Family Planning
Family Planning
Family Planning
Phases of Wetness/Dryness
1. Wet – menstruation
2. Dry – basic infertile pattern
- sequence of dry days (or days of unchanging mucus) indicating low level of estrogen and present
- duration is invariable, could be days, weeks,months or zero (if cycle is short)
3. Wet – days of possible fertility
o -changing mucus; non-slippery at first later becoming slippery
o -peak: last day of slippery mucus
o -days 1-3 after the peak are part of fertile period
4. Dry – infertile days
o -day 4 after the peak till the end of the cycle
o -ends about 2 weeks after the peak
• LAM is based on scientific evidence that a woman is not fertile and unlikely to become pregnant during
full lactation or exclusive breastfeeding. Full lactation describes breastfeeding when no regular
supplemental feeding of any type is given (not even water) and the infant is feeding both day and night
with little separation from the mother.
LAM – lactation amenorrheal method –
• LAM provides maximum protection as long as: hormone that inhibits ovulation is prolactin.
• Menstruation has not resumed and • breast feeding- menstruation will come out
• Bottle feeds or regular food supplements are not introduced and 4 – 6 months
• Baby is less than 6 months of age. • bottle fed 2 – 3 months
• disadvantage of lam – might get pregnant
Symptothermal method (combination of BBT & cervical. Best method )
Signs of Ovulation:
• Mitlelschmerz
• Spinbarkheit
• Changes in vaginal mucus
• Goodell’s sign
• Mood changes
• Breast tenderness
• Increased levels of progesterone
• Change in basal body temp.
Successful use of natural methods to prevent pregnancy depends upon:
• The accuracy of the method in identifying the woman's actual fertile days
• A couple's ability to correctly identify the fertile time
• The couple's ability to follow the rules of the method they are using
• Self-lubricated type breaks easily
• Penis must be withdrawn from the vagina before
\it becomes flaccid
• Lessen sexual enjoyment by the male
Female Condoms
Choose a position that is comfortable for insertion – squat, raise one leg, sit or lie down.
• Gently insert the inner ring into the vagina.
Feel the inner ring go up and move into
1.) proper hygiene
2.) check for holes before
3.) must stay in place 6 – 8
hrs after sex
4.) must be refitted
especially if without wt
change 15 lbs
5.) spermicide – chem.
Barrier ex. Foam (most
effective), jellies, creams
S/effect: Toxic shock
Alerts: Should be kept in
place for about 6 – 8 hours
Cervical Cap
• Comes in 2 types: presized (S-M-L) and custom
fitted (a plastic cap fitted to conform to the
individual woman’s cervix made after making a
mold of cervix with non-toxic substance used to
make contact lenses)
• Contraindications: hx of TSS, PID, cervicitis,
cervical Ca, vaginal bleeding, an allergy to
• most durable than diaphragm no need to apply
C/I: abnormal pap smear
Advantages • Does not protect against HIV/AIDS.
• Can be inserted many hours before sex play. • Requires a fitting in a clinic.
• Easy to carry around, comfortable. • Some women cannot be fitted.
• Does not alter the menstrual cycle. • Can be difficult to insert or remove.
• Does not affect future fertility. • Can be dislodged during intercourse.
• May help you better know your body. • Possible allergic reactions.
Intravaginal contraceptives (spermicides) Side-Effects of Spermicides
• You or your partner may be allergic to
materials in spermicide. This can cause
genital irritation, rash, or itchiness. If
this happens and your spermicide has
nonoxynol-9, try a spermicide without
this chemical.
• Available without a prescription.
• Lubrication may increase pleasure.
• Use can be part of sex play.
• Does not affect future fertility.
• Does not protect against HIV/AIDS.
• Must be readily available and used
prior to penetration.
• Can be messy.
• Can have a bad taste during oral sex.
• Possible genital irritation.
• When used frequently spermicides
may irritate the vagina making it
easier to catch HIV/STI
• Use of contraceptives:
• Pills
• Injectable
• Implant
Contraceptive pills
• Estrogen & progesterone prevent pregnancy by inhibiting the hypothalamus and anterior pituitary so that
ovulation does not occur. They also inhibit fertility by:
1. Altering the motility of the fallopian tubes
2. Inadequately developing the endometrium
3. Keeping cervical mucus unreceptive and unsupportive of sperm
Types of Pills
• Combination pills – contain both progesterone & estrogen; taken from day 5 to day 25 of the menstrual
• Sequential 21 day pill- start 5th day of mens
• 2 types of pills are taken: 28day pill- start 1st day of mens
1. Contains estrogen alone – taken from day 5-19 missed 1 pill – take 2 next day
2. Contains progestin-taken from day 20-25
• All-progestin (minipill) – taken everyday
• Does not necessarily inhibit ovulation; prevents implantation of the zygote
Client Instructions on taking CPs
• Before starting CP, the woman must undergo physical examination, pelvic exam and Pap smear to rule
out contraindications. CP should be prescribed by a physician.
• Must be taken on a Sunday following menses and abortion or the first Sunday 2 weeks after delivery,she
is to use condom on the first 7 days of pill taking. They should be taken at the same time everyday.
• If she is taking 28 day pills, there is no rest day or interval. If she is taking a 21 day pill, she ends on a
Saturday and begin a new pack on the next Sunday. Bleeding will occur around 4 days after stopping
pills. If she expected bleeding did not come, she should consult the doctor before starting a new packet
of pill.
• Minor side effects: nausea, weight gain, headache, breast tenderness, breakthrough bleeding, yeast
infections, mild hypertension, potential depression
• If a woman forgets one pill, take one now and then the next on the regular schedule of pill taking. If two
pills, take two pills now and two pills tomorrow and use back-up method for the next 7 days. If 3 pills,
discard the remaining pack and start a new pack, use back-up method for the next 7 days.
• OC users should have a check-up after 4 months then annual check-ups to have pelvic exam, breast
exam and Papsmear.
• Another contraceptive method should be used until a woman has had 2 regular menstruations or wait for
three months after stopping taking OC before attempting pregnancy. There is usually a 1-2 month delay
in the resumption of menstruation after discontinuing OC.
• Folic acid deficiency is common in long term user so that it is advisable to take folic acid supplement
• If used by adolescent, they should have a regular menstruation for at least two years before beginning
OC use.
Contraceptive pills
• If accidentally taken by a child, side-effect is increased blood clotting, stimulate vomiting by giving
child syrup of ipecac
• Danger signs: if forgotten for one day, immediately take the forgotten tablet plus the tablet
• A- abdominal pain scheduled that day. If forgotten for two consecutive days, or more days, use
• C-chest pain and dyspnea another method for the rest of the cycle and the start again.
• H- headache
• E-eye problems
• S- severe leg pain
Implant (Norplant)
They exert their contraceptive effect by inhibiting ovulation, altering cervical mucus and preventing
endometrial growth. The woman does not menstruate with this contraception. It has the same advantages,
disadv., and contraindications as implants.
• Fertility return is usually delayed by 6 months
• Higher risk for osteoporosis so advise to increase calcium intake and engage in weight bearing exercise
• Impair glucose tolerance in women at risk for DM
Client instructions:
• Advise client to have annual PE that includes breast exam,pelvic exam, and Papsmear
• Report signs of leg pain or swelling, chest pain & dyspnea,tingling and numbness of extremities, loss of
vision, severe headache, dizziness & fainting.
1. Thrombo-embolic disorders and other vascular problems including CVA & MI
• Oral pills should be discontinued for 4-8 weeks before anticipated surgery
2. Alterations in metabolism,esp. of CHOs and B-vitamins (pyridoxine & folic acid)
3. Fetal effects after discontinuing the pill-evidence of increased of chromosomal changes
4. Amenorrhea after discontinuing the pill
5. Neoplastic disease (breast, liver-hepatocellular adenoma)
6. Hypertension
7. Adverse drug interactions
Estrogen deficiency & excess
Estrogen excess Estrogen deficiency
• Nausea & vomiting • Early spotting (days 1-14)
• Dizziness • Hypomenorrhea
• Edema • Nervousness
• Leg cramps • Atrophic vaginitis leading to
• Increase in breast size painful intercourse
• Chloasma
• Visual changes
• Hypertension
• vascular headache
IUD (Intra-Uterine Device)
An object made of plastic or non-reactive metal (nickel-chromium alloy) that fits inside the uterine
Manufactured in several shapes (loop, coil, spiral)
Causes a chronic inflammatory response in the endometrium, discouraging implantation of a fertilized
Conception may occur; if implantation takes place, it causes early abortion
Usually inserted during the menstrual phase
IUDs come with increased risk of ectopic pregnancy and perforation of the uterus and do not
protect against sexually transmitted disease. IUDs are prescribed and placed by health care providers.
Types of IUD
• Non-medicated
1. Lippes-Loop- available in 4 sizes (A-small to D-large); has been withdrawn from the market
2. Saf-T-coil – available in 2 sizes (small & large)
• Medicated
1. Copper 7 (Cu 200) – copper has direct spermicidal effect; has been withdrawn from the market
2. Copper-T (T-Cu 200, tatum copper-bearing IUD)
3. Progestasert-T
HT primary indication for use of IUD
1.) Check for string daily - parity or # of children, if 1 kid
2.) Monthly checkup only don’t use IUD
3.) Regular pap smear
Contraindications of IUD
• Any inflammatory condition or infection of the reproductive tract or PID
• Abnormalities of the uterus
• Severe dysmenorrhea
• Uterine bleeding of unknown origin
• Suspected pregnancy
Complications / Adverse reactions
• Syncope during insertion
• Increased risk of PID w/c may result in
• Sterility or infertility
• Medical-surgical intervention for complications such as twisted ovary, bowel obstruction,
unilateral tubo-ovarial abscess
• Perforation of the uterus
• Dysmenorrhea
• Increased blood loss (anemia)
• Ectopic pregnancy
• expulsion
IUD Danger Signs
P eriod late (pregnancy suspected)
Abnormal spotting or bleeding
A bdominal pain or pain with intercourse
I nfection (abnormal vaginal discharge)
N ot feeling well, fever, chills
S trings lost, shorter or longer
After vas ligation, the man is considered sterile: After 20 or more ejaculation, zero sperm count- safe
2 outstanding needs of couples who come to the fertility clinic
1. Education about reproduction & procedures used to evaluate fertility
2. Counseling to help them maximize their potential for conception
Stages on evaluating infertile couples:
1. Complete physical assessment to rule out endocrine or emotional problems and disease entities
2. Evaluation of the reproductive capacity of the male
• Semen analysis
• Hormone analysis
• Testicular biopsy
• X-ray studies to identify blockage of sperm pathway
3. Evaluation of the reproductive capacity of the female
• Ability to ovulate
• Endometrial biopsy
• Test for cervical mucus viscosity/analysis of cervical secretions
• Patency of the fallopian tubes
• Analysis of endometrial secretions
Possible management:
• Hormonal therapy
• Surgical intervention for obstructive cases
• Medical therapy for PID
Success of treatment depends on:
Ages of the couple
Continued interest
Financial resources
Other Family Planning Services
• Sex Education
• It is a broad term used to describe education about human sexual anatomy, sexual reproduction,
sexual intercourse, and other aspects of human sexual behavior. Common avenues for sex
education are parents or caregivers, school programs, and public health campaigns.
• Genetic Counselling
• Helping people faced with a diagnosis of genetic disease to understand both the factual
information about the disease and the effect it will have on their lives, so that they can reach their
own decisions about the future.
• Research