Chapter 3.1 ORGANIZING - SMG103
Chapter 3.1 ORGANIZING - SMG103
Chapter 3.1 ORGANIZING - SMG103
On successful completion of this chapter, student should be able to:-
A formal
The manager’s
organization is a
Organizing job is to make When a sports
group of people
Organizing is the means to employees do manager
second function structure or work together organizes,
together toward
of management. arrange the harmoniously, he/she takes
Manager relationship and that steps that will
objectives with
organize four between common goals enable the
resources – people, the and objectives organization,
established lines
human, physical, work to be done are achieved division or
of authority,
financial and and the facilities through working department to
informational so that goals are within the reach its
achieved. established objective.
“The process of determining Organizing is a managerial
the tasks to be done, who effort to assign work and
will do them, and how those allocate resources; then,
tasks will be managed and arrange the work and
coordinated ” resources in such an orderly
way that a group’s effort
Lewis, Goodman & Fandt, generates the desired result
2001 in the most efficient manner
Bridges & Roquemore, 1993
“The process of arranging and
allocating work, authority, and
resources among an
Neoclassical Theory
▪ An effort to offset some of the shortcomings of the classical theory by
expanding into the behavioral sciences.
▪ The neoclassical approach focuses on problem such as employee
monotony (boredom), fatigue, isolation insignificance which (results
from specialization of work).
▪ Neoclassical theory stresses subjects such as motivation, coordination and
leadership as responsibilities of managers.
➢ Division of labor occurs when jobs are ➢ Coordination is about departments and
organized by specialty—for example in individuals in an organization working
sports center accounts work in the together to accomplish strategic and
accounting unit, sales and coaches work operational objectives. Coordination is
in the technical department etc. the process of integrating tasks and
➢ Managers usually performs less resources to meet objectives.
specialized functions as they move up
the management ladder.
vi. Delegation
❑ Delegation has to do with assigning ❑ Four (4) steps of delegating to ensure that the
responsibility and authority for accomplishing job will get done and done right.
1. Assign Responsibility
❑ Responsibility and authority are delegated
down the chain of command. – a person/group is told exactly what to do
verbally or in writing or both.
❑ When involve in delegating, manager must
2. Assign Authority
assign the person responsibility for
accomplishing a task and give him or her the –a person/group is given the power needed to
authority to do what is needed. get the job done.
3. Assign a Time Standard
❑ Directing people to do work that is part of their
job description is not delegating. – a person/group is told exactly when the job
or task is to be completed.
❑ Delegating is about giving employees tasks that
4. Assign Accountability
are not part of their regular job.
– a person/group must accept the job or task,
❑ The delegated task may eventually become a and report to the manager on progress and
part of their job, or it may be a one-time task. problems.
Authority, Responsibility and Power
Types of Power 26
Centralized and
Line and Staff Authority Decentralized Authority
❑ The major difference between centralized and
❑ Line authority is the responsibility to make decentralized authority is who makes the important
decisions and issue orders down the chain decisions.
of command.
❑ With centralized authority, top managers make
❑ Staff authority is the responsibility to advise important decisions lower-level employees simply
and assist other personnel. carry out those orders .
Vii: Flexibility
▪ Flexibility has to do with understanding that
there are often exceptions to the rule.
Viii: Departmentalization
▪ It is the basis by which jobs are grouped together. For
instance, every organization has its own specific way of
classifying and grouping work activities. Customer Product
1) The division of work
Each box represents an individual responsible for a
given part of the organization’s workload.
IX: Integration:
Five aspects that can be illustrated