Notes 9

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Angular velocity and angular acceleration

CHAPTER 9 ds i

• Angular velocity and angular acceleration

! equations of rotational motion
The arc length moved by the ith element in a rotating
• Torque and Moment of Inertia
! Newton’s 2nd Law for rotation rigid, non-deformable disk is:
dsi = ri dθ
• Determination of the Moment of Inertia
where dθ is in radians. The angular velocity of the
! Parallel axis theorem
! Perpendicular axis theorem rotating disk is defined as:

• Rotational kinetic energy ω= ,
! power
and so the linear velocity of the i th element (in the
• Rolling objects (with no slip) direction of the tangent) is:
vi = = riω,
where ri is the distance from the rotation axis.
If the angular velocity changes
there is angular acceleration ...

! !
ds i a it
! !
ri θi a ir
! !
You have a friend who lives in Minnesota, and you live a ir ⊥ a it
in Florida . As the Earth rotates, your linear velocity
is ___________ hers, and your angular velocity is The angular acceleration of the disk is:
____________ hers. dω d dθ d 2θ
α= = . = ,
dt dt dt dt 2
A: less than; equal to
and the tangential acceleration of the i th element is:
B: equal to; greater than dv dω
C: greater than; less than a it = i = ri = riα.
dt dt
D: less than; greater than But, because the ith element is traveling in a circle, it
E: greater than; equal to experiences a radial (centripetal) acceleration:
a ir (= a ic ) = i = riω 2 .
The resultant linear acceleration is a i = a ir 2 + a it 2 .
Angular velocity ( ω) (vector) AND ROTATIONAL MOTION

1 Linear motion Rotational motion

Dimension: ω ⇒
[T] a ⇒ constant α ⇒ constant
1 [L]
(Check: v i = riω ⇒ [L] = ). v = v ! + at ω = ω! + αt
[T] [T]
1 1
(x − x ! ) = v ! t + at 2 (θ − θ! ) = ω! t + αt 2
Units: rad/s 2 2
v 2 = v !2 + 2a(x − x ! ) ω2 = ω!2 + 2α(θ − θ! )
Angular acceleration ( α) (vector)
You see, they’re
1 very similar
Dimension: α ⇒

Units: rad/s2
r = 0.12 m: ω! = 0: θ! = 0: t = 5 s

α = 3.00 rad/s2 .
ω = ?: θ = ?: a t = ?: a c = ?
(a) ω = ω! + αt = (3.00 rad/s2 )(5 s) = 15.0 rad/s.

Question 9.1: A disk of radius 12 cm, initially at rest, (b) v i = riω = (0.12 m)(15.0 rad/s) = 1.80 m/s (linear).
begins rotating about its axis with a constant angular • tangential acceleration: a t = riα
acceleration of 3.00 rad/s2 . After 5 s, what are = (0.12 m)(3.00 rad/s2 ) = 0.36 m/s 2 .
• centripetal acceleration: a c = riω 2
(a) the angular velocity of the disk, and
= (0.12 m)(15.0 rad/s)2 = 27.0 m/s2 .
(b) the tangential and centripetal accelerations of a
v 2 (1.80 m/s)2
point on the perimeter of the disk? (Check ... a c = = = 27.0 m/s2 .)
r 0.12 m
(c) How many revolutions were made by the disk in
those 5 s?
(c) (θ − θ! ) = ω! t + αt 2
= (3.00 rad/s2 )(5 s)2 = 37.5 rad,
37.5 rad
⇒n= = 5.97 rev.

In many applications a belt or chain is pulled from or As we saw in chapter 4 that force produces change in
wound onto a pulley or gear wheel ... motion. However, force does not always produce a
change in rotational motion. It is torque that produces a
vt vt
change in rotational motion. Consider a mass m attached
to a massless rigid rod that rotates around an axis O. The
force F shown will cause the mass to rotate.
R "

As the string (chain or belt) is removed (or added), its r m
instantaneous velocity is the same as the tangential ℓ ℓ = r sin θ
velocity at the rim of the wheel, providing there is no
slip: The magnitude of the torque due to a force F on m is:
i.e., v t = Rω . τ = ℓF = (r sin θ)F,
where ℓ is called the lever arm. The lever arm is the
Also, under the same conditions, the instantaneous perpendicular distance from the axis of rotation (O) to
acceleration of the string is the same as the tangential the line of action of the force.
acceleration at the rim of the wheel:
dv dω NOTE: if F passes through O, i.e., ℓ = 0, then τ = 0 and
i.e., a t = t = R = Rα.
dt dt there will be no change in rotational motion.
[M][L] [M][L]2 Ft = F sin θ F
Dimension: τ ⇒ [L] = (vector)
[T]2 [T]2 θ Fr = F cos θ
Unit: N ⋅ m r m

Form the radial and tangential components of the
force: Newton’s 2nd Law tells us that the tangential component
of the force Ft produces a tangential acceleration a t,
" Ft = F sin θ "
F F i.e., Ft = ma t .
θ Fr = F cos θ Therefore, the torque is
r m r m
τ = rFt = mra t ,
ℓ ℓ but, from earlier, the tangential (linear) acceleration is
related to the angular acceleration α, viz: a t = rα.

Then τ = ℓF = (r sin θ)F = r(F sin θ) ∴τ = mra t = mr 2α.

i.e., τ = rFt . So torque (τ) produces angular acceleration (α).
Note: the radial component Fr , which passes through
the axis of rotation, does not produce a torque and A rigid object that rotates about a fixed axis can be
therefore it does not produce rotation; only the thought of as a collection of small, individual elements
tangential component Ft produces a torque that results of mass mi that each move in a circular path of radius ri,
in rotation. where ri is measured from the axis of rotation.
From above, for each separate mass element, we have Moment of inertia ... so
τi = mi ri2α, what’s that all about?

where τi is the net torque

ri mi
O on the ith element.
Summing over all Dimension: I ⇒ [M][L]2 (scalar)
elements, the total net
Units: kg ⋅ m2
torque on the object is:
τ net = ∑i τi = ∑ i mi ri2α = ∑ i mi ri2 α ) Every object has a moment of inertia about an axis of
= Iα, rotation. Its value depends not simply on mass but on
where I = ∑i mi ri2 is called the MOMENT OF INERTIA. how the mass is distributed around that axis. For a
This is Newton’s 2nd Law for rotation, i.e., discrete collection of i objects, the moment of inertia
τ net = Iα. about the rotation axis is:
I = ∑i Ii = ∑i mi ri2 .
“A net external torque acting on a body produces For a ‘continuous’ object:
an angular acceleration, α, of that body given
I = Limit ∑ i mi ri 2 = ∫ r 2dm,
by Iα, where I is the moment of inertia.” mi →0
(viz: Fnet = ∑i Fi = ma .) where m is a function of r.

dx x
− ℓ2 ℓ

A rod is a ‘continuous’ object, so the moment of inertia is

x= ℓ 2
Question 9.2: Find the moment of inertia of a uniform 2 2
I = ∫ r dm = ∫ x dm .
thin rod of length ℓ and mass M rotating about an axis x= − ℓ 2
perpendicular to the rod and through its center.
The mass per unit length of the rod is M ℓ , so the mass of

y the small element of length dx is

( )
dm = M ℓ dx.
Substituting for dm, the integral becomes
ℓ ℓ
x= ℓ 2 ⎡ x3 ⎤ 2
( )
I = ∫ x 2 M ℓ dx = M ℓ ⎢ ⎥ ( )
⎢⎣ 3 ⎥⎦ − ℓ
x=− ℓ 2

⎡ ℓ3 (−ℓ3 ) ⎤ 1
= ( )
M 2
ℓ ⎢ 24 − 24 ⎥ = 12 Mℓ .
⎣ ⎦
[1] Show for yourselves that the moment of inertia of a
rod of mass M and length ℓ about one end is

dx x
Question 9.3: Find the moment of inertia of the circular
0 ℓ
disk shown below, rotating about an axis perpendicular
1 to the plane and through its center. The mass of the disk
I = Mℓ 2 .
3 is 1.50 kg.

[2] Show for yourselves that the moment of inertia of a

rod of mass M and length ℓ about an axis one-third the
distance from one end is
y 10 cm

dx 20 cm
− ℓ3 0 2ℓ

I = Mℓ 2 .
2 r
The moment of inertia is given by I = ∫ r 2dm. Consider
∴I = M r22 + r12
a ring of radius r and
= (1.50 kg) (0.20 m)2 + (0.10 m) 2
dr width dr. If the mass of
r = 3.75 × 10−2 kg ⋅ m2 .
the object is M, the
mass of the ring is
dm = M
, [1] If r1 = 0, then Idisk = MR 2 , R
π r22 − r12 ( ) 2
where R is the radius of the disk ( = r2 ) .
where r1 and r2 are the inner and outer radii of the
object. Then, substituting for dm,
2 r 2πrdr 2M r2 3
I = ∫ r 2M = ∫ r dr [2] For a thin hoop, r1 ≈ r2 = R,
π r22 − r12 r22 − r12 r1) ( ) R
r1 1
( )
then I hoop = M 2R 2 = MR 2 .
2M ⎡ r 4 ⎤ r2
= ⎢ ⎥ = r2 4 − r14 ( )
( 2 2
r2 − r1 ⎢⎣ 4 ⎥⎦ r
2 r2 − r12
( ) Providing the thicknesses of the disks are uniform, the
M 1 moments of inertia do not depend on thickness. So, these
= ( )(
r22 − r12 r22 + r12 = M r22 + r12 . ) ( )
( 2
2 r2 − r12
) 2 expressions also apply to cylinders and tubes.
Sure, but, what’s the significance of I? Values of the moment of inertia for “simple” shapes ...
Thin rod Slab
1 1
I = ML2 I = M(a 2 + b 2 )
12 12
Remember, from chapter 4 ...
Mass ⇒ a measure of resistance to a change in
L b b
linear motion, e.g., how difficult it is to start or L
a a
stop linear motion. Slab
Thin rod I = Ma 2
1 3
I = ML2
Moment of Inertia ⇒ a measure of resistance to a 3
change in rotational motion, i.e., how difficult it is Hollow cylinder Hollow sphere
to start or stop rotational motion. 1 2 2 2 2
I= M(R + r ) I= MR
2 3
Thin-walled cylinder
I = MR 2


Solid cylinder Solid sphere

Same torques 1 2
Different moments of inertia I = MR 2 I = MR 2
2 5
5 kg

The combined moment of inertia is I = I ruler + I mass ,

where I ruler and I mass are calculated about O − O′ .

Since a >> b we assume the meter rule is a rod (viz:

Question 9.4: A 1 m ruler has a mass of 0.25 kg. A 5 kg
mass is attached to the 100 cm end of the rule. What is Question 9.2) with I = Ma 2 about O − O′ .
its moment of inertia about the 0 cm end? 1 1
∴I ruler = Ma 2 = (0.25 kg)(1 m)2
3 3
= 0.083 kg ⋅ m2 .
The moment of inertia of the 5 kg mass about O − O′ is
I mass = ma 2 = (5.0 kg)(1 m) 2 = 5.0 kg ⋅ m2 .
Thus, the total moment of inertia of the ruler and mass is
I ruler + I mass = 5.083 kg ⋅ m2 .
DISCUSSION PROBLEM [9.2]: Parallel axis theorem:

A pair of meter rulers are Icm Usually, the moment of inertia is

I d
placed so that their lower given for an axis that passes through
ends are against a wall. the center of mass (cm) of the
One of the rulers has a object. What if the object rotates
large mass attached to its about an axis parallel to the axis
upper end. If the meter through the center of mass for which
rulers are released at the we don’t know the moment of inertia? The moment of
same time and allowed to inertia about a general (parallel) axis is given by:
fall, which one hits the I = Icm + Md 2
floor first? where Icm is the moment of inertia about the center of
mass, M is the mass of the object and d is the distance
A: The meter ruler with the mass. between the parallel axes.
B: The meter ruler without the mass.
C: They hit the floor at the same time. Note: the two rotation axes must be parallel
Perpendicular axis theorem:

Consider a planar object (e.g., a thin Question 9.5: Four masses at the corners of a square
disk or sheet) in the x,y plane. By with side length L = 2 m are conncted by massless rods.
yi y
xi ri definition, the moment of inertia The masses are m1 = m3 = 3 kg and m2 = m4 = 4 kg.
about the z-axis (perpendicular to Find (a) the moment of inertia about the z-axis, (b) the
the plane of the object) is moment of inertia about an axis that is perpendicular to
I z = ∑i mi ri2 = ∑i mi (x i2 + y i2 ) = ∑ i mi x i2 + ∑ i mi y i2 the plane of the ensemble and passes through the center
But ∑ i mi x i2 = I x , i.e., the moment of inertia about x, and of mass of the system, (c) the moment of inertia about
∑ i mi y i2 = I y , i.e., the moment of inertia about y. the x-axis, which passes through m3 and m4.

∴I z = I x + I y . y
Note: the object must be planar m1 m2
Example of a disk:

z y 1 m4
I z = MR 2 . m3
2 x
But, by symmetry, I x = I y . z

∴I x = I y = MR 2 .
(a) Since we are dealing y
with discrete masses 2m
3 kg 4 kg
2m 3 kg 4 kg
I = ∑i Ii = ∑i mi ri2 .
cm 2m
Moment of inertia about 2m
4 kg 3 kg the z-axis: 4 kg 3 kg
Iz = ∑i mi ri2 x
= (3 kg)(2 m) 2 + (4 kg)(2 2 m) 2

+(3 kg)(2 m)2 + (4 kg)(0) = 56 kg ⋅ m2 . (c) Since the ensemble is planar and confined to the x,y
plane, we can use the perpendicular axis theorem, i.e.,
(b) By symmetry, the center of mass is at the center of Iz = Ix + Iy.
the square. But, by symmetry, I x = I y .
2 2
∴Icm = ∑i mi ri2 = (3 kg)( 2 m) + (4 kg)( 2 m)
2 2 2
∴I x = I z = 56 kg ⋅ m2 )
+(3 kg)( 2 m) + (4 kg)( 2 m) = 28 kg ⋅ m .
• Check, using the parallel axis-theorem = 28 kg ⋅ m2 .
I z = Icm + MD2
2 2 2 I x = ∑i mi ri2 = (3 kg )(2 m )2 + (4 kg )(2 m)2
∴Icm = I z − MD = (56 kg ⋅ m ) − (14 kg)( 2 m)
2 = 28 kg ⋅ m2 .
= 28 kg ⋅ m .
(a) Using the parallel axis
z theorem, we have for each

Question 9.6: Four thin rods, each of length ℓ and mass rod

M, are arranged to form a square, in the x,y plane, as y
I z = Icm + Md 2 ,
shown. If the origin of the axes is at the center of the
x where Icm is the moment of
inertia through the center of mass of each rod and d = ℓ 2 .
(a) using the parallel axis theorem, show that
4 ⎛1 ℓ2 ⎞ 4 2
I z = Mℓ 2 . 2
∴I z (total) = 4⎜ mℓ + m ⎟ = mℓ .
3 ⎝ 12 4⎠ 3
(b) Hence find I x and I y.

(b) Since the object is planar we can use the perpendicular

ℓ axis theorem, i.e.,
ℓ Iz = Ix + Iy.
But because of symmetry I x = I y .
1 2
∴I x = I y = I z = mℓ2 .
2 3
A torque is required to rotate (or slow down) an object ...
We saw in chapter 6 that a linearly moving object has but torque involves force ...
translational kinetic energy ... an object rotating about
an axis has rotational kinetic energy ...
! !
! ds
r γ
If a rigid object is rotating
dθ θ Fr
vi with angular velocity ω, O
γ + θ = 90"
ω ri mi the kinetic energy of the ith Ft = F cos γ
O element is:
Ki = mi v i2
When force is applied over a distance, work is done,
= mi ri2ω 2 , since v i = riω . given by:
2 ! !
dW = F • d s = F.dscos γ = F cos γ.ds
So, the total rotational kinetic energy is:
= Ft .ds = Ft .rdθ = τ.dθ (J or N.m).
K = ∑i Ki = ∑i mi ri2ω 2 Power is the rate at which the torque does work,
1 dW dθ
= Iω 2. i.e., P = = τ = τω (watts).
2 dt dt
1 1 Note: P is the instantaneous power.
* K rot = Iω2 is the analog of K trans = mv 2 .
2 2 • dW = τ.dθ is the analog of dW = F.ds.
• P = τω is the analog of P = Fv.
From earlier, power P = τω. Convert the torque to N ⋅ m
and angular velocity to rad/s,
i.e., τ = 1.36 × 560 = 762 N ⋅ m,
Question 9.7: The 3.9 liter V-8 engine fitted to a 488GTB and
Ferrari develops 560 ft ⋅ lb of torque at 3000 rev/min. 2π(3700 rev/min)
ω= = 387.5 rad/s.
What is the power developed by the engine with these 60 s/min

parameters? (1 ft ⋅ lb = 1.36 N ⋅ m.) ∴P = (762 N ⋅ m)(387.5 rad/s) = 2.95 ×105 watts.

But 746 watts = 1 HP
2.95 ×105 watts
∴P = = 396 HP.
746 watts/HP
(a) To find the rotational kinetic energy we need to know
the angular velocity (ω). Treating the grindstone as a
solid disk
1 1
I = MR 2 = (16.0 kg)(0.50 m) 2 = 2.0 kg ⋅ m2 .
2 2
τ 10 N ⋅ m
Question 9.8: An electric motor exerts a constant torque Since τ = Iα, α = = 2 = 5.0 rad/s2 .
I 2 kg ⋅ m
of 10.0 N ⋅ m to the shaft of a grindstone with mass
The grindstone starts from rest ( ω! = 0) so
16.0 kg and radius 0.50 m. If the system starts from rest,
ω = αt = (5.0 rad/s2 )(8.0 s) = 40 rad/s.
1 1
(a) the rotational kinetic energy of the grindstone ∴K = Iω2 = (2 kg ⋅ m2 )(40 rad/s)2 = 1600 J.
2 2
after 8.0 s,

(b) There are two ways to determine the work done by

(b) the work done by the motor during this time, and
the motor.
(i) By the work-kinetic energy theorem we would
(c) the average power delivered by the motor.
expect the motor to have done 1600 J of work.
(ii) We can use the expression W = τθ, but we need
to find θ, i.e., the angle through which the grindstone has
turned in 8.0 s.
1 1
θ = ω! t + αt 2 = (5.0 rad/s2 )(8.0 s)2 = 160 rad
2 2
If a rigid object is suspended from an arbitrary point O
and is free to rotate about that point, it will turn until the
center of mass is vertically beneath the suspension point.
∴W = τθ = (10.0 N ⋅ m)(160 rad) = 1600 J.

(c) The average power is the total work done divided by

the total time interval, i.e., rcm × cm
ΔW 1600 J
Pav = = = 200 W. O x
Δt 8.0 s xcm Mg
Note: the expression P = τω we derived earlier is actually
the instantaneous power. We cannot use that expression
here as ω is not constant.
If the y-direction is vertical and the suspension point is
not at the center of mass, the object will experience a net
The instantaneous power actually increases linearly from
torque given by
zero at t = 0 to (10.0 N ⋅ m) × (40 rad/s) = 400 W at
τ = Mgx cm,
t = 8.0 s.
where x cm is the x component of the center of mass.
Therefore, the object will rotate until x cm = 0, i.e., the
suspension point is direction above the center of mass.
ℓ (a) Use Newton’s 2nd Law
U1 = mg : K1 = 0
2 for rotation, i.e., τ = Iα,
pivot where τ = mg ℓ 2 and
mg ℓ
( )
I = 13 mℓ2 . Then
1 2
U2 = 0 : K 2 =
Iω α = τ I = 3g 2ℓ ,
which is the initial angular
acceleration of the center of
mass. The linear acceleration of the 100 cm end is then
Question 9.9: The “zero” end of a 1 m ruler of mass a = ℓα = 3g 2 = 14.7 m/s2 ,
0.25 kg is attached to a frictionless pivot, the other end is
which is greater than g! Also note, the torque τ varies as
free to rotate in the vertical plane. If the ruler is released
the ruler swings down.
from rest in the horizontal position, what is

(b) To find the speed of the 100 cm end as it passes the

(a) the initial acceleration of the 100 cm end of the
vertical we use the conservation of mechanical energy,
ruler, and
i.e., U1 + K1 = U2 + K2.
(b) the linear speed of the 100 cm end as the ruler
Taking the zero of the gravitational potential energy at the
passes through the vertical?
point where the center of mass is at its lowest point, then
ℓ 1
mg + 0 = 0 + Iω 2 .
2 2
2v cm
Consider a ball, cylinder, wheel
ω v cm or disc) rolling on a surface
without slipping.

• The point in contact with the surface has zero

instantaneous velocity relative to the surface.
mgℓ 3g
∴ω = = . • The velocity of the cm is v cm ( = rω = v),
I ℓ
• The velocity of a point at the top is 2v cm (= 2v).
The linear velocity of the 100 cm end as it passes the
vertical is then
Since the object has the same linear velocity as the cm,
v = ℓω = 3gℓ = 3(9.81 m/s )(1.0 m) i.e., v, the total kinetic energy is:
= 5.42 m/s. 1 1
K tot = mv 2 + Iω2
2 2
translational + rotational
where ω = v r . So, as a ball rolls down a hill ...

v, ω Gravitational potential energy ⇒

translational energy
+ rotational energy
Consider rolling a sphere, cylinder and a hoop down an
incline. Do they have the same velocity at the bottom?


For each object, conservation of energy gives: RMA07VD2.MOV

1 1
mgh = mv 2 + Iω 2, v2 =
2 2 ⎛ I ⎞
1+ ⎜ 2 ⎟
and with no slip v = Rω , where R is the radius of the ⎝ mR ⎠
object. After manipulation we find: For a solid sphere I = mR 2 .
2gh 2gh 10gh
v2 = . ∴v 2 = , i.e., v = .
⎛ I ⎞ 1 + 25 7
1+ ⎜ ⎟
⎝ mR 2 ⎠
∴ For maximum velocity: I ⇒ smallest value. Since this is independent of m and R, a bowling ball and
a pool ball would have the same speeds at the bottom of
So, in a race between objects rolling down a slope, the an incline, despite their different masses and radii!
order would be (1) sphere, (2) cylinder, (3) hoop, and is
completely independent of m and R!
(a) Draw the free body diagram of all the forces acting on
the ball. Use Newton’s 2nd Law down the incline:
Mg sin θ − f = Ma cm ... (i)
where a cm is the acceleration
O of the center of mass. To get
Question 9.10: A uniform solid ball of mass M and radius f R
θ an expression for a cm, we take
R rolls without slipping down an incline at an angle θ to
torques about O, the center of
the horizontal. Find (a) the frictional force acting at the Mg
the ball. (Note: the normal
point of contact with the surface, and (b) the acceleration
force N and the weight force Mg do not contribute to the
of the center of mass of the ball, in terms of M, R, g and θ.
torque as their lines of action pass through O.)
∴τ = fR = Iα, i.e., α = ,
where I is the moment of inertia of the ball and α its
angular acceleration. With no slip
NOTE: there must be friction at the point of contact
fR 2
otherwise the ball would slide down the incline! a cm = Rα = ... ... (ii)
Substituting for a cm in equation (i), we get
fR 2 MfR 2 5
Mg sin θ − f = M = = f.
I ⎛2 ⎞
⎜ MR 2 ⎟ 2
⎝5 ⎠
5 7
∴Mg sin θ = f + f = f ,
2 2
i.e., f = Mg sin θ.
Note that this is a static frictional force (because there is
no slip).

(b) Substituting for f in equation (ii), we get

fR 2 ⎛ 2 ⎞ R2 5
a cm = = ⎜ Mg sin θ⎟ = gsin θ.
I ⎝7 ⎠ ⎛ 2 ⎞
⎜ MR 2 ⎟ 7
⎝5 ⎠
Question 9.11: Suppose you can choose wheels of any
design for a soapbox derby race car. If the total weight
You can show yourselves that if we put I = βMR 2 , where
of the vehicle is fixed, which type of wheel design should
β = 1 for a hoop, β = 12 for a disk, etc., then a general you choose if you want to have the best chance to win
expression for the static frictional force acting on an the race?
object rolling down an incline, with no slip, and the
acceleration of the center of mass are:
Mg sin θ gsin θ
f= and a cm = .
1 + β −1 1+ β
The total mechanical energy of the car is:
translational kinetic energy + rotational kinetic energy.
Conservation of energy gives:
1 1
Mgh = K trans + K rot = Mv 2 + Iω 2 ,
2 2
where M is the total mass of the car and I is the moment of
inertia of the wheels. With four wheels of radius r, for R

example, we have, using the no-slip condition,

( )( )
K rot = 4 × Iω 2 = 2 βmr 2 v r = 2βmv 2 , Question 9.12: A cue ball is struck by a horizontal cue a
distance h above the center of the ball. If the cue ball is
∴Mgh = Mv 2 + 2βmv 2 , to roll without slipping, what is h? Express your answer
2Mgh in terms of the radius R of the ball.
i.e., v2 = .
(M + 4βm)
You can assume that the frictional force of the table on
So, for maximum speed (v) at the bottom of the hill (and
the ball is negligible compared with the applied force F.
greater average speed) with M fixed, we want m and β to
be as small as possible. Note: that the result does not
depend on the radius of the wheels (r). So, solid wheels are
a good choice with the mass concentrated as close to the
axle as possible.

h R
f •

The net torque about the center is τ = Fh − fR. m2 30 kg

From earlier, if there is no-slip then v cm = Rω, 2m
20 kg m1
dv dω
i.e., a cm = cm = R = Rα.
dt dt
Question 9.13: The 30 kg mass, shown above, is
Using Newton’s 2nd Law F + f = ma cm. released from rest, from a distance of 2 m above the
If F >> f , then F ≈ ma cm and τ ≈ Fh = Iα. ground. Modeling the pulley as a uniform disk with a
F Fh I radius of 10 cm and mass 5 kg, find (a) the speed of the
∴ = a cm = Rα = R , i.e., h = .
m I mR
30 kg mass just before it strikes the ground, (b) the
For a solid sphere I = mR 2 . angular velocity of the pulley at that instant, (c) the
tensions in the two strings, and (d) the time it takes for
∴h = R. the 30 kg block to reach the ground. Assume the
2 bearings in the pulley are frictionless and there is no slip
• h > R ⇒ top spin between the string and the pulley.
• h < R ⇒ back spin
• • ω ω
• •

m2 30 kg m1 m2 30 kg m1
v v
2m v v
20 kg m1 m2 20 kg m1 2m m2

We have both translational and rotational motion. The

moment of inertia of the pulley is: i.e., 589 = 10v 2 + 392 +15v 2 + 1.3v 2
1 1 197
I = mR 2 = (5 kg)(0.10 m) 2 = 0.025 kg ⋅ m2 . ∴v = = 2.74 m/s.
2 2 26.3
(a) Using conservation of energy, as m2 hits the ground
1 1 1
m2 gh = m1v 2 + m1gh + m2 v 2 + Iω 2 . (b) ω =
v 2.74
= = 27.4 rad/s.
2 2 2 R 0.10
The angular velocity of the pulley ω = , so
R T1 T2
(c) a Draw the free-body
1 a
(30 kg)(9.81 m/s 2 )(2 m) = (20 kg)v 2 m1g m2 g diagrams for the masses.
What is the upward acceleration of m1?
+(20 kg)(9.81 m/s2 )(2 m) + (30 kg)v 2
2 v 2 = v !2 + 2ah.

1 ⎛ v ⎞⎟
2 v 2 (2.74 m/s)2
+ (0.025 kg ⋅ m2 )⎜ , ∴a = = = 1.88 m/s2 .
2 ⎝ (0.10 m)⎠ 2h 2(2 m)
T1 T2
Then T1 − m1g = m1a,
a i.e., T1 = m1 (g + a) = 234 N.
m1g a m2 g
Also T2 − m2 g = m2 (−a),
i.e., T2 = m2 (g − a) = 238 N.

(d) ( y − y ! ) = h = at 2 .
2h 2(2 m)
∴t = = = 1.46 s.
a 1.88 m/s2

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