Analysis of The Termini of The DNA of Bovine Demonstration of Sequence Inversion Implication For The Replication Model

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JOURNAL OF VIROLOGY, Oct. 1988, p. 3807-3813 Vol. 62, No.

Copyright © 1988, American Society for Microbiology

Analysis of the Termini of the DNA of Bovine Parvovirus:

Demonstration of Sequence Inversion at the Left Terminus and Its
Implication for the Replication Model
Department of Biology, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia 24061
Received 29 October 1987/Accepted 6 July 1988

The distribution of terminal-sequence orientations in the viral DNA of bovine parvovirus (BPV), an
autonomous parvovirus, was studied by end labeling and restriction enzyme digestion and also by cloning. The
left (3') end of the minus strand of BPV was found in two alternative sequence orientations (designated as flip
and flop, which are reverse complements of each other), with a 10-fold excess of flip. This is in contrast to the
autonomous rodent parvoviruses which encapsidate'minus-strand DNA with only the flip orientation at this
end. The right (5') end of the minus strand of BPV contained both sequence orientations with equal frequencies,
as in the rodent parvoviruses. Sequence inversions were also detected'at both ends of the plus strand,'which
makes up about 10% of the encapsidated BPV DNA. Each terminus of BPV DNA had a characteristic ratio of
flip to flop forms, and this ratio was restored in the progeny DNA resulting from transfection with genomic
clones of different defined terminal conformations. Replicative-form DNA showed the same distribution of
terminal-sequence orientations as the reannealed plus and minus virion DNAs, suggesting that the distribution
of flip and flop forms observed in virion DNA is not due to selective encapsidation, but rather to the specific
distribution of replicative forms. The current replication model for autonomous parvoviruses, which was based
on the available data for the rodent parvoviruses, cannot account for the observed distribution of BPV DNA.
An alternative model is suggested.

Parvoviruses are small icosahedral viruses with single- strands of these viral genomes have been shown to exist in
stranded DNA genomes containing terminal palindromic either orientation with equal frequencies, but the left (3')
sequences. These terminal regions have cis signals important termini are unique. A modified rolling hairpin model (1, 14)
in various steps of replication (6, 8, 9, 14). A number of was developed to account for the absence of sequence
related models have been proposed for the replication of inversion at the left end. However, the generality of this
parvoviruses (1, 3, 7, 8, 14, 16, 21, 30, 31). An essential model for the other autonomous parvoviruses remains to be
feature included in all these models is a hairpin transfer determined.
mechanism originally proposed by Cavalier-Smith (11) for In this study, the distribution of terminal-sequence orien-
the replication of linear molecules containing terminal palin- tations in the viral DNA population of BPV, a nonrodent
dromes. According to this mechanism, if a terminal palin- parvovirus, was investigated by end labeling and restriction
drome is imperfect, two terminal sequences will result from enzyme analyses and also by cloning. The results demon-
the replication process and each will be the reverse comple- strated the presence of both flip and flop conformations at
ment of the other, arbitrarily assigned as flip or flop (3, 25). the left end of the minus strand of BPV, in contrast to the
If a restriction enzyme recognition sequence lies within such unique conformation at this end for the rodent parvoviruses.
an unpaired region in the single-stranded DNA, that restric- The relation of this finding to the models of parvovirus
tion enzyme will be diagnostic for the flip and flop orienta- replication is discussed.
tions, since it will cut double-stranded DNA at two alterna-
tive sites depending on the orientation (21). MATERIALS AND METHODS
The dependent parvovirus, adeno-associated virus
(AAV), encapsidates equal amounts of plus- and minus- Clone construction. The construction and characterization
strand DNA. The left and right termini are identical, and the of BPV infectious genomic clpnes pVT501, pVT502, and
two alternative sequence orientations are found with equal pGCSma20 have been described previQusly (27). Left and
frequencies at both ends of the plus- and minus-strand DNA, right terminal fragments of BPV were cloned into pUC8, and
consistent with the hairpin transfer mechanism (8, 17). The terminal SmaI fragments were cloned 'into M13mpl8 by
autonomous parvoviruses encapsidate various amounts of standard procedures (18).
minus-strand DNA, from 99% for the rodent parvoviruses, End-label analysis. Procedures for isolating DNAs (single-
which include minute virus of mice (MVM), H-1, and rat and double-stranded virion DNAs, as well as replicative-
virus, to 90% for bovine parvovirus (BPV), to 50% for LuIlI form [RF] DNA) were described previously (12). DNA, 1 to
(14, 28). The left and right termini of the autonomous 2 pug per 50-,ul reaction, was'labeled at the 3'-hydroxyl ends
parvoviruses are not identical. The terminal-sequence orien- with 50 ,uCi of [35S]ddATP (Dupont, NEN Research Prod-
tations have so far been studied in detail only for the rodent ucts, Boston, Mass.) and 20 U 'of terminal deoxynucleotidyl-
parvoviruses (2-4, 24). The right (5') termini of the minus transferase (Dupont) in a s-olution containing 100 mM potas-
sium cacodylate, 25 mM Tris hydrochloride, 0.2 mM
dithiothreitol, and 1 mM CoCl2 (pH-7.6) (23). After incuba-
* Corresponding author. tion at 37°C for 2 h, DNA was precipitated and washed three

times with 70% ethanol. The labeled DNA was digested with Y-shaped configuration (Fig. 1A). There is a unique HhaI
the restriction enzymes diagnostic for the flip and flop (GCG/C) site in one of its arms. End labeling (which added a
orientations as indicated in Results. The digestion products ddA base to the 3'-hydroxyl end and made the fragment one
were analyzed on a sequencing gel (10) by using M13mp18 base longer) of the minus strand, followed by digestion with
sequencing reactions as size markers. End-labeled restric- HhaI, should yield bands of 77 and 66 nt, correspotiding to
tion fragments would be one base longer than the sizes the flip and flop conformations, respectively.
predicted from the DNA sequence as a result of the extra When the single-stranded BPV DNA (minus polarity only)
base (ddA) added by the terminal transferase. was analyzed in this way, bands at 79 and 64 nt, which
corresponded well with the expected lengths, were ob-
RESULTS served, along with a number of secondary bands (Fig. 2).
The band corresponding to the flip conformation at the 3'
BPV encapsidates approximately 90% minus-strand DNA terminus was about 10-fold more intense than that corre-
and 10% plus-strand DNA, and virion DNAs of opposite sponding to the flop conformation at the 3' terminus. There-
polarity readily reanneal under the conditions used for fore, roughly 90% of the minus strands had the flip orienta-
isolation (12). Virion DNA was recovered in two fractions: tion, and only 10% had the flop orientation at the left end.
double-stranded DNA, consisting of reannealed plus and HhaI tends to make single-strand cuts within the duplex
minus strands, and single-stranded DNA of minus polarity region containing the recognition site (3). Weaker bands in
only. We assume that the minus strands in reannealed virion the end-label analysis (Fig. 2), at nt 71 and 83, agreed well
DNA are a representative sample of the total minus-strand with the expected values of 73 and 84 predicted for cleavage
population. By convention, parvoviral genomes are pre- at the distal sides of the HhaI sites (Fig. 1A). Bands at 77, 78,
sented with the coding sequence (plus strand) reading from and 80 nt (Fig. 2) were the result of variations in the position
left to right; thus, the 5' end of the plus strand or the 3' end of the terminal nucleotide at the left end, as reported for
of the minus strand is referred to as the left end. This other parvoviruses (3, 15). The discrepancies between the
convention will be followed here to discuss the distribution expected terminal-fragment lengths and the observed ones
(the proportion of various components in a population) of are due, at least in part, to the effect of secondary structure
terminal-sequence orientations of BPV DNA. on the migration of these fragments in a sequencing gel.
Sequence heterogenity of the left end of BPV demonstrated Equal frequencies of flip and flop forms at the right (5') end
by cloning of terminal fragments. To obtain a population of of the minus strand. The conformation of the right (5') end of
cloned terminal fragments, reannealed double-stranded vi- the minus strand can be demonstrated by end-label analysis
rion DNA of BPV was used to generate clones of the of in vitro-replicated minus strand. In vitro replication would
left-terminal (map units 0 through 17) and right-terminal yield a double-stranded DNA whose conformation at the
(map units 92 through 100) EcoRI fragments of BPV. For the right end is defined by the conformation of the minus strand.
right end, clones with either flip or flop orientations were NdeI (CA/TATG) digestion would cut the in vitro-replicated
readily obtained. For the left end, most of the clones BPV DNA at nt 5437 in the flip orientation and at nt 5422 in
obtained were in the flip conformation. Surprisingly, clone the flop orientation (12). Replicated BPV virion DNA was
p3'V8 containing a 34-base-pair (bp) deletion was found to thus analyzed, and two bands of 55 and 73 nt, with approx-
be in the flop conformation at this terminus. This conforma- imately equal intensities, were observed (12).
tion had not been observed from other autonomous parvo- The right terminus of BPV was previously assigned to nt
virus genomes. 5491 on the basis of the data mentioned above and the
Since a sequence inversion within the left terminus of BPV sequence analysis of cloned Si nuclease-resistant fragments
could occur during cloning as an artifact (27), it was neces- of single-stranded virion DNA (12). However, in vitro rep-
sary to confirm the presence of the flop conformation in the lication of palindromic DNA by Escherichia coli DNA
native DNA by other means. The unique SmaI recognition polymerase I Klenow fragment is often incomplete and
sequence (CCC/GGG) of BPV lies within an unpaired region arrests at specific sites that are capable of forming hairpin
of the left hairpin (Fig. 1A). Hence, the enzyme will cut structures, as previously reported by Cotmore and Tattersall
double-stranded DNA at either 44 or 106 nucleotides (nt), (13) and as described below. During cloning both of the right
depending on whether the DNA is in the flip or flop form. terminus of BPV and of infectious genomic clones from
The ability to clone a left terminus of 106 nt from the double-stranded virion DNA (27), several of the clones
double-stranded virion DNA after digestion with SmaI obtained had the right terminus 26 bp beyond the previously
would provide direct evidence for the existence of the flop assigned terminus of the genome. Also, one clone of the Si
conformation at the left end of both strands of DNA. When nuclease-resistant right terminus containing the same 26
a series of terminal SinaI clones were sequenced, one with a additional bp was found (K. C. Chen, unpublished results).
96-bp insert was found. This clone, M13Smal99, had the In addition, the fragment lengths of end-labeled, NdeI-
expected sequence for the flop conformation but with a digested double-stranded virion DNA were found to be 20 to
10-bp deletion at the terminus. This finding provided direct 22 bp longer than those obtained from the in vitro-replicated
proof, by cloning, of the existence of the flop conformation DNA (see below). On the basis of this evidence, the revised
at the left end of both the plus and minus strands. Sequence terminus of BPV is placed at nt 5517 (Fig. 1B).
inversion during cloning could not give rise to a 96-bp Even though the terminal fragments of NdeI-digested in
fragment from a 44-bp fragment. vitro-replicated minus-strand DNA were truncated because
Demonstration of both flip and flop conformations at the left of incomplete replication, the band intensities indicated that
(3') end of the minus-strand DNA by end-label analysis. The both the flip and flop forms occur with equal frequencies at
occurrence of the flip or flop forms can also be visualized and the right end of the minus-strand virion DNA, as demon-
the relative amounts of each can be assessed by end-label strated for other parvoviruses (1, 17, 21, 24). This result is
analysis as described in Materials and Methods. On the basis expected if the hairpin transfer mechanism were involved in
of the sequence data (12), the left end of the minus strand of the synthesis of minus strand with the plus strand as the
BPV DNA can exist in a most stable (maximum base pairing) template and its right-end palindrome as the self-primer.

(A) Left (3') terminus

(1) Flip conformation
80-A G
G C,_
C G HhaI
G C 100 120 140 160
G C\
C G 60 SmaI 40 20 1

(2) Flop conformation

80-G C 100 SmaI 120 140 160
C G 60 40 20 1
G C HhaI

(B) Right (5') terminus

(1) Flip conformation

5341 5360 5380 5400 5420

5517 5500 5480 5460 5440

(2) Flop conformation

5341 5360 5380 5400 5420 NdeI

5517 5500 5480 5460 5440
FIG. 1. Nucleotide sequences of the flip and flop conformations at the left (3') terminus (A) and the right (5') terminus (B) of the minus
strand of BPV. Restriction enzyme recognition sequences for HhaI, NdeI, and SmaI are indicated. The position of the previously assigned
right (5') terminus (*) is shown.

1 3 at 42 nt and a minor band at 103 nt (Fig. 3A, lane 1), which
|A C G T| corresponded well with the expected 45 and 107 nt for the
flip and flop conformations at the left end, respectively.
Bands at 40, 41, and 43 nt were the result of terminal
variations of the left end, as observed with HhaI digestion.
The existence of a band corresponding to the flop conforma-
tion of the left end from double-stranded DNA provided
additional evidence for its presence in the minus strand. The
relative intensities indicated that the flip conformation was
predominant at the left end. The flip-to-flop ratio in double-
stranded, reannealed virion DNA was about the same as that
observed in the minus strand after digestion with HhaI (Fig.
f jp -_ _~_ -83nt (84) 2). Since the two ratios were about the same, this suggested,
f Ilip_-- --79nt (77) from equation 1, that the ratio for the plus strand must be
close to 1. That is, for the virion DNA that was encapsidated
f lop 71 n t ( 73 ) as plus strand, half of it was in the flip orientation at its left
end, and the other half was in the flop orientation. This
-64n t ( 66 ) would be the result expected if plus strands were synthe-
sized by the hairpin transfer mechanism with minus strand as
the template and its 3' hairpin as the self-primer.
Similar analysis of the right end of double-stranded virion
DNA with NdeI as the diagnostic enzyme showed two bands
of 77 and 93 nt (Fig. 3B, lane 1). With the reassigned right
end of BPV, the expected sizes of the flip and flop fragments
would be 81 and 96 nt (Fig. 1B), which were in reasonable
agreement with the observed values. The flop band was
about twice as intense as the flip band. Since the minus
strand had equal proportions of flip to flop at this end, the
ratio observed in the double-stranded DNA must result from
FIG. 2. End-label analysis of the left terminus of the minus the flip-to-flop ratio in the plus strands (see equation 1).
strand of BPV. Single-stranded virion DNA was end labeled, Hence, for the plus strand, roughly one-third of it was flip
digested with HhaI, and analyzed as described in Materials and and two-thirds of it was flop at the right end.
Methods. Lane 1 contains wild-type virion DNA. Bands corre- Terminal structures of BPV RF DNA. In vivo RF DNA
sponding to the ffip and flop orientations are indicated on the left. (mostly of monomer length) (22) was isolated from BPV-
The observed and the expected (shown in parentheses) sizes are
indicated on the right. infected cells 20 to 24 h postinfection by a modification of the
Hirt procedure (29). This DNA was subjected to end-label
analysis by using SmaI for the left end and NdeI for the right
Demonstration of sequence inversions at both ends of the end. The restriction fragments from these reactions were
plus strand by end-label analysis of double-stranded virion compared to those obtained by digesting reannealed, double-
DNA. The distribution of terminal-sequence orientations in stranded virion DNA with the same enzymes (Fig. 3A and
the plus-strand virion DNA can be deduced from the analy- B). The ratio of flip to flop at each terminus was the same for
sis of double-stranded (reannealed plus and minus strands) both RF and double-stranded virion DNA. Selective encap-
virion DNA, provided that the distribution within the minus sidation could not be responsible for the observed ratios of
strand is known, as illustrated below. terminal-sequence orientations in virion DNA, because the
Reannealing of BPV virion DNA plus and minus strands same ratios of flip to flop forms were observed in the RF
would result in double-stranded molecules which are either population. Furthermore, the sizes of terminal NdeI frag-
fully base paired (in the flip or flop conformations) or partly ments obtained from the two DNAs were the same. There
unpaired in terminal regions because of various terminal- was no extension of the right end of BPV RF DNA compared
sequence orientations. The former would be cut by the with the encapsidated virion DNA (1), in contrast to MVM.
diagnostic restriction enzyme and produce fragments char- Fate of flip and flop forms of transfecting genomic clones.
acteristic of the sequence orientation, but the latter would Full-length genomic clones pVT501 (flop at left end) and
not. For a restriction enzyme to generate a fragment with a pVT502 (flip at left end) have the same right end (in the flip
given conformation, either flip (i) or flop (o), both plus (c) form) and differ only in the orientation at the left end (27).
and minus (v) strands in the double-stranded (d) DNA have When the left ends of the progeny DNA of amplified trans-
to be in the same orientation. The probability (P) of cutting fections initiated with either pVT501 or pVT502 were ana-
at such a conformation is the product of the probabilities that lyzed by end labeling and SmaI digestion, both flip and flop
each strand is in that conformation, as given by Pd(i) = PC(i) conformations were observed and the ratio of the two forms
x P,(i) and Pd/o) = Pc(o) x Pv(o), where Pd(i) denotes the was identical to that found in a normal infection (Fig. 4). This
probability of double-stranded DNA being in the flip orien- suggested that, at the left end, one conformation could
tation. The ratio of flip to flop observed in the double- generate the other and that the flip form always accumulated
stranded DNA is then the product of the ratios for the preferentially in the viral DNA, regardless of the conforma-
individual strands, tion present in the clone used for transfection. Similar
[P,(i)/P,(o)] [PA(i)IPA(o)]
Pd(i)/Pd(o) = X (1) analyses were performed on a different infectious genomic
clone, pGCSma2O (flip at both ends [27]), which is deleted by
End labeling and SmaI digestion of double-stranded, rean- 3 bases at the left end and 35 bases at the right end. Both
nealed virion DNA from wild-type virus gave a major band ends were repaired to wild-type length and again the ratio of
VOL. 62, 1988

f lop







4 _








1 03 n t ( 107 )

f lip

,. _


M .M


-93 nt (96)

77 nt (81)

- 42 nt (45)
f p

FIG. 3. End-label analyses of double-stranded virion DNA and in vivo RF DNA. Reannealed plus- and minus-strand virion DNA (lane 1)
and RF DNA (lane 2) were end labeled and digested either with SmaI for analysis of sequence inversions at the left end (A) or with NdeI for
analysis of sequence inversions at the right end (B). The positions and observed and expected (shown in parentheses) sizes of the flip and flop
conformations are indicated.

flip to flop at each terminus was indistinguishable from that reannealed virion DNAs (Fig. 4), were observed. This indi-
for wild-type virion DNA (data not shown). The same cated that there must be inherent constraints on DNA
phenomenon has been reported for AAV (26) and the right replication for the establishment of such a specific distribu-
terminus of MVM (cited in reference 14). tion. Evidence exists that both cellular and viral factors are
involved in these processes. Both H-1 and LuIll can infect
DISCUSSION NBE cells; however, H-1 encapsidates predominantly minus
strands, whereas LuIlI encapsidates equal amounts of plus
The distribution of terminal-sequence orientations of BPV and minus strands (5, 19, 20). The cellular influence is
virion DNA was analyzed by end labeling and restriction indicated by the observation that H-1 encapsidates various
enzyme digestion. The results demonstrated specific ratios amounts of plus strand when propagated in different cell
of flip and flop conformations at both ends for DNA of either types (S. Rhode, personal communication).
plus or minus polarity. In contrast, sequence inversion at the The specificity of the distribution of terminal-sequence
left end of the minus strand was absent in all the rodent orientations in virion DNA is determined at the RF stage and
autonomous parvoviruses studied to date (14). not at the encapsidation stage (Fig. 3). The presence of the
The presence of approximately equal amounts of flip and same ratios of flip to flop forms in RF DNA and in double-
flop forms at the right ends of the minus strands, as well as stranded virion DNA for BPV argues against encapsidation
at the left ends of the plus strands, suggests that hairpin of a subpopulation of progeny DNAs. If this were the
transfer processes occur for synthesis of BPV virion DNA of mechanism for selection, the ratios in reannealed virion
either polarity. In either case, the complement to the plus or DNA would be expected to differ significantly from those in
minus strand would serve as the template and self-primer RFs. The data indicated instead that the distribution of RFs
from its 3'-terminal palindrome. with different terminal-sequence orientations is responsible
Transfection with genomic clones of BPV containing for the observed distribution of terminal-sequence orienta-
defined conformations at the ends resulted in progeny virion tions in virion DNA. The same conclusion was reached for
DNAs with distributions identical to that found in a normal MVM (1) from the observation that a unique sequence
infection. The same ratio of plus to minus strands (27), as orientation was detected at the left end of both RF and virion
well as the same ratios of flip to flop forms at the ends of DNA.

To adapt the modified rolling hairpin model to our obser-

M vations with BPV, we might propose that the site-specific
A-< tj nickase-ligase would act on the progeny minus strand, as
well as the parental minus strand, of the dimer intermediate.
In this way, it would be possible to generate all four
monomer RFs in the distribution observed for BPV by
postulating certain affinities of the nickase-ligase for these
LLOP -t -
- 03 n sites. But when these template RFs are used for the synthe-
vmiu sis of both plus and minus strands (as required for BPV),
their characteristic asymmetric distribution will be altered,
because the template RFs change from one form to another,
depending on the type of progeny DNA synthesized. For
example, progeny plus-strand synthesis would cause the left
end of parental RF to change from flip to flop or vice versa.
If plus- and minus-strand syntheses were equally likely, then
eventually a uniform distribution of RFs would be reached.
More likely, plus and minus strands are synthesized with
different efficiencies, in which case the asymmetric distribu-
tion of RFs depends on these efficiencies as well. Thus it
seems that the characteristic distribution of DNA forms is
determined in a complicated fashion by the rates of all the
steps in the replication process.
Rather than adapt the modified rolling hairpin model, we
have developed a unified kinetic model for parvovirus rep-
lication (K. C. Chen, J. J. Tyson, M. Lederman, E. R. Stout,
4 . and R. C. Bates, manuscript in preparation; J. J. Tyson and
K. C. Chen, manuscript in preparation) based on the simpler
AAV replication model (8), in which RF and progeny DNAs
are synthesized via hairpin transfer. In our model, we
assume that the rates of synthesis of these DNA forms may
be different depending on the flip or flop conformation at the
3' terminus of the template. Dimer RF molecules were
FIG. 4. Terminal-sequence orientations at the left end of prog- included as possible intermediates in the generation of
eny DNA resulting from amplified transfections with pVT501 and monomer RFs. At some point in the infectious cycle, the
pVT502. Double-stranded virion DNA was purified Ifrom cell cul- various forms of RF and progeny DNAs would reach steady-
tures infected with progeny virions of cells transfected with pVT501 state distributions, based on their rates of synthesis and rates
(lane 1), pVT502 (lane 2), or wild-type BPV (lane 3). 1rhe DNA was of conversion to other forms by hairpin transfer. These rate
end labeled and digested with SmaI. constants would be characteristic for each parvovirus and
could be modulated by cellular or viral factors or both.
However, the mechanisms for establishing spe cific RF and For example, suppose that the rates of RF and progeny
progeny DNA distributions currently proposed for AAV (8) DNA synthesis were the same regardless of the conforma-
and MVM replication (1, 14) are not adequate tc) explain the tion at the ends of the template. Then a uniform distribution
data for BPV. The replication mechanism for )kAV, which of RF and virion DNA would be established, as observed for
allows hairpin transfer with equal efficiency at b)oth termini, AAV. To account for BPV distribution, suppose that the
would predict equal distribution in both RFs and virion rates of synthesis with the flip form at the left terminus were
DNAs. very slow compared with the rates with the flop form at the
The modified rolling hairpin model (1, 14), po: stulated as a left terminus or either form at the right terminus. Then most
general model for autonomous parvovirus repliication, pro- of the RF would be in the flip form at the left terminus mainly
posed a mechanism for selective generation of ce-rtain RFs to because these RFs with the flip conformation at the left end
account for the distribution of virion DNA in M[VM. In that would be used less frequently as templates and remain in the
model, two obligatory dimer intermediates and site-specific flip form. Since the left terminus would be used as the primer
nicks and ligations generate, in equal propc)rtions, two and template for plus-strand synthesis and the right terminus
monomer RFs whose left ends are in the same oirientation as would be used for minus-strand synthesis, mostly minus
that of the input virion DNA. The two RFs interc-onvert from strands with the flip form at the left end would be produced
one to the other while generating minus strands by repetitive from these RFs as a result of the different rates of synthesis
displacement synthesis on plus-strand template: s. However, from the ends. This would be the case for BPV, and if the
the constraints that restrict these RFs to minus,-strand syn- rate were even slower for utilization of the flip form of the
thesis were not indicated. left terminus, the distribution seen with MVM could be
We have observed a complex distributior of single- obtained. With this kinetic model, the observed virion DNA
stranded BPV DNA. All eight possible configurattions (flip or and RF DNA distributions of all parvoviruses studied to
flop at each end of plus or minus strands) occu r in unequal date, including LuIl (N. Diffoot and B. Shull, unpublished
amounts. Consequently, all four monomer RFs (Iflip or flop at results), can be accounted for by assuming different sets of
either end) must also be present, in unequal,amounts, to rate constants for synthesis of RF and progeny DNA with
serve as templates for progeny DNA synthesis. This distri- different primers-templates.
bution of RFs must be established and maintainied to gener- In the rolling hairpin model, dimer intermediates are
ate the particular distribution of virion DNA ob)served. obligatory and must be processed by a sequence of nicking

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