Percakapan Ujian Lisan

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TEACHER STUDENT ‫الِّتْلِم ْيد \ الِّتْلِم ْيَد ُة‬ ‫َاْلُمْم َتِح ُن‬

Wa’alaikum salam wr wb Assalamualaikum wr wb ‫ الح‬.... ‫الَّساَل ُم َعَلْيُك ْم‬ ‫الح‬...‫َو َعَلْيُك ُم الّس اَل م‬

‫ُاِرْيُدَاْن َاْتَبَع اِإل ْم ِتَح اَن الّشَف ِه ى‬ ‫ِد‬

Come in please Thank you ‫َماَذا ُتِر ْيد \ ُتِرْي ْيَن‬

Goog morning Good morning (NAMA‫( ِإْس ِم ى‬ ‫ِإ َك \ ِك‬

‫َمْن ْس ُم‬

Good afternoon Good afternoon ‫َج َلْس ُت ِفى الَف ْص ِل‬. ‫َاُّي َفْص ٍل َل َت \ ِت‬
‫َج ْس‬

Good night Good night ‫ َن ُة َد َتِر ِد‬......... ‫َك َن ُة َد ِر ِد َك \ ِك‬

‫ْم َر ْف َقْي‬ ‫ْم ْم َر ْفَت َقْي‬

I want to follow the oral ‫َمَع الُّش ْك ِر‬ ‫ُج ُلْو ًس ا‬

What do you want ?

Sit down please Thank you ‫َصَح ى اُهلل َبَدَنَك‬ ‫َصَح ا الَّنوم‬

How are you to day ? I am fine thanks ‫َجْمًعا ِإْنَش اَءاهلل‬ ‫َح َر ًما‬

Who are you I am (nama) ‫اُهلل ُيَباِر ُك ِفْيَك‬ ‫َمْبُر وٌك‬

How do you do How do you do ‫اُهلل َيْش ِف ْيَك‬ ‫َف اًء‬


What is your name ? My name is ‫َاْنَعَم اُهلل َعَلْيَك‬ ‫َنِعًم ا‬

What are you ? I am examined ‫َهَنَأَك اُهلل‬ ‫َه ِنْي ًءا‬

What Am I ? You are examiner ‫ِفى َاَماِن اهلل‬ ‫َمَع الَّساَل َمٌة‬

How old are you ? Iam (AGE) years old ‫َمَع الُّش ْك ِر‬ ‫ِإَّن اِلَّلِه َو ِاَّن ِاَلْيِه َر ِج ُعْو َن‬

Where were you born ? I was bron at (BRITH PLACE) ‫َاْه اًل ِبَك‬ ‫َاْه اًل َو َس ْه اًل‬

When were you born ? I was born at (BRITH DATE) ‫اْلَحْم ُد ِلَّلِه ِإِّنى ِبَخ ْيِر‬ ‫َك ْيَف َح اُلْك‬

Where do you live ? I live in (……..) ‫َصَباَح الُّنوِر‬ ‫َصَباَح اْلَخ ْيِر‬

Where are you coming ‫َمساَء الُّنوِر‬ ‫َمَس اَء اْلَخ ْيِر‬
I am coming from (……)
from ?

Where do you come from ? I come from (…….) ‫َس ِعْيٌد ُمَباَر ٌك‬ ‫َنَح اُرَك َس ِعْيٌد‬

At what class do you sit ? I sit at class (…..) ‫َس ِعْيَد ٌة ُمَباَر َكُة‬ ‫َلْيَلُتَك َس ِعْيَد ٌة‬

Who is your class guardian my class guardian name is

‫َو ِلُّي َفْص ِلى اُألْسَتاُد \ ُة‬ ‫ِلُّي َف ُلَك \ ِك‬
‫َمْن َو ْص‬
name ? (……..)

Where do you study I syudy at daar el-syifa ) ‫(ِإْس ِم‬.......... ‫َاَنا‬ ‫َاْنَت \ َاْنِت‬

Ijinkan saya keluar dari Allow me please to go out from

‫َاَناُمْمَتَحٌن \ ُمْمَتَح َنٌة‬ ‫َماَذ َاْنَت‬
ruangan ini this room
‫َاْنَت ُمْمَتِح ْيٌن \ ُمْمَتِح ْيَنٌة‬ ‫َماَذ َاَنا‬

Izinkan saya keluar

‫ِاْسَمُحْو اِلى ِبَأْن ُاْخ ِر َج ِم ْن َه ِذِه اْلُغْر َفُة‬
dari ruangan ini

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