2020 EMR and EMT Psychomotor Skill Sheets
2020 EMR and EMT Psychomotor Skill Sheets
2020 EMR and EMT Psychomotor Skill Sheets
Points Points
Actual Time Started: Possible Awarded
Takes or verbalizes appropriate PPE precautions 1
Applies direct pressure to the wound (may include wound packing or hemostatic agent) 1
The examiner must inform the candidate that the wound continues to bleed.
Applies tourniquet proximal to wound 1
The examiner must now inform the candidate that the patient exhibits signs and symptoms of hypoperfusion.
Properly positions the patient 1
Administers high concentration oxygen (>85%) 1
Initiates steps to prevent heat loss from patient 1
Indicates the need for immediate transportation 1
Actual Time Ended: Total: 7
A1 Failure to take or verbalize appropriate PPE precautions
A2 Failure to administer high concentration oxygen
A3 Failure to control hemorrhage using correct procedures in a timely manner
A4 Failure to indicate the need for immediate transportation
A5 Failure to manage the patient as a competent EMT*
A6 Exhibits unacceptable affect with patient or other personnel*
A7 Uses or orders a dangerous or inappropriate intervention
A8 Failure to earn minimum of 5 points
Examiner: You must factually document your rationale for checking any of the above critical items (except failure to earn minimum points).
Use the bottom or reverse of this form.
Connecticut Department of Public Health
Office of Emergency Medical Services
EMR & EMT Psychomotor Examination
Points Points
Actual Time Started: Possible Awarded
Takes or verbalizes appropriate PPE precautions 1
Checks responsiveness 1
Requests additional EMS assistance 1
Checks breathing and pulse simultaneously 1
After checking, inform the candidate: “The patient is unresponsive, apneic and has a weak pulse of 60.”
Opens airway properly 1
After opening airway, inform the candidate: “The mouth is full of secretions and vomitus.”
Prepares rigid suction catheter 1
Turns on power to suction device or retrieves manual suction device 1
Inserts rigid suction catheter without applying suction 1
Suctions the mouth and oropharynx 1
After suctioning, inform the candidate: “The mouth and oropharynx are now clear.”
Opens the airway manually 1
Inserts oropharyngeal airway 1
Inform the candidate: “No gag reflex is present and the patient accepts the airway adjunct.”
Ventilates the patient immediately using BVM without oxygen
(Award this point if candidate connects to oxygen provided the first breath given within 30 seconds after suctioning)
Re-checks pulse for not more than 10 seconds 1
Attaches the BVM to oxygen at 15 LPM while examiner or assistant takes over ventilation 1
Ventilates the patient adequately for at least one minute
-Proper volume to cause visible chest rise (1 point) 2
-Proper rate (10, 11 or 12 breaths per minute, or 1 every 5-6 seconds) (1 point)
Actual Time Ended: Total: 16
B1 Failure to initiate ventilations within 30 seconds of suctioning, or interrupts ventilation > 30 seconds
B2 Failure to take or verbalize appropriate PPE precautions
B3 Failure to suction airway before ventilating the patient
B4 Suctions the patient for an excessive and prolonged time (>30 sec)
B5 Failure to check responsiveness, then check breathing and pulse simultaneously for no more than 10 seconds
B6 Failure to voice and ultimately provide high oxygen concentration [at least 85%]
B7 Failure to ventilate the patient at a rate of 10 – 12/minute during at least one consecutive minute
B8 Failure to provide adequate volumes per breath [maximum 2 errors/minute permissible]
B9 Insertion or use of any adjunct in a manner dangerous to the patient
B10 Failure to manage the patient as a competent EMT*
B11 Exhibits unacceptable affect with patient or other personnel*
B12 Uses or orders a dangerous or inappropriate intervention
B13 Failure to earn minimum of 12 points
Examiner: You must factually document your rationale for checking any of the above critical items (except failure to earn minimum points).
Use the bottom or reverse of this form.
Connecticut Department of Public Health
Office of Emergency Medical Services
EMR & EMT Psychomotor Examination
Points Points
Actual Time Started: Possible Awarded
Takes or verbalizes appropriate PPE precautions 1
Determines the scene is safe 1
Checks responsiveness 1
Requests additional EMS assistance 1
Directs assistant to retrieve AED 1
Checks breathing and pulse simultaneously 1
After checking, inform the candidate: “The patient is unresponsive, apneic and pulseless.”
Immediately begins chest compressions with adequate depth, rate and chest recoil 1
Performs 2 minutes (5 cycles) of high quality 1-rescuer adult CPR, which must include all 5 points:
-Adequate depth and rate (1 point)
-Correct compression-to-ventilation ratio (1 point)
-Allows the chest to recoil completely (1 point)
-Adequate volumes for each breath (1 point)
-Minimal interruptions of no more than 10 seconds throughout (1 point)
The assistant arrives with an AED and resumes compressions while candidate operates the AED
Turns on power to AED 1
Follows prompts and correctly attaches AED to patient 1
Stops CPR and ensures all individuals are clear of the patient during rhythm analysis 1
Ensures that all individuals are clear of the patient and delivers shock from AED 1
Immediately directs rescuer to resume chest compressions 1
Actual Time Ended: Total: 17
C1 Failure to take or verbalize appropriate PPE precautions
C2 Failure to check responsiveness, then check breathing and pulse simultaneously for no more than 10 seconds
C3 Failure to immediately begin chest compressions as soon as pulselessness is confirmed
C4 Failure to demonstrate acceptable high-quality, 1-rescuer adult CPR (fewer than 5 of 5 points above)
C5 Unnecessarily interrupts CPR for more than 10 seconds at any point
C6 Failure to correctly attach the AED to the patient
C7 Failure to operate the AED properly
C8 Failure to deliver shock in a timely manner
C9 Failure to ensure that all individuals are clear of patient during rhythm analysis and before delivering shock
C10 Failure to immediately resume compressions after shock delivered
C11 Failure to manage the patient as a competent EMT*
C12 Exhibits unacceptable affect with patient or other personnel*
C13 Uses or orders a dangerous or inappropriate intervention
C14 Failure to earn minimum of 13 points
Examiner: You must factually document your rationale for checking any of the above critical items (except failure to earn minimum points).
Use the bottom or reverse of this form.
Connecticut Department of Public Health
Office of Emergency Medical Services
EMT Psychomotor Examination
Points Points
Actual Time Started: Possible Awarded
Takes or verbalizes appropriate PPE precautions 1
Directs application of manual stabilization of the injury 1
Assesses distal motor, sensory and circulatory functions in the injured extremity 1
After checking, inform the candidate: “Motor, sensory and circulatory functions are present and normal.”
Measures the splint 1
Applies the splint 1
Immobilizes the joint above the injury site 1
Immobilizes the joint below the injury site 1
Secures the entire injured extremity 1
Immobilizes the hand/foot in the position of function 1
Reassesses distal motor, sensory and circulatory functions in the injured extremity 1
After checking, inform the candidate: “Motor, sensory and circulatory functions are present and normal.”
Actual Time Ended: Total: 10
E1 Failure to immediately stabilize the extremity manually
E2 Grossly moves the injured extremity
E3 Failure to immobilize the joint above and below the injury site
E4 Failure to immobilize the hand or foot in a position of function
E5 Failure to reassess distal motor, sensory and circulatory functions in the injured extremity before and after splinting
E6 Failure to manage the patient as a competent EMT*
E7 Exhibits unacceptable affect with patient or other personnel*
E8 Uses or orders a dangerous or inappropriate intervention
E9 Failure to earn minimum of 8 points
Examiner: You must factually document your rationale for checking any of the above critical items (except failure to earn minimum points).
Use the bottom or reverse of this form.
Connecticut Department of Public Health
Office of Emergency Medical Services
EMT Psychomotor Examination
Points Points
Actual Time Started: Possible Awarded
Takes or verbalizes appropriate PPE precautions 1
Directs application of manual stabilization of the injury 1
Assesses distal motor, sensory and circulatory functions in the injured extremity 1
After checking, inform the candidate: “Motor, sensory and circulatory functions are present and normal.”
Selects the proper splinting material 1
Immobilizes the site of the injury 1
Immobilizes the bone above the injury site 1
Immobilizes the bone below the injury site 1
Secures the entire injured extremity 1
Reassesses distal motor, sensory and circulatory functions in the injured extremity 1
After checking, inform the candidate: “Motor, sensory and circulatory functions are present and normal.”
Actual Time Ended: Total: 9
D1 Failure to immediately stabilize the extremity manually
D2 Grossly moves the injured extremity
D3 Failure to immobilize the bone above and below the injury site
D4 Failure to reassess distal motor, sensory and circulatory functions in the injured extremity before and after splinting
D5 Failure to manage the patient as a competent EMT*
D6 Exhibits unacceptable affect with patient or other personnel*
D7 Uses or orders a dangerous or inappropriate intervention
D8 Failure to earn minimum of 7 points
Examiner: You must factually document your rationale for checking any of the above critical items (except failure to earn minimum points).
Use the bottom or reverse of this form.
Connecticut Department of Public Health
Office of Emergency Medical Services
EMR & EMT Psychomotor Examination
Points Points
Actual Time Started: Possible Awarded
Takes or verbalizes appropriate PPE precautions 1
Determines the scene/situation is safe 1
Determines the mechanism of injury/nature of illness 1
Determines the number of patients 1
Requests additional EMS assistance if necessary 1
Considers stabilization of the spine 1
Verbalizes the general impression of the patient 1
Determines responsiveness/level of consciousness (award point if patient alert and responds) 1
Determines chief complaint/apparent life-threats 1
Assesses airway and breathing -Assessment (1 pt.) - Assures adequate ventilation (1 pt.) -Appropriate oxygen therapy (1 pt.) 3
Assesses circulation -Assesses pulse (1 pt.) -Assesses skin (1pt.) - Assesses major bleeding (1 pt.) 3
Identifies patient priority and makes treatment/transport decision 1
History of Present Illness (HPI)
Onset (1) Provocation (1) Quality (1) Radiation (1) Severity (1) Time (1) Clarifying Questions (2)
Past Medical History (PMH)
Allergies (1) Medications (1) Past pertinent history (1) Last oral intake (1) Events leading to illness (1)
Conducts a level-appropriate assessment of the primary affected body part or system (award all 5 points for proper assessment)
VITAL SIGNS Baseline Candidate Margin of error
Blood pressure +/- 10 mmHg 1
Pulse +/- 10 beats 1
Respiratory rate (1) and quality (1) +/- 5 breaths 2
States field impression of patient 1
Interventions & Treatment
Demonstrates how and when to reassess the patient to determine changes in condition 1
Provides accurate verbal report to EMS unit, medical direction or ED staff 1
Actual Time Ended: Total: 42
F1 Failure to initiate or call for transport of the patient within 15 minute time limit
F2 Failure to take or verbalize appropriate PPE precautions
F3 Failure to determine scene safety before approaching patient
F4 Failure to provide oxygen therapy in line with AHA guidelines
F5 Failure to find or manage problems with airway, breathing, hemorrhage or shock, if present
F6 Failure to differentiate need for immediate transportation versus continued assessment or treatment at the scene
F7 Failure to manage problems with airway, breathing, hemorrhage or shock, if present, prior to other care
F8 Orders a dangerous or inappropriate intervention
F9 Failure to provide accurate report to arriving EMS unit, medical direction or ED staff
F10 Failure to manage the patient as a competent EMT*
F11 Exhibits unacceptable affect with patient or other personnel*
F12 Failure to earn minimum of 33 points
* These critical criteria require immediate notification of the Chief Examiner.
Examiner: You must factually document your rationale for checking any of the above critical items (except failure to earn minimum points).
Use the bottom or reverse of this form.
Connecticut Department of Public Health
Office of Emergency Medical Services
EMR & EMT Psychomotor Examination
Points Points
Actual Time Started: Possible Awarded
Takes or verbalizes appropriate PPE precautions 1
Determines the scene/situation is safe 1
Determines the mechanism of injury/nature of illness 1
Determines the number of patients 1
Requests additional EMS assistance if necessary 1
Considers stabilization of the spine 1
Verbalizes the general impression of the patient 1
Determines responsiveness/level of consciousness (award point if patient alert and responds) 1
Determines chief complaint/apparent life‐threats 1
Airway Assess and open (1 pt.), Inserts adjunct as indicated (1 pt.) 2
Breathing Assess (1 pt.), Appropriate oxygen therapy (1 pt.), Assures adequate ventilation (1 pt.), Manages injuries (1 pt.) 4
Circulation Assesses pulse (1 pt.), Assesses skin (1pt.), Assesses/controls major bleeding (1 pt.), Manages shock (1) 4
Identifies patient priority and makes treatment/transport decision 1
Obtains vital signs including BP, P, RR (verbalized) 1
Attempts to obtain SAMPLE history 1
Head: Scalp and ears (1 pt.), Eyes (1 pt.), Mouth/nose/face (1 pt) 3
Neck: Trachea position (1 pt.), Jugular veins (1 pt.), Palpates cervical spine (1 pt.) 3
Chest: Inspects (1 pt.), Palpates (1 pt.), Auscultates (1 pt.) 3
Abdomen/Pelvis: Inspect & palpates abdomen (1 pt.). Assesses pelvis (1 pt.) Verbalized assessment of genitalia (1 pt.) 3
Lower Extremities: Inspects and palpates, assesses motor, sensory and distal circulatory function (1 pt. per leg) 2
Upper Extremities: Inspects and palpates, assesses motor, sensory and distal circulatory function (1 pt. per arm) 2
Posterior: Inspects and palpates posterior thorax (1 pt.) and lumbar and buttocks (1 pt.) 2
Manages secondary injuries and wounds appropriately 1
Demonstrates how and when to reassess the patient to determine changes in condition 1
Actual Time Ended: Total: 42
G1 Failure to initiate or call for transport of the patient within 10 minute time limit
G2 Failure to take or verbalize appropriate PPE precautions
G3 Failure to determine scene safety before approaching patient
G4 Failure to assess for and provide spinal protection when indicated
G5 Failure to provide oxygen therapy in line with AHA guidelines
G6 Failure to assess/provide adequate ventilation
G7 Failure to find or manage problems with airway, breathing, hemorrhage or shock, if present
G8 Failure to differentiate need for immediate transportation versus continued assessment or treatment at the scene
G9 Failure to manage problems with airway, breathing, hemorrhage or shock, if present, prior to other care
G10 Failure to manage the patient as a competent EMR/EMT*
G11 Exhibits unacceptable affect with patient or other personnel*
G12 Uses or orders a dangerous or inappropriate intervention
G13 Failure to earn minimum of 33 points
Examiner: You must factually document your rationale for checking any of the above critical items (except failure to earn minimum points).
Use the bottom or reverse of this form.