Capital Letters
Capital Letters
Capital Letters
We can write each letter of the English alphabet as a small letter (abc...) or
as a large or capital letter (ABC...).
In English, we do NOT use capital letters very much. We use them mainly
for the first letter of sentences, names, days and months as well as for some
abbreviations. We always write the first person pronoun as a capital I.
4. Use a capital letter for days of the week, months of the year, holidays:
Monday, Tuesday
January, February
Armistice Day
China, France
Japanese, English
Christianity, Buddhism
7. Use a capital letter for trade-marks and names of companies and other
9. Use a capital letter for names of vehicles like ships, trains and spacecraft:
the Titanic
the Orient Express, the Flying Scotsman
Challenger 2, the Enterprise
10. Use a capital letter for titles of books, poems, songs, plays, films etc:
11. Use capital letters (sometimes!) for headings, titles of articles, books
etc, and newspaper headlines: