Notes 9
Notes 9
Notes 9
CHAPTER 9 ds i
! !
ds i a it
! !
ri θi a ir
! !
You have a friend who lives in Minnesota, and you live a ir ⊥ a it
in Florida . As the Earth rotates, your linear velocity
is ___________ hers, and your angular velocity is The angular acceleration of the disk is:
____________ hers. dω d dθ d 2θ
α= = . = ,
dt dt dt dt 2
A: less than; equal to
and the tangential acceleration of the i th element is:
B: equal to; greater than dv dω
C: greater than; less than a it = i = ri = riα.
dt dt
D: less than; greater than But, because the ith element is traveling in a circle, it
E: greater than; equal to experiences a radial (centripetal) acceleration:
a ir (= a ic ) = i = riω 2 .
The resultant linear acceleration is a i = a ir 2 + a it 2 .
Angular velocity ( ω) (vector) AND ROTATIONAL MOTION
Units: rad/s2
r = 0.12 m: ω! = 0: θ! = 0: t = 5 s
α = 3.00 rad/s2 .
ω = ?: θ = ?: a t = ?: a c = ?
(a) ω = ω! + αt = (3.00 rad/s2 )(5 s) = 15.0 rad/s.
Question 9.1: A disk of radius 12 cm, initially at rest, (b) v i = riω = (0.12 m)(15.0 rad/s) = 1.80 m/s (linear).
begins rotating about its axis with a constant angular • tangential acceleration: a t = riα
acceleration of 3.00 rad/s2 . After 5 s, what are = (0.12 m)(3.00 rad/s2 ) = 0.36 m/s 2 .
• centripetal acceleration: a c = riω 2
(a) the angular velocity of the disk, and
= (0.12 m)(15.0 rad/s)2 = 27.0 m/s2 .
(b) the tangential and centripetal accelerations of a
v 2 (1.80 m/s)2
point on the perimeter of the disk? (Check ... a c = = = 27.0 m/s2 .)
r 0.12 m
(c) How many revolutions were made by the disk in
those 5 s?
(c) (θ − θ! ) = ω! t + αt 2
= (3.00 rad/s2 )(5 s)2 = 37.5 rad,
37.5 rad
⇒n= = 5.97 rev.
In many applications a belt or chain is pulled from or As we saw in chapter 4 that force produces change in
wound onto a pulley or gear wheel ... motion. However, force does not always produce a
change in rotational motion. It is torque that produces a
vt vt
change in rotational motion. Consider a mass m attached
to a massless rigid rod that rotates around an axis O. The
force F shown will cause the mass to rotate.
R "
As the string (chain or belt) is removed (or added), its r m
instantaneous velocity is the same as the tangential ℓ ℓ = r sin θ
velocity at the rim of the wheel, providing there is no
slip: The magnitude of the torque due to a force F on m is:
i.e., v t = Rω . τ = ℓF = (r sin θ)F,
where ℓ is called the lever arm. The lever arm is the
Also, under the same conditions, the instantaneous perpendicular distance from the axis of rotation (O) to
acceleration of the string is the same as the tangential the line of action of the force.
acceleration at the rim of the wheel:
dv dω NOTE: if F passes through O, i.e., ℓ = 0, then τ = 0 and
i.e., a t = t = R = Rα.
dt dt there will be no change in rotational motion.
[M][L] [M][L]2 Ft = F sin θ F
Dimension: τ ⇒ [L] = (vector)
[T]2 [T]2 θ Fr = F cos θ
Unit: N ⋅ m r m
Form the radial and tangential components of the
force: Newton’s 2nd Law tells us that the tangential component
of the force Ft produces a tangential acceleration a t,
" Ft = F sin θ "
F F i.e., Ft = ma t .
θ Fr = F cos θ Therefore, the torque is
r m r m
τ = rFt = mra t ,
ℓ ℓ but, from earlier, the tangential (linear) acceleration is
related to the angular acceleration α, viz: a t = rα.
dx x
− ℓ2 ℓ
⎡ ℓ3 (−ℓ3 ) ⎤ 1
= ( )
M 2
ℓ ⎢ 24 − 24 ⎥ = 12 Mℓ .
⎣ ⎦
[1] Show for yourselves that the moment of inertia of a
rod of mass M and length ℓ about one end is
dx x
Question 9.3: Find the moment of inertia of the circular
0 ℓ
disk shown below, rotating about an axis perpendicular
1 to the plane and through its center. The mass of the disk
I = Mℓ 2 .
3 is 1.50 kg.
dx 20 cm
− ℓ3 0 2ℓ
I = Mℓ 2 .
2 r
The moment of inertia is given by I = ∫ r 2dm. Consider
∴I = M r22 + r12
a ring of radius r and
= (1.50 kg) (0.20 m)2 + (0.10 m) 2
dr width dr. If the mass of
r = 3.75 × 10−2 kg ⋅ m2 .
the object is M, the
mass of the ring is
dm = M
, [1] If r1 = 0, then Idisk = MR 2 , R
π r22 − r12 ( ) 2
where R is the radius of the disk ( = r2 ) .
where r1 and r2 are the inner and outer radii of the
object. Then, substituting for dm,
2 r 2πrdr 2M r2 3
I = ∫ r 2M = ∫ r dr [2] For a thin hoop, r1 ≈ r2 = R,
π r22 − r12 r22 − r12 r1) ( ) R
r1 1
( )
then I hoop = M 2R 2 = MR 2 .
2M ⎡ r 4 ⎤ r2
= ⎢ ⎥ = r2 4 − r14 ( )
( 2 2
r2 − r1 ⎢⎣ 4 ⎥⎦ r
2 r2 − r12
( ) Providing the thicknesses of the disks are uniform, the
M 1 moments of inertia do not depend on thickness. So, these
= ( )(
r22 − r12 r22 + r12 = M r22 + r12 . ) ( )
( 2
2 r2 − r12
) 2 expressions also apply to cylinders and tubes.
Sure, but, what’s the significance of I? Values of the moment of inertia for “simple” shapes ...
Thin rod Slab
1 1
I = ML2 I = M(a 2 + b 2 )
12 12
Remember, from chapter 4 ...
Mass ⇒ a measure of resistance to a change in
L b b
linear motion, e.g., how difficult it is to start or L
a a
stop linear motion. Slab
Thin rod I = Ma 2
1 3
I = ML2
Moment of Inertia ⇒ a measure of resistance to a 3
change in rotational motion, i.e., how difficult it is Hollow cylinder Hollow sphere
to start or stop rotational motion. 1 2 2 2 2
I= M(R + r ) I= MR
2 3
Thin-walled cylinder
I = MR 2
Consider a planar object (e.g., a thin Question 9.5: Four masses at the corners of a square
disk or sheet) in the x,y plane. By with side length L = 2 m are conncted by massless rods.
yi y
xi ri definition, the moment of inertia The masses are m1 = m3 = 3 kg and m2 = m4 = 4 kg.
about the z-axis (perpendicular to Find (a) the moment of inertia about the z-axis, (b) the
the plane of the object) is moment of inertia about an axis that is perpendicular to
I z = ∑i mi ri2 = ∑i mi (x i2 + y i2 ) = ∑ i mi x i2 + ∑ i mi y i2 the plane of the ensemble and passes through the center
But ∑ i mi x i2 = I x , i.e., the moment of inertia about x, and of mass of the system, (c) the moment of inertia about
∑ i mi y i2 = I y , i.e., the moment of inertia about y. the x-axis, which passes through m3 and m4.
∴I z = I x + I y . y
Note: the object must be planar m1 m2
Example of a disk:
z y 1 m4
I z = MR 2 . m3
2 x
But, by symmetry, I x = I y . z
∴I x = I y = MR 2 .
(a) Since we are dealing y
with discrete masses 2m
3 kg 4 kg
2m 3 kg 4 kg
I = ∑i Ii = ∑i mi ri2 .
cm 2m
Moment of inertia about 2m
4 kg 3 kg the z-axis: 4 kg 3 kg
Iz = ∑i mi ri2 x
= (3 kg)(2 m) 2 + (4 kg)(2 2 m) 2
+(3 kg)(2 m)2 + (4 kg)(0) = 56 kg ⋅ m2 . (c) Since the ensemble is planar and confined to the x,y
plane, we can use the perpendicular axis theorem, i.e.,
(b) By symmetry, the center of mass is at the center of Iz = Ix + Iy.
the square. But, by symmetry, I x = I y .
2 2
∴Icm = ∑i mi ri2 = (3 kg)( 2 m) + (4 kg)( 2 m)
2 2 2
∴I x = I z = 56 kg ⋅ m2 )
+(3 kg)( 2 m) + (4 kg)( 2 m) = 28 kg ⋅ m .
• Check, using the parallel axis-theorem = 28 kg ⋅ m2 .
I z = Icm + MD2
2 2 2 I x = ∑i mi ri2 = (3 kg )(2 m )2 + (4 kg )(2 m)2
∴Icm = I z − MD = (56 kg ⋅ m ) − (14 kg)( 2 m)
2 = 28 kg ⋅ m2 .
= 28 kg ⋅ m .
(a) Using the parallel axis
z theorem, we have for each
Question 9.6: Four thin rods, each of length ℓ and mass rod
M, are arranged to form a square, in the x,y plane, as y
I z = Icm + Md 2 ,
shown. If the origin of the axes is at the center of the
x where Icm is the moment of
inertia through the center of mass of each rod and d = ℓ 2 .
(a) using the parallel axis theorem, show that
4 ⎛1 ℓ2 ⎞ 4 2
I z = Mℓ 2 . 2
∴I z (total) = 4⎜ mℓ + m ⎟ = mℓ .
3 ⎝ 12 4⎠ 3
(b) Hence find I x and I y.
h R
f •
m2 30 kg m1 m2 30 kg m1
v v
2m v v
20 kg m1 m2 20 kg m1 2m m2
1 ⎛ v ⎞⎟
2 v 2 (2.74 m/s)2
+ (0.025 kg ⋅ m2 )⎜ , ∴a = = = 1.88 m/s2 .
2 ⎝ (0.10 m)⎠ 2h 2(2 m)
T1 T2
Then T1 − m1g = m1a,
a i.e., T1 = m1 (g + a) = 234 N.
m1g a m2 g
Also T2 − m2 g = m2 (−a),
i.e., T2 = m2 (g − a) = 238 N.
(d) ( y − y ! ) = h = at 2 .
2h 2(2 m)
∴t = = = 1.46 s.
a 1.88 m/s2