Tips - A Guide To The Solidification of Steels

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A Guide

to the Solidilication
01 Steels

Jernkontoret, Stockholm 1977.

Jern kontoret
Box 1721
S-111 87 Stockholm

Ljungberg Tryckeri AB, S6dertalje 1977

ISBN 91-7260-156-6

An investigation into the solidification structures in steels of commercial in-

terest was started by Jernkontoret in 1974. The planning and supervision of
work was the responsibility of a Research Committee, having the Jernkontoret
reference of 408/74. Membership of this Committee comprised:
G. Grunbaum, (Sandvik AB), Chairman, B. Call mer, (Swedish Institute for Metals
Research), Secretary, b. Hammar, (Sandvik AB), P. Havola, (Ovako Oy), L.
Hellner, (AB Bofors), S. Maim, (Uddeholms AB), L. Morsing, (Avesta Jernverks
AB) and A. Nilsson, (Stora Kopparberg AB).
The experimental programme was carried out at the Swedish Institute for
Metals Research, Stockholm, where initially B. Carlsson and, from 1975, B.
Callmer, were responsible for the work, including evaluation of results. Metal-
lography and photomicrography were performed by H. Modin. The companies
represented on the Committee supplied samples of steels and made other
contributions to the experimental programme. D. Dulieu (BSC, Sheffield Lab-
oratories, England), assisted with the preparation of the English text. The project
was partly financed by the Swedish Board for Technical Development.

Foreword 5
Introduction 9
1. Experimental Techniques 11
2. Carbon and Low Alloy Steels 17
3. Chromium Steels 55
4. Stainless and Heat Resistant Steels 81
5. High Speed Steels 133
6. Conclusions and Comments 142
7. References 151
8. Alloy Index 154

The purpose of the present work is to provide a systematic compilation of

solidification data, describing the formation of the as-cast microstructures in
steels of technical importance. The compositions have been chosen to cover a
large part of the spectrum of steels in current production. Where a specific steel
is not included, it should be possible to gain an outline of its solidification
characteristics from related compositions present.
The book is not intended to provide a theoretical treatment of solidification
processes in steels. It is hoped rather that the descriptions of the microstructu-
res formed on solidification will assist in solving, or avoiding, some of the
problems arising in casting, hot working and welding. However, specific pro-
duction and materials problems have not been described. A knowledge of
solidification processes is also relevant to problems of quality in the final
product; for example, in understanding the effects of segregation arising
during solidification on the microstructure of wrought material. The work
should find use also in metallurgical education as a source of basic informa-
In the planning stage, the Project Committee hoped to collect data from both
the technical literature and unpublished laboratory reports. However, a study of
these sources soon showed that most investigations were unique in both their
experimental techniques and presentation of results. In addition, thermal ana-
lysis at varying cooling rates had been identified in this project as a powerful
technique for investigation of solidification. Little systematic experimental work
employing this method was found in the literature. It was decided, therefore, to
generate the data needed within the study and to use the same reproducible
methods for all the steel compositions studied.
The Committee gave considerable attention to the problem of relating structu-
res obtained in small, laboratory ingots to those found in large ingots under
production conditions. This aspect is discussed in chapter 1, where the experi-
mental techniques are described and the format adopted for diagrams and
tables is explained.
Chapters 2-5 comprise the main body of the book, with results for each
individual steel described. These sections are printed in a standardized form for
ease of quick reference. The large number of steels has made it necessary to
limit the amount of information given. Wherever possible in these chapters,
descriptive passages have been avoided in favour of figures, diagrams and
The alloys have been brought together into four broad classes:
Carbon and Low Alloy Steels (Ch. 2)
Chromium Steels (Ch. 3)
Stainless and Heat Resistant Steels (Ch. 4)
High Speed Steels (Ch. 5)
Although the intention was to arrange the steels in a logical way, this was not
always possible. In most cases, however, a steel type will be classified easily
within the four groups.
Each of chapters 2 to 5 is introduced by a paragraph describing those specific
steels which have been studied. The reader can quickly ascertain whether a
steel composition is included or not, by examining either the tables accompany-
ing each chapter, or the index tables given in chapter 8.
Chapter 6 contains some general conclusions regarding solidification pheno-
mena which are common for the groups of steels. References to the relevant
literature have been made throughout and are listed in full in chapter 7.
Chapter 8 comprises master tables of chemical compositions and thermal
analysis data for all the steels included in the study. In addition, this chapter
includes tables of dendrite arm spacings and microsegregation.

1. Experimental Techniques
The object of the laboratory experiments was to produce According to reported data (for cooling rates [20], solidifi-
microstructures identical to those obtained under produc- cation rates [4, 21] and local solidification times [22]),
tion solidification conditions. A suitable experimental ingots produced by the electroslag remelting or vacuum
technique would allow the following: arc remelting processes follow, in general, the pattern
• Determination of pertinent temperatures, such as shown in figure 1.1.
those of the liquid us, solidus and high temperature No experimental values of cooling rates in continuous
reactions, together with the relative amounts of the casting were found in the literature. Calculations based
phases formed. on mathematical models of heat transfer show these
• The ability to freeze instantaneously the solidification cooling rates to be slightly higher than for ingots up to
reaction by rapid quenching. 20-30 mm under the surface, as shown in figure 1.1 [5,6].
At larger depths no great difference exists, as cooling rate
• A controlled cooling rate which could be varied within
is governed by heat conduction in the solidified shell. This
wide limits.
has been established by comparisons between measured
• A reproducible relationship between the structures solidification speeds in ingots and continuously cast ma-
obtained in laboratory samples and those found in terial, [4, 7, 8].
full-size ingots.
Solidification of weld metal takes place at high cooling
To fulfill these requirements, the experiments were car- rates. Depending on process parameters, such as the size
ried out on small ingots (35 g) solidified in a ceramic of the weld pool, rates have been reported to vary between
crucible at a preset, controlled cooling rate. The develop- 20 and 200°C/s, [10, 11].
ment of the solidification microstructure is governed In powder metallurgy very high cooling rates are en-
mainly by alloy composition and the rate of heat removal. countered, Calculations lead to an estimate of 103-104
By using samples of commercial alloys and letting them
°C/s for the solidification of argon atomized steel particles
cool at a rate similar to that found in full scale ingots,
[9]. Welding and powder metallurgy are thus not directly
good reproduction of microstructural features was ob- covered by the experiments reported in the present work.
A range of cooling rates in steel ingots, evaluated from
published cooling curves, is shown in figure 1.1, [1-4,23,
26, 93, 96] * .The results refer to different ingot sizes; which
means that values on the abscissa are only indicative of
position within an ingot. The figure shows that the range ('C/s)
of cooling rates of practical interest lies between 0,05 and
3°C/s. Accordingly, the specimens in this study were
cooled at 0,1, 0,5 and 2°C/s. E
Cooling rate
°C/minoC/s ~ 100
600 10 Ingot weight < 1 tonne x >-
1 tonne 0 ~ 50
2,5- 9 tonnes I:!.
300 5 u
W 30
x Continuous cast, calcul. • l1'I
200 3 1 2 3 5 10 20 30 50 100 200 500 1000
Figure 1.2 Dendrite arm spacings in commercial 0,14-0,88%
C-steel ingots (After Suzuki A. et ai, J. Japan Inst, of Metals,
(1968) 1301 -1305.) [28]

30 0,5

20 0,3

10 The cooling rate may be related to the microstructure
through its effect on the secondary dendrite arm spacing.
6 0,1 This decreases with increasing cooling rate in the manner
shown in figure 1.2, [28]. Many diagrams of this type are
available in the literature. When extrapolated to cooling
3 0,05 rates prevailing in welding and powder solidification, the
relationship predicts fairly well the secondary dendrite
arm spacings in weld metal and steel powder, [14, 9, 96].
3 5 10 20 30 50 100 200 300 500
As shown in later sections, the arm spacings found in the
Distance from surface. mm
small samples are of the same order of magnitude as
those reported for ingots of the same composition. Figure
• References appear in chapter 7 1.3 shows examples of secondary dendrite arm spacing
measurements in the columnar zones of ingots of low
Figure 1.1 Cooling rates in steel ingots and continuously cast alloy steel ranging in weight from 1 to 9 tonnes, together
billets with results from a 1,7 tonne stainless ingot, [12, 13,26].

Secondary dendrite ARGON INLET

arm spacing, j.Jm •.....---WINDOW











100 AI 0)


o 20 40 60 80 100 120
Distance from surface, mm

Figure 1.3 Dendrite arm spacings in production scale ingots Figure 1.4 Experimental furnace

Thermal analysis
The steel samples of 35 ± 1 g were melted in alumina The temperature and cooling rate of the furnace was con-
crucibles in an atmosphere of argon (02 < 5 ppm), Samp- trolled by the power input. The desired furnace cooling
les inserted in the hot furnace, shown in figure 1.4, mel- rate was achieved by presetting a programmable tempera-
ted in five minutes. ture-time regulator (Data Trak). An artificial thermoelec-
A tube of alumina was resistance heated by a molybde- tric voltage-time function was generated and compared
num wire element. Argon was flushed through the tube with the actual output of the furnace thermocouple. The
from the top at a rate of approximately 0,1 lis. The outside system minimized any difference by adjusting the furnace
of the tube with the molybdenum wire was subjected to a power input. Theaccuracy in cooling rate which was obtain-
non-flowing argon atmosphere. The tubular furnace shell ed was better than ten percent. Figure 1.5 shows sche-
was double-walled and water cooled, with the inside matically the regulating and measuring system of the fur-
chromium plated to give good heat reflection. No insula- nace.
tion was used so that the furnace had a low thermal The temperature of the steel sample was measured at its
inertia, enabling cooling rates of up to 2,0°C/s to be centre by means of a thermocouple (PtlPt-10% Rh). The
achieved down to 1000°C. The samples were quenched in thermocouple output was registered by a digital microvolt
brine within about three seconds from removal at the meter. The cold junction was maintained at O°C.One regi-
bottom of the furnace. stration of specimen temperature per degree fall in furna-


Figure 1.5 Control systems


ce temperature was used for all the cooling rates. The a minimum, see figure 1.6. After this point the cooling rate
result was punched on a paper tape and evaluated in a of the sample started to approach the cooling rate of the
minicomputer. The thermocouples and the other compo- furnace, since no more latent heat was evolved. The deri-
nents used were checked by determining the liquidus vative is more useful for evaluation of the cooling curve,
temperature of a pure nickel melt. The precision of the showing changes more clearly than the temperature-time
temperature measurements was found to be ± 2°C. curve itself.
Thermal analysis, as used here, is based on an analysis of The end of solidification, as defined here, is denoted the
the temperature versus time curve of a solidifying sample. solidus temperature and is strongly dependent on the
The furnace and the molten sample are subject to a con- cooling rate. It was particularly difficult to determine the
stant cooling rate, but when the sample starts to solidify solidus temperature by thermal analysis in steels with a
the latent heat evolved decreases the cooling rate of the high carbon content. This is a result of their wide solidifi-
sample. In fact, all reactions or transformations evolving cation ranges and very low growth rates near the end of
latent heat decrease the cooling rate of the sample. The solidification. Furthermore, eutectic reactions occurred at
growth of the solid phase starts at the walls of the crucible the end of solidification over a large temperatu re range
and proceeds to the centre. The dendrites grow at an which led to poorly defined minima in the derivative.
almost constant temperature, shown by the plateau of the The solidus temperature was also determined as the start
temperature-time curve in figure 1.6. When the tips of the of melting in heating tests. The samples cooled at a,1 and
dendrites reach the thermocouple the heat transfer from a,5°C/s were reheated at a,5°C/s. The start of melting and
the thermocouple becomes markedly more rapid and the the end of solidification in cooling trials generally differed
amount of latent heat sensed by the thermocouple is di- only by a few degrees. The lowest of these temperatures
minished. As a consequence the registered temperature was chosen as the solidus temperature and rounded off to
starts to decrease. within five degrees. Quenching experiments confirmed
that this method for determining the solidus temperature
was acceptable. In a few cases a small amount of the melt
TEMPERATURE COOLING RATE could solidify below the reported solidus temperature, but
T dT for practical purposes the reported solidus temperatures
(·C) d't" are relevant.
(·C/s) All temperatures given in the tables are mean values of
two to five measurements and thus are not necessarily
those which can be evaluated from the cooling curves
+ shown.

furnace _." "-..,.

TIME, T (s)
Figure 1.6 Thermal analysis, temperatures and events:
CD Start of growth of primary phase ........... -....1...

® Growth temperature of dendrites, used as liquidus tempe-

I ' , I I
® Dendrite tips reach thermocouple in centre of sample I -....J
1 I .•.•..•.,
@) Start of secondary phase precipitation
1 I ••..•.••.•
® Maximum reaction rate for secondary phase precipitation, 1
I Ifurnace .
maximum temperature, used as temperature of formation w a
of the secondary phase ~ ~T I I I
® End of solidification, used as solidus temperature ~ 0 - -1- - - - ---, _
w I 1
-R Preset cooling rate of furnace u. I I
a - I I
w 1 Tfurnace -
='4 I
: Tsample
The temperature of the plateau was taken as the liquidus 0-
~ b I I
temperature in this work. This temperature is slightly lo- •....dT
wer than that of the true equilibrium liquidus, but the d't
difference is very small and of no practical significance.
Supercooling was generally observed before nucleation w
and growth. The degree of supercooling was generally •....
<i -R
larger and more varied at the start of the secondary (peri-
tectic) reaction than for primary (ferrite) nucleation in the z
solidification of a ferritic-austenitic steel. The temperatu- :i
res given for the secondary phase formation are thus less u c
accurate than those of the primary phase formation (liqui- o '[,
dus). The end of solidification was defined as the tempe- TIME ('r)
rature at which the temperature-time curve had its inflec-
tion point, that is, where the cooling rate dJ~) reached
Figure 1.7 a-c. Derivation of fraction solid phase.

The fraction solid phase, f5, as a function of time was Metallographic Examination
calculated using the following principles [90]. When the
Metallographic examination of samples was carried
sample starts to solidify, latent heat, L, is evolved which
out after mechanical preparation and etching in a
decreases the cooling rate g~ as shown in figure 1.7 a range of solutions appropriate to the individual steel
and c. The cooling rate of the furnace is not affected and composition, [15].
thus the temperature difference, <IT, between the furnace The dendritic structure was revealed by the following
and the sample is increased, and varies according to the etching techniques:
curve in figure 1.7 b. The temperature differ-
ence is related to the heat flux dO from the sample to Steel Type Etchant
the furnace, and dO, will vary in the same way as <lT. Carbon, low alloy Saturated solution of picric
d. and 5% chromium acid in water or a mixture
steels. of water and alcohol.

Assuming 00 = Cp· OT, (where Cp is the specific heat), a 13% chromium, Various etchants according
stainless and heat to the etching behaviour of
calculated cooling rate, ~,corresPOnding to the heat resistant steels. the respective alloy.
d. c
a) Copper-containing rea-
flux dO can be derived as follows, see figure 1.7 c. gents (Steads).
b) Mixed acids, HN03, HCI and
U!TI = _1_. ~ water in proportion by
~d.Jc Cp d. volume 1:10:10 with the
addition of some drops of
The difference between the measured cooling rate pickling bath inhibitor.'
(Used at 65°C)
L.QD and LQD is the evolution of latent heat in c) Acid ferric chloride,
~ d.7m \d./c FeCI3, HCI and water in
the sample.

::t (::)J
various proportions.
(Used cold or warm)
:~ = Cp· [( High speed steels Normally 4% nitai solution.
For examination at higher
Hence the area between the two curves in figure 1.7 c is magnification alkaline per-
proportional to ~1' the latent heat evolved in the interval 0 manganate was used (4 wt%
to .1. NaOH saturated with KMnO.).

.1 .1

J o
d. Jo
c, [(:a - E:~2Jd'
Table 1.1 Summary of etchants

• In general, this etching reagent gives only a gentle surface relief and no
selective darkening. To reveal the dendrites clearly the following techni-
The latent heat evolved is proportional to the fraction que has been used: The structure is under- or overfocussed, depending
on where the best image is obtained, and simultaneously the aperture
solid phase at the time considered. As dO is not readily diaphragm is stopped down considerably in order to increase the depth
d. of focus. In this way a sharp image with good contrast is obtained, i.e.
light with dark boundaries or vice versa depending on whether it is
. .
measured, an approximation QdT)
_. 0f
was 0 b·tame d usmg
. under- or overfocussed.
d. c
the cooling rates measured at the start and end of soli-
dification. In an iterative process, the calculated fraction
solid phase was used to improve the approximate value
of (dT\
This analysis is the basis for computing the fraction solid
phase. The calculations were more elaborate than the
simplified analysis indicates. Corrections, such as for the
different specific heats of the liquid and solid phases Where both y- and o-dendrites are formed the y-dendrites
and their relative amounts during solidification, were in- appear white and the area occupied by the o-dendrites
cluded in the actual computation. dark at low magnification (figure 1.8 a). The reason for this
The results of these calculations are given graphically on is that, on cooling and quenching, the o-dendrites are
the upper part of each solidification diagram and in the partly transformed to y which contains closely spaced
tables of thermal analysis data. networks of residual 0, figure 1.8 b.
Alternative methods of calculating fraction solid phase To reveal dendritic and interdendritic ferrite, carbides,
are given in references [16-19]. phosphides and intermetallic phases, appropriate et-
chants for the steels in question were used [15]. In some
cases the visual observations were supported by identifi-
cation of the phases using microprobe analysis, X-ray
diffraction and transmission electron microscopy.
The magnification~ of the optical photomicrographs have
been standardized as far as possible to facilitate compari-
sons between structures. (Micrographs have been repro-
duced at actual size, so that magnifications refer directly
to the size ratio between objects in the sample and in the

<:t) -;
t I

Figure 1.8 a Stainless steel shown at low

magnification, (steel number 407)
l y

x 150 100 JLm


Figure 1.8 b Detail of figure 1.8 a showing

transformed c)-areas

x 600


The secondary dendrite arm spacings have been measu- transformation products, are in general not discussed in
red at a low magnification. The measurements were made the figure captions.
close to and parallel with the parent primary dendrite
stems (figure 1.9). At least four or five secondary arms per Microsegregation
primary arm were counted and at least ten such measu- Microsegregation was studied by electron microprobe
rements were taken within each steel specimen, where analysis of samples cooled at O,5°C/s and quenched from
this was possible. The result reported is the arithmetic just below the solidus temperature. Line scans were per-
mean of the individual secondary arm spacings. In most formed in selected areas of the specimens. Before analy-
samples a large number of observations was possible and sis the samples were etched and the lines to be traversed
the mean values have good statistical significance. were marked with microhardness indentations. Strongly
Exceptions are the specimens obtained at the lowest etched specimens were repolished before measuring.
cooling rate, because the large arm spacings in these Two lines were selected from different areas in each spe-
samples limited the number of observations, together with cimen, on the same principle as that for selecting lines for
the ferritic-austenitic stainless steels, in which a very low dendrite arm measurement. Consequently, in most cases
degree of segregation gave a correspondingly diffuse secondary dendrite arms were crossed at right angles but
microstructure. some primary dendrites were intersected also. A typical
Structures arising from the quench itself, such as fine example of a traverse for analysis is shown in figure 1.9.

are defined below and the appropriate values of segrega-

tion ratio, I, or partition ratios, PID or PD' have been repor-
ted for each steel.
In many stainless steels, ferrite is precipitated from the
residual melt in the interdendritic areas together with au-
stenite, (for example in steel 407, figure 10), and a parti-
tion ratio PID has been calculated as:

P 10 _- CX, bID
cx' YID

where Cx is the mean value of the concentration of ele-

ment x in interdendritic band Y . PID is thus a quantity
describing the partition of the element x between inter-
dendritic ferrite and austenite.
When austenite grew into and consumed dendrites which
formed initially as ferrite, thin regions of ferrite remained
in the austenite matrix in some stainless steels, (for ex-
ample in steel 403, figure 7). This solid phase transforma-
tion also gives rise to partitioning of alloying elements
between austenite and dendritic ferrite, and a partition
ratio Po may be calculated:

Po = Cx' bo
Cx, Yo
where Cx is the mean value of the concentration of ele-
ment x in band y in dendritic areas. The specific problem
of segregation and partition ratios in two-phase stainless
steels is discussed further in chapter 6.

Presentation of results
For each type of steel the resu Its are reported on one data
x 50 300 fLm
page and at least one page with micrographs. The more
Figure 1.9 Primary and secondary dendrite arms in a typical important contents of these pages are explained in table
field showing a traverse followed for the measurement of secon-
dary dendrite arm spacings and electron microprobe analysis, 1.2:
(steel number 410).
Item Definition

The total lengths over which analyses were made in each Designations The corresponding Swedish, Ameri-
can and German standard steel desig-
steel and the scanning speeds used were:
Composition The chemical composition of the ac-
Carbon and 5% and 13% Stainless, tual sample
low alloy chromium heat resis-
steels steels tant and Thermal analysis The diagram on a data page repre-
high speed sents a furnace cooling rate of
steels· R=0,5°C/s; fs indicates fraction so-
lidified phase.
Distance 6000 lAm 3000 lAm 2800 lAm The table contains mean values of
pertinent temperatures obtained from
Speed 1,1 IAm/s 0,7IAm/s 1,3 ~lm/s two to five measurements at three
cooling rates. The figures in circles
• Microsegregation in high speed steels was also measured refer to the arrows in the diagram .
by point analysis. These relate to specific curves and
may differ from mean values, they
should be used as an aid to interpre-
tation only.
For quantitative calibration, the X-ray intensities were Solidification range defined as Iiqui-
compared with those of homogeneous standard speci- dus - solidus temperature, °C
mens having accurately analyzed compositions close to Solidification time defined as the time
corresponding to the solidification
those of the experimental samples. range, s
From the microprobe analyses, mean solute concentra- Precipitates Sulphides, carbides, nitrides and in-
tion values were evaluated in dendritic and interdendritic termetallic phases found in the solidi-
areas. The segregation ratio (I) of the alloying element (x) fication structure. .
from the centre of the dendrites (D) to the interdendritic Microsegregation The results refer to samples cooled at
O,5°C/sand quenched from 50- 60°C
areas (ID) was calculated as: below the reported solidus tempera-
CX ID ture.
1= Segregation and partition ratios as
Cx. D defined in detail above.
where Cx is the mean concentration value. I has been Tq Quenching temperature, °C
calculated in a straightforward way when the segregation d Secondary dendrite arm spacing, lAm
occurred within one phase such as ferrite or austenite. In band y Ferrite and austenite
two-phase steels there is, in addition to this segregation, L Quenched liquid
partitioning of alloying elements between the phases,
principally between austenite and ferrite. Partition ratios Table 1.2 Key to presentation of experimental results

2. Carbon and Low Alloy Steels

The steels of this group represent the most common Low alloy steels usually contain modest amounts of
commercial steels. They are produced as ingots and cast- chromium, nickel, molybdenum and vanadium for harde-
ings of all sizes. Continuous casting is also widely used nability purposes. One of the elements may be present in
for all except the steels of the highest carbon content. concentrations of up to about 4 %. In its effect on solidifi-
Carbon steels exist with carbon levels from below 0,1 % to cation carbon is still by far the most important element, so
above 1,3%, depending upon the required strength and that these steels generally follow the behaviour shown in
hardness. The carbon steels chosen are listed in table 2.1: figure 2.1. The following commercial low alloy steels were

No. C Si Mn Others%
No. C Si Mn Cr Ni Mo V %
201 0,11 0,12 1,3
208 0,10 0,3 0,6 1,2 3,2 0,1
202 0,12 0,3 1,5
209 0,20 0,3 0,9 0,8 1,0 0,1
203 0,18 0,4 1,2 0,03 Nb 210 0,27 0,3 1,7 3,5 0,4 0,1
204 0,19 0,4 1,5 211 0,29 0,2 0,6 1,1 0,1 0,2
205 0,36 0,3 0,6 212 0,30 0,2 0,5 1,0 3,2 0,3
206 0,69 0,2 0,8 213 0,35 0,2 0,7 0,9 0,1 0,2
207 1,01 0,3 0,5 214 0,52 0,2 0,9 1,1 0,1
215 0,55 0,3 0,5 1,0 3,6 0,3
Table 2.1 Carbon steels 216 1,01 0,2 0,3 1,6

Table 2.2 Low alloy steels

Steel 202 was treated with rare earth metals to modify the
sulphide inclusions. The manganese and silicon concen-
trations are typical for silicon killed steels. References

The carbon contents have been selected to represent the The solidification of carbon and low alloy steels has been
main solidification paths expected from the equilibrium investigated and described by many authors. Dendritic
diagram of the Fe-C system shown in figure 2.1. The soli- growth (kinetic aspects, arm spacings etc), has been stu-
dification of steels with lower and higher carbon contents died in both laboratory ingots of varying sizes and in
can be extrapolated. commercial ingots, [24-37]. Quantitative aspects of mic-
rosegregation have been discussed in references [24, 26,
The types of solidification are:
30,31,32,34,35,38-51]. Finally, references [52-54] are
• primary ferrite formation
examples of papers which, while not predominantly con-
• primary ferrite formation followed by a peritectic reac- cerned with dendritic growth or microsegregation, ne-
tion vertheless contain information relevant to the solidifica-
• primary austenite formation tion of carbon and low alloy steels.








0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 1,0
Weight - % carbon

Figure 2.1 Fe-C system (After Metals Handbook, Vol 8, 1973,

18 • Steel 201


SIS AISI Werkstoff Nr


Composition (wt-%)
C Si Mn p S Cr Ni Mo Cu N

0,11 0,12 1,25 0,040 0,018 0,06 0,03 0,07 0,07 0,038 0,012

Thermal Analysis
fs 0,0 0) 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0
T dT
(OCl fD d't
1500 T


1400 0
d't -0,5

R = 0,5°C/s 1300
0 100 200 300 -r (5)

Average Cooling Rate,R, eC/s)

2,0 0,5 0,1

Liquidus temperature, ferritic primary phase, °C CD 1513 1513 1515

Temperature of austenite formation, °C CD 1476 1476 1475
Solidus temperature, °C CD 1445 1450 1455
Solidification range, °C 65 65 60
Solidification time, s 85 240 700


Interdendritic MnS.

Element Mn

R = O,5°C/s
1,3 Tq = 1390°C
Steel 201 • 19

Partly solidified

Figure 1
R = 0,5°C/s
Tq = 1510°C
d = 65 J.Lm
o-dendrites and quenched liquid (L).

x 25 400J.Lm

Completely solidified

Figure 2
R = 2,0°C/s
Tq = 1390°C
d = 80 J.Lm
Figures 2-4: Former o-dendrites,
transformed to 'Y by the peritectic reaction.

x 25 400 J.Lm

Figure 3
R = 0,5°C/s
Tq = 1390°C

d = 130 J.Lm
x 25

Figure 4
R = 0,1°C/s
Tq = 1390°C
d = 300J.Lm

x 25 400 J.Lm
20 • Steel 202


SIS AISI Werkstoff Nr


Composition (wt-%)
C Si Mn P S Cr Ni Mo Cu Altot Ce N

0,12 0,27 1,53 0,010 0,005 0,02 0,03 <0,03 0,05 0,029 0,03 0,011

0,0 0,2 0,4 0,5 0,8 ',0

Thermal Analysis
'500 T


Average Cooling Rate,R, (OC/s)

2,0 0,5 0,1

Liquidus temperature, ferritic primary phase, QC CD 1514 1515 1514

Temperature of austenite formation, QC CD 1471 1475 1477

Solidus temperature, QC CD 1440 1440

Solidification range, QC 75
105 230 700
Solidification time, s


Globular rare earth inclusions from addition of Rare Earth Metals (REM).

Element Mn

R = 0,5°C/s
1,4 Tq = 1390 QC
Steel 202 • 21

Partly solidified

Figure 1
R = 0,5°C/s
Tq = 1510°C
d = 70 fLm
o-dendrites and quenched liquid (L).

x 25 400 fLm

Completely solidified
• ,. •••

~ I

r ..#.
.•.. "


.'.. ..,.
• 1I[lI •

Figure 2
= 2,0°C/s
= 1390°C
d = 85 fLm
Figures 2-4: Former o-dendrites,
' ..
transformed to y by the peritectic reaction. (

.' •• ~1
x 25 400 fLm ~ /

Figure 3
R = 0,5°C/s
Tq = 1390°C
d = 200 fLm

x 25 400 fLm
..1:' '.

Figure 4 r
R = 0,1°C/s
Tq = 1390°C
d = 390 fLm

x 25 400 fLm
22 • Steel 203


SIS AISI Werkstoff Nr


Composition (wt-%)
C Si Mn p S Cr Ni Mo Cu Nb N

0,18 0,44 1,26 0,016 0,025 0,01 0,02 0,06 0,02 0,03 0,004 0,007

's 0,0 0) 0,4 0,6 0,8 ',0

Thermal Analysis
T dT
(OC) dt




1350 dt -',0

R == 0,5 C/s
0 100 200 T(s)

Average Cooling Rate,R, eC/s)

2,0 0,5 0,1

Liquidus temperature, lerritic primary phase, QC CD 1507 1506 1507

Temperature of austenite formation, QC CD 1467 1470 1473

Solidus temperature, QC 0) 1415 1430 1460

Solidification range, QC 90 80 50
Solidification time, s 85 210 570


Interdendritic MnS.

Element Mn

R == 0,5 QC/s
1,4 Tq == 1370 QC
Steel 203 • 23

Partly solidified

Figure 1
R = 0,5°C/s
Tq = 1500°C
d = 65 Mm
o-dendrites and quenched liquid (L).

x 25 400 Mm

Completely solidified

Figure 2
R = 2,0°C/s
Tq = 1370°C
d = 80 Mm
Figures 2-4: Former o-dendrites,
transformed to y by the peritectic reaction.

x 25 400 Mm


Figure 3
R = 0,5°C/s .~
Tq = 1370°C f
d = 190Mm

x 25 400 Mm

Figure 4
R = 0,1°C/s
Tq = 1370°C
d = 250 Mm

x 25
24 • Steel 204


SIS AISI Werkstoff Nr

2172 1.0580

Composition (wt-%)
C Si Mn P S Cr Ni Mo Cu Altot N

0,19 0,40 1,42 0,012 0,007 0,07 0,13 0,02 0,08 0,006 0,005

fs 0,0 0) 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0

Thermal Analysis
T dT
(DC) dt



1400 ---- ------- 0

1350 dt' -1,0

R = O,soC/s 1300 "((5)
0 100 200

Average Cooling Rate,R, rC/s)

2,0 0,5 0,1

Liquidus temperature, ferritic primary phase, °C CD 1503 1503 1506

Temperature of austenite formation, °C CD 1480 1477 1480

Solidus temperature, °C CD 1425 1440 1460

Solidification range, °C 85 65
Solidification time, s 80 210 600


Interdendritic MnS.

Element Mn

R = 0,5 °C/s
1,6 Tq = 1370 °C
Steel 204 • 25

Partly solidified

Figure 1
R = 0,5°C/s
Tq = 1498°C
d = 85 f.Lm
o-dendrites and quenched liquid (L).

x 25 400f.Lm

Completely solidified
... ..• .. ,

'. \. '. .

Figure 2
R = 2,0°C/s
Tq = 1370°C
d = 75 f.Lm
., "
Figures 2 - 4: Former o-dendrites,
transformed to y by the peritectic reaction.
"' .•.. . :~

x 25 400 f.Lm
~ I •. •. ~ • ."
• t.
r'", -....

J ""J

~ , ••
~ -"<, I

Figure 3
R = 0,5°C/s
Tq = 1370°C
d = 120 f.Lm

x 25

!' 'f . ,.
:I ,"
.. .~
Figure 4
R = 0,1°C/s
Tq = 1370°C
d = 230f.Lm

x 25
26 • Steel 205


SIS AISI Werkstoff Nr

1550 1034 1.1181

Composition (wt-%)
C Si Mn p S Cr Ni Mo Cu N

0,36 0,27 0,58 0,015 0,012 0,08 0,05 0,02 0,12 0,004 0,007




R = 0,5°C/s 1300
o 100 200 300 T( 5)

Average Cooling Rate,R, (eC/s)

2,0 0,5 0,1

Liquidus temperature, ferritic primary phase, QC CD 1496 1498 1501

Temperature of austenite formation, QC (3) 1479 1480 1483
Solidus temperature, QC CD 1415 1425 1440

Solidification range, QC 85 75 60
Solidification time, s 85 230 840


Interdendritic MnS.

Element Mn

R = 0,5 QC/s
1,6 Tq = 1370 °c
Partly solidified

Figure 1
R = 0,5°C/s
Tq = 1480°C
d = 50 fLm
o-dendrites and quenched liquid (L).

x 25 400 fLm

Completely solidified

Figure 2
R = 2,O°C/s
Tq = 1370°C
d = 85 fLm
Figures 2-4: Former o-dendrites,
transformed to 'Y by the peritectic reaction.

x 25 400 fLm

.•- ... .,A

Figure 3
= 0,5°C/s
= 1370°C

• . .,
•....• .- ".
• l ,)<

d = 90 fLm

x 25 400 fLm

Figure 4
= 0,1°C/s
= 1370°C
= 280 fLm

x 25 400 fLm
28 • Steel 206


SIS AISI Werkstoff Nr

1770 1070 1.1231

Composition (wt-%)
C Si Mn p S Cr Ni Mo Cu N

0,69 0,23 0,72 0,022 0,024 0,02 0,02 0,01 0,03 0,006 0,002

fs 0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0

Thermal Analysis
T dT
(OC) d1:



1400 -(])--- 0

~~0 -0,5

1350 Ql

R = 0,5 C/s
0 100 200 '((5)

Average Cooling Rate,R, eC/s)

2,0 0,5 0,1

Liquidus temperature, austenitic primary phase, QC CD 1471 1466 1474

Temperature of formation of eutectic, QC CD 1370-1335 1370-1355 1420-1370

Solidus temperature, QC CD 1335 1355 1370

Solidification range, QC 140 120 105

Solification time, s 105 250 1020


1. Interdendritic Fe3P - Fe3C - austenite eutectic. The eutectic remained after cooling to 850 QC, (see figures 9 and 10),
but was dissolved after homogenizing for 4 h at 1200 QC.
2. MnS. (Distribution and morphology at different cooling rates shown in figures 5-8.)

Element Mn

R = 0,5 QC/s
1,7 Tq = 1300 QC
Partly solidified

Figure 1
R = O,5°C/s
Tq = 1455°C
d = 70 fLrn
y-dendrites and quenched liquid (L),

x 25 400 fLrn

. ,.... -,'r'

.•.~ ,.
4 l
} •• ,
, , .. . , , . - .-
Completely solidified •• ""
• ~ "t . ••
•I .( . I

' .
~ , • .I ,.

.. , .... •

.. .. • .......
• t
1,I •
• ',: .....•. '

Figure 2
, " t •
" I I
, )
." I'\.
•• •
,.• •

R = 2,O°C/s .... ••
Tq = 1300°C A I •
, 1
d = 75 fLrn
Figures 2-4: y-dendrites.
,; ,
. ,..
. ,.
•• •
" '

x 25

..", .., 4\ ••
- • I .,.
• 11
• I, ,

~ J.j.")...,"~''.~ /"

if ~ *
*•• ¥._~_....,,.... ...,.e' "w' •••. , •• _- ~.,f #> (, ;'j', ';"I

Figure 3
R = O,5°C/s
Tq = 1300°C
d = 130fLrn

x 25
.•.... -


" .

Figure 4
R = O,1°C/s
.. •
= 1300°C
= 160fLrn

x 25
(\ • • •
If •

30 • Steel 206

Figure 5
R = 0,5°C/s
Tq = 1300°C
.. . Interdendritic MnS.

100 fLm x 150

Figure 6
R = 2,0°C/s
Tq = 1300°C
Figures 6-8 show the influence of cooling rate
, on manganese sulphide coarseness.

x 600

{ 7
.\..- ~

• I

Figure 7
R = 0,5°C/s
Tq = 1300°C

x 600

Figure 8
R = 0,1°C/s
Tq = 1300°C
••• t •..• 'lit

25 fLm x 600
Steel 206 • 31

Figure 9
R = 0,5°C/s
Tq = 1300°C
Figures 9-10: Interdendritic Fe3P-Fe3C-austeni-
te eutectic (E), approximately 0,05 vol-%.

x 1000 10 fLm

Figure 10
R = 2,0°C/s "- E
Tq = 800°C
Etched to darken and confirm the existence of
the Fe3P phase in the eutectic (E). The eutectic
contains 2 wt-% P.

x 2000 5 fLm
32 • Steel 207


SIS AISI Werkstoff Nr

1870 1095 1.1274

Composition (wt-%)
C Si Mn p S Cr Ni Mo Cu N

1,01 0,25 0,46 0,012 0,009 0,02 0,03 0,02 0,03 .$.0,004 0,002

fs 0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0

Thermal Analysis T dT
(QC) CD dt

t (QC/s)

T +1,5


1350 0



R = O,soC/s 1250
0 100 200 300 1:(5)

Average Cooling Rate,R, (OC/s)

2,0 0,5 0,1

Liquidus temperature, austenitic primary phase, cC CD 1457 1457 1459

Solidus temperature, °C CD 1310 1320 1340

Solidification range, °C 150 140 120

Solidification time, s 110 300 1600


1. MnS
2. Interdendritic eutectic « 0,05 vol. %), as in steel 206

Element Mn

R = 0,5 °C/s
2,1 Tq = 1260 °C
Steel 207 • 33

Partly solidified

Figure 1
R 0,5°C/s
Tq 1445°C
d 50j.Lrn
y-dendrites and quenched liquid (L).

x 25 400j.Lrn

t ..
'. '\
I .',
" :
Completely solidified ,':",.i..
. ... ~
I "

•.. ,
. ,
". " \',
. .- '"

".j •••
Figure 2
, .,; "r '-. . , ;~, ..
-, l
.,.-~.- r.'

--' .

Figures 2-4: y-dendrites. .. • , ;

..:.) ,
" ..,. ,-
\. ,
x 25 400j.Lrn

.~. " .•.....
\ .• :.i
. ,;"

I ,

•• "
'. .. .•..

., Cl.,
Figure 3 • , "\

R 0,5°C/s
"",. "
, '" .. I

f • e, .*, ~
." '" t~:~
x 25 400j.Lrn
." .41' ~ "
••• ~~ ~.
," •

Figure 4
R 0,1°C/s
Tq 1260°C
d 210 j.Lrn

x 25 400j.Lrn
34 • Steel 208


SIS AISI Werkstoff Nr


Composition (wt-%)
C Si Mn p S Cr Ni Mo Cu v N

0,10 0,28 0,57 0,008 0,009 1,14 3,3 0,14 0,11 0,02 0,013 0,009

fs 0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0

Thermal Analysis
T dT

t fI>


1400 0

1350 dt

R = 0,5°C/s 1300
0 100 200 lIs)

Average Cooling Rate,R, eC/s)

2,0 0,5 0,1

Liquidus temperature, ferritic primary phase, °C CD 1501 1501 1502

Temperature of austenite formation, °C CD 1485 1485 1487
Solidus temperature, °C CD 1450 1450 1465
Solidification range, °C 50 50 40
Solidification time, s 85 210 640


Element Cr Ni Mo

R = 0,5°C/s
1,3 1,4 2,5 Tq = 1400°C
Steel 208 • 35

Partly solidified

Figure 1
R = O,5°C/s
Tq = 1495°C
d = 70 J.Lm
o-dendrites and quenched liquid (L).

x 25 400J.Lm

Completely solidified

Figure 2
R = 2,O°C/s
Tq = 1400°C
d = 75 J.Lm
Figures 2-4: Former o-dendrites,
transformed to y by the peritectic reaction.

x 25 400 J.Lm

Figure 3
R = 0,5°C/s
Tq = 1400°C
d = 110J.Lm

x 25 400 J.Lm

• 4f
.. \ .
,. '"
.•.. ~
.. , ,,.,'
.. .,
Figure 4
= 0,1°C/s
= 1400°C
•• ;..
t ,
d = 250J.Lm

x 25 400 J.Lm
36 • Steel 209

STEEL 209. 0,2 % C Cr Ni lOW AllOY STEEL

SIS AISI Werkstoff Nr


Composition (wt-%)
C Si Mn p S Cr Ni Mo Cu v N

0,20 0,25 0,90 0,014 0,039 0,81 1,05 0,06 0,07 0,02 0,036 0,009

fs 0,0 0) 0," 0,6 0,8 1,0

Thermal Analysis
T dT
(QC) CD dt
T .1,5


1400 0


R = 0,5 C/s
0 100 200 300 1'(5)

Average Cooling Rate,R, (OC/s)

2,0 0,5 0,1

Liquidus temperature, ferritic primary phase, QC CD 1502 1502 1503

Temperature of austenite formation, QC CD 1474 1474 1465
Temperature of MnS-formation, QC CD 1460-1420 1460-1425 -1445
Solidus temperature, QC CD 1420 1425 1445
Solidification range, QC 85 80 60
Solidification time, s 95 230 750


MnS. The steel was resulphurized (see figures 5-7).

Element Cr Ni
R = 0,5 QC/s
1,5 1,4 Tq = 1370 QC
Steel 209 • 37

Partly solidified

Figure 1
R = O,5°C/s
Tq = 1495°C
d = 60 fLm
o-dendrites and quenched liquid (L).

x 25 400 fLm

Completely solidified

Figure 2
R = 2,O°C/s
Tq = 1370°C
d = 85 fLm
Figures 2-4: Former o-dendrites,
transformed to"y by the peritectic reaction. )-
• -'<' I'~ .~-" .... - ~.
x 25 400 fLm . :)"',.-/'
, '"',,-J. "

,. •
,.,. ) . "

,. .. <{.

. )

Figure 3
R = O,5°C/s
Tq = 1370°C
d = 110fLm

x 25 400 fLm

Figure 4
R = O,1°C/s
= 1370°C
= 180fLm /
x 25 400 fLm
38 • Steel 209



( :;

J Figure 5
R = 2,0°C/s

Tq = 1370°C
Figures 5-7: Interdendritic MnS.
.•... .'~
" , I
100 Mm x 150

~ '- •

.. • ..- ,
~ Figure 6
R = 0,1°C/s
Tq = 1370°C

x 150

' •.•. ::'.,'
.' ~.


.. ,
# ••••

Figure 7
R = 2,0°C/s
, ·r· Tq = 1370°C
~ --;' ,,~

, f,'
y x 600
Steel 210 • 39


SIS AISI Werkstoff Nr

Composition (wt-%)
C Si Mn p S Cr Ni Mo Cu v N

0,27 0,02 0,32 0,006 0,008 1,66 3,5 0,42 0,04 0,08 0,044 0,007

Thermal Analysis fs 0,0 0) 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0

T dT
(OC) CD CD d't
f ~

1400 0

1350 dt

R = O,soC/s 1300
0 100 200 300 L(s)

Average Cooling Rate,R, (CC/s)

2,0 0,5 0,1

Liquidus temperature, ferritic primary phase, °C CD 1487 1493 1492

Temperature of austenite formation, °C CD 1471 1490 1490
Solidus temperature, °C CD 1395 1430 1445
Solidification range, °C 65 60 50
Solidification time, s 80 200 640


Very small amount of fine interdendritic carbides containing Mo and V.

Element Cr Ni Mo v
R = 0,5 °C/s
1,6 1,3 2,2 2,0 Tq = 1350°C
40 • Steel 210

Partly solidified

::a. •. ~. 'f

\ ": I
.~.. '-
. <

.:. ~-.. '.~
," .•
Figure 1
R = 0,5°C/s
Tq = 1488°C
d = 60 fLm
o-dendrites and quenched liquid (L),

........ 400 fLm x 25

,,' .:


•.. ' Completely solidified


~~. ....•..._J" I' • Figure 2

'-.. .......• ,I,. {J :.;-.
.. I
.. .-'
..- f".
R = 2,0°C/s
Tq = 1350°C
Y ". .•.. d = 70 fLm
Figures 2 - 4: Former o-dendrites,
transformed to y by the peritectic reaction.


'" . ~ x 25

Figure 3
R = 0,5°C/s
Tq = 1350°C
d = 90 fLm

·I 400 fLm x 25

f f •

Figure 4

.• R
= 0,1°C/s

160 fLm

.r· x 25
Steel211 • 41


SIS AISI Werkstoff Nr

2225 4130 1.7218

Composition (wt-%)
C Si Mn p S Cr Ni Mo Cu v N

0,29 0,21 0,62 0,012 0,006 1,11 0,15 0,21 0,04 0,04 0,011 0,004

Thermal Analysis 0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0



1400 0


R = a,scC/s 1300
0 100 200 300 t(s)

Average Cooling Rate,R, eC/s)

2,0 0,5 0,1

Liquidus temperature, ferritic primary phase, cC CD 1501 1501 1503

Temperature of austenite formation, cC CD 1460 1471 1475
Solidus temperature, cC CD 1420 1435 1450
Solidification range, cC 85 65 55
Solidification time, s 95 220 630


Small amount of MnS.

Element Cr Mo

R = 0,5 CC Is
1,6 2,0 Tq = 1360 cC
Partly solidified

Figure 1
R = 0.5°C/s
Tq = 1495°C
d = 60 fLm
8-dendrites and quenched liquid (L).

400 fLm x 25

'"' \ ~..¥.f \0.....,

" '. \ \.'\.~. ~
.. r~,~'"\'\,.''lo. >"":'. ..,tJ-
'"\" \ •

..•....•. ..).
\ '"
. ',:)0
\- '.

~ ~ ....,
.. ', -'\ '.
'. . ".
r..) ..,.;

.. '
, J Completely solidified

... \ \..
'. \
.."..' \. \.
/ .•......•.
. .'-,', \.''.
~ 1.."
\ .,'-
) ... '-\.


\ \\.:\ ••••.. \
\.' ..'\ •." >..•.•.
•• , •.•••...•
'. '. • "~"...:-, \ ,,':... .••• ." ••••••......' l I

\ '.
"".'" "'. "'

. \ '. .•.•
' \" ."
\.. '\" \'. . r
' "'li .•. r\.)
" Figure 2
". \ ~,'. ~.: .~"

, •..••.. :. /.


I ••.•

••. '. "

'l. '-

'. J'


~ .

"" "' •.••.


- t..' ~

R = 2.0°C/s
Tq = 1360°C
" •• \. t • • I ~ r ~ d = 70 fLm
. (., "" ' '.: ... •• ~ J' I Figures 2-4: Former 8-dendri~es. .
\. .,'. 'r' .,~-t. ..{ (. I transformed to y by the peritectlc reaction.
'\," 4.'·"~~'J·,·.(,'j
." \...
. r.", ."" ,..
••••••-.' I",,' " • # •• ,.

.,- ,':~' ,.-'.' .......- ../ •• :. ~ Jo,.~

x 25
'\. '" .•. " , ,.'•.~. .• . ....
,. \ T" . ~ ". -.f:' ""..... ,'\.
.••.. J I

Figure 3
R = 0.5°C/s
Tq = 1360°C
d = 90 fLm

x 25

Figure 4
", R = 0.1°C/s
Tq = 1360°C
d = 150fLm

400 fLm x 25
Steel 212 • 43


SIS AISI Werkstoff Nr


Composition (wt-%)
C Si Mn p S Cr Ni Mo Cu v N

0,29 0,22 0,52 0,009 0,010 1,02 3,2 0,25 0,05 0,03 0,010 0,005

Thermal Analysis 0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0




R = O,5 C/s

o 100 200 300 't'(s)

Liquidus temperature, austenitic primary phase, QC

Liquidus temperature, ferritic primary phase, QC CD
Temperature of austenite formation, QC CD
Solidus temperature, QC CD
Solidification range, QC
Solidification time, s


Element Cr Ni Mo

R = 0,5 QC/s
1,7 1,4 2,2 Tq = 1360 QC
Partly solidified

Figure 1
R = 0.5°C/s
Tq = 1480°C
d = 70 fLm
o·dendrites and quenched liquid (L).

400 fLm x 25

. j , I
<",l ,, ), \ 'r f I'
.. ..

Completely solidified
\ ) \


Y ~
f " ••

, . , I
)- J.
,1,.- , ... ' I
r i

.. .
'f ~,
~ ',': •....•
.• ,.
. ~

' ,. .. •
Figure 2

.\; / . ) t.. ,c, .'- R
Tq =
= 2,O°C/s
~, d = 75 fLm
, ~ y-dend rites.
(Note: primary y at this cooling rate.)
- "
• J

-- 1...
' .. ,, x 25

Y r
..,... ~Jf'

I , I ~
, ,...-' ".,. •..

I •,
<.. \

1 J

Figure 3
R = O,5°C/s
\'" Tq = 1360°C
\ ...I •.. (
d =110fLm
,.., , , Figures 3-4: Former o-dendrites,
transformed to y by the peritectic reaction.
• }
~ ..,..
•• . , r -
x 25

Figure 4
R = O,1°C/s
Tq = 1360°C
d =180fLm

400 fLm x 25
Steel 213 • 45


SIS AISI Werkstoff Nr

2234 4135 1.7220

Composition (wt-%)
C Si Mn p S Cr Ni Mo Cu v N

0,35 0,24 0,67 0,010 0,020 0,92 0,05 0,19 0,07 0,02 0,004 0,008

fs 0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0

Thermal Analysis
1500 t .1,5

1400 o

- 1,0

R = O,5°C/s 1300
o 100 200 't( 5)

Average Cooling Rate,R, rC/s)

2,0 0,5 0,1

Liquidus temperature, ferritic primary phase, °C CD 1494 1493 1495

Temperature of austenite formation, °C CD 1479 1474 1480
Solidus temperature, °C CD 1405 1415 1425
Solidification range, °C 90 80 70
Solidification time, s 85 230 670


Element Cr Mo

R = 0,5 °C/s
1,5 2,4 Tq = 1340 °C
46 • Steel 213

Partly solidified

Figure 1
R = 0,5°C/s
Tq = 1485°C
d = 65 J1.m
o-dendrites and quenched liquid (L).

400 J1.m x 25

Completely solidified

Figure 2




:t R

= 2,0°C/s
Tq = 1340°C
= 80 J1.m
Figures 2 - 4: Former Il-dendrites,
transformed to y by the peritectic reaction.

.~ \

\\ \
400 J1.m x 25

...• ; .
•,; t f :.

..... ,",

.'" I
,. ,.. ),
"" ·1
I T.··." "
- .,.;'

.# "
j S

.. ....,

... 4.
.. '.. ~i> •

.. ' .r .•..

..•••. - .. --.~ Figure 3

.. "

. ... ..-
= 0,5°C/s
= 1340°C

. ....
"- --' .. .- -'"
"- d = 100J1.m

.••.. I
, -" .- x 25


I ,
"'. .. • •
• • I
" t 1JIl
Figure 4
R = 0,1°C/s

•• Tq
= 1340°C
= 190J1.m

x 25
Steel 214 • 47


SIS AISI Werkstoff Nr

2230 6150 1.8159

Composition (wt-%)
C Si Mn p S Cr Ni Mo Cu N

0,52 0,22 0,85 0,010 0,006 1,07 0,07 0,07 0,04 0,14 ~0,004 0,008

fs 0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0

Thermal Analysis dT
(OC) d"t

1500 CD
t +1,5



1400 0
dt -0,5


R = O,soC/s 1300
0 100 200 300 't (5)

Average Cooling Rate,R, eC/s)

2,0 0,5 0,1

Liquidus temperature, austenitic primary phase, °C CD 1482 1482 1483

Solidus temperature, °C CD 1380 1385 1400
Solidification range, °C 100 95 80
Solidification time, s 85 250 740


Small amount of interdendritic carbides.

Element Cr V

R = 0,5°C/s
2,1 1,9 Tq = 1310 °C
48 • Steel 214

, ..-, .' ;
.:. L',:"~"'>
' ,..-.. Partly solidified

. ~/ ( ",
• f

( J
' /'!,

. .I

, •..I ~ '<..
/; Figure 1
!A '. ,f R = 0,5°C/s
- .f

Tq = 1470°C
'. :' d = 55 fLm
,I /: y-dendrites and quenched liquid (L).
, .'~....
'. \
f' .!r .,•• ../ '>.

;'..~:,~ ,..., 400 fLm x 25

,,. { ,
" Jr'.

. \
\ \ \
t\ .
~ '-
, • \ \.
{ , \
.~ Completely solidified
\ t I
\ 'I
'\ I

\ \

'. '\ \
\ .~
\ \ \
\ '.
\ '. • ,

'.' .
.' \

\ : ~
"... " .
Figure 2
R = 2,0°C/s
Tq = 1310°C
I"- \ I

\ \
\ '\'
d = 75 fLm
" Figures 2-4: y-dendrites.
\ ,, •
\ \
, \'1.
. -, ),
~ 400 fLm x 25

J ,"'. ).. ".

( ..,
, \..- .r .•.

). ." ""

I ~" ..

,... -
••• ......, ... ,I

, 1

lo • ') -.-.
...•• " I
.• " .
Figure 3
,; R = 0,5°C/s
} ,. ,

Tq = 1310°C

., I

• I I , .. ~ .•.
d = 90 fLm

I /' ( , f - 400 fLm x 25
! ....I ~

• ••

~ Figure 4

~ I' R
= 0,1°C/s
d = 140 fLm

•• ""
, 400 fLm x 25
Steel 215 • 49

STEEL 215. 0,55 % C Cr Ni Mo LOW ALLOY STEEL

SIS AISI Werkstoff Nr

2550 1.2721

Composition (wt-%)
C Si Mn p S Cr Ni Mo Cu v N

0,55 0,27 0,50 0,019 0,012 0,99 3,0 0,31 0,06 0,08 0,011 0,008

fs 0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0

Thermal Analysis
T dT
(OCl de



1400 0


R = O,5°C/s 1300
0 100 200 300 T(s)

Average Cooling Rate,R, (OC/s)

2,0 0,5 0,1

Liquidus temperature, austenitic primary phase, °C CD 1471 1471 1472

Temperature of formation of eutectic, °C 1365-1335 -1370 -1375
Solidus temperature, °C CD 1335 1370 1375
Solidification range, °C 140 100 75
Solidification time, s 100 260 720


Interdendritic carbide-austenite eutectic, Fe3P and MnS, (see figure 5).

Element Cr Ni Mo v
R = 0,5°C/s
2,1 1,2 2,5 2,0 Tq = 1290 °C
Partly solidified

Figure 1
R = 0,5°C/s
Tq = 1465°C
d = 65 fLm
y-dendrites and quenched liquid (L),

400 fLm x 25

Completely solidified

" ,
l ,,J

Figure 2
R = 2,0°C/s
Tq =1290°C
d = 70 fLm
Figures 2-4: y-dendrites,

400 fLm x 25

J " ...j) :( -\ r
iT- .
.../ ...., t . ·'A.-
1 f' ('. \"

"\.,. ,t.......,

" Figure 3
R = 0,5°C/s
". Tq = 1290°C
d = 90 fLm

400 fLm x 25
1 \.

Figure 4
R = 0,1°C/s
Tq 1290°C

' . d = 130 fLm

. ;/J .. I x 25
Steel 215 • 51

Figure 5
R = O,5°C/s
Tq = 1290°C
Interdendritic area with carbide-austenite
eutectic (El, Fe3P and MnS.

x 1000
52 • Steel 216


SIS AISI Werkstoff Nr

2258 52100 1.3505

Composition (wt-%)
C Si Mn p S Cr Ni Mo Cu v N

1,01 0,23 0,33 0,021 0,026 1,55 0,02 0,01 0,04 0,04 0,011 0,003

Thermal Analysis Is 0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 0,9 1,0

T dT
CD (OC/s)

T +',5




- 1,5
R = 0,5 C/s 125O
100 200 300 L(S)
Average Cooling Rate,R, ("C/s)

2,0 0,5 0,1

Liquidus temperature, austenitic primary phase, DC CD 1450 1450 1451

Temperature of formation of eutectic, QC CD 1320-1270 1340 -1300 -1300
Solidus temperature, C CD 1270 1300 ~1300
Solidification range, C 180 150 150
Solification time, s 170 330 1400


1. Interdendritic Fe3P-carbide-austenite eutectic (14% Cr, 5% P). The eutectic remained after cooling to 850 DC (see
figures 5 and 6), but was dissolved after homogenizing for 4 h at 1200 cC.
2. Interdendritic MnS.

Element Cr

R = 0,5 cCls
2,6 Tq = 1250 cC
Partly solidified

Figure 1
R = 0,5°C/s
Tq = 1440°C
d = 60 JLm
y-dendrites and quenched liquid (L).

x 25 400 JLm

Completely solidified

Figure 2
R = 2,0°C/s
Tq = 1250°C
d = 75 JLm
Figures 2-4: y-dendrites.

x 25 400 JLm

Figure 3
R = 0,5°C/s
Tq = 1250°C
'-.:a; R..' ,,:' •
d = 90 JLm
.---- 1'...,...
x 25 400 JLm
..• "...,. '-
• ..• ". '

. I



p • ,0"


~:~ ~

V ..
.• ..

Figure 4
1 IJ

f . ~~
#': . .)..~
.•.. -' .} ? J.•..
d = 140 JLm

x 25 400 JLm
•• 4 , .-

•• : .!:.'"

Figure 5
R = 2,0°C/s
'-E Tq = 1250°C
Interdendritic Fe3P-carbide-austenite eutectic
(E) (approximately 0,1 vol-%). The eutectic con-
tains 14% Cr and 5% P.

x 1000
• t •

Figure 6
R = 2,0°C/s
Tq = 850°C
After cooling to 850°C, small amounts of the
eutectic shown in figure 5 remained. (Annealing
for 4 h at 1200°C completely eliminated the

x 1000

3. Chromium Steels
Steels with chromium as the only, or the dominant alloy- Temperature ;C
ing element are normally called chromium steels. The two 1600
common groups included here are steels with 5 and 13% I I 5% Cr
chromium. In the first family the alloying addition is used I
to increase hardenability and to give the final product a 1500
favourable combination of strength and toughness. a l
In the 13% Cr-steels, chromium imparts both corrosion 1400
resistance and strength. With reference to the structure of
the steel products, the group comprises ferritic stainless
(C < 0,08%), hardenable martensitic stainless (C ~ 1300
0,09%), and low carbon hardenable martensitic stainless
steels with 4-6% nickel. Because of their constitutional 1200
similarity at high temperatures, the 5 and 13% chromium
steels are kept together in this work, rather than grouping
the 13% Cr- steels with the Cr-Ni stainless materials.
Steels containing 17-25% chromium have not been ex-
amined. They are similar to the 13 % Cr-group in regard to 1000
solidification and structure at high temperatures.
Chromium steels are produced as castings and ingots of
moderate size, continuous casting is unusual.
Both the groups of steels investigated are made with a
o 1 2 3 -4
Weight -%carbon
wide range of carbon contents. For a given chromium
level the solidification mode is strongly dependent on
Figure 3.1 Fe-5Cr-C system
carbon; this can be seen in the pseudobinary phase dia-
grams, figures 3.1 and 3.2. Account was taken of this
effect of carbon when chosing the production steels for
examination; these are given in tables 3.1 and 3.2:

No. C Si Mn Cr Ni Mo V %
301 0,13 0,4 0,4 5,0 0,6 13 % Cr
302 0,35 1,0 0,5 5,2 0,2 1,3 1,0
303 0,50 1,0 0,5 5,1 0,2 1,4 1,2 1500
304 0,96 0,3 0,7 5,2 0,1 1,2 0,2
a L

Table 3.1 5% chromium steels 1400


No. C Si Mn Cr Ni %
305 0,04 0,5 0,6 13,4 5,5
306 0,07 0,5 0,5 12,9 0,2
307 0,14 0,2 0,7 12,0 1,2 1100
308 0,32 0,2 0,3 13,9 0,2
309 0,69 0,4 0,6 13,1 0,2 y+K2
Table 3.2 13% chromium steels (see also table 4.1)
0 O'+y+K 1 2 3
As indicated in figures 3.1 and 3.2 these grades cover the Weight - % carbon
following solidification processes:
• primary ferrite formation Figure 3.2 Fe-13Cr-C system
• primary ferrite formation followed by a peritectic reac-
(Figures 3.1 and 3.2 after Bungardt et al. Arch. EisenhOttenw. 29
tion (1958) 3, 193-203, Kc = Fe3 C, K, = M23C6, K2 = M7C3)
• primary austenite formation
It should be noted that the pseudobinary phase diagrams
are strictly valid for ternary Fe-Cr-C-alloys only. The super-
imposed lines for the commercial steel grades are there-
fore only indicative.

The solidification of chromium steels has not been widely
studied. General aspects of the process have been repor-
ted, [55-59]. Research work on microsegregation is
described in references [60-64].
56 • Steel 301


SIS AISI Werkstoff Nr

501 1.7362

Composition (wt-%)
C Si Mn p S Cr Ni Mo Cu W v N

0,13 0,36 0,37 0,003 0,007 5,0 0,01 0,58 0,02 0,01 0,01 0,009 0,006

Thermal Analysis fs 0) 0,4 0,6 0,8 0,9 1,0

T dT
(OC) CD d't

1500 ~


1400 0

1350 dt -1,0

R = 0,5 C/s
0 100 200 '[(5)

Average Cooling Rate,R, eC/s)

2,0 0,5 0,1

Liquidus temperature, ferritic primary phase, QC CD 1508 1501 1506

Temperature of austenite formation, QC CD 1443 1426 1444
Solidus temperature, QC CD 1405 1415 1440
Solidification range, QC 105 85 65
Solidification time, s 85 190 790


Element Cr Mo
R = 0,5 QC/s
1,1 1,4 Tq = 1375 QC
Partly solidified

Figure 1
R = 0,5°C/s
Tq = 1495°C
d = 65 j.Lm
o-dendrites and quenched liquid (L).

x 25 400 j.Lm

Completely solidified

Figure 2
R = 2,0°C/s
Tq = 1375°C
d = 85 j.Lm
Figures 2 - 4: Former o-dendrites,
transformed to y by the peritectic reaction.

x 25 400 j.Lm

Figure 3
R = O,5°C/s
Tq = 1375°C
d = 160j.Lm

x 25 400j.Lm

;. I
't .•••• ".

Figure 4
R = O,1°C/s
Tq = 1375°C ",... ff
d = 275 j.Lm

x 25 400j.Lm
58 • Steel 302

STEEL 302. 0,35 % C Mo V 5 % CHROMIUM STEEL

SIS AISI Werkstoff Nr

2242 H 13 1.2344

Composition (wt-%)
C Si Mn p S Cr Ni Mo Cu W v N

0,35 1,03 0,46 0,020 0,007 5,2 0,23 1,34 0,11 0,091,00,013 0,026

Thermal Analysis Is 0,0 D) 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0

T dT
(OC) CD dt
f (OC/s)
1450 +1,5


1350 0


R = 0,5 C/s
0 100 200 300 't (5)

Average Cooling Rate,R, rC/s)

2,0 0,5 0,1

Liquidus temperature, ferritic primary phase, QC CD 1471 1464 1470

Temperature of austenite formation, QC CD 1370 1387 1412
Solidus temperature, QC 0) 1335 1360 1380
Solidification range, QC 135 105 90
Solidification time, s 100 250 990


Small amount of eutectic carbide.

Element Cr Ni Mo v
R = 0,5 QCIs
1,2 1,0 1,5 1,7 Tq = 1300 QC
Steel 302 • 59

Partly solidified

Figure 1
R = 0.5°C/s
Tq = 1450°C
d = 55fLm
o-dendrites and quenched liquid (L).

x 25 400 fLm

Completely solidified

Figure 2
R = 2.0°C/s
Tq = 1300°C
d = 70 fLm
Figures 2-4: Former o-dendrites,
transformed to y by the peritectic reaction.

x 25 400 fLm

Figure 3
R = 0.5°C/s
Tq = 1300°C
d = BOfLm

x 25 400 fLm

• ••~
'" <

. ""-.

.. •. ..•... "

\ { .
, .' '.i'
Figure 4
R = 0.1°C/s
Tq = 1300°C
d = 120fLm

x 25 400fLm
60 • Steel 303

STEEL 303. 0,5 % C Mo V 5 % CHROMIUM STEEL

SIS AISI Werkstoff Nr

Composition (wt-%)
C Si Mn p S Cr Ni Mo Cu W v N

0,50 1,00 0,48 0,025 0,010 5,1 0,18 1,36 0,10 0,02 1,20 0,013 0,036

fs 0,0 0,2 DJ. 0,6 0,8 0,9 1,0

Thermal Analysis T dT
(QC) CD d't




1300 0


R = 0,5°C/s 1200
o 100 200 300

Average Cooling Rate,R, rC/s)

2,0 0,5 0,1

Liquidus temperature, ferritic primary phase, QC CD 1460 1460 1460

Temperature of austenite formation, QC CD 1410 1410 1412
Temperature of formation of MC-austenite eutectic,QC CD 1320-1240 1345-1300 -1320
Solidus temperature, QC CD 1140 1240 1260
Solidification range, cC 320 220 200
Solidification time, s 170 380 1900


1. Interdendritic MC-austenite eutectic, MC was of the VC type, (see figures 6-8).

2. Small amount of interdendritic M23C6-austenite eutectic,(M was Cr, Fe and Mo), precipitated after the MC carbide.

Element Cr Mo v
R = 0,5 QC/s
1,3 1,5 1,3 Tq = 1200 QC
Steel 303 • 61

Partly solidified

Figure 1
R = 0,5°C/s
Tq = 1445°C
d = 55 j.Lm
o-dendrites and quenched liquid (L).

x 25 400 j.Lm

Completely solidified

Figure 2
R = 2,0°C/s
Tq = 1140°C
d = 60 j.Lm
Figures 2-4: Former o-dendrites,
(transformed to y by the peritectic reaction), and
interdendritic carbide eutectic.

x 25 400 j.Lm

Figure 3
R = 0,5°C/s
Tq = 1200°C
d = 80 j.Lm

x 25 400 j.Lm

Figure 4
R = 0,1°C/s
Tq = 1200°C
d = 110j.Lm

x 25 400 j.Lm
62 • Steel 303
it \ .•. '

" '\ ,/" ,'/ ~. t. "I Figure 5

\";; ~.~"
•• \ I
(" R = 2,0°C/s
i11'~ r
Tq = 1290°C
" ' '<llI'
, ' '-.' Quenched liquid.

10 jLm x 1000


Figure 6
, R = 2,0°C/s
Tq = 1200°C
Eutectic formation of MC.

", (L->MC+y)

x 1000

\ .•


Figure 7
R = 2,O°C/s
Tq = 1000°C
Morphology of MC.

x 1000

'-- ""';'



,. Figure 8
R = 2,O°C/s
,/ "- Tq = 1000°C
I. ..•. • Interdendritic distribution of MC .
..•.. '(

l' •..... -{ x 150

Steel 304 • 63

STEEL 304. 1,0 % C Mo 5 % CHROMIUM STEEL

SIS AISI Werkstoff Nr

2260 A2 1.2363

Composition (wt-%)
C Si Mn p S Cr Ni Mo Cu W v N

0,96 0,29 0,67 0,020 0,015 5,2 0,13 1,19 0,09 0,05 0,21 0,014 0,024

Thermal Analysis 0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 0,9 1,0



1300 o

R = 0,5 C/s 1200

o 100 200 300 400 L(S)

Average Cooling Rate,R, (OC/s)

2,0 0,5 0,1

Liquidus temperature, austenitic primary phase, QC CD 1435 1434 1438

Temperature of formation of eutectic, QC CD 1150-1130 -1200 -1215
Solidus temperature, QC CD 1130 1200 1215
Solidification range, QC 305 235 225
Solidification time, s 185 440 2700


Interdendritic M7C3 - austenite eutectic, (see figures 5-7).

Element Cr Mo v
R = 0,5 QC/s
1,4 1,9 1,7 Tq = 1200 QC
64 • Steel 304

Partly solidified

Figure 1
R = 0,5 C/s
Tq = 1420'C
d = 55 j.Lm
y-dendrites and quenched liquid (L).

400 j.Lm x 25

Completely solidified

Figure 2
R = 2,0 C/s
Tq = 1130"C
d = 65 j.Lm
Figures 2-4: y-dendrites and interdendritic
carbide eutectic.

Figure 3
R = 0,5°C/s
Tq = 1200 C
d = 80 j.Lm

400 j.Lm x 25

,.I ,..j
.'~ -

.r .' "<!. J


Figure 4
R = OYC/s
Tq 1200°C
d = 110j.Lm

400 j.Lm x 25
Steel 304 • 65


Figure 5
R = 2,0°C/s
Tq = 1200°C
Quenched liquid.

x 1000
I ,.

Figure 6
R = 2,0°C/s
Tq = 1000°C
Morphology of M7C3.

x 1000

Figure 7
R = 2,0°C/s
Tq = 1000°C
Interdendritic distribution of M 7 C3.

x 150
66 • Steel 305

STEEL 305. 0,04 % C 5 % Ni 13 % CHROMIUM STEEL

SIS AISI Werkstoff Nr

Composition (wt-%)
C Si Mn p S Cr Ni Mo Cu W v N

0,04 0,54 0,61 0,010 0,009 13,4 5,5 0,07 0,07 0,01 0,01 0,019 0,032

Thermal Analysis fs 0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 0.9 1,0

T dT
+CD Q) dt

+ (oC/s)



1350 --- 0
dt -0,5


R = 0,5°C/s 1250
0 100 200 300 t(s)

Average Cooling Rate,R, (OC/s)

2,0 0,5 0,1

Liquidus temperature, ferritic primary phase, °C CD 1470 1476 1476

Temperature of austenite formation, °C CD 1410 1419 1425

Solidus temperature, °C CD 1355 1395 1420

Solidification range, °C 115 80 60

Solidification time, s 100 230 670


Element Cr Ni

R = O,5°C/s
1,1 1,2 Tq = 1350 °C
Steel 305 • 67

Partly solidified

Figure 1
R = O,5°C/s
Tq = 1473°C
d = 75ILm
I)-dendrites and quenched liquid (L).

x 25

Completely solidified

Figure 2
R = 2,O°C/s
Tq = 1350°C
d = 140 ILm
Figures 2-4: Formerl)-dendrites (D).
White interdendritic areas (ID).
Most of the I) transformed to y by the peritec-
tic reaction.
x 25 400 ILm

Figure 3
R = 0,5°C/s
Tq = 1350°C
d = 240 ILm

x 25 400 ILm

Figure 4
R = 0,1°C/s
Tq = 1350°C
d = 520 ILm

x 25 400 ILm
68 • Steel 305

Figure 5
R = 0,5°C/s
Tq = 1200°C
(d12oo = 260 Mm)
Former 8-dendrites (D).
White interdendritic areas (ID).
Most of the 8 transformed to y by th9 peritec-
tic reaction.

400 Mm x 25


, '.
\. Figure 6
R = 2,0°C/s
Tq = 1350°C
.' Residual dendritic ferrite (il)
in the y-matrix.

x 600

;,\ \ .
\ \.
~~ '\ I .


Figure 7

R =0,1°C/s
Tq = 1350°C
Residual dendritic ferrite (r';)
in the y-matrix.

x 600
Steel 306 • 69

STEEL 306. 0,07 % C 13 % CHROMIUM STEEL

SIS AISI Werkstoff Nr

2301 410 S 1.4000

Composition (wt-%)
C Si Mn p 5 Cr Ni Mo Cu W v N

0,07 0,54 0,48 0,020 0,006 12,9 0,17 0,02 0,10 0,01 ::; 0,01 0,026 0,039

Average Cooling Rate,R, (OC/s)

2,0 0,5 0,1

Liquidus temperature, ferritic primary phase, QC CD 1497 1500 1500

Solidus temperature, QC CD 1435 1440 1455
Temperature of solid phase transformation of ferrite to austenite, QC CD 1325-1270 1330-1290
Solidification range, QC 65 60 45
Solidification time, s 80 210 610


Element Cr Ni

R = 0,5 QC/s
1,0 1,0 Tq = 1400 QC
Partly solidified

Figure 1
R = 0,5°C/s
Tq = 1498°C
d = 90 Mm
o-dendrites and quenched liquid (L).

400 Mm x 25

Completely solidified

Figure 2
R = 2,0°C/s
Tq = 1400°C
d = 205 Mm
Figures 2-3: o-dendrites.
Light interdendritic areas.
(Interference contrast.)

400 Mm x 25

Figure 3
R = 0,5°C/s
Tq = 1400°C
d = 260 Mm

400 Mm x 25

Figure 4
R = 0,1°C/s
Tq = 1400°C
No dendrites visible due to absence of segrega-
tion. Austenite (dark) precipitated during

400 Mm x 25
Figure 5
R = 0,5°C/s
Tq = 1400°C
from 1400 (dark
C . ) precipitated during quenching

x 25 400 JLm

Figure 6
R = 0,5°C/s
Tq = 1200°C
Austenite ( ) cooling to
12000C (SOli~ st~~:ciPitated during
(d12oo= 270 JLm) transformation).

x 25 400 JLm
72 • Steel 307

STEEL 307. 0,1 % C Ni 12 % CHROMIUM STEEL

SIS AISI Werkstoff Nr

2302 (414) 1.4008

Composition (wt-%)
C Si Mn p S Cr Ni Mo Cu W V Altot N

0,14 0,19 0,68 0,009 0,014 12,0 1,20 0,01 0,03 0,01 0,02 0,001 0,040

fs 0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0

Thermal Analysis
T dT
(OC) .CD dt



1350 - 0
dt -0,5
-1, 0

R = O,SQC/s 1250
0 100 200 300 '[(5)

Average Cooling Rate,R, ( C/s)

2,0 0,5 0,1

Liquidus temperature, ferritic primary phase, QC CD 1490 1495 1494

Temperature of austenite formation, QC CD 1416 1425 1401
Solidus temperature, C CD 1390 1400 1400
Solidification range, QC 100 95 95
Solidification time, s 95 255 1070


Element Cr Ni

R = 0,5 QCls
1,1 1,3 Tq = 1360 QC
Steel 307 • 73

Partly solidified

Figure 1
R = O,5°C/s
Tq = 1493°C
d = 75/-Lm
o-dendrites and quenched liquid (L).

x 25 400/-Lm

Completely solidified

Figure 2
R = 2,0°C/s
Tq = 1360°C
d = 150 /-Lm
Figures 2 - 4: Former o-dendrites (D).
White interdendritic areas (ID).
(Most of the 0 transformed to y by the peritec-
tic reaction.)

x 25 400/-Lm

Figure 3
R = 0,5°C/s
Tq = 1360°C
d = 180 /-Lm

x 25 400/-Lm

Figure 4
R = 0,1°C/s
Tq = 1360°C
d = 470/-Lm

x 25 400/-Lm
74 • Steel 307

Figure 5
R = 0,5°C/s
Tq = 1200°C
(d12oo= 250 fLm)
Former o-dendrites (D).
White interdendritic areas (ID).
(Most of the 0 transformed to y by the peritec-
tic reaction.)

400 fLm x 25

Figure 6
R = 2,0°C/s
,1 Tq = 1360°C
Residual dendritic ferrite (0) in the y-matrix.
I ,

x 600

Figure 7
\' 'j R = 0,1°C/s
Tq = 1360°C
I J --~ Residual dendritic ferrite (0) in the y-matrix.
Figures 6-7: Note the influence of cooling rate
on ferrite coarseness.

x 600
Steel 308 • 75

STEEL 308. 0,3 % C 14 % CHROMIUM STEEL

SIS AISI Werkstoff Nr

2304 (420) 1.4028

Composition (wt-%)
C Si Mn p S Cr Ni Mo Cu W v N

0,32 0,15 0,30 0,009 0,008 13,9 0,16 0,01 0,01 0,22 0,03 0,003 0,013

Thermal Analysis fs 0,0 O,L. 0,6 0,8 1.0

T dT
(OC) dT



R = 0,5°C/s 1250
0 100 200 300 L (5)

Average Cooling Rate,R, (OC/s)

2,0 0,5 0,1

Liquidus temperature, ferritic primary phase, °C CD 1480 1483 1482

Temperature of austenite formation, °C CD 1400 1407 1401
Solidus temperature, °C CD 1370 1375 1390
Solidification range, °C 110 105 90
Solidification time, s 100 290 1100


Interdendritic ferrite, (see figures 7 - 8).

Element Cr Ni

R = 0,5 °C/s
1,2 1,0 Tq = 1345 °C
76 • Steel 308

Partly solidified

Figure 1
R = 0,5°C/s
Tq = 1410°C
d = 75 fLm
8-dendrites (almost completely transformed to y)
and quenched liquid (L), (compare figure 6).

400 fLm x 25

Completely solidified

Figure 2
R = 2,0°C/s
Tq = 1345°C
d = 75 fLm
Figures 2-4: Former 8-dendrites,
(transformed to y by the peritectic reaction), and
interdendritic ferrite (8).

400 fLm x 25

Figure 3
R = 0,5°C/s
Tq = 1345°C
d = 100 fLm

x 25

Figure 4
R = 0,1°C/s
Tq = 1345°C
d =210fLm

400 fLm x 25
Steel 308 • 77

Figure 5
R = 0,5°C/s
Tq = 1200°C
(d12oo = 110 j.Lm)
Former o-dendrites, (transformed to y by the pe-
ritectic reaction), and interdendritic ferrite (0).

x 25 400 j.Lm

Figure 6
R = 0,5°C/s
Tq = 1410°C
Former o-dendrite, almost completely transfor-
med to y by the peritectic reaction, with residual
o in the centre. L = quenched liquid.

x 150

Figure 7
R = 2,0°C/s
Tq = 1345°C
Interdendritic ferrite (0).

x 150

Figure 8
R = O,5°C/s
Tq = 1200°C
Interdendritic ferrite (0).

x 150
78 • Steel 309

STEEL 309. 0,7 % C 13 % CHROMIUM STEEL

SIS AISI Werkstoff Nr

Composition (wt-%)
C Si Mn P S Cr Ni Mo Cu W V Altot N

0,69 0,43 0,64 0,014 0,005 13,1 0,20 0,07 0,02 0,22 0,03 0,002 0,025

Thermal Analysis fs 0,0 0,2 0.4 0.6 0,8 0,9 0.95 1,0
T dT
(OC) dt
Q) (OC/s)
~ +3.0

1400 +2.5


1350 +1,5

t 4
1250 -- -t-- -- 0

dT -0,5
1200 -1,0

R = O,SQC/s
0 100 200 300 400 t(s)

Average Cooling Rate,R, (OC/s)

2,0 0,5 0,1

Liquidus temperature, ferritic primary phase, QC CD 1442 1448 1444

Temperature of austenite formation, QC CD 1414 1422 1415
Temperature of formation of eutectic, QC CD 1240-1195 1250-1240 1260-1245
Solidus temperature, QC CD 1195 1240 1245
Solidification range, QC 245 210 200
Solidification time, s 160 405 2140


Interdendritic M7C3-austenite eutectic. The amount of carbide eutectic increased with increasing cooling rate,
(see figures 5-8).

Element Cr Ni

R = 0,5 QC/s
Tq = 1240 C Q

1,2 1,0
Steel 309 • 79

Partly solidified

Figure 1
R = O,5°C/s
Tq = 141BoC
d = 50 fLm
Former 8-dendrites, (completely transformed to
y by the peritectic reaction), and quenched liq-
uid (L).

x 25 400 fLm

Completely solidified

Figure 2
R = 2,O°C/s
Tq = 1195°C
d = 65 fLm
Figures 2-4: Former 8-dendrites, (transformed
to y by the peritectic reaction).
Interdendritic carbide eutectic (compare figures

x 25 400 fLm

Figure 3
R = 0,5°C/s
Tq = 1240°C
d = BOfLm

x 25 400 fLm

Figure 4
R = O,1°C/s
Tq = 1240°C
d = 130fLm

x 25 400 fLm
80 • Steel 309

" , f
, ..
"> •... ~ J 'y
.cv "A..
.". l~~\ -\.
t •
Figure 5
R = 0,5°C/s
Tq = 1240°C
., \ Interdendritic M7C3-Y eutectic. 3,5 vol-% carbide .

100 Mm x 150

Figure 6
R = 2,0°C/s
Tq = 1195°C
M7C3-Y eutectic. 4,5 vol-% carbide.

25 Mm x 600


Figure 7
R = 0,5°Cts
Tq = 1245°C
M7C3-Y eutectic (E) and small amounts of
liquid (L).

f I,
25 Mm x 600

Figure 8
R = 0,1°C/s
Tq = 1240°C
M7C3-Y eutectic. 2,4 vol-% carbide.

25 Mm x 600

4. Stainless and Heat Resistant Steels

The main alloying element is chromium in amounts bet- The choice of these alloys was based on the solidification
ween 12 and 30%. Most common stainless steels also modes indicated by the pseudobinary phase diagrams,
contain considerable quantities of other alloying elements such as that shown in figure 4.1.
of which molybdenum and nickel are the most important. The types of solidification are:
The main object of these additions is to increase the
corrosion resistance of the steel and to control the phase • primary ferrite formation
composition of the microstructure in the final product. • primary ferrite formation followed by a three-phase
Most commercial stainless and heat resistant steels are reaction between liquid, 0 and y.
found in the following range of standardized composi- • primary ferrite and austenite formation
tions, table 4.1: • primary austenite formation
In this work the transition 0 + liquid ~ y is called peritec-
Structure of the steel product C Cr Ni% tic reaction as long as the 0- phase is in direct contact
Ferritic -0,08 12-14 with the liquid. When 0 is completely surrounded by y
-0,10 16-19 -phase and the reaction rate is governed by solid state
-0,25 24-28 diffusion of the alloying elements through y, the process
Martensitic -0,08 12-14 3-6 is denoted peritectic transformation.
0,09- 12-14
0,15- 16-18 1,3-2,5 The relative amount of austenite usually increases below
Ferritic-austen itic -0,10 18-30 4,5-14 the solidus temperature, i.e. the remaining o-ferrite con-
Austenitic -0,50 16-26 7-35 tent is dependent on temperature. In alloys with a high
carbon content carbides precipitate during solidification.
Table 4.1 Classification of stainless and heat resistant steels

The structure of the filial product should not be confused
with the structures present during and immediately after 1500
solidification. Many austenitic steels for instance contain
considerable quantities of ferrite in their solidification
structure. L+ Y
Other common alloying elements are molybdenum up to
5% and copper up to 3%. Nitrogen, which is usually pre-
sent at residual levels of about 0,03-0,06%, can also be y
used as an alloying addition of up to 0,2%.
Austenitic steels are produced as castings, ingots of all
sizes and as continuously cast billets and slabs. The other
types of stainless and heat resistant materials mentioned
in table 4.1 are cast predominantly as ingots of a moderate 1300
size, although martensitic and ferritic-austenitic steels are
also commonly used as castings.
The solidification behaviour is governed by the propor-
tions of austenite- and ferrite-forming elements present.
The first group comprises carbon, nitrogen, nickel, manga- 1200
nese, copper and cobalt. (At high concentrations manga-
nese has been reported to be a ferrite former, [66].)
The most important ferrite formers are chromium, silicon,
molybdenum, niobium, titanium and aluminium. The ferri-
tic and martensitic grades have already been described in
chapter 3. The alloys of the present section, belonging to o 5 10 15 20 25 30
the ferritic-austenitic and the austenitic groups were cho- Weight-% Ni
sen to give examples of the different solidification paths. I I I I I I I
The alloys are listed in table 4.2 in order of increasing 30 25 20 15 10 5 0
tendency to solidify as austenite: Weight-% Cr

Si Mn Cr Ni Mo Others% Figure 4.1 Phase diagram Fe-Cr-Ni at 70% Fe. (After Metals
No. C
Handbook, Vol 8, 1973,424-425)
401 0,04 0,9 0,8 25,1 4,7 1,2
402 0,01 0,3 1,8 19,8 9,9
403 0,02 0,3 0,9 19,5 10,3
404 0,04 0,4 1,2 18,4 9,1 0,4
405 0,07 0,6 1,4 17,2 10,3 0,5 0,5 Ti
406 0,05 0,4 1,7 17,2 12,6 2,8 0,5 Nb
407 0,02 0,5 1,6 17,2 13,5 2,6 References
408 0,05 0,6 1,7 17,7 13,4 2,7
409 1,8 17,4 12,8 2,8 0,19 N
The solidification of stainless and heat resistant alloys has
0,02 0,6
410 0,01 0,2 1,8 25,1 22,2 2,3 been the subject of many research reports. Papers on
411 0,06 1,2 1,8 24,2 20,4 general aspects of solidification and phase equilibria in-
412 0,13 0,5 1,7 24,3 20,5 clude references [65-77]. Quantitative discussions of
413 0,01 0,5 1,7 19,2 25,1 4,4 1,5 Cu microsegregation have been presented, [68, 69, 71, 73,
414 0,41 1,0 1,3 25,2 20,6
415 0,07 0,6 0,6 21,1 31,0
Finally, solidification under welding conditions has also
Table 4.2 Stainless and heat resistant steels received attention, [72, 79, 83-86].
82 • Steel 401

STEEL 401. 0,04 % C 25 % Cr 5 % Ni Mo STAINLESS STEEL

SIS AISI Werkstoff Nr

2324 (329) (1.4460)

Composition (wt-%)
C Si Mn P S Cr Ni Mo Cu Co Altot N

0,042 0,86 0,76 0,031 0,010 25,1 4,7 1,22 0,08 0,08 ,:::;0,002 0,077

Creq _

Nieq -

fs 0.0 0.2 0,4 0,6 0.8 1,0

Thermal Analysis T dT
(OCl .CD dt
T (OCls)


1350 -- 0

R = 0,5°C/s 1250
0 100 200 300 t (s)

Average Cooling Rate,R, (OC/s)

2,0 0,5 0,1

Liquidus temperature, ferritic primary phase, °C CD 1465 1471 1469

Solidus temperature, °C CD 1390 1410 1420
Solidification range, °C 75 60 50
Solidification time, s 80 205 770
Fraction solidified as ferrite, % 100 100 100


M23C6particles and austenite in grain boundaries and M23C6particles in the matrix, (see figures 5-8).
The carbide and austenite were precipitated during quenching from 1360°C.

Element Mn Cr Ni Mo
R = 0,5 °C/s
1,3 1,0 1,2 1,3 Tq = 1360 °C
Steel 401 • 83

Partly solidified

Figure 1
R = 0,5°C/s
Tq = 1468°C
d = 70 JLm
a-dendrites and quenched liquid (L).

x 25 400 JLm

Completely solidified

Figure 2
R 2,0°C/s
Tq 1360°C
d 115 JLm
Figures 2-4: a-dendrites.
White interdendritic areas (ID). Grain boundaries
(G) also visible.

x 25

Figure 3
R 0,5°C/s
Tq 1360°C
d 280 JLm

x 25

Figure 4
R = 0,1°C/s
Tq = 1360°C
d = 550JLm

x 25
84 • Steel 401

Figure 5
R = O,5°C/s
Tq = 1360°C
A grain boundary with austenite.
B grain boundary with carbide
C ferritic matrix with carbide
and austenite precipitates.

100 f-Lm x 150

, ,
" . /'
\J '
, \1"

Figure 6
R = 0,5°C/s
Tq = 1360°C
Austenite, formed during quenching, in grain
boundary as in fig 5 at A.

x 1000

Figure 7
R = 0,5°C/s
Tq = 1360°C
Carbide particles (M23C6), formed during quen-
ching, in a grain boundary as in fig 5 at B. Elec-
tron micrograph of thin foil (TEM).

x 30000

Figure 8
R = 0,5°C/s
Tq = 1360°C
Carbide particles (M23C6), formed during quen-
ching, in the ferritic matrix as in fig 5 at C. Elec-
tron micrograph of thin foil (TEM).

x 15000
Steel 402 • 85

STEEL 402. 0,01 % C 20 % Cr 10 % Ni STAINLESS STEEL

SIS AISI Werkstoff Nr

30BL 1.4316

Composition (wt-%)
C Si Mn P S Cr Ni Mo Cu Co Altot N

0,012 0,31 1,76 O,OOB O,OOB 19,B 9,9 0,10 0,04 0,02 0,004 0,031

Creq = 1,B2

fs 0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0

Thermal Analysis
T dT
(OC) CD dt
t (OC/s)
1450 T +1,5


1350 -- 0
dt -0,5

R = 0,5°C/s 1250
0 100 200 300 '('(5)

Average Cooling Rate,R, (OC/s)

2,0 0,5 0,1

Liquidus temperature, ferritic primary phase, °C CD 1447 1454 1449

Temperature of austenite formation, °C (3) 1366 1391 1405
Solidus temperature, °C CD 1325 1360 1390
Solidification range, °C 120 95 60
Solidification time, s 105 255 690
Fraction solidified as ferrite, % 92 91 97


Element Si Mn Cr Ni

c _ n ~ 0f'./c
86 • Steel 402

Partly solidified

Figure 1
R 0.5°C/s
Tq 1450°C
d 60 [Lm
o-dendrites and quenched liquid (L).

400 [Lm x 25

Completely solidified

Figure 2
R 2.0°C/s
Tq 1325°C
d 150[Lm
Figures 2-4: Former o-dendrites (D).
White interdendritic areas (ID).
(Most of the ,) transformed to y by the peritec-
tic reaction and transformation.)

x 25

Figure 3
R 0.5°C/s
Tq 1325°C
d 270 [Lm

400 [Lm x 25

Figure 4
R O.1°C/s
Tq 1325°C
Steel 402 • 87

Figure 5
R = 0,5°C/s
Tq = 1200°C
(d1200 = 300 JLm)
Former o-dendrites (D).
White interdendritic areas (ID).
(Most of the 0 transformed to 'Y by the peritectic
reaction and transformation.)

x 25 400 JLm

Figure 6
R = 2,0°C/s
Tq = 1325°C
13 vol-% dendritic ferrite.
Figures 6-9: Note that the residual ferrite only
appears in the former o-dendrites.

x 150

Figure 7 Figure 8
R = 0,5°C/s R = 0,5°C/s
Tq = 1325°C Tq = 1200°C
19 vol-% dendri- 9 vol-% dendri-
tic ferrite (0). tic ferrite (0).

x 150

Figure 9
R = 0,1°C/s
Tq = 1325°C
20 vol-% dendri-
tic ferrite.

x 150
88 • Steel 403

STEEL 403. 0,02 % C 19 % Cr 10 % Ni STAINLESS STEEL

SIS AISI Werkstoff Nr

(2352) 304L 1.4316

Composition (wt-%)
C Si Mn P S Cr Ni Mo Cu Co Altot N

0,019 0,31 0,94 0,009 0,010 19,5 10,2 0,11 0,03 0,05 0,002 0,044

Creq = 1,74

Thermal Analysis fs 0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,80,9 1.0

T dT
(OCl CD dT
+ (OC/s)
T +1,5


1350 - 0
dT -0,5

R = O,soC/s 1250
0 100 200 300 '[(5)

Average Cooling Rate,R, (CC/s)

2,0 0,5 0,1

Liquidus temperature, ferritic primary phase, °C CD 1447 1455 1453

Temperature of austenite formation, °C CD 1404 1415 1418
Solidus temperature, cC CD 1365 1390 1405
Solidification range, °C 80 65 50
Solidification time, s 90 220 610
Fraction solidified as ferrite, % 91 92 98


Element Si Mn Cr Ni

R = 0,5 °C/s
I 1,6 1,5 1,1 1,5 Tq = 1340 °C
PD 1,2 0,7
Partly solidified

Figure 1
R = 0,5°Cts
Tq = 1450°C
d = 65 jLm
<,)-dendrites and quenched liquid (L).

x 25 400 jLm

Completely solidified

Figure 2
R = 2,0°Cts
Tq = 1340°C
d = 130jLm
Figures 2-4: Former <,)-dendrites (D).
White interdendritic areas (ID).
(Most of the <')transformed to'Y by the peritectic
reaction and transformation.)

x 25 400 jLm

Figure 3
R = 0,5°Cts
Tq = 1340°C
d = 160 jLm

x 25 400 jLm

Figure 4
R = 0,1°Cts
Tq = 1340°C
d = 500 jLm

x 25 400 jLm
90 • Steel 403

Figure 5
R = 0,5°C/s
Tq = 1200°C
(d12oo = 170Mm)
Former o-dendrites (D).
White interdendritic areas (ID).
(Most of the 0 transformed to y by the peritectic
reaction and transformation.)

400 Mm x 25

Figure 6
R = 2,0°C/s
Tq = 1340°C
11 vol-% dendritic ferrite.
Figures 6-9: Note that the residual ferrite only
appears in the former o-dendrites (D).

100 Mm x 150



.' /'
Figure 7 Figure 8
R = O,5°C/s R = 0,5°C/s
./ Tq = 1340°C Tq = 1200°C
13 vol-% dendritic 5,8 vol-% dendritic ferrite.
(D) ferrite (0).

100 Mm x 150


Figure 9
R = O,1°C/s
, . Tq = 1340°C
. '.
_.,~ .' .,- ' . 9 vol-% dendritic ferrite .

., \,
\. "
100 Mm x 150
Steel 404 • 91

STEEL 404. 0,04 % C 18 % Cr 9 % Ni STAINLESS STEEL

SIS AISI Werkstoff Nr

2333 304 1.4301

Composition (wt-%)
C Si Mn P S Cr Ni Mo Cu Co Altot N

0,036 0,44 1,25 0,025 0,010 18,4 9,1 0,38 0,20 0,25 0,002 0,081

Creq =

Thermal Analysis fs 0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1.0

T dT
(OC) CD d't

+ (OC/s)


13S0 - 0
dt -a,s

R = 0,5°C/s 12S0
0 100 200 300 T(s)

Average Cooling Rate,R, (OC/s)

2,0 0,5 0,1

Liquidus temperature, ferritic primary phase, °C CD 1452 1451 1452

Temperature of austenite formation, °C CD 1423 1409 1424
Solidus temperature, °C CD 1365 1385 1405
Solidification range, °C 90 65 50
Solidification time, s 100 250 720
Fraction solidified as ferrite, % 84 82 86


Element Mn Cr Ni

R = 0,5°C/s
I 1,2 1,1 1,3 Tq = 1340 °C
PD 1,2 0,7
92 • Steel 404

Partly solidified

Figure 1
R 0,5°C/s
Tq 1447°C
d 40/Lm
I)-dendrites and quenched liquid (L).

400/Lm x 25

j-:_~~":.'"--.1$ :~-,
<:~~~:iV ~.~~!~~~'?Y:I.~
;~ .• ;' ~~(~ •• -~::'~i.~:.~ :'":\~"\ :;.~,'t'$:"/~:'.1' '", i:t~~i%~; -.,~
",I;" .. ,~ .. '\;/ .", -' /p.:'"''''''
.' ?;f.~",' •••. ".' ., ,!",-, ,'I
:1~~' f·- ~}'r.J: 'Y--\l{•..~'+{.··r<l ""'~;'.' •• '·8 . 7)t/ ...• '~/b" tt;~J'.,:...
~,.•. -'~:'"II·' ?~;"~>J ~'e;. t".~~
:~;~ ...: ' 'A\'_ ~;~. , -j"':; ;/.t;:~ti',.t.~: }:: '4,< '~Y' t~;.;f: ~,'.'. ·t_'~;\·Sj.4~./oI··it,\"..$) ..:.;..j'.)o\:'·~:" Completely solidified
""";' ::i: •••• ~;.,. '"vl~"P ': "',' \ ' " .,~,~ t,.~.,~~,tli. 'c ••.·., ..•
:·;~f:;,,;';;):)4,\'. '. <~(~:':.:j><I, .. ;'.,:;~1~·
;f;·;,; ..

I; ;'? ·/.'i{~~;~/~'~;\{4~/~y:~,~;..J::.~
.'\.c: ;-!~,.. ~~ '4,,\-;.,·;.·, "'::1..(~""lf:,A_',':'? ;1'/;(.,.;;4 ';i·~·""f.~:"-"

,..' '~\.t..\t...i~f~~I~~Ji;~~~fi(~~{~:):~;~/~~'J{~Ii::.t:'7l~;tl:
~.' ).1.•; •••.: ·~~/~,_· ·\IJ··;~·,,:~·l.; ...
~ ._~,~ ~ ~.(. ·.i'l-:'l,\~. /". ~,
Figure 2
R 2,0°C/s
Tq = 1340°C
d = 125/Lm
Figures 2-4: Former I)-dendrites (D).
White interdendritic areas (ID).
(Most of the I) transformed to'Y by the peritectic
reaction and transformation.)
;"T' -;'.',.,~:. '~. ';~~\"''-''~~'''/)J·?,
.. • tv' """~<~f~;';: '.~. "

',l\ .••.
'.,,':.,~ ~

~··!::~~~·;:~?~~itfli~1~:~51:~¥~S:~~:+:·.~~~·i~:,~;-~i'; t\~~ x 25

Figure 3
R O,5°C/s
Tq 1340°C
d 190/Lm

x 25

Figure 4
R 0.1°C/s
Tq 1340°C
d 340/Lm

x 25
Steel 404 • 93

Figure 5
R = 0,5°C/s
Tq = 1200°C
(d12oo = 200fLm)
Former {)-dendrites (D).
White interdendritic areas (ID).
(Most of the {) transformed to 'Y by the peritectic
reaction and transformation.)

x 25 400 fLm

"'~ ' ,.
,\ ,"

. :\ ..
\' ~,'"
\ \ .-' f



- ---

Figure 6
R = 2,0°C/s
Tq = 1340°C
2,3 vol-% dendritic ferrite.
Figures 6-9: Note that the residual ferrite only r(-d'~
• . \ 1 • .;J
';'.' I

appears in the former {)-dendrites (D). . \ J JJ....... _

x 150 100 fLm

Figure 7 Figure 8
R = 0,5°C/s R = 0,5°C/s
Tq = 1340°C Tq = 1200°C
4,7 vol-% dendritic 2,0 vol-% dendritic
ferrite. ferrite.

x 150 100 fLm

Figure 9
R = 0,1°C/s
Tq = 1340°C
10 vol-% dendritic ferrite.

x 150 100 fLm

94 • Steel 405

STEEL 405. 0,07 % C 17 % Cr 10 % Ni Ti STAINLESS STEEL

SIS AISI Werkstoff Nr

2337 321 1.4541

Composition (wt-%)
C Si Mn P S Cr Ni Mo Cu Co Ti Altot N

0,068 0,59 1,44 0,028 0,001 17,2 10,3 0,47 0,24 0,27 0,51 0,048 0,005

Creq = 1,61

Thermal Analysis fs 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

T dT
re) d'(
CD (OCts)
1450 t

1350 -- 0
dt -0.5

R = 0,5°C/s 1250
0 100 200 300 '((5)

Average Cooling Rate,R, eC/s)

2,0 0,5 0,1

Liquidus temperature, ferritic primary phase, °C CD 1436 1440 1440

Temperature of austenite formation, °C CD 1397 1406 1412
Solidus temperature, °C CD 1335 1370 1390
Solidification range, QC 100 70 50
Solidification time, s 105 235 680
Fraction solidified as ferrite, % 82 82 82


Ti(CN), (see figures 6-8).

Element Si Mn Cr Ni

R = 0,5 QCIs
1,6 1,6 1,1 1,5 Tq = 1320 QC
1,2 0,7
Steel 405 • 95

Partly solidified

Figure 1
R 0.5°C/s
Tq 1430°C
d 50l-tm
o-dendrites and quenched liquid (L).

x 25 400l-tm

Completely solidified

Figure 2
R 2,0°C/s
Tq = 1320°C
d = 85l-tm
Figures 2-4: Former o-dendrites (D).
White interdendritic areas (ID).
(Most of the 0 transformed to y by the peritectic
reaction and transformation.)

x 25

Figure 3
R 0,5°C/s
Tq 1320°C
d 110 I-tm

x 25

Figure 4
R 0.1°C/s
Tq 1320°C
d 200 I-tm

x 25
96 • Steel 405

Figure 5
R = 0,5°C/s
Tq = 1200°C
(d1200 = 150fLm)
Former <,)-dendrites (D).
White interdendritic areas (ID).
(Most of the <')transformed to y by the peritectic
reaction and transformation.)

400 fLm x 25

Figure 6
R = 0,5°C/s
Tq = 1380°C
Ti (C,N)

t7-Tj(~,N) 10 fLm x 1000



Figure 7
R = 0,5°C/s
~~ Tq = 1200°C
TiCQ,N) Coalesced eutectic Ti(C,N).

10 fLm x 1000

Figure 8
R = 0,1°C/s
Tq = 1380°C
Formation of eutectic Ti(C,N).
(L -'> Ti(C,N) + y)

10 fLm x 1000
Figure 9
R = 2,O°C/s
Tq = 1320°C
6 vol-% dendritic ferrite. .
Figures 9 -12: Note that the r~sidual fernte only
appears in the former 8-dendntes (D).

x 150 100 JLm

Figure 10
R = O,5°C/s
Tq = 1320°C .
8 vol-% dendritic fernte.

x 150 100 JLm

Figure 11
R = O,5°C/s
Tq = 1200°C
4,1 vol-% dendritic ferrite

x 150 100 JLm

~ {/- .'
-. ".'

\ '\) "
l . 1 '\

" •. J
'" .
. , , \
\ b
.. //
Figure 12 \. ".",
R = O,1°C/s t
Tq = 1320°C
4,8 vol-% dendritic ferrite
? ,
. "
x 150 100 JLm - '--: .. 1
(/ /~ ..
'j ).
98 • Steel 406

STEEL 406. 0,05 % C 17 % Cr 12 % Ni 2,8 %Mo Nb STAINLESS STEEL

SIS AISI Werkstoff Nr

316 Cb 1.4583

Average Cooling Rate,R, (OC/s)

2,0 0.,5 0,1

Liquidus temperature, ferritic and austenitic primary phases, QC CD 1420 1423 1424
Temperature of maximum rate of formation of austenite, QC CD 1410 1418 1417
Temperature of carbide formation, QC CD 1330-1275 1330-1290 1330-1305
Solidus temperature, °C CD 1275 1290 1305
Solidification range, °C 145 130 120
Solidification time, s 130 300 1240
Fraction solidified as ferrite, % <60 <45 <42


1. Interdendritic ferrite, (see figures 4, 6 -11).

2. Eutectic NbC, (see figures 6,7,9-11).

Element Si Mn Cr Ni

R = 0,5 QC/s
I 1,7 1,5 1,1 1,4 Tq = 1285 QC
Po 1,3 0,6
PlO 1,1 0,8
Partly solidified

Figure 1a Figure 1b
R = O,5°C/s R = O,5°C/s
Tq = 1423°C Tq = 1415°C
d = 45 p,m d = 45p,m
o-dendrites and o-dendrites,
quenched liquid (L). y-dendrites and
quenched liquid
(L). Peritectic
reaction (P).

x 25 400p,m

Completely solidified

Figure 2
R = 2,O°C/s
Tq = 1270°C
d = 65 p,m
Figures 2-3: Former o-dendrites, y-dendrites,
dendritic and interdendritic ferrite, (compare fi-
gures 8-9).

x 25

Figure 3
R = 0,5°C/s
Tq = 1285°C
d = 80p,m

x 25

Figure 4
R 0,1°C/s
Tq = 1300°C
d = 135p,m
Former o-dendrites, dendritic and interdendritic
ferrite, (compare figure 11).

x 25
100 • Steel 406

Figure 5
R = 0,5°C/s
Tq = 1200°C
(d12oo = 85fLm)
Former o-dendrites, y-dendrites, dendritic and
interdendritic ferrite, (compare figure 10).

400 fLm x 25


Figure 6
" R = O,5°C/s
Tq = 1200°C
Eutectic NbC and dendritic (D) ferrite (0).

x 600

Figure 7
R = 0,5°C/s
Tq = 1200°C
Solid state precipitation of NbC around inter-
dendritic ferrite (100).

25 fLm x 600
Figure 8
R = 2,O°C/s
Tq = 1270°C
4,0 vol-% ferrite, dendritic (08) and interdendri-
tic (108).

x 150 100 JLm

Figure 9
R = 0,5°C/s
Tq = 1285°C
4,0 vol-% ferrite, dendritic (08) and interdendri-
tic (108).

x 150 100 JLm

Figure 10
R = 0,5°C/s
Tq = 1200°C
2,9 vol-% ferrite, dendritic (08) and interdendri-
tic (108).

x 150 100 JLm


Figure 11
R = 0,1°C/s
Tq = 1300°C
3,9 vol-% ferrite, dendritic (08) and interdendri-
tic (108).

x 150 100 JLm .'

102 • Steel 407

STEEL 407. 0,02 % C 17 % Cr 13 % Ni 2,5 % Mo STAINLESS STEEL

SIS AISI Werkstoff Nr

2353 316 L 1.4435

Composition (wt-%)
C Si Mn P S Cr Ni Mo Cu Co Altot N

0,023 0,53 1,58 0,020 0,006 17,2 13,5 2,63 0,19 0,07 0,004 0,031

Creq = 1,43

fs 0.0 0.2 O,L. 0.6 0.8 1.0

Thermal Analysis dT
(OCl +CD ,'1) dL'
T (OC/sl


1300 -- 0
dL' -0.5

R = 0,5°C/s 1200
0 100 200 300 L'(s)

Average Cooling Rate,R, (OC/s)

2,0 0,5 0,1

Liquidus temperature, ferritic and austenitic primary phases, °C CD 1423 1427 1428
Temperature of maximum rate of formation of austenite, °C CD 1418 1421 1425
Solidus temperature, °C CD 1345 1375 1380
Solidification range, °C 80 50 45
Solidification time, s 100 210 660
Fraction solidified as ferrite, % <46 <50 <34


Interdendritic ferrite, (see figures, 5, 8 -12).

Element Mn Cr Ni Mo

R = 0,5 °C/s
1,5 1,2 1,2 2,2 Tq = 1320 °C
1,2 0,8
Steel 407 • 103

Partly solidified

Figure 1
R = O,5°C/s
Tq = 1427"C
d = 55 fLm
0- and y- dendrites, growing simultaneously and
quenched liquid (L).

x 25 400 fLm

Completely solidified

Figure 2
R = 2,O°C/s
Tq = 1320°C
d = 40 fLm
Former o-dendrites, y-dendrites, dendritic and
interdendritic ferrite, (compare figure 9).

x 25 400 fLm

Figure 3
R = O,5°C/s
Tq = 1320°C
d = 90 fLm
Figures 3-4: Former o-dendrites, y-dendrites
and interdendritic ferrite, (compare figures 10
and 12).

x 25 400 fLm

Figure 4
R = O,1°C/s
Tq 1320°C
d = 100fLm
104 • Steel407

Figure 5
R = 0,5°C/s
Tq = 1200°C
(d1200 = 100 ILm)
Former I)-dendrites, y-dendrites and interdendri-
tic ferrite, (compare figure11).

400 ILm x 25

Figure 6
R = 0,5°C/s
Tq = 1427°C
I)-dendrites and quenched liquid (L), (compare
figure 1).

x 150

Figure 7
R = 0,5°C/s
Tq = 1415°C
y growing into both I)-dendrites and liquid.

x 150

... ','~

Figure 8
R = O,5°C/s
Tq = 1320°C
Austenite precipitated in interdendritic ferrite
~_r"'-/ during quenching. Dark structure in figure 10.
~""- ..;
Steel 407 • 105


-,' ':. ". ~> " ....

~ 1 ..•.

Figure 9
-- "'-

. --.
J (i, ,...,

R = 2,0°C/s
f.~. ~;
Tq = 1320°C . I

5,5 vol-% ferrite, dendritic (Do) and interdendri-

tic (100).
;/ V

x 150 100 fLm

'"". • r-" /'-:
of" ( I J. , '(

1'1' ••.

" {,
Figure 10
R = 0,5°C/s •
Tq = 1320°C
5,6 vol-% ferrite, mainly interdendritic (100).

x 150 /



Figure 11
R = 0,5°C/s 108-
Tq = 1200°C e,/.
3,5 vol-% ferrite, mainly interdendritic (100).
x 150 )7 ~
{I ~ /

{ L

Figure 12
R = 0,1°C/s
Tq = 1320°C
4,4 vol-% ferrite, mainly interdendritic (100). • o

- • <

106 • Steel 408

STEEL 408. 0,05 % C 18 % Cr 13 % Ni 2,5 % Mo STAINLESS STEEL

SIS AISI Werkstoff Nr

2343 316 1.4401

Composition (wt-%)
C Si Mn P S Cr Ni Mo Cu Co Altot N

0,048 0,63 1,65 0,018 0,007 17,7 13,4 2,68 0,15 0,07 0,004 0,045

Creq = 1,42

fs 0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0

Thermal Analysis
T dT
(OC) .CD +Q) d't
T (OC/s)


1300 -- 0
d't -0,5

R = O,soC/s 1200
0 100 200 300 '[(5)

Average Cooling Rate,R, (OC/s)

2,0 0,5 0,1

Liquidus temperature, ferritic and austenitic primary phases, °C CD 1419 1423 1421
Temperature of maximum rate of formation of austenite, °C CD 1414 1422 1415
Solidus temperature, °C 1330 1360 1370
Solidification range, °C 85 60 50
Solidification time, s 100 220 670
Fraction solidified as ferrite, % <36 <35 <34


Interdendritic ferrite, (see figures, 5, 8 -11).

Element Mn Cr Ni Mo

R = 0,5°C/s
I 1,6 1,2 1,2 2,1 Tq = 1305 °C
PlO 1.2 07
Steel 408 • 107

Partly solidified

Figure 1
R = O,5°C/s
Tq = 1423°C
d = 50 JLm
0- and y- dendrites, growing simultaneously, and
quenched liquid (L).

x 25 400 JLm

Completely solidified

Figure 2
R = 2,O°C/s
Tq = 1305°C
d = 55 JLm
Former o-dendrites, y-dendrites and interdendri-
tic ferrite. Some dendritic ferrite can also be
seen, (compare figure 8).

x 25

Figure 3
R = O,5°C/s
Tq = 1305°C
d = 85 JLm
Former o-dendrites, y-dendrites and interdendri-
tic ferrite, (compare figure 9).

x 25

Figure 4
R = O,1°C/s
Tq = 1305°C
d = 140 JLm
Former o-dendrites and y-dendrites. White in-
terdendritic areas, (compare figure 11).

x 25
108 • Steel 408
.....• .•. . ,,'
, .-
. ..
.. "
'- .!...,4

_. '(
_ .....•. ~.
r'. '

- " ...•.... .
.", '''4l.
,...' .l'
~... 7'

~. • " /
!--;. ;'
. .•. .,'
/ ~
. "-.,.
. '", . / .•..., .
.. f'
' -/ (. J '') Figure 5

"..•. ,. ... ,
, \.. I
,<jl-~ . ',-
'f ,/ ~

' • ..J. -
,~ R = O,5°C/s
:\,. ,J: !
Tq = 1200°C
'-t.' ,
'.t·~ ./
(",.. :;>'.
I ••
~../ j
~. (d1200 = 190 f.Lm)

Former a-dendrites, y-dendrites and interdendri-


J...•• " • • >' ,-: './, .. tic ferrite, (compare figure 10),
,; '. \.
.~ f'\',;
('.... •••
. J ....
~ , _ J. •. • . T"
,,- ~, •• r'
y.. ," 400 f.Lm x 25
.~ '1. '('
') \. ~ ••.••••
, ....
1 I

Figure 6
R = 0,5°C/s
Tq = 1420°C
Simultaneous growth of 15- and y- dendrites. The
transformation a
of into y can also be seen, (peri-
tectic reaction and transformation, compare fi-
gure 7).
L = quenched liquid.

200 f.Lm x 50

Figure 7
R = O,5°C/s
Tq = 1420°C
Transformation of a-dendrites.
Detail of figure 6,

100f.Lm x 150
Steel 408 . 109
- .~
) ", f

:( C' •

'- 1

- J" it'"OS-,.....

'- ~

~ /~ . '"
--<Jl>, \
, .t : . " ......
.- '- . P


Figure 8 "\
. IOS. -.;-
/ ,. J r
R = 2,0°C/s
Tq = 1305°C Y .
-..: •
0 \)
4,0 vol-% ferrite, dendritic (Do) and interdendri- ., - .- \
( I~S.~ <1
tic (100). • "'-
" -

. '\}
" --d' ~ ;-..,

x 150 100 Mm
oS ~
'" 6.....
<{ '.
) -.

Figure 9
R = 0,5°C/s
Tq = 1305°C
5,0 vol-% ferrite, mainly interdendritic (100).
(Dark structure (A), austenite precipitated in fer-
rite during quenching.)

x 150 100 Mm


Figure 10
R = 0,5°C/s
Tq = 1200°C •
0,1 vol-% ferrite, mainly interdendritic.

x 150 100 Mm

~~~ v f.r' _
-.~. .....

Figure 11
R = 0,1°C/s
Tq = 1305°C
5,5 vol-% ferrite, mainly interdendritic.

x 150 100 Mm
110 • Steel 409

STEEL 409. 0,02 % C 17 % Cr 13 % Ni 2,5 % Mo 0,2 % N STAINLESS STEEL

SIS AISI Werkstoff Nr

2375 316 N 1.4429

Composition (wt-%)
C Si Mn P S Cr Ni Mo Cu Co Altot N

0,024 0,58 1,79 0,009 0,011 17,4 12,8 2,77 0,03 0,03 0,002 0,20

Creq = 1,32

fs 0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0

Thermal Analysis T dT
@ d'[
T (OC/sl


1300 - 0
d't -0,5

R = 0,5°C/s 1200
0 100 200 300 't(s)

Average Cooling Rate,R, eeC/s)

2,0 0,5 0,1

Liquidus temperature, austenitic primary phase, °C CD 1411 1421 1422

Solidus temperature, °C CD 1310 1350 1370
Solidification range, °C 105 70 50
Solidification time, s 85 245 640


Interdendritic ferrite, (see figures 5, 8-11).

Element Mn Cr Ni Mo

R = 0,5 aCls
1,6 1,2 1,1 2,1 Tq = 1305 °C
Steel 409 ° 111

Partly solidified

Figure 1
R = 0.5°C/s
Tq = 1415°C
d = 40 J-Lm
y-dendrites and quenched liquid (L).

x 25 400 J-Lm

Completely solidified

Figure 2
R = 2.0°C/s
Tq = 1305°C
d = 45 J-Lm
Figures 2-4: y-dendrites and interdendritic fer-

x 25 400 J-Lm

Figure 3
R = 0.5°C/s
Tq = 1305°C
d = 70 J-Lm

x 25 400 J-Lm

. .0'.#,., '\::..\"·i.
•• 9#t'tJa"."
n . cl ~.A~" •••
l) •••4$.

• •.• ,_, •

• ~ .", '" ," ~ • tI •• .".,'. • ••..,.1
'" :'J. .. ~' ..••.•.. *~.:-
,'~ ••• "'*c.":ooo'" .t.' .,•......
.r' ,.. e •..• "' •• t .• , f.,. ;
• • .' • • "'; • IQ."
-tOo ~. • (, •.,-, .'~ ~ :.. .~

• f •• e.• ·'
" 0,- / • •
'..-, '.'. .

t .

""',. .
./ ••••.
'. •
. ',-
,.., e ••.•.•

t '

'. I

Figure 4
.., ~


. .., ".. ':' ..

~•• :~ •
III •• • ••

• 'A

R = 0,1°C/s ,,;. ,.t ..•• ," .' • • (I • '
Tq = 1305°C ; •. \ • t ;."

d = 105 J-Lm •• ' ,,0 "e::J. ~ ~.'

A';. '.' ,,~.. ••
,. f •••• " ,. Or-. '. ~. ~ ••

•• __,- •• 4 .4)•••••• ' : 0.- ' '\.. • ~••••••••
e.~._" '~.' r·. •
x 25
.. 'A" .•
.• "..__•
• •
"'. •
• •.•.•_tll·
:...... .••
\ ..I- •••~ ..•••.•••
Figure 5
R = 0,5°C/s
Tq = 1200°C
(d1200 = 75 p,m)

y-dendrites and interdendritic ferrite.

400 p,m x 25


Figure 9
R = 0,1°C/s
Tq = 1305°C
0,8 vol-% interdendritic ferrite.
~-. •
x 150

Steel 410 • 113

STEEL 410. 0,01 % C 25 % Cr 22 % Ni 2 % Mo STAINLESS STEEL

SIS AISI Werkstoff Nr

Composition (wt-%)
C Si Mn P S Cr Ni Mo Cu Co Ti Altot N

0,008 0,24 1,77 0,009 0,008 25,1 22,2 2,3 0,02 0,02 0,08 0,002 0,067

Creq =

fs 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Thermal Analysis

, T



1300 -- 0
d't' -0.5

R = 0,5°C/s 1200
0 100 200 300 '[(5)

Average Cooling Rate,R, eC/s)

2,0 0,5 0,1

Liquidus temperature, austenitic primary phase, °C CD 1401 1402 1401

Solidus temperature, °C CD 1335 1345 1355
Solidification range, °C 65 60 45
Solidification time, s 95 225 700


1. Interdendritic ferrite, (see figures 8-11).

2. Sigma-phase, (see figures 6 and 7).

Element Mn Cr Ni Mo
R = 0,5 °C/s
1,6 1,2 1,1 2,3 Tq = 1310 °C
1,2 0,8
114 • Steel 410

Partly solidified

Figure 1
R = O,5°C/s
Tq = 1398°C
d = 60 J.Lm
y-dendrites and quenched liquid (L).

400 J.Lm x 25

Completely solidified

Figure 2
R = 2,O°C/s
Tq = 1310°C
d = 60J.Lm
Figures 2-4: y-dendrites.
White interdendritic areas.

400 J.Lm x 25

Figure 3
R = O,5°C/s
Tq = 1310°C
d = 80 J.Lm

400 J.Lm x 25

Figure 4
R = O,1°C/s
Tq = 1310°C
d = 160J.Lm

400 J.Lm x 25
Steel 410 • 115

Figure 5
R = 0,5°C/s
Tq = 1200°C
(d1200 = 110 J.Lm)

White interdendritic areas.

x 25 400 J.Lm

Figure 6
R = O,l°C/s
Tq = 1310°C
Sigma-phase precipitated in ferrite, (dark struc-
ture in figures 9 and 11).

x 600 25J.Lm

Figure 7
R = O,l°C/s
Tq = 1310°C
Sigma-phase precipitated in ferrite.
(Electron micrograph.)
Figure 8
R = 2,O°C/s
Tq = 1310°C
1,0 vol-% interdendritic ferrite.

.. ,,
.f' 100J.Lm x 150

), '\ :>

• Figure 9
R = 0,5°C/s
Tq = 1310°C
1,0 vol-% interdendritic ferrite.

x 150



Figure 10
R = 0,5°C/s
Tq = 1200°C
o 0,7 vol-% interdendritic ferrite.

x 150

• • v

\ ./
Figure 11
J R = O,l°C/s
• Tq = 1310°C
1,0 vol-% interdendritic ferrite.

100 urn )( 1<;n

Steel 411 • 117

STEEL 411. 0,07 % C 24 % Cr 20 % Ni HEAT RESISTANT STEEL

SIS AISI Werkstoff Nr

2361 310 S 1.4842

Composition (wt-%)
C Si Mn P S Cr Ni Mo Cu Co Ti Altot N

0,055 1,20 1,75 0,011 0,008 24,2 20,4 0,08 0,02 0,03 0,09 0,015 0,051

Creq = 1,15

fs 0,0 0.2 0.4 0,6 0,8 1,0

Thermal Analysis dT

(OCl CD dT
T +1.5


1300 - 0
dt -0.5

R = a,SOCts 1200
0 100 200 300 T(s)

Average Cooling Rate,R, (eC/s)

2,0 0,5 0,1

Liquidus temperature, austenitic primary phase, °C CD 1399 1401 1399

Solidus temperature, QC (3) 1315 1330 1350
Solidification range, QC 80 70 50
Solidification time, s 105 230 750


Interdendritic ferrite, (see figures 6-8).

Element Si Mn Cr Ni

R = 0,5 QCts
2,4 1,9 1,2 1,2 Tq = 1290 QC
Partly solidifjed

Figure 1
R = 0,5°C/s
Tq = 1395°C
d = 65ILm
y-dendrites and quenched liquid (L).

400 ILm x 25

Completely solidified

Figure 2
R = 2,0°C/s
Tq = 1290°C
d = 55ILm
Figures 2-4: y-dendrites.

x 25

Figure 3
R = 0,5°C/s
Tq 1290°C
d 85ILm

x 25


. . :... ,
1 .'
• I
..I', ,
~ ..•., 1'- •~- ,
Figure 4

... "
R 0,1°C/s
... . _. ,-,...
.. .,. ...."-;,( (--
~ ;."'''' - ' ..•.
~' Tq 1290°C
d 125ILm
) ,
.•.. !. • \
t_. ,
'",.. "., f
x 25
''''''- ... _ ..
Steel 411 • 119

Figure 5
R = O,5°C/s
Tq = 1200°C
(d1200 = 90 fLm)

x 25 400 fLm


Figure 6
R = 2,0°C/s
Tq = 1290°C
Figures 6-8: Small amounts of interdendritic
ferrite. .,
x 150


120 • Steel 412

STEEL 412. 0,1 % C 24 % Cr 20 % Ni HEAT RESISTANT STEEL

SIS AISI Werkstoff Nr

310 1.4845

Composition (wt-%)
C Si Mn P S Cr Ni Mo Cu Co Ti Altot N

0,13 0,52 1,67 0,009 0,003 24,3 20,5 0,11 0,03 0,04 0,08 0,023 0,053

Creq = 1,03

fs 0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0

Thermal Analysis T dT
(OC) CD dt
+ ft/s)
1400 T +1.5


1300 -- 0
dt -0,5

R = O,5°C/s 1200
0 100 200 300 "((5)

Average Cooling Rate,R, (OCts)

2,0 0,5 0,1

Liquidus temperature, austenitic primary phase, °C CD 1405 1407 1405

Solidus temperature, °C CD 1325 1335 1355
Solidification range, °C 80 70 50
Solidification time, s 95 230 690


Interdendritic ferrite, (see figures 6-8).

Element Si Mn Cr Ni

R = 0,5 °C/s
2,5 1,9 1,2 1,2 Tq = 1300 °C
Steel 412 • 121

Partly solidified

Figure 1
R = O,5°C/s
Tq = 1400°C
d = 60/-Lm
y-dendrites and quenched liquid (L).

x 25 400/-Lm

Completely solidified

Figure 2
R = 2,O°C/s
Tq = 1300°C
d = 65/-Lm
Figures 2-4: y-dendrites.

x 25

Figure 3
R = 0,5°C/s
Tq = 1300°C
d = 90/-Lm

x 25

... . ... ' .. -•. • ", .. 1

.. .. .•...~.... . ..,.. . .
• ',_ , • f •• t

~" ~4·*,· \. ~~.\ •.
I' J : ••• :' ,. ,
:'., J # t
'-." " ~f,
..• I

I ,
,-/'.1" ,
.. ,.. ....:
--. .... , • j

,. .,
••••. ..,,'
f I' ••

Figure 4
R = 0,1°C/s
Tq 1300°C
d 125/-Lm

x 25
122 • Steel 412

.. .
" ..• , 1 '/ I
'/ ", I.
, I •

Figure 5
R = 0,5°C/s
Tq = 1200°C
(d1200 = 100 ~m)

y-dendrites ..

400 ~m x 25

"'", ~
.. .


Figure 6
R = 2,0°C/s
Tq = 1300°C
0,5 vol-% interdendritic ferrite.
, '
x 150

.~ ...
Figure 8
R = O,1°C/s
Tq = 1300°C
0,5 vol-% interdendritic ferrite.

x 150
Steel 413 • 123

STEEL 413. O,Ol%C 19%Cr 25%Ni 4%Mo 1,5%Cu STAINLESS STEEL

SIS AISI Werkstoff Nr


Composition (wt-%)
C Si Mn P S Cr Ni Mo Cu Co Ti Ce Altot N

0,013 0,48 1,74 0,007 0,003 19,2 25,1 4,44 1,51 0,02 0,07 0,07 0,034 0,035

Creq = 0,94

f5 0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0

Thermal Analysis T dT

, T


dT -0,5

R = O,5°C/s 1200
0 100 200 300 '"[(5)

Average Cooling Rate,R, (OC/s)

2,0 0,5 0,1

Liquidus temperature, austenitic primary phase, °C CD 1389 1391 1391

Solidus temperature, °C CD 1305 1315 1345
Solidification range, °C 85 75 45
Solidification time, s 100 230 760


Element Si Mn Cr Ni Mo

R = O,5°C/s
1,8 1,7 1;2 1,1 2,0 Tq = 1280 °C
124 • Steel 413

Partly solidified

Figure 1
R = 0,5°C/s
Tq = 1385°C
d = 70 JLm
y-dendrites and quenched liquid (L).

400 JLm x 25

Completely solidified

Figure 2
R = 2,0°C/s
Tq = 1280°C
d = 55 JLm
Figures 2-4: y-dendrites.
White interdendritic areas.

400 JLm x 25

Figure 3
R = 0,5°C/s
Tq = 1280°C
d = 80 JLm

400 JLm x 25

Figure 4
R = O,1°C/s
Tq = 1280°C
d = 120JLm

400 JLm x 25
Steel 413 • 12,5

Figure 5
R = 0,5°C/s
Tq = 12000C
(d1200 = 90 JLm)
White interdendritic areas.

x 25 400 JLm
126 • Steel 414

STEEL 414. 0,4 % C 25 % Cr 20 % Ni HEAT RESISTANT STEEL

SIS AISI Werkstoff Nr

310 HC

Composition (wt-%)
C Si Mn P S Cr Ni Mo Cu Co Ti Altot N

0,41 1,00 1,34 0,007 0,010 25,2 20,6 0,08 0,02 0,06 0,10 0,016 0,022

= 0,89
fs 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.86 1.0
T dT
(OCl dt
Thermal Analysis CD (OC/s)
1400 t +1.5

R = O,5°C/s
o 100 200 300 1:'(5)

Average Cooling Rate,R, (OC/s)

2,0 0,5 0,1

Liquidus temperature, austenitic primary phase, °C CD 1383 1385 1385

Temperature of formation of eutectic, °C CD 1275-1260 1285-1275 1290-1280
Solidus temperature, °C CD 1260 1275 1280
Solidification range, °C 125 110 105
Solidification time, s 125 290 1140


Interdendritic M23CS - eutectic. The amount of carbide eutectic increased with increasing cooling rate,
(see figures 6-12).

Element Si Mn Cr Ni

I 2,1 1,6 1,2 1,1 R = O,5°C/s

PlO Carbide/-y 1,6 Tn = 1?~n or.
Steel 414 • 127

Partly solidified

Figure 1
R = 0,5°C/s
Tq = 1375°C
d = 60 ILm
y-dendrites and quenched liquid (L).

x 25 400 ILm

Completely solidified

Figure 2
R = 2,0°C/s
Tq = 1230°C
d = 50 ILm
Figures 2-4: y-dendrites and interdendritic car-
bide eutectic, (compare figures 6-10, 12).

x 25 400 ILm

Figure 3
R = 0,5°C/s
Tq = 1230°C
d = 80 ILm

x 25

Figure 4
R = O,l°C/s
Tq = 1230°C
d = 105ILm
Figure 5
R = 0,5°C/s
Tq = 1100°C
(dlloo = 90/-Lm)
y-dendrites and interdendritic carbide eutectic,
(compare figure 11).

400/-Lm x 25

Figure 6
R = 2,0°C/s
Tq = 1230°C
M23C6-Y eutectic
Figures 6-8: Note the influence of cooling rate
on carbide coarseness.

25/-Lm x 600

Figure 7
R = 0,5°C/s
Tq = 1230°C
M23C6-Y eutectic (E)
and residual melt (L).

25/-Lm x 600

Figure 8
R = 0,1°C/s
Tq = 1230°C
M23C6-y eutectic.
Steel 414 • 129

,".ji "

Figure 9
~ = 2,0°C/s .' .-""-\-
q = 1230°C
11,4 vol-o;;° M 23 C6.
x 150 100 JLrn

Figure 10
~ = O,5°C/s
q = 1230°C
8,0 vol-Ol 10 M23 C6.

x 150

Figure 11
~ = 0,5°C/s
q = 1100°C
10,7 vol-o;;° M 23 C6.

x 150

\ .

Figure 12
T - 0 1°C/s
q = 1230°C
7,2 vol-Ol 10 M 23 C6.

x 150 100 JLrn

130 • 51eel415


SIS AISI WerksteH Nr

Alloy 800 1.4876

Composition (wt-%)
C Si Mn P S Cr Ni Mo Cu Co Ti Altot N

0,07 0,62 0,56 0,007 0,003 21,1 30,9 0,06 0,02 0,02 0,40 0,39 0,019

Creq = 0,71

fs 0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0

The ••• Annl,ria T dT
(OC) CD dT
T +1,5


1300 --

~.~---- +0,5


R = 0,5 C/s
0 100 200 300 t(s)

Average Cooling Rate,R, (OC/s)

2,0 0,5 0,1

Liquidus temperature, austenitic primary phase, QC CD 1399 1401 1400

Temperature of formation of titanium compounds, QC CD 1305-1280 1310-1295 1350-1330
Solidus temperature, QC CD 1280 1295 1330
Solidification range, QC 120 105 70
Solidification time, s 125 280 810


Ti (C,N) and sulphides containing titanium, (see figures 6 and 7).

Element Si Mn Cr Ni

R = 0,5 QC/s
2,3 1,7 1,2 1,1 Tq = 1290 .QC
Partly solidified

Figure 1
R 0,5°C/s
Tq 1390°C
d 80 ILm
y-dendrites and quenched liquid (L).

x 25 400 ILm

Completely solidified

Figure 2
R 2,0°C/s
Tq 1280°C
d 50 ILm
Figures 2 - 4: y-dendrites.

x 25

Figure 3
R 0,5°C/s
Tq 1290°C
d 95ILm

x 25

f' .' '. )': \ .1

.*""'( , \
.~.. .,

• ." - 'If
\. \
{ \
_. i \ : \ \. f
l.. \
I, .. ..
.,~ ...;;.~

,. ,.

. 1.,;-'
/... r, \
J I '. J ~
.\. ("~ \
I, \ y
'. <11 /.~.. ,l.,' .. ..; •
., ,~~" '! ~ ~...., ~ .. J
I' , • _ ••• :", f :. Y t'"
Figure 4 • 'j ••• ~ t. ~"
R 0,1°C/s :
:,'~- •
.",,;.. # •.•• " -"
"'" • • •••..
••• _~

Tq 1290°C
d 145ILm

x 25
132 • Steel 415

Figure 5
R = O,5°C/s
Tq = 1200°C
(d12oo = 1051Lm)
y-dendrites (dark).

400 ILm x 25

- '-

I Figure 6

\ R = O,5°C/s
Tq = 1290°C
/ A TiN, TiC and sulphides containing titanium (A).
25ILm x 600

A ~

Figure 7
R = 0,5°C/s
Tq = 1200°C
A TiC and sulphides containing titanium (A).

o - 25ILm x 600

5. High Speed Steels

High speed steels are highly alloyed tool steels which References
exhibit enhanced hardness and wear resistance at high General investigations of the solidification of high speed
temperatures. These steels have a high carbon content steels dealing with development of the structure, constitu-
and varying amounts of chromium, molybdenum, tung- tion and reaction mechanisms have been reported, [87-
sten and vanadium. 95]. Quantitative data on microsegregation may be found
The wide solidification ranges and microsegregation of in references [90, 91, 94, 98]. Factors controlling dendrite
alloying elements in these steels limit their production to arm spacings and carbide sizes are discussed in referen-
small ingots for rolling and forging. Continuous casting is ces [93, 96, 97].
not practised. Considerable use is made of powder metal-
lurgical methods to produce homogeneous, isotropic ma-
Although the solidification of high speed steels has been
studied in great detail for many years, they were included
in the present study for the sake of uniformity and for
comparison with other alloys. The two most common
commercial high speed steels were chosen, with chemical
compositions according to table 5.1:

No. C Si Mn Cr Ni Mo W V%

501 0,9 0,3 0,3 3,9 0,4 4,9 6,1 1,9

502 1,0 0,4 0,4 3,8 0,1 9,2 1,5 2,0

Table 5.1 High speed steels

The pseudobinary equilibrium phase diagram in figure

5.1 illustrates schematically the complicated solidification
sequence, which is roughly the same for both steels. The
following reactions take place in order with falling tempe-

• primary ferrite formation

• peritectic reaction and transformation producing au-
• eutectic reaction producing austenite and carbides

The distinction, used in this work, between peritectic

reaction and transformation is defined in chapter 4.

Temperature :C





o 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6
Weight-% carbon

Figure 5.1 Phase diagram for steel with approx. 4% Cr, 5% Mo,
6% Wand 2% V. (After Horn E. & Brandis H., DEW- Techn. Ber. 11
(1971),147-154) [89]
134 • Steel 501

STEEL 501. 0,9 % C 4 % Cr 5 % Mo 6 % W 2 % V HIGH SPEED STEEL

SIS AISI Werkstoff Nr

2722 M2 1.3343

Composition (wt-%)
C Si Mn p S Cr Ni Mo Cu Co W v
0,88 0,30 0,32 0,030 0,017 3,9 0,36 4,9 0,10 0,30 6,1 1,9 0,022 0,036

Thermal Analysis 0,2 0,4 0.5 0,6 0,7 0,80.9 1,0










R = 0,5°C/s 1100
o 100 200 300 400 1'(5)

Average Cooling Rate,R, rc/s)

2,0 0,5 0,1

Liquidus temperature, ferritic primary phase, °C CD 1414 1423 1427

Temperature of start of austenite formation, °C CD 1341 1342 1350
Temperature of start of MC-austenite eutectic formation, °C CD 1260 1260 1270
Temp. of M2C- and M6C-austenite eutectic formation, °C CD 1228 1232 1255
Solidus temperature, °C CD 1175 1185 1220
Solidification range, °C 240 240 210
Solidification time, s 170 455 2500

MC-M2C- and M6C-austenite eutectic. The amount of carbide eutectic decreased with increasing cooling rate,
(see figures 6-9,11-14).
MC contained approximately 45% V, 17% Wand 11 % Mo, and M2C approximately 37% W, 28% Mo and 12% V. M6C
contained mainly Fe, Wand Mo.
Element Cr Mo W v
R = 0,5°C/s
1,6 1,2 0,8 0,9 Tq = 1155 °C
Steel 501 • 137

Figure 10 Figure 11
R = 0,5°C/s R = 0,5°C/s
Tq = 1335°C Tq = 1245°C
Peritectic reac- MC" eutectic.
tion. WidmanstiHten The MC carbide is
austenite (Yw) the first carbide
precipitated in 0 to precipitate.
during quenching. 0,1 vol-% MC-

x 600 25 p'm

Figure 12
R = 2,0°C/s
Tq = 1155°C
Figures 12-14: Carbide morphologies.

x 600 25 p'm

, MC
. 6

Figure 13
R = 0,5°C/s
Tq = 1155°C

x 600 25 p'm

Figure 14
R = 0,1°C/s
Tq = 1155°C

x 600 25 p'm
138 • Steel 502

STEEL 502. 1,0 % C 4 % Cr 9 % Mo 1,5 % W 2 % V HIGH SPEED STEEL

SIS AISI Werkstoff Nr

2782 M7 1.3348

Composition (wt-%)
C Si Mn P S Cr Ni Mo Cu Co W N

1,0 0,38 0,38 0,010 0,037 3,8 0,14 9,2 0,11 0,05 1,5 2,0 0,010 0,036

Thermal Analysis fs 0.0 0,2 0,4 0,45 0.5 0,6 0.8 1,0
T dT
(OCl dt

1350 +2,5



1200 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0


R = 0,5°C/s 1100
o 100 200 300 400 't" (5)

Average Cooling Rate,R, (OC/s)

2,0 0,5 0,1

Liquidus temperature, ferritic primary phase, °C CD 1401 1400 1400

Temperature of start of austenite formation, °C CD 1305 1315 1322
Temperature of MC- and M2C-austenite eutectic formation, °C CD 1222 1226 1233
Solidus temperature, °C CD 1175 1180 1185
Solidification range, °C 225 220 215
Solidification time, s 170 410 2100

The second peak on the cooling rate curve is split into two peaks, corresponding
to the peritectic reaction, followed by the Iiquid-to-austenite transformation.

MC- and M2C-austenite eutectic, (see figures 7-9,12-14).

M2C contained approximately 57 % Mo, 11 % V and 9 % W. MC was of the VC type.

Element Cr Mo W v
R = 0,5°C/s
1,8 1,1 0,6 0,7 Tq = 1155 °C
Steel 502 • 139

Partly solidified

Figure 1
R = O,5°C/s
Tq = 1310°C
d = 35 fLm
8-dendrites, partly transformed to y, and quen-
ched liquid (L), (compare figures 5 and 6).

x 25 400 fLm

Completely solidified

Figure 2
R = 2,O°C/s
Tq = 1155°C
d = 25 fLm
Figures 2-4: y-dendrites and carbide eutectics,
(compare figure 7).

x 25

Figure 3
R = O,5°C/s
Tq = 1155°C
d = 35 fLm
(Compare figure 8.)

x 25

Figure 4
R = 0,1°C/s
Tq = 1155°C
d = 70 fLm
(Compare figure 9.)

x 25
140 • Steel 502

Figure 5 Figure 6
R = 0,5°C/s R = O,5°C/s
Tq = 1310°C Tq = 1260°C
Peritectic reac- Growth of auste-
tion and trans- nite, 8 ~ y and L ~ y.
formation, Extensive nucleation
(compare figure 10.) of y after the peri-
tectic reaction, (see
cooling curve and
compare steel 501,
figure 6).

lOOl-tm x 150

Figure 7
R = 2,O°C/s
Tq = 1155°C
Figures 7-9: Carbide structure. Note the influ-
ence of cooling rate on carbide coarseness,
(compare figure 12).

x 150

Figure 8
R = O,5°C/s
'~. Tq = 1155°C
9 vol-% carbides (MC and M2C),
(compare figure 13).

x 150

• •
:A.;\ Figure 9

R = O,l°C/s
Tq = 1155°C

J.. , •
.- 'j
". 10 vol-% carbides (MC and M2C),
(compare figure 14).

x 150
Partly solidified

Figure 1
R 0,5°C/s
Tq = 1335°C
d = 35/-Lm
a-dendrites, partly transformed to y, and quen-
ched liquid (L), (compare figures 5 and 6).

x 25 400/-Lm

Completely solidified

Figure 2
R = 2,O°C/s
Tq = 1155°C
d = 30/-Lm
Figures 2-4: y-dendrites and carbide eutectics,
(compare figure 7).

x 25 400/-Lm

Figure 3
R = 0,5°C/s
Tq = 1155°C
d = 40/-Lm
(Compare figure 8.)

x 25 400/-Lm

Figure 4
R = O,1°C/s
Tq = 1155°C
d = 85/-Lm
(Compare figure 9.)

x 25 400/-Lm
136 • Steel 501

Figure 5 Figure 6
R = 0,5°C/s R = 0,5°C/s
Tq = 1335°C Tq = 1245°C
Peritectic reac- Growth of auste-
tion and trans- nite, o~y and
formation, L~y, and MC-y
(compare figure 10). eutectic. 0,1 vol-%
MC carbide,
(compare fig 11).

100/-l-m x 150

Figure 7

. R = 2,0°C/s
Tq = 1155°C
I •

;.. Figures 7-9: Carbide structure. Note the influ-

ence of cooling rate on carbide coarseness,
(compare figure 12).

x 150

Figure 8
R = 0,5°C/s
Tq = 1155°C
9 vol-% carbides, (MC, M2C and M6C),
(compare figure 13).

x 150

Figure 9
R = 0,1°C/s
Tq = 1155°C
12 vol-% carbides, (MC, M2C and M6C),
Melted areas (L) in the centres of the dendrites.
(Compare figure 14).

, x 150
Steel 502 • 141

Figure 10 Figure 11
R = 0,5°C/s R = 0,5°C/s
Tq = 1310°C Tq = 1260°C
y, residual a, and
a-dendrite, surrounded
by y formed by th~
peritectic reaction.
liquid (L).
(No carbides.)
Widmanstatten auste-
nite (Yw) preci-
pitated in a during
cooling and quenching.

x 600 25J.Lm

Figure 12
R = 2,0°C/s
Tq = 1155°C
Figures 12-14: Carbide morphologies.

x 600 25J.Lm

Figure 13
R = 0,5°C/s
Tq = 1155°C

x 600 25J.Lm

Figure 14
R = 0,1°C/s
Tq = 1155°C
Remelted areas (L) in the centres of the dendrites.

x 600 25J.Lm

6. Conclusions and Comments
In the preceeding chapters, detailed results have been
reported for individual steel compositions. The purpose of
this section is to illustrate general relationships for groups
of steels. The fact that many of the important solidification
parameters follow a general pattern justifies interpolation
between the steels the behaviour of which has been de-
scribed. This allows data to be estimated for many types
of steel which have not been included.

Thermal analysis 1400

The results on liquid us, solidus and peritectic temperatu-

res, measured for the three cooling rates, are shown as a
function of the carbon content in figures 6.1 - 6.4 for car-
bon, low alloy and chromium steels. The thermal data for
the stainless and heat resistant alloys are plotted as a
function of alloy content, expressed as equivalents of
chromium and nickel, in figure 6.6. 1300 + 0,1°C/s
• 0,5
Temperature, °C 02,0

1500 -~.~ t Liquidus
0,1 0,3 0,5 0,7 1,0
.~~T;~~~~---- ~,1
Weight-% carbon
,i~ Peritectic .~~.


0,5 & 2,0 Figure 6.2
alloy steels
Liquidus, peritectic and solidus temperatures for low

1400 Temperature,oC
301 302 303 304



1300 .0,1 °C/s

02,0 1400

0,1 0,3 0,5 0.7 1,0
Weight - % carbon
Figure 6.1 Liquidus, peritectic and solidus temperatures for
carbon steels

The general shape of pseudobinary diagrams of the type

Fe-C-M is shown in figures 3.1 and 3.2. It is seen in these
diagrams that the peritectic line of the binary Fe-C-dia-
+ 0,1°C/s
• 0,5
o 2,0
:~+01 • 0,5
gram (figure 2.1) is substituted by a triangular three-phase
area, but this is not equivalent to the area marked "peri- iC 0,1 (peritect.)
tectic" in figures 6.1-6.4, The experimental points here
indicate the maximum temperature of the peritectic reac-
tion. The scatter in the experimental results depended on
-0 2,0
the varying degree of supercooling, as discussed in chap-
ter 1, However, the highest temperatures given probably
represent the start of the peritectic reaction. in large scale 1100
0,1 0,3 0,5 0,7 1,0
ingots, The reason for the spread in solidus values was
Weight- % carbon
partly the experimental problems described in chapter 1,
but also the fact that the commercial steels used contai- Figure 6.3 Liquidus, peritectic and solidus temperatures for 5%
ned different amounts of alloying and impurity elements. chromium steels

Temperature,·C As shown in figures 6.3 and 6.4, steels 303, 304 and 309
305 306 307 308 309 had very low solidus temperatures explained by eutectic
1500 ~+. carbide precipitation, The pseudobinary equilibrium pha-

~.. ~.~.
/ 0+--""'" se diagrams for Fe - 5Cr - C and Fe - 13Cr - C, figures
3.1 and 3.2, indicate a eutectic reaction for carbon con-
tents of 1,2 and 0,8 % respectively. The appearance of
carbide eutectics at much lower carbon concentrations is
a result of microsegregation. In figure 6.4 the solidus lines



.•.•.• N({{Ui!i.
have been interrupted between steels 308 and 309, as it is
certain that eutectic precipitation of carbides will take
place in steels with carbon contents lower than that of
~ steel number 309.
1400 ~ ~;'- The solidification range widened with an increasing rate
of cooling, see figure 6,5. The constitutional influence of
high carbon and chromium contents was very strong,
o ~


+ 0,1 ·C/s
• 0,5
o 2,0
'" 0,1 (Peritect) •

1200 o

Solidification range,
0,1 0,3 0,5 0,7 0,9
Tliq - Tsol
Weight -%carbon
Figure 6.4 Liquidus, peritectic and solidus temperatures for o
13% chromium steels 300

The tendency was for the liquidus and the peritectic tem-
peratures to be independent of cooling rate, whereas the
solidus was markedly lower at a higher cooling rate, The 0,7C13Cr
reason for this is the higher degree of backdiffusion and
homogenization possible at a low cooling rate,
The main difference between the carbon and low alloy ____ e
steels, shown in figures 6,1 and 6,2, was the lowering of
the solidus lines by alloying elements, The liquidus tem- 200 +
peratures were also decreased somewhat. It has not been 1C1,5Cr
possible to calculate the factors for the temperature de-
pression by, for example, nickel and chromium, as the
levels of other elements were not held constant in the 1C
present work. However, at the low contents present, the 150 + • 0

influence of minor changes in composition can be estima-

ted from the binary phase diagrams,
In figure 6.4, the abnormal behaviour shown by steel +
number 305, containing 0,04% C, 13% Cr, 5,5% Ni,
reflects the depression of both liquidus and solidus tem-
peratures by nickel. At the 13% Cr- level the mean effect
was roughly 5 and 10 degrees per weight percent of nickel

.--- • O,1C13Cr

for the liquidus and solidus respectively, In spite of the

very low carbon content, steel number 305 had a peritec- +/
tic reaction. This is an effect of nickel, as steel number 306 +
with a higher carbon content solidified completely to ferri-

0,1 0,5 2.0

Cooling rate, °C/s

Figure 6.5 Solidification ranges for carbon, low alloy and chro-
mium steels as function of cooling rate

Liquidus and solidus temperatures of the stainless and The effect of carbon can be seen in alloy 414, with 25 % Cr,
heat resistant steels are shown in figure 6.6, as a function 21 % Ni, 0,4% C. This had a solidification range of 105-
of alloy content, expressed as equivalents of chromium 125°C, and very low solidus temperatures as a result of
and nickel as follows, [78,83): interdendritic segregation.
Creq = Cr + 1.37Mo + 1.5Si + 2Nb + 3Ti From the thermal analysis data for the stainless and heat
Nieq = Ni + 0.31 Mn + 22C + 14.2N + 1Cu resistant steels, the fraction solidified primarily as o-ferrite
(The elements are expressed in weight percentages.) was evaluated. The results are given in figure 6.7 as a
function of the ratio between the chromium and nickel
equivalents, as defined above. It may be seen that a dras-
tic change in solidification behaviour takes place between
Cr and Ni equivalent ratio values of 1,35 and 1,80; alloys
Temperature, °C with values below this range solidify as 100 % austenite,
above this range as 100% ferrite. Behaviour of this kind
may also be seen in figure 4.1. No substantial influence of
~ ~Jt5cr5NiMO cooling rate on the fraction of o-ferrite formed was obser-

1400 +

0 ---_L&~

&tg ~
The two high speed steels, (numbers 501 and 502), had

o~o·~--o·.__ ===~+~C25c/r21Ni
,...."". + a solidification ranges wider than 200°C, which is in good
agreement with their high concentration of carbon and
alloying elements. The highest cooling rate corresponded
,... v~ ._ 0 +
to the lowest solidus temperature and the widest solidifi-
1300 f1 o---~~~

17/12 MoNb
~.I:l 0
cation range, as for the other alloy systems in this work,
(see figure 6.5).

sol. ~

+ 0,1 ·C/s
• 0,5

1100 L.- -+ -+- ~

~ ~ ~ ~
Alloy content Creq + Nieq weight-%

Fraction solidified
as primary ferrite, 0/0
Figure 6.6 Liquidus and solidus temperatures for stainless and
heat resistant steels 100 ~o





50 •
Again, the highest cooling rate led to the lowest solidus
+ 0,1°C/s
temperature and the widest solidification range. These
ranges were comparatively narrow for this group of steels, • 0,5
o 2,0
in most cases 100°C or less (compare figure 6.5).
Two of the alloys, numbers 401 with 25% Cr, 5% Ni, 1%
Mo, and 406 with 17% Cr, 12% Ni, Mo-Nb, did not follow
the general trend. The ferritic alloy, 401, exhibited the
highest liquidus and solidus temperatures of all the stain- 10
less and heat resistant steels examined; a constitutional
effect in full agreement with the Fe-Cr-Ni equilibrium pha-
se diagram in figure 4.1. This diagram also indicates a 0
narrow solidification range for this composition. Alloy 406 2 3 4
showed very low solidus temperatures and a wide solidifi- Creq
cation range, 120-150°C. The reason was the pro- Nieq
nounced interdendritic segregation of, mainly, niobium
and carbon. Figure 6.7 Fraction solidified as /I-ferrite in stainless steels

Microsegregation I (er)

The microprobe results were derived from samples cooled

at O,5°C/s and quenched from just below the solidus tem-
perature. The dependence on carbon level of the micro-
segregation of manganese and chromium in carbon, low
alloy and chromium steels is shown in figures 6.8 and 6.9.
The high values of the segregation ratio I found at high
carbon levels were caused by slow backdiffusion in au-
stenite, and by a negative interaction known to exist at
least between carbon and chromium, [31, 47]. Primary
formation of austenite was noted at a carbon content
above some 0,4% in carbon and low alloy steels, (chapter ••
2), whereas no chromium steel solidified by formation of
primary austenite, (chapter 3). As shown in figure 6.9, the
chromium steel number 306, with 0,07% C and 13% Cr,
which solidified completely as ferrite, had no measurable
chromium segregation; emphasizing the importance of
diffusion in ferrite during solidification in reducing the
observed segregation. In contrast, steel number 305, with
0,04% C, 13% Cr, 5,5% Ni, solidified partly to austenite
and showed chromium segregation, despite having a low-

er carbon content. Molybdenum, which was present in
appreciable amounts in all the 5% chromium steels, dis-
played the same segregation behaviour as chromium in 1,5
relation to carbon, figure 6.10.

0,1 0,3 0,5 0,7 1,0
Weight- % carbon

Figure 6.9 Microsegregation of chromium in low alloy and

chromium steels

I (Mn)

I (Mo)
2,0 2,0

1,5 1.5

1,0 1,0
0,1 0,3 0,5 0,7 1,0 0,1 0,3 0,5 0,7 1,0
Weight -%carbon Weight -% carbon

Figure 6.10 Microsegregation of molybdenum in 5% chromium

Figure 6.8 Microsegregation of manganese in carbon steels steels

As shown by comparison between figures 6.9 and 6.11, The segregation ratio, I, and partition ratios of chromium
nickel segregated less than chromium in the low alloy and nickel in the stainless and heat resistant steels are
steels, the segregation ratio for the element having an shown in figures 6.12 and 6.13. These ratios were defined
inverse relationship with carbon. in chapter 1 as follows:
cX, ID

I (Ni) cx, D

2.0 Cx,OD
where D and ID represent dendrites and interdendritic
areas; Cx is the mean value of the concentration in these
The chromium-nickel equivalent ratio decreases from left
to right in figures 6.12 and 6.13. The corresponding alloy
compositions are given in table 4.2.
In a steel solidifying completely as ferrite, number 401,
chromium did not segregate at all but nickel did. When
both austenite and ferrite were formed, in steels such as
numbers 402-406, strong nickel segregation was obser-
ved together with slight, hardly measurable segregation of
chromium. In the fully austenitic mode of solidification,
numbers 409-415, chromium and nickel both segregated
moderately. Steels 407 and 408, which formed the smal-
lest amount of primary ferrite, were similar to the fully
austenitic steels in regard to microsegregation of chromi-
um and nickel.
0,1 0,3 0,5 0,7 1.0
Weight-% carbon The interpretation of these results is that, in the austenitic
mode of solidification, both chromium and nickel segre-
gate to the interdendritic liquid, whereas only nickel se-
Figure 6.11 Microsegregation of nickel in low alloy steels
gregates in the ferritic mode. The high I (Ni)-values in the
ferritic-austenitic steels are remarkable.

I (C'r)



Steel 401

I (Nj)




Steel 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415

Creq 4,01 1,82 1,74 1,68 1,61 1,58 1,43 1,42 1,32 1,21 1,15 1,03 0,94 0,89 0,71

Figure 6.12 Microsegregation of chromium and nickel in stain-

less and heat resistant steels

The segregation of silicon, manganese and molybdenum

in stainless and heat resistant steels is shown in figures
Cr 6.14 a and b. The interdendritic areas were enriched by all
these elements and the interdendritic segregation of both
1,2 - r-

-. manganese and silicon was higher in the fully austenitic,
as compared to the ferritic-austenitic solidification mode.

ill On changing from a fully ferritic solidification path, as in
steel 401 , to one producing a fully austenitic structure, the
intensity of molybdenum (and manganese) segregation
Steel 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 410
Creq increased markedly.
1,821,74 1,68 1,61 1,58 1,43 1,42 1,21 Titanium in steel number 405 was found both in the inter-
dendritic austenite and in the carbides. Niobium in steel
406 segregated to the interdendritic ferrite and was also
Ni - present as carbides. In steel 413, the interdendritic areas
were enriched with copper.
In high speed steels, the segregation measurements on
~ the alloying elements showed that these were present
1,0 mainly as constituents of carbide phases. It should be
noted that the amount of eutectic carbides decreased with
~ increasing cooling rate. The reverse behaviour was found
for the austenitic steel number 414, with 0,4 % C, 25 % Cr,
0,8 ;;;; ~. 21 % Ni and steel number 309, with 0,7% C, 13% Cr. The
~ L- eutectic carbide content of these steels rose as the
cooling rate was increased. The observed phenomena are
0,6 ~ in full agreement with earlier reports, [62, 63, 94]. Finally,
when following the details of the solidification of the two
Steel 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 410
high speed steels, it will be seen that they differed in
regard to the types of carbides precipitated.

Figure 6.13 Partition ratios for chromium and nickel in stainless

and heat resistant steels.

Strictly, the segregation ratio I should only be determined

in a truly single phase structure, which was not the case
for most of the stainless steels studied. The partition ratio
Po, between ferrite and austenite due to the peritectic
reaction and the solid phase transformation of the dendri- I (Si)
tes, is shown in figure 6.13 for steels 402-406, which 2,5
formed the most ferrite on solidification. From number 406
onwards the primary ferrite was gradually substituted by
austenite as the primary phase, until from number 409
onwards austenite was the only primary phase, see figure
6.7. However, as chromium and other ferrite-forming ele-
ments such as molybdenum, niobium and silicon segrega-
te from the growing austenitic phase, ferrite can form 2.0 I--
interdendritically. When the fraction of austenite-forming
elements in the steel increases, the amount of interdendri-
tic ferrite decreases. The content of interdendritic ferrite,
first seen in significant amounts in steel number 406, thus
passed through a maximum on going from a ferritic to an
austenitic solidification path. The partition ratio PlO, be-
tween the interdendritic ferrite and austenite, is shown for 1,5 - -
steels 406-410. The P-values show the enrichment of
chromium in ferrite and that of nickel in austenite.

402 403 405 406 411 412 413414 415 Steel

1,82 1,74 1,61 1,58 1,15 1,03 ,94 ,89 ,71 Creq

I (Mn)

1,5 - I-- - - f---- f---- -

1,0 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413
414 415
I (Mo)

2,0 I-- I--

401 402 403 404 405 406
- 408- 409-
407 410 411 412 413 414 415
4,01 1,82 1,74 1,68 1,61 1,58 1,43 1,42 1,32 1,21 1,15 1,03 0,94 0,89 0,71

Figure 6.14 b Segregation of manganese and molybdenum in stainless and heat resistant

Ferrite in stainless steels

There was some scatter in the ferrite measurements and
As discussed in the preceeding paragraph, the I)-ferrite in the data fell into two groups with no steels in the region
the solidification structure of stainless steels may be of between the two populations. However, the measure-
either or both dendritic or interdendritic forms. The den- ments can be interpreted in terms of the solidification
dritic ferrite formed as a primary phase is not enriched in behaviour. Figure 6.15 shows that the ferrite content at
solute elements, unlike the interdendritic I)-ferrite, which the solidus was not influenced by cooling rate, but was
forms as a result of segregation. The latter type was usual- governed by the composition. It was shown previously, in
ly seen to be larger in size than the residual, dendritic figure 6.7, that no primary ferrite is formed when the er-Ni
I)-ferrite. As a consequence of this difference in size and equivalent ratio is less than 1,35. The two populations
degree of segregation, the non-equilibrium dendritic ferri- shown in figures 6.15 and 6.16 therefore represent steels
te will in most cases disappear more quickly than the forming predominantly interdendritic and dendritic ferrite
interdendritic form during homogenizing heat treatments. respectively. For a given homogenization time the steels
Ferrite contents were obtained by both magnetic measure- with mainly dendritic ferrite, which solidify with a higher
mpntc. ~nrf ("'\nti,...~1 ""'" ....• +: .....-
..-: •..•....•. "T"l-_ -----.--

Ferrite.% These findings can be used to explain the observation that

20 + the surface regions of stainless steel ingots, or continu-
ously cast billets and slabs, have a lower ferrite content
than the central regions. As described above, there is no
+ O.l°C/s effect of cooling rate on ferrite content at the solidus.
• 0.5 However, the faster cooling rate at the surface, compared
02.0 to the centre, produces a finer dendrite arm spacing. The
resultant fine structure is more rapidly homogenized on
cooling below the solidus.

Primary Y I Primary 8 Ferrite .%

10 I
8 I •
.0.5'C/s ,solidus

: JY
2 0+_'1'


x 0.5 °C/s . 1200'C

Primary P

Primary 15

1.0 1.5 2.0

Figure 6.15 ('l-ferrite in stainless steels at the solidus. I
6 I •
tic to dendritic forms of ferrite which explains the higher
ferrite contents shown in figures 6.15 and 6.16 for steels of
~'. I
2 Creq
er-Ni equivalent ratio of about 1,4, compared to those at • • 1200"C
about 1,6. This is further supported by the amount of •x x-x x

interdendritic ferrite probably reaching a maximum at 1.0 1.5 2.0

equivalent ratios of about 1,4.
Figure 6.16 ('l-ferrite in stainless steels at the solidus and
Secondary dendrite
arm spacing. pm
400 0
1 0 Carbon steels
2 x Low alloy steels
300 0 3 c. 5% Cr-steels
o 4 • Stainless & heat resistant steels No.406-415
250 @ 5 C!l High speed steels
o Mean value
200 8

150 x.



e -- i





0.1 0.5 2.0

Secondary dendrite arm spacings spacings decreased when the carbon content increased,
A summary of the results is presented in figures 6.17 and and there was also a tendency in this direction for other
groups of steels. This would partly account for the large
6.18. In figure 6.17 the effect of cooling rate and alloy
spread between individual points in figure 6.17.
content can be seen. It is accepted that the arm spacing
decreases when the alloy content increases, although a
linear relationship has not been detected. The results for The well known coarsening process which occurs during
13% Cr-steels and the stainless steels numbers 401-405 solidification may be seen by comparing values at 0,5°C/s
are not presented in figure 6.17 because of the difficulties obtained in samples partly and completely solidified, figu-
in measuring arm spacings accurately. The dendrites we- re 6.18. The final arm spacings of the dendrites are deter-
re poorly defined because of the high degree of homoge- mined by the local solidification time, which here is
nization occurring in these steels during solidification. roughly the reciprocal of the cooling rate. The results are
accordingly in agreement with previously reported data,
For the 13% Cr-steels it was seen that the dendrite arm see for example figure 1.2.

Mean secondary dendrite

arm spacing. IIm

• •


sol idified.

solidified, 0,5"(;/s


• •
0 0
0 0

Carbon Low 5%Cr 13%Cr Stainless Stainless High
alloy speed

steel no 201-207 208-216 301-304 305-309 401-405 406 -415 501-502

Figure 6.18 Dendrite arm coarsening during solidification


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nehmendem Kohlenstoffgehalt. DEW- Techn. Ber. 11
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95. Kulmburg A. & Wilmes S. & Korntheuer F., Zeit-Tem-
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tions in high-speed steel ingots. Scand. J. Metallurgy,
2 (1973), 233-241

8. Alloy Index

Table 8.1 Index to the steels.

Number Page

201 ........... . . .. . 18
202 20
203 22
204 ................... ~
205 ... 26
206 . 28
207 .. 32
208 . . . 34
209 ........ .. 36
210 ......... ... . 39
211 .. 41
212 ................ . .... 43
213 ... .. 45
214 ....... 47
215 .... 49
216 52

301 ............ .... . .. 56

302 ............. . ..... 58
303 ........ 60
304 ....... 63
305 ........... . ~
306 ....... . 69
307 72
308 75
309 78

401 . 82
402 85
403 88
404 ... 91
405 94
406 ...................... 98
407 .. ........ . .102
408 . .. . 106
409 ............... .. 110
410 .113
411 ................... 117
412 ..................................................... 120
413 .123
414 ...... ........ .126
415 ..... ......... ...... .130

501 ..... ..134

502 .. .. . .. .. .. . . .. 138

Table 8.2 a: Carbon and Low Alloy Steels, composition (wt-%).

Steel C Si Mn P S Cr Ni Mo Cu Altot N Others


201 0,11 0,12 1,25 0,040 0,018 0,06 0,03 0,07 0,07 0,038 0,012
202 0,12 0,27 1,53 0,010 0,005 0,02 0,03 ~0,03 0,05 0,029 0,011 0,03Ce
203 0,18 0,44 1,26 0,016 0,025 0,01 0,02 0,06 0,02 0,004 0,007 0,03Nb
204 0,19 0,40 1,42 0,012 0,007 0,07 0,13 0,02 0,08 0,006 0,005
205 0,36 0,27 0,58 0,015 0,012 0,08 0,05 0,02 0,12 0,004 0,007
206 0,69 0,23 0,72 0,022 0,024 0,02 0,02 0,01 0,03 0,006 0,002
207 1,01 0,25 0,46 0,012 0,009 0,02 0,03 0,02 0,03 ~0,004 0,002

Low Alloy:
208 0,10 0,28 0,57 0,008 0,009 1,14 3,3 0,14 0,11 0,013 0,009 0,02 V
209 0,20 0,25 0,90 0,014 0,039 0,81 1,05 0,06 0,07 0,036 0,009 0,02 V
210 0,27 0,02 0,32 0,006 0,008 1,66 3,5 0,42 0,04 0,044 0,007 0,08 V
211 0,29 0,21 0,62 0,012 0,006 1,11 0,15 0,21 0,04 0,011 0,004 0,04 V
212 0,29 0,22 0,52 0,009 0,010 1,02 3,2 0,25 0,05 0,010 0,005 0,03 V
213 0,35 0,24 0,67 0,010 0,020 0,92 0,05 0,19 0,07 ~0,004 0,008 0,02 V
214 0,52 0,22 0,85 0,010 0,006 1,07 0,07 0,07 0,04 ~0,004 0,008 0,14 V
215 0,55 0,27 0,50 0,019 0,012 0,99 3,0 0,31 0,06 0,011 0,008 0,08 V
216 1,01 0,23 0,33 0,021 0,026 1,55 0,02 0,01 0,04 0,011 0,003 0,04 V

Table 8.2 b: Chromium Steels, composition (wt-%).

Steel C Si Mn P S Cr Ni Mo Cu W V Altot N

301 0,13 0,36 0,37 0,003 0,007 5,0 0,01 0,58 0,02 0,01 0,01 0,009 0,006
302 0,35 1,03 0,46 0,020 0,007 5,2 0,23 1,34 0,11 0,09 1,0 0,013 0,026
303 0,50 1,00 0,48 0,025 0,010 5,1 0,18 1,36 0,10 0,02 1,20 0,013 0,036
304 0,96 0,29 0,67 0,020 0,015 5,2 0,13 1,19 0,09 0,05 0,21 0,014 0,024

305 0,04 0,54 0,61 0,010 0,009 13,4 5,5 0,07 0,07 0,01 0,01 0,019 0,032
306 0,07 0,54 0,48 0,020 0,006 12,9 0,17 0,02 0,10 0,01 ~0,01 0,026 0,039
307 0,14 0,19 0,68 0,009 0,014 12,0 1,20 0,01 0,03 0,01 0,02 0,001 0,040
308 0,32 0,15 0,30 0,009 0,008 13,9 0,16 0,01 0,01 0,22 0,03 0,003 0,013
309 0,69 0,43 0,64 0,014 0,005 13,1 0,20 0,07 0,02 0,22 0,03 0,002 0,025

Table 8.2 c: Stainless and Heat Resistant Steels, composition (wt-%) and Cr-Ni equivalent ratios.'

Steel C Si Mn P S Cr Ni Mo Cu Co Altot N Others
Number Nleq

401 0,042 0,86 0,76 0,031 0,010 25,1 4,7 1,22 0,08 0,08 ~0,002 0,077 4,01
402 0,012 0,31 1,76 0,008 0,008 19,8 9,9 0,10 0,04 0,02 0,004 0,031 1,82
403 0,019 0,31 0,94 0,009 0,010 19,5 10,2 0,11 0,03 0,05 0,002 0,044 1,74
404 0,036 0,44 1,25 0,025 0,010 18,4 9,1 0,38 0,20 0,25 0,002 0,081 1,68
405 0,068 0,59 1,44 0,028 0,001 17,2 10,3 0,47 0,24 0,27 0,048 0,005 0,51Ti 1,61

406 0,052 0,44 1,71 0,013 0,007 17,2 12,6 2,80 0,03 0,03 0,004 0,010 0,54Nb 1,58
407 0,023 0,53 1,58 0,020 0,006 17,2 13,5 2,63 0,19 0,07 0,004 0,031 1,43
408 0,048 0,63 1,65 0,018 0,007 17,7 13,4 2,68 0,15 0,07 0,004 0,045 1,42
409 0,024 0,58 1,79 0,009 0,011 17,4 12,8 2,77 0,03 0,03 0,002 0,20 1,32

410 0,008 0,24 1,77 0,009 0,008 25,1 22,2 2,3 0,02 0,02 0,002 0,067 0,08Ti 1,21
411 0,055 1,20 1,75 0,011 0,008 24,2 20,4 0,08 0,02 0,03 0,015 0,051 0,09Ti 1,15
412 0,13 0,52 1,67 0,009 0,003 24,3 20,5 0,11 0,03 0,04 0,023 0,053 0,08Ti 1,03
413 0,013 0,48 1,74 0,007 0,003 19,2 25,1 4,44 1,51 0,02 0,034 0,035 O,07Ti 0,07Ce 0,94
414 0,41 1,00 1,34 0,007 0,010 25,2 20,6 0,08 0,02 0,06 0,016 0,022 0,10Ti 0,89
415 0,07 0,62 0,56 0,007 0,003 21,1 30,9 0,06 0,02 0,02 0,39 0,019 0,40Ti 0,71

• Equivalents according to [78, 83J see chapter 6.

Table 8.2 d: High Speed Steels, composition (wt-%).

Steel C Si Mn P S Cr Ni Mo Cu Co W V Altot N

501 0,88 0,30 0,32 0,030 0,017 3,9 0,36 4,9 0,10 0,30 6,1 1,9 0,022 0,036
n n~"'7 'l Q n 14 q? 011 0.05 1,5 2,0 0,010 0,036

Table 8.3 a: Carbon and Low Alloy Steels, liquidus and solidus temperatures and temperatures of formation of austenite and precipitates.

Temperatures, cC, of
Steel Rate Primary Formation of Formation of
Number Type Analyses °C/s Phase Liquidus Austenite Precipitates Solidus

201 0,1 % C 2,0 1513 1476 1445
0,5 1513 1476 1450
0,1 1515 1475 1455
202 0,12% C 2,0 1514 1471 1440
0,5 1515 1475 1440
0,1 1514 1477 1460
203 0,18% C 2,0 1507 1467 1415
0,5 1506 1470 1430
0,1 1507 1473 1460
204 0,2%C 2,0 1503 1480 1425
0,5 1503 1477 1440
0,1 1506 1480 1460
205 0,4% C 2,0 1496 1479 1415
0,5 /) 1498 1480 1425
0,1 1501 1483 1440
206 0,7% C 2,0 1471 1370-1335 Fe3P-Fe3C- 1335
0,5 y 1466 1370-1355-austenite 1355
0,1 1474 1420-1370 eutectic 1370
207 1,0% C 2,0 1457 1310
0,5 y 1457 1320
0,1 1459 1340

Low Alloy:
208 0,1 %C Cr Ni 2,0 1501 1485 1450
0,5 1501 1485 1450
0,1 1502 1487 1465
209 0,2%C Cr Ni 2,0 1502 1474 1460-1420 1420
0,5 1502 1474 1460-1425 MnS 1425
0,1 1503 1465 -1445 1445
210 0,3%C Cr Ni Mo 2,0 1487 1471 1395
0,5 1493 1490 1430
0,1 1492 1490 1445

211 0,3% C Cr Mo 2,0 1501 1460 1420

0,5 /) 1501 1471 1435
0,1 1503 1475 1450
212 0,3%C Cr Ni Mo 2,0 y 1486 1415
0,5 /) 1487 1478 1425
0,1 b 1486 1477 1435
213 0,35% C Cr Mo 2,0 1494 1479 1405
0,5 /) 1493 1474 1415
0,1 1495 1480 1425
214 0,5% C Cr 2,0 1482 1380
0,5 y 1482 1385
0,1 1483 1400
215 0,55% C Cr Ni Mo 2,0 1471 1365-1335 carbide- 1335
0,5 y 1471 -1370 -austenite 1370
0,1 1472 -1375 eutectic 1375
216 1,0%C Cr 2,0 1450 1320-1270 Fe3P-carbide- 1270
0,5 y 1450 1340-1300 -austenite 1300
0,1 1451 -1300 eutectic 1300

Table 8.3 b: Chromium Steels, liquidus and solidus temperatures and temperatures of formation of austenite and precipitates.

Temperatures, QC,of
Steel Rate Primary Formation of Formation of
Number Type Analyses °C/s Phase Liquidus Austenite Precipitates Solidus

301 0,1 %C 5% Cr 2,0 1508 1443 1405

0,5 1501 1426 1415
0,1 1506 1444 1440
302 0,35% C Mo V 5% Cr 2,0 1471 1370 1335
0,5 1464 1387 1360
0,1 1470 1412 1380
303 O,5%C Mo V 5% Cr 2,0 1460 1410 1320-1240 MC- 1140
0,5 1460 1410 1345-1300-austenite 1240
0,1 1460 1412 -1320 eutecti c 1260
304 1,0%C Mo 5% Cr 2,0 1435 1150-1130 M7C3- 1130
0,5 y 1434 -1200-austenite 1200
0,1 1438 -1215 eutectic 1215

305 0,04% C 5% Ni 13% Cr 2,0 1470 1410 1355

0,5 1476 1419 1395
0,1 1476 1425 1420
306 0,07% C 13% Cr 2,0 1497 1435
0,5 1500 1440
0,1 1500 1455
2,0 solid phase 1325-1270
0,5 6~y 1330-1290

307 0,1 %C Ni 12% Cr 2,0 1490 1416 1390

0,5 1495 1425 1400
0,1 1494 1401 1400
308 0,3%C 14% Cr 2,0 1480 1400 1370
0,5 1483 1407 1375
0,1 1482 1401 1390
309 0,7% C 13% Cr 2,0 1442 1414 1240-1195 M7C3- 1195
0,5 1448 1422 1250-1240-austenite 1240
0,1 1444 1415 1260-1245 eutectic 1245

Table 8.3 d: High Speed Steels, liquidus and solidus temperatures and temperatures of formation of austenite and precipitates.

Temperatures, QC,of

Average Start of For- Formation

Cooling Start of mation of of Carbide
Steel Rate, Primary Formation MC-Austenite -Austenite
Number Type Analyses °C/s Phase Liquidus of Austenite Eutectic Eutectic Solidus

501 0,9%C 4% Cr 5%Mo 2,0 1414 1341 1260 1228 1175

6%W 2%V 0,5 1423 1342 1260 1232 M2C + MsC 1185
0,1 1427 1350 1270 1255 1220

502 1,0% C 4%Cr 9%Mo 2,0 1401 1305 1222 1175

1,5%W 2%V 0,5 1400 1315 1226 MC+M2C 1180
0,1 1400 1322 1233 1185

Table 8.3 c: Stainless and Heat Resistant Steels, liquidus and solidus temperatures and temperatures of formation of austenite and

Temperatures, °C, of
Steel Rate Primary Formation of Formation of
Number Type Analyses °C/s Phase Liquidus Austenite Precipitates Solidus

401 0,04% C 25% Cr 5% Ni Mo 2,0 1465 1390

0,5 1471 1410
0,1 1469 1420
402 0,01 % C 20% Cr 10% Ni 2,0 1447 1366 1325
0,5 1454 1391 1360
0,1 1449 1405 1390
403 0,02% C 19%Cr 10%Ni 2,0 1447 1404 1365
0,5 1455 1415 1390
0,1 1453 1418 1405
404 0,04% C 18%Cr 9% Ni 2,0 1452 1423 1365
0,5 1451 1409 1385
0,1 1452 1424 1405
405 0,07% C 17 % Cr 10% Ni Ti 2,0 1436 1397 1335
0,5 1440 1406 1370
0,1 1440 1412 1390

406 0,05% C 17% Cr 12% Ni 2,8% Mo Nb 2,0 1420 1410' 1330-1275 NbC- 1275
0,5 o+y 1423 1418' 1330-1290-austenite 1290
0,1 1424 1417* 1330-1305 eutectic 1305
407 0,02% C 17% Cr 13% Ni 2,5% Mo 2,0 1423 1418' 1345
0,5 o+y 1427 1421' 1375
0,1 1428 1425' 1380
408 0,05% C 18% Cr 13% Ni 2,5% Mo 2,0 1419 1414' 1330
0,5 o+y 1423 1422' 1360
0,1 1421 1415' 1370
409 0,02% C 17 %Cr 13% Ni 2,0 1411 1310
2,5% Mo 0,2% N 0,5 Y 1421 1350
0,1 1422 1370

410 0,01 % C 25% Cr 22% Ni 2% Mo 2,0 1401 1335

0,5 y 1402 1345
0,1 1401 1355
411 0,07% C 24% Cr 20% Ni 2,0 1399 1315
0,5 y 1401 1330
0,1 1399 1350
412 O,1%C 24% Cr 20% Ni 2,0 1405 1325
0,5 Y 1407 1335
0,1 1405 1355

413 0,01 % C 19% Cr 25% Ni 4% Mo 2,0 1389 1305

1,5%Cu 0,5 Y 1391 1315
0,1 1391 1345

414 0,4% C 25% Cr 20% Ni 2,0 1383 1275-1260 M23C6- 1260

0,5 y 1385 1285-1275-austenite 1275
0,1 1385 1290-1280 eutectic 1280

415 0,07% C 21 % Cr 31 % Ni 2,0 1399 1305-1280 formation 1280

0,5 Y 1401 1310-1295 of titanium 1295
0,1 1400 1350-1330 compounds 1330

, The temperatures refer to the maximum rate of formation of austenite.


Table 8.4 a: Carbon and Low Alloy Steels, secondary dendrite arm spacings (f.lm).

Partly Solidified Completely Solidified

Average Cooling Average Cooling
Rate, QC/s Rate, QC/s
Number Type Analyses 0,5 2,0 0,5 0,1

201 0,1 %C 65 80 130 300
202 0,12% C 70 85 200 390
203 0,18% C 65 80 190 250
204 0,2 %C 85 75 120 230
205 0,4 % C 50 85 90 280
206 0,7 %C 70 75 130 160
207 1,0 %C 50 70 80 210

Low Alloy:
208 0,1 %C Cr Ni 70 75 110 250
209 0,2 %C Cr Ni 60 85 110 180
210 0,3 %C Cr Ni Mo 60 70 90 160
211 0,3 %C Cr Mo 60 70 90 150
212 0,3 %C Cr Ni Mo 70 75 110 180
213 0,35% C Cr Mo 65 80 100 190
214 0,5 % C Cr 55 75 90 140
215 0,55% C Cr Ni Mo 65 70 90 130
216 1,0 %C Cr 60 75 90 140

Table 8.4 b: Chromium Steels, secondary dendrite arm spacings (f.lm).

Partly Solidified Completely Solidified

Average Cooling Average Cooling
Rate, QC/s Rate, QC/s
Number Type Analyses 0,5 2,0 0,5 0,1

301 0,1 %C 5 % Cr 65 85 160 275

302 0,35% C Mo V 5 %Cr 55 70 80 120
303 0,5 %C Mo V 5 % Cr 55 60 80 110
304 1,0 % C Mo 5 % Cr 55 65 80 110

305 0,04% C 5% Ni 13% Cr 75 140 240 520

306 0,07% C 13%Cr 90 205 260
307 0,1 %C Ni 12 % Cr 75 150 180 470
308 0,3 % C 14% Cr 75 75 100 210
309 0,7 % C 13% Cr 50 65 80 130

Table 8.4 c: Stainless and Heat Resistant Steels, secondary dendrite arm spacings (f.lm).

Partly Solidified Completely Solidified

Average Cooling Average Cooling
Rate, QC/s Rate, QC/s
Number Type Analyses 0,5 2,0 0,5 0,1

401 0,04% C 25% Cr 5 %Ni Mo 70 115 280 550

402 0,01 % C 20% Cr 10% Ni 60 150 270 450
403 0,02% C 19% Cr 10% Ni 65 130 160 500
404 0,04% C 18% Cr 9 %Ni 40 125 190 340
405 0,07% C 17% Cr 10% Ni Ti 50 85 110 200

406 0,05% C 17% Cr 12% Ni 2,8% Mo Nb 45 65 80 135

407 0,02% C 17%Cr 13% Ni 2,5% Mo 55 40 90 100
408 0,05% C 18% Cr 13% Ni 2,5% Mo 50 55 85 140
409 0,02% C 17% Cr 13% Ni 2,5% Mo 0,2% N 40 45 70 105
410 0,01 % C 25% Cr 22% Ni 2% Mo 60 60 80 160
411 0,07% C 24% Cr 20% Ni 65 55 85 125
412 0,1 %C 24% Cr 20% Ni 60 65 90 125
413 0,01 % C 19%Cr 25% Ni 4%Mo 1,5% Cu 70 55 80 120

414 0,4 %C 25% Cr 20% Ni 60 50 80 105

<;n Q<; 14<;

Table 8.4 d: High Speed Steels, secondary dendrite arm spacings (J.'m).

Partly Solidified Completely Solidified

Average Cooling Average Cooling
Rate,oC/s Rate,oC/s
Number Type Analyses 0,5 2,0 0,5 0,1

501 0,9%C 4%Cr 5%Mo 6%W 2%V 35 30 40 85

502 1,0%C 4%Cr 9%Mo 1,5%W 2%V 35 25 35 70

Table 8.5 a: Carbon Steels, microsegregation in completely

solidified samples, (average cooling rate 0,5°C/s).

Steel Type Ele-

Number Analyses ment

201 0,1%C Mn 1,3

202 0,12%C Mn 1,4
203 0,18% C Mn 1,4
204 0,2%C Mn 1,6
205 0,4% C Mn 1,6
206 0,7%C Mn 1,7
207 1,0% C Mn 2,1

Table 8.5 b: Low Alloy Steels, microsegregation in completely Table 8.5 c: Chromium Steels, microsegregation in completely
solidified samples, (average cooling rate 0,5°C/s). solidified samples, (average cooling rate 0,5°C/s).

Steel Type Ele- Steel Type Ele-

Number Analyses ment Number Analyses ment

208 0,1 % C Cr Ni Cr 1,3 301 0,1 % C 5 % Cr Cr 1,1

Ni 1,4 Mo 1,4
Mo 2,5
302 0,35%C Mo V 5%Cr Cr 1,2
209 0,2%C Cr Ni Cr 1,5 Ni 1,0
Ni 1,4 Mo 1,5
210 0,3%C Cr Ni Mo Cr 1,6 V 1,7
Ni 1,3 303 0,5% C Mo V 5% Cr Cr 1,3
Mo 2,2 Mo 1,5
V 2,0 V 1,3
211 0,3%C Cr Mo Cr 1,6 304 1% C Mo 5 % Cr Cr 1,4
Mo 2,0 Mo 1,9
212 0,3%C Cr Ni Mo Cr 1,7 V 1,7
Ni 1,4
Mo 2,2 305 0,04% C 5% Ni 13% Cr Cr 1,1
213 0,35% C Cr Mo Cr 1,5 Ni 1,2
Mo 2,4 306 0,07% C 13% Cr Cr 1,0
214 0,5% C Cr Cr 2,1 Ni 1,0
V 1,9 307 0,1 % C Ni 12% Cr Cr 1,1
215 0,55% C Cr Ni Mo Cr 2,1 Ni 1,3
Ni 1,2 308 0,3%C 14% Cr Cr 1,2
Mo 2,5 Ni 1,0
V 2,0 309 0,7% C 13% Cr Cr 1,2
216 1,0% C Cr Cr 2,6 Ni 1,0

Table 8.5 e: High Speed Steels, microsegregation in completely solidified samples, (average cooling rate 0,5°C/s).

Steel Ele-
Number Type Analyses ment

501 0,9%C 4%Cr 5%Mo 6%W 2%V Cr 1,6

Mo 1,2
W 0,8
V 0,9

502 1,0% C 4% Cr 9% Mo 1,5% W 2% V Cr 1,8

Mo 1,1
W 0,6

Table 8.5 d: Stainless and Heat Resistant Steels, microsegregation in completely solidified samples, (average cooling rate 0,5°C/s).

Steel Ele-
Number Type Analyses ment

401 0,04% C 25% Cr 5% Ni Mo Mn 1,3

Cr 1,0
Ni 1,2
Mo 1,3
402 0,01 % C 20% Cr 10% Ni Si 1,7
Mn 1,4
Cr 1,0 1,2
Ni 1,5 0,7
403 0,02%C 19%Cr 10%Ni Si 1,6
Mn 1,5
Cr 1,1 1,2
Ni 1,5 0,7
404 0,04% C 18% Cr 9% Ni Mn 1,2
Cr 1,1 1,2
Ni 1,3 0,7
405 O,07%C 17%Cr 10%Ni Ti Si 1,6
Mn 1,6
Cr 1,1 1,2
Ni 1,5 0,7

406 0,05%C 17%Cr 12%Ni 2,8%Mo Nb Si 1,7

Mn 1,5
Cr 1,1 1,3 1,1
Ni 1,4 0,6 0,8
407 O,02%C 17%Cr 13%Ni 2,5%Mo Mn 1,5
Cr 1,2 1,2
Ni 1,2 0,8
Mo 2,2
408 0,05% C 18% Cr 13% Ni 2,5% Mo Mn 1,6
Cr 1,2 1,2
Ni 1,2 0,7
Mo 2,1
409 O,02%C 17%Cr 13%Ni 2,5%Mo O,2%N Mn 1,6
Cr 1,2
Ni 1,1
Mo 2,1

410 0,01%C 25%Cr 22%Ni 2%Mo Mn 1,6

Cr 1,2 1,2
Ni 1,1 0,8
Mo 2,3
411 0,07% C 24% Cr 20% Ni Si 2,4
Mn 1,9
Cr 1,2
Ni 1,2
412 0,1 % C 24% Cr 20% Ni Si 2,5
Mn 1,9
Cr 1,2
Ni 1,2
413 0,01 % C 19% Cr 25% Ni 4% Mo 1,5% Cu Si 1,8
Mn 1,7
Cr 1,2
Ni 1,1
Mo 2,0

414 0,4% C 25% Cr 20% Ni Si 2,1

Mn 1,6
Cr 1,2
Ni 1,1
415 O,07%C 21%Cr 31%Ni Si 2,3
Mn 1,7
Cr 1,2
Ni 1,1

Table 8.6: Stainless and Heat Resistant Steels, formation of primary <'i-ferrite and ferrite content in completely solidified samples at the
solidus temperature and at 1200°C.

Ferrite in
Average Solidified Completely
Steel Cooling as Primary Solidified
Number Type Analyses Rate,OC/s <'i,% Sample, %

401 0,04% C 25% Cr 5%Ni Mo 2,0 100

0,5 100
0,1 100
402 0,01 % C 20% Cr 10% Ni 2,0 92 13
0,5 91 19
0,1 97 20
0,5 (1200°C) 9
403 0,02% C 19% Cr 10% Ni 2,0 91 11
0,5 92 13
0,1 98 9
0,5 (1200°C) 5,8
404 0,04% C 18% Cr 9%Ni 2,0 84 2,3
0,5 82 4,7
0,1 86 10
0,5 (1200°C) 2,0
405 0,07% C 17% Cr 10% Ni Ti 2,0 82 6
0,5 82 8
0,1 82 4,8
0,5 (1200°C) 4,1
406 0,05% C 17% Cr 12% Ni 2,8% Mo Nb 2,0 < 60 4,0
0,5 < 45 4,0
0,1 < 42 3,9
0,5 (1200°C) 2,9
407 0,02% C 17% Cr 13% Ni 2,5% Mo 2,0 < 46 5,5
0,5 < 50 5,6
0,1 < 34 4,4
0,5 (1200°C) 3,5
408 0,05% C 18% Cr 13% Ni 2,5% Mo 2,0 < 36 4,0
0,5 < 35 5,0
0,1 < 34 5,5
0,5 (1200°C) 0,1
409 0,02% C 17% Cr 13% Ni 2,5% Mo 0,2% N 2,0 0 0,8
0,5 0 0,8
0,1 0 0,8
0,5 (1200°C) 0,1
410 0,01 % C 25% Cr 22% Ni 2%Mo 2,0 0 1,0
0,5 0 1,0
0,1 0 1,0
0,5 (1200°C) 0,7
412 O,1%C 24% Cr 20% Ni 2,0 0 0,5
0,5 0 0,5
0,1 0 0,5
0,5 (1200°C) 0,4

Table 8.7: Chromium, Heat Resistant and High Speed Steels, carbide content in completely solidified samples (vol-%).

Average Cooling Rate, °C/s

Steel Type of
Number Type Analyses Carbide 2,0 0,5 0,1

Chromium Steel
309 O,7%C 13%Cr 4,5 3,5 2,4

Heat Resistant Steel

414 O,4%C 25%C 20%Ni 11,4 8,0 (1230°C) 7,2
10,7 (1100°C)

High Speed Steels

501 O,9%C 4%Cr 5%Mo 6%W 2%V MC+M2C+MsC 9 12
502 1,0% C 4% Cr 9% Mo 1,5% W 2% V MC + M2C 9 10

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