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328 Automotive

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Series &RQPS SET-4

àíZ-nÌ H$moS>
Q.P. Code 328
amob Z§. narjmWu àíZ-nÌ H$moS> >H$mo CÎma-nwpñVH$m Ho$
Roll No. _wI-n¥ð >na Adí` {bIo§ &
Candidates must write the Q.P. Code
on the title page of the answer-book.

H¥$n`m Om±M H$a b| {H$ Bg àíZ-nÌ _o§ _w{ÐV n¥ð> 15 h¢ &

H¥$n`m Om±M H$a b| {H$ Bg àíZ-nÌ _| >24 àíZ h¢ &
àíZ-nÌ _| Xm{hZo hmW H$s Amoa {XE JE àíZ-nÌ H$moS H$mo narjmWu CÎma-nwpñVH$m Ho$ _wI-n¥>ð> na
{bI| &
H¥$n`m àíZ H$m CÎma {bIZm ewê$ H$aZo go nhbo, CÎma-nwpñVH$m _| àíZ H$m H«$_m§H$ Adí`
{bI| &
Bg àíZ-nÌ 15 {_ZQ >H$m g_` {X`m J`m h¡ & àíZ-
10.15 ~Oo {H$`m OmEJm & 10.15 ~Oo go 10.30 ~Oo VH$ N>mÌ Ho$db àíZ-
Bg Ad{Y Ho$ Xm¡amZ do CÎma-nwpñVH$m na H$moB© CÎma Zht {bI|Jo &
Please check that this question paper contains 15 printed pages.
Please check that this question paper contains 24 questions.
Q.P. Code given on the right hand side of the question paper should be written
on the title page of the answer-book by the candidate.
Please write down the serial number of the question in the
answer-book before attempting it.
15 minute time has been allotted to read this question paper. The question
paper will be distributed at 10.15 a.m. From 10.15 a.m. to 10.30 a.m., the
students will read the question paper only and will not write any answer on
the answer-book during this period.

:3 : 60
Time allowed : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 60

1-328 Page 1 P.T.O.

(ii) 24 :
(iv) (6 + 18) = 24 3
(6 + 11) = 17
(vi) : 30 :
(a) 6

(vii) : 30 :
(a) 18
(b) 11

IÊS> H$ $
(dñVw{ZîR> àH$ma Ho$ àíZ) (30 A§H$)

1. amoµOJma H$m¡eb na {XE JE 6 àíZm| _| go {H$Ýht 4 Ho$ CÎma Xr{OE & 4 1=4

(i) ?

(ii) àoaUm Am¡a A{^àoaUm H$m EH$ òmoV

__________ H$hm OmVm h¡ &
(A) (B) g§JrV
(C) {dñV¥V {dMma (D) dV©_mZ _| OrZm
1-328 Page 2
General Instructions :
(i) Please read the instructions carefully.
(ii) This question paper consists of 24 questions in two Sections : Section A
and Section B.
(iii) Section A has Objective type questions whereas Section B contains
Subjective type questions.
(iv) Out of the given (6 + 18) = 24 questions, a candidate has to answer
(6 + 11) = 17 questions in the allotted (maximum) time of 3 hours.
(v) All questions of a particular section must be attempted in the correct
(vi) Section A : Objective Type Questions (30 marks) :
(a) This section has 6 questions.
(b) There is no negative marking.
(c) Do as per the instructions given.
(d) Marks allotted are mentioned against each question/part.
(vii) Section B : Subjective Type Questions (30 marks) :
(a) This section has 18 questions.
(b) A candidate has to do 11 questions.
(c) Do as per the instructions given.
(d) Marks allotted are mentioned against each question/part.

(Objective Type Questions) (30 Marks)

1. Answer any 4 out of the given 6 questions on Employability Skills. 4 1=4

(i) What is active listening ?
(ii) A source of motivation and inspiration that provides us with
thinking and discussing big and positive ideas to reach our highest
potential is called __________.
(A) dreaming big (B) music
(C) expansive thoughts (D) living in the present

1-328 Page 3 P.T.O.

(iii) Eogr pñW{V
Ü`mZ Am¡a àe§gm H$s Jhar Amdí`H$Vm hmoVr h¡ Am¡a Xÿgam| Ho$ {bE ghmZw^y{V H$s
H$_r hmoVr h¡ & Bg ì`{º$Ëd {dH$ma H$m Zm_ {b{IE &
(iv) __________ H$mJµO H$s EH$ erQ> na EH$ gmW _w{ÐV ({àÝQ>oS>) ñbmBS>m| H$s ~hþV
N>moQ>r-N>moQ>r à{VH¥${V`m± hmoVr h¢ {OÝh| Xe©H$m| H$mo g§X^© ([a\$a|g) Ho$ {bE {X`m Om
gH$Vm h¡ &
(A) h¢S> AmC>Q²>g (B) àoOoÝQ>oeZ
(C) Q>oånboQ²>g (D) ñnrH$a ZmoQ²>g

(v) à~ÝYZ Jwé EH$ CÚ_r H$mo Eogo ì`{º$ Ho$ ê$n _| n[a^m{fV H$aVo h¢, {OgHo$ nmg Xÿa
ÑpîQ> h¡ Am¡a dh ___________ V¡`ma H$aVm h¡ &
(vi) h_mao Kaoby X¡{ZH$ OrdZ Ho$ H$m`m] _| hm{ZH$maH$ J¡g| dm`w_§S>b _ a
`h h_mao ____________ _| `moJXmZ XoVr h¢ &
(A) dmVmdaU (B§dmBaZ_|Q> ) H$mo R>ÊS>m H$aZo
(B) CnH$aUm| (Aßbm`§goO) H$mo J_© H$aZo
(C) dm°Q>a ~m°S>rµO H$mo J_© H$aZo
(D) h_mao J«h H$mo J_© H$aZo

2. {XE JE 7 àíZm| _| go {H$Ýht 5 Ho$ CÎma Xr{OE & 5 1=5

(i) ____________ H$åàoga Xmo ho{bH$b ñH«y$ H$m {_bmZ H$aHo$ gH$mamË_H$ {dñWmnZ
H$åàoeZ H$m Cn`moJ H$aVo h¢ & ñH«y$ H$mo Kw_mH$a EH$ H$j _| {ZX}{eV {H$`m OmVm h¡
Am¡a BgH$s _mÌm H$_ H$a Xr OmVr h¡ &
(A) hmBnm°BS> ñH«y$ (Hypoid screw) (B) {nñQ>Z Q>mBn
(C) ~¡ëQ> (D) amoQ>ar ñH«y$

(ii) -nmg Hw$N> IVaZmH$ pñW{V`m|

Ho$ ApñVËd Ho$ ~mao _| MoVmdZr XoZo Ho$ {bE __________
OmVm h¡ &
1-328 Page 4
(iii) A condition in which, people have an inflated sense of their own
importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, and
lack of empathy for others. Write the name of this personality

(iv) ___________ are very small images of slides printed together on a

sheet of a paper, which can be given to the viewers for reference.
(A) Handouts (B) Presentations
(C) Templates (D) Speaker Notes

(v) Management gurus define an entrepreneur as a person, who has a

vision and generates ___________.

(vi) In our household works of daily life, harmful gases are released into
the atmosphere and it contributes to _________.
(A) the cooling of our environment
(B) the overheating of our appliances
(C) the overheating of the water bodies
(D) the warming of our planet

2. Answer any 5 out of the given 7 questions. 5 1=5

(i) _________ compressors use positive displacement compression by

matching two helical screws. The air is guided into a chamber and
its volume is decreased by turning of screws.

(A) Hypoid screw (B) Piston type

(C) Belt (D) Rotary screw

(ii) ________ signs are used to warn the road users of the existence of
certain hazardous conditions either on, or adjacent to the roadway.

1-328 Page 5 P.T.O.

(iii) Q>m`a B§âboQ>a H$m Cn`moJ dmhZ Q>m`a ____________ Am¡a E`a àoea H$s Om±M Ho$
{bE {H$`m OmVm h¡ &
(A) B§âboeZ, {S>âboeZ (B) _aå_V, aIaImd
(C) Ho$db {S>âboeZ (D) Ho$db BZâboeZ
(iv) _________ na
bJo ~r`[a¨J _| g_{W©V hmoVm h¡ &
(A) (B) ZH$b
(C) (D)

(v) ZdrZV_ ìhrb ~¡bopÝg¨J _erZ| H$B© ñdMm{bV Am¡a H$åß`yQ>a O{ZV gw{dYmAm| go
gwg[ÁOV h¢ Omo ____________ XoZo Ho$ {bE {S>O
µ mBZ H$s JBª h¢ &
(vi) ñnmH© ßbJ
ñWm{nV H$aZo Ho$ {bE EH$ ____________ Am¡a J¡gHo$Q> àXmZ {H$E OmVo h¢ &
(A) dmëd (B) gm°Ho$Q>>
(C) (D) ES>mßQ>a

(vii) Q>m`a/n{h`o Ho$ ____________ H$s Om±M Am¡a _mn Q>m`a H$mo Q>¡ñQ> ìhrb na bJmH$a
H$s OmVr h¡ & Ag|~br H$mo 300 AmanrE_ VH$ `m Cggo A{YH$ VH$ Ëd[aV {H$`m
OmVm h¡, {\$a Q>m`a Ho$ Ky_Zo na Ag§Vw{bV ~bm| H$mo _mnm OmVm h¡ &
(A) hmo[aOm°ÝQ>b ~¡b|g (B) S>m`Zo{_H$ ~¡b|g
(C) H$mCÝQ>a ~¡b|g (D) ñQ>o{Q>H$ ~¡b|g

3. {XE JE 7 àíZm| _| go {H$Ýht 6 Ho$ CÎma Xr{OE & 6 1=6

(i) \ _________
(A) qH$J{nZ (B) g|
(C) g) (D) g|Q>a ßdmB§Q>
(ii) AmYw{ZH$ H$ma| qH$J{nZ Ho$ ñWmZ na __________ H$m Cn`moJ H$aVr h¢ &
(A) grdr Ádm°B§Q²>g (B) ~m°b Ádm°B§Q>
(C) qH$J{nZ aoH$ (D) H«$m°g Ádm°B§Q>
1-328 Page 6
(iii) The tyre inflators are used for vehicle tyre _________ and checking of
the air pressure.
(A) inflation, deflation (B) repair, maintenance
(C) deflation only (D) inflation only

(iv) In the live axle, axle shaft rotates with the road wheels and is
supported on bearing mounted on the _________.
(A) stub axle (B) knuckle
(C) axle casing (D) axle beam

(v) Latest wheel balancing machines are equipped with many automatic
and computer generated features, designed to give __________.

(vi) In the test opening of spark plug cleaner and tester a/an ________
and gasket are provided to install different size spark plugs.
(A) valve (B) socket
(C) clip (D) adaptor

(vii) _________ of tyre/wheel is checked and measured by mounting a tyre

on a test wheel, accelerating the assembly up to 300 rpm or higher
and then measuring the forces of imbalance as the tyre rotates.
(A) Horizontal balance (B) Dynamic balance
(C) Counter balance (D) Static balance

3. Answer any 6 out of the given 7 questions. 6 1=6

(i) The front axle and steering linkage are connected to the _________.
(A) kingpin (B) centre axle
(C) wheel axles (stub axles) (D) centre point

(ii) Modern cars employ _________ instead of kingpin.

(A) CV joints (B) ball joint
(C) kingpin rake (D) cross joint
1-328 Page 7 P.T.O.
(iii) bZ©a bmBg|g Omar hmoZo H$s VmarI go __________ H$s g_m{á Ho$ ~mX EH$ ì`{º$
ñWm`r S´>mBqdJ bmBg|g Ho$ {bE nmÌ hmo OmVm h¡ &
(iv) _________ Am¡a Hw$N> \
Q>mo-BZ àXmZ {H$`m OmVm h¡ &
(A) (B) |
(C) ~g| (D)

(v) b H$s Ywar Ho$ ~rM H$s Xÿar, Cg {~ÝXþ na, Ohm± do
__________ H$hbmVr h¡ &

(vi) _________ Ho$ à_wI H«$m°g

_oå~a Ho$ ZrMo H$s Va\
(A) ñQ>r`[a¨J Am_© (B) ñQ>r`[a¨J qbHo$O
(C) S´>m°n Am_© (D) Q´>¡H$ am°S>
(vii) hmBS´>mo{bH$ nmda ñQ>r`[a¨J {gñQ>_ _|, ___________ hmBS´>mo{bH$ \$mog© Ho$ gmW
{gqbS>a _| {nñQ>Z H$mo XmE± `m ~mE± Kw_mVm h¡ Am¡a Bg Vah ñQ>r`[a¨J ìhrb g§MmbZ
_| ghm`Vm H$aVm h¡ &
(A) nmda {gqbS>a (B) H§$Q´>mob dmëd
(C) âbyS> [aµOdm©`a (D) nån

4. {XE JE 6 àíZm| _| go {H$Ýht 5 Ho$ CÎma Xr{OE & 5 1=5

(i) \«§$Q> ìhrb Am¡a [a`a ìhrb gñn|eZ EH$-Xÿgao go ñdVÝÌ h¢, {gdm` BgHo$ {H$ do
XmoZm| dmhZ Ho$ ____________
(A) \ (B) H«$m°g _¡å~a
(C) [a (D) \«o$_
(ii) B§{S>n|S>|Q> gñn|eZ _| ____________ H$mo ñQ´> ab \
ZH$b Ho$ XmoZm| {gam| na ~mb ÁdmB§Q> hmoVo h¢ &
(A) (B) Ana qbH$ Am¡a bmoAa qbH$
(C) em°H$ AãµOm~©a (D)

1-328 Page 8
(iii) A person becomes eligible for permanent driving licence after expiry
of ___________ from the date of issuing the learner licence.

(iv) The toe-in is provided on all kinds of vehicles, except __________ and
some front wheel drive cars.
(A) trucks (B) electric cars
(C) buses (D) tractors

(v) The distance between the steering axis and the axis of the
road wheels, at the point where they intersect the road surface, is
called __________.

(vi) In rack and pinion steering gear box, the pinion is meshed with a
rack of gear teeth cut on the underside of the major cross member of
the ____________.
(A) steering arm (B) steering linkage
(C) drop arm (D) track rod

(vii) In hydraulic power steering system, __________ moves the piston in

the cylinder to the right or left with hydraulic force and thereby
assists the steering wheel operation.
(A) power cylinder (B) control valve
(C) fluid reservoir (D) pump

4. Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions. 5 1=5

(i) The front wheel and rear wheel suspension are independent of each
other, except that they are both connected to the ___________ of the
(A) front axle (B) cross member
(C) rear axle (D) rigid structural frame

(ii) In independent suspension, at both ends of the steering knuckle,

there are ball joints for connecting the ____________ to the structural
frame of ball joints.
(A) axle beam (B) upper link and lower link
(C) shock absorber (D) stub axle

1-328 Page 9 P.T.O.

(iii) br\$ pñà¨J H$s brìµO H$mo AnZo ñWmZ go pñbn AmCQ> hmoZo go amoH$Zo Ho$ {bE, H$B©
ñWmZm| na __________ go hmoëS> {H$`m OmVm h¡ &
(iv) Am°Q>mo_mo~mBb gñn|eZ _|, hmBS´>mo{bH$ em°H$ AãOm°~©a Ho$ VrZ àH$mam| _| go gm_mÝ`V:
___________ Q>mBn H$m em°H$ AãOm°~©a à`moJ hmoVm h¡ &
(A) amoQ>ar doZ (B) oS {nñQ>Z>
(C) Q>¡{bñH$mo{nH$ (D) goâQ>r dmëd
(v) EH$ Am°Q>mo_mo~mBb gd}jUH$Vm© ?
(vi) pñà¨J brìµO Ho$ EH$ Xÿgao Ho$ {déÕ {\$gbZo H$mo ~ohVa ~ZmZo Ho$ {bE àË`oH$ br\$
Ho$ ~rM _| CZHo$ {gam| na _____________ bJmE OmVo h¢ &
(A) _oQ>b ßboQ²>g (B) gmBb¢ga n¡S²>g
(C) ßbmpñQ>H$ ßboQ²>g (D) ßg
5. {XE JE 6 àíZm| _| go {H$Ýht 5 Ho$ CÎma Xr{OE & 5 1=5

(i) \w$ëbr âb ____________________ Ho$ ~rM

_| bJmE OmVo h¢ Am¡a ìhrb H$mo ìhrb h~ _| {\$Q> {H$`m OmVm h¡ &

(ii) dmhZ H$mo Kw_mZo Ho$ Xm¡amZ, {S>\$a|{e`b Ho$ g§MmbZ _|, AÝXa H$m n{h`m ~mhar
n{h`o go H$_ Xÿar V` H$aVm h¡ CgH$s VwbZm _| O~ dmhZ EH$ __________ _| Mb
ahm hmoVm h¡ &
(A) H$d© aoIm (B) grYr aoIm
(C) \«$ÝQ> aoIm (D) {nN>br aoIm

(iii) _____________ `y{Zdg©b ÁdmB§Q> g^r emâQ> pñW{V`m| _| BZnwQ> Ho$ ~am~a
AmCQ>nwQ> emâQ> J{V àXmZ H$aVm h¡ &
(A) aµOoßnm (B) H«$m°g `m ñnmBS>a
(C) Q´>mBnmoS> (D) H$m§ñQ>|Q> dobmo{gQ>r

(iv) ___________ àH$ma H$s A§{V_ S´>mBd H$m Cn`moJ {deof ê$n go ^mar dmhZm| _|
{H$`m OmVm h¡ 6 go A{YH$ hmoVr h¡ &

1-328 Page 10
(iii) To keep the leaves of leaf spring from slipping out of place, they are
held at several places with _____________.
(iv) Among three types of hydraulic shock absorbers, the _________ type
of shock absorber is generally used in automobile suspension.
(A) rotary vane (B) cam actuated piston
(C) telescopic (D) safety valve
(v) What is the role of an automobile surveyor ?
(vi) _________ are inserted between each of the spring leaves at their
ends to improve the sliding of the leaves against each other.
(A) Metal plates (B) Silencer pads
(C) Plastic plates (D) Clips

5. Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions. 5 1=5

(i) In fully floating rear live axles, bearings are placed between the
__________ and the wheel is fitted to wheel hub.
(A) axle housing and stub axle
(B) axle shaft and cover
(C) axle housing and wheel hub
(D) axle housing and axle shaft
(ii) During turning of the vehicle, in operation of differential, the inside
wheel travels less distance than the outside wheel in comparison
with, when the vehicle is travelling in a ____________.
(A) curved line (B) straight line
(C) front line (D) rear line
(iii) A __________ universal joint provides an output shaft speed equal to
that of the input in all shaft positions.
(A) Rzeppa (B) cross or spider
(C) tripod (D) constant velocity

(iv) The __________ type of final drive is particularly used in heavy

vehicles, where the final reduction is greater than about 6.

1-328 Page 11 P.T.O.

(v) ñdMm{bV Am¡a _¡ZwAb Q´>m§g{_eZ Ho$ ~rM àmW{_H$ A§Va {d{^ÝZ {J`a H$mo
__________ H$s {d{Y h¡ &

(vi) __________ Xmo àmonoba emâQ> H$m à`moJ H$aVo h¢, EH$ AmJo Ho$ n{h`m| H$mo MbmZo
Ho$ {bE Am¡a Xÿgam nrN>o Ho$ n{h`m| H$mo MbmZo Ho$ {bE &
(A) Mma n{h`m S´>mBd (\$moa ìhrb S´>mBd)
(B) AmJo H$m n{h`m S´>mBd (\«$ÝQ> ìhrb S´>mBd)
(D) g|Q>a ìhrb S´>mBd
6. {XE JE 6 àíZm| _| go {H$Ýht 5 Ho$ CÎma Xr{OE & 5 1=5

(i) ____________ ñQ>oQ>a dmBpÝS>¨J _| CËnÝZ W«r \o$g AëQ>aZoqQ>J H$a§Q>

H$a§Q> _| n[ad{V©V H$aVm h¡ &
(ii) E_ E nr (_¡Zr\$moëS> E~gmoë`yQ> à¡ea) g|ga H$m CÔoí` B.gr.`y. Ho$ ____________
_| hdm Ho$ X~md Ho$ ~mao _| OmZH$mar àXmZ H$aZm h¡ &
(A) B§OZ E`a ñQ´>r_ (B) BZQ>oH$ _¡Zr\$moëS>
(C) µOm°ñQ> _¡Zr\$moëS> (D) H$å~eZ Moå~a
(iii) B§OZ à~ÝYZ àUmbr (B§OZ _¡ZoO_oÝQ> {gñQ>_) B§Oo H$s
_mÌm H$mo {Z`{ÝÌV H$aZo Am¡a ____________ H$mo ES>OñQ> H$aZo Ho$ {bE {Oå_oXma
h¡ &
(A) B{½ZeZ Q>mBq_J (B) ea
(C) â`yb {S>{bdar (D) dmëd Q>mBq_J
(iv) S>r.gr. OZaoQ>a _| Am_}Ma H$s Am_}Ma H$m°`b H$mo Xmo AbJ-AbJ VarH$m| go dmBÝS>
{H$`m OmVm h¡, b¡n dmBpÝS>¨J Am¡a ___________ dmBpÝS>¨J &
(A) J¡n (B) doO
(C) em°Q>© (D) dod
(v) ____________ _| ZmBQ´>moOZ, b¡S> Am¡a gë\$a O¡go hm{ZH$maH$ nXmW© Zht hmoVo h¢,
Bg{bE H$moB© NOx Am¡a SOx H$m CËgO©Z Zht hmoVm h¡ &
(A) Eb.nr.Or. (B) E\$.EZ.Or.
(C) gr.EZ.Or. (D) S>rOb/noQ´>mob

(vi) gmd©O{ZH$ ñWmZ na {~Zm ~r_m Ho$ _moQ>a dmhZ MbmZm ________ Ho$ AZwgma EH$
X§S>Zr` AnamY h¡ &
1-328 Page 12
(v) The primary difference between an automatic and manual
transmission is the method of __________ different gears.

(vi) _____________ uses two propeller shafts, one to drive the front
wheels and the other one to drive the rear wheels.
(A) Four wheel drive
(B) Front wheel drive
(C) Six wheel drive
(D) Centre wheel drive

6. Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions. 5 1=5

(i) The ____________ converts the three phase alternating current

generated in the stator winding into direct current.

(ii) The purpose of the MAP (Manifold Absolute Pressure) sensor is to

provide information about the air pressure in the _________ of ECU.
(A) engine air stream (B) intake manifold
(C) exhaust manifold (D) combustion chamber

(iii) The Engine Management System is responsible for controlling the

amount of fuel being injected and for adjusting the ___________.
(A) ignition timing (B) injection pressure
(C) fuel delivery (D) valve timing
(iv) The armature coils of armature in DC generator are wound in two
distinct ways, lap winding and ___________ winding.
(A) gap (B) wedge
(C) short (D) wave
(v) ____________ does not contain any harmful substances like nitrogen,
lead and sulphur, thus there are no NOx and SOx emissions.
(C) CNG (D) Diesel/Petrol
(vi) Driving a motor vehicle without insurance in a public place is a
punishable offence in terms of __________.

1-328 Page 13 P.T.O.

IÊS> I $
({df`naH$ àH$ma Ho$ àíZ) (30 A§H$)
5 3
20 30 3 2=6
7. ?
8. àoaUm Ho$ Xmo dJuH$aU {b{IE &
9. AmonZ Am°{\$g Båàog àO|Q>oeZ _| Zm°_©b ì`y H$m à`moJ {b{IE &
10. EH$ CÚ_r ì`mdgm{`H$ Adga Ho$ {bE ~mµOma H$s j_Vm H$m {ZYm©aU H¡$go H$aVm h¡ ?
11. EZOu Am°{S>Q>a Ho$ H$moB© Xmo H$m`© {b{IE &
5 3 20 30 3 2=6
12. gH$mamË_H$ {dñWmnZ H$åàoga Ho$ gm_mÝ` àH$mam| Ho$ Zm_ ~VmBE &
13. a¡H$ Am¡a nr{Z`Z pñQ>`[a¨J {J`a ~m° \$m`Xo {b{IE &
14. gñn|eZ ?
15. _¡ZwAb Q´>m§g{_eZ dmhZ _| BªYZ H$s ~MV H¡$go ~ohVa hmo gH$Vr h¡ ?
16. n[adhZ dmhZ Ho$ {bE S´>mBqdJ bmBg|g àmá H$aZo Ho$ {bE nmÌVm _mZX§S> {b{IE &
3 2 30 50 2 3=6
17. B§OZ à~§YZ àUmbr ?
18. ZE dmhZ H$m {\$Q>Zog à_mU-nÌ àmá H$aZo Ho$ {bE Amdí`H$ {d{^ÝZ XñVmdoµO {b{IE &
19. CZ {d{^ÝZ H${_`m| H$mo {b{IE, {OZHo$ {bE AY©-âbmoqQ>J (go_r-âbmoqQ>J) àH$ma Ho$ [a`a

5 3 50 80 3 4=12
20. Oybr/Om°Z EH$ Am°Q>mo_mo~mBb dH©$em°n _| _¡Ho${ZH$ Ho$ ê$n _| H$m_ H$aVr/H$aVm h¡ & Cgo
_aå_V Ho$ {bE EH$ H$ma {_bVr h¡, {Og_|, H$ma EH$ Va\$ qIMVr h¡ Xmof h¡ & Cgo Xmof
Ho$ {d{^ÝZ g§^m{dV H$maUm| H$s Om±M Am¡a CZHo$ CnMma H$aZo H$s gbmh Xr{OE &
21. gñn|eZ {gñQ>_ Ho$ {d{^ÝZ H$m`m] H$mo {b{IE &
22. g¡ÝS> br g_PmBE &
23. [a¨J àH$ma Ho$ do[aE~b dobmo{gQ>r Ádm°B§Q> H$mo g_PmBE &
24. S>m`Zo_mo H$s VwbZm _| AëQ>aZoQ>a Ho$ {d{^Þ bm^ {b{IE &

1-328 Page 14
(Subjective Type Questions) (30 Marks)
Answer any 3 out of the given 5 questions on employability skills. Answer each
question in 20 30 words. 3 2=6
7. What is an adjective ?
8. Write two classifications of motivation.
9. Write the use of normal view in Open Office Impress presentation.
10. How does an entrepreneur determine the market potential for a business
opportunity ?
11. Write any two functions of an energy auditor.

Answer any 3 out of the given 5 questions in 20 30 words each. 3 2=6

12. Name the common types of positive displacement compressors.
13. Write any two advantages of rack and pinion steering gear box.
14. How are helper springs fixed with the main spring in the suspension system ?
15. How can fuel economy be made better in manual transmission vehicle ?
16. Write the eligibility criteria for obtaining driving licence for a transport

Answer any 2 out of the given 3 questions in 30 50 words each. 2 3=6

17. What do you understand by Engine Management System ?
18. Write the various documents required for obtaining a fitness certificate for
a new vehicle.
19. Write the various drawbacks for which the semi-floating type of rear live
axle is not preferred.

Answer any 3 out of the given 5 questions in 50 80 words each. 3 4=12

20. Julie/John is working as a mechanic in an automobile workshop. She/He
receives a car for repair with the defect, car pulls to one side . Advise
her/him to check for various probable causes of defect, with their remedies.
21. Write the various functions of suspension system.
22. Explain the working of spark plug cleaner in sandblasting.
23. Explain the flexible ring type variable velocity joint.
24. Enumerate the various advantages of alternator over dynamo.

1-328 Page 15 P.T.O.

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