) 2(4) 9 5
Header Non-Return Valve 1(2) per 15 19
Kit, O2/N2O Cylinder
17 17 1
Header Non-Return Valve 1(2) per
Kit, AIR Cylinder 21
Header Non-Return Valve 1(2) per
Kit, N2 Cylinder
Header Non-Return Valve 1(2) per
Kit, CO2 Cylinder
18 2000172 Test Point Isolation Valve 1(2) 2(2)
22 13 10 3
19 2005775 Alarm Terminal Box 1(1) 1(1) 14
27 2005715.05
Tel: +44 (0) 1246 474242