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Gopinath lakshmipathy



Pharmacovigilance and clinical data
management (CDM) teams are closely
interlinked in ensuring the safety and
efficacy of pharmaceutical products
throughout their lifecycle. Here's how
they are connected:

1. Data Flow: CDM teams collect and

manage clinical trial data,
including information on adverse
events and patient outcomes.
Pharmacovigilance teams rely on
this data to identify and evaluate
safety signals associated with the 4. Regulatory Reporting: Both
use of a drug. teams collaborate to ensure timely
2. Adverse Event Reporting: and accurate reporting of safety
Pharmacovigilance teams receive information to regulatory
adverse event reports from various authorities. CDM teams provide
sources, including clinical trials. clinical trial data for periodic safety
These reports contain data reports and other regulatory
managed by CDM teams, such as submissions required by health
patient demographics, medical authorities.
history, and treatment details.
3. Signal Detection: 5. Data Quality and Integrity: CDM
Pharmacovigilance teams analyze teams ensure the quality and
safety data to detect potential integrity of clinical trial data
signals of new or known adverse through rigorous data management
events. They may identify trends or processes. This high-quality data is
patterns in the data that require essential for pharmacovigilance
further investigation. CDM teams activities, such as signal detection
provide the necessary clinical data and risk assessment.
for this analysis.
4. Safety Monitoring: Overall, effective communication
Pharmacovigilance teams and collaboration between
continuously monitor the safety pharmacovigilance and CDM teams
profile of marketed drugs. They are essential to identify, assess,
may request additional data from and manage safety concerns
ongoing or completed clinical trials associated with pharmaceutical
managed by CDM teams to assess products throughout their lifecycle.
the long-term safety of a product.

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