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Registration of Deeds Law

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Registration of Deeds Law

Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Law 9/2018
1379, 4th Waxing Day of Tagu
(20 March 2018)

The Pyidaungsu Hluttaw hereby enacts this law.

Chapter (1)
Name; entering into force; definitions

1. This law shall be called the Registration of Deeds Law.

2. This law shall enter into force on the day set by the President by notification.

3. The terms included in this law shall have the following meaning -

(a) “Union” means the Republic of the Union of Myanmar.

(b) “Consecutive data” means the name, father’s name, national registration card number
or citizen scrutinizing card number and address of the persons on record.

(c) “Additional written record” means data written, by a registration officer appointed
according to section 7 or section 8, on the cover page, the following pages or attached
pages of deeds that have been submitted for registration according to this law.

(d) “Immovable property” means land and any interest arising from land, buildings and
items that are built on, attached to, or erected on land, or attached to a building erected
on land. This term does not include trees, unharvested crops and grass which are on the

(e) “Movable property” means any property other than immovable property.

(f) “Lease agreement” means an agreement to lease for the purpose of agriculture, living,
possessing or using in other ways.

(g) “Minor” means a person who is not yet 18.

(h) “Representative” means a person who is legally authorized to look after a minor or a
person of unsound mind. With regard to a department, organization, company and
association, this term includes a person appointed by a resolution of the department,
organization, company or association.

(i) “Agent” means a person appointed to act in a certain case, or on behalf of someone else,
in communications with others.

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(j) “Ministry” means the Union Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation.

(k) “Minister” means the Union Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation.

(l) “Department” means the Department of Farmland Management and Statistics.

(m) “Director General” means the Director General of the Department of Farmland
Management and Statistics.

(n) “Registration officer” means the registration officer appointed to register deeds
according to this law.

(o) “Inspector” means the district officer of the Department of Farmland Management and
Statistics who is responsible for reviewing performance with regard to the registration
of deeds in the relevant district.

Chapter (2)

Appointment of registration officers and inspectors

4. The Director General of the Department of Farmland Management and Statistics is the head of
the registration of deeds operation.

5. The Region/State/Union Territory officer at the Department of Farmland Management and

Statistics is the registration officer of a Region/State/Union Territory.

6. The district officer of the Department of Farmland Management and Statistics is inspector of the
relevant district.

7. An officer from the Department appointed by the Director General with the approval of the
Minister is the registration officer of a designated city Registration of Deeds Office.

8. An officer from the township Department of Farmland Management and Statistics with a rank
not lower than deputy staff officer is the registration officer of the relevant township.

Chapter (3)

Formation of the Registration of Deeds Office

9. The Registration of Deeds Office for a Region/State/Union Territory shall be established at the
Office of the Department of Farmland Management and Statistics in the relevant
Region/State/Union Territory.

10. The Director General shall establish a city Registration of Deeds Office by combining all or some
townships in the city development territories of Nay Pyi Taw, Yangon and Mandalay.

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11. Registration of Deeds Offices for all townships with the exception of the townships specified in
section 10 shall be established at the Office of the Department of Farmland Management and
Statistics in the relevant townships.

12. The Director General may appoint required staff for the Registration of Deeds Office with the
consent of the Ministry.

13. The Director General may appoint an officer to perform the duties of a registration officer
appointed according to section 7 or section 8 for the continuous operation of the registration of

14. The Director General may specify or amend the registration book and forms that are being used
at the Registration of Deeds Office according to operational requirements.

15. The Registration of Deeds Office -

(a) shall use the stamps of the registration officer and the office of which the size, the form
and the contents have been specified by the Department;

(b) shall use the registration books and forms specified and published by the Department;

(c) shall number consecutively every item on every page of the registration book that are
being used;

(d) shall have a secured container provided by the Department;

(e) shall have a secured case file room for the safe storage of files with regard to the
registration of deeds.

Chapter (4)

Registration of deeds

16. The following deeds are defined as documents for which registration is compulsory according to
this law:

(a) Deeds which convey ownership of immovable property.

(b) With regard to immovable property or attached items with a value of Ks. 100,000 and
above: their sale and [furthermore] non-testamentary documents that are made in
order to create any right, title or interest by declaration, assignment, limitation,
relinquishment or extinction; a judgment, decree or order made by a court with regard
to the rights from such documents.

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(c) Mortgage deeds, with the exception of a mortgage by deposit of title deeds, with a
value of Ks. 100,000 and above signed by the mortgagor and certified as correct by at
least two witnesses; deeds that extinguish the mortgage.

(d) Lease agreements for immovable property from year to year, or for any term exceeding
one year, or reserving a yearly rent.

(e) Deeds in which companies or organizations mortgage, transfer or convey by other

means full or partial ownership of, or an interest in, immovable property to a trustee.

(f) Kittima adoption deeds.

(g) Deeds specified by the Union government from time to time.

17. The following deeds are deeds that may be registered according to this law.

(a) Deeds which purport or operate to create, declare, assign, limit or extinguish, whether
in present or in future, any right, title or interest, whether vested or contingent, of a
value less than Ks. 100,000, to or in immoveable property.

(b) Mortgage deeds with a value of less than Ks. 100,000.

(c) Lease agreements for immovable property with a term of less than 1 year.

(d) Deeds which purport or operate to create, declare, assign, limit or extinguish any right,
title or interest vested in movable property.

(e) Wills.

(f) Family administration deeds.

(g) Decrees or orders made by a court; decisions of an arbitrator.

(h) Sales certificate issued to a buyer after immovable property has been sold at an auction
by a court, tax officer or relevant government department or organization.

(i) Grant or deed of partition issued by a government department or organization with

regard to immovable property.

(j) Other types of deeds apart from the deeds of which registration is compulsory
according to section 16.

18. Deeds that are submitted for registration at the Registration of Deeds Office -

(a) Shall be written in the Myanmar language.

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(b) A translation signed by a notary public must be submitted if the deeds are not in the
Myanmar language.

(c) Shall be written and signed [as opposed to: initialed] by the parties.

(d) Any amendment, addition, omission or deletion having been made to any contents of
the deeds shall be signed or initialed by the parties.

19. The registration officer according to section 7 or section 8 shall record it in the registration book
if any amendment, addition, omission or deletion has been made to any deeds submitted for

20. If any deeds related to immovable property apart from a will are submitted for registration, the
type, structure, size and location of the property has to be clearly specified so that the property
can be easily distinguished, and if the immovable property is land, two maps and the land
history (which have to be certified) issued by the relevant government department or
organization shall be provided.

Chapter (5)

Period for the submission of deeds to be registered

21. Any deeds made in the Union apart from a will shall be submitted within 120 days after the date
of execution, and any decree or order made by a court shall be submitted within 120 days after
the date of the decision. However, if the decree or order has been appealed, the [final]
submission date shall be calculated by counting from the date of the decision by the final court
of appeal.

22. If a deed is signed by more than two parties and the signature dates are different, the deed shall
be submitted within 120 days after the date of the last signature.

23. With regard to the submission of deeds made in the Union apart from a will or any decree made
by a court which cannot be registered within the period prescribed in section 21 due to a reason

(a) The person requesting registration shall apply for registration to the registration officer
appointed according to section 7 or section 8.

(b) The registration officer appointed according to section 7 or section 8 shall, upon receipt
of the application according to sub-section (a), report to, and ask for permission from,
the relevant Region/State/Union Territory registration officer.

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(c) The Region/State/Union Territory registration officer may, upon the receipt the report
according to sub-section (b) and after having scrutinized the matter as required, allow
the registration with a fine if the time passed since the due date has not exceeded 120

24. Any person wishing to register deeds made outside of the Union -

(a) Shall submit the deeds for registration to the registration officer appointed according to
section 7 or 8 within 120 after the arrival of the deeds in the country.

(b) The registration officer appointed according to section 7 or 8 shall register the deeds
submitted according to sub-section (a) after having scrutinized the matter as required if
he is satisfied that they conform to the specifications.

(c) If the applicant submitted the deeds after the period specified in sub-section (a), the
provisions of section 23 shall apply.

25. Deeds related to immovable property shall be registered at the Registration of Deeds Office
established according to section 10 or section 11 in whose area the immovable property is
located. Other deeds may be registered at any Registration of Deeds Office.

26. A certified copy of a court decree or order shall be registered at the following Registration of
Deeds Offices -

(a) If related to immovable property, it shall be registered at the Registration of Deeds

Office established according to section 10 or section 11 in whose area the court is

(b) It may be registered at any Registration of Deeds Office if sub-section (a) does not apply.

27. The Region/State/Union Territory Registration Officer may instruct inspectors to inspect or act
according to this law with regard to any deeds that are registered by the township registration
officer under him.

28. The inspector may, upon having been instructed according to section 27, summon for inspection
the registration officer appointed according to section 7 or section 8, the staff at the
Registration of Deeds Office and any person with an interest in the deeds submitted for

29. The registration officer appointed according to section 7 or section 8 shall ordinarily perform the
registration of deeds and the deposit of wills at the Registration of Deeds Office established
according to section 10 or section 11; however, in a special case, the registration officer may

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visit the residence of the person wishing to register in order to perform the registration of deeds
or the deposit of wills.

Chapter (6)

Persons eligible to register deeds

30. With the exception of the persons referred to in section 29 and section 80, the following
persons may register the deeds at the Registration of Deeds Office established according to
section 10 or section 11.

(a) Persons having made the deed, persons having an interest in the decree or order issued
by a court.

(b) The person according to section 3 sub-section (h).

(c) The following persons who have obtained the following powers of attorney given by a
person according to sub-section (a):

(1) A person with a power of attorney signed in front of, and certified by, the
registration officer appointed according to section 7 or section 8 if the principal
is resident in Myanmar.

(2) A person with a power of attorney signed in front of, and certified by, the
appointed officer at the Myanmar embassy in the relevant country if the
principal is residing abroad and issues the power of attorney abroad.

31. (a) The parties making the deed may apply individually or together to the registration
officer appointed according to section 7 or section 8.

(b) The registration officer appointed according to section 7 or section 8 shall scrutinize the
following items with regard to the application according to sub-section (a):

(1) Whether the deed has been agreed on by both parties;

(2) whether the parties have appeared in person for registration;

(3) whether the applicant for registration is a representative or has been appointed
with a power of attorney by the parties.

(c) The provisions in sub-sections (a) and (b) shall not apply to a decree or order of the

32. The registration officer appointed according to section 7 or section 8 may accept a deed for
registration if the following requirements are fulfilled:

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(a) The persons registering the deed are personally known or it is otherwise known that the
parties are authentic;

(b) the persons registering the deed or their representative or person authorized with a
power of attorney acknowledge the execution of the deed;

(c) registration is applied for due to a decree or order of a court due to the death of the
person having made the deed;

(d) with regard to the registration of any deed, the stamp duty payable according to the
Myanmar Stamp Act and other laws in force has been fully paid;

(e) the persons appearing for registration are truly entitled to appear.

23. The registration officer appointed according to section 7 or section 8 -

(a) Shall enquire, according to the provisions of this law, whether the terms contained in
the deed submitted for registration have been truly made by the parties.

(b) Shall only enquire whether the deed was made by the parties and not question the
ownership of property that is being transferred according to the deed submitted for

34. The registration officer appointed according to section 7 or section 8 shall refuse to register if
the following circumstances have been found:

(a) Any of the parties having made the deed refuses to acknowledge to have executed the

(b) There is reason to believe that a person having made the deed is a minor, of unsound
mind or incapacitated;

(c) The documentary evidence provided is insufficient with regard to deeds concerning
immovable property.

(d) With regard to deeds concerning immovable property: no certified map or land history
as specified in section 20 was submitted together with the deed.

Chapter (7)

Exemption for persons making a deed and witnesses

35. The registration officer according to section 7 or section 8 may summon persons with an
interest in a deed submitted for registration or representatives for enquiries with regard to the
registration process.

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36. (a) The following persons are exempted from having to come to the Registration of Deeds

(1) A person in poor health or a person with a physical disability if it is difficult for
this person to appear at the Registration of Deeds Office.

(2) A person under custody.

(3) A person exempted according to the law in force from having to come to the

(b) The registration officer may, upon the request of a person according to sub-section (a),
visit the person or appoint staff in writing to visit the person at home, in a hospital or

Chapter (8)

Deposit of a will

37. Wills may be deposited or registered at any time.

38. A person having written a will may deposit it in a sealed envelope with a registration officer
appointed according to section 7 or section 8 in person or through an agent.

39. The sealed envelope containing the will that has been deposited according to section 38 shall
contain the following information:

(a) Name of the person having written the will or the name of the agent;

(b) type of will;

(c) date of the submission for registration of the will;

(d) name of the witnesses in the will.

40. The registration officer appointed according to section 7 or section 8 shall check the will
deposited according to section 38 and, if he is satisfied with the result, record the following
information in registration book no. 5 and keep the will in the secured container provided by the
Department at the Registration of Deeds Office.

(a) The year, month, day, date and time when the will was deposited;

(b) the name of the person having written the will or the name of the agent;

(c) the name of the witnesses in the will;

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(d) the information written on the sealed envelope containing the will.

41. The registration officer appointed according to section 7 or section 8 may, if requested to return
the deposited will, return the will after having verified that the applicant is the person who
wrote the will or his agent.

42. The registration officer appointed according to section 7 or section 8 -

(a) If requested to open the will deposited according to section 38 after the death of the
person having written the will, may, at the expense of the applicant, open the will in
front of the applicant and record the contents of the will in registration book no. 3 after
having verified that the person having written the will is dead.

(b) Shall return the original will to the secured container provided by the Department at the
Registration of Deeds Office after the contents of the will has been recorded in
registration book no. 3.

(c) Shall submit the will to the court if so requested by the court.

(d) Shall make an entry in the registration book for receipts if the submitted will has not
been opened, but submitted to the court according to sub-section (c).

Chapter (9)

Registration of wills and kittima adoption deeds

43. In order to register a will, the person having written the will, or, if this person has died, the
administrator of the estate or a person with an interest in the will may apply to the registration
officer appointed according to section 7 or section 8.

44. The registration officer appointed according to section 7 or section 8 shall allow the registration
of the will submitted according to section 43.

45. The registration officer shall register the submitted will if the following requirements are

(a) Submission by the person having truly written the will;

(b) submission, with full evidence, by the administrator of the estate or a person with an
interest in the will if the person having written the will has died.

46. With regard to the registration of a kittima adoption deed, the deed shall be registered in the
same manner as other types of deeds if the person who has adopted, or who has been adopted,
applies according to the Registration of Kittima Adoption Act 1939.

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Chapter (10)

The effect of the registration of a deed

47. A deed which has been registered according to this law -

(a) shall be effective from the date of execution;

(b) with regard to movable or immovable property, shall override oral agreements and
declarations which are against the terms in the deed concerning these items;

(c) Regardless of sub-section (b), a registered deed shall have no effect on property which
has been conveyed according to oral agreements and declarations against the terms in
the deed.

48. If a deed for which registration is compulsory according to section 16 has not been registered,
the deed -

(a) shall have no effect on the transfer or lease of immovable property by whatever means;

(b) shall not be legal evidence for a kittima adoption;

(c) shall be no legal evidence for the rights and the property conferred by the deed.

49. The commitments and terms concerning property in the deeds are valid if the deeds in section
16, sub-sections (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e) and the deeds in section 17, sub-sections (a), (b) and (c)
have been registered.

Chapter (11)

Duties and rights of the registration officer and the inspector

50. The registration officer appointed according to section 7 or section 8 -

(a) Shall perform the following tasks upon the receipt of an application for registration:

(1) Recording the date, time and hour of the application and the address of the
applicant on the deed and requesting the applicant to sign;

(2) issuing a receipt of the deed to the applicant;

(3) promptly recording sequentially the deeds permitted to be registered in the

registration book.

(b) Shall verify the deed presented for registration and, after verification, sign the
registration book.

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51. The registration officer appointed according to section 7 or section 8 -

(a) Shall make the following additional written records on a deed such as a certified copy of
a decree or order by the court and other types of deeds except copies delivered
according to section 83, sub-sections (a) and (b).

(1) The signature and consecutive data of a party or representative or agent;

(2) the signature and consecutive data of a person under inspection with regard to
a deed according to the provisions of this law;

(3) Any acknowledgment of full or partial receipt of any conveyance of money or

goods made before the registration officer with regard to the execution of a

(b) If a party executing a deed has refused to provide an additional written record according
to sub-section (a), this refusal shall be recorded after the registration of the deed.

52. The registration officer appointed according to section 7 or section 8 shall sign and date all
records made according to section 50 or 51 if they pertain to the same document and were
made before the registration officer on the same day.

53. The registration officer appointed according to section 7 or section 8 shall -

(a) Note the registration book number and the page number on the deed which has been
registered according to the provisions of this law.

(b) The registration of deeds procedure is completed after the additional written record has
been recorded and the office stamp and the officer’s signature with date has been
affixed as prescribed in sub-section (a).

54. The registration officer appointed according to section 7 or section 8 may -

(a) Ask for an affidavit if required when examining the deed.

(b) Make a written record of individual statements of the person under examination if

(c) Read out the written record of individual statements of the person under examination
and ask for the signature of the person under examination to indicate consent.

(d) Consider facts as undisputed if they are contained in the statements that are signed.

55. (a) The registration officer appointed according to section 7 or section 8 may be supervised
by the inspector.

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(b) The inspector shall inspect if there is a complaint against the performance of the
registration officer appointed according to section 7 or section 8 and shall report to the
Region/State/Union Territory registration officer if an unlawful act of the registration
officer appointed according to section 7 or section 8 has been found.

(c) The Region/State/Union Territory registration officer may decide and take necessary
action after having received the report of the inspector.

56. The Region/State/Union Territory registration officer shall report to the Director General in
order to:

(a) Destroy documents which are no longer required at the Registration of Deeds Office
established according to section 10 or section 11.

(b) Exempt from a fine.

57. The Region/State/Union Territory registration officer shall supervise the Registration of Deeds
Offices under his authority as to whether they comply with the law.

58. The Director General may waive the whole or part of the registration fees with the consent of
the Minister.

Chapter (12)

Rejection of an application for registration and appeal

59. The registration officer appointed according to section 7 or section 8 shall -

(a) Record the reason for rejecting in the registration book and write “rejected” on the
deed if he has rejected the application for registration with a reason prescribed in
section 34.

(b) With regard to the rejected application according to sub-section (a), the registration
officer shall issue a true copy of the facts recorded in the registration book free of
charge if the person having an interest in, or a person claiming to have an interest in,
the rejected deed requests the issuance of an official written rejection.

(c) Give out the rejected deed according to subsection (a) only by an order of the
Region/State/Union Territory registration officer.

60. (a) Any person not satisfied with any of the following decisions made by the registration
officer appointed according to section 7 or section 8 may appeal within 30 days from the
date of the decision to the Regional/State/Union registration officer:

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(1) Rejection to register with the argument that the deed has not been executed.

(2) Rejection to register according to a reason, except rejection for the property not
being within the jurisdiction of the Registration of Deeds Office.

(b) The decision of the Region/State/Union Territory registration officer may not be
appealed against.

61. The Region/State/Union Territory registration officer may direct an inspector to examine
according to the law upon the receipt of an appeal together with a true copy of the rejection by
the registration officer appointed according to section 7 or section 8 if the appeal was filed
within the specified period.

62. The inspector shall, after having been so directed according to section 61, do the following
within 15 days and report the results to the Region/State/Union Territory registration officer.

(a) Summoning and inspecting the applicant for registration, the parties to the deed and

(b) Requesting required documents from the persons concerned.

63. The Region/State/Union Territory registration officer shall, within 7 days after receiving the
report of the inspector, make an order confirming or amending the decision of the registration
officer appointed according to section 7 or section 8.

64. If the Region/State/Union Territory registration officer has made an order amending the
decision of the registration officer appointed according to section 7 or section 8, the appellant
shall file an application for registration with the registration officer appointed according section
7 or section 8 within 30 days after issuance of the order.

65. The deeds of which registration is allowed according to section 64 shall be considered to have
been registered on the date of the original application.

66. (a) If the Region/State/Union Territory registration officer has made an order confirming
the decision of the registration officer appointed according to section 7 or section 8, the
appellant may file, within 30 days after the issuance of the order, an application at court
for a decree or order to cause the Registration of Deeds Office to register the deed.

(b) The appellant, after having obtained the decree or order from the court, shall file an
application for registration with the registration officer appointed according to section 7
or section 8 within 30 days after the issuance of the decree or order.

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67. The registration officer appointed according to section 7 or section 8 shall register the deed filed
according to section 66 sub-section (b) according to the law.

Chapter (13)

Fees for registering, searching and copying

68. The Ministry shall specify the fees for the following matters, publish them in the Myanmar
Gazette and display them at a visible place at the township Registration of Deeds Office.

(a) Registration of deeds;

(b) Searching and copying the registration book and indices;

(c) Appointment of a commissioner;

(d) Visiting the residence of a party executing a deed;

(e) Attachment of a translation;

(f) Keeping, opening and handing over of sealed wills;

(g) Keeping of unredeemed deeds, irrespective of whether they were registered or not, and
for other things.

69. The applicant for the registration of a deed shall pay the registration fees as prescribed in
section 68 at the time of registration.

Chapter (14)

Deeds that are considered registered

70. The following types of deeds or maps shall be considered registered according to this law.

(a) Deeds which are issued, received or signed by an officer setting the land tax or an officer
revising the land tax.

(b) Deeds and maps which are issued or received by an officer assigned for land
measurement by the government, deeds and maps whose authenticity has been
confirmed by the signature of this officer.

(c) Deeds that are related to village records that are filed regularly with the tax office
according to a law in force.

(d) Transfer deeds for an above-ground or underground interest of the Union government.

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71. Any person may look at, and obtain a copy of, the deeds and maps prescribed in section 70 by
paying the specified fees.

Chapter (15)


72. No person appointed under this law to perform a registration shall add to, amend, delete, copy,
translate or register deeds submitted or deposited for registration if this person knows or thinks
that the act is wrong and intends to cause damage, or knows that he might cause damage, to a

73. Nobody is allowed to do the following:

(a) Making fraudulent statements before the registration officer or inspector or at an

investigation of a crime according to this law.

(b) Intentionally handing over a fraudulent copy or translation of a deed or a fraudulent

copy of a map or a form to the registration officer.

(c) Pretending to be the representative of a party, or a party, executing a deed and, in the
process of registration, inspection or investigation of a crime according to this law,
making a statement or engaging in other unlawful acts.

Chapter (16)


74. Any person found to have violated any prohibitions in section 72 or section 73 shall be
sentenced to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 7 years or a fine or both.

75. Any person found to have assisted in the violation of any prohibitions in section 72 or section 73
shall be sentenced to the same penalty as the perpetrator.

76. Any person found to have committed the same violation again shall be sentenced to
imprisonment for a term of 7 years and may also be fined.

Chapter (17)


77. No registration officer and inspector assigned duty according to the provisions of this law shall
be sued or taken action against for a rejection, inspection or acts performed bona fide.

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78. The registration officer or inspector shall testify as a witness or provide true copies of necessary
documents from the Registration of Deeds Office free of charge if an aggrieved person seizes
the court due to a violation of any provision of this law.

79. The registration officer appointed according to section 7 or section 8 may destroy documents
except wills with the consent of the Region/State/Union Territory Registration Officer if the
documents are not redeemed within 24 months.

80. A registration made by a registration officer appointed according to section 7 or section 8 based
only on the statements of the applicant shall not be considered invalid.

81. Regardless of any provisions of this law, an officer appointed to keep government property and
a property guardian officer shall be exempted from having to personally come or send a
representative to the Registration of Deeds Office and sign according to section 50 with regard
to deeds made in the performance of their duties.

82. The registration officer appointed to section 7 or section 8 may make enquiries with the parties
with regard to deeds made according to section 81. He shall register them if he deems them to
be genuine.

83. (a) The court issuing an official certificate for the sale of immovable property according to
the Code of Civil Procedure shall provide a true copy to the registration officer
appointed according to section 7 or section 8 at the location of the property.

(b) With regard to immovable property sold in an auction, the relevant officer shall provide
a true copy of the sales certificate provided to the buyer to the registration officer
appointed according to section 7 or section 8 at the location of the property.

(c) The registration officer appointed according to section 7 or section 8 shall attach the
official certificate or sales certificate as prescribed in sub-sections (a) or (b) to the
specified registration book.

84. (a) If there is an objection in the process of registration of deeds, the complainant shall
provide a temporary injunction issued by the relevant court within 90 days. The
registration process shall be resumed if the complainant fails to do so.

(b) Any person wishing to delete deeds registered according to this law shall apply at the
relevant court according to the provisions of the Specific Relief Act.

(c) The township registration officer shall perform necessary acts if he receives the certified
copy of a decree or order issued by the court with regard to an application according to
sub-section (b).

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85. The rules, regulations, notifications, orders and procedures issued under the Registration Act
(India Act 16, 1908, Vol. X) repealed by this law may be used if they are not contrary to the
provisions of this law.

86. When implementing the provisions of this law -

(a) The Ministry, with the consent of the Union Government, may issue rules and

(b) The Ministry and the Department may issue notifications, orders, directives and

87. The Registration Act (India Act 16, 1908, Vol. X) is repealed by this law.

I sign according to the constitution of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar.

(Signed) Htin Kyaw


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