QUIZ - Practice test-PH-5 - 1
QUIZ - Practice test-PH-5 - 1
QUIZ - Practice test-PH-5 - 1
Enrollment No.:__________________________ Dept. of Mental Ability
1. Initially A had Rs. 10 more than B. A gives one half of his money to B. B reciprocates and gives
one half of his money to A. Now A has Rs. 20 more than B. How much money do A and B have in
total in the beginning?
(A) 70 (B) 80 (C) 90 (D) 120
2. The year next to 1990 will have the same calendar as that of the year 1990.
(A) 1992 (B) 1995 (C) 2001 (D) 1998
3. X was born on March 6, 1993. The same year Independence Day was celebrated on Friday. On
which day was X born?
(A) Monday (B) Wednesday (C) Thursday (D) Friday
4. If the seventh day of a month is three days earlier than Friday, What day will it be on the nineteenth
day of the month?
(A) Sunday (B) Tuesday (C) Wednesday (D) Monday
5. How many times does the 29th day of the month occur in 400 consecutive years?
(A) 4497 times (B) 4960 times (C) 4532 times (D) Cannot be determined
6. It was Monday on Jan 1, 2007. What was the day of the week Jan 1, 2011?
(A) Monday (B) Friday (C) Saturday (D) Wednesday
7. How many odd days are there in 797 days?
(A) 4 (B) 3 (C) 6 (D) 5
8. Imagine that in a calendar year, there were 479 days and 9 days in a week, then how many odd
days will be there on that year?
(A) 4 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D) 6
9. The calendar of the year 1887 will be the same for the year
(A) 1893 (B) 1894 (C) 1896 (D) 1898
10. When will the 2188 calendar repeat itself?
(A) 2216 (B) 2228 (C) 2194 (D) 2199
11. In a leap year, if 1st February is a Friday, then on which day will 15th August be?
(A) Wednesday (B) Thursday (C) Friday (D) None of these
12. In a leap year which of the following months have the same calendars?
(A) January-October (B) February-October (C) January-July (D) August-November
Directions (13–15): Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given
P is son of U’s father’s sister. R is son of S, who is the mother of T and grandmother of U. V is the
father of W and grandfather of P. S is wife of V.T is sister of R.
13. How is P related to S?
(A) Grandfather (B) Grandson (C) Son (D) Uncle
14. How is R related to P?
(A) Nephew (B) Uncle (C) Son (D) Father
15. How is T related to W?
(A) Niece (B) Sister (C) Sister – in – law (D) Mother
Directions (16-17): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given
Five family members V, W, X, Y and Z are sitting in a straight line facing north. Each of them
somehow has a relation with V, who sits third to the right of his daughter. There are only two
females in the family. X is an immediate neighbor of his mother. Y sits third to the right of Z, who
sits at one end of the line. V sits with his wife. X is brother of W, who is niece of Z. Y doesn’t have
any sibling.
16. How is Z related to V?
(A) Father (B) Mother (C) Brother (D) Can’t be determined
17. How is Y related to W?
(A) Mother (B) Father (C) Brother (D) Can’t be determined
18. When Amir saw Manjeet, he recalled that he is son of the father of the mother of his
daughter Manjeet is Amir’s:
(A) Brother-in-law (B)Brother (C) Cousin (D) Uncle
19. Pointing to a boy, Mamta said, “he is the only son of my father-in-law’s only child.” How is the boy
related to Mamta?
(A)Brother (B) Daughter (C) Son (D) Husband
20. Pointing to a photograph, a man said, “I have no brother or sister but that man’s father is my father’s
son”. Whose photograph was it?
(A) His nephew’s (B) His father’s (C) His son’s (D) His own
21. Five persons namely P, Q, R, S & T are enjoying picnic in the park. P is mother of R who is wife of
T. S is brother of P and Q is the husband of P. How is R related to Q?
(A) Daughter (B) Daughter in law (C) Son (D) Sister
22. A’s mother is sister of ‘B’ and daughter of ‘C’. ‘D’ is the daughter of B and sister of E. How is ‘C’
related to E?
(A) Sister (B) Mother
(C) Father (D) Grand mother or Grand father
23. A train 120 m long crosses a standing man in 15 seconds. The speed of the train is :
(A) 32 km/hr (B) 36.5 km/hr (C) 28.8 km/hr (D) 40 km/hr
24. A shepherd had 17 sheep. All but nine died. How many was he left with?
(A) Nil (B) 8 (C) 9 (D) 17
25. A bird shooter was asked how many birds he had in the bag. He replied that three were all sparrows
but six, all pigeons but six, and all ducks but six, How many birds he had in the bag in all?
(A) 9 (B) 18 (C) 27 (D) 36
26. What is the smallest number of ducks that could swim in this formation – Two ducks in front of a
duck, but ducks behind a duck and a duck between two ducks?
(A) 3 (B) 5 (C) 7 (D) 9
27. The 30 members of a club decided to play a badminton singles tournament. Every time a member
loses a game he is out of the tournament. There are no ties. What is the minimum number of
matches that must he played to determined the winner?
(A) 15 (B) 29 (C) 61 (D) None of these
28. A man wears socks of two colours- black and brown. He has altogether 20 black shock and 20
brown socks in a drawer. Supposing he has to take out the socks in the dark, how many must he
take out to be sure that he has matching pair?
(A) 3 (B) 20 (B) 39 (D) None of these
29. What is the product of all the numbers in the dial of a telephone?
(A) 1,58,480 (B) 1,59,450 (C) 1,59,480 (D) None of these
30. A group of 1200 persons consisting of captains and soldiers is travelling in a train. For every 15
soldiers there is one captain. The number of captains in the group is:
(A) 85 (B) 80 (C) 75 (D) 70
31. Aruna cut a cake into two halves and cut on half into smaller pieces of equal size. Each of the small
pieces is twenty grams in weight. If she has seven pieces of the cake in all with her, how heavy was
the original cake?
(A) 120 grams (B) 140 grams (C) 240 grams (D) 280 grams
32. First bunch of bananas has ¼ again as many bananas as a second bunch. If the second bunch has 3
bananas less than the first bunch, then the number of bananas in the first bunch is:
(A) 9 (B) 10 (C) 12 (D) 15
33. At the end of a business conference the tem people present all shake hands with each other once.
How many handshakes will there be altogether?
(A)20 (B) 45 (C) 55 (D) 90
34. A company produces an average of 4000 items per month for the first 3 months. How much items,
it must produce on an average per month over the next 9 months to average 4375 items per month
over the whole year?
(A) 4500 (B) 4600 (C) 4680 (D) 4710
35. The arithmetic mean of the scores of a group of students in a test was 52. The brightest 20% of them
secured a mean score of 80 and the dullest 25% a mean score of 31. The mean score of remaining
55% is:
(A) 45% (B) 50% (C) 51.4% approx.. (D) 54.6% approx..
36. The average of marks obtained by 120 candidates in a certain examination is 35. If the average
marks obtained by passed candidates are 39 and those of the failed candidates are 15. What is the
number of candidates who passed the examination?
(A) 100 (B) 120 (C) 150 (D) 140
37. A man’s pension on retirement from service is equal to half the average salary during last 3 years of
his service. His salary from 1-1-1983 is Rs. 380 per month with increment of Rs. 40 due on 1-10-83,
1-10-84 and 1-10-85. If he retires on 1-1-86. What pension does he draw per month?
(A) Rs. 205 (B) Rs. 215 (C) Rs. 225 (D) Rs. 230
38. The average salary of all the workers in a workshop is Rs. 8000. The average salary of 7 technicians
is Rs. 12000 and the average salary of the rest is Rs. 6000. The total number of workers in the
workshop is:
(A) 20 (B) 21 (C) 23 (D) 22
39. In a family of 8 adults and some minors, the average consumption of rice per head month is 10.8 kg;
while the average consumption for adults is 15 kg per head and for minors it is 6 kg per head. The
number of minors in the family is:
(A) 8 (B) 6 (C) 7 (D) 9
40. The average monthly income (in Rs) of certain agricultural workers is S and that of other workers is
T. The number of agricultural workers is 11 times that of other workers. Then, the average monthly
income (in Rs) of all the workers is:
S 11T S T 11S T 1
(A) (B) (C) (D) T
12 12 12 11S
41. The average of marks scored by the students of a class is 68. The average of marks of the girls in the
class is 80 and that of boys in 60. What is the percentage of boys in the class?
(A) 40% (B) 60% (C) 65% (D) 70%
42. The average monthly salary of the workers in a workshop is Rs. 8,500. If the average monthly
salary of 7 technicians is Rs. 10,000 and average monthly salary of the rest is Rs.7,800. The total
number of workers in the workshop is:
(A) 18 (B) 20 (C) 22 (D) 24
43. The average score of a class of boys and girls in an examination is A. The ratio of boys and girls in
the class is 3 : 1. If the average score of the boys is A+1, the average score of the girls is:
(A) A + 1 (B) A – 1 (C) A + 3 (D) A – 3
Directions (44-50): In these questions, relationships between different elements is shown in the
These statements are followed by two conclusions. Give answer.
(a) If only conclusion I follows
(b) If only conclusion II follows
(c) If either conclusion I or conclusion II follow
(d) If neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows.
(e) If both conclusion I and II follow