Ao 23 12 2021
Ao 23 12 2021
Ao 23 12 2021
Juan C. Minano
The conservation of etendue for general 2-D bundles of rays (not necessarily coplanar) is examined (a 2-D
bundle of rays is that whose rays are distinguishable by giving each one two parameters). This is one of the
integral invariants of Poincar6 and it is directly related to the Lagrange invariant. The application of this
theorem to selected 2-D bundles of rays crossing an arbitrary cylindrical concentrator gives us a relationship
between the maximum geometrical concentration of a cylindrical concentrator and the angular field of view
which is more restrictive than the general one (i.e., the relationship is valid for an arbitrary concentrator)
when the collector is surrounded by a refractive medium.
1. Theoretical Background OL
a== _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
* ~ (3)
In this paper we shall follow the Hamiltonian de- a.y (1 + 2 + y2)1/2
scription of geometrical optics, which has been very A look at Eqs. (2) and (3) reveals that p and q are, re-
useful for treating problems of nonimaging optics. In spectively, n times the cosine of the angle formed be-
particular, the Liouville theorem, which can be derived tween the ray and a parallel to the x axis and between
from this description, has given a simple answer to a the ray and a parallel to the y axis at point (x,y). Ob-
fundamental problem of nonimaging concentrators: to serve that a ray leaving the x-y plane through the sem-
calculate the smallest exit aperture area of a concen- ispace z positive is fully defined by the set of variables
trator that will collect a given beam of rays. This x,y,p,q (Fig. 1).
2 is
theorem is also known as the etendue invariant and the When a 4-D region of the phase space x,y,p,q
conservation of phase space volume; it is one of the in- transformed point to point into a 4-D region of other
tegral invariants of Poincar6.3 phase space x',y',p',q' by a canonical transformation,
Let x (z),y (z) specify a light ray in a set of Cartesian the Liouville theorem states 2 3 5 6
coordinates. In terms of these functions, the Fermat dxdydpdq = dx'dy'dp'dq'. (4)
principle can be expressed as
Let us consider an entry aperture x-y plane and an exit
2 2
6 fz n(x,y,z)(1 + x + 9 )dz = 0, (1) aperture plane of an optical system (Fig. 1). Each ray
leaving the first plane and reaching the last one estab-
where the dot denotes differentiation with respect to z, lishes a correspondence point to point between (xyp,q)
and n (xy,z) is the index of refraction corresponding to and (x',y',p',q'). This transformation is canonical and
point (x,y,z) (it will be simply noted by n). We can involves a special generating function called Hamilton's
identify the integrand as the Lagrangian L(x,y,z,i,5) characteristic function.7 2 Then, Eq. (4) holds for the
of the light ray. Then, the conjugate momenta corre- transformation of the bundle of rays entering the entry
sponding to x and y are aperture of the optical system into the bundle of rays
OL- _ _
Xi_ _ _ _ _
leaving the exit aperture.
ax (1+x2+2)1/2( There is another canonical transformation that will
be in our interest: the transformation of the set of
variables (x,y,p,q) into (p,6,j,h) where p and 0 are the
polar coordinates of a point in the x-y plane and j,h are,
respectively, their conjugate momenta8
The author is with Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, ETSI
j = p cosO + q sinO, (5)
Telecomunicacion, Instituto de Energia Solar, Madrid 3, Spain.
Received 20 July 1983. h = p(q cosO - p sinO). (6)
© 1984 Optical Society of America. From these equations wecan verify that j is n times the
where p',0'j',h' are obtained from x',y',p',q' in the same where Cg is the geometrical concentration. Equation
way as p,Oj,h derive from x,y,p,q. (11) expresses the maximum Cg achievable with a con-
Equation (4) is valid even if the x-y and x'-y' planes centrator of given d. The quotient Cg/Cg () is called
are not parallel. Then we can derive an equation sim- the "degree of isotropy" g.11 For a concentrator of flat
ilar to (4) for the sets of variables (X,YP,Q) and (X', entry aperture which collects every ray forming, with
Y',P',Q'), where X and Y are the coordinates of a point the normal to e, an angle lower than q5,Eq. (11) takes
in a given curved entry aperture surface, and P,Q and its more usual form (observe that in this case p2 + Q2
n (X, Y) times the cosine of the angle formed between < sin2, ) 1:
the ray and the line Y = constant and between the ray
and the line X = constant, respectively. The lines X Cg n, (12)
= constant and Y = constant are assumed to be or-
thogonal. Note xlydXdYdPdQ is equal to a differ- 11. Conservation of Etendue for 2-D Subdomains of
ential dxdydpdq where the x axis is the straight line the Phase Space
tangent to the line Y = constant and the y axis is tan-
gent to the line X = constant; Ix and ly are two func- Another integral invariant of Poincare3 will interest
tions of X, Y that make lXdX and lyd Y be differentials us now. This integral invariant refers to a 2-D region
of length. Similar considerations can be done with re- of the phase space x,y,p,q and to the 2-D region of the
spect to X',Y',P',Q' and so lx,ly',dX'dY'dP'dQ = phase space x',y',p',q' obtained by a canonical trans-
dx'dy'dp'dq'. Then, using Eq. (4) we have that formation of the first one. It is not necessary that the
lxlydXdYdPdQ = lxly'dX'dY'dP'dQ'. 9 trajectories of the rays represented by these 2-D regions
Let us assume that X,Y are the surface coordinates are contained in a plane and, in general, this will not
of a point of the entry aperture 2e of an arbitrary con- occur. The differential form of this invariant is
centrator and X',Y' are the coordinates of a point of its dx dp + dy dq = dx'dp'+ dy' dq'. (13)
collector 1, The concentrator casts on its collector a
given bundle of rays arriving at its entry aperture. The A simple proof of the validity of (13) can be obtained
rays of this bundle occupy a region D of the X- Y-P-Q from the analogy between Hamiltonian optics and
space and a region D' of the X'-Y'-P'-Q' space. Ob- mechanics. 5 We can also see that (13) is only the La-
viously, if a ray (X,Y,P,Q) belongs to D, it is trans- grange invariant. Let us assume that u and v are two
formed by the concentrator into a point of the regionD'. parameters that determine each ray of the bundle de-
The conservation of etendue applied to the transfor- fined by either of these 2-D regions:
mation generated by each collected ray when linking a x = x(u,v), x' = x'(u,
set (X,Y,P,Q) to another set (X',Y',P',Q') states
that y = y(u,v), y' = y(u,v), (14)
p = p(u,v)
E= fD IxlydXdYdPdQ = f lx1ly'dX'dY'dP'dQ', (8)
q = q(u,v),
p' = P,(uv),
q' = q'(u,v).
where E is called the etendue of the bundle of collected What we should show is that the Jacobians fulfill