EGH448 2022 Quiz 1

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EGH448 – Quiz 1

1. A balanced three-phase Y-connected generator has an impedance of 0.5 + j0.75Ω per phase
and an internal voltage of 220V per phase. It feeds a Δ-connected load through a distribution
line having an impedance of 0.2 + j0.95Ω per line. The load impedances are Z Δ = 120+j60Ω.
Use the a-phase internal voltage of the generator as the reference. (Please use ‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’ to
denote supply side phases and ‘A’, ‘B’,’C’ to denote load side phases).
(a). Construct a single-phase equivalent circuit of the three-phase system.

(b). Calculate the line currents IaA, IbB, and IcC.

(c). Calculate the phase voltages (VAB, VBC, VCA) at the load terminals.

(d). Calculate the phase currents (IAB, IBC, ICA) of the load.

(e). Calculate the line voltages (Vab, Vbc, Vca) at the source terminals.

2. Calculated the RMS (root mean square) value of the waveform given in Fig. 1. (0<D<1)

I Di/2


Fig. 1

Mathematical Calculations: Graphs:

3. For the circuit shown in Fig. 1, one can have different combinations for the MOSFET T and
diode D, as given in Table 1. Assuming that the load current is 𝑖L = 38 A constant, the
components should be selected in such a way that the reverse recovery current peak (𝐼RRM )
of the diode (D𝑖 ) does not cause the transistor (T) current to surpass its rated value (70 A).
For this purpose:
(a) Draw the MOSFET current (𝑖T ) waveforms for its OFF to ON transition (in one cycle of
operation) and for different selections of D1, D2, and D3.
(b) Referring to the obtained diagrams in (a), justify the feasibility or non-feasibility of T −
D𝑖 combination for all cases in Table 2. (b) Even for feasible combinations, explain the
effects of this waveforms on the transistor.

E Table 1.
L Code of component Reverse Recovery Rated Current1
Current (A) (A)
Di D1 STTH20003TV 18 180
D2 STTH9012TV 32 150
D3 IDW100E60 49.5 100
Fig. 1. T IRFP4868PbF 16 70


Table 2.

Feasible (✓) or
Combination Reason
not feasible ()
T − D1

T − D2

T − D3
Specifications are given at the temperature of 20°C.

RMS current for the diodes, continuous drain current for the MOSFET.

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