Resume Dr. Carla Moran, MRCPI, FRCPI, PHD (Irlandia)

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Carla Moran, MRCPI, FRCPI, PhD

(Irlandia) Lampiran 2


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Lampiran 3


Dr. Carla Moran, MRCPI, FRCPI, PhD (Irlandia)

“Funny Thyroid Function Tests - Avoiding The Pitfalls”
The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped endocrine gland that is normally located in the lower front of the
neck. Laboratory determinations of thyroid function are useful in distinguishing patients with
euthyroidism (normal thyroid gland function) from those with hyperthyroidism (increased function) or
hypothyroidism (decreased function)

THYROID FUNCTION TESTS indications, Suspicion of thyroid disease based on clinical signs and
symptoms, Screening for thyroid disease, Evaluation of treatment for thyroid disease.

Definisi (bila ada)

Thyroid function tests (TFTs) are amongst the most commonly requested laboratory investigations in
both primary and secondary care. Fortunately, most TFTs are straightforward to interpret and confirm
the clinical impression of euthyroidism, hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism. However, in an important
subgroup of patients the results of TFTs can seem confusing, either by virtue of being discordant with the
clinical picture or because they appear incongruent with each other [e.g. raised thyroid hormones (TH),
but with non-suppressed thyrotropin (TSH), raised TSH, but with normal TH].

Prevalensi/insidensi (bila ada)

TRβ RTH has an estimated incidence of 1 in 40–50,000 live births. Thyrotropinomas are considered to be
the rarest of the classical pituitary tumours, accounting for less than 2% of all adenomas, and with an
estimated prevalence of 1 case per million populatio. However, a recent report suggests that this
historical figure may be changing (increasing 2–3 fold), as a consequence of increasing awareness among
clinicians, coupled with the greater combination screening with T4 (T3) and ultrasensitive TSH assays,
and increased availability of high resolution pituitary imaging.



immunosorbant assay, Chemiluminescent immunoassay, Fluorescent immunoassay

Pendekatan Diagnostik
One of the best thyroid function screening test Elevated TSH (>5 mU/L) Hypothyroidism, Low TSH
(<0.5 mU/L) hyperthyroidism
Pendekatan Tatalaksana

When interpreting TFTs it is helpful to keep in mind the seven major patterns that may be encountered
and the conditions/circumstances in which these can arise (Fig. 2). Decisions on whether to initiate
further investigations or the choice of laboratory, radiological and genetic tests to pursue, can then be
focused with a view to confirming or excluding specific diagnoses.

Update/Isu Terkini

Although most thyroid function test patterns are easy to interpret, and concordant with
clinical assessment of thyroid status, a small but important subset of patients exhibit results that are
either discordant with the clinical picture or not congruent with each other. In such cases, a structured
approach to further assessment is essential to avoid unnecessary/inappropriate investigation and
treatment. Once confounding influences [e.g. physiological changes of age, pregnancy, intercurrent (non-
thyroidal) illness or concomitant medication use] have been excluded, close liaison with the clinical
biochemistry laboratory is required to systematically exclude thyroid hormone and TSH assay
interference. Only then should further investigation for rare acquired and genetic causes of
anomalous/discordant TFTs be considered. An algorithm summarizing this approach to investigation and
differential diagnosis is shown in.

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