Chapter 4 California Mathematics - Grade 6-4

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Fractions, Decimals,

4 and Percents

• Standard 6NS2.0
Calculate and solve
problems involving
addition, subtraction,
multiplication, and

Key Vocabulary
equivalent fractions (p. 192)
percent (p. 202)
ratio (p. 202)
simplest form (p. 192)

Real-World Link
Insects Monarch butterflies have a wingspan of
338 inches to 478 inches. You can write these fractions
as 3.375 and 4.875, respectively.

Fractions, Decimals, and Percents Make this Foldable to help you organize your notes. Begin with
five sheets of 812” × 11” paper.

1 Stack five sheets of 2 Roll up bottom

paper 3

inch apart. edges so that all tabs
are the same size.

3 Crease and staple 4 Write the chapter iVˆ“>Ã]

À>V̈œ˜ÃÊ Vi˜ÌÃ
along the fold. title on the front. Label {‡£Ê*Àˆ“iÊ>VÌ
ÃÌÊ œ““œ˜Ê>

each tab with a lesson {‡ÎÊ>ŽiÊ>

{‡{Ê- ˆ“«ˆ


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number and title. {‡xÊÀ>V̈œ˜Ã

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178 Chapter 4 Fractions, Decimals, and Percents

Gay Bumgarner/Photographer’s Choice/Getty Images
GET READY for Chapter 4
Diagnose Readiness You have two options for checking Prerequisite Skills.

Option 2
Take the Online Readiness Quiz at
Option 1
Take the Quick Check below. Refer to the Quick Review for help.

State which decimal is greater. (Lesson 3-9) Example 1

1. 0.6, 0.61 2. 1.25, 1.52 State which decimal is greater, 7.4 or 7.04.
3. 0.33, 0.13 4. 1.08, 10.8 7.4 Line up the decimal points
7.04 and compare place value.
5. LUNCH Kirsten spent $4.21 on The 4 in the tenths place is
greater than the 0 in the
lunch while Almanzo spent $4.12. tenths place.
Who spent the greater amount? 7.4 is greater.
(Lesson 3-9)

Use divisibility rules to determine Example 2

whether each number is divisible by Use divisibility rules to determine
2, 3, 5, 6, or 10. (Prior Grade) whether 84 is divisible by 2, 3, 5, 6, or 10.
6. 125 7. 78 8. 37 2: Yes, the ones digit, 4, is divisible by 2.
3: Yes, the sum of the digits, 12, is divisible
9. MUFFINS Without calculating,
by 3.
determine whether 51 banana nut
5: No, the ones digit is neither 0 nor 5.
muffins can be evenly distributed
6. Yes, the number is divisible by both 2
among 3 persons. Explain.
and 3.
(Prior Grade)
10: No, the ones digit is not 0.

Divide. (Prior Grade) Example 3

10. 12 ÷ 6 11. 18 ÷ 3 Find 1 ÷ 5.
12. 2 ÷ 5 13. 3 ÷ 4 0.2 Divide 1 by 5 until there

5 1.0 is a remainder of 0 or a
-10 repeating pattern.

Write each power as a product of the Example 4

same factor. (Lesson 1-2) Write 4 3 as a product of the same factor.
3 5
14. 2 15. 5 43 = 4 × 4 × 4
16. 7 2 17. 9 4

Chapter 4 Get Ready for Chapter 4 179

Explore Math Lab
4-1 Exploring Factors
Discover factors of whole
Number each index card
Preparation for
consecutively with the
numbers 1 through 30. 12 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
6NS2.4 Pass out the index cards in
Determine the least common
order, giving each student
multiple and the greatest
common divisor of whole one index card. Have each
student stand up and write
28 2925 18
numbers; use them to solve
problems with fractions (e.g.,
to find a common the number 1 on the back
denominator to add two of his or her card.
fractions or to find the
reduced form for a fraction).
Begin with the student holding the “2” card. Have this
Standard 6MR1.1
Analyze problems by student and every second student sit down and write
identifying relationships, the number 2 on the back of his or her card. The other
distinguishing relevant from
irrelevant information, students remain standing.
identifying missing
information, sequencing and Next, start with the student holding the “3” card.
prioritizing information, and
Have this student and every third student stand up or sit
observing patterns.
down (depending on whether the student is already sitting
or standing) and write the number 3 on the back of his or
her card.

Continue this process for each of the remaining numbers

up to 30. The thirtieth student ends the activity by standing
or sitting, and writing the number 30 on the back of his or
her card.


1. How many students are standing at the end of the activity? Which
cards are they holding?

2. LOOK FOR A PATTERN Suppose there were 100 students holding index
cards. Extend the pattern in Exercise 1 to predict the numbers that
would be held by students standing at the end of the activity.

3. Explain the relationship between the numbers on the front and the
back of the cards.

4. Separate the cards into two groups: one group with exactly two
numbers on the back of the card and one group with more than two
numbers. Describe any special characteristics of each group.

180 Chapter 4 Fractions, Decimals, and Percents

4-1 Prime Factorization

Main IDEA BrainPOP®

Find the prime There is only one way that 2 can be expressed
factorization of a 
as the product of whole numbers. The figure
composite number. 
shows that there is only one way that two
Preparation for squares can form a rectangle.
1. Using your grid paper, draw as many different rectangles as
Determine the least common possible containing 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 squares.
multiple and the greatest
common divisor of whole 2. Which numbers of squares can be drawn in only one rectangle?
numbers; use them to solve In more than one rectangle?
problems with fractions (e.g.,
to find a common
denominator to add two
fractions or to find the
reduced form for a fraction).
The rectangles in the Mini Lab illustrate prime and composite numbers.

Whole Numbers Factors

NEW Vocabulary A prime number is a 2 1, 2
prime number whole number greater 3 1, 3
composite number than 1 that has exactly 5 1, 5
prime factorization two factors, 1 and itself. 7 1, 7
factor tree 4 1, 2, 4
A composite number 6 1, 2, 3, 6
is a whole number 8 1, 2, 4, 8
greater than 1 that has 9 1, 3, 9
REVIEW Vocabulary more than two factors.
10 1, 2, 5, 10
factor two or more numbers The numbers 0 and
0 many
that are multiplied together to 1 are neither prime
form a product; Example: 2 1 1 nor composite.
and 3 are factors of 6.
(Lesson 1-2)

Identify Numbers as Prime or Composite

Determine whether each number is prime or composite.
1 17
The number 17 has only two factors, 1 and 17, so it is prime.

2 12
The number 12 has six factors: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 12. So, it is composite.

Determine whether each number is prime or composite.

a. 11 b. 15 c. 24

Lesson 4-1 Prime Factorization 181

Every composite number can be written as a product of prime numbers.
This product is the prime factorization of the number. You can use a
factor tree to find the prime factorization.


Multiplication is
Èä Èä
commutative, so the
order of the factors #HOOSE ANY PAIR OF WHOLE
does not matter.
Both trees give the
prime factorization Ó  Î  Ó  x {  Î  x
of 60, but in #ONTINUE TO FACTOR ANY
different orders. NUMBER THAT IS NOT PRIME
Ó  Î  Ó  x ÓÓÎ  x

The prime factorization of 60 is 2 × 2 × 3 × 5 , or 2 2 × 3 × 5.

Find the Prime Factorization

3 Find the prime factorization of 24.


Use a factor tree. Divide by prime numbers.

Ó{ 2
£Ó  Ó 
3 12
24 Start here.
{  Î  Ó
The divisors are 2, 2, 3,
Ó  Ó  Î  Ó and 2.

The prime factorization of 24 is 2 × 2 × 3 × 2 or 2 3 × 3.

Find the prime factorization.

d. 18 e. 28 f. 16

Personal Tutor at

Algebraic expressions like 6ab can also be factored as the product of

prime numbers and variables.

Factor an Algebraic Expression

4 ALGEBRA Factor 6ab.

6 ⫻ ab

2 ⫻ 3 ⫻ a ⫻ b 6ab = 2 · 3 · a · b

g. ALGEBRA Factor 18xy.

182 Chapter 4 Fractions, Decimals, and Percents

Examples 1, 2 Determine whether each number is prime or composite.
(p. 181)
1. 7 2. 50 3. 67

4. GARDENING Louisa has 72 flowers to plant in rows in a flower bed. How

many different ways can she plant the flowers? Justify your answer.

Example 3 Find the prime factorization of each number.

(p. 182)
5. 34 6. 30 7. 12

Example 4 ALGEBRA Factor each expression.

(p. 182)
8. 10ac 9. 16x 2 10. 11g 3

(/-%7/2+ (%,0 Determine whether each number is prime or composite.

For See 11. 22 12. 44 13. 13 14. 39

Exercises Examples 15. 81 16. 31 17. 97 18. 43
11–18 1, 2
19–28 3 Find the prime factorization of each number.
29–34 4
19. 96 20. 42 21. 99 22. 64
23. 210 24. 180 25. 126 26. 375

27. LOBSTERS Lobsters can live up to 50 years.

What is this amount expressed as a
product of primes?

28. DOGS Greyhounds can jump a distance

of 27 feet. Write this distance as a
product of primes.

ALGEBRA Factor each expression.

29. 15mn 30. 20pq 31. 34jkm
32. 49y 33. 52gh 2 34. 48a 2b 2

Replace each with prime factors to make a true sentence.

35. 2 · · 11 = 616 36. 2 · · 5 2 = 450
37. 3 · 2 4 · = 1,200 38. 2 2 · · 3 = 1,500

39. RIVERS The Smith River in California is 325 miles long. What expression
written as a product of primes represents this length?

ALGEBRA For Exercises 40 and 41, determine whether the value of each
expression is prime or composite if a = 1 and b = 5.
40. 3a + 6b 41. 7b - 4a

Extra Examples at Lesson 4-1 Prime Factorization 183

Zigmund Leszcynski/Animals Animals
MEASUREMENT For Exercises 42–45, use the
following information.
See pages 687, 718.
Mrs. Franks is building a patio that covers 8 ft
Self-Check Quiz at
an area measuring 8 feet by 15 feet. She will use rectangular concrete tiles for the patio.
15 ft
42. What is the area of the patio?
43. Find the prime factorization of the area.
44. If she can only buy tiles with dimensions that are prime numbers, name the
dimensions of the concrete tiles available for her patio.
45. How many tiles will she need to cover the patio?

H.O.T. Problems 46. RESEARCH Use the Internet or another source to make a Sieve of
Eratosthenes to determine the prime numbers up to 100.

47. CHALLENGE This whole number is between 30 and 40. It has only two prime
factors whose sum is 5. What is the number?

48. OPEN ENDED Primes that differ by two are called twin primes.
For example, 59 and 61 are twin primes. Give three examples
of twin primes that are less than 50.

49. 83 *5*/( */ -!4( Suppose n represents a whole number. Is 2n prime or

composite? Explain.

50. What is the prime factorization 51. Which of the following numbers is
of 126? not a prime number?
2 2
A 2 ·3·7 C 2·3·7 F 2 H 16
2 2 2 2
B 2·3 ·7 D 2 ·3 ·7 G 11 J 31

52. ALGEBRA Graph y = 3x. (Lesson 3-7)

53. MEASUREMENT Find the perimeter and area of a rectangle with a length
of 13 feet and width of 5 feet. (Lesson 3-6)

Add. (Lesson 2-4)

54. 6 + (-4) 55. -13 + 9 56. 25 + (-26) 57. -5 + 5

PREREQUISITE SKILL State whether each number is divisible by

2, 3, 5, 6, 9, or 10. (Page 668)
58. 24 59. 70 60. 120 61. 99

184 Chapter 4 Fractions, Decimals, and Percents

Everyday Meaning Standard 6MR2.4
Use a variety of
The key to understanding word problems is to methods, such as
understand the meaning of the mathematical words, numbers, symbols,
charts, graphs, tables,
terms in the problem. Many words used in diagrams, and models,
mathematics are also used in everyday language. to explain mathematical
For example, you will use the terms factor and
multiple in this chapter. Here are two sentences
that show their everyday meanings.
• Weather was a factor in their decision to
postpone the picnic.
• The star quarterback won multiple
post-season awards.

The table below shows how the everyday

meaning is connected to the mathematical meaning.

Term Everyday Meaning Mathematical Meaning Connection

factor something that 2 and 3 are factors of 6. A factor helps to make
from the Latin factor, actively contributes to a decision, and in
meaning doer a decision or result mathematics, factors
“make up” a product.

multiple consisting of more The multiples of 2 are Multiple means many,

from the Latin multi-, than one or shared by 0, 2, 4, 6, … . and in mathematics, a
meaning many, and many number has infinitely
plex, meaning fold many multiples.

1. Make a list of other words that have the prefixes fact- or multi-.
Determine what the words in each list have in common.
2. 83 *5*/( */ -!4( Write your own rule for remembering the
difference between factor and multiple.

RESEARCH Use a dictionary to find the everyday meanings of least,

greatest, and common. Then use the definitions to determine how to
find each number. Do not solve.
3. the greatest common factor of 10 and 15
4. the least common multiple of 2 and 3.

Chapter 4 Word Problems: Everyday Meaning 185

Raymond K. Gehman/National Geographic/Getty Images
4-2 Greatest Common Factor

Find the greatest common INTERNET Several friends
factor of two or more >à ˆœ˜Ê >Ì ÕÈVÊ >Ì
spent time in two Internet ,œœ“ ,œœ“
chat rooms. The Venn diagram
Standard shows the chat rooms they 2UBEN +AMILAH
6NS2.4 Determine visited. )AN
the least common 3YDNEY #HRISTINE
multiple and the greatest 1. Who visited the Fashion Chat
common divisor of whole
numbers; use them to solve
Room? the Music Chat Room?
problems with fractions 2. Who visited both chat rooms?
(e.g., to find a common
denominator to add two
fractions or to find the
reduced form for a fraction).
As shown above, Venn diagrams use overlapping circles to show how
common elements among sets of numbers or objects are related. They
NEW Vocabulary can also show common factors. The greatest of the common factors of
Venn diagram two or more numbers is the greatest common factor, or GCF.
greatest common factor (GCF)

Find the Greatest Common Factor

1 Find the GCF of 18 and 48.

METHOD 1 List the factors of the numbers.

factors of 18: 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 18 List the factors
factors of 48: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 24, 48 of 18 and 48.

The common factors of 18 and 48 are 1, 2, 3, and 6.

So, the greatest common factor or GCF is 6.

METHOD 2 Use prime factorization.

Write the prime factorization. Circle the common prime factors.
18 = 2 × 3 × 3 Write the prime factorizations
48 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 of 18 and 48.

The greatest common factor or GCF is 2 × 3 or 6.

in the Content Area
For strategies in reading this
lesson, visit Find the GCF of each pair of numbers.
a. 8, 10 b. 6, 12 c. 10, 17

186 Chapter 4 Fractions, Decimals, and Percents Extra Examples at

READING Math Find the GCF of Three Numbers
Greatest Common Factor
The greatest common factor 2 Find the GCF of 12, 24, and 60.
is also called the greatest
common divisor because it
is the greatest number that METHOD 1 List the factors of the numbers.
divides evenly into the given
numbers. factors of 12: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12 List the factors of
factors of 24: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24 12, 24, and 60.

factors of 60: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20, 30, 60

The common factors of 12, 24, and 60 are 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 12.
So, the greatest common factor or GCF is 12.

METHOD 2 Use prime factorization.

Write the prime factorization. Circle the common prime factors.
12 = 2 × 2 × 3
24 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 Write the prime factorization of 12, 24, and 60.
60 = 2 × 2 × 3 × 5

The common prime factors are 2, 2, and 3. So, the GCF

is 2 × 2 × 3, or 12.

Find the GCF of each set of numbers.

d. 30, 45, 75 e. 42, 70, 84

3 PARADES In a parade, 64 eighth graders are to march in front of

88 seventh graders. Both groups should have the same number of
students in each row. Find the greatest number of students in
each row.
The greatest number of students in each row is the GCF of the
number of students in each group.
64 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 = 2 6
88 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 11 = 2 3 × 11
The GCF of 64 and 88 is 2 3, or 8.
So, there should be 8 students in each row.
Prime Numbers
The GCF of a group
of prime numbers
is 1.
f. CARPENTRY Mr. Glover wants to make shelves for his garage using
an 18-foot board and a 36-foot board. He will cut the boards to
make shelves of the same length and wants to use all of both
boards. Find the longest possible length of each shelf.
Personal Tutor at

Lesson 4-2 Greatest Common Factor 187

Examples 1, 2 Find the GCF of each set of numbers.
(pp. 186–187)
1. 18, 30 2. 45, 60 3. 20, 50
4. 6, 8, 12 5. 8, 20, 40 6. 18, 42, 60

Example 3 7. JOBS A store manager wants to display the Bike Helmets

(p. 187) inventory of three styles of bicycle helmets
Style Inventory
in rows with the same number of each style
Sport 36
in each row. Find the greatest number of
Road 72
helmets that can be placed in each row.
Mountain 45

(/-%7/2+ (%,0 Find the GCF of each set of numbers.

For See 8. 12, 78 9. 40, 50 10. 20, 45

Exercises Examples 11. 32, 48 12. 24, 48 13. 45, 75
8–15 1
14. 56, 96 15. 40, 125 16. 18, 24, 30
16–19 2
20–21 3 17. 36, 60, 84 18. 35, 49, 84 19. 36, 50, 130

20. BAKE SALE Esteban plans to 'RANOLA "ARS 

sell the items shown at a bake sale.
He arranges the items in groups.
Each group has the same number -UFFINS 
of each item. Find the greatest
number of items in each group.

21. FOOD The track-and-field coaches

threw a party at the end of the season
and bought a 12-inch, a 20-inch,
and a 32-inch submarine sandwich.
The sandwiches are cut into equal-
sized pieces. What is the length of
the longest piece that can be cut?
Find the GCF of each set of numbers.
22. 25¢, $1.50, 75¢, $3.00
23. 6 feet, 15 feet, 21 feet, 9 feet

ALGEBRA Find the GCF of each set of expressions.

24. 24a, 6a 25. 30mn, 40mn 26. 15xy, 55y

Find two numbers whose GCF is the given number.

27. 9 28. 12 29. 15 30. 30

188 Chapter 4 Fractions, Decimals, and Percents Extra Examples at

KS Studios
CLASS TRIPS For Exercises 31 and 32, use the
%842!02!#4)#% Class Trip Money ($)
following information and the table shown. Monday 56
See pages 687, 718.
On Friday, Mr. Russo’s class is going to the Dallas Tuesday 28
Self-Check Quiz at
Museum of Natural History. The amount of money Wednesday 42 he collected from his students is shown. Each student Thursday 98
paid the same amount.
31. What is the greatest cost of the field trip per student?
★ 32. How many students will be going on the class trip?

H.O.T. Problems CHALLENGE Determine whether each statement is sometimes, always,

or never true.
33. The GCF of two numbers is greater than both numbers.
34. If two numbers have no common prime factors, the GCF is 1.
35. The GCF of two numbers is one of the numbers.

36. 83 *5*/( */ -!4( Using the words factor and greatest common factor,
explain the relationship between the numbers 4, 12, and 24.

37. Student Council earned $26 selling 38. What is the greatest common divisor
bottled water, $32 selling oranges, and of 15, 30, and 45?
$28 selling energy bars. If all items cost F 5
the same, what is the greatest possible
G 9
price per item?
H 15
A $2
J 45
B $4
C $7
D $8

39. What is the prime factorization of 75? (Lesson 4-1)

ALGEBRA Graph each equation. (Lesson 3-7)

40. y = -x 41. y = x + 3 42. y = 2x - 1

43. ALGEBRA Solve the equation -7y + 18 = 39. Check your solution. (Lesson 3-5)

44. PREREQUISITE SKILL Serena received a gift card to download music from
the Internet. She downloaded 3 songs on Monday, 5 songs on Tuesday,
and one half of what was left on Wednesday. She has 6 songs left. How
many songs were initially on the gift card? Use the work backward
strategy. (Lesson 3-4)

Lesson 4-2 Greatest Common Factor 189

4-3 Problem-Solving Investigation
MAIN IDEA: Solve problems by making an organized list.
Standard 6MR1.1 Analyze problems by identifying relationships, . . . , and observing patterns.
Preparation for Standard 6DAP3.1 Represent all possible outcomes for compound events in an organized
way (e.g., tables, grids, tree diagrams) and express the theoretical probability of each outcome.

e-Mail: MAKE AN
YOUR MISSION: Solve the problem by making an
organized list of all the possibilities.

THE PROBLEM: How many different ways can a

woodwind trio be made?
Miranda: The first position needs to be

either a bass clarinet or a bassoon. The
other two positions should be filled by a
clarinet, oboe, or flute.

EXPLORE You know that either a bass clarinet or a bassoon must fill the first position. The
other two positions are to be filled with two out of the three remaining
instruments. You need to find all possible ways the trio can be made.
PLAN Make an organized list.
SOLVE Trio 1 Trio 2 Trio 3 Trio 4 Trio 5 Trio 6
bass bass bass
Position 1 bassoon bassoon bassoon
clarinet clarinet clarinet
Position 2 clarinet oboe flute clarinet oboe flute
Position 3 oboe flute clarinet oboe flute clarinet

There are six possibilities.

CHECK Draw a tree diagram to check the result.

1. Explain why making an organized list was a useful strategy in solving

this problem.
2. 83 *5*/( */ -!4( Write a problem that can be solved by making an
organized list. Then explain how to solve the problem using this strategy.

190 Chapter 4 Fractions, Decimals, and Percents

Matt Meadows
For Exercises 3–6, solve each problem by 8. MEASUREMENT Gabriel has to make
making an organized list. deliveries to three neighbors. He lives at
3. FOOD Daniel is making a peanut butter and house b on the map. Find the shortest route
jelly sandwich. His choices are creamy or to make the deliveries and return home.
crunchy peanut butter, white or wheat
bread, and grape, apple, or strawberry jelly. 0.75 mi b 0.25 mi
How many different types of sandwiches a
can Daniel make? 1 mi
0.5 mi
0.75 mi 0.5 mi
4. GAMES On the game board, you plan to
move two spaces away from square A. d
You can move horizontally, vertically, or
diagonally. How many different moves can 9. COOKIES Terez took a bag of cookies to play
you make from square A? List them. rehearsal. He gave one half of the cookies
to the musicians and then gave five to the
director of the play. Terez was left with
! " #
15 cookies. How many cookies did he take
$ % & to rehearsal?
' ( )
10. CLOTHES Jeffrey owns 3 shirts, 2 pairs of
pants, and 2 pairs of shoes. How many
5. SCIENCE FAIR A photographer for the school
different outfits can he create?
newspaper is taking a picture of Mr. Teasley
with the first, second, and third place 11. SNOWFALL A total of 17 inches of snow fell
winners of the science fair. If Mr. Teasley in a 72-hour period. In the last 24 hours,
always stands on the far left, how many 6 inches fell, and in the previous 24 hours,
different ways can the students arrange 4 inches fell. How many inches fell in the
themselves for the picture? first 24 hours?
6. TELEPHONES How many phone numbers are
possible for one area code if the first three
numbers are 268, in that order, and the last For Exercises 12 and 13, select the appropriate
four numbers are 0, 9, 7, 1 in any order? operation(s) to solve the problem. Justify your
selection(s) and solve the problem.
Use any strategy to solve Exercises 7–11. Some
strategies are shown below. 12. EARTH SCIENCE Giant kelp seaweed is found
in the Pacific Ocean. One plant grows 3 feet
the first two days. If it continues to grow at
PROBLEM-SOLVIN the same rate, what would be the length of
• Use the four-s
tep plan.
the seaweed at the end of 80 days?
• Guess and ch
• Workbackward. 13. SCHOOL Members of
nized list. Transportation $1,200
• Make an orga Student Council are
Registration $288
raising money to
attend a conference. Luncheon
7. ALGEBRA Consecutive odd numbers The total costs of the conference are shown
are numbers like 1, 3, 5, and 7. Find two in the table. If 24 students attend the
consecutive odd numbers whose sum conference, how much does each student
is 56 and whose product is 783. have to raise?

Lesson 4-3 Problem-Solving Investigation: Make an Organized List 191

4-4 Simplifying Fractions

Write fractions in On grid paper, draw the two figures shown.
simplest form. Shade 4 out of the 10 squares in one figure.
Shade 2 out of the 5 rectangles in the other.
6NS2.4 Determine 1. Write a fraction to describe each figure:
the least common
multiple and the greatest number of shaded parts
common divisor of whole
total number of parts
numbers; use them to solve
problems with fractions
2. Based on the figures, what can you
(e.g., to find a common
denominator to add two conclude about the fractions?
fractions or to find the
reduced form for a fraction).

Equivalent fractions have the same value. A fraction is in simplest

form when the GCF of the numerator and denominator is 1.
NEW Vocabulary
equivalent fractions
simplest form Write a Fraction in Simplest Form
1 Write 6 in simplest form.

METHOD 1 Divide by common factors.

6÷2 3 2 is a common factor of 6
24 24 ÷ 2 12 and 24, so divide by 2.

_ 3 is a common factor of 3
3 3÷3 1
12 12 ÷ 3 4 and 12, so divide by 3.

The fraction _
is in simplest form since 1 and 4 have no common
factors greater than 1.

Checking Results METHOD 2 Divide by the GCF.

To check if you
simplified correctly, First, find the GCF of the numerator and denominator.
multiply the
numerator and factors of 6: 1, 2, 3, 6 The GCF of 6
denominator of the and 24 is 6.
answer by the GCF. factors of 24: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24
The result should be
the original fraction. Then, divide the numerator and denominator by the GCF, 6.
6÷6 1 Divide the numerator and
24 24 ÷ 6 4 denominator by the GCF, 6.

So, _
written in simplest form is _
24 4

192 Chapter 4 Fractions, Decimals, and Percents Extra Examples at

2 Write 36 in simplest form.
More Than One First, find the GCF of the numerator and denominator.
Way To write in
simplest form, you factors of 36: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 12, 18, 36 The GCF of
can also divide by 36 and 45 is 9.
common factors. factors of 45: 1, 3, 5, 9, 15, 45
36 ÷ 3 12
45 45 ÷ 3 15 Then, divide the numerator and denominator by the GCF, 9.
_ Divide the numerator and
36 36 ÷ 9 4
12 ÷ 3 4
denominator by the GCF, 9.
15 15 ÷ 3 5 45 45 ÷ 9 5
= _.
45 5 So, _
written in simplest form is _
45 5

Write each fraction in simplest form.

a. _
b. _
c. _
28 20 36

3 MUSIC If the fraction of the frequencies of two notes can be

simplified, the two notes are harmonious. Use the graphic to find
the simplified fraction of the frequency of notes C and E.

264 297 330 352 396 440 495
Real-World Career
How Does a Music Frequency Chart (Hertz)
Composer Use Math?
Music composers write
frequency of note C
notes that can vary in =_
264 The slashes mean that
length. There are whole frequency of note E 330 part of the numerator and
notes, half notes, quarter 1 1 1 part of the denominator
= __
notes, eighth notes, and 2 · 2 · 2 · 3 · 11 are both divided by the
sixteenth notes. 2 · 3 · 5 · 11 same number. For
1 1 1
example, 3 ÷ 3 = 1.
For more information =_
about a career as a
The fraction of the frequency of notes C and E is _
music composer, visit: 4 .

d. MUSIC Use the graphic above to find the simplified fraction of the
frequency of notes D and G. Notes E and F?

e. MUSIC Use the graphic above to determine if the notes D and B are
harmonious. Justify your answer.

Personal Tutor at

Lesson 4-4 Simplifying Fractions 193

David Tardif/CORBIS
Examples 1, 2 Write each fraction in simplest form.
(pp. 192–193)
1. _3 2. _
3. _
4. _
9 18 25 40
Example 3 5. ALLOWANCE Mary received $15 for her weekly allowance. She spent $10 at
(p. 193) the movie theater with her friends. What fraction of the money, in simplest
form, was spent at the theater?

(/-%7/2+ (%,0 Write each fraction in simplest form.

6. _
7. _
8. _
9. _
For See 12 35 32 20
Exercises Examples
6–17 1,2 10. _
11. _
12. _
13. _
20 21 25 28
18–19 3
14. _ 15. _ 16. _ 17. _
48 32 20 45
64 32 80 54

18. PRESIDENTS Of the 43 U.S. presidents, 15 were elected to serve two terms.
What fraction of the U.S. presidents, in simplest form, was elected to serve
two terms?

19. TV SHOWS A television station has 28 new WYTB Programming

TV shows scheduled to air this week. 30–minute 60–minute
What fraction of the television shows, in
20 8
simplest form, are 30-minute programs?

Write each fraction in simplest form.

20. _
21. _
22. _
23. _
100 150 120 175

24. TIME Fifteen minutes is what part of one hour?

25. MEASUREMENT Nine inches is what part of one foot?

26. CALENDAR Four days is what part of the month of April?

27. SLEEP Marcel spends 8 hours each day sleeping. What fraction of a week,
written in simplest form, does Marcel spend sleeping?

28. MONEY Each week, Lorenzo receives a $10 allowance. What fraction of his
yearly allowance, in simplest form, does he receive each week?

FIND THE DATA Refer to the California Data File on pages 16–19 of your
book. Choose some data and write a real-world problem in which you
See pages 688, 718.
would simplify fractions.

Self-Check Quiz at 30. OPEN ENDED Select a fraction that is not in simplest form. Then,
simplify it.

194 Chapter 4 Fractions, Decimals, and Percents

H.O.T. Problems 31. CHALLENGE Both the numerator and denominator of a fraction are even.
Is the fraction in simplest form? Explain your reasoning.

32. FIND THE ERROR Seki and Luther both wrote _ in simplest form. Who is
correct? Explain.

_ =_=_
16 16 ÷ 2 8
36 36 ÷ 2 18

_ =_=_
16 16 ÷ 4 4
36 36 ÷ 4 9

Seki Luther

33. 83 *5*/( */ -!4( Explain how to determine whether a fraction is in

simplest form.

34. It takes Benito 12 minutes to walk to 35. What fraction of a foot is 2 inches?
school. What fraction represents the
F _
part of an hour it takes Benito to walk 6
to school?
G _
A _
C _5
1 30
H _
B _4
D _
15 5 _1

36. SANDWICHES A deli offers sandwiches with ham, turkey, or roast beef
with American, provolone, Swiss, or mozzarella cheese. How many
different types of sandwiches can be made if you choose one meat and
one cheese? Use the make an organized list strategy. (Lesson 4-3)
Find the GCF of each set of numbers. (Lesson 4-2)

37. 27, 36 38. 16, 28 39. 20, 50, 65

40. ANALYZE GRAPHS Refer to the graph.



At these rates, about how much longer 

would it take a blue shark to swim 280 miles 

than it would a sailfish? Use the formula

d = rt. Justify your answer. (Lesson 3-3)













41. 2 
1.0 42. 4 
1.00 43. 10 
7.0 44. 8 

Lesson 4-4 Simplifying Fractions 195

(l)Seth Kushner/Getty Images, (r)Image Source/SuperStock
4-5 Fractions and Decimals

Write fractions as BUILDINGS The table shows Los Angeles’ Tallest Buildings
terminating or repeating the heights of the ten tallest
decimals and write Building Height (ft)
decimals as fractions. buildings in Los Angeles.
U.S. Bank Tower 1,018
1. What fraction of the Aon Tower 858
Preparation for
Standard 6NS1.1 buildings are between Two California Plaza 750
Compare and order 600 and 900 feet tall? Gas Company Tower 749
positive and negative
fractions, decimals, and 2. Express this fraction BP Plaza 735
mixed numbers and place using words and then 777 Tower 725
them on a number line.
as a decimal. Wells Fargo Tower 723
3. What fraction of the buildings United California Bank Plaza 717
are between 710 and 730 feet Paul Hastings Tower 699
NEW Vocabulary
tall? Express this fraction using Bank of America Tower 699
terminating decimals words and then as a decimal. Source:
repeating decimals
bar notation
Our decimal system is based on powers of 10. So, if the denominator of
a fraction is a power of 10, you can use place value to write the fraction
as a decimal. For example, to write _ 7
as a decimal, place a 7 in the
tenths place.
Words Fraction Decimal
seven tenths _
If the denominator of a fraction is a factor of 10, 100, 1,000, or any higher
power of ten, you can use mental math and place value.

Use Mental Math

Write each fraction or mixed number as a decimal.
1 _7 2 53_
20 4
Think of it as a sum.
_ 4 4
_3 = 0.75.
20 100 = 5 + 0.75 You know that
= 5.75 Add mentally.

So, _
= 0.35. So, 5_
= 5.75.
20 4

Write each fraction or mixed number as a decimal.

a. _
b. _
c. 6_
10 25 2

196 Chapter 4 Fractions, Decimals, and Percents

Any fraction can be written as a decimal by dividing its numerator
by its denominator. Division ends when the remainder is zero.

Use Division

Mental Math
3 Write 3 as a decimal.
It will be helpful to
memorize the
following fraction- 8 
3.000 Divide 3 by 8.
equivalencies. - 24
_1 = 0.5 60
_1 = 0.−3 _2 = 0.−6 - 56
3 3 40
_1 = 0.25 _3 = 0.75 - 40
_____ Division ends when
4 4
_1 = 0.2 _1 = 0.1 0 the remainder is 0.
_51 = 0.125 10 So, = 0.375.
4 Write 1 as a decimal.
0.025 Divide 1 by 40.

40 1.000
- 80
- 200
______ Division ends when
0 the remainder is 0.
So, _
= 0.025.

Write each fraction or mixed number as a decimal.

d. _7 e. 2_
f. 7_
Vocabulary Link 8 8 20
Everyday Use coming to In Examples 1–4, the decimals 0.35, 5.75, and 0.375 are called
an end, as in terminate
a game. terminating decimals. A terminating decimal is a decimal whose
Math Use a decimal digits end.
whose digits end.
Repeating decimals have a pattern in the digits that repeats forever.
Consider _
The number 3 repeats.
0.333… The repetition of 3 is

3 1.000 represented by three dots.
The remainder after
10 each step is 1.
You can use bar notation to indicate that a number pattern repeats
indefinitely. A bar is written only over the digits that repeat.
− −− −−
0.33333… = 0.3 0.121212… = 0.12 11.3858585… = 11.385

Extra Examples at Lesson 4-5 Fractions and Decimals 197

Write Fractions as Repeating Decimals
5 Write 7 as a decimal.

7.000 Divide 7 by 9.
- 63
- 63
70 Notice that the remainder
- 63
_____ will never be zero. That is,
7 the division never ends.

So, _
= 0.777… or 0.7.

Write each fraction or mixed number as a decimal. Use bar notation

if the decimal is a repeating decimal.
g. _2 h. _
i. 8_
3 11 3

Every terminating decimal can be written as a fraction with a

denominator of 10, 100, 1,000, or a higher power of ten. Place the
digits that come after the decimal point in the numerator. Use the
place value of the final digit as the denominator.


0.25 = _


The final digit is in

the hundredths place.

Use a Power of 10
6 FISH Use the table to find what fraction of the Fish Amount
fish in an aquarium are goldfish. Write in Guppy 0.25
Real-World Link simplest form.
The recommended Angel Fish 0.4
water temperature for 0.15 = _
15 The final digit, 5, is in
Goldfish 0.15
goldfish is 65–72°F. 100 the hundredths place.
Molly 0.2

Determine the fraction of the aquarium made up by each fish.

Write the answer in simplest form.
j. molly k. guppy l. angel fish

Personal Tutor at

198 Chapter 4 Fractions, Decimals, and Percents

Examples 1–5 Write each fraction or mixed number as a decimal. Use bar notation if the
(pp. 196–198) decimal is a repeating decimal.
1. _2 2. _
3. 7_
4. 4_
5 10 2 20
5. _
6. 3_
7. _5 8. 1_
8 8 9 6
Example 6 Write each decimal as a fraction or mixed number in simplest form.
(p. 198)
9. 0.22 10. 0.1 11. 4.6

12. HOCKEY During a hockey game, an ice resurfacer travels 0.75 mile during
each ice resurfacing. What fraction represents this distance?

(/-%7/2+ (%,0 Write each fraction or mixed number as a decimal. Use bar notation if the
decimal is a repeating decimal.
For See
Exercises Examples 13. _4 14. _1 15. 4_
16. 7_
5 2 25 20
13–16 1, 2
17. _ 18. _ 19. _ 20. _
5 3 33 17
17–22 3, 4 16 16 50 40
23–28 5
21. 5_ 22. 9_ 23. _ 24. _
7 3 4 8
29–36 6 8 8 9 9
25. _
26. _8
27. 5_
28. 2_
6 11 3 11
Write each decimal as a fraction or mixed number in simplest form.
29. 0.2 30. 0.9 31. 0.55
32. 0.34 33. 5.96 34. 2.66

35. INSECTS The maximum length of a praying mantis is 30.5 centimeters.

What mixed number represents this length?

36. GROCERIES Suppose you buy the package of $ELI (AM

deli ham shown. What fraction of a pound
did you buy? #OST 

37. FIND THE DATA Refer to the California Data File on page 16–19 of your
book. Choose some data and write a real-world problem in which you
would write a percent as a decimal.

%842!02!#4)#% Write each of the following as an integer over a whole number.

39. 7_
See pages 688, 718. 1
38. -13 40. -0.028 41. -3.2
Self-Check Quiz at 42. MUSIC Nicolás practiced playing the cello for 2 hours and 18 minutes.
Write the time Nicolás spent practicing as a decimal.

Lesson 4-5 Fractions and Decimals 199

43. SOFTBALL The batting average of a softball player is the number of hits
divided by the number of at-bats. If Felisa had 50 hits in 175 at-bats and
Harmony had 42 hits in 160 at-bats, who had the better batting average?
Justify your answer

H.O.T. Problems 44. OPEN ENDED Write a fraction that is equivalent to a terminating decimal
and one that is equivalent to a repeating decimal.

45. CHALLENGE The value of pi (π) is 3.1415926… . The mathematician

Archimedes believed that π was between 3_
and 3_
. Was Archimedes
7 71
correct? Explain your reasoning.

46. 83 *5*/( */ -!4( Fractions with denominators of 2, 4, 8, 16, and 32

produce terminating decimals. Fractions with denominators of 6, 12, 18,
and 24 produce repeating decimals. What causes the difference? Explain.

47. Which decimal represents the shaded 48. Based on the information given in the

region of the model? table, what fraction represents 0.8?
F _
Decimal Fraction
5 −
0.3 _3
G _
80 9
99 −
0.4 _4
A 0.666 C 0.667 H _
5 −
0.5 _5
− − 6 9
B 0.6 D 0.667
J _ _6
8 −
9 9

Write each fraction in simplest form. (Lesson 4-4)

49. _
50. _
51. _
52. _
24 81 98 68

53. PIZZA How many different pizzas can Alfonso order if he can choose thick,
thin, or deep dish crust and one topping from either pepperoni, sausage,
or mushrooms? Use the make an organized list strategy. (Lesson 4-3)

PREREQUISITE SKILL Write a fraction for the number of shaded squares to the total
number of squares.
54. 55. 56. 57.

200 Chapter 4 Fractions, Decimals, and Percents

Mid-Chapter Quiz
4 Lessons 4-1 through 4-5

Determine whether each number is prime or 13. PIANO Evelina spends 35 minutes practicing
composite. (Lesson 4-1) the piano each afternoon after school. What
1. 24 2. 61 3. 2 part of one hour does she spend practicing?
Write as a fraction in simplest form.
(Lesson 4-4)
4. AGE Kevin just turned 13 years old. How
old will he be the next time his age is a Write each fraction in simplest form. (Lesson 4-4)
prime number? (Lesson 4-1) _
Find the prime factorization of each 15. _
number. (Lesson 4-1)
16. _
5. 30 6. 120 108
17. _
Factor each expression. (Lesson 4-1)

7. 14x2y 8. 50mn 18. CYCLING A gear ratio of a bike is the

comparison of the number of teeth on a
Find the GCF of each set of numbers. (Lesson 4-2) chainwheel to the number on a freewheel.
The gear ratio for Alexis’ 10-speed bike is
9. 16, 40 10. 65, 100 _
. Write this fraction in simplest form.
(Lesson 4-4)
greatest number of crayons in each CHAIN
row of an 8-, a 64-, and a 96-crayon box if
all rows have the same number? (Lesson 4-2)
A 12
B 8
C 4
D 2
Write each fraction or mixed number as a
12. STANDARDS PRACTICE Lynne cannot decimal. Use bar notation if the decimal is
remember her password to check the a repeating decimal. (Lesson 4-5)
messages on her cell phone. She knows that 19. _7 20. _2 21. 3_
it is a three-digit number consisting of the 8 9 20
numbers 1, 4, and 7, but she cannot remember
Write each decimal as a fraction in simplest
the order. Which list shows all the different
form. (Lesson 4-5)
possibilities for her password? (Lesson 4-3)
22. 0.6 23. 0.48 24. 7.02
F 147, 174, 417, 714, 741
G 147, 174, 417, 471, 714, 741
25. ANIMALS The maximum height of an Asian
H 417, 471, 714, 741 elephant is 9.8 feet. What mixed number
J 147, 174, 74, 417, 17, 471, 714, 741 represents this height? (Lesson 4-5)
4-6 Fractions and Percents

Write fractions as percents Some students were asked to choose Number of
and percents as fractions. Method
methods that make learning subjects Students
more interesting. The results are shown. Internet 17 out of 50
Preparation for
Standard 6NS1.1 1. For each method, shade a 10 × 10 grid Teacher 29 out of 100
Compare and order TV program 1 out of 4
positive and negative
that represents the number of students
fractions, decimals, and that chose the method. Textbook 3 out of 25
mixed numbers and place Source: Opinion Research
them on a number line. 2. What fraction of the students chose Corporation
the Internet?

NEW Vocabulary A ratio is a comparison of two quantities by division. Ratios, like 34 out
ratio of 100 can also be written as 34:100 or _
. When a ratio compares a
percent number to 100, it can be written as a percent.

+%9 #/.#%04 Percent

Words A percent is a part to whole Example

ratio that compares a number
to 100.
Symbols _
= n%

34 out of 100 = 34%

Write Ratios as Percents

Write each ratio as a percent.
1 Annie answered 90 out of 100 questions correctly.
= 90%
Annie answered 90% of
the questions correctly.

2 On average, 50.5 out of 100 students own a pet.
= 50.5%
On average, 50.5% of the students own a pet.
Percent Percent means Write each ratio as a percent.
per hundred or hundredths.
The symbol % means a. 45 out of 100 cars sold b. $3.30 : $100 spent on soft drinks

202 Chapter 4 Fractions, Decimals, and Percents

Fractions and percents are ratios that can represent the same number.
You can write a fraction as a percent by finding an equivalent fraction
Percents You will
with a denominator of 100.
learn another way
to write fractions as
percents that does Write a Fraction as a Percent
not use equivalent
fractions in _
3 Write 3 as a percent.
Chapter 6. 20
First, find an equivalent fraction
with a denominator of 100.
Then write the fraction as a percent. ⫽
or 15%
20 20 × 5 100
3 15

So, _
= 15%. 20 100

Write each fraction as a percent.

c. _
d. _3 e. _
20 5 25

4 COINS The 50 State Quarters® Program allows the United States

Mint to release a new quarter every ten weeks from 1999 through
2008 commemorating the 50 states. By the end of 2005, 35 state coins
were released. What percent of the coins is this?
By the end of 2005, 35 out of 50 state coins were released.
Write an equivalent fraction with a denominator of 100.
50 100
= 70% _
= 70%
So, 70% of the state coins were released by the end of 2005.
Real-World Link
Each state quarter has
a diameter of 24.26
millimeters, a thickness
of 1.75 millimeters, and f. COINS What percent of the coins in the 50 State Quarters Program
weighs 5.670 grams. are being released after 2005?
Personal Tutor at

Write a Percent as a Fraction

5 Write 48% as a fraction in simplest form.
48% = _
Definition of percent

Write each percent as a fraction in simplest form.

g. 40% h. 6% i. 24%

Extra Examples at Lesson 4-6 Fractions and Percents 203

Doug Martin
Examples 1, 2 Write each ratio as a percent.
(p. 202)
1. 57 : 100 insects are spiders 2. $29.20 per $100

Example 3 Write each fraction as a percent.

(p. 203)
3. _1 4. _
5. _
4 10 20

6. TECHNOLOGY Tansy used _ of the memory available on her

Example 4
(p. 203)
flash drive. What percent of the memory did she use?

Example 5 Write each percent as a fraction in simplest form.

(p. 203)
7. 90% 8. 75% 9. 22%

(/-%7/2+ (%,0 Write each ratio as a percent.

For See 10. 87 out of 100 books read 11. 42 per 100 teenagers
Exercises Examples 12. 12.2 out of 100 points earned 13. 99.9 : 100 miles driven
10–15 1, 2
14. 11_ out of 100 feet 15. 66_ : 100 yards run
3 2
16–23 3 4 3
24–25 4
Write each fraction as a percent.
26–33 5
16. _
17. _
18. _
19. _
10 20 25 50

20. _1 21. _3 22. _

23. _
5 5 20 10

24. PETS Twenty out of every 25 households own one dog. What percent
of households own one dog?

25. SPORTS If 15 out of every 50 teens like to ski, what percent of teens
like to ski?

Write each percent as a fraction in simplest form.

26. 45% 27. 30% 28. 62% 29. 88%
30. 68% 31. 13% 32. 2% 33. 300%

Replace each ● with >, <, or =.

34. _l ●25% 35. _
● 55% 36. 78% ● _
4 20 5
%842!02!#4)#% 37. 38% ● _
38. 12% ● 1_
39. 2_ ● 24%
50 5 5
See pages 689, 718.
40. VOLUNTEERING A Girl Scouts event is expecting 40 out of 50 people to
Self-Check Quiz at volunteer at a charity auction. So far 30 volunteers have arrived at the auction. What percent of the volunteers have not yet arrived?

204 Chapter 4 Fractions, Decimals, and Percents

H.O.T. Problems 41. GEOMETRY What percent of the larger  M
rectangle shown is not shaded?
42. CHALLENGE Apply what you know about M
percents, fractions, and decimals to write
12 _
% as a fraction. Justify your answer. M
43. Which One Doesn’t Belong? Identify the ratio that does not have the same
value as the other three. Explain your reasoning.

1% _
1 100 out of
100 10 1,000

44. 83 *5*/( */ -!4( Explain how you know which model represents 36%.
Then explain why that model also represents _

œ`iÊ£ œ`iÊÓ œ`iÊÎ

46. Cats spend about _ of their time

45. What percent
of the model awake grooming themselves.
is shaded? Which number is equivalent to _
F 3% H 33.3%
A 25% C 40%
G 30% J 300%
B 30% D 60%

Write each decimal as a fraction or mixed number in simplest form. (Lesson 4-5)

47. 0.6 48. 0.15 49. 2.8

50. TIME The drive to a football game took 56 minutes. Twenty-four minutes
of the time was spent stopped in traffic. What fraction of the drive, in
simplest form, was spent in stopped traffic? (Lesson 4-4)

Solve each equation. (Lesson 3-2)

51. x + 7 = 10 52. m - 2 = 8 53. 12 + a = 16

PREREQUISITE SKILL Multiply or divide. (Pages 675, 676)

54. 16.2 × 10 55. 0.71 × 100 56. 14.4 ÷ 100 57. 791 ÷ 1,000

Lesson 4-6 Fractions and Percents 205

4-7 Percents and Decimals

Write percents as decimals READING The graphic shows 2EADING IS &UN
and decimals as percents. the reasons that students in &OR FUNPLEASURE 
6th through 12th grades read. 4O GET FACTS

Preparation for INFORMATION
Standard 6NS1.1 1. Write the percent of 4O HELP MAKE
Compare and order DECISIONS 
positive and negative students who read for 4O FIND OUT WHAT
fractions, decimals, and fun as a fraction.
mixed numbers and place /THER 
them on a number line. 2. Write the fraction as a
3. Compare the decimal
in Question 2 with its Source: National Education Association,
American Demographics
percent form. Identify
any similarities or differences.

In Lesson 4-5, you learned that any fraction can be written as a decimal.
You can use this fact to write percents as decimals.

Write Percents as Decimals

1 Write 7% as a decimal.

METHOD 1 Write the percent as a fraction.

7% = _
Write the percent as a fraction.
= 0.07 Write the fraction as a decimal.

METHOD 2 Divide mentally.

The % symbol means to divide by 100. So, remove the % symbol
When dividing by and divide by 100.
100, the decimal
point moves two 7% = .07 Remove the % symbol and divide by 100. Add placeholder zero.
places left.
= 0.07 Add leading zero.

So, 7% = 0.07.

Write each percent as a decimal.

a. 8% b. 54% c. 85.2%

206 Chapter 4 Fractions, Decimals, and Percents Extra Examples at

2 GEOGRAPHY Alaska is the
Interactive Lab largest state, making up
about 16 1 % of the land
area of the United States.
Write this amount as a

% = 16.1% Write _1 as 0.1.
10 10
= 16.1 Remove the % symbol and divide by 100.
= 0.161 Add leading zero.
So, 16_
% = 0.161.

d. GEOGRAPHY About 6 _% of the total area of the United States is

water. What decimal represents this amount?

e. GEOGRAPHY The total area of Australia is about 38_% of the total

area of North America. Write the amount as a decimal.

Write Decimals as Percents

3 Write 0.4 as a percent.

METHOD 1 Write the decimal as fraction.

0.4 = _
or _
Write the decimal as a fraction.
10 100
When multiplying by = 40% Write the fraction as a percent.
100, the decimal
point moves two
places right.
METHOD 2 Multiply mentally.
Multiply by 100 and add the % symbol.
0.4 = 0.40 Multiply by 100. Add a placeholder zero.
= 40% Add the % symbol.

So, 0.4 = 40%.

Write each decimal as a percent.

f. 0.5 g. 0.34 h. 0.98

Personal Tutor at

Lesson 4-7 Percents and Decimals 207

4 SCIENCE About 0.875 of an iceberg’s mass is underwater.
What percent of an iceberg’s mass is underwater?

0.875 = 0.875 Multiply by 100.

= 87.5% Add the % symbol.

So, 87.5% of an iceberg’s mass is underwater.

Real-World Link
Of the world’s icebergs,
93% are found
i. EXERCISE Each day, Rico and his dog walk 0.625 mile. What percent
surrounding the
Antarctic. of a mile do they walk?
Source: JPL Polar
Oceanography Group

#/.#%04 3UMMARY Percent as a Decimal

To write a percent as a decimal, divide the percent by 100 and remove the
percent symbol.
25% = .25 or 0.25

Decimal as a Percent

To write a decimal as a percent, multiply the percent by 100 and add the
percent symbol.
0.58 = 0.58 = 58%

Example 1 Write each percent as a decimal.

(p. 206)
1. 68% 2. 5% 3. 27.6%

4. SPENDING A family spends about 33_% of their annual income on housing.

Example 2
(p. 207)
What decimal represents the amount spent on housing?

Example 3 Write each decimal as a percent.

(p. 207)
5. 0.09 6. 0.3 7. 0.73

Example 4 8. BASKETBALL The table shows Player Average

(p. 208) the top five WNBA players with Anna DeForge 0.85
the highest free-throw averages Kelly Miller 0.848
for the 2005 regular season.
Allison Feaster 0.846
What percent of the time does
Katie Smith 0.782
Katie Smith make a free-throw?
Vickie Johnson 0.774

208 Chapter 4 Fractions, Decimals, and Percents

Steve Bloom/Taxi/Getty Images
(/-%7/2+ (%,0 Write each percent as a decimal.
For See 9. 27% 10. 70% 11. 6% 12. 4%
Exercises Examples 13. 18.5% 14. 56.4% 15. 2.2% 16. 3.8%
9–20 1
17. 27_
% 18. 15_
% 19. 30_
% 20. 46_%
21–22 2 10 2 4 5
23–34 3
21. BONES An adult human body has 68_% of the number of bones it had at
35–37 4 5
birth. What decimal represents this amount?

22. VIDEO GAMES Brian reaches the sixth level of a video game 92_% of the
time he plays. What decimal represents this percent?

Write each decimal as a percent.

23. 0.7 24. 0.6 25. 5.8 26. 8.2
27. 0.95 28. 0.08 29. 0.17 30. 0.78
31. 0.675 32. 0.145 33. 0.012 34. 0.7025

LACROSSE For Exercises 35–37, use the Western Women’s Lacrosse League,
2006 Season
table shown. What percent of the
Portion of
games played did each team win? School Name
Games Won
35. Pomona-Pitzer Chico State 0.9
36. California Polytechnic Pomona-Pitzer 0.625
37. Which team won 3 out of 12 games? Davis Club 0.25
California Polytechnic 1.0
Replace each ● with >, <, or = to make Source:
a true sentence.
38. 0.25% ● 0.125 39. 0.76 ● 76.5% 40. 500% ● 50
41. 99% ● 0.985 42. 0.325 ● 30% 43. 56% ● 0.5625

44. SPORTS A tennis player won 0.805 of the matches she played. What percent
of the matches did she lose?

ANALYZE TABLES For Exercises 45–48, use the table and the information given.
Five scales can be used to build a model train based on the life-size original.
For example, a G-scale train is about 4% of the size of the original. So, the
model of a train that measures 75 feet would measure 36 inches.
45. Find the decimal equivalents for each scale.
46. Which scale is the smallest? Equivalent

47. Find the approximate length of an actual G 4.4%

%842!02!#4)#% O 2.083%
75-foot train in the N scale.
See pages 689, 718. HO 1.15%
48. Which scale is used if a model of a
75-foot train is about 18.75 inches? N 0.625%
Self-Check Quiz at Z 0.45%

Lesson 4-7 Percents and Decimals 209

H.O.T. Problems 49. OPEN ENDED Write any decimal between 0 and 1. Then write it as a fraction
in simplest form and as a percent.

50. FIND THE ERROR Janelle and Gregorio both wrote 0.881 as a percent.
Who is correct? Explain.

0.881 = 0.881
= 88.1%

0.881 = 000.881
= 0.00881%

Janelle Gregorio

CHALLENGE Write each fraction as a percent.

51. _3 52. _
53. _
8 40 32

54. 83 *5*/( */ -!4( Write a word problem about a real-world situation in
which you would change a decimal to a percent.

55. It is estimated that 13.9% of the 56. Which of the following is ordered
population of Texas was born outside from least to greatest?
the United States. Which number is
F 0.42, _
, 50%, _
not equivalent to 13.9%? 5 4

A _
C 0.139 G _
, 0.42, 50%, _
1,000 5 4
H _
3 _
, 2 , 0.42%, 50%
B _
D 1.39 4 5
J _3 , 0.42, _2 , 50%
4 5

Write each ratio as a percent. (Lesson 4-6)

57. 72 out of 100 animals 58. $9.90 : $100 59. 3.1 out of 100 households
60. Write 9_ as a decimal. (Lesson 4-5)
61. BALLOONS Write an integer that represents a hot-air balloon descending
83 feet. (Lesson 2-1)

62. MONEY Marina earned $187.50 by working 30 hours. If she works 35 hours
at this rate, how much will she earn? (Lesson 1-1)

PREREQUISITE SKILL Write the prime factorization of each number. (Lesson 4-1)

63. 50 64. 32 65. 76 66. 105

210 Chapter 4 Fractions, Decimals, and Percents

4-8 Least Common Multiple

Find the least common Model the first floors of Building 1 and Building 2, as shown.
multiple of two or more
numbers. 1. Add a second floor to each building. Record
the total number of cubes used in a table like
Standard the one shown below.
6NS2.4 Determine "UILDING 
the least common Number of Floors 1 2 3 4 5
multiple and the greatest
common divisor of whole Number of Cubes in Building 1 9
numbers; use them to solve
Number of Cubes in Building 2 12
problems with fractions
(e.g., to find a common
denominator to add two "UILDING 
fractions or to find the
2. Add floors until each building has five floors.
reduced form for a fraction). 3. Describe two buildings that have the same number of cubes.
4. If you keep adding floors, will the two buildings have the same

NEW Vocabulary number of cubes again? Explain.

least common multiple A multiple is the product of a number and any whole number. The
least common multiple, or LCM, of two or more numbers is the least of
their common multiples, excluding zero.

Vocabulary Link
Multiply Find the LCM
Everyday Use to find the
product 1 Find the LCM of 6 and 10.
Math Use the product of
a number and any whole
number METHOD 1 List the nonzero multiples.
List the multiples of 6 until you come to a number that is also a
multiple of 10.
multiples of 6: 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, …
multiples of 10: 10, 20, 30, …
Notice that 30 is also a multiple of 10. The LCM of 6 and 10 is 30.

METHOD 2 Use prime factorization.

6=2·3 The prime factors of 6
10 = 2 · 5 and 10 are 2, 3, and 5.

The LCM is the least product that contains the prime factors of each
number. So, the LCM of 6 and 10 is 2 · 3 · 5 or 30.

So, the LCM of 6 and 10 is 30.

Extra Examples at Lesson 4-8 Least Common Multiple 211

2 Find the LCM of 45 and 75.
Use Method 2. Find the prime factorization of each number.

45 = 3 · 3 · 5 or 3 2 · 5 The prime factors of 45 and 75

are 3 and 5. Write the prime
75 = 3 · 5 · 5 or 3 · 5 2 factorization using exponents.

The LCM is the product of the prime factors 3 and 5, with each one
raised to the highest power it occurs in either prime factorization.
The LCM of 45 and 75 is 32 · 5 2, which is 225.

Find the LCM of each set of numbers.

a. 3, 12 b. 10, 12 c. 25, 30

3 PARTY Ling needs to buy paper plates, napkins, and cups for a
party. Plates come in packages of 12, napkins come in packages of
16, and cups come in packages of 8. If she wants to have the same
number of plates, napkins, and cups, what is the least number of
packages she will have to buy?

First find the LCM of 8, 12, and 16.

8 = 2 · 2 · 2 or 2 3
The prime factors of 8, 12, and 16
12 = 2 · 2 · 3 or 2 2 · 3 are 2 and 3. Write the prime
factorization using exponents.
Real-World Link 16 = 2 · 2 · 2 · 2 or 2 4
Each day, about
700,000 people in
the U.S. celebrate
The LCM of 8, 12, and 16 is 2 4 · 3, which is 48.
their birthday.
Source: To find the number of packages of each Ling needs to buy, divide
48 by the amount in each package.

cups: 48 ÷ 8 or 6 packages
plates: 48 ÷ 12 or 4 packages
napkins: 48 ÷ 16 or 3 packages

So, Ling will need to buy 6 packages of cups, 4 packages of plates,

and 3 packages of napkins.

d. VEHICLES Mr. Hernandez changes his car’s oil every 3 months,

rotates the tires every 6 months, and replaces the air filter once a
year. If he completed all three tasks in April, what will be the next
month he again completes all three tasks?

Personal Tutor at

212 Chapter 4 Fractions, Decimals, and Percents

Roy Ooms/Masterfile
Examples 1–3 Find the LCM of each set of numbers.
(pp. 211–212)
1. 4, 14 2. 6, 7 3. 12, 15
4. 21, 35 5. 3, 5, 12 6. 6, 14, 21

Example 3 7. GOVERNMENT The number of years per term

Elected Office Term (yr)
(p. 212) for a U.S. President, senator, and representative
President 4
is shown. Suppose a senator was elected in
Senator 6
the presidential election year 2004. In what
Representative 2
year will he or she campaign again during a
presidential election year?

(/-%7/2+ (%,0 Find the LCM for each set of numbers.

For See 8. 6, 8 9. 8, 18 10. 12, 16
Exercises Examples
8–13, 20 1, 2 11. 24, 36 12. 11, 12 13. 45, 63
14–19, 21 3 14. 2, 3, 5 15. 6, 8, 9 16. 8, 12, 16
17. 12, 15, 28 18. 22, 33, 44 19. 12, 16, 36

20. CHORES Hernando walks his dog every two days. He gives his dog a bath
once a week. Today, Hernando walked his dog and then gave her a bath.
How many days will pass before he does both chores on the same day?

21. TEXT MESSAGING Three friends use text

Friend Time Interval
messaging to notify their parents of their
Linda every 30 min
whereabouts. If all three contact their parents
Brandon every 45 min
at 3:00 P.M., at what time will all three contact
their parents again at the same time? Edward every 60 min

Find the LCM of each set.

22. $3.00, $14.00 23. 10¢, 25¢, 5¢ 24. 9 inches, 2 feet

Write two numbers whose LCM is the given number.

25. 35 26. 56 27. 70 28. 30

29. SNACKS Alvin’s mom needs to buy snacks for soccer practice. Juice boxes
come in packages of 10. Oatmeal snack bars come in packages of 8.
%842!02!#4)#% She wants to have the same number of juice boxes and snack bars, what is
See pages 689, 718. the least number of packages of each snack that she will have to buy?

Self-Check Quiz at 30. REASONING The LCM of two consecutive positive numbers is greater than 200 and is a multiple of 7. What are the least possible numbers?

Lesson 4-8 Least Common Multiple 213

H.O.T. Problems 31. CHALLENGE Two numbers have an LCM of 22 · 3 · 52. Their GCF is 2 · 5.
If one of the numbers is 2 · 3 · 5, what is the other number?

32. SELECT A TECHNIQUE The schedule for Clark Street Train Station
each of three trains is shown. Suppose a Train Leaves Station
train from each line leaves Clark Street
Red-line every 14 minutes
at 11:35 A.M. Which of the following
Blue-line every 16 minutes
technique(s) might you use to determine
the next time all three trains will be leaving Brown-line every 8 minutes

at the same time? Justify your selection(s).

Then use the technique to solve the problem.

mental math number sense estimation

33. OPEN ENDED Write three numbers that have an LCM of 30.

34. 83 *5*/( */ -!4( Describe the relationship between 12, 4, and 3 using
the words multiple and factor.

35. Which rule describes the common 36. Which of the following is the least
multiples of 12 and 18, where n common multiple of 24 and 60?
represents the counting numbers? F 72
A 12n G 96
B 18n H 120
C 36n J 1,140
D 216n

Write each percent as a decimal. (Lesson 4-7)

37. 55% 38. 26.4% 39. _1 % 40. 2%

41. DIAMONDS Sixty-eight percent of engagement rings have a diamond that is
round in shape. Write this percent as a fraction in simplest form. (Lesson 4-6)

42. ALGEBRA Solve 3x = 18. (Lesson 3-3)

43. ALGEBRA Rose swam 7 laps more than twice the number of laps her sister
swam. Write an algebraic expression to represent this situation. (Lesson 3-1)

PREREQUISITE SKILL Replace each ● with <, > or = to make a true sentence. (Page 670)

44. 6.85 ● 5.68 45. 2.34 ● 2.43 46. 6.9 ● 5.99

214 Chapter 4 Fractions, Decimals, and Percents

4-9 Comparing and Ordering
Rational Numbers
Compare and order In Chapter 2, you used a number line to compare integers. You can
fractions, decimals, also use a number line to compare positive and negative fractions.
and percents.
The number line shows that -_
8 8
? ?
6NS1.1 Compare 
and order positive  
and negative fractions,
decimals, and mixed     
numbers and place them
on a number line.
Standard NS2.4
Graph each pair of numbers on a number line. Then determine
Determine the least which number is less.
common multiple and the
greatest common divisor of
1. -_, -_ 2. -_, -1_ 3. -_, -_
7 3 5 1 13 3
whole numbers; use them
to solve problems with 8 8 8 8 8 8
4. -1_, -1_ _ _ _ _
fractions (e.g., to find 7 5 1 3 1 1
a common denominator
5. - , - 6. 1 , -1
8 8 2 4 4 4
to add two fractions or to
find the reduced form for
a fraction).
The different types of numbers you
Rational Numbers
have been using are all examples of 1
0.8 2
rational numbers. A rational number Integers
is a number that can be expressed as ⫺3
NEW Vocabulary Whole ⫺1
a fraction. Fractions, terminating and Numbers 2
rational numbers 13
repeating decimals, percents, and 2 1
common denominator 2.2
integers are all rational numbers. ⫺1.4444...
least common
denominator (LCD) The points corresponding to rational
numbers begin to “fill in” the number line.

Compare Rational Numbers

1 Replace the ● with <, >, or = to make -1 5 ● -1 1 a true sentence. _ _
6 6
Graph each rational number on a number line. Mark off equal size
increments of _
between -2 and -1.





The number line shows that -1_

< -1_
6 6

a. Replace the ● with <, >, or = to make -5

_5 ● -5_1 a true
9 9

Lesson 4-9 Comparing and Ordering Rational Numbers 215

A common denominator is a common multiple of the denominators
of two or more fractions. The least common denominator or LCD is the
LCM of the denominators. You can use the LCD to compare fractions.

Compare Rational Numbers

2 Replace the ● with <, >, or = to make 7 ● 8 a true sentence. _ _
12 18
12 = 22 · 3 and 18 = 2 · 32. So, the LCM is 22 · 32 or 36. The LCD
of the denominators 12 and 18 is 36.
7×3 _
12 12 × 3 18 18 × 2
36 36

Since _
, then _
36 36 12 18

Replace each ● with <, >, or = to make a true sentence.

b. _5 ● _7 c. _1 ● _
d. -_ ● -_
9 7
6 9 5 50 16 10

You can also compare fractions by writing each fraction as a decimal

and then comparing the decimals.

3 MOUNTAIN BIKING In Coach Ito’s first period class, 19 out of

32 students own a mountain bike. In his seventh period class,
16 out of 28 students own a mountain bike. In which class do a
greater fraction of students own a mountain bike?

Since the denominators are large, write _

and _
as decimals and
32 28
then compare.

19 ÷ 32 ≈ 0.5938 16 ÷ 28 ≈ 0.5714 Divide.

Real-World Link
More than 8.2 million
people participate in
Since 0.5938 > 0.5714, then _
32 28
off-road mountain
biking each year. So, a greater fraction of students in the first period class own a
Source: National Sporting mountain bike.
Goods Association

e. BOWLING Twelve out of 32 students in second period class like

to bowl. In fifth period class, 12 out of 29 students like to bowl.
In which class do a greater fraction of the students like to bowl?

216 Chapter 4 Fractions, Decimals, and Percents Extra Examples at

Digital Vision/Getty Images
It is a good idea to memorize these fraction-decimal-percent equivalents
because they are used frequently.

#/.#%04 3UMMARY Fractions-Decimals-Percents

= 0.25 = 25% _
= 0.2 = 20% _ = 0.125 = 12.5% _ = 0.1 = 10%
1 1
4 5 8 10
1 = 0.5 = 50% _
= 0.4 = 40% _ = 0.375 = 37.5% _ = 0.3 = 30%
3 3
2 5 8 10
= 0.75 = 75% _
= 0.6 = 60% _
1 − −
= 0.3 = 33.3% _
= 0.7 = 70%
4 5 3 10

1 = 1.00 = 100% _
= 0.8 = 80% _
2 − −
= 0.6 = 66.6% _
= 0.9 = 90%
5 3 10

4 Emma’s quiz scores for the grading period are _

, 0.68, 80%, and _
20 10

Eliminate Possibilities
Which list shows the scores from least to greatest?
Eliminate the possibilities
that you know are A 80%, _
, 0.68, _
C 80%, 0.68, _
14 _
, 5
20 10 20 10
incorrect. Then consider
the choices that remain.
In Example 4, you can
B _
5 _
, 14 , 0.68, 80% D _
, 0.68, _
, 80%
10 20 10 20
eliminate Choices A and
C since 80% > 0.68.

Read the Item

First write each number as a decimal. Then compare.

Solve the Item

= 0.7 0.68 80% = 0.8 _
= 0.5
20 10




Since _
< 0.68 < _
< 80%, the answer is D.
10 20

f. The amount of rain received on four consecutive days was

0.3-inch, _
-inch, 0.75-inch, and _
-inch. Which list shows
5 3
the amounts from least to greatest?

F 0.3-in, _
-in., _
-in., 0.75-in. H 0.75-in., _
-in., _
-in., 0.3-in.
3 5 3 5
G 0.3-in, _ -in., _
3 2
-in., 0.75-in. J _ -in., _ -in., 0.3-in., 0.75-in.
3 2
5 3 5 3
Personal Tutor at

Lesson 4-9 Comparing and Ordering Rational Numbers 217

Examples 1–2 Replace each ● with <, >, or = to make a true sentence. Use a number line if
(pp. 215–216) necessary.

1. -_ ● -_ 2. -1_ ● -1_ _3 ● _ 4. 2_ ● 2_
4 7 3 6 6 4 7
9 9 4 8 8 15 5 8
Example 3 5. SOCCER The table shows the average saves for Name Average
(p. 216) two soccer goalies. Who has the better average, Elliot 3 saves out of 4
Elliot or Shanna? Explain.
Shanna 7 saves out of 11

6. SCHOOL On her first quiz in social studies, Majorie answered 23 out of 25

questions correctly. On her second quiz, she answered 27 out of 30
questions correctly. On which quiz did Majorie have the greater score?

Example 4 7. STANDARDS PRACTICE The lengths of four insects are 0.02-inch, _1

(p. 217) _
0.1-inch, and -inch. Which list shows the lengths in inches from least
to greatest?

A 0.1, 0.02, _
1 _
,2 C 0.02, 0.1, _
1 _
8 3 8 3

B _
, 0.02, 0.1, _
D _
, 0.02, 0.1, _
8 3 3 8

(/-%7/2+ (%,0 Replace each ● with <, >, or = to make a true sentence. Use a number line if
For See
8. -_ ● -_ 9. -_ ● -_ 10. -7_ ● -7_ 11. -3_ ● -3_
Exercises Examples 3 4 5 2 5 1 2 4
8–19 1, 2 5 5 7 7 8 8 3 6
20–25, 49 3 12. _
13. _4 ● _5 14. _2 ● _
15. -_ ● -_
17 11
26–31, 48 4 10 3 7 8 3 15 24 12

16. 2_ ● 2_ 17. 6_ ● 6_ 18. 5_ ● 5_ 19. 3_ ● 3_

3 2 2 1 5 11 11 7
4 3 3 2 7 14 16 8
20. 40% ● 112 out of 25 21. 3 out of 5 ● 59%
22. 0.82 ● 5 out of 6 23. 9 out of 20 ● 0.45

24. WEATHER The table shows about

how much rain falls in Albuquerque #ITY
and Denver. Which city has the
greater fraction of inches of rain !LBUQUERQUE .-  
per day? Explain.
$ENVER #/  


25. GAMES Rocío and Cecil played darts. Rocío hit the bull’s-eye 5 out of 18
times. Cecil missed the bull’s-eye 4 out of 15 times. Who hit the bull’s-eye
a greater fraction of the time?

218 Chapter 4 Fractions, Decimals, and Percents

Order each set of numbers from least to greatest.
26. 0.23, 19%, _ _ 28. -0.615,-_, -0.62
1 8 5
27. , 81%, 0.805
5 10 8
29. -1.4, -1_, -1.25 30. 7.49, 7_, 7.5 31. 3_, 3_, 3.47
1 49 4 3
25 50 7 5

MEASUREMENT Replace each ● with <, >, or = to make a true sentence.

32. _5 yard ● _
yard 33. 0.25 pound ● _ pound
8 16 9
34. 2_ hours ● 2.8 hours 35. 1_ gallons ● 1_ gallons
5 7 5
6 12 8

MEASUREMENT Order each of the following from least to greatest.

36. 4.4 miles, 4_ miles, 4_ miles 37. 6.5 cups, 6_ cups, 6 cups
3 5 1
8 12 3
38. 1.2 laps, 2 laps, _ lap _1 gram, 5 grams, 1.5 grams
2 5

ANIMALS For Exercises 40-42, use the table that shows the lengths of the
smallest mammals.

Animal Length (ft)

Eastern Chipmunk

Kitti’s Hog-nosed Bat 0.83
European Mole

Masked Shrew
Real-World Link 6
The Olympic gold Spiny Pocket Mouse 0.25
medals are actually
made out of 92.5% Source: Scholastic Book of World Records
silver, with the gold
40. Which animal is the smallest mammal?
medal covered in 6
grams of pure gold. 41. Which animal is smaller than the European mole but larger than the spiny
pocket mouse?
42. Order the animals from greatest to least size.

SOFTBALL For Exercises 43 and 44, use the following table which shows the
at-bats, hits, and home run statistics for four players on the 2004 Olympics
U.S. Women’s softball team.

Player At-Bats Hits Home Runs

Crystal Bustos 26 9 5
Kelly Krestschman 21 7 1
Stacey Nuveman 16 5 2
Natasha Watley 30 12 0

43. Write the ratio of hits to at-bats as a decimal to the nearest thousandth
for each player. Who had the greatest batting average during the
See pages 690, 718.
Olympic games?

Self-Check Quiz at
44. Write the ratio of home runs to at-bats as a decimal for each player. Who
had the greatest home run average during the Olympic games?

Lesson 4-9 Comparing and Ordering Rational Numbers 219

Yiorgos Karahalis/Reuters/CORBIS
H.O.T. Problems 45. Which One Doesn’t Belong? Identify the ratio that does not have the
same value as the other three. Explain your reasoning.

9 out of 15 0.06 60% _3


46. CHALLENGE Explain how you know which number, 1_, _, or _, is

15 17 63
16 8 32
nearest to 2.

47. 83 *5*/( */ -!4( Write a word problem about a real-world situation in
which you would compare rational numbers. Then solve the problem.

48. Which point shows the location of _

49. Which list of numbers is ordered from
on the number line? least to greatest?
F _
1 _
, 4 1 , 0.4, 0.04
4 4
 !  "  #  $ 
G 0.04, 0.4, 4_
1 _
4 4
A point A
H 0.04, _, 0.4, 4_
1 1
4 4
B point B
C point C J 0.4, _
, 0.04, 4_
4 4
D point D 50. Which of the following fractions is
closest to 0?
A -_
B -_ 2
C _7
D _

Find the LCM of each set of numbers. (Lesson 4-8) 7 >̽ÃÊ"˜Ê/œ«¶

51. 14, 21 52. 3, 13 53. 12, 16 "˜ˆœ˜Ã

FOOD The graph shows the results of a survey for "Ì iÀ
favorite pizza toppings. Write the percent of people 6i}iÌ>LiÃ
who chose each topping as a decimal. (Lesson 4-7) *i««iÀœ˜ˆ
54. onions 55. vegetables 56. mushrooms {ί
Õà Àœœ“Ã
57. Find the GCF of 18 and 72. (Lesson 4-2)
ALGEBRA Solve each equation. (Lesson 3-5)

58. 4x + 3 = 15 59. 2n - 5 = 19 60. -8 = -3d + 1 3OURCE -ARKET &ACTS FOR "OLLA

220 Chapter 4 Fractions, Decimals, and Percents


Study Guide
4 and Review
Download Vocabulary
Review from

Key Vocabulary
bar notation (p. 197) multiple (p. 211)
Be sure the following iVˆ“>Ã]
Key Concepts are noted
À>V̈œ˜ÃÊ i˜ÌÃ
common denominator percent (p. 202)
(p. 216) prime factorization (p. 182)
in your Foldable. {‡ÓÊÀi>ÌiÃ

ÌÊ œ““œ˜Ê



{‡xÊÀ>V ̈œ˜
ˆ˜}ÊÀ>V ̈œ˜

ÃÊ>˜`Ê iVˆ“
>Ã composite number (p. 181) prime number (p. 181)

equivalent fractions (p. 192) ratio (p. 202)

Ê>˜`Ê iVˆ“
{‡ÇÊ*iÀVi˜Ìà i
{‡nÊi>ÃÌÊ Õ“LiÀÃ

Key Concept
{‡™Ê œ“«>Àˆ˜}Ê>

factor tree (p. 182) rational number (p. 215)

Greatest Common Factor (Lesson 4-2) greatest common factor repeating decimal (p. 197)
• The greatest common factor or GCF is the greatest (GCF) (p. 186)
simplest form (p. 192)
of the common factors of two or more numbers. least common
denominator (p. 216) terminating decimal
(p. 197)
least common multiple
Fractions, Decimals, and Percents (LCM) (p. 211)
(Lessons 4-4 to 4-7)
• A fraction is in simplest form when the GCF of the
numerator and denominator is 1.
• A terminating decimal is a decimal whose digits
end. Repeating decimals have a pattern in the
digits that repeats forever.
Vocabulary Check
State whether each sentence is true or false.
• A percent is a part to whole ratio that compares
If false, replace the underlined word or
a number to 100.
number to make a true sentence.
• To write a percent as a decimal, divide the
percent by 100 and remove the percent symbol. 1. A ratio is a comparison of two numbers by

• To write a decimal as a percent, multiply the multiplication.

percent by 100 and add the percent symbol. 2. A rational number is a whole number
greater than 1 that has exactly two factors,
1 and itself.
Least Common Multiple (Lesson 4-8)
3. 1.875 is an example of a terminating
• The least common multiple or LCM of two or
more numbers is the least of their common decimal.
multiples. 4. A common denominator for the fractions
_2 and _1 is 12.
3 4
Rational Numbers (Lesson 4-9) 5. The greatest common factor of 3 and
• A rational number is one that can be expressed 5 is 15.
as a fraction.
6. A ratio that compares a number to 100
is a percent.
7. The fractions _
and _
are equivalent
21 7

Vocabulary Review at Chapter 4 Study Guide and Review 221


4 Study Guide and Review

Lesson-by-Lesson Review
4-1 Prime Factorization (pp. 181–184)

Find the prime factorization of each Example 1 Find the prime factorization
number. of 18.
8. 54 9. 128 10. 68 11. 95 £n
Use a factor tree
12. ALGEBRA Factor 36x 2yz 3. È  Î

13. PLANTS The palm tree raffia has leaves Ó  Î  Î

up to 65 feet long. Write this length as
a product of primes. The prime factorization of 18 is 2 × 3 2.

4-2 Greatest Common Factor (p. 186–189)

Find the GCF of each set of numbers. Example 2 Find the GCF of 24 and 56.
14. 18, 27 15. 30, 72 First, make a list of all the factors of 24
and 56.
16. 28, 70, 98 17. 42, 63, 105
factors of 24: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24
18. ALGEBRA Find the GCF of 18w factors of 56: 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 14, 28, 56
and 54w 2y. common factors: 1, 2, 4, 8
19. CLOTHING Maria spent a total of $24 The GCF of 24 and 56 is 8.
on earrings, $36 on shirts, and $48
on shorts. If each item cost the same
amount, what is the greatest possible
price per item?

4-3 PSI: Make an Organized List (pp. 190–191)

Solve by making an organized list. Example 3 In how many ways can the
20. SEATING In how many ways can four letters A, B, and C be arranged?
friends sit in a row at the movies? The possible outcomes are written below.
21. TELEPHONES A phone company offers ABC ACB
5 different types of long-distance plans BAC BCA
and 3 different caller features (call CAB CBA
waiting, caller ID, and call forward). There are 6 different ways to arrange
How many different kinds of plans can the letters.
be set up that include a long-distance
service and a caller feature?

222 Chapter 4 Fractions, Decimals, and Percents

Mixed Problem Solving
For mixed problem-solving practice,
see page 718.

4-4 Simplifying Fractions (pp. 192–195)

Write each fraction in simplest form. Example 4 _

Write 24 in simplest form.
22. _
23. _
24. _
11 Find the GCF of the numerator and
15 60 121 denominator.
25. _
26. _
27. _
63 45 110 24 = 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24
28. CATS The average household cat sleeps 32 = 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32
18 hours a day. Write a fraction in _ =_ =_
24 24 ÷ 8 3 Divide the numerator and
simplest form comparing the number 32 32 ÷ 8 4 denominator by the GCF.
of hours a household cat sleeps to the
number of hours in a day.

4-5 Fractions and Decimals (pp. 196–200)

Write each fraction or mixed number as a Example 5 _

Write 3 as a decimal.
decimal. Use bar notation if the decimal
is a repeating decimal. 0.375 So, _
= 0.375.
_3 _7 _5 8 
29. 30. 31.
4 8 9 -
_____ 24
32. 4_ 33. 6_ 34. 1_
1 2 6 60
3 5 7 -
_____ 56
Write each decimal as a fraction in 40
simplest form. -
_____ 40
35. 0.7 36. 0.44 37. 0.05
38. 0.18 39. 0.54 40. 0.08 Example 6 Write 0.64 as a fraction.
0.64 = _
Write as a fraction with a
41. RUNNING Jeremy ran a mile in
denominator of 100.
5 minutes and 8 seconds. Write =_
this time in minutes as a decimal. 25

4-6 Fractions and Percents (pp. 202–205)

Write each fraction as a percent. Example 7 _

Write 27 as a percent.
32 _
11 _
47 _
20 _
Write an equivalent fraction
50 100
with a denominator of 100.
Write each percent as a fraction in
simplest form. = 54% Definition of percent

46. 68% 47. 95% 48. 42% 49. 16% Example 8 Write 96% as a fraction.
50. FOOD A survey showed that 58% of 96% = _
Definition of percent
school children like peanut butter and 100
jelly sandwiches. Write this percent as =_
a fraction in simplest form.

Chapter 4 Study Guide and Review 223


4 Study Guide and Review

4-7 Percents and Decimals (pp. 206–210)

Write each percent as a decimal. Example 9 Write 35% as a decimal.

51. 48% 52. 7% 35% = _
Write the percent as a fraction.
53. 12.5% 54. 75_
% = 0.35 Write the fraction as a decimal.
Write each decimal as a percent. Example 10 Write 0.625 as a percent.
55. 0.61 56. 0.055 57. 0.19 58. 0.999 0.625 = 0.625 Multiply by 100.

59. WEATHER Twenty-three percent of the

= 62.5% Add the % symbol.

days last month were rainy. Write this

percent as a decimal.

4-8 Least Common Multiple (pp. 211–214)

Find the LCM of each set of numbers. Example 11 Find the LCM of 8 and 36.
60. 9, 15 61. 4, 8 Write each prime factorization.
62. 16, 24 63. 3, 8, 12 8 = 2 × 2 × 2 = 23
64. 4, 9, 12 65. 15, 24, 30 36 = 2 × 2 × 3 × 3 = 22 × 3 2
LCM: 2 3 × 3 2 = 72
66. BREAKFAST At a bakery, muffins
come in dozens and individual The LCM of 8 and 36 is 72.
serving containers of orange juice
come in packs of 8. If Avery needs
to have the same amount of muffins
as orange juice containers, what is
the least possible number of sets
of each he needs to buy?

4-9 Comparing and Ordering Rational Numbers (pp. 215–220)

Replace each ● with <, >, or = to make a Example 12 Replace ● with <,>, or =
true sentence. to make _
a true sentence.
_3 ● _2 5 8
68. -0.45 ● -_
67. Find equivalent fractions. The LCD is 40.
8 3 20
69. _ ● 85%
70. -3_ ● -3_
3 5 _3 = _
24 _5 = _
9 4 8 5 5×8 40 8 8×5 40

71. SCHOOL Michael received a _ on his

26 Since _
, then _
30 40 40 5 8
English quiz and received 81% on his
Biology test. In which class did he
receive the higher score?

224 Chapter 4 Fractions, Decimals, and Percents


Practice Test
1. Find the prime factorization of 72. Write each fraction or decimal as a percent.
14. _
15. 0.26 16. 0.135
2. Find the GCF of 24 and 40. 25

17. PAINTING Adrian has already painted

3. SCHEDULES Farijah registered for French,
46 square feet of a wall measuring
Pre-Algebra, Life Science, English, and
10 feet by 10 feet. What percent of the
Social Studies. French is only offered first
wall has he painted?
period, Pre-Algebra is only offered fifth
period, and she must have lunch fourth
period. How many different schedules can 18. STANDARDS PRACTICE What percent of
she create out of a six period day? Use the the figure below is unshaded?
make an organized list strategy.

Write each fraction in simplest form.

4. _
5. _
60 72
F 15%
Write each fraction, mixed number, or percent G 30%
as a decimal. Use bar notation if the decimal is H 40%
a repeating decimal.
J 60%
6. _7 7. 4_
8. 91%
9 8
Find the LCM of each set of numbers.
9. PRESIDENTS Calvin Coolidge was the 19. 18, 42 20. 4, 5, 12
thirtieth president of the United States. He
slept an average of 10 hours a day, the most 21. INSECTS One type of cicada emerges from
of any United States president. What hibernation every 17 years. Another type of
percent of time each day did President cicada emerges every 13 years. If both come
Coolidge sleep? out of hibernation in the same year, after
how many years will this happen again?
Write each decimal or percent as a fraction in
simplest form. Replace each ● with <, >, or = to make a true
10. 0.84 11. 0.006 12. 42%
22. -_ ● -_ 23. 4_ ● 4_ _
3 5 7 6 13
24. ● 65%
5 9 12 8 20
13. STANDARDS PRACTICE Which of the 25. BASKETBALL To make it past the first round
following is equivalent to the of tryouts for the basketball team, Paul
expression 4.7 × 10 3? must make at least 35% of his free-throw
A 4.700 attempts. During the first round of tryouts
B 47 he makes 17 out of 40 attempts. Did Paul
C 470 make it to the next round of tryouts?
D 4,700 Explain your reasoning.

Chapter Test at Chapter 4 Practice Test 225


4 California Standards Practice

Cumulative, Chapters 1–4

Read each question. Then fill in 4 Solve the equation x + 7 = -3.

the correct answer on the answer What is the value of x?
document provided by your teacher
or on a sheet of paper. F 4 H -4
G 3 J -10
1 A large school system estimates that 0.706 of
its students will take the bus to school
throughout the school year. Which number 5 At a wedding reception, the number of seats
is greater than 0.706? s is equal to the 8 times the number of tables
A _706 t. Which equation matches this situation?
A s=8+t
B -1_
B t=8·s
C _
76 C s=8·t
D t=8-t
D -7.06

2 Debra is working on three different art 6 Which problem situation matches the
projects. She has completed _
1 _
, 3 , and _
equation below?
4 8 2
of these projects, respectively. Which list x + 12 = 35
shows the percent of work completed on
F The difference between two numbers is
these projects from least to greatest?
35. One of the numbers is 12. What is x,
F 37.5%, 50%, 25% the other number?
G 50%, 37.5%, 25% G Laura is 12 years younger than her
H 25%, 37.5%, 50% brother. If Laura is 35 years old, find her
brother’s age x.
J 25%, 50%, 87.5%
H The sum of a number, x, and 12 is 35.
3 Which of the following is the prime factored What is the value of x?
form of the lowest common denominator J Karen had $35. If she received $12, what
of _
and _
? is x, the total amount she now has?
6 8
A 22 × 3 × 5
B 23 × 5
7 Which of the following is true when
C 2× 6 evaluating the expression 3 · 42 - 12 ÷ 6?
D 23 × 3 A Multiply 3 by 4 first since multiplication
comes before subtraction.
B Evaluate 42 first since it is a power.
Question 3 Eliminate any answer C Divide 12 by 6 first since division comes
choices that you know are incorrect. before multiplication.
Since 8 does not have a factor of 3,
you can eliminate answer choice A. D Multiply 3 by 4 first since all operations
occur in order from left to right.

226 Chapter 4 Fractions, Decimals, and Percents California Standards Practice at
More California
Standards Practice
For practice by standard,
see pages CA1–CA39.

8 Which sequence follows the rule 2n + 5, 12 Which number is best represented by the
where n represents the position of a term point graphed on the number line below?
in the sequence?
F 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, ... H 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, ...
G 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, ... J 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, ...
F -2_
9 Nicholas used the Distributive Property to 4
evaluate the expression 5(12 + 7) mentally. G -2_
Which of the following is a correct use of the
Distributive Property to evaluate this H -3_
J -3_
A 5(12 + 7) = 5(12) + 5(7) = 60 + 35 or 95 4
B 5(12 + 7) = 5(12) + 7 = 60 + 7 or 67
C 5(12 + 7) = 12 + 5(7) = 12 + 35 or 47 Pre-AP
D 5(12 + 7) = 5 + 60 + 5 + 7 = 65 + 12 or 77 Record your answers on a sheet of paper.
Show your work.
10 Which of the following relationships is
13 The table shows the number of students
represented by the data in the table?
who volunteered at the food bank.
x y
Number of
1 5,280 Total Number
Classroom Students
2 10,560 of Students
3 15,840 A 7 24
4 21,120 B 3 8
5 26,400 C 6 18

F Conversion of miles to feet a. Model the fraction of the number

G Conversion of inches to yards of students volunteering to the total
H Conversion of feet to miles number of students for each classroom
on grid paper.
J Conversion of yards to inches
b. Which classroom had the greatest
number of students volunteering?
11 If g = 4, m = 3, and n = 6, then __
mn + 2
g +1
is equivalent to which of the following? c. Which classroom had the greatest
fraction of students volunteering?
A 6 C 3
d. Write each ratio as a fraction in simplest
B 5 D 2 form, as a decimal, and as a percent.


If You Missed Question... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Go to Lesson... 4-9 4-9 4-2 3-2 3-1 3-1 1-4 1-9 1-8 2-6 1-4 4-9 4-9
For Help with Standard... NS1.1 NS1.1 NS2.4 AF1.1 AF1.2 AF1.2 AF1.3 AF1.2 AF1.3 MR1.1 AF1.3 NS1.1 NS1.1

Chapter 4 California Standards Practice 227

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