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Ministry of Water Resources

Central Ground Water Board,SER
March, 2013

Chapter Title Page no

Bolangir district at a glance





1. Hydrogeology 3-5

2. Ground Water Resources

3. Ground Water Quality 7-9

4. Status of Ground Water Development 9-10


1. Ground Water Development

2. Water Conservation & Artificial Recharge



1. Mass Awareness Programme (MAP) &

Water Management Training Programme
2. Participation in Exhibition, Mela, Fair etc



Sr. Items Statistics


(i) Geographical Area (Sq. km) 6569

(ii) Number of Blocks 14
(iii) Number of Panchayat 285
(iv) Number of Villages 1792
(v) Population as on 2001 Census 13,35,760
(vi) Average annual rainfall (mm) 1792

1.Major Physiographic Units (i)Undulating plains dotted with
residual hills

(ii)Scattered hill with high relief

Ong, Tel, Suktel, Lant & Indra

2.Major Drainages
a) Forest Area 4315.8
b) Net Area Sown 28052.7(Kharif)

4 MAJOR SOIL TYPE Alfisol, Utisol, Vertisol


2. Winter – 129221 Ha
3. Summer – 1127 Ha

( Area and nos of structures)

(i) Major & Minor Irrigation
Project – 6077.3 Ha.
1. Canals
(ii) Minor Irrigation Project
(Flow) – 14000 Ha(Kharif);
1392 (Rabi)

(iii) Lift Irrigation Project –


27705 Ha (Kharif)
2. Net Irrigated Area
31.3.2011) 44
1. No of BoreWells
2. Nos of Piezometers


FORMATIONS Supergroup of Rocks
Crystalline Rocks)
(ii) Lower Gondwana
(iii) Quternaries

 Major Water Bearing Formations Weathered & Fractured
Crystalline Rocks

 Pre-Monsoon Depth to Water Level 1.33 mbgl to 8.85 mbgl

during 2011
 Post-Monsoon Depth to Water Level 0.78 mbgl to 6.85 mbgl
during 2011
 Long Term water level trend in 10 yrs 50% of wells show rise from 0-
(2001-2011) in m/yr 2m, 3.6% wells show rise from
2-4 m (Pre-monsoon).
77.8% of wells show rise in 0-2
m, 8.3% of wells show rise from
2-4 m (Post monsoon).
CGWB (As on 31.3.2011)
E/W - 52 (Departmental)
O/W – 13 (do)
E/W-47 (Outsourcing)
No of wells drilled (EW,OW,Pz,SH,Total) Total – 112.

Depth Range (m) 32 – 299.28m

Discharge (lps) Negligible to 25
Transmissivity(m ²/day) 0.68 to 659


Presence of Chemical constituents more EC and F value higher in

than permissible limit (e.g. EC ,F,AS,Fe) limited patches.

Type of water Normal( pH 7.12 to 8.19 mg/ltr)

(2009 in mcm)

1. Net Ground Water Availability 576.56

2. Net Annual Ground Water Draft 121.21
3. Projected demand for domestic and
industrial uses up to next 25 yrs 33.8
4. Stage of Ground Water Development 21.02%


Mass Awareness Programmes organized Two

Data 26.03.03 and 21.03.04
Place Titlagarh, Titlagarh Block
Bolangir Town, Bolangir Block
No of Participiants 200,250.

Water Management and Training Two

Programmes Organised
Data 26.03.03 and 21.03.04
Place Titlagarh, Titlagarh Block
Bolangir Town, Bolangir Block
No of Participiants 50,50.



Projects compiled by CGWB ( No & Amount Nil

spent )
Projects under technical guidance of CGWB Nil



No of OE Blocks Nil
No of Critical Blocks Nil
No of Blocks Notified Nil
16 MAJOR GROUND WATER PROBLEMS Groundwater pollution &
AND ISSUES depletion in parts of blocks
Bolangir is one of the economically backward district of western Orissa with a
geographical area of 6569 Sq.Km and is an integral part of Western Orissa
Development Council constituted by Govt. of Orissa very often reels under severe
drought condition. About 89 percent of the population of the district live in rural areas
and agriculture is the main stay of the people. The agriculture is mostly rainfed and
due to lack of adequate irrigation facilities and recurring severe drought conditions in
the district, the agricultural production is very often curtailed. In the year 1996 the
district witnessed an unprecedented drought situation. Bolangir district lies between
North latitudes 21°4’ and 20°9’ and East longitudes 82°41’ and 83°32’, failing in
Survey of India toposheet nos. 64O, 64P & 64L. It is bounded on the North by
Bargarh district, in the East by Suvarnapur district and in the South and West by
Kalahandi and Nawapara district respectively. The district is well connected by rail
and roads. Two National Highways are passing through the district. The Titilagarh
railway station is a junction connecting Raipur – Vizianagaram and Titilagarh –
Jharsuguda broad gauge railway tracts. All the block headquarters are connected by
mettalled roads. The district comprises three subdivisions namely Bolangir,
Patnagarh and Titilagarh and 14 community Development blocks with the district
headquarters at Bolangir (Plate-I). According to 2011 census data, the total
population of the district is 1648574 constituting nearly 4 percent of the total
population of Orissa. The rural and urban populations are 1182871 and 154323
respectively. The rural population constitutes 88.46 % of the total population. The
density of population is 251 against the state figure of 236 persons per sq. km.

The rivers Tel and its tributaries like Suktel, Lant, Indra etc. constitute the main
drainage system in the district. The river Tel and its tributaries flow from West to
East. The river Ong which is a tributary of Mahanadi is flowing in the northern part of
the district following an easterly course. The rivers are generally perennial in nature
with a very nominal flow during summer months. Drainage pattern is dendritic.
Studies on satellite imageries and hydrogeological surveys have revealed that the
drainage pattern in the district is controlled by the fracture system which is developed
due to tectonic activity in the area.

The district has limited irrigation facilities as per available data. The net
irrigated area from different sources is 27705 ha. The Ong dam is a Medium Irrigation
Project, which caters to flow irrigation. In addition to Ong medium irrigation project
the other ongoing major irrigation projects in the district are lower Lant ( CCA 21444
Ha) , upper Lant (4700 Ha) upper Suktel (1350 Ha) and lower Tel ( 46598 Ha).
Besides that other two ongoing Medium Irrigation Projects are Titilagarh and Harihar
with designed ayacut of 2000 and 9950ha respectively. Block-wise and source-wise
irrigation details of the district is presented in the following table. The sourcewise
Irrigation potential created in the district from various sources has been tabulated in
Table-1.1. The irrigation potential created from ground water resources is 23983 and
6549 Ha in Kharif and Rabi respectively.

Systematic geological mapping of the district has been completed by the

officers of Geological Survey of India. The entire district has been covered by
systematic hydrogeological survey by S/Shri B.B. Basak, P.K. Das, Scientist ‘B’, A.D.
Rao, Asst. Hydrogeologist of Central Ground Water Board during the period 1977 –
1987.The district has further been covered through reappraisal surveys by S/Shri
A.Kar, S. Subburaj, K.C.Naik, Scientist ‘B’, G.C. Pati, Scientist ‘B’ & Sh. A.K.Biswal,
Scientist ‘B’ during 1987-88, 1991-92 ,1994-95, 2006-07 respectively. The district
report on hydrogeological framework and groundwater development prospects in
Bolangir District, Orissa was prepared by Sh. K.C.Naik, Scientist ‘D’ on May, 2006.

Ground water exploration by deep drilling upto 200m has been taken up in the district
and 112 nos. exploratory wells so far has been drilled to delineate the deeper
potential water saturated fracture zones. The location of the wells are depicted in
Plate –I Ground water monitoring is being done through 44 hydrograph network
stations four times in a year.


The south-west monsoon is the principal source of rainfall in the district.
Average annual rainfall of the district is 1229.47mm. About 80% of the total rainfall is
received during the period from June-September. Droughts are quite common in the
district. The rainfall is scanty in the west and west-central parts of the district i.e. in
the Patnagarh subdivision, which increases in east and southern directions. Block-
wise average annual rainfall varies from 946.0 mm to 1492.10-mm.

The climate of the district is tropical with hot and dry summer and pleasant
winter. The summer season extends from March to middle of June followed by the
rainy season from June to September. The winter season extends from November till
the end of February. Humidity is high during middle of June and it’s less in post-
monsoon period. The relative humidity in the district varies from 26% to 84% through
out the year. The mean monthly potential evapotranspiration value ranges from
45mm in December to 470 mm in May. Wind is generally light to moderate. During
summer and Southwest monsoon months wind velocity increases. The mean annual
wind speed is 3.3 Km/hr.


The district can be divided into two broad physiographic units (i) undulating
plains (Pediments) dotted with residual hills and (ii) scattered hills and areas with
high relief. The undulating plains occupy the central and eastern parts of the district
the average elevation being 200m to 300m above mean sea level with a general
slope towards east. The areas with high relief and high hills are situated in the north
western, western and south eastern parts of the district (Plate-V). The hill ranges
belong to the Eastern Ghats having a general trend of Northeast – Southwest. The
highest peak is Gandhamardan situated 983 m above mean sea level.

The distribution of different soil types in the district depends much on its
physiographic and lithologic variations. Based on the physical and chemical
characteristics, mode of origin and occurrence, soils of the district may be classified
into three groups namely Alfisols, Ultisols and Vertisols.
Alfisols : It includes red sandy soils and red loamy soils. The red loamy and sandy
soils are occurring in major parts of the district. The characteristic features of red
soils are (1) light texture, porous and friable structure, (2) absence of lime Kankar
and free carbonates and (3) soluble salts in a small quantity usually not exceeding
0.05%. These are usually deficient in nitrogen, phosphate, organic matter and lime.
These soils are suitable for cultivation of paddy and other crops.

Ultisols : These are lateritic soils occurring in northwestern part of the district in
Khaprakhol block in a limited area. These are characterized by compact to vesicular
mass in the subsoil horizons composed essentially of a mixture of the hydrated
oxides of aluminum and iron. Due to peculiar granular nature, these soils can be
cultivated immediately after heavy rains.

Vertisols : These are medium black soils found in the blocks of Loisinga, Bolangir
and Puintala especially in the areas mostly underlain by anorthosite. The soils are
highly argillaceous and contain high amount of iron, calcium and magnesium. These
are poor in organic matter, nitrogen and phosphorous but rich in potash and lime.
The pH varies from neutral to alkaline and texture varies from loam to clayey loam.
These are quite fertile soils and the crops grown are generally cotton, wheat, tobacoo
and chilly.


4.1 Hydrogeology
The hydrogeological framework of the district is mainly controlled by the
geological set up, rainfall distribution and the degree of secondary and primary
porosities in the geological formations for storage and movement of ground water.
Since major parts of the district are underlain by hard rocks of diverse lithological
composition and structure, the water bearing properties of the formations also vary to
a great extent. The area has undergone several phases of intense tectonic
deformations which has been responsible for the development of deep seated
intersecting fracture system. Hydrogeological surveys in the district reveals the
lithological characteristics and the role of tectonic deformation on the occurrence and
distribution of ground water reservoirs and their water bearing and water yielding
properties. Lineaments formed due to tensile deformation were picked up from
remote sensing studies. The structural elements mainly control the occurrence and
movement of groundwater in the typical fractured crystalline basement terrain. The
major hydrogeologic units in the district can be subdivided into three broad groups.

(i) Areas underlain by fractured, fissured and consolidated basement rock


(ii) Areas underlain by the semi consolidated (Gondwana) formation.

(iii) Areas underlain by recent unconsolidated alluvial formations.

Water bearing properties of the Consolidated formations :

The crystalline rocks like Khondalites, granite gneisses, charnockites,
quartzites and anorthosites, which are devoid of primary porosity, occupy about 95%
of the area of the district. The weathered residuum and jointed & fractured portion of
these consolidated rocks constitute principal water bearing horizons. The thickness of
the weathered zone is generally more in the topographic lows and undulating plains
than in the high land areas. Ground water occurs under phreatic condition in the
weathered zone and in semi-confined to confined condition in deeper fractured
zones. The water yielding capacity of fractured rocks largely depends on the extent of
fracturing openness and size of fracture and nature of their inter connections. Usually
two to four water bearing fractures occur down to a depth of 100m below ground
level. Potential fracture zone is encountered even at depth of 178 m at Kanut (Block-

Granites and Granite Gneisses Including Bonai granite :

These are the most predominant rock types occurring in the undulating plains
and topographic lows. Depending upon the topographic set up, the depth of
weathering ranges from 5.5m to 17.50m and occasionally extends up to 35.5m depth.
The weathered residuum and fracture zones form principal aquifers. In deeper
fracture zones ground water occurs under confined to semi-confined conditions. In
general the deep bore wells in these rocks can sustain yield of 2 to 25 LPS
depending upon topographic setting, proximity to the major lineaments, thickness of
weathered residuum and number of saturated and interconnected fractures
encountered. The granites and granite gneiss can be developed through open wells
and borewells. High yielding wells are recorded in the western parts of the district
where the discharge ranges from 10 to 25 LPS. Specific capacity of the dug wells
tapping the weathered zone ranges from 6 to 286 LPM/M drawdown.

Khondalites : These rocks generally form steep linear ridges hence don’t form
potential aquifers. Well foliated nature of these rocks allows deep weathering. In the
pediment areas, the thickness of weathering is varying from 5 to 32m. Ground water
occurs under water table condition in the weathered zone and circulates through
deeper fractures. The yield of bore wells range from 1 to 5 LPS. The specific capacity
of the dug wells ranges from 2.3 to 13.3 LPM/m draw down.

Charnockite : These formations are of very much restricted occurrences in the

district. Due to paucity of joints and fractures the thickness of weathering in these
formations is limited up to 10m. Due to the compact nature and less weathering,
ground water prospects in charnockites are not good.

Gabbro – anorthosites : The rheologic property of these rocks resembles with

charnockite, Barring few locations dismal weathering and lack of fracturing renders
these formation as a bad water yielder. The Sp. Capacity of dug wells in anorthosite
vary from 16 to 102 LPM/M drawdown.

Quartzites : This unit also less fractured and weathered hence do not form good
aquifers. However fractured quartzites along lineaments yield good amount of water.

Pegmatite and quartz vein : These are course grained intrusives and form good
aquifers when fractured.
Semiconsolidated Formation : These are represented by rocks of lower Gondwana
formations. These formations have faulted contact with the Precambrians. The friable
and loosely connected sandstones form the aquifers. Ground water occurs under
water table condition in the weathered zone and under semiconfined to confined
condition in deeper fractured and friable sand stone beds. The yield of tube wells in
these formation is meager (<1 LPS). Depth of the open wells in this formation ranges
from 5 to 12 m bgl. Yield of the open wells in less then 3 LPS.

Unconsolidated Formation : Laterites and alluvium of sub-Recent to Recent age

constitute the unconsolidated formations. Laterites occur as capping over the older
formations are tapped through dug wells. Recent alluvium occurs as thin
discontinuous patches along prominent drainage channels. The thickness of the
alluvial deposit varies from 6 to 12m and form potential shallow aquifers. The specific
capacity of the dug wells in alluvium vary from 336 to 466 LPM/M draw down.

Aquifer Characteristics of Crystalline: In the hard crystalline rock recharge of

ground water from precipitation or seepage from surface water bodies percolate into
the weathered (saprolite) zone. In case the underlying basement rocks (both
weathered and fresh) are incised by open fractures, the downward movement of the
water from the upper regolith zone (comprising the top soil and saprolite horizon) is
facilitated. In the saprolite/regolith horizon ground water generally occurs under
unconfined condition where as is the fractured bedrock aquifers it occurs under semi-
confined to confined conditions. At places confined conditions give rise to the
formation of auto flowing wells in the basement rocks as seen at Kantabanji (Block-
Tureikela), Dokhra (Block-Belpara), Bhoipara (Block-Muribahal). The ground water
potentials of various zones i.e. saprolite (tapped by dug wells), weathered basement
rock and shallow fractured basement rock horizon (tapped by the hand pumps) and
deeper fractured basement rock (tapped by the deep boreholes by CGWB) vary
considerably depending upon their lithological and structural characteristics. A total of
34 pumping tests were conducted in dug wells tapping the saprolite horizons of
various rock formations. The various aquifer parameters were derived following
methods given by Slichter (1906) and Hvorslev (1951). Perusal of all result indicates
that granite gneiss forms the most potential aquifer both in shallow and deeper
horizons followed by Khondalite, Calc Silicate rocks and anorthosites. Anorthosites
and Gondwana sediments are poor water yielder in deeper horizons where as in the
weathered horizon some considerable amount of yield may be obtained from the

In unconsolidated alluvium the specific capacity of dug wells vary from 336-to
466- lpm/m drawdown. Although of limited extant the alluvium forms potential shallow

Groundwater Exploration

Exploratory drilling has been taken up by the Central Ground Water Board in
Bolangir district with the objective to delineate deeper water bearing fractures in the
consolidated formation and their yield potentiality within a maximum depth of 200m. Till
March 2011, 112 exploratory and observation wells were drilled in hard crystalline
and semiconsolidated formations in the district under Normal Ground Water
Exploration Programme and Accelerated Exploration Drilling Programme. The depth
range of these wells varies from 32m to 299.28m below ground level. The thickness
of the overburden ranges from 5.5 to 35.5m. The yield of exploratory wells vary from
negligible to 25 LPS. Formation wise yield range of the wells is given in the table 4.1.

Table 4.1 Details of Exploration (Litho unit wise)

Sl. Lithological Unit No. of Depth range of No. of wells with yield
Wells wells (mbgl) (LPS)

<2 2-5 >5

1. Granite and granite gneisses 81 61.5-203.3 41 16 24

2. Anorthosite & Gabbro 12 140.5-200.3 10 2 -

3. Khondalites, Charnokites and 17 75.2-197.2 9 5 3

Calc silicate rocks

4. Gondwana sand stone and 2 32.0-2.99.28 2 - -


Depth to Water Level (Pre-monsoon and Post-monsoon, 2011)

The depth to water level is measured from the National Hydrograph Staions situated
in different blocks of the Bolangir District. The Pre monsoon, 2011 water level data
varies from 1.33 mbgl to 8.85 mbgl. The shallow water level was measured from
Harisankar and the deepest water level was measured at Muribahahl. The depth to
water level map of pre -monsoon, 2011 is displayed in Plate II.

The depth to water level data of Post-monsoon, 2011 represents 0.78 mbgl to 6.85
mbgl. The Dumerbahal shows deepest water level and Suka shows shallowest one.
Plate III represents depth to water level map of post –monsoon,2011.

Seasonal Fluctuation

The fluctuation of depth to water level in 2011 shows rise in water level from 0.57 to
5.71mbgl in all the NHS wells except well in Bolangir Sadar where it represents fall of

Long Term Water Level Trend in Last 10 years in Ground Water Monitoring
The long term trend ( 10 years ) in water level for the pre-monsoon shows
rise of 0-2m in 50% of wells and 2-4 m rise in 3.6% of wells in Bolangir district.

The long term trend of (10 years) in water level for post monsoon season
shows rise in water level for 0-2m in 77.8% of wells and 2-4 m rise in 8.3 % wells in
the district .

Table 4.2 Litho unit wise depth to water level range in various seasons

Sl. Formation No. of Depth to water level range (mbgl)

No. wells
Pre-monsoon Post-monsoon
(April) (November)

1. Granite gneiss 34 1.09 – 8.33 0.54 – 6.22

2. Khondalite and Calc Silicate 4 1.81 – 5.26 1.92 – 4.47


3. Anorthosite 2 3.07 – 7.58 0.61 – 3.55

4. Gondwana 2 3.72 – 5.22 1.24 – 2.40

5. Alluvium 2 1.40 – 3.15 1.81 – 4.77

4.2 Ground Water Resources

The Ground Water Resources of the district has been assessed(2009) adopting the
methodology recommended by the Groundwater Estimation Committee (1997),
constituted by Govt. of India. The task was jointly carried out by the Central Ground
Water Board and Ground water Survey & Investigation, Department of Water
Resources, Govt. of Orissa. The block wise computation of ground water resources
in the district has been presented in Table 4.3. The net ground water availability in
the district are computed as 576.56 MCM, out of which the existing Ground Water
Draft for irrigation is 909.1 MCM. The ground water draft for irrigation is through dug
wells and shallow tube wells. A large number of hand pumps fitted in PHED bore
wells and tube wells also cater to the rural and urban water supply needs. On the
basis of the estimated ground water potentials a detailed scheme for ground water
development may be launched in the district. So far ground water development in the
district has been meager, and all the blocks fall under the safe category. The stage of
ground water development varies from 14.68% to 32.53% in different blocks. The
overall Stage of Groundwater development of the district is 21.02%. There is ample
scope for stepping up ground water development in the district. The ground water
budget of the district is presented in Plate No. IV.
Table 4.3 Ground Water Resource Estimation Data of Bolangir District.(2009)

Sl No Block Net Annual Existing Existing Existing Provision Net Ground Stage of
Ground Gross Gross Gross for domestic Water Ground
Water Ground Ground Ground & industrial Availability Water
Availability Water Water Water requirement for future Development
Draft for Draft for Draft for supply for irrigation
Irrigation domestic & all uses next 25 development
Industrial years
(ham) (ham) (ham) (ham) (ham) (ham) (%)
1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Agalpur 3550.00 590.00 185.23 775.00 221.00 2739.00 21.83
2 Belpara 4906.00 717.00 210.77 928.00 186.00 4003.00 18.92
3 Bolangir 4070.00 942.00 382.00 1324.00 431.00 2697.00 32.53
4 Bongamunda 3516.00 539.00 202.00 741.00 226.00 2751.00 21.08
5 Deogaon 4158.00 594.00 200.00 794.00 222.00 3342.00 19.10
6 Gudvella 2443.00 470.00 121.00 591.00 130.00 1843.00 24.19
7 Khaprakhol 4626.00 506.00 173.94 679.00 186.00 3935.00 14.68
8 Loisingha 3982.00 830.00 181.00 1011.00 215.00 2937.00 25.39
9 Muribahal 4473.00 582.00 202.00 784.00 231.00 3660.00 17.53
10 Patnagarh 5630.00 677.00 250.00 927.00 296.00 4657.00 16.47
11 Puintala 3411.00 711.00 219.00 930.00 242.00 2458.00 27.26
12 Saintala 5201.00 707.00 230.00 937.00 264.00 4230.00 18.02
13 Titilagarh 3691.00 600.00 278.00 878.00 317.00 2774.00 23.79
14 Tureikela 3999.00 633.00 189.00 822.00 213.00 3153.00 20.56
District Total 57656.00 9098.00 3024.00 12121.00 3380.00 45179.00 21.02

4.3 Ground Water Quality

The chemical quality of ground water in the district has been assessed on the
basis of ground water samples collected during ground water monitoring,
hydrogeological surveys and ground water exploration. The range of different
chemical constituents in shallow and deeper aquifers is as follows

Table 4.4 Range of Chemical Constituents in Difference Aquifers

Sl. Constituents Shallow Aquifer Deeper Aquifer

No. Range Range

1. PH 7.23 – 8.20 6.78 – 8.19

2. Specific Conductance (s/cm at 25°C) 107 – 1097 404 – 1423

3. Sodium absorption ratio 0.24 – 4.17 0.76 – 5.90

4. Calcium (mg/litre) 16 – 134 18 – 120

5. Magnesium (mg/litre) 1.2 – 67 1.2 – 18

6. Sodium (mg/litre) 37 – 120 20 – 147

7. Potassium (mg/litre) 0.4 – 101 0.8 – 4.5

8. Chloride (mg/litre) 7.1 – 202 8.9 – 213

9. Sulphate (mg/litre) Nil – 74 2.3 – 180

10. Nitrate (mg/litre) 1.4 – 198 0.4 – 13

11. Bicarbonate (mg/litre) 52 – 698 207 – 409

12. Iron (mg/litre) Nil – 0.46 1.01 – 0.81

The specific conductance and chloride values generated from the chemical analysis
of the region are found to be comparatively higher in the Bongamunda – Muribahal –
Titlagarh tract and Bolangir – Puitala – Deogaon tract. In localized patches at
Khaprakhole, Deogaon and Jogimunda (Patnagarh block) the concentration of
fluoride is above 1.5 mg/l otherwise everywhere it is below the permissible limit. The
chemical analysis data suggests that the quality of ground water both from shallow
and deeper aquifers are well within the permissible limit of utilisation for drinking
purposes. The suitability of ground water for irrigation in the district has been
assessed by use of US salinity diagram prepared on the basis of sodium absorption
ratio (SAR) and specific conductance. The classification of water in the district is
given in Table 4.4 below.

Table 4.5 US Salinity Classification

Classification No. of Samples

based on Grade
Salinity Phreatic Deeper Shallow Deeper
diagram aquifer aquifer aquifer aquifer
(%) (%)

C1S1 Good 5 - 10 -

C1S2 Moderately Good - - - -

C1S3 Unsuitable - - - -

C1S4 Highly Unsuitable - - - -

C2S1 Good 35 9 67 69

C2S2 Moderately Good - - - -

C2S3 Unsuitable - - - -
C3S1 Moderately Good 12 4 23 31

C3S2 Unsuitable - - - -

C4S1 Unsuitable - - - -

It may be noted that about 100% of the groundwater samples collected from
the phreatic and deeper aquifers are good for irrigation purposes.

4.4 Status of Ground Water Development

Ground water development in the district is mainly through dug wells, Dug-
cum-bore wells and bore wells. Ground water is mainly used for domestic and
irrigation purpose and in limited scale for industrial purposes.The stage of
development of Ground Water in the district is low. So far only 16.77% of its
resources has been exploited. Hence a strategy for detailed ground water
development is required. The hydrogeological, remote sensing studies and ground
water exploration so far carried out in the district depict the tentative possibilities of
ground water development through suitable ground water abstraction structures in
various hydrogeological settings (Plate –VI).

Dugwells : The wells may be sited in the topographic lows and should tap the
maximum saturated thickness of the weathered zone. The depth of the dugwells may
vary from 9 to 12m with 4.5m to 6m diameter. The wells may be fitted with 1.5 to 2
H.P. centrifugal pumps. The wells may sustain yield maximum up to 3 lps.

Dug-cum-borewells : Dug-cum-borewells may drilled down to a depth of 25 to 30m

below ground level, tapping the saturated shallow fracture below the regolith and in
top portion of the hard basement. The wells should be fitted with 2 H.P. centrifugal /
submersible pumps may sustain yield up to 3 lps.

Borewells : Borewells may tap the deeper saturated fractures found to occur in the
depth range of 100 to 120m. The borewells should be 100 to 150mm. diameter and
may be flitted with submersible pumps of 2 to 2.5H.P. capacities. The wells drilled in
the vicinity of NNW-SSE and NE-SW trending lineaments are likely to be successful
which has been established based on exploratory drilling by CGWB in the Western
and Southern tracts of the district. The suitable sites for drilling may be selected in
the district with the aid of Remote Sensing studies, Surface Geological,
hydrogeological and Geophysical surveys.

Since the surface water resources are inadequate and the district often comes under
the grip of drought, development of ground water resources may help in expanding
irrigated agriculture in the district. An optimal utilisation of ground water in the district
requires adoption of a suitable cropping pattern and energisation of the wells. The
block wise ground water structures feasible as per Study Group Report (March,
2004) has been given in Table below.

5.0 Ground Water Management Strategy

5.1 Ground Water Development

The Ground Water Development of the entire Bolangir District is depicted in

Plate VI. Depending on the hydrogeological condition of the area the development
possibilities has been predicted.

5.2 Water Conservation & Artificial Recharge

Bolangir district is mostly traversed by Precambrian consolidated formations.
The deeper water level of the order of 5-10 mbgl is observed near Bolangir,
Loisignga, eastern part of Puintala block. The North Western part of Agalpur blocks
and the north eastern part of Puintala block of the district show deeper water
condition during pre monsoon and post monsoon periods due to rapid recessation
of ground water level. The data of water level of 10 years shows fall in the Puinatala
and Agalpur blocks during Post monsoon period. This is mainly due to prevailing
topographic conditions and water table gradient, which facilitates flow of ground
water through nalas and rivers and streams as base flows. To arrest the rapid
decline of water table in these areas special studies may be taken up to pin point
the areas where water scarcity problems are more pronounced during post
monsoon and premonsoon period. In these pockets suitable sites are required to be
pin pointed to adopt artificial recharge techniques and rain water harvesting
methods based on site specific conditions. This artificial recharge will also help in
increase in storage and also in improving the quality of water etc. The most feasible
artificial recharge and rain water harvesting structures are percolation tanks,
nala/contour bunding, small check dams/weirs, renovation of old tanks to
percolation tanks, subsurface dykes, water spreading, gully plugging, gabion
structures etc.

6.0 Ground Water related issues & Problems

Ground Water Problems : The ground water problems include Ground Water
Pollution and Ground Water Depletion.

Ground Water Pollution : Based on the chemical analyses of water samples

collected from different aquifers, it is observed that almost all chemical constituents
are well with in the permissible limit for drinking as well as irrigational purposes,
excepting at some localized patches where high fluoride and nitrate values have
been observed. As such there is no ground water pollution in the district.

Ground Water Depletion: The stage of ground water development in different

blocks varies from 12.75 % (Patnagarh) to 25.46 % (Bolangir) with the overall stage
of development 16.77% in the district. From the perusal of 10 years of data it has
been realized that there is a falling trend in 46.4% of water level measuring wells
within the range of 0-2 m during pre monsoon and 13.5% of wells shows fall during
post monsoon within range of 0-2 m. Khaprakhol, Muribahal, Patnagarh, Puintala,
Saintala blocks show major fall during premonsoon period . Agalpur and Puintala
blocks shows major fall during postmonsoon.
7.0 Awareness & Training Activity
7.1 Mass Awareness Programme (MAP) & Water Management Training
Programme (WMTP) by CGWB

(i) Titlagarh, Titlagarh Block, Bolangir District:

The program was organized on 26-03-2003 at Titlagarh, Titlagarh block,
Bolangir district. More than 250 persons including farmers, Block Development
Officers, District level officers/ officials have participated in program. Project
Director DRDA Bolangir, was the chief guest on the occasion. Deliberations on
ground water development protection and conservation were held among the
participants and CGWB scientists.

The exhibition was arranged in which the achievements of CGWB were

displayed through different models, plates, photographs and instruments. Different
posters were displayed for conservation of ground water, ground water pollution
and its effects and slogans protecting this valuable resource. The programme have
received high appreciation and were widely covered by press as well as electronic

(ii) Bolangir Town, Bolangir Block, Bolangir District:

The program was organised on 21-03-04 at Rajendra College, Bolangir,
Bolangir District. The program was presided by the Regional Director and the
Principal of College was the chief gust on the occasion. More than 200 professors,
lectures, students, house wives have participated in the program. Deliberation on
Ground Water development protection and conservation were held among the
participants and CGWB scientists.

An exhibition was organized in which the achievements of CGWB were

displayed through different models, plates, photographs and instruments. Different
posters were displayed for conservation of ground water, ground water pollution
and its effects and slogans protecting this valuable resource. The programme have
received high appreciation and were widely covered by press as well as electronic

8.0 Areas Notified by CGWA

The stage of Groundwater development is well within Safe Category and there is no
overexploitation and major threat of Groundwater pollution and depletion. Hence no
area has been notified by CGWA.

9.0 Recomendations
1. Large scale planning for Ground Water Resources development should be
preceded by intensive hydrogeological and geophysical survey aided by
Remote Sensing studies and ground truth data.

2. Bore wells/dug wells should be located in the vicinity of NNW-SSE and NE-SW
trending lineaments which have been proved to be high yielding & productive
and in thickly buried pediment areas.

3. Existing dug wells should be deepened to tap the maximum saturated

thickness of the weathered mantle or vertical bores maybe drilled to enhance
the yield of the well where normally the dug wells get dried up.

4. Energisation of wells should be stepped up to ensure optimal utilisation of the

ground water resources to create additional irrigation potential.

5. The State Ground Water Organization should render expert guidance for siting
ground water structures in favourable hydrogeological settings.

6. The farmers should be educated through agricultural extension services, Mass

Awareness and water management training programme to adopt suitable
cropping pattern, conservation of ground water and irrigation practices
especially for drought tolerant crops for optimal utilisation of available ground
water resources.

7. Programme for artificial recharge may also be taken up in areas where deeper
water table condition coupled with high fluctuation is observed for
augmentation of ground water resources through construction of percolation
tanks, subsurface dykes, check dams, nala bunding and contour bunding and
other site specific favourable artificial recharge structures.

8. In areas of shallow water table lying with in 0 to 5 m bgl during post monsoon
period, surface water bodies like local ponds, farm ponds and small earthen
dam along small streams may be constructed to hold water for long duration
and for replenishment of soil moisture.

9. For augmentation of drinking water supply to the major towns and villages
near the major rivers, infiltration galleries or collector wells may be constructed
in suitable locales to fruitfully harness the base flow /subsurface flow which
otherwise goes as waste.

10. Growing of sugarcane and cash crops may be encouraged along the thin
linear alluvial patches lying adjacent to major rivers where prolific ground
water is available throughout the year.
Plate II
Plate III
Plate IV


Plate V
Plate - VI


Plate - VII


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