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Class: IX Department: SOCIAL SCIENCE Date of Submission

Question Bank Topic: Nazism and the Rise of Hitler Year:2019-20

Multiple Choice Questions.

1. Which of the following was a special surveillance and security force created by Hitler?
(a) Regular police force in green uniform and storm troopers
(b) Gestapo (secret state police), the SS (the protection squads)
(c) Criminal police (SD), the security service
(d) Both (b) and (c
2. Which of the given parties came to be known as Nazi Party?
(a) German Workers Party
(b) Socialist Democratic Party
(c) National Socialist German Workers Party
(d) Socialist Party.
3. Which of the following was the treaty signed by Germany after its defeat in World War I?
(a) Treaty of Paris
(b) Treaty of Versailles
(c) Treaty of Munich
(d) Treaty of Vienna
4. What did the term ‘Evacuation’ mean?
(a) Deporting people to gas chambers
(b) Marking Jews People
(c) Arresting people without any legal procedures
(d) None of the Above
5. What was Hitler’s historic blunder?
(a) Attack on Soviet Union in 1941 was a historic blunder by Hitler
(b) He exposed his western front to British aerial bombing
(c) The Soviet Red Army inflicted a crushing and humiliating defeat on Germany at Stalingrad
(d) All the above
6. Who among the following was assigned the responsibility of economic recovery by Hitler?
(a ) Hjalmar Schacht
(b) Hindenburg
(c)Adam Smith
(d) Goebbels
7. In which year was The Enabling Act passed in Germany?
(a) 1929 (b) 1933 (c) 1941 (d) 1956
8. Who was Hitler's propaganda minister?
(a)Joseph Goebbels
(c)Hjalmar Schacht
(d) Martin Niemoeller

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9. Who among the following topped the list of undesirables’?
(a) Blacks
(b) Jews
(c) Gypsies
(d) Nordic Aryans
10. What was the name given to gas chambers by Nazis?
(a) Killing Machine
(b) Solution Areas
(c) Revolutionary Ground
(d) Disinfection Areas
11. Why did the Nuremburg Tribunal sentence only 11 Nazis to death for such a massive
(a) Only these 11 Nazis were found guilty
(b) The Allies did not want to be harsh on the defeated Germany as they had been after World
War I
(c) Germany promised never to repeat such an act
(d) Germany was ready to pay a huge compensation to the Allied countries for these killings
12. Which incident led to the start of World War II?
(a) German invasion of Switzerland.
(b) Russian invasion of Germany.
(c) German invasion of Poland.
(d) Japan's sinking of ship at Pearl Harbour.
13. Why Weimar Republic was called ‘November Criminals’?
(a) They signed armistice agreement and conceded Germany to Allies.
(b) They crushed Spartacists with the help of free Corps.
(c) They misused Article 48.
(d) they secured loans from USA.
14. The mass killing of the Jews in Germany was termed as…
(a)Special treatment.
(b) Final solution.
(c) Euthanasia.
(d) Selection.
15. What was Hitler’s ideology of ‘lebensraum’ or living space?
(a) Multi-storeyed buildings should be built in Germany to increase the living space
(b) The world must be occupied enabling the material resources and power of the German nation.
(c) New territories had to be acquired for settlement
(d) both (b) and (c)
16. Which incident led to the start of World War II?
(a) German invasion of Switzerland (b) German invasion of Poland
(c) Russian invasion of Germany (d) Japan’s sinking of ship at Pearl Harbour
17. Germany’s ‘genocidal war’ was against which of the following people?
(a) Jews and political opponents
(b) Gypsies and Polish civilians
(c) Germans who were considered mentally and physically disabled
(d) All the above
18. Why did USA entered into World War II?
(a) Annexation of Poland by Germany
(b) Aerial bombing on London
(c) Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour

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(d) Nonpayment of reparation dues by German.
19. What was Jungvolk?
(а) Nazi youth group for children below 14 years
(b) Nazi youth group for children above 14 years
(c) It was the other name for Youth League
(d) It referred to the undesirable German children
20. Why was the International Military Tribunal set up at Nuremberg ?
(a)Freedom Fighters of America
(b) To prosecute Nazi war criminals for War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity.
(c)African Traders
(d) Warriors of China
1(d) 2(c) 3(b) 4(a) 5(d) 6(a) 7(b) 8(a) 9(b) 10(d) 11(b) 12(c) 13(a) 14(b) 15 (d) 16(b) 17(d) 18(c) 19(a) 20(b).
Question and answers
Q1) “The Treaty of Versailles was humiliating on the Germans.” Give examples to support the
Peace settlement at Paris was made in a spirit of revenge. As a result of the discussions at the Paris
conference on 28th June, 1919 the Treaty of Versailles was signed. The German felt that too much
injustice had been done to them.
The main terms of the Treaty of Versailles were as follows:
 The treaty declared Germany guilty of aggression.The victorious powers had deprived
Germany of huge tracts of its territories. Germany was burdened with an immense war
 Germany was required to pay for the loss and damages suffered by the Allies during the
war. The amount of reparations was fixed at 33 billion dollars.
 Germany had to cede her merchantship to the Allies as compensation. It had to supply
huge quantities of coal to France, Italy and Belgium for 10 years.
 The area of Rhine Valley was to be demilitarized .The German army and navy were
dramatically reduced.
 The German territory West of Rhine was to be occupied by the Allied Troops for 15 years.

Q2) Under what circumstances Hitler came to power in Germany?

Conditions of the Versailles peace treaty:-
 It was harsh and humiliating.
 Germany lost all of her glory and honor.
Economic crisis after the war:-
 There was a great economic depression after the world war.
 There were severe unemployment and poverty
 Unemployment youths put placards showing willing to do any jobs.
Weakness of the Weimar Republic:-
 Weimar Republican government failed to solve the after war problem in Germany.
 Weimar government was weak and fragile and the Germans believed that Weimar
government responsible for all these problems.
 The charismatic personality of Hitler.

Q3) ‘The Weimar constitution had some inherent defects’. Explain.

The Weimar constitution had some inherent defects, which made the government weak and
unstable and vulnerable to dictatorship. The defects were:

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•Proportional representation: Its proportional representation which made achieving a majority
by any one party, a nearly impossible task, leading to a rule by coalitions.
•Article 48: The article 48 which gave the president the powers to impose emergency suspend
civil rights and rule by decree.

Q4) State the Provisions of the Enabling Act.

On 3 march 1933, the famous Enabling Act was passed. This act established dictatorship in
 It gave Hitler all powers to sideline parliament and rule by decree.
 All political parties and trade unions were banned except for the Nazi party and its affiliates.
 The state established complete control over the economy, media, army and judiciary.
 Special surveillance and security forces were created to control and order society in ways that
Nazi wanted.

Q5) ‘By the end of 1940, Hitler was at the pinnacle of his power’. Explain the statement with
examples. Or Analyze the Foreign policies of Hitler
 In foreign policy also Hitler acquired quick successes. He reoccupied the Rhineland in 1936.
 Austria integrated with Germany in 1938 under the slogan one Nation, one Empire, and
One leader.
 He then went on to wrest German-speaking Sudetenland from Czechoslovakia, and gobbled
up the entire country.
 In September 1940, Hitler signed a Tripartite pact with Italy and Japan to strengthen his
claim to International power

Q6) “Youth organizations played a very important role in Nazi Germany.” Justify the statement
Youth organizations were made responsible for educating the German children in the “The spirit of
National Socialism.”
 At 10 they had to join Jungvolk at the age of 14 they had to join the youth organization ‘Hitler
• They learnt to hate the Jewish, the Gypsies, and communist, condemned democracy,
worship war and glorify the aggression and violence and all those who categorized as
• After a period of vigorous ideological and physical training they joined the labour service,
usually at the age 18. Then they had to serve in the in the armed forces and enter one of the
Nazi organization.

Q7) ‘In Nazi Germany all mothers were not treated equally.’ Explain the statement with
 Children in Nazi Germany were repeatedly told that women were radically different from
 While boys were taught to be aggressive, masculine and steel hearted, girls were told that they
had to become good mothers and rear pure blooded Aryan children.
 But Nazi Germany all mothers was not treated equally. Women who bore racially undesirable
children were punished and who produced desirable children was awarded.
 They were given favoured treatment in hospitals and entitled to concession in shops, on
theatre tickets and railway fare.
 To encourage women to produce more children, Honour Crosses were awarded.

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Q8) Highlight the five events of 1933 that led to the destruction of Democracy in Germany.
The events of 1933 that led to the destruction of Democracy in Germany are as follows.
 On 30th January 1933 President Hindenburg gave the Chancellorship, the highest position in
the cabinet to Hitler. Hitler now tried to dismantle the structure.
 A mysterious fire broke out in German Parliament which facilitated his move.
 The Fire Decree of 27 February 1933 indefinitely suspended civil rights like Freedom of
Speech, Press and assembly that had been granted by the Weimar Republic.
 Communists, who were the enemies of Hitler, were sent to concentration camps.
 On 3th march, Enabling Act was passed. It established Dictatorship in Germany. Hitler could
rule without the consent of the parliament. All political parties and Trade unions were
banned except the Nazi Party. The state had full control over media, army and judiciary.

Q9) “Nazi Germany was considered as the most dreaded criminal state.” Why?
• Special surveillance and security forces were created to control and order society in ways that
the Nazis wanted.
• Apart from the already existing regular police in green uniform and the SA or the Storm
Troopers, these included the Gestapo (secret state police), the SS (the protection squads),
criminal police and the Security Service (SD).
• It was the extra-constitutional powers of these newly organised forces that gave the Nazi
state its reputation as the most dreaded criminal state.
• People could now be detained in Gestapo torture chambers, rounded up and sent to
concentration camps, deported without any legal process.

Q10) How far was Hitler responsible for the Second World War?
a) Expansionist policy of Hitler:-
• Believed in the principles of Lebensraum or living space.
• Annexed Austria, Rhineland under the slogan One people, One Leader, One Empire.
b) Formation of the Tripartite alliance:-
• In Sept. 1940, Hitler signed a military alliance with Italy and Japan.
c) Attack on Russia:-
• In June 1941 Hitler moved to achieve his long term aim of conquering Eastern Europe and
attacked Russia.
d) Attack on Pearl Harbour:-
• Japan extended its support to Hitler and attacked pearl Harbour, an American naval base
on the Pacific.
e) Attack on Poland:-
•On 1st Sept 1939: Hitler attacked Poland. This was the immediate cause for the outbreak of the
Second World War.

Q11) “All schools under Nazi were ‘cleansed’ and ‘purified’.” Explain with examples
• All schools were cleansed and purified. This meant that teachers who were Jews or seen as
politically unreliable were dismissed.
• Children were first segregated. Germans and Jews could not sit together or play together.
Subsequently, undesirable children Jews, the physically handicapped, Gypsies were
thrown out of schools.
• And finally in the 1940s, they were taken to the gas chambers.
• Good German children were subjected to a process of Nazi schooling, a prolonged period
of ideological training. School textbooks were rewritten. Racial science was introduced to
justify Nazi ideas of race. Stereotypes about Jews were popularized even through math
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• Children were taught to be loyal and submissive, hate Jews, and worship Hitler.
 Even the function of sports was to nurture a spirit of violence and aggression among
 Hitler believed that boxing could make children iron hearted, strong and masculine.

Q12) “The Nazi regime used language and media with care, and often to great effect.” Explain.
• Nazi Germany used language and media with care and often to great effort.
• Nazis never used the word killed or murder in their official communication. Mass killing
termed as special treatment, final solution for the Jews, euthanasia for the disabled,
selection and disinfection. Evacuation meant deporting people to the gas chambers.
• Nazis ideas were spread through radio, posters, leaflets, catchy slogans. In posters groups
identified as the enemies of the Germans were stereotyped, mocked, abused and describe
as evil.
•Propaganda movies were made to create hatred for the Jews. The most infamous movie
against the Jews was ‘The Eternal Jews”.

Q13) Mention the communities termed as “desirable” and “undesirable” in Nazi Germany.
• Jews were not the only community classified as undesirable. There were others. Many
Gypsies and blacks living in Nazi Germany were considered as racial inferiors.
• Even Russians and Polish people were considered subhuman, and hence undeserving of
any humanity.
• Nazis wanted only a society of pure and healthy Aryans. They alone were considered
•Even Germans who were mentally and physically challenged were killed.

Q14) ‘The year 1945 was the end of Nazi Germany’. Substantiate.
 In May 1945 Germany surrendered to the Allies. Hitler and his propaganda minister
Goebbels and his family committed suicide in his Berlin bunker.
 As the Allies armies overran the areas, occupied by Nazi Germany, they came across
many concentration camps where people were on the last stage of their life.
 When the war seemed lost, the Nazi leaders distributed petrol to their subordinates to
destroy all evidences available in the offices.

Q15) How did the Nazis proceed to realize their murderous racial ideology by eliminating the
‘undesirables’? Explain.
The Nazis proceeded to realize their murderous racial ideology by eliminating the
‘undesirables’ in the following manner.
 Jews remained the worst sufferers in Nazi Germany. From 1933-1938 Jewish business
was boycotted, they were expelled from government services and their property was
 From 1939-1945 the Jews were kept in Ghettos, in extreme poverty and misery &
eventually they were killed in Gas chambers.
 Germany occupied North-Western Poland. Polish people were forced to leave their
homes and property, to be occupied by ethnic Germans. Polish people were sent to
the final destination of the ‘undesirable.
 Polish children who looked like Aryans were forcibly snatched and examined by race
experts. If they passed the test, they were raised in German families and if not they
were sent to orphanages, where most of them died.
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